02x08 - PinkaPolka Dotty/Lila Gets Glasses

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Pinkalicious & Peterrific". Aired: February 19, 2018 – present.*
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Follows the adventures of Pinkalicious and her brother Peter as they imagine how the world looks through her artful eye.
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02x08 - PinkaPolka Dotty/Lila Gets Glasses

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪

♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪

♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪

♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪

♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪

♪ A dancer ♪ ♪ A robot ♪

♪ A pirate at sea ♪

♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪

♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ In a pinkamazing way ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ On a pinkaperfect day ♪

♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪

♪ It's a Pinkalicious feeling ♪

♪ Peterrific you might say ♪

♪ Pinkalicious and Peterrific ♪

♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪

Pink, pink hooray!

PINKALICIOUS: "Pinkapolka Dotty."

♪ ♪




Look out, Daddy!

If you stand on the crackn the sidewalk, it's bad luck!




Cra! Crack!




Wait, dot?

Dot? Ooh...


Phew! (both giggle)

Why is there a t on the sidewalk?

Not just one dot, look!

There's a whole path of dots!

I wonder where they lead.

Let's follow them!

♪ ♪

BOTH (repeating): Dot!

ALL (repeating): Dot!

Dot, dot, dot! (laughter)

Look, they lead into the art museum.


Polka dots!

♪ ♪

STELLA: (gasps) Oh!

Welcome, Pinktertons!

ALL: Hi, Dame Estrella!

Welcome, to Pinkville's first ever exhibit on...

Oh, polka dots!


Are you aficionados too?


(chuckles) Aficionados.

It's when you really love something

and know a lot about it.

Like polka dots!


They just make me feel so full of... wonder.


They make me feel so happy.

They make me feel, um...

polka dotty!

(stomach rumbles)

And weirdly hungry.


Maybe we better get back home soon for lunch, huh?

Aww, can we stay

a little longer, Daddy?


(sighs) Okay, a little longer.

Yes! Thank you, Daddy!

I never knew you could make

so many kinds of art with polka dots!

I could look at them all day!

Sorry, Pinkalicious.

It really is time for us to go now.

(sadly): Okay.


I wish we could just

take these polka dots home with us.



♪ ♪


Whoo! (giggles)

♪ ♪


(gasps) Wait, come back!

♪ ♪




(giggles) Gotcha!



I guess I can't take these polka dots home with me.

(chuckling together)

Then no one else would get to see the art.

(gasps) But maybe I can make

my own pinkatastic polka dot art at home!

(laughs) What an inspired idea!

The polka dot possibilities are endless!

One here...

Another one here...

And... there!


♪ ♪

DAD: Wow!

Nice polka dots, Pinkalicious.

They really brighten up your whole room!


Can I paint my whole room in polka dots?

Uh... Why not?

Just make sure to use washable paint.



Hey, Pinkalicious, how's your painting go...


♪ ♪

This... is...


I wish the rest of the house was this polka dotty.

Peter, what if it was?

What if we paint the rest of the house in polka dots too?

Let's do it!

(giggles) We should probably

ask Mommy and Daddy first!

I was totally about to say that!

Ready to test out my latest invention?


Uh, what is it exactly?

MOM: The Window Wash-O-Matic !

Okay, let her rip!





(shouts dizzily)

(button clicks)



Mommy, Daddy,

we just had a polka-rific idea!

Can we paint another part of the house

with polka dots?


I guess would brighten up the living room.

And polka dots do make me feel so...


Sure! Why not?

All right! Yay!

Um... can I help out?

Yes! Thanks, Daddy.

Come on,

let's get polka painting!

♪ ♪

ALL: ♪ We love polka dots ♪

PINKALICIOUS: ♪ Love them lots and lots lots and lots! ♪

♪ Love the way they make us smile ♪

♪ Love their polka dotty style ♪

ALL: ♪ Dot, dot, polka dot ♪

♪ Polka, polka, dot, dot, dot ♪

♪ Dot, dot, polka dot ♪

♪ Happiness is polka dots! ♪

PINKALICIOUS: ♪ We love the polka-tastic way ♪

♪ They really brighten up our day ♪

♪ They're simple yet entrancing ♪

♪ They make us feel like dancing ♪

ALL: ♪ More dots, more and more ♪

♪ We want polka dots galore! ♪

♪ Let's fill our favorite spots ♪

♪ With lots of lovely polka dots! ♪

♪ Dot, dot, polka dot ♪

♪ Polka, polka, dot, dot, dot ♪

♪ Dot, dot, polka dot! ♪

♪ Happiness is polka dots! ♪

Uh, Pinkalicious,

do you think we might have painted too many polka dots?

