04x10 - Day Watch

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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04x10 - Day Watch

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle, code 3.


Freeze, Mister!

Don't sh**t! I'm the owner!

Anybody else in there?

You mean the stick-up man?

He left 15 minutes ago.

It's 4.

He's gone 15 minutes
and you hit the silent alarm?

Well, I figures it would
be quicker than the phone.

Look, he had me
lock up in the john.

I had to break the
door down to get out.

Can you give us a description
of the man, Mr. Williams?

He's colored.

What color?

He was black.

There all kinds of
black guys, Mr. Williams.

Now, what did he look like?

Young, dirty, had one
of them bushy haircuts.

A natural.

A what?

A natural.


I guess that's
what they call it.

Tall, short, fat,
thin? Describe him.

He's about his height.

He was wearing gray
slacks with a blue jacket.

He had on glasses...
Dark ones, big ones.

Wearing gloves.

Any vehicle?

Beats me. I've been
inside doing the books.

I heard the noise, I turn around
and look, and he's standing there.

He's got this canon
pointed right at my nose.

What kind of a g*n was it?

Look like a GI-45.

Oh, he tried to get me
to open the floor safe.

I told him I only worked here.

Just the boss has
got the combination.

And he bought it.

It's a good thing.

Otherwise, I could of been
out maybe another $600.

How much did he get?

Maybe $80 out of my wallet

and another 50 or so
out of the cash drawer.

I'll get this on the air.

This is the third time

I've been robbed
this year, officer.

Now, when are you people gonna
start doing something about it?

We're trying, Mr. Williams.

Suspect 11 is possession
of $130 in currency.

He's armed with a
large caliber a*t*matic.

Possibly a .45. Left in an unknown
direction. No vehicle seen or heard.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

All units, a 211
occurred 20 minutes ago.

908 South Wallace Street.

Suspect is
described as a male...

Well, I'll tell you
one thing, officer.

People are getting fed up.

From now on, I'm
bringing my g*n with me.

I'd think twice about that
if I were you, Mr. Williams.

You want to sign this?

Well, you're not me!

You're not the ones
getting robbed. I am.

The next punk that
steps through that door

with a g*n in his
hand is gonna get shot.

We'll be in touch
with you, Mr. Williams.

Must be a slow day for news.

One-Adam-12, clear.

One-Adam-12, clear.


Why don't we get out of
the middle of the street?

Oh, sure, sure.

What's the trouble?

I'm probably wasting my time.

There's a chance I'll save
some other poor sucker 20 bucks.

What happened?

Now, look, I'm not making a
formal complaint, you understand?

It has already cost me more
than it's worth in time and money.

May I see your
driver's license, please?

Yeah, sure.

Name's Paul Soren.

I'm down here for a
couple of days on business.

San Francisco. Is this your
current address, Mr. Soren?

Yeah, yeah, that's it.

Like I said I'm just down
here for a couple of days.

The car's a rental.

Excuse me, what is he doing?

I told you I don't want to
make a federal case out of this.

It's a field interview
card, Mr. Soren.

Just routine.

You mentioned something
about $20, Mr. Soren?

Yeah. My own fault, I guess.

I should have known better
than to be Mr. Nice Guy.

Big hearted.

So far you haven't told us
anything. What happened?

Oh, I got clipped, that's what.

I picked up a hitchhiker
down there about 2 miles

by the shopping center.

Wilshire Boulevard and Fountain?

Yeah, I guess that's it.

It's funny. She seemed
like a real nice kid at first.

Hey, wait a minute.
Don't get the wrong idea.

I'm not one of these weirdoes.

I just wanted to give
her a lift, that's all.

Go on.

Well, she seemed
like a typical teenager.

You know, jeans with flowers
and things painted on them.

She's wearing one of these
funny-looking purple fringed leather vest.

Nice-looking kid.

We started talking. She
said where am I from?

Am I married? Kids?

You know, the usual small talk?

Said her name was Jo. That's
probably short for something else.

Anyway, uh, I asked her

where she wanted
me to drop her off.

She said anywhere as long
as I give her 20 bucks first.

I thought she was putting me on.

She wasn't.

She said either
I give her the 20,

or she'd start
screaming her head off

that I tried to molest her.

I told her nobody
would believe her.

It'd be my word against hers.

She said it would cost me

a lot more than the

Oh, what could I do?
And please don't tell me

I should have thought of
that before I picked her up.

All right, we won't.

