Here on Earth (2000)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Here on Earth (2000)

Post by bunniefuu »

Baby's black balloon makes her fly

I almost fell into a hole in your life

- Tuck that shirt in, son.

Yes, sir.

And you weren't thinking about tomorrow

'Cause you were the same as me

With all your needs

A thousand other boys could never reach you

How could I have been the one

I saw the world spin beneath you

And scatter like ice from the spoon

There was your home

Comin'down the world turned over

A dangerous fall without you there

I go on as you get colder

Or are you someone who's there

You know the lies they always told you

The only love you never dreamed

Was of things they never showed you

That swallowed the light from the sun

Inside your world

- Oh, somebody's lost.


I'm comin'down to a world turned over

A dangerous fall without you there

As I go on I will lead you homeward

All because all

I'll become

You became to me

[Steve ]: Sweet ride.

Who scored this?

- Probably some spoiled-ass mother...

- Shiverson!

- [Steve ]: Look at that chrome on that thing, man.

- [Boy #2] Very nice.

[Shiverson ]: It's, uh, a very nice gift.

I'm sure you're disappointed.

Why, 'cause my father can't come to graduation?

He's in London, in the middle of a deal

that's gonna double our stock price.

I don't need him to jeopardize

that for some bullshit graduation ceremony.

Sorry, sir.

The graduation ceremony is not bull.

Certainly not when you're valedictorian.

With all due respect, sir,

I didn't spend four years here...

just so I could give a "go get 'em" speech

to a bunch of whining children.


you know the rule about cars on campus.

So I'll keep it in the motor pool until after Sunday's ceremony,

and then it's all yours.

So, uh, if that's it...

My sister's boyfriend's got one. It's lickety, bro.

It's like a G-4 in a tail wind.

I can have sex with a car like that.

Just don't burn your wood drill on the tailpipe.

No, I mean I could have sex with a woman

if I had a car like that.

Steve, you couldn't have sex with a woman

if you gave her a car like that.

So he wouldn't even let you take it out for a quick spin?

A little shakedown cruise?

I don't need Shiverson's permission

to take my own car out.

Valet key.

It was on his desk.

I've never been here before

Didn't know where to go Never met you before

I've never been to your home

- [Tires Squealing]

[Music Continues]

- [Whooping]

You can do all the things that you learn to do

All around on the ground Pick a part that's new

You can do all the things that you like to do

All around, upside down

[Everyone Chattering]

- I swear I'm bein' blackmailed into this.

- Ha. Not true.

Somebody else better be up there

takin' the Kn*fe after me.

Just do it already.

- [Tapping On Table]

[Jennifer ]: - Can I ask you a really big favor?

I have a date tonight.

- It's my graduation night.

- I know.

I'm sorry. I forgot that I was closing. I would ask Mom,

but she's baby-sitting Patty.

Please, Sam? Finish my shift for me. I promise you

I will owe you so big-time.

You already owe me your firstborn.

Oh, well, you can have her.

She likes you better anyway.

- Your turn, sucker.

- So, do I carve it up?

I have to do my sister a giant favor that

she'd never do for me.

Oh, come on. I do you favors.

She hasn't had a date in like a year.

All right.

[Steve]: Look, what are we doin', Kelley?

- You guys hungry?

- What, do you have a death wish?

- The Putties hate our guts.

- [Steve]: Can we just leave?


Let's eat.

What the hell's he doing in?

So, what'll it be?

Uh, what's good here?

Besides the help.


Can I take your order?


Do you really make

your own ice cream?

With our very own hands.

How does one actually

make ice cream?


It's a secret family recipe.

- You won't even tell me?

- Not even you.

- I bet I can get it out of you.

- Better men have tried.


They don't look like better men to me.

Three vanilla shakes will be fine.

Let me get that for you, Kelley.

If you check out my ass

when I walk away,

your shake will be in your lap.


- [Steve]: Let's just get out of here.

Are you trying to get at me, Richie?

- "Richie"?

- Yeah. Richie Rich. That's your name, isn't it?

- Let's just get outta here.

[Kelley]: No, he's right.

You can tell a lot from appearances.

Look at him.

I would say that you're poor.

They're not homeless or anything,

Just run of the mill poor.

Judging from your lazy grin,

I'd say you're not too bright either.

- Come on.

Kell, let's just go.

- Take it easy!

- v*olence. The first refuge of the poor and...

[Samantha]: Hey, cut it out!

- Hey, you want to get yourself hurt, or what?

