George Carlin: Doin' It Again (1990)

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George Carlin: Doin' It Again (1990)

Post by bunniefuu »

So you want to talk about it?

Oh yeah.

It all started in 1977.

I mean,

that's when I started
doing it regularly.

How many times
have you done it?

Six times.

I've done it six times.

Why do you do it?

I don't know.

It's like I can't help myself.

What does your family think?

Thank God my
family doesn't know.

But how'd you get caught?

They were taping me.

Taping you?


Every time I did it,

they had a tape running.

Jumbo shrimp,

those words don't
even go together, man.

That's like
military intelligence,

they have that, too.

How did they do that?

That's what they tell you,

get on the plane,

get on the plane.

f*ck you,
I'm getting in the plane.

I wonder a lot of things,

but that's my job.

My job is
thinking up goofy shit.

Al Sleet here, your
hippie dippie weather man

with all the hippie
dippie weather, man.

Got into an argument
with my Rice Krispies.

I distinctly heard

Snap, Crackle, f*ck him.

Have a nice day.

And the original list was
shit, piss, f*ck, c**t,

mother fucker and tits.

This was all I could
think of in one sitting.

That's all your house is,

is a place to keep your stuff

while you go out
and get more stuff.

But here's a little cheer,

a lot of people like it,

it goes like this,

rat shit, bat shit,

dirty old twat.

69 assholes tied in a knot.

Hurrah, lizard shit.


I never f*cked a 10,

but one night
I f*cked five 2s.

Does it strike
you as mildly ironic

that most of the people
who are against abortion

are people you wouldn't want
to f*ck in the first place?

And now they're thinking
about banning toy g*ns,

and they're going to
keep the f*cking real ones.

Thank you,

thank you very much.

Welcome to our show.

Don't you think it's
just a little bit strange

that Ronald Reagan had
an operation on his assh*le

and George Bush
had an operation

on his middle finger, huh?


What are these two
men trying to tell us?

Now I'd like
to begin tonight

with an opening announcement.

Because of the FCC,

I'm never sure what it is

I'm allowed to say,


So I now have my
own official policy.

This is the language you
will not be hearing tonight.

You will not hear me say,

bottom line,

game plan,

role model,


or hopefully.

I will not kick back,

mellow out,

or be on a roll.

I will not go for it,

and I will not check it out.

I don't even
know what it is.

And when I leave here,

I definitely will not boogie.

I promise not to refer
to anyone as a class act,

a beautiful person,

or a happy camper.

I will also not be
saying, what a guy.

And you will not hear me
refer to anyone's lifestyle.

If you want to know what a
moronic word "lifestyle" is,

all you have to do is realize

that in a technical sense,

Attila the Hun

had an active,
outdoor lifestyle.

I will also not be
saying any cute things,

like moi,

and I will not use
the French adverb très

to modify any
English adjectives,

such as très awesome,

très narly, très fabut,

très intense,

or très out of sight.

I will not say concept

when I mean idea.

I will not say impacted

when I mean effected.

There will be no hands on

state of the art networking.

We will not maximize,

prioritize or finalize,

and we definitely
will not interface.

There will also...

There will also be

no new age lingo

spoken here tonight,

no support group jargon

from the human
potential movement.

For instance, I will not

share anything with you.

I will not relate to you,

and you will not
identify with me.

I will give you no input,

and I will expect
no feedback.

This will not be a
learning experience,

nor will it be
a growth period.

There'll be no sharing,

no caring,

no birthing,

no bonding,

no parenting,

no nurturing.

We will not establish
a relationship,

we will not have
any meaningful dialogue,

and we definitely will not

spend any quality time.

We will not be
supportive of one another

so that we can get
in touch with our feelings

in order to feel
good about ourselves.

And if you're one
of those people

who needs a little space,

please, go the f*ck outside!

We will,

we will, however,

be talking about
those little moments

that seem to last forever.

Have you ever been

in a serious social situation

when you suddenly realize

you have to pull the underwear

out of the crack in your ass?

Do you take this woman

to be your lawful wedded wife?


Who, her?

Oh, hell yeah.