Can you give us any more
of a description of the girl?

Oh, can I.

I don't think I'll ever
forget that little con artist.

She's about 17.
Long blonde hair.

Her eyes are blue or greenish.

Cute face.

Hey, this isn't gonna
hang me up, is it?

I have to be out of
here by tomorrow.

Well, we can't force you

to sign a formal
complaint, Mr. Soren.

But like you said, when
you stopped us it could

save somebody an
awful lot of trouble.

Boy, they sure learn young
these days, don't they?

Some do, and some don't.

Oh, yeah, I think I get
the message, Officer.

Soren was lucky.
He got off cheap.

Awful free with his
money, aren't you?

It's 100 to 1 she was bluffing.

But if she wasn't
and started to scream,

he could have big trouble,

particularly if she
was a juvenile.

5-18, 5-18...

South Pastom.

Why don't we go
around and call it a day?


We better pick him up
before he walks under a truck.

Hop on the sidewalk, Willie.

Come on, Willie.
Out of the street.

What do you got there, Willie?

Oh, just a little
wine, that's all.

Imported champagne.

Where'd you get it?

Come on, fellas,
give me a break.

I didn't steal it.

I found it.

That doesn't sound
too probable, Willie.

This stuff's expensive.

Well, if you don't
think that sounds right,

wait'll I tell you about
the pink elephant I saw.

Some other time.

What day is it?


Now that could explain it.

We've been saucing that
stuff since Tuesday night.

I ain't ever seen a
pink elephant before.

Come on, Willie, where
did you get the champagne?

Well, me and a couple
of guys found it in

one of them condemned
buildings down on 1st Street.

There must be 50
bottles we ain't k*lled yet.

I never would come out of there,

but I hadn't seen the
sunlight in five days.

I no sooner get out of there,

and I see the elephant.

Say, if you guys will follow me,

I'll show you where
that elephant lives.

Then I'll know it
ain't the sauce.

I'll tell you what, Willie?

We'll come with you and
take a look at your elephant

if you'll show us where
you found the champagne.

You got a deal.

Right around there.

I don't believe it.

Do you guys see the elephant?

Yeah, a pink elephant.

Well, what do you
know? He's really there.

Come on, Willie, let's
go see about your friends.

Oh, yeah.

Cross the street, Jim.

What do you think?

Expect for the vest,
she fits the description.

So do half the kids in the city.

Pretty sure of
herself isn't she?

At that age, who isn't?

We'll swing around
the block, talk to her.

If that was our girl,

looks like she got
herself another $20 ride.

She can almost be
anywhere by now.

Wrong, partner. Jackpot.

One-Adam-12, code 6 at
Van Arden and Belmont.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Help me! He's trying to
attack me! Make him let me go!

That's a lie, Officer.

All right, let her go, Mister.

You degenerate.

Officer, I want him arrested.

A girl isn't safe anymore with
creeps like him running around.

Calm down, Miss.

All right, Miss. You
first, what happened?

He tried to attack me.
That's what happened.

She's a little liar,
officer, and I can prove it.

You'll have your chance, sir. Right
now I want to hear what she has to say.

I was hitchhiking,
and he gave me a lift.

As soon as I got in the
car, he started talking dirty.

I told him I wasn't
that kind of a girl.

I asked him to let me out
of the car, and he wouldn't.

Said he was gonna
take me up to the canyon.

What's your name, Miss?

Carol, Carol Walker.

That isn't what
she told me before.

You have some identification?

Yes, my student ID card.

Carol Walker.

When she got in the car
she told me her name was Jo.

He's a liar.

A dirty old liar.

All right, you want to
step over here with me.

He ought to be behind bars.

May I see your
license please, sir?

Mr. Johnson,
what's your version?

Well, she demanded
that I give her money.

$20. I refused.

And she said if I didn't,

she say that I tried
to get fresh with her

and she call the police on me.

I told her she didn't
have to call the police,

that I'd drive her to the
nearest police station.

That's when she changed her tune

and said she was only kidding.

I can prove everything
I say, Officer.

You were alone in
the car with her, right?


I'm afraid it's just
your word against hers.

You know I told you I had proof?

Let me get my attache case from
the front of the car, and I'll show you.

It's right there
in the front seat.

I'll get it.

That's a voice-activated
tape recorder.

I use it in my work. I'm
employed by a survey company.

I find the tape more
convenient than taking notes.

You start the machine by pressing this
little button right next to the handle.