[Kelley]: - Who's gonna hurt me? Him?


: - Get out!

[Charlie]: - Kell, let's just go, man.

- Later, Richie.

- You can count on it.

- You're lucky I don't kick you out.

- He was all over you, and l...

You were just picking a fight

while I'm in charge.


I can't even talk to you.


Let's just go, Kelley.

What are we doin' here, man?

- Hey, I wanna know one thing before I go.

- What's that?

What freaks you out more?

Gettin' bailed out by your girlfriend...

or knowing that she was

adding me to her fantasy file?

[Tires Squeal]

What did he say?

I think he just said,

"Come kick my ass."


Hell, that was awesome, man.

You should've seen their faces.

Should've seen your face, man! You were scared shitless.

No lie. You make

me feel better about...

- Oh, my God.

- Holy sh*t.

Hey, Richie.

Come and get it.

Come on, farm boy.

- Yeah!

- Push it down. Get 'em!

I should remind you not to go over 50 miles per hour

for the first thousand miles.

Shut up, Charlie.

- Are there any air bags back here?

[Steve]: - Shut up, Charlie!

[Pete]: Hi, pussies.

This isn't fun. I'm not having fun.

[Steve]: What are you doing?


That's what I'm talkin' about!

- Punch it!

- [Steve]: He's right behind you.

- [Pedestrians Screaming]

- [Tires Screeching]


[Sirens Wailing]

We're gonna have a few questions at the station,

so get in the back of the car.

Watch your heads.

You should probably come down to the hospital

and get checked out.

Really, I'm fine.

You know who I am, son?

Sheriff Cavanaugh?

My wife is Jo Cavanaugh,

and her mother was Mable.

You almost took my daughter

from me tonight.

So, you rise me one more time,

this sh*t heap you're in is just gonna get deeper.

Sheriff, if this is a thr*at...


- What the hell is goin' on?

- The nice thing about my job is I don't have to thr*aten anybody.

[EARL]: Grab them too.

Me? Hey, I was

practically kidnapped!

I understand you're

from New York, Your Honor.

- Born and bred.

- Me too. Upper East Side.

Good for you. But we're not bonding here,

so don't get your dress over your head.

Mr. Morse, I presume.


[VIN]: Your Honor, we were thinking that

some sort of probation would be appropriate.

[Judge]: Probation, huh?

Let's think it through.

They talk to a probation officer

once a week for a year or so.

Maybe do a couple hundred hours of volunteer work

at a community center.

That what you had in mind?

- Something like that, yes.

- Not gonna happen, but thanks for playin'.

Gentlemen !

I don't know what your lawyers told you,

but this is pretty serious stuff.

A probation walk was fine

for the other boys, the ones in the cars with you,

but you two were the cowboys

behind the wheel.

We're gonna have to do

something different with you.

I understand Mr. Arnold has been

contracted to rebuild Mable's.

Yes, that's right, Your Honor.

We'd like to make another suggestion,

with the court's permission.

- sh**t.

- Mr. Morse has graciously offered to pay...

for the restaurant,

as long as all charges against his son are dropped.

- That sounds nice, huh?

- We thought it appropriate.

Not in my court.

In my court, you fix what you broke.

So here it is. I'd be willing

to dismiss all charges in this case...

if the boys volunteer

for community service...

working with the crew

rebuilding Mable's Table.

It's a chance to put back

what you took,

and maybe, just maybe,

it'll not only result

in the building of a restaurant,

but in the building

of character as well.

You can have some time

to talk it over with your attorneys.

That's okay, Judge.

We'll take the deal.

Your Honor, that's completely impractical for Calvin.

Where would he live?

Even if Rallston would take him,

the dorms are closed for the summer.

The nearest motel is 30 miles away, Your Honor,

and his driver's license

has been revoked.

Actually, we have a room

above our garage.

The boy could pay rent.

[JUDGE]: It works for me.

How about you, Counselor?

[VIN]: That's acceptable to us as well, Your Honor.

Another Rallston boy takes a bite out of

the Cavanaugh family.

I had nothing to do with this one.

I wasn't even here. Exactly.

You... Nobody's blaming anybody.

It would have been nice if one of you'd called me

when the trouble first started.

[JO]: I remember when Jesse

and Alice carved this.

Mom, remember what you said

to me so many times?

As long as we're all alive,

it's nothing more than a bad day. Right?

Yeah. We can b*at a bad day. Right?



They're here! They're here!

That's because he doesn't like

the percentage we're offering.