Well, it's one of life's
little moments, isn't it?

It's one of those
little moments

you have to deal
with at the time.

You can't postpone that.

You can't put that off

and be walking
around like this.

You've got to get in there

and clear that thing out.

You've got to
rescue your underwear.

There's a letter
in your mailbox.

That's right.

And you have to rectify

that situation

so that you can move along

to your next
embarrassing moment,

which is probably
scheduled immediately.

That's the way life is,

full of those little moments.

Everybody knows them,

everybody recognizes them.

You ever been at
a really loud party,

I mean, a good loud party

where the music
is playing too loud

and everybody is
talking too loudly,

and in order to be heard

even by the person
standing right next to you,

you've got to be screaming
at the top of your lungs.

But every now
and then at a party,

it seems as though everyone
shuts up at the same time.

And only your voice,

can be heard.

Right, I know.

I know.

Well, what I'm going to do,

I'm going to have
my testicles laminated.

Life's little moments.

You ever been
talking to someone

and you laugh
through your nose

and blow a snot
on your shirt.

And you have to just
kind of keep talking,

you know,

and make believe
it's part of the design.

Works all right if you're
wearing a Hawaiian shirt,

but otherwise
they're going to notice.

Ed, you got a big
snot on your shirt.

Some guys are
really cruel, you know.

And some of these things

are not even your fault.

These little
things that happen,

you didn't cause
the situation,

a lot of time
you're the victim.

You walk into
some situation,

and suddenly you're the one
who's taking all the heat.

Not your fault.

Give you an example of
the kind of thing I mean.

Did you ever meet somebody

and you go to
shake the guy's hand

and you suddenly realize

he doesn't have
a complete hand?

And you got to make
believe it feels great,

Right, you can't go ahhhhhhhh,



You can't do that.

It's not even an option.

You got to hang
in there and say hi,

hey, swell hand.

Give me three.

Hi 3, yo!

Not your fault.

You didn't cause that.

You weren't even there

when it happened to the guy.

You were probably
out walking your dog,

which is what
I'm usually doing,

walking my dog.

Because I love my dog.

I love all my dogs.

I love every dog I ever had.

I remember them all,

and I love every one of them,

still love all my dogs.

And I've had me a
lot of God damn dogs.

In my lifetime I have had me

a bunch of different dogs.

Because you do keep getting
a new dog, don't you?

You just keep getting
one dog after another.

That's the whole
secret of life.

Life is a series of dogs.

It's true, you just keep
getting a new dog, don't you?

That's what's good about them,

they don't live too long.

And you can go get
a new God damn dog.

Sometimes you can get a dog

looks exactly like the dog
you used to have, right?

You shop around a little bit,

you can find a dog
identical to your former dog.

And that's real handy

because you don't
have to change

the pictures on your
mirror or anything,


You just bring the dead
one into the pet shop,

throw him up
on the counter,

say give me
another one of them.

That was real good.

And they'll give
you a carbon copy

of your ex-God damn dog.

Now, my favorite dog

that I ever had in my
whole lifetime was Tippie.

Tippie was a good dog.

Some of you remember,

I've talked about Tippie.

Tippie was a good dog.

Tippie was a mixed terrier.

You know that word mixed

that the veterinarian
puts on the form

when even he don't know
what the f*ck you got.

You bring in a little mixed
puppy to a veterinarian

and say, what is it?

He'll say, well,

it's definitely not a monkey.

Tippie was actually
part Dodge Dart.

Poor Tippie was full of guilt,

so much so in fact she's
the only dog I ever had

who committed su1c1de.

Yeah, well, we don't say it
like that around the house.

We say she put
herself to sleep.

But she ran out in
front of a milk truck.

That's f*cking su1c1de.

But that was her decision.

That's what
Tippie wanted to do.

And that's the way
it is in our family,

if you want to commit su1c1de,

we back you up.

So we supported Tippie

in her little
su1c1de decision,

then we brought
her into the pet shop,

threw her up on
the counter, and said,

give us something bigger.

We're trading up.

We was looking for
a bigger God damn dog.