And you had this on
while she was in the car?

You bet. You want me
to play it back for you?

We better do that,
but why don't you pull

your car around the
corner and lock it?

We'll take you
down to the station.

You can play it
for the detectives.

Get in the car, Miss.

Aren't you gonna arrest him?

Get in the car, please.

This isn't right.

Neither is extortion.

$260 in her purse.

- She had a good thing going
for her while it lasted.
- Yeah.

It's hard to believe she's 24.
She didn't look a day over 17.

We're lucky we ran into
that guy from San Francisco.

Not that many
good Samaritans left.

All units in the vicinity
in One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

908 South Wallace
Street, the service station.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

They caught Williams again.

I figured.

Oh, you guys are a big help.

He's probably halfway
back to Watts by now.

It was the same guy
who got me yesterday.

Only he cleaned out
the floor safe this time.

Oh, and he got my g*n, too.

Are you sure it
was the same man?

Of course I'm sure.

He even told me that he saw me

on the television
news last night.

That's how he knew
I was the owner.

He even hit me up against the
side of my head with my own g*n.

Said he was gonna
blow my h*nky head off

if I didn't open
the safe for him.

Clean me out almost $900.

Well, what was he
wearing this time?

Same outfit.

Kind of money he's getting you'd
think he could afford a change.

Can you tell us anything
else that might help us?

Yeah, I got a look
at his car this time.

He had it parked
around the side over here.

It was one of
those red sport jobs.

Uh, foreign make.

Lit out of here like
his tail was on fire.

- Which direction?
- South.

Did you get a look at
the license number?

Are you kidding?

The way my head was spinning,
I was lucky I can see the car.


Would you move these
people out of here?

Suspect is described
as a male n*gro,

blue jacket and gray trousers.

Suspect last seen heading
south on Wallace Street.

Vehicle used was a red sports
car, unknown year or make.

Tell you one thing.

That guy was high on
something, and I don't mean booze.

What makes you think so?

I don't think it. I know it.

Look at this.

Put that thing down right now.

But it scared you, right?

It's a toy.

The guy stuck me
up with a toy g*n.

I'll tell you, if
I've known that,

I'd have blown his head off.

Said he took you
g*n, what kind was it?

Had it in the desk drawer.

How did he get the drop on you?

Same way as he did yesterday.

Waited till I got in the office.

Stepped through the door.

Said I was dead if I
so much as blinked.

He knew about the g*n.

Yeah, so did everybody else

that watched the news
on that channel last night.

Well, I'll tell you what
we need in this country

is a little old-fashioned
lynch law.

It's the only way you're
gonna stop these people.

You cops can't do it.

It's a toy g*n.

Every time I think
about it, I get sick.

Don't let it bother you.

He's got a real one now.

All units and all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Mary-82 is in pursuit.

One-Mary-82, your location?

South bound on Sepulveda.
Approaching Vermont.

We can intercept at Hoover.


what's the vehicle wanted for?

Traffic violation. Vehicle
is a red sports car.

One occupant... male, n*gro.

Must be 5,000 red
sport cars in L.A.

At least.

One-Mary-82, your location?

Still south bound on Sepulveda.

Approaching Hope.
Turning west on Maple.

Suspect vehicle jump.

One-Mary-82, come in.

One-Mary-82, come in.

Any available unit,
identify and handle.

Officer needs help on
Maple, west of Sepulveda.

Grab it.

One-Adam-12, will handle.

Roger. Handle Code 3

requesting an ambulance

on Maple, west of Sepulveda.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Guy must be a kook.

Opened up on me and
went over the fence.

Is it bad?

Doesn't feel good, Pete.

There was want put
out on that car, Jerry.

He's a 211 suspect.

I didn't hear it.

I was code 7 just
before I spotted him.

Take it easy.
Ambulance is on the way.

Well, I got a shot at
him. Guess I missed.

Watch yourself.

He's g*n happy.

Cover the back
and the east side.

Pete, over here.

Jim, are you all right?

Yeah, he's in the shack.

Give it up, fella!
There's no way out!

Don't sh**t no more.
I'm out of b*ll*ts.

Don't sh**t.

All right, throw the g*n out.

Now, you, Mister. Hands high.

Okay, okay, I'm coming.
Just don't sh**t no more.

Turn around, hands on your head.

Come on.


Had you fooled. You thought it
was some n*gg*r pulling them jobs.

It's strange you held
up William's gas station.

You two have so much in common.
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