Then he's gonna have to

come up with a better deal.

It's a matter... Yeah. I gotta go.

Listen, I worked everything out with these people,

including your meals.

So all you're gonna need is some spending money.

This should last you for a while,

but if you need some more,

you just call my office.

- I'm gonna be a little hard to reach for the next few weeks.

- Okay.

- [Betsy]: Hello there.

- [John]: Good afternoon.

Hey. I'm running a little late,

and I have a flight to catch,

so I assume there's nothing

else we need to discuss.

No. I think we're good.

Your room's right above the garage if you want to go up.

Now, you remember what I told you.

Keep your eyes forward on the important things.

Yes, sir.

[Robin]: That's Ralph.

He lives here too.


Maybe I should take him up a plate.

Honey, we offered.

When he gets hungry, he'll come down.

[Jasper]: Let him starve.

After everything he did.

How many cars were

in that race, anyway?

- Two.

- Was he driving both of them?

I think he's hot.


My dad's already got me

fixing fence posts till I'm 90.

Plus the work at Mable's.

I got enough problems without you being mad at me.

I just think you could have been

the bigger man. That's all.

All right. Okay.

Well. Is everything

still okay with us?


God, we haven't done that

in about a hundred years.

- [Sputtering]

- [Laughing]

You were never very good at that.

Ah, but I'm the one that taught you.

- I'm the one that mastered it.

- [Sputtering]

[Both Laughing]



Time to get up, Richie.

Gotta evacuate the cows.

Is there a gas leak or something?


You're out of your mind if you think

I'm touchin' that thing.

[Betsy]: Well, good morning.

- Can I fix you something?

- Breakfast is served after morning chores.

I don't eat breakfast.

I was just coming in to find out when we leave for work.

Be at the truck in 20 minutes.

-[Jasper]: Not getting tired, are you, Richie?

-[Kelley]: No.

-[Kelley]: Got an extra hour's sleep

while you were fondling your cows.

[Malcolm]: That's lunch!

Break time, guys.

Food and drink's in the cooler.

I'll get my own lunch.

[Malcolm]: Suit yourself.

Lunch! Let's go.

Okay, I'm outta here.

- [Kiss]

- Good to be your father.

Good to be your daughter.

- Do you know what I was thinking about last night, Mom?

- What?

They're giving us all this money

to rebuild. Right?

So we can start all over from scratch and have fun.

We can go to antique stores...

and flea markets

and get funky furniture.

We could do that.

We could stop on the way back from Dr. Falco's.


I completely forgot about Dr. Falco.

That's a good sign.

I guess your knee hasn't been bothering you.

Mom, my knee's fine.

- So can I cancel Dr. Falco?

- No.

- Oh, I hate this.

- I know.

He's just making sure everything's still okay.

My knee's fine.

Why do we have to keep coming here?

- Because the doctor said so.

- [Nurse]: Samantha?

[Pastor]: When something is taken away

from us so violently,

like the recent fire at Mable's Table,

we are forced to ask questions.

Was it simply a terrible accident?

Atoms colliding at random?

A result of young people

making poor choices?

Or was it the hand of God...

a part of a larger plan

that He might have for us?

[Pete]: Hey, Jasper. Where's

your new pal Kelley today?

[Jasper]: Oh, he's at your house, getting busy with your mom.

[Pete]: Really? 'Cause last night when I was with your mom,

she said he was kind of cute.

It made me jealous.

- Enough with the mother thing already.

- I second that.

- Excuse me.

What? I'm just saying

enough's enough. I like your mom.

Hey, guys. We're goin'

skinny dipping tonight. Wanna come?

- Dad's making me work.

- My man looks good naked.

- [Giggles]

- Yeah, I'm like Tarzan.

- See you later?

- Mm-hmm.

[Crowd Applauding Nearby]

[Kelley]: Good afternoon,

classmates and invited guests.

Today we mark the end

of our infancy,

the end of our childhood,

the end of our beginning.

As new graduates we look forward

with hope to the future,

and then the future

becomes the past.

At what point in our lives do we begin thinking about

the past and the future?

I know when I was a child

I never gave them much thought.

I miss those days.

Robert Frost once wrote about his carefree youth,

climbing the branches of birch trees.

He wrote, "So I was once myself

a swinger of birches,

and so I dream of going back to be."

So do I, Mr. Frost.

So do I.


[Malcolm]: Let's go. You ready?

I'm not hungry.

We'll be right up.

These folks are being very gracious,

don't you think?