Because Tippie
had been teenie,

even before
the truck came by.

The truck had
made her teenier,

wider, but teenier.

And we was looking for
a bigger God damn dog.

Not too big, you know,

I don't like a dog
who's bigger than I am.

It's bad enough looking
for shit in one direction

without having to duck
flying turds as well.

A good rule of thumb is

keep the dog's
assh*le below eye level.

So we compromised,

and we got us a mid-sized dog,

knee high, just about
like this size here,

best size you can
own, by the way.

Most people know,

this is the ideal
size dog to have.

You know why,

anybody comes to visit you,

the first thing
that dog does

is take his nose and put it

right in their crotch.

Oohh, oohh,

he smells my dog.

No, Marge, I don't
believe that's the
animal he has in mind.

And people get
embarrassed by that,

especially the
owner of the dog.

The owner's the one
who's saying stop that,

stop that, will you
stop that now, stop it.

I'm awfully sorry about this.

Not me, I say, get in
there and get some of that.

Get in there and sniff
that thing out, go on.

Listen, would you mind

spreading your
legs a little bit

so he can get right in there?

Yeah, stand like this for
a little while, would you?

Okay, looking good now.

So how's your mom
and dad doing, anyway?

Well, God bless them,
it's a wonderful couple.

Go around the back,
check it out in the back.

Sniff that other
thing in the back there.

What's that?

Well, there's two
different smells he likes,

what can I tell you.

Don't pay him no attention,

he'll be finished in
just about half an hour.

So listen, Reverend,

it's real nice of you to

come and call on us like this.

Every one of us is always
glad to see you around here,

especially that God damn dog.

Those dogs are great,

they'll break the ice

when a new
neighbor comes to call.

Hi, we're the Johnsons.

What's his name?

Ball Sniffer.

He's a crotch hound.

Let me know if you
want to get circumcised,

he's on duty
till 5:00 o'clock.

Dogs are a constant
source of entertainment.

Did you ever have a
dog that ate cat turds?

Some of them do,

some of you must know that?

Did you ever have a
dog eat cat turds?


Of course you got to
have a cat, you know.

You can't be buying cat
turds at the supermarket.

But it's true, some dogs
will eat cat turds, yeah.

Don't let them
lick you that day.

Get a bottle of
Listerine for him.

Try to make him gargle.

Pour it down his throat
and tell him to howl.

Come on, howl,

howl, God damn it.

Stomp on his tail.

Howl, I said,
God damn it, howl.

Oh, dogs are a lot of fun.

Did you ever have a dog

that ate a bunch
of colored balloons

and then he takes a shit

and it's real decorative like?

Or sometimes at Christmas

they'll eat some tinsel

and take a shiny shit.

Wow, look, mom,

can we hang it on the tree?

Well, it is considered
good luck in some cultures.

Here's a little
household hint for you.

This will help you
clean up after your dogs.

Feed your dog a
lot of rubber bands.

Put a lot of rubber bands
in with his regular food,

then when he takes a shit,

there's usually a little
loop in the end of it.

You just pick it
up by the loop,

do you know what I mean?

Throw it in the
neighbor's yard.


That's why I travel around,

give these little
household hints.

Bet you never read
that one in Heloise, huh?

Yeah, about time for me to
get a little drink of water.

Figure this stuff
is safe to drink.


Actually, I don't care
if it's safe or not,

I drink it anyway.

You know why?

Because I'm an American,

and I expect a little cancer

in my food and water.

That's right.

I'm a loyal American,

and I'm not happy

unless I've let
government and industry

poison me a
little bit every day.

Let me have a few hundred
thousand carcinogens here.


A little cancer
never hurt anybody.

Everybody needs a
little cancer, I think.

It's good for you,

keeps you on your toes.

Besides, I ain't
afraid of cancer,

I had broccoli for lunch.

Broccoli kills cancer.

A lot of people
don't know that,

it's not out yet.

It's true, you find
out you got some cancer,

get yourself a f*cking
bowl of broccoli,

that'll wipe it right
out in a day or two.

Cauliflower, too.

