03x21 - Log 164: The Poachers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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03x21 - Log 164: The Poachers

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


I got to get up to the academy.

You do?

I'm sitting a lot
lower in this seat,

and it isn't the springs.

You're putting on weight, huh?

With the help of a
nice old party next door.

- Landlady again.
- She keeps bringing me pies

and cakes...
Everything fattening.

She says that I
look undernourished.

You don't look too
undernourished to me.

She thinks I look too thin.

You don't have to eat her stuff.

Oh, really?

Ever try telling a woman
you don't like her cooking?

Almost every night. I'm married.

She means well.

I don't want to
hurt her feelings.

I guess the only thing
to do is go to the gym.

You know, Reed,
sometimes I wonder why

I ever discuss
anything with you.

I always give you the
right answer, don't I?

All units, a GTA of a
black-and-white unit

just occurred at
the police garage.

Shop number: 80265.

License number: Edward, 174856.

Vehicle last seen
westbound on Newton

from downtown interchange.

Suspect described
as a male Caucasian.

No further.

Suspect is driving code 3.

One of our own with
red lights and sirens.

If you're gonna steal one,
you may as well run an ad.

It's One-Adam-12.
We're in pursuit

of stolen police unit,

heading southbound on Osborne

from Figueroa,
approaching Clifton

One-Adam-12, roger.

Suspect is now heading
westbound on Clifton

at a high rate of speed,
approaching Pine.

If he doesn't get airborne,
we may land him in one piece.

Looks like the joy's
gone out of the ride.

It's One-Adam-12.

We have the stolen
police vehicle stopped

at Clifton and Aubrey.

All units, One-Adam-12
has stolen police vehicle

stopped at Clifton and Aubrey.


I don't know. Are you?

One-Adam-12, roger.

I put out a code 4.

You would have never caught me

if I hadn't run out of gas.

You know that, don't you?

I know you were
driving a stolen car.

What's your name, son?

Chick Wheelock.

Hey, my uncle's a
cop in Minneapolis.

And you're under arrest in L.A.

Give him his rights.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Give up the right
to remain silent,

anything you say
can and will be used

against you in a court of law.

You have the right to
speak with an attorney

and have the attorney
present during questioning.

If you so desire and
cannot afford one,

an attorney will be
appointed for you

without charge
before questioning.

You understand each of the
rights I've explained to you?

Yeah. I didn't hurt the car.

Grand theft auto is a felony.

I was just going for a ride.

In a police unit, code 3.

- How'd you get in the garage?
- I work there.

Everyone knows me around there.

We don't.

Oh, sure.

Shop 80817.

That's One-Adam-12

I washed it yesterday. I'm
gonna wash it again tonight.

I wouldn't plan on it.

I'm sorry.

Boy, these things really
corner nice, don't they?

That was a lame stunt. You
could have k*lled somebody.

Oh, not me,
Officer. I drive good.

I just ran out of gas.

Call a tow truck.

I'm sorry.

Talk to me.


Anyway, today I'm
at the station as usual,

giving all those

a first-class job.

And then before I
know it, I'm on the street

just rolling right along.

Didn't you hear us in pursuit?


I lost my head, I guess.

Man, while it lasted...

Me going code 3! Think of it!

I have.

Now you're going
code 2 to the station.

Tow truck's on the way.

Hey, I got a great idea.

You had it for today.

There's a gas station
right up the street.

If you get these handcuffs off,

I can run and get a can of gas.

Then you won't need a tow truck.

I can follow you back
to the station, right?


Wouldn't you know it?

The kid was on a two-week
tryout at the station garage.

Now we know why
they try 'em out.

Didn't make much
of a trade, did he?

A 10-minute ride
for a felony rap.

One-Adam-12, see the man

holding a forgery suspect.

12203 Tamarac at the store.

Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

How much identification
does a person need

to cash a check?

I have to be very careful, miss.

A store like this,

I can't afford to cash
too many bad checks.

- Not and stay in business.
- It's a government check.

- Good morning, Officers.
- Good morning.

You can see for yourself
why I had my clerk call you.

What's going on here?

What's your name, miss?

You have my identification
cards right there.

Ethel K. Meltser?

That's right.

May I see your
driver's license, please?

Uh, I don't have one.

I mean, I don't need
one. I don't have a car.

If you don't have a car,

why do you need all
these gasoline credit cards?

Oh, well, uh, you see, Officer,

I used to have a
car, but I sold it.

Look, if there's gonna
be all this hassle

over cashing a check,
I'll just take it to the bank.

- I'm sure they...
- This is not your check, miss.

Well, it is my check.
It's a tax refund.

A tax refund check
is marked "tax refund".

This is marked "OAB".

So what does that prove?

OAB stands for Old Age Benefits,

and I think you've
got quite a while to go

before you qualify.