Inviting you to their home after

everything that's happened.

Look. I come to work.

I do my job. Okay?

That's the deal I made.

My probation doesn't say anything...

about me sittin' around spittin' out

watermelon seeds with you people.

I gotta tell you, son.

I don't think you're gonna make

the summer with this attitude of yours.

I'm not your son.

No, you're not.

-[Patty]: Grandpa!

-[Earl]: Hey.!

- Whoa. How's my girl?

- Earl, missin' a great lunch here.

- I'll catch up.

- We have tons of food, baby.

Jo, appreciate this. Thank you.

You guys have been working

so hard, you deserve it.

Where's Sam?

Don't worry, I won't tell

anybody you actually ate.

I'd like it if you'd stop sulking

long enough to try.

- I'm not sulking.

- Oh, come on.

We invite you over for lunch.

And you decide to sit out here

like a really big baby.

And at what point did I give you the impression that

it was okay to come out here and insult me?

Stay away from Samantha.

Relax. I'm not makin'

a move on your girlfriend.

- You think I'm worried about that?

- Don't know, don't care.

Stay away from her.

Or what, exactly?

Listen, Richie. You don't want

to mess with me. All right?

Ooh. Scary.

I'm surprised you even botherwith a girlfriend,

you got such a good thing with those cows.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- Aw, come on.

You got yourself a regular harem out there.

Get your hands up their skirt every morning.

You serenade them every night.

That, or you're in love with a 600-pounder

who likes to chew her vomit.

- You know what I'm really doin' up there, Richie?

- What's that?

Your mother.

[Jasper]: What's your problem, man?

[Malcolm]: Hey!

[Earl]: Hey!

Stop it!

What's the matter with you?

Come on. Get up.

Let's go. Let's go.

Hey, hey! You can quit right now.

Right now.

I quit.

You can't quit. It isn't a job.

It's a sentence! God.

- I'll talk with that kid.

- No, no! Earl.

Just wait. Let him go.

Let him cool off, okay?

You. Look at me. You know better.

Go to the truck. Now.

[Playing Awkwardly]

- [Sighs]

- [Exhales]

Albert. I expect you to know

that piece by next Tuesday. Okay.

- Okay.

- Okay. Get outta here.

Come and sit.

Dad already gave me

an earful, so, uh...

You still remember how to play?

[Jazz Phrase]

Music's always been our thing,

hasn't it?

You and me?

It'll always be something we share.

I imagine you think

Kelley's real lucky.

Gets to have all that money.

Seems to have the whole world

in his hands.

Ever consider maybe

you're the lucky one?

I didn't see a mother

in that courtroom.


- [Robin]: You k*lled him.

k*lled who?

What are you talkin' about?

You just threw him in the garbage!

- What did he ever do to you?

- Are we talkin' about the mouse?

You're just a jerk.

I'm never speaking to you again.

I'm just so sick of not being able

to buy good clothes around here.

So, you want to come

to Boston next week?

I'm hot.

I need to go get something to drink.

My sister hates you.

Why? She doesn't even know me.

Well, she hates you on principle.

I'm glad it's not personal.

What was that about?

I k*lled Ralph.

Oh. You could get arrested for that.

Will there be handcuffs?

Do you want handcuffs?

Depends on who's puttin' them on.

Probably the sheriff,

so don't get too excited.

Do you always bring

the sheriff on dates?

Not if I'm the one

who's breaking the law.

Meet me tonight.

Let's see what you got, slugger.

[Kelley]: Okay.

Oh, there's a sh*t!

- [Kelley]: It's a home run!

- That wasn't my best pitch.

-[Sam]: Baseball's not really my sport.

- What is?

- Track.

- Really?

Running hurdles. I was pretty good,

but then...

cracking your kneecap

will change that one in a hurry.



I had a full ride to B.U.

So I'll just have to pay for college

the old-fashioned way now.

Student loans.

What's after college?

Probably med school.

Although I'd like to toy

with the idea...

of spending my whole life here in the woods,

writing poetry.

Yeah. Med school sounds a bit more practical.

There are worse things to be

than a swinger of birches.

You know that poem?

My favorite.

I heard your speech.


I saw you walking.

And you followed me?

I liked it.


It's a sad poem too,

though, isn't it?

Life is too much like a pathless wood

where your face burns and tickles.

The cobwebs, broken across it.

And one eye is weeping

from having a twig lash across.

I'd like to get away

from Earth a while,

and then come back to it

and begin over.

What are you thinking?