Cauliflower kills
the really big cancers,

the ones you can
see through clothing

from across the street.

Broccoli kills
the little ones,

the ones that are slowly
eating you away from inside,

while your God damn
goofy half-educated doctor

keeps telling you,

you're doing fine, Jim.

In fact, bring your doctor
a bowel of broccoli,

he's probably got cancer, too,

probably picked
it up from you.

They don't know
what they're doing,

it's all guesswork
in a white coat.

Here, let me have a few more
sips of industrial waste.


maybe, maybe I can turn them
cancers against one another.

That's what you got
to hope for, you know,

that you get more
than one cancer

so they eat each other
up instead of you.

In fact, the way
I look at it,

the most cancer you got,

the healthier you are.

Well, I know, some people

don't like you to
talk about those things,

I know that.

Some people don't like you
to mention certain things.

Some people don't
want you to say this,

some people don't
want you to say that.

Some people think if
you mention some things

they might happen.

Some people are
really f*cking stupid.

Did you ever notice that,

how many really stupid people

you run into during the day?

God damn, there's a
lot of stupid bastards
walking around.

Carry a little pad
and pencil with you,

you wind up with 30 or 40
names by the end of the day.

Look at it this way.

Think of how stupid
the average person is,

and then realize half of
them are stupider than that.

And it doesn't
take you very long

to spot one of them, does it.

Take you about
eight seconds.

You'll be listening
to some guy, and say,

this guy is f*cking stupid.


then there are some people,

they're not stupid.

They're full of shit.

Huh, that doesn't take
very long to spot, either,

does it.

Take you about the
same amount of time.

You'll be listening to
some guy, saying, well,

he's fairly intelligent.

Ah, he's full of shit.

Then there are some
people, they're not stupid,

they're not full of shit,

they're f*cking nuts.

Dan Quayle is all three,

all three,


full of shit,

and f*cking nuts.

And where did he
get that wife of his?

Have you taken a good look
at that Marilyn Quayle?

Where did he get her,

at a Halloween
party or something?

She looks like Prince
Charles, for Christ's sake.

Let me ask you something,

does he actually have
to f*ck that woman?


God help him,

I wouldn't f*ck her
with a stolen d*ck.

That's my political humor.

People like it
when you're topical.

Oh, some people don't
like you to talk like that.

Oh, some people would
like to shut you up

for saying those things.

You know that,
lots of people,

lots of groups in this country

want to tell you how to talk,

tell you what you
can't talk about.

Sometimes they'll say, well,

you can talk
about something,

but you can't joke about it.

Say you can't joke about
it because it's not funny.

Comedians run into that
shit all the time, like r*pe.

They'll say, you
can't joke about r*pe.

r*pe's not funny.

I say, f*ck you,

I think it's hilarious,
how do you like that?

I can prove to you
that r*pe is funny.

Picture Porky Pig

raping Elmer Fudd.


Hey, why do you think
they call him Porky, huh?

I know what
you're going to say,

Elmer was asking for it.

Elmer was coming on to Porky.

Porky couldn't help
himself, he got a hard-on,

he got horny,
he lost control,

he went out of his mind.

Lot of men talk like that,

lot of men think that way.

They think it's
the woman's fault.

They like to blame
the r*pe on the woman,

say, hey, she had it coming,

she was wearing a short skirt.

These guys think women
ought to go to prison

for being cock teasers.

Don't seem fair to me,

don't seem right,

but you can joke about it.

I believe you can
joke about anything.

It all depends on how
you construct the joke,

what the exaggeration is,

what the exaggeration is.

Because every joke
needs one exaggeration,

every joke needs one thing

to be way out of proportion.

Give you an example.

Did you ever see
a news story like
this is the paper?

Every now and then you
run into a story that says,

some guy broke
into a house,

stole a lot of things,

and while he was in there,

he r*ped an
81-year old woman.

And I'm thinking to myself,


What the f*ck
kind of a social life

does this guy have?

I want to say,
why did you do that?

Well, she was
coming on to me.

We were dancing,

and I got horny.

Hey, she was asking for it.

She had on a tight bathrobe.