Peter! (giggles)

You can never have too many polka dots!

Right, Daddy?

Uh... right! MOM: Pinkalicious!

Peter, Harry!

(gulps) Uh-oh...

I thought you were

just going to paint the walls.

I guess we got a little carried away.

A little? (giggles)

ALL: We're sorry.

Sorry for what?

I love it!

You do?

Then you're gonna love

what we did to the outside of the house!

Hmm... the outside?

Well, take a look for yourself-- ow!

Ouch, ow. Ooh, are you okay, Daddy?

Ouch, ouch, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh...

I didn't see the coffee table there

because it's covered in polka do.

Just like everything else!

PINKALICIOUS: Oh no, I guess it is

kind of hard to see things when everything looks the same.


But I'm sure we'll get used to it!

(giggles) Come on!

Well, what do you think?


It's definitely, um...

A lot of polka dots, huh?



What's the matter, Mommy?

Don't you like the polka dots?

Uh, no, I love the polka dots, but...

now I can't see where I left the Window Wash-O-Matic .

I'm sure I left it right here...

Or was it over here?

Oh, don't worry Mommy.

We'll help you look for it.

I can't see it.

Not here.

Uh... not here.

All I can see are polka dots.

So many polka dots!

I still can't find my invention.

Uh, Pinkalicious, have you seen my scooter?

I think we painted over it.

Pinkalicious did we paint over my-- ow!


I'm okay.

Oh! I'm so sorry, Daddy.

You keep bumping into the coffee table and...

and Mommy lost her invention.

And Peter can't find his scooter.

Polka dots make me feel so happy,

I just wanted them to make everyone else

feel happy, too.

Polka dots do make us feel happy, Pinkalicious,

But maybe we don't need... so many of them.

They are causing a lot of polka dotted problems.

Maybe it's time for me

to wash my polka dots away.

You mean it's time

for us to wash our polka dots away.

(playing kazoo)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(all cheering)

♪ ♪

You know, I think this is

one part of your polka dot art we should keep.


To remind us of what

a polka-tastic time we all had.


And how much I love polka dots.

KIDS: That's art-alicious!

Today, we're making pictures with dots.

CHILD: The dots we're using are

bottle caps.

CHILD: These caps are from water...



CHILD: We have enough different colors

to make pictures.

CHILD: I'm making a squid.

It's easy to change bottle cap pictures.

I changed it into a goldfish.

I think it looks awesome.

My first project was a banana.

I am changing it into a bird.

Oh, Ella,

that bird looks really cool.

This used to be a apple, but now

it's a apple train.

Though I'm gonna turn it back into a apple.

♪ ♪

CHILD: We want to get

all of our bottle caps from the table to the floor.

We're planning to do

an island with a rainbow over it,

and there's water around it.

It's not a bottle cap,

but it's a cap.

I think bottle caps

are really fun,

'cause if you make a mistake, you move them again.

CHILD: Making dot art is a great way to re-use bottle caps.

CHILD: With bottle caps, you can just change it.

Easy as that.


It looks very cute.

PINKALICIOUS: "Lila Gets Glasses"

♪ ♪

(whispering): Psst, Lila!

That's you scoring the winning goal for the Pinksters

in our big game tomorrow.

(stifled giggles)

And that's us doing our pinkatastic celebration dance.

Go Pinksters!

(louder giggles)

MS. PENNY: (clears throat) (both gasp)

Sorry, Ms. Penny.

Okay girls, I know that you're excited

for your soccer game tomorrow,

but right now we need to focus on your math game.

So maybe one of you could read this math problem

out to the rest of the class.



Um, okay...

It's five...

(whispering): Six!

LILA: I mean six plus... no.

Minus a squiggly line equals a banana?

A banana?

(students giggle) (bell rings)

Okay, thank you, class.

See you next week.

Lila, is everything okay?

It seemed like you were having trouble

reading the math problem off the board.

Well, it's because...

(sighs) I couldn't see it.

Oh, maybe you need glasses?

Yeah, I do.

I just got them.


Try them on, I bet they look great on you!

Right, Ms. Penny?


Go on, Lila.

Uh, no, it's okay.

Well, then you can wear them the next time

you need to read the board.

I look forward to seeing them on your face!


I don't really need to wear them anyway.

Come on, Pinkalicious,

we don't want to be late for soccer practice.

♪ ♪


Oh! Are you okay?

Ha ha, I'm fine!

I definitely did see that.