I was just thinking about that

ham sandwich you brought me the other day.

What about it?

I was just wondering

if there was mustard, or...

- That was nice.

- Nice?

- There was a lot going on in "nice."

- Like what?

- [Patty]; What name should I give him?

- [Jo]: His name should be Mikey.

- [Patty]; How about Mikey Red?

- [Jo]: Mikey Red is a very good name.

Mom. What about this one?

Ah, it's okay.

It doesn't thrill me.

- Mom. Mommy, I have to go tinkle.

-[Jennifer]: Oh

I'll take her. It's all right.

- Thanks, Mom.

- Okay.

- What, already? You keep staring at me.

- Mm-hmm.

You're seeing him, aren't you?

- Who?

- Don't even think about denying it.

I know that look, Sam.

I have had that look.

We just hung out. No big deal.

Are you crazy?

You know what those Rallston guys are like.

- No. I know what your Rallston guy was like.

- Excuse me.

Trust me.

They are all the same.

You don't think I know

what you're feeling?

Hmm? He seems exciting to you, different, maybe

even a little dangerous.

Believe me, honey.

I have been there.

- I'm not marrying him, Jen. We're just...

- Hanging out.



[Crowd Cheering]

[Shop Bell Jingles]

[TV Continues, Indistinct]

Hey. I thought

we were gonna meet later.

Well, when I saw you

walk in, I couldn't wait.

I told Malcolm

I was walking home.

- Your, uh, good buddy Pete's up there.

- Yeah, I know.

So I can't buy a soda?

- Come here.

- What are you doing?

[Door Opens]

[Vanessa]: Hey, baby.

Hey, Vanessa.

Look what we got here.

- Sam, what are you doing?

- Nothing. I'm not doing anything.

- You're cheatin' on my boy.

- Let's go. Okay?

Come on.

I don't want to get

between you and another guy.

That's just not cool.

I know.

Things are different

with me and Jasper now.

We're not little kids anymore.

And things change, right?

Does he know they've changed?

Let's not talk about this right now.

I wish we could do what Frost says.

Leave Earth for a while

and come back and begin all over.

- It would be so nice.

- Nice.


- What you doin'?

- Getting away for a while.

- Florida.

- What's Florida?

- The southernmost tip of you.

- Mm-hmm.


Florida tickles.

- Then let's move north, shall we?

- All right.

Got Georgia peaches.

And South Carolina.

A very beautiful state.

This is North Carolina.

I move further north,

and I find Maryland.

[Kelley]: Mmm.

- Seems Maryland tickles too.

- I think so.

- I suppose that one there's New York.

- Mmm.

That's Jersey. That's New York.

Planning a visit?


I'm heading towards Massachusetts.

Massachusetts welcomes you.

How bad is it?

Is it fixable?

I don't know. It's pretty bad.

Guess you spoke to Pete.

What are you doing?

I don't know.

This guy walks into town,

and he says a few things,

and he makes you think

a few things.

But it's not real. We're real.

Me and you. We've always been real.

I've always known that

we're gonna be together.

I think you have too.

- Well, what if the only reason that...

- No. Come on.

Don't do this.

We have a Fourth of July

dance coming up next week.

Clam bake, camping on the beach.

The whole thing. Just like last year.

Remember? Come with me.

I mean, this thing with him is just gonna turn out

to be a thing. You know?

You don't want to waste us

on that, do you?




Ohh, wow.

This is beautiful!

My favorite spot.

So, anyway, there's

this Fourth of July dance.

And, you know, the whole town goes.

It's this tradition.

And they have fireworks and food...

and people bring

their dates and stuff.

Hey, Samantha. I would be honored

to be your date.


Wow. Gosh.

Uh... Just that I sort of...


I kind of have to go with Jasper.


I didn't think things

with you and him were...

- I don't know what they are.

- I see.

Do you still have feelings for him?

Well, of course.

I always will, but...

I'm not... I mean, it's...

- not really...

- Um, Samantha, I don't understand.

I mean, what are you doing with me?

You've just kind of

taken me by surprise, you know.

I... I didn't expect you.

Look, maybe we can get

together after the dance.

I, uh... I can't because

we're going to Cape Cod.

A-And we...

We go to Cape Cod every year.

Like, don't worry about it. I mean,


It's not like we got

some serious thing.

You know, I mean, we're

just havin'fun, right?



[Phone Rings]

[Ringing Continues]


Yes, this is Samantha.


Well, did he say what it was about?


Sure, I'll tell them Tuesday.


