03x09 - Log 25: Indians

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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03x09 - Log 25: Indians

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


One Adam-12,
additional on your call.

906 West Rampart. The
P.R. is at that location.

One Adam-12, roger. It
should be coming right up.

Stay back.

One Adam-12
reporting an expl*si*n.

Just occurred. 906 West Rampart.

One Adam-12, roger.

Stay back over there.
Are you all right, ma'am?

I don't know. I think so.

A few more feet and
I'd have been k*lled.

Check it out inside.

I was waiting over here for you
when this happened, you know.

Are you the party that
called us about this?

Yes, sir. I'm Mrs.
Helen Shipley,

and I live right down and
around the corner there.

Malloy. Was anybody hurt?

Reed's checking it out now?

Somebody must be trying
to make a name for himself.

This makes four in
the last six weeks.

Yeah, and all right
in our backyard.

There's nobody inside.

Oh, they don't usually open
the place until about 5:00.

What can you tell us
about this, Mrs. Shipley?

- I think I know who did it.
- Oh?

Mm-hmm. Jake
Ballard, that's who.

You know, he came to my
house about a month ago.

You know, I rent my spare room.

You do all sorts of things
today to sort of help out,

especially when
you're a widow lady.

What makes you
think this Ballard did it?

Because of that black box.

It's in his closet all the
time, and it's always locked.

I spoke to him about it,

and he laughed and
said it was full of dynamite.

You know, like he was joking.

That doesn't prove he had
any connection with this.

Oh, but that isn't all of it.

This morning he
was on the telephone

talking at my house, and
I was on the extension.

After all, it is my house,

and I like to keep
tab of what's going on.

What was the phone call
all about, Mrs. Shipley?

He called this Tom Fowler.

That's the guy that
owns this place.

And Tom said he wasn't
gonna stand for any shakedown.

And then Jake lit into him and
cussed him out something fierce.

And he said, "You pay
your money up today,

"or you're not gonna
be in business,

"tonight or any other night."

Then he hangs up the receiver,

slams it, rushes down the steps,

called, said he won't be
back for a couple of days,

jumps into his pickup truck,

and down the street he flies.

- How long ago was that?
- About an hour ago.

About the truck, Mrs. Shipley.

Do you happen to remember
the license number?

Oh, no. It's just
a pickup truck.

It's a sort of a... I think it's
green. It's a Chevy, I think.

Could you give us a description
of this Jake Ballard, ma'am?

Well, he's sort of the build
and size of this officer here.

He had brown hair, blue eyes.

Then he's got this horrible
scar right here on his cheek.

How old would you say he was?

Oh, maybe 40. Could
be 45. I don't know.

Do you know where he is now?

Heavens, no. Although,
come to think of it,

I remember he did tell me that
before he came to my house,

that he stayed someplace
over on Highlander Street.

You wouldn't happen
to know the address?

Yes, I would.

I remember because all
the numbers were the same.

Wanna check it out?

I'll get a backup
unit to cover here.

Right, Mac.

You boys take
care now, you hear?

That Jake has a terrible
temper if he's crossed.

Thanks. We'll keep it in mind.

Jake Ballard, male Caucasian.

Medium build. Brown and blue.

A scar on right cheek.

One Adam-12, roger.

All units, description
of a possible suspect

from the expl*si*n.

Four bombings in six weeks,

and those hoods
are still running loose.

You know, if we find this
guy Jake Ballard and he talks,

it'll go a long way towards
putting them out of business.

- Maybe.
- How do you figure, Pete?

Why should they hit in
our area and no place else?

We're probably a test area

to see if their scare
tactics will work.

They move in, blast
a half dozen places

to show the other small
businessmen what can happen

if they don't go along with
the shakedown operation.

One Adam-12, additional on
your possible suspect, Ballard.

Outstanding felony warrants

from San Diego Police Department

for A.D.W. and arson.

Suspect is believed to
be armed and dangerous.

One Adam-12, roger.

Let's see if the boy can
give us any information.

- Hi.
- Howdy.


What are you fellas
doing out here?

Oh, just checking around.
What's your name, son?

Frankie. I live
over a little ways,

on Henry Street.

I come down here
to hunt for rocks.

You can find some
real good ones.

Here, look at this one.

Yeah, pretty nice.

I just found it a while ago.

See those shiny specks in there?

I'll just bet you
anything that's gold.

Wait till I show it to Charlie.

He's really gonna be surprised.

- Is Charlie a friend of yours?
- Mm-hmm.

I'm waiting for him now.

We hunt for rocks and different
stuff all over these hills here.

He knows all about rocks.

He knows all
about a lot of things.

He must be one of the
smartest men in the world.

Oh, is that so? Well,
how old is Charlie?

I don't know, but he's old.

Even older than you.

His hair is gray.

Does he live around here?

