03x11 - Log 96: Pilgrimage

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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03x11 - Log 96: Pilgrimage

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


So you can bank on
this Christmas Eve

being like all the others.

Car clouts, pickpockets

the purse snatchers, the
shoplifts and the deuces.

So it's heads-up time.

Now, any questions
before you hit the field?

Oh, one other thing,
on your way out,

each unit be sure and stop and pick
one of those bags up with toys and candy.

Kind of spread the
Christmas spirit around.

- Well, I guess that's it.
- Yeah. Sarge?


Uh, the, uh, watch got together,

and we all chipped
in to buy you this.

Open it up, Mac.

Well, I, uh, deeply
appreciate the long thought

and careful consideration

that must've gone into
the selection of this gift.

Well, what else do you get the
sergeant who has everything?

All right, you guys.

You're going to be up to
your necks in calls today.

You better get out there.

And, uh, hey, fellas, listen.

Thanks. And merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Sarge.

I don't know. I
just can't get with it.

You can't get with what?

Christmas. It just doesn't
feel like Christmas to me.

You got all your shopping done?

Yeah, just about.

I bought some real
out-of-sight lingerie.

Ah. What'd you get for Jean?


Remind me, will you? I still got
to get something for my landlady.

Yeah. Hey, don't let me
forget to pick up some mistletoe.

The last thing Jean said was,
"Don't forget the mistletoe."

All units in the vicinity
in One-Adam-12.

A 211 just occurred.

Chandler and
Hollywood Boulevard.

One-Adam-12, handle code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

All right. Step back, folks.

I'm the one who
called, Officers.

I was coming down the
street there, and I saw it all.

This old wino came
up to Santa Claus here,

and he hit him over the
head with a piece of pipe,

and then he scooped up
all the money in the pot,

and he took off
down the street there.

Tried to brain me, he did.

I chased after him, but
he got away in the crowd.

Had too much of a head start.

What kind of a fink
would slug Santa Claus?

On Christmas Eve.

I'll help Santa.

Are you sure you
don't need a doctor?

No, I'm all right, young
fella. I'm more mad than hurt.

I reckon my Santa hat and hair
kept him from busting my gourd.

Suspect is a male
Caucasian, about 55,

wearing a black beret, old
brown jacket, and gray pants.

w*apon used is
a section of pipe.

Left on foot, westbound on
Hollywood Boulevard from Chandler.

No car seen.

One-Adam-12, roger.

All units, a 211 just occurred.

Chandler and
Hollywood Boulevard.

No, sir. I'm just going to
go on about my business,

trying to get some
more money in the pot.

Ha! That's the spirit, old pal.

Yeah. And if I get to
feeling a little poorly,

I may take a little drop of
something just to pick me up.

Now, don't you worry, Officers.
I'll hang around for a while.

Make sure he's all right.

Merry Christmas, folks!

Merry Christmas!

Help them that's less
fortunate to have one, too.

Boy, if I could just get
my hands on that rat, I'd...

Merry Christmas, folks.

Christmas Eve.

The suspect probably got off the
main drag as quick as he could.

Could you step back
on the sidewalk, please?

Didn't you see the sign,
sir? It said, "Don't walk."

Yes, sir. That's why
we were running.

I'm serious. You
could've been injured.

I am serious, too, sir.

The light was green.
That means we can cross.

- Does it not?
- The light was green, yes...

Then the sign said,
"Don't walk," so we ran.

- Where are you from?
- New Mexico.

The Zuni reservation.
We just got off the bus.

This is the first time we have
ever been in a place like this.

This is my wife Rosa,
my daughter Crusita.

I am Tom Nasheboo.

I'm Officer Malloy. This
is my partner Officer Reed.

We were up late
last night on the bus.

- Thank you.
- Then we fell asleep.

Went past where we
were supposed to get off.

Tom is an expert silversmith.

He has a job at
the Jewelry Mart.

That is the address of my
cousin, Benjamin Bercham.

That's way on the
other side of town.

There's your stop over there.

If we reach it alive.

No problem. Just remember
to cross when the light is green

and the sign says, "Walk."

There's your "all clear" now.