- [Screen Door Opens]

- [Jo] Who was on the phone?

- Somebody selling something.

- Oh, don't you hate that?


Thought you could call him "Ralph."

I found him at a pet store

up in Concord.

He's pretty cool, don't you think?

- [Wheel Squeaking]

- Ralph Junior.

He's okay, I guess.

I'll let you two get acquainted.

Hey, Ralph Junior.

[Car Radio Playing Rock]

[Engine Turns Off, Music Stops]

[Pete]: Hey, Jas, come on!

What's wrong, Richie,

you couldn't find a date?


- [Pete]: Jas!

- [Door Opening]

[Door Opening]

- Hey.

- Hey.

[Music "I Need Love" Plays]


I left my couch and like

A crying child

Locked the doors behind me

Put the pain on file

Broken like a window

I see my blindness now

And I need love

Not some sentimental prison

I need love

[music Continues]

I can't wait.

Bought this new bathing suit.

It's a one-piece, but

it's mesh in the middle.

Oh, my God. It's so wicked cool.

I can't explain it. You got to see it.

It's black, and it's deep dyed.

[music Continues]

Broken like a window

I see my blindness now

And I need love

Not some sentimental prison

I need love

Now, it's for members of the town, right?

And since I... am now a proud member...

of this town, then I should be allowed to go, right?

I should definitely go.

I should absolutely be allowed.

It's settled then.

I am a great dancer.

I need love

Not some sentimental prison

I need love

Who here... wants to be my date?


Do you... wanna dance?

Come on, baby.

Will you go to the dance with me?

All right.

Okay. Fine.

- [Cow Mooing]

- Be sure to tip your waitress.



- [Samantha]: No. No, I hate that hat.

- [Jasper] You look great.

[Jasper]: It's a good hat.

Hey, what's up?

- Hey, Kelley.

- Hey, Kelley.

- Are you drunk?

- No.

- No. Why, are you?

- No.

- Man, maybe you'd better go, huh?

- Go?

Hey, I just got here. Huh?

- Kelley, I think that you should leave.

- Leave? Why?

[Chuckles] Oh, farm boy's getting ready to rumble, huh?


Come on.

Come on, dance with me.

Huh? Jasper doesn't mind, do you, Jasper?

- I think you better go, before I kick... All right?

- Hey. Hey.

Hey, what's everybody

getting so huffy for, huh?

Huh? Relax.

Hey, gonna dance with you.



[Jasper]: Come on.


- Where you going?

- Back to Boston.

What about your probation?

You could've just danced with me.

- I was there with a date.

- I should've been your date!

I thought that I explained that to you.

Yeah, you made your choice.

Kelley, that's not fair.

- Look, come with me.

- What?

- Come to Boston.

- I can't go with you to Boston.

Just for the weekend.

You can be back by Sunday.

Look, Samantha.

We don't have to hide.

We can be together.

[Door Hisses]

What's goin' on?


What did you say to him?

I can't go...

with you, Jasper.


- I can't be with you.

- What? No... Stop sayin' that.

Just... Just come with me, okay?

Me and you were

supposed to be together.

I just don't know anymore.


N-Nobody knows you like I do, all right?


Nobody sees you like I do.

We belong together.


I love you. I...I love you, Sam.

I have to go.


I'm sorry.


Figure of divine perfection

No one's loved with more affection

Soul to soul we breathe

Oh, I won't let the fates succeed

Worried hours of contemplation

Whispered bits of conversation

Unaffected orderlies

Disinfected rooms and hallways

And if you sleep you sleep with God

And if I cry it's for my heart

'Cause if you sleep

'Cause if you sleep

I'll sleep too

Where's your butler?



it's Fourth of July weekend

plus my dad's out of town, so...

Can you show me around your mansion?


It's just a house.

Come on, let's go see

if there's food in the kitchen.

How 'bout...

I take the tour...



[Sam]: Polo.



Hey, Samantha?

Samantha, come on.

Game's over.

- Samantha, get out of the tub.

- What's the matter?

Just get out of the tub.

Kelley, what's wrong?


You okay?

My mother loved her roses.

She would just sit in here for hours and stare at 'em,

breathin' 'em in.

They only bloom once a year

at the end of summer, but...

she always said that's

what made 'em so special.

And then just fade away.

In the summers when I was a kid,

she used to take me outside

to stand in the rain.

She said it was good for our hair.

Hers was so long.

So beautiful.

I found her in the tub.