Yeah, down the street there.

He doesn't live there, though.
He just sort of comes and goes.

Say, you're not looking
for Charlie, are you?

You're not gonna
arrest him, are you?

Is he in the house now?

Maybe. I don't know.
Why do you want Charlie?

What's he done?

We don't know. Thanks, Frankie.

Let's check it out.

One Adam-12, code 6.

One Adam-12, roger.

Get a look at him?

Yeah. Green Chevy pickup.

Get out of here!
Give me that bottle.

I found it here. It's mine.

Give me that!


Police officers,
Ballard. Drop the g*n.

Drop it.


Okay. Okay.

Of all the lousy luck.

You never would have nailed me

if it wasn't for
that stupid bum.

- You mean
you don't know this man?
- I never saw him before.

And that's all you're
gonna get out of me.

I don't have to say nothing.

I know my rights.

Yeah, I'll bet you do.

He's still alive.

I'll call an ambulance.

Is he gonna be
all right, mister?

We're getting a
doctor for him, Frankie.




What are you doing here?

I was waiting here,

like you said.


We were going rock-hunting,

like we always do, remember?

Some other time, boy.

You better get yourself home.

You're gonna be all
right, aren't you, Charlie?

Aren't you?


No time at all.

Probably see you next week.

I'll show you this new place
I found up by the reservoir.

It's got these rocks
with shiny specks

all over the place.

Look, here's one of 'em.

You think maybe
it's gold, Charlie?

Fool's gold.

Ain't you never
gonna learn nothing?

But it must be worth something.

It's shiny, and it's yellow.

It ain't worth a plug penny.

Luck just don't come in

and lay on your lap.

Gotta go out and
find it. Understand?

Sure, Charlie.

But we'll go rock-hunting
again next week,

as soon as you're
feeling better?

Next week.



No maybes about it.

You promised.

Yeah, I made lots of promises.

Will somebody tell
him to go home?

Come on, Frankie.

No. I don't want to go home.

I want to stay with Charlie.

I want to know where
you're gonna take him.

We're taking him
to the hospital.

They'll do everything
they can for him, son.


be sure and come back.


I'll be back sometime.

Go on home now.

Fool's gold.

One Adam-12, One Adam-12,

see the man. A 415 fight.

219 North Chris.

Code 2.

One Adam-12, roger.

Well, Malloy, it's
been a little while.


What's the beef, George?

Beef? We ain't got no beef.

Sit down, Malloy. Relax.

We'll make an exception
for the palefaces. Huh, Eddie?

- How you been, Malloy?
- No complaints.

- Who's your partner?
- Jim Reed.

Johnny Little Bear. Eddie
Blue Heart, my buddy.

And this?

This is the tribe's
part-time social center.

Okay, who's gonna
tell us about it?

The old names.

We're proud of them.

We're kind of proud of
what we are these days.

- Right, Eddie?
- Right.

Come on, Johnny.
Somebody called in a 415 fight.

Now what's the story?

What fight? Malloy, we
never have any trouble in here.

Do we, George?

Everything's under control.

You guys'll have to go
someplace else for your trouble.

What happened to your
lip? Run into a door?

Hey, why don't you and
your partner drop by tonight?

We're gonna maybe do us

a big heap fire dance,

and I'll whip up some
nifty sand paintings for you.

Who clipped you, Johnny?


I got butted Navajo wrestling.

Come on, Eddie, let's show 'em.

Come on, cool it.

Come on, let's go. Show 'em.

Hey, Malloy, you ever hear
of those Sumo guys in Japan?

I've seen pictures.

Well, I figured they
copied this from us.

Let's go. Show
'em. You ready, pal?

They get the idea.

Come on.

The beer's getting warm.

Show 'em!

Navajo wrestling, Malloy.

Anything goes down, you
let us know. Huh, Johnny?

Anything goes down, Malloy,

we'll take care of it.

Don't get burned, Johnny.

By the big fire dance.

No way, Malloy. No way.

It's only my guess,

but I figure there's
trouble on the way.

What kind of trouble?

I don't know, but
I think it's heavy.

- Well, what's it all about?
- I got no idea.

Come on, George, this is your
place, these are your customers.

If there's a rumble going on,

you ought to know
what it's all about.

All I do is mind
the cash register,

count the bottle tops,
clean out the ashtrays.

Outside of that, I'm
a complete stranger.

These guys run their own thing.

The only time they
whisper in my ear

is to tell me that the
cigarette machine's empty.

So what makes you
think trouble's on the way?

I just feel it, that's all.

I... arthritis in the elbow

just before the Dodgers
drop a double-header.

It's a hunch.

We sometimes play hunches, too.

So if you hear anything,
get in touch, huh?

For sure.

Hey, I didn't know you
guys bought that kind of jazz.

Like hunches, premonitions,
and stuff like that.

