04x03 - The Grandmother

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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04x03 - The Grandmother

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


Ought to really do something
about that headache.

Yeah, like get a new head.

No, I mean it, Pete.

I took a couple of aspirin
before we left the station.

It'll be all right.

You know, Pete,
my great-aunt Leticia

had a remedy for headaches.

Maybe you ought to try it.

Your great-aunt? Sure.

No, it sounds crazy,

but she said it
worked every time...

Brown paper and vinegar.


Oh, yeah, you take a
piece of brown paper

and you soak it
in strong vinegar,

put it on your forehead.

Headache goes
away just like that.

Aunt Leticia said
it never failed.

It's worth trying.

I hope you're kidding

because if you're not,

I'm going to take
you back to the station

and trade you in for a partner
with a full set of marbles.

Okay. I'm just trying to help.

All units in the vicinity
and One-Adam-12,

a 211 just occurred at

One-Adam-12, handle, code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

All right, ladies, all right,
let's get back to work.

Go on, back to work with you.

Hello, Officers.

Excuse me just a minute.

Are you all right, Mrs. Kovacs?

Yes, I think so, Frieda.

Oh, no, no, no. You
stay put and rest.

This business of being held up
has upset Mrs. Kovacs terribly.

- Poor dear. She's not very strong.
- I'm not very strong.

I'm Mrs. Pine, Frieda Pine.

When did this happen, Mrs. Pine?

Let's see. It was
exactly 19 minutes ago.

That would make
it 20 past 10:00.

I'm afraid he's
long gone by now.

With all our money.

What did the man look like?

More of a boy really...

Nice-looking boy
with light sandy hair,

about 6 feet and
wearing a green shirt.

With a big g*n.

I'll get this on the air.

How much did he get, Mrs. Pine?

He took every cent we had
in the cash box... $43.75.

You won't find any fingerprints.

He made me take out the
money. He didn't touch anything.

He was too busy waving that g*n.

He wasn't waving
it. He was shaking.

Poor boy, he couldn't
help it in his condition.

What condition was that?

He was a hype.

A hype?

Drug addict, you know,
strung out on heroin.

He was in dreadful
need of a fix.

Anyone could see that.

Who else was in
the store at the time?

Oh, just Mrs. Kovacs
and I, and she fainted.

I fainted. I'm not very strong.

The other ladies
were working in back.

Most of them are
widows and alone,

and when I started this thing,

they were just wasting away
like a bunch of vegetables.

Yes, ma'am.

Now they're all busy,

each one doing
what she does best,

and everyone's
sharing in the profits.

Me, I can't sew or knit.

I was born with 10 thumbs,
so I organize and sell.

I'm a dandy organizer.

I'll bet you are.

And you should see
how they change.

Why, they're alive
again, and useful.

They're even making a little money,
and heaven knows they need it.

Well, Mrs. Pine, could you give
us a more detailed description

of the man, anything at all?

Well, he was 6 feet,
I'd say, 170 pounds.

Tan complexion,
regular features,

small blemish on
his neck, uh, here,

light sandy hair...
He needed a haircut...

Blue eyes that were
badly bloodshot.

Of course, that was due
to his nervous condition.

Do you remember
how he was dressed?


I may be 78,
but I can still see.

He was wearing a green knitted
sports shirt with short sleeves,

gray cotton slacks with a
dirty smudge on the left knee.

Narrow black belt, gold buckle.

Couldn't see his socks, but he was
wearing brown boots with a rounded toe,

and they needed a shine.

Brown boots unshined.

He was sick and desperate,

but he did say he'd
send the money back

as soon as he could.

I wouldn't count
on that, Mrs. Pine,

but with the description
you've given us,

we may be able to pick him up.

We'll certainly do
everything we can, ma'am.

Now, if you'll please
sign here, Mrs. Pine.

Of course.

And thank you so much, Officers.

You're welcome.

Pete, I, uh...

I forgot my report book
inside. I'll be right back.

requesting clear frequency

for supplemental
on 211 broadcast.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

All units on
frequency 1, stand by.

One-Adam-12, go ahead.

One-Adam-12 on 211 that occurred

at 465 North Main
Street, 10:20 hours.

Suspect is armed.
May be an addict, KMA.

All units, additional
on the 211 suspect...

That was some
description she gave us.

Suspect is armed and possibly
under the influence of narcotics.

We could use her on the force.

What did you buy?

Buy? Me?

Buy, you.

What would I buy
in a place like that?

I went back to get
my report book.

Turn over your hat.

My hat, what for?

Turn it over.

Two potholders. My, my.

All right, so I bought
some potholders.

It just so happens that we need
a couple potholders at home.


All units, a 211 just
occurred in 77th Division.

Three armed suspects last
seen in a yellow convertible,

license number
Victor Sam Ocean, 594

heading northbound on
the Hollywood Freeway.

- I don't believe it.
- Huh?

That car ahead, that's it.

This is One-Adam-12. We're
following 211 vehicle from 77th Division,

northbound from the Hollywood
Freeway on Glendale Boulevard.