The water was so thick with blood,

it looked like paint.

I tried to wrap a towel around her wrist

to stop the bleeding.

But she wasn't bleeding.

It was all in the tub.

I always knew

my mother was sad, you know?

She didn't say a word.

She just gave up.

I wonder what the world record is

for staying in bed.


I bet we could break it easy.

Stay here?

I'm gonna make you breakfast.

[DEVIN's "Whatever Turns You On" Plays]

What about the record?


Whatever turns you on turns me on

Oh, let's get started Ohh, that's right

Whatever turns you on turns me on

Oh, baby, I'm there

I ain't scared

We're spinnin'round and round and upside down

Flyin' left and right Don't crash this flight

From north and south I'm all I found

[music Continues]

Whatever turns you on turns me on

Oh, let's get started

- [Footsteps]

I thought I told you

to wait in bed?

I have a feeling it might

get a little crowded.

I'll get Kelley.

[Faucet Squeaks]

So, how did you and Kelley meet?

- He b*rned down my family's restaurant.

- Oh.

I don't believe you'd bring a woman into Mom's house.

[Mr. Morse]: Don't you even think about

turning this around on me.

First of all, this is my house, and

this is a discussion about you...

and the fact that you continue to be

so reckless with your life.

- Dad, it's my life.

- No! Everything that you do reflects on me.

What you're gonna do now is

you're going back to Putnam immediately.

You will complete your obligation there.

- And in three week's time, you will start at Princeton.

- Dad, why?

Why do I have to start early?

Why can't I just start with everybody else?

I had to pull a lot of strings to make this happen,

and you're going.

Now, I'm sure this girl of yours

is a very nice distraction.

That's what it is. Just a distraction.

It's not your life.

You have much bigger things ahead of you.

Now get your eyes forward, already.

I think you have a bus to catch.

- [Door Squeaking]

- [Sighs] So what is it you think you're doing?

- What is it that you think I'm doing?

- I don't know.

- But whatever it is, it is gonna stop!

- [Phone Ringing]

- What's gonna stop?

- You know what he is!

- No. And you have no idea what he is!

- Will you get the phone?

- Didn't you learn from your sister?

- I'm not Jen.

- I'm walking into this with my eyes open.

- What is it you're walking into?

A relationship... with this kid?

He's gonna be gone in a few weeks.

You're not gonna hear from him again.

- Well, maybe he's different.

- Tell me how.

- Maybe he loves me.

- He doesn't know the meaning of the word!

- And you don't know him.

- [Jo]; That was Dr. Falco's office.

- What did he want?

- He wanted to confirm your appointment for tomorrow.

- They said they talked to you. Why didn't you tell us?

- 'Cause I'm not going.

- Why?

- Because I'm fine. And my knee is fine.

And it's been fine.

And I'm sick of talking about it!


I'm looking for Samantha.

I haven't seen her.


Well, if you see her,

just tell her it's

important she come home.

Look, I'm asking, Kelley.


Is everything okay?


I love this spot.

It's like Heaven...

right Here On Earth.

Maybe that's what heaven is.

Maybe we go through life collecting

people and places we love.

And they become our heaven.

And that's where your mom is.

She's in her heaven surrounded

by everything that she loves.

Including you.

- You think so?

- Yeah.

Let's race.




- [Kelley]: Samantha!

- [Sobbing]

What happened?

Are you okay?

[Moaning, Weeping]

So, what's the matter?

- Samantha, what is it?

- [Sobbing]

There's something

I have to tell you.

[Earl]: Boy, how does it go

from her leg to her liver?

[Falco]: That's how osteosarcoma works.

We always knew that

this was a possibility.

[Jo]: What can we do?


[Falco]: I wish there was a list of options

I could give you,..but there just isn't.


It just moved so fast.



I'm gonna go for a walk.

I'll be back in a minute.

Come and sit with me.


When you tell someone

you have cancer,

no matter how you say it, they just

end up feeling sorry for you.

And I didn't want you

feeling sorry for me.

Could you die from this?

I am gonna die from this.

- There's... There's nothing that they can do for you?

- Sure,

there are things they can do.

They're just not the right things for me.

- But if they can save you...

- Won't.

It's already spread.

Even with the treatment,

the best they can offer...

is a chance I could live a year or two.

It's not worth it.

So, what? You just gonna give up?

You just gonna die?


I'm going to live.

Just not as long as you.

[Horn Honking]

[Malcolm]: Come look at this stuff.

[Woman Singing]

- Found it at an old place out on Ridge Road.