I just... saw it too late!

(blows whistle)

All right, Pinksters, huddle up, huddle up!

Our game tomorrow afternoon is huge,

so let's practice our secret play one more time!

(all cheer)

(blows whistle)

Pinkalicious dribbles the ball!

Then Rafael shows off some skills!

Lila is open!

Lila, here it comes!



(blows whistle) Time out!

You okay, Lila?

I'm sorry!

I just slipped.

Lila, wait!

It doesn't matter!

Uh, don't worry, Coach, I'll go check on her.



(crying, sniffling)

Oh, there you are.

(sniffles) Hi, Pinkalicious.

Lila, it's okay that you missed the goal.

You just slipped!

I didn't miss the goal because I slipped.

I missed because...

I couldn't see the ball without my glasses.

I do need to wear them all the time.

I just don't want to.

Oh, why not?

Because I... I just don't like wearing them.

Oh, you don't like them?

I guess they are a little plain.

Maybe if they were more... special?

What do you mean?

Well, there are all kinds of glasses.

♪ ♪

Rectangular glasses!

Circular glasses!


♪ ♪

Star glasses, all right! (giggles)



Pinkatastic glasses!

All we need to do is find you some glasses

you feel comfortable in.

But I have to wear this pair.

Which is why we're going to Lila-fy your glasses!


Come on!

We can use things from my Make Things Box

to make your glasses match your pinkamazing personality!

Now let's see...

what's your favorite color, Lila?


I like... purple?

Purple it is!

♪ ♪

How about this?

(giggling): Too...

tickle-y! (giggles)




(giggles) Too big!

Ah, ah...

(sneezes) (both giggle)

Too sneezy!

♪ ♪

My Make Things Box is nearly all out of things!


(gasps) Wait a minute.

(gasps) Pinkaperfect!

Or should I say, Lila-licious!


♪ ♪

(gasps) I...

love them!

The purple blends in with my outfit.

And the pink will blend in with my soccer uniform!

But they're still unique.

Just like you.

Thanks, Pinkalicious!

You're welcome.

Just wait until everybody sees you

in your new glasses before the big game tomorrow!


(blows whistle)

That's it, Pinksters!

Dig in!

You've got to eat a breakfast of champions

to play like champions!

Fruit anyone? Toast?

Juice, Pinkalicious?

Wait a minute, where's Pinkalicious?

Over here!

Ah, there you are.

Is Lila with you?

She sure is!


(Pinksters gasp)

Wow, nice glasses Lila!

Uh, thanks, I just--

When did you get them?

The other day...

Where did you get them?

Well, Pinkalicious helped...

Pretty cool!

♪ ♪

What's wrong?

I thought you liked your new glasses, Lila.

I do.

Oh, they look great. They look awesome!

Cool! They're amazing!

Then why don't you want wear them?

Yeah, I love wearing my glasses!

I can see everything!


I just don't like everyone looking at me!

You're going to have to play without me.


Oh, no!

I thought Lila didn't want to wear her glasses

because she didn't like them.

I didn't realize it's because she's shy.

It was nice of you to try to help, Pinkalicious.

Hmm... there must be something we can do

to make her feel more comfortable with her glasses?

Right! There's gotta be!

But what?

The big game is this afternoon!

We don't have much time.

♪ ♪


Lila feels like she's the center of attention

when she wears her glasses, right?

Right, she definitely doesn't like everyone looking at her.

So we just need to take

the attention off of her.

How are we going to do that?

I've got a plan.

Huddle up, Pinksters!


Yeah! Great idea!


I'm sorry about before, Lila.

But we've come up with a new game plan

that we think is going to help.

But I can't play without my glasses, Pinkalicious.

And I don't want to wear them

because then everyone will be looking at me again.

Not if they're looking at everyone else!

LILA: (gasps)

You're all wearing glasses!

Yeah, even me!

Go Pinksters!


I'm definitely not the center of attention now.

We decorated them ourselves!

What do you think?

I think... they're amazing!

Thanks, Pinkalicious!

Now come on, we've got a game to play!

(all cheering) Let's go, guys!

Let's go!

Whoo-hoo, go Pinksters!

It's time for our secret play!

(crowd cheering)

COACH MARIO: Go Pinkalicious!

Go Pinkalicious, go, go, go!

(crowd cheers)

I'm open!

And Lila scores!

What a goal!

(Pinksters cheering)

We did it!

Great goal, Lila!

(laughs) Thanks, Pinkalicious.

I couldn't have done it without my new glasses!

You mean our new glasses!

(Pinksters cheer)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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