Requesting a backup.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

If they see you talking into
the mic, they're going to wrap it.

I know.

This is One-Adam-12.

Suspect vehicle is now
northbound on Alvarado,

just passing Aaron
Street, speed normal.

One-Adam-12, Roger. Any unit in
the vicinity, backup One-Adam-12

following Victor Sam Ocean 594

northbound on
Alvarado, passing Aaron,

the 211 vehicle
from 77th Division.

They're bound to get hinkey.

We've been following
them for 3 miles.

Here it comes.

We're off and running.

This is One-Adam-12. We're
in pursuit of yellow convertible,

Victor Sam Ocean 594.

All units on all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit.

All right, hold it!

Watch your head.

Well, pretty nice work.

About 14 minutes
from crime to arrest.

We have our moments.

That was quite a run and
tackle for a desk jockey,

a man of your... seniority.

Malloy, there's a
cruel streak in you.

All units in the vicinity
and One-Adam-12,

a 211 just occurred
at 4224 North Spring.

One-Adam-12, handle, code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Must be our day for 211s.

You the one who called us, sir?

Uh, yes, I am.

My name is Clover,
and I own this place,

and I was back there
putting some things away,

and I turn around...

All of a sudden there's this
g*n staring me in the face.

He took $100 in crisp new

Did he take anything else?

- No, that's
all he wanted, $115.
- Sir?

Well, I had over $300
in the cash drawer,

but he said all he
wanted was 115.

How do you figure that?

A man pulls a robbery,

and all he wants is
a specific amount.

It's a little unusual.

Can you describe
the man, Mr. Clover?


I was afraid you were
going to get around to that.

Was he young or old?

Well, he was kind of average,

by that I mean medium height,

light sandy hair, medium build.

Was he wearing a jacket?

Uh, y... uh, no.

How was he dressed?

Well, kind of average.

I know what you're thinking.

Why didn't I take a
good look at the guy?

Well, his g*n was
staring me right in the face,

and, like I say, he was
just average looking.

I knew it would be
easier if he was 6 feet 5

and wearing green leotards,

but this guy was just an average
sandy-haired, blue-eyed guy.

He had blue eyes?

- Didn't I say that before?
- No, sir.

Yeah, sandy hair, uh... yeah.

- Sandy haired, blue-eyed.
- Could be.

Uh, what are you
guys talking about?

Mr. Clover, could this man have been
wearing a green, short-sleeved shirt

with gray pants and brown boots?

Yeah, uh... now that you
mention the green shirt,

uh... uh, yes, he
did have on green.

Could be the same guy.

- Could be.
- And one other thing.

He might have been a
little high on something.

I'm not really sure, but he
was careless with his g*n,

waving it around.

Could he have been a little taller
than medium height, Mr. Clover?

Well, uh...

You already got him in green,

but I'm definitely sure

he was not 6 feet 5, and
he was not wearing leotards,

but can you imagine, $115?

That's all he wanted,

a specific amount.

You sure run into
some crazy people.

Still think he's the same one
who hit Grandmother's House.

A green shirt and blue eyes...
That's not much to go on.

He said he thought the
man had sandy hair, too.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

see the woman
regarding 211 report,

465 North Main Street.

Grandmother's House.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

I told you.

I told you he was a nice boy.

What do you mean, Mrs.
Pine? What happened?

Well, look, I'll show you.

See? He brought back the money,

just like he said he would.

You mean he came back in person?

Well, of course. He had to.

He wanted to
apologize for robbing us.

There's $60 here.

Mm-hmm. He insisted
on my taking the extra

to make up for all
the trouble he caused.

Wasn't that nice of him?

Brand new 20s,
fresh from the bank.

You won't have to
arrest him now, will you?

I mean, he's given
back the money,

so there's no reason to.

Once a felony complaint
has been filed, Mrs. Pine,

it's up to the District
Attorney's Office,

but I'm afraid he didn't really
give you back the money.

But of course he did.
You have it in your hand.

Well, not your money. I'm afraid
this belongs to somebody else.

Well, of course I don't know
where he got the money.

- We do.
- At least we think we do.

An antique shop was
held up not far from here.

$100 in new 20s
was taken, like these.

Oh, dear.

Is it the same man?

We think so.

Does that mean we
can't keep the money?

I'm sorry.

It'll have to be booked as
evidence until we're sure.

Of course, I know
you're doing what's right,

but it's a terrible

The other ladies were so happy.

Here's a receipt for
the money, Mrs. Pine.

We'll keep you informed.

It's going to be very
hard to tell them.

Wait a minute, Pete.

Mrs. Pine, I'd like to buy
some more of these potholders,

four of them.


Oh, Officer, you don't have to.

No, no, it's nothing like that.

My wife loved them. She
asked me to buy some more.

- Thank you, Officer.
- You're welcome.

- And thank your wife, too.
- Okay.

I wonder how Jean got so crazy

about those potholders
she hasn't even seen yet.


- We're on the same wavelength.
- I hope so.

I know. Besides, they're
darn good potholders,

and a bargain at that price.