Thank you.

He ring any bells?

Yeah. That's the
description of Santa's 211.

Looks like he's been
liquefying his assets.

Let's get him.

Hold it, mister!

All right. Yes, Officer?

Hands up against the pole,
feet back and spread them.

What's this all about?

- I'm a coin collector.
- Sure you are.

So I'm a pipe collector, too.
There's no law against that, is there?

A little while ago,
not far from here,

a Rescue Mission Santa
Claus was slugged and robbed.

You fit the description
of the suspect.

He was collecting
for the mission.

If you needed help,
you could've gone there.

So you got me.
But not before I got

a little Christmas
cheer down the hatch.

I'm a Capitalist. I
believe in free enterprise!

Doing away with the middleman!

Besides, they don't serve
no booze at the mission.

Yeah, you didn't have
to put on these handcuffs.

I'm well-liked in
this neighborhood.

Okay, cool it!

I was never your chum,
you dirty rotten crook!

And anybody that would slug a man
with his hands tied behind his back is...

I'm American!

Well, it's just
what you deserve,

and there's plenty more
where that came from, buster!

All right, old-timer.
If you don't cool it,

- I'm gonna
have to handcuff you.
- Well, that's the only way

you'll stop me from
buffeting him again, I tell you!

I want him arrested for as*ault
and battery on a defenseless man.

- You started this whole thing.
- And I'm gonna finish it.

I demand my rights! I'm
making a citizen's arrest.

Take him in! It's the law!

Why you...

Go on, do your duty, gentlemen.

Mommy, Mommy, look.
He's arresting Santy Claus.

Hey, would you like
some Christmas candy?

No. Not from anyone
who'd arrest Santy Claus.

Well, uh, he's not
really Santa Claus.

What do you mean?

Well, uh, he's, uh...

just one of Santa's helpers

who kind of got in a
little trouble, that's all.

What kind of fink would arrest
Santa Claus on Christmas Eve?

Ho, ho, ho!

You can't arrest Santa Claus!

Hey, you can't do that.


One-Adam-12, clear.

One-Adam-12, clear.

Booking Santa Claus
on Christmas Eve.

Well, he didn't
give us any choice.

Hey, wait a minute,
Pete. There's a florist shop.

- I gotta get
that mistletoe, remember?
- Okay, lover.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

ambulance traffic,
Cahuenga and Crest.

Handle code 3. And use
caution. Ambulances en route.

One-Adam-12, roger.

May I see a license, please?

I didn't... I didn't see the...

The stop sign, Officer.

I'm gonna give you a field
sobriety test, Mr. Selfridge.

No. I'm not drunk.

I just had a few drinks at
the office party, that's all.

You know how it is.

You have to have a
couple with the employees

for morale purposes.

Are you refusing
to take the test?

I'm not taking any test.

You understand that, by
refusing to take the test,

you can lose your license?

I can lose it by
taking them, too.


let my lawyer handle it.

You know how it is, Officer.

No, I don't know how it is.

And neither does he.


We have a traffic accident
with a death involved

at Crest and Cahuenga.

Requesting a traffic sergeant
and also reporting a code 20.

One-Adam-12, roger. Code

Cards on these. The deceased
had a wife and children.

You know, sometimes I think
the Christmas spirit is alcohol.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

see the man holding
a shoplift suspect.

1147 Crosley Place.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Sommers' Department Store.

Sandy Quillan.

I spot her, bold as brass,

going around the store,
picking up this and that,

putting it into her tote bag.

Right out in the open.
No attempt to hide it.

Yeah, here's all the evidence.

And you'll note, there's
not a necessity in the lot.

Probably gonna sell
it to support her habit.

I was never on the hard stuff.

Do you have the crime
and arrest report ready?

You know Jason Lamb.

But I'd still like to know why
she was so open about it.

She did everything
but send up flares

and make a public announcement.

It was like she
wanted to be caught.

I did want to be caught.

Now that the police are here
and I'm officially under arrest,

I can tell you.

I wanted to be arrested.

Just one small
correction, Mrs. Quillan.

- It's Miss.
- Miss Quillan.

We're not arresting you.