I say, Jesus Christ,

be a little f*cking
selective next time, will you?

Now, speaking of r*pe.

You know what I wonder?

I wonder is there
more r*pe at the equator

or the North Pole?

These are the kind
of things I think about

when I'm sitting home alone

and the power goes out.

I wonder is there
more r*pe at the equator

or the North Pole.

I mean, per capita.

I know the
populations are different.

Most people think
it's the equator.

I think it's the North Pole.

People think it's the equator

because it's hot down there,

they don't wear
a lot of clothing,

guys can see women's tits,

they get horny, and there's
a lot of f*cking going on.

That's exactly why there's
less r*pe at the equator,

because there's a lot
of f*cking going on.

You can tell there's a lot
of f*cking at the equator,

take a look at the
population figures.

Billions of people
life near the equator.

How many Eskimos
we got, 30, 35?

No one's getting laid
at the North Pole,

it's too f*cking cold.

Guys say to their wives,

hey, tonight honey,
huh, tonight, huh?

Are you crazy,

the wind chill
factor is 300 below.

These guys are
deprived, they're horny,

they're pent up.

Every now and
then, they bust out,

they got to r*pe somebody.

Now, the biggest problem
an Eskimo r*pist has,

trying to get
wet leather leggings

off a woman who's kicking.

Did you ever try to
get leather pants off

of someone who doesn't
want to take them off?

You would lose your
hard on in the process.

Up at the North Pole,
your d*ck would shrivel up

like a stack of dimes.

That's another
thing I wonder.

I wonder, does a
r*pist have a hard on

when he leaves the
house in the morning,

or does he develop
it during the day

when he's walking around
looking for somebody?

These are the
kind of thoughts

that kept me out of
the really good schools.

Now I probably got
the feminists all
pissed off at me

because I'm joking about r*pe.

Feminists want to
control your language.

Feminists want to
tell you how to talk.

And they're not alone,

they're not alone,

I'm not picking
on the feminists,

they got a lot of
company in this country.

There's a lot of groups,

lot of institutions
in this country

want to control your language,

tell you what you can say

and what you can't say.

Government wants to tell
you some things you can't say

because they're
against the law.

Or you can't say this

because it's
against a regulation.

Or here's something
you can't say

because it's a secret.

You can't tell him that

because he's not
cleared to know that.

Government wants to
control information

and control language

because that's the
way you control thought.

And basically that's
the game they're in.

Same with religion.

Religion is nothing
but mind control.

Religion is just trying
to control your mind,

control your thoughts,

so they're going to
tell you some things

you shouldn't say
because they're sins.

And besides telling you
things you shouldn't say,

religion's going to suggest

to you some things
you ought to be saying.

Here's something you
ought to say first thing

when you wake
up in the morning.

Here's something
you ought to say

just before you
go to sleep at night.

Here's something we always say

on the third Wednesday
in April after the
first full moon in Spring

at 4:00 when the bells ring.

Religion is
always suggesting

things you ought to be saying,

same with political
groups of all kinds,

political activists,

anti-biased groups,

special interest groups

are going to suggest the
correct political vocabulary,

the way you ought
to be saying things,

and that's where
the feminists come in.

Now, as I said,

I got nothing
against the feminists.

In fact, I happen to agree

with most of the feminist
philosophy I have read.

I agree for instance
that for the most part,

men are vain,
ignorant, greedy,

brutal assholes who've just
about ruined this planet...

Who've just about
ruined this planet

because they're afraid

someone might have a bigger
d*ck out there somewhere.

Men are basically insecure
about the size of their dicks,

and so they go to w*r over it.

You don't have to be
a political scientist

or a history major

to see the bigger d*ck
foreign policy theory at work.

It goes something like this,

what, they have bigger dicks?

b*mb them.

And of course,

the bombs and
the b*ll*ts and the rockets

are all shaped like dicks.

I don't understand
that part of it,

but it is part
of the equation.

So I agree with that
abstract, that man,



have pushed the technology

that just about has this
planet in a stranglehold.

Mother Earth, r*ped
again, guess who?

Eh, she was asking for it.