Well, we don't make
a habit of it, George,

but you keep an eye on your
elbow for the next few days.

If it starts sending
up smoke signals,

drop a dime in the phone
and pass it along, okay?

One Adam-12, One Adam-12,

see the woman. A
prowler there now.

9611 Kingman Place.

One Adam-12, roger.

Doesn't look like
anybody's home.

Just open up.

Open up.

Come on, open up!

Hey, douse those lights, man.
What are you trying to do, blind me?

Police officers.

Oh, Officers, thank
Heaven you're here!

Arrest him. He's
trying to get in.

He's one of those
fiends you hear about.

What are you, flipped
out or something, lady?

All right, hold it.

What is this? I
haven't done anything.

You heard him trying
to break into my house.

Oh, come on, lady.
You ordered the 27.

When a 27's
ordered, it's delivered.

All right, simmer
down. What's a 27?

Right over on the
chair. I'll show you.


Lady, I'll go get
you a replacement.

Please don't bother.

I don't want anything from you.

Now if you'll excuse
me, I'll go back to bed.

Thank you, officers.

And clean up that mess!

You have a delivery
slip for that thing?

- Right here.
- Read it.

This is Kingman Place.

Kingman Street
is one block over.

I did it again.

If I keep blooping like this,

I'm gonna be in the back
room, cutting up mozzarella.

Maybe next time, you better
double-check the address.

It might save wear
and tear on the product.

Yes, sir. I'll do that.

You know, these things are
beautiful coming out of an oven.

Just beautiful.

A little bouncy ride,
and what do you got?

Two pounds of
sad-looking garbage, right?

One Adam-12, clear.

One Adam-12, clear, and a call.

Phone the watch
commander. Code 2.

One Adam-12, roger.

You guys sure took your time.

I called the station
ten minutes ago.

Well, we got here
as fast as we could.

The watch commander just
told us where to meet you.

What's the story?
Come on, Eddie.

If you don't get that monkey
off your back pretty soon,

he's gonna start biting.

Okay. Okay!

It's been bugging me for weeks.

I told the sergeant
when I called.

I said I wouldn't talk
to anybody but you,

because I figure

maybe you'd give a
guy an even shake.

It all depends. What
are we talking about?

Listen, suppose
you have a sister.

She's mixed up
with this bad Apache.

Only she's too young
to realize he's no good.

Suppose you got a deal
like that on your hands, huh?

- What would you do?
- That's cute, Eddie,

but let's don't play
supposing, huh?

What's the story?

It's Johnny's sister.
She's only 16 years old.

She's playing around
with this bum Apache.

This guy called Tesegee.

Johnny's told him a
couple of times to stay away.

But he won't listen.

What about you? You try
rapping with this guy Tesegee?

I got nowhere.

I guess I should
have told you guys

back at the bar this
afternoon, but I didn't.

Maybe you might have
cut it off then, I don't know.

Johnny and me,
we're like brothers.

Nobody's closer than him and me.

I tried to talk to him about it.

Didn't do any good.

Said he had to do it his way.

Him and that no-good Apache bum.

So they tangle at the bar,
and Johnny got a split lip?

I tried to get
him to talk it out.

But they wouldn't
listen. Now it's all set up.

Maybe it's too late.

Come on, Eddie, either
lay it out for us or forget it.

They set up a meet.

Johnny and Tesegee.

- What kind of meet?
- The real kind.

A showdown.

Only one of them
walks away alive.

Where's the meet set?

I'm not sure. It could
be a couple of places.

We only need one.

You know what this
makes me, don't you?

A Mahewa. A coyote.

How do you figure?

Any way you hack it,
Johnny's gonna get busted.

Maybe, but it's better
than getting k*lled.

Now where do you we find him?

- The New City Power Plant.
- Let's go.

One Adam-12, show
us on a follow-up

to New City Power Plant.
Request One L-20 meet us there.

One Adam-12, roger.


Stay out of this, Eddie.

Let's get up there.

Johnny, come down!

No! Don't sweat it, man.

This ain't the way, Johnny.

Come on down!

Where are the officers?

Up there somewhere.

Malloy! Reed!

Up here, Mac!

Okay, so what does this prove?

Malloy! Reed!

Yeah, Sarge!

We're okay. We're coming
down with two suspects.

Man, you guys are too much.

What are you doing up
here, Malloy, anyway?

Good question, Johnny.
What's your excuse?

Man, this was our
beef. Private, Malloy.

You've got no part of it.

Yeah, sure, we hear
that a dozen times a day.

Then hear it again.

We set our own ground
rules, and we settle them alone.

Private. You've
got not part of it.

It was our business.
Nobody else's, Malloy.

We play by a different
set of rules, Johnny.

When one man's
gonna k*ll another man,

it gets to be
everybody's business.

Let's go.
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