Mr. Lamb, the store security
officer, has already done that.

We're just the
transporting officers now.

Just as long as it sticks.

Would you mind telling me
why you want to be arrested?

I didn't have a cent.

My kids were hungry.

I've got two,

this one on the way.

I thought if I could
get myself arrested,

at least my kids
will be taken care of.

Where's the father?


He was my guy.

We thought life would be

one big trip.

Free love and
freak-outs forever.

Only then the kids came,
and the party was over.

Only not for Rick.

He went on and on,

dropping reds, whites, rainbows.


Into heavier and heavier stuff.

Where's Rick now, Miss Quillan?

About a month ago, they found
him unconscious on the street.

An overdose.

There wasn't
much left of his liver.

He was in a coma
for three weeks.

Then last Friday, he died.

There are other ways
to get help, you know.

The Department of Social Service

has an emergency
fund for cases like yours.

Please, Miss Quillan,

why don't you just
relax for a minute

while I have a word
with these officers?

Pete. Jim.

Now you know I'm
no bleeding heart.

In fact, I'm a real hard
nose with shoplifters, right?


Now this kid isn't
one of your average,

run-of-the-mill shoplifters.

- I mean, she wanted
to be caught, right?
- Mm-hmm.

And it is Christmas Eve.

That's right, Jason.

So what do you say you just
give me back that crime report

and let's forget
about the whole thing?

It's your arrest, Jason.

Miss Quillan,

considering the circumstances,

these officers have persuaded
me to drop the charges against you.

And don't worry.

Like the officers said,

the Department of Social
Services will help you.

And we've got a big bag of
Christmas candy and toys downstairs,

just made to order for
a couple kids like yours.

I just...

wanted to give my kids
some kind of Christmas.

Yes, ma'am.

It wouldn't have been any
kind of Christmas for them

without their mother, would it?


Yeah, I'm beginning
to get the feeling.

- Good.
- Hey, only one more thing.

Just no sooner said than done.

Florist shop.

Look at it this way. You
can't have everything.

Sure stands out
on a night like this.

Yeah, like a beacon.

Hey, wait a minute.

Is that a fire up there?

I can't tell. We
better check it out.

Mr. Nasheboo.

Officer Malloy.

What are you doing up here?

- Huh?
- We left you at the bus stop.

We waited.

The bus didn't come for
so long, we decided to walk.

We're used to walking
on the reservation.

Then we got lost.

It got dark.

We decided to camp
here for the night.


She was sleeping
here between us.

She's gone.

My baby!

She couldn't have gone far.

We've only been asleep
about 10 or 15 minutes.

Let's fan out and take a look.

Rosa, stay here.

She might come back to the fire.








Whew. You remember
what happened to the last kid

who was lost in these hills?

We're gonna need a lot
more help up here fast.

- You better put in a call
to the watch commander.
- Right.

We got animals out there,

a deep lake, and sheer drops.

And with the night and the
cold, we gotta find her in a hurry.

I've got six other
teams out searching,

covering these
areas in through here.

I want you two to go in
this area right in there.

Okay, take off.

One L-20, requesting
a helicopter unit

at Pilgrimage Theatre.

Meet me on Tack 2.

One L-20, roger.

Air 3, Air 3, meet
One L-20 on Tack 2.



Jim, I gotta get
some fresh batteries.

All right. I'll keep at it.


Air 3 to One L-20.
What have you got?

We're involved in a search
for a missing juvenile.

wearing buckskin dress.

Request search of area
east of Pilgrimage Mountain.

Roger, L-20.

If we don't find
her in a little while...

I don't want to think about it.



Why don't you check over there?





She's come by this way.


There she is.

I'll get her.

Now just stay there, honey.

You lost your dolly.

We found it for you.

Your mommy and daddy
are looking for you, Crusita.

And they asked us to
bring you back. Just...

Hey. Hey.

Good girl.

Good girl.

My baby!

Crusita! Crusita! Crusita!

She was going toward the light.


All units,

discontinue search
for missing child.

She has been found,

safe and well.

You know, it's almost 100%.



Hey, merry Christmas, Pete.

Merry Christmas, Jim.
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