I also happen to like it

when feminists attack
these fat ass housewives

who think there's
nothing more to life

than sitting home on the
telephone drinking coffee,

watching TV and pumping out
a baby every nine months.

Ba boom, ba boom, ba boom,
ba boom, ba boom.

Will seven be enough, Bob?

Ba boom, ba boom.

But what's the alternative?

What's the alternative

to pumping out a
unit every nine months?

Pointless careerism?

Putting on a man tailored
suit with shoulder pads

and imitating all the
worst behavior of men?

This is the noblest thing
that women can think of,

to take a job in a
criminal corporation

that's poisoning
the environment

and robbing customers
out of their money?

This is the worthiest
thing they can think of?

Isn't there something
nobler they can do

to be helping
this planet heal?

You don't hear much about that

from these middle class women.

I've noticed that most
of these feminists

are white, middle class women,

they don't give a shit

about black women's problems,

they don't care
about Latino women.

All they're interested in

is their own
reproductive freedom

and their pocketbooks.

But when it comes to
changing the language,

I think they make
some good points,

because we do
think in language.

And so the quality of our
thoughts and ideas

could only be as good

as the quality
of our language.

So maybe some of
this patriarchal shit

ought to go away.

I think spokesmen
ought to be spokesperson.

I think chairman ought
to be chairperson.

I think mankind
ought to be humankind.

But they take it too far.

They take themselves
too seriously.

The exaggerate.

They want me to call
that thing in the street

a person hole cover.

I think that's taking
it a little bit too far.

What would you
call a lady's man,

a person's person?

That would make a
he-man an it person.

Little kids would be afraid
of the boogie person.

They'd look up in the sky and
see the person in the moon.

Guys would say come back
here and fight like a person,

and we'd all sing,
For It's a Jolly Good Person.

That's the kind of
thing you would hear

on Late Night with
David Letterperson.

You know what I mean?

So I think it's
an exaggeration,

and I like to
piss off any group

that takes itself a
little bit too seriously,

and it does not take
a lot of imagination

to piss off a feminist.

All you got to do

is run into
N.O.W. Headquarters

or Ms. Magazine and say,

Hey, which one of you
cute little cupcakes

wants to come home
and cook me a nice meal

and give me a blow job?

Blow job.

Oh, that pisses them off.

You want to piss
off a feminist,

call her a cum catcher,

that'll get her attention.

Ah, don't act disgusted,

don't act disgusted,

half of you are
going to go home

and go down on each
other tonight, remember?

If you're willing
to swallow cum,

let's not make believe

something I said was
disgusting, okay?

All right.

Let's not have a
double standard here,

one standard
will do just fine.

Now, speaking of blowjobs.

Do you know why
they call it a blowjob?

So it'll sound
like it has kind of

a work ethic attached to it.

Make you feel like

you did something
useful for the economy.

Long as I'm being
a complete pig up here,

let me ask you
guys a question.

Let me ask one
question of the men.

Are you ever able to watch
a woman eating a banana

and not think
about a blowjob, huh?

I can't do it.

I can't do it, and I know
why, I'm a sick evil f*ck,

I know that.

I accept that.

But I can't do it.

Eating a banana,
eating a pickle,

licking on an
ice cream cone.

I'm saying to myself,

look at the
tongue on her, wow.

So you women be careful

when you're standing out
in front of that Hagen Daas,

because God damn
it, we're watching.

And God damn it,
we're thinking.

Another woman's
issue, prostitution.

I do not understand

why prostitution is illegal.

Why should
prostitution be illegal?

Selling is legal,

f*cking is legal.

Why isn't selling
f*cking legal?

You know,

why should it be illegal

to sell something

that's perfectly
legal to give away?

I can't follow the
logic on that at all.

Of all the things
you can do too a person,

giving someone an orgasm

is hardly the worst
thing in the world.

In the Army,
they give you a medal

for spraying Napalm on people.

Civilian life,

you go to jail for
giving someone an orgasm.

Maybe I'm not supposed
to understand it.

I got strange ideas anyway.

You know what I think

they ought to do with that
Miss American contest?