Oh, yeah.

Jasper, Kelley, come here.

There were angels

- This, uh, English pine... nice and soft.

Good for carving. Look at that.

We won't lose track

'Cause a part of our backs

Feel the weight of wings

Why they fall it's hard to tell

But some things you can't

Buy or sell

Yeah, we only hurt the ones we love

While we don't need a reason

Only give up the thing we deserve

And that's something

To believe in

- [Knocking]

- Samantha? There's a young man here to see you.


- So you're comin' home in a couple of days?

- Yeah.

It's good, right?

It's great.


About that night?


We don't have to talk about it.

Just wanted to say that I'm sorry.

Well... I'm sorry.

What do you have to be sorry for?

I haven't been a very good friend.

You've been my best friend.

You'll always be my best friend.


I really do love you.

I love you too.



That's in there. Got it?

[Malcolm]: Bring it... Bring it right there.

[Electric Drill Whirring]

How's she doin'?

If you care so much, why don't

you go down and see her?

What's it to you?

Because I do care about her.

For whatever reason, she needs you.

Am I supposed to stay?

I'm not from Putnam, remember?

I've got a life to get back to.

Do you know how much it kills me every time that

I see her look at you?

Every time I hear her say your name, for Chrisakes?

But no matter how much it tears me

up inside to see you with her,

the one thing that I want right now...

is for you to get over your sh*t...

so that you can be with her.

Because she needs you right now!

Whether you want to admit it

or not, you need her too.

You do not know what I need.

You don't know anything about me.

Well, I know a lot more now, don't I?

I'll get that for you.

Let's go.



- I've been thinking.

- Uh-huh.

I want us to open the restaurant

like we planned.



Boy, you know, I wish you never met that Kelley.

Some people live their whole lives...

and never fall in love.

I lived my life,

and I fell in love.

It's good to be your father.

It's good to be your daughter.


- Earl?

- Yeah.


How could he let our baby go?


[music start]


These tears I've cried

I've cried

A thousand oceans

And if it seems

I'm flo-oh-oh


In air and down this swell

I can't believe

That I would keep

Keep you from flying

And I would cry

A thousand months

lf that's what it takes

To sail you home

Sail you home

Sail you home

You hangin' in there?

Hanging would definitely describe it.

I'm aware what the rules are

But you know that I will run

But you know that I will run

You know that I'll

Be here for I love you

And if I find you

Will you still remember

Playing at dreams

[music Continues]

- This is the part I've been dreading.

- You and me both.

Hi, everybody!

[Clears Throat]

As you all know, we have

a brand-new Lover's Wall...

just waiting for an inauguration.

For all you lovers, old and young,

we invite you to come inside

and make it permanent.

[Whistling, Cheering]

Come on in!

I think I'm going to go brave it.

Samantha, listen. I am so s...

[Kelley's Voice]

I'd like to go

by climbing a birch tree...

and climb black branches

up a snow-white trunk toward heaven,

till the tree could bear no more,

but dipped its top

and set me down again.

That would be good

both going and coming back.

One could do worse...

than be a swinger of birches.


Ohh, oh



There are times

I swear I know you're here

When I forget about my fears

Feelin'you, my dear

Watchin'over me

My hope seeks

For what the future will bring

When you wrap me in your wings

And take me

Where you are

Where you and I will breathe together

Once again

We'll be dancin' in the moonlight just like

We used to do

And you'll be smilin'back at me

Only then will I be free

When I can be

Where you are


And I can see your face

Your kiss I still can taste

Not a memory erased


Oh, I see your star

Shinin'down on me

And I'd do anything


lf I could just

Be right there

Where you are


Where you and I will breathe together

Once again


We'll be dancin' in the moonlight just like

We used to do


And you'll be smilin'back at me

Only then will I be free

Then I will be free

So take me where you are


Baby, there are times when selfishly

I'm wishin'that you were here with me

So I could wipe the tears from your eyes

And make you see

That every night while you are dreamin'

I'm here to guard you from afar


And anytime I feel alone

I close my eyes and dream of where you

Are - - -


And we will breathe together, baby



We'll be dancin' in the moonlight

And you'll be smilin'back at me


Only then will I be free

And then I will be free


Baby, I'll still believe


Oh, we got to believe


I will touch you that sweet day

That you take me there


Oh, where you are Oh, where you are, yeah


I've got to believe


I'll always be waiting

Here, yeah

- [Woman]

That sweet day, yeah


Only want to be where you are
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