Something tells me I know what
I'm going to get for Christmas.

One-Adam-12, day watch clear.

One-Adam-12, day watch clear.

How was the day off?

Oh, nothing but
rest and relaxation.

Oh, and Jean did
love the potholders.

I always said you
had a great wife.

Classic rolling stop.

We better pull him over
and give him a warning.

- Boy, am I glad
to see you officers.
- Huh?

Yes, sir, I was on
my way to the station,

but now you can
save me the trip.

- How's that?
- I'll show you.

I have something
for you in the trunk.

There you are,
Officers. It's all yours.

It's a lid of marijuana.

Well, of course it is.
I just paid $12 for it.

You don't understand.
I'm a priest.

- A priest.
- Yes, I'm Father Meginnis.

- I have my creden...
- Just keep your hands
where we can see them.

Oh, for the love of
Pete, look in my wallet.

Would you take
your license out, sir?

- He is a priest.
- I told you.

You'll have to
excuse us, Father,

but you don't exactly
look like a priest.

Oh, of course not.
This is my disguise.

Would you mind telling me

what a priest is doing carrying
around a lid of marijuana?

I told you, I bought it for
you to use as evidence.

As evidence.

Maybe you better start
at the beginning, Father.

All right, you see, there's
this kid in my parish

who goes to junior high school.

He told me about this creep
who's been selling marijuana

to the schoolchildren,

- Can you imagine?
- Yes, sir.

Well, I'm going to stop this.

When the boy told me
this man was operating

from a small apartment
near the school,

I decided to do
something about it,

so I put on these old
clothes and went there

to see if I could buy
some marijuana myself.

- And he sold it to you.
- You see it.

He's a very greedy man,
and I'm a very good talker.

I believe he got the impression

I needed the
marijuana for a party.

Yes, sir. Could you
describe him for us?

Describe nothing.
I'll show him to you.

- Come on, let's get started.
- Wait a minute, father.

We better call the station
and ask MacDonald.

You wait here, Father. I'll
see what the boss has to say.

- Is that really necessary?
- Yes, sir.

We're wasting time. That man
may not stay in the apartment.

He may take off or something.

We know, Father.
Just take it easy.

This won't take long.

Okay, it's our baby.
We'll follow you, Father.

Oh, could I ride with you?

I've never ridden in
a police car before.

- Sure thing, Father.
- Thank you.

Hop in.

We'll get out here and
walk the rest of the way.

Now, remember, Father.
You stay well behind us.

This man could be dangerous.

Well, you'll have a lot
better case against him

if you catch him in the act
of selling the stuff, won't you?

- Yes, sir.
- Well, let's do it that way.

You follow and listen.

You again. What now?

Peace. I just want
some more grass.

All right.

You smoke kind
of fast, don't you?

Cool the nerves, man. My
party has grown. That's all.

Got to keep them
all happy, don't I?


All right, I guess it's cool.

You want another lid?

Right on.

All right, wait here.

This is the very
best, my friend.

I should be charging you
a lot more than $12 for it.

You're all heart, brother.
Here's your bread.

All right, very good. If you
need anything else, let me know.

Hold it!

Hey, what is this?

Why, you set me up!

Sorry about that.

It's all right. He swung first.

We'll need your statement. Will
you come down to the station?

I'll be glad to.

Thanks a lot, fellas.

Wait a second.


What was that all about?

I just gave him a warning
about those rolling stops.

By the way, Pete, what did you
ever do about that headache you had?

You won't believe this,

but I had a date that night,

and the headache
kept getting worse.

I tried the cold towels
and aspirin, everything.

No good, so I finally gave in.

I soaked a piece of
brown paper in vinegar

and put it against my forehead.

Oh, you didn't.

Yes, I did. I was desperate.

You know what happened?

Ten minutes later, the
headache was gone.

Just like that.


All units in the vicinity
and One-Adam-12,

A 211 in progress

Oh, not again.

One-Adam-12, handle, code 3.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

He's still inside. I
sneaked out back to call.

Hurry, hurry.

I'm sorry, but that's...
That's all we've got.

It was a very slow day.

You've got to have more
than $18. You got to.

I might have 2 or 3
dollars in my purse.

Oh, no, I couldn't do that.

- It's bad enough
for me to take...
- Freeze!

Don't sh**t!
Please, don't sh**t!

Put your hands behind your
head and interlock your fingers.

At least it's over, thank God.

I couldn't go
through this again,

not with these old ladies.

You won't have the chance.

I'll take him to the car
and put out a code 4.

Are you all right?

Yes, thanks to you.
Thank you very much.

It was our pleasure.

Watch your head.

This is One-Adam-12.

Show is code 4 at

One-Adam-12, Roger.

All units, code 4,

Suspect in custody.

- Okay?
- Yeah, fine.

Uh, what's in the pocket?

Pocket. What are
you talking about?

That pocket, what's in it?

- Just some stuff.
- Hey, wait.

Like what? Let's see.

Oh, nice.

Just don't say a word, Reed.
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