So you're not Ethel K. Meltser.

Lainie Marshall.

I didn't steal it.
Honest I didn't.

I found it in the
street in a purse.

There wasn't any money in it,

just the check and those cards.

Oh, I don't know,
all of a sudden,

I just thought how easy it
would be to cash the check

with all those
identification cards.

I don't know why I did it.

I've never done
anything like this before

in all my life.

Please believe me.

Yeah, we believe you, miss.

A professional would never
have tried anything like this.

You're not going to
arrest me, are you?

Yes, ma'am, we are.

But I didn't steal the check

or forge it.

I just found it.

Yes, ma'am, it's what
you did after you found it.

Big day for first offenders.

She really cried through
the booking, didn't she?

Felt kind of sorry for her,
young pretty girl like that.

That was her mistake,
being young and pretty.

She's got a few miles
to go before OAB.

Maybe she learned a lesson.

It's quiet for a Saturday.

Why don't we drift
over and take a look

at those warehouses

Mac asked us to keep an eye on?

Why not?

Let's check on Merit Drug first.

They've been knocked
over pretty regularly.

Yeah, I guess those hypes
can't resist all the codeine.

Some of those kids
are eating it like candy.

Everything looks tight.

What are you doing in our area?

Mac asked us to help cover the
warehouses over the weekend.

And we thought we'd check
your side of the street, too.

Do you believe that, Green?

I don't remember the Sergeant

saying anything
about that at roll call.

He called us a while back.

I think you're just trying
to poach on our territory.

Somebody's got
to stop those guys

who keep knocking
over your warehouses.

Well, if you'd like to
observe the experts at work,

feel free to tag along.

One-Adam-12, see the man.

A 459 report.

207 Kellmore.

One-Adam-12, roger.

At least it's not
a family dispute.

Getting to you?

Nothing a few days
off wouldn't cure.

Last month, it
was two robberies.

They took the tires off Apartment
Number 3's Rolls-Royce.

Number 14 lost his bucket seats.

And the month before
that was even worse.

Tell you, Officer, I'm
about to pull my hair out...

that that I got left.

Yes, sir. Well, what's
the problem this time?

Doesn't look like
anything's been disturbed.

Of course not.

I thought I finally
had them beat.

I spent $400 for
a security system.

- Sir?
- Closed-circuit TV.

Had it installed last week.

- Break down?
- No.

Lowdown thieves stole it.

That's what I
call rubbing it in.

No, sir.

That's rubbing it in.

All units in the vicinity and One-Adam-12,
One-Adam-12, see the woman.

A prowler there now.

212 Porter, code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Come in.

Nobody out there, ma'am.

Oh, there was somebody
out there this time.

I swear it.

My partner's checking
the other side of the house.

Did you see anybody?

No, but whoever it was
is probably gone by now.

The minute you officers
drive up, they run away.

If he's there, we'll catch him.

Everything's locked up tight.

It's a big fence out back.

Prowler would have a
hard time getting over it.

There was somebody out there.

I know it.

Do you suppose they
could have tapped my phone

and heard me call the police?

I don't think so, ma'am.

They always run away
after I call the police.

Yes, ma'am.

You see, if you could
just get here faster,

you could catch 'em.

Did you hear anything, ma'am.

No, but I just know that
they're out there somewhere.

We'll patrol the
area more often.

Don't you worry, we'll
keep an eye on your place.

Would you do that?

I'd certainly appreciate it.

Yes, ma'am. We'd be glad to.

Oh, thank you.

You know, Officer, that
really makes me feel better.

Well, good night, ma'am.


Maybe it was a
Peeping Tom anyway.

One-Adam-12, clear.

One-Adam-12, roger.

She's something else, isn't she?

What do you mean?

Miss Pierce back there,

calling in all the time
making those prowler reports.


I guess she's
frightened and lonely.

Probably just wanted
somebody to talk to.

It doesn't hurt.

Who knows, next
time she might be right.

It'll be a real prowler.

It's one of the reasons
we're here, partner.

All units and One-Adam-12,

a 459 silent at the mortuary.

158 South York Blvd.

A 30-minute delay on the man.

One-Adam-12, handle code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

We found a door open. We're
gonna go inside and check it out.

Welcome back to
the land of the living.

Okay, mister, out.

I was thinking about
that guy last night

hiding in the coffin.

I'll never forget the look on
his face when he spotted us.

You should have seen
the look on your face

when the lid started coming up.

You want to take a crack
at those warehouses?


Something new's been added.


And dangerous.

Better get a backup.

One-Adam-12, 459 in progress,

Merit Drug warehouse.

Rear 408, West Soto.

Request backup unit.

One-Adam-12, roger.
Requesting a backup...

Move it on over.

You called it. Codeine.

Looks like the candy
store just closed.
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