I think they ought to make

the losers keep coming
back until they win.

I'll tell you.

That would get a little spooky

after about 35
years or so, huh?

I just want to
work on world peace.

Fine, sit down before
you fall down, will you?

And pick up all
these g*dd*mn batons.

I got a lot of ideas.

You know what I think?

I think Kleenex ought to
have little targets on them.

Wouldn't that
be a good idea,

little bulls eyes right in
the middle of the Kleenex,

make it kind of sporting
when you're with your friends.

(Blowing nose sound)

Look Dave, an 85.

That's a good idea.

I got a lot of good ideas.

Trouble is,
most of them suck.

I got a lot of good ideas
for new products like that.

That's what I think
about on my off duty hours,

things we need,

products we ought to
have that we don't have.

You know what
we ought to have,

we ought to have
a diet salad dressing

called 500 Islands.

See, good God damn
ideas, like that, huh?

A Christian deodorant,

Thou Shalt Not Smell.

How about a feminine
hygiene spray called Sprunt.


Well, you'd never
forget the name, would you?

It would always be on the
tip of your tongue, see?

Marketing, marketing,

that's where I belong,

among other places.


Here's an idea I got.

This is a yo-yo

with a 2,000-foot string.

You use it when you
visit the Grand Canyon.

See, I'm a visionary,

I'm ahead of my time.

Trouble is, I'm only about
an hour and a half ahead.

Here's a good idea,

a light bulb
that only shines

on things worth looking at.

Yeah, kind of too idealistic,

never make any money
on a thing like that.

Here's something that's
going to make you a fortune,

get in on this.

This is a roach spray,

it doesn't k*ll the roaches,

but it fills them
with self-doubt

as to whether or not
they're in the right house.


Here's something
I'm trying to interest

the Japanese
electronics firms in this.

This would be a
great product for Sony.

This is a combination
cassette player

and colostomy bag.

It's called Shitman.



Well, you never see that.

You never see that.

You never see a guy
jogging down the street,

listening to a Shitman.

No, that's one of those
things you never see.

There's a lot of
things you never see.

And you don't know
you don't see them

because you don't see them.

You got to see something first
to know you never saw it,

then you see it and say,
hey I never saw that.

Too late, you just saw it.

I know things you never see.

You never see a Rolls Royce

with a bumper
sticker that says,

shit happens.

You never see
a really big tall,

fat Chinese
guy with red hair.

You never see a wheelchair

with the roll bar.

You never see
someone taking a shit

while running at full speed.

And you never see a picture
of Margaret Thatcher

strapping on a dildo.

You'll never see it.

That's one of those
things you never see.

Then there are some
things you never hear,

that makes sense.

Some things you never hear.

You never hear this,

Dad, you really
ought to drink more.

Here's something you
don't hear too often

Do what you want to the girl,

but leave me alone.

Here is something
no one has ever heard,



As soon as I put this
hot poker in my ass,

I'm going to
chop my d*ck off.

You know why you
never heard that?

Right, no one
ever said that.

Which to me is the
more amazing thing,

no one ever thought to
say that before tonight.

I'm the first
person in the world

to put those words together

in that particular order.

First guy, number one.

Here's something
you don't hear too often,

Honey, let's
sell the children,

move to Zanzibar

and begin taking
opium rectally.


Mom, I got a
big date tonight,

can I borrow a
French tickler from you?

Then there are some things

you don't want to hear.

Some things you just
flat don't want to hear.

You don't want to come
home from work and hear,

honey, remember how
we told the children

never to play on
the railroad tracks?

You don't want to be sitting
in your doctor's office

and hear this.

Well, Jim,
there's no reason why

you shouldn't live
another 20 to 30 years.

However, you will be bleeding
constantly from both eyes.

Here's something
I don't want to hear,

I'm pregnant,
you're the father,

and I'm going to
k*ll all three of us.

Calm down,

have some dip.

Honey, it's the police.

They have a search warrant,

and the 300 kilos of cocaine

are still sitting
out in the living room.

Here's something
nobody wants to hear,

nobody wants to hear this.

Try to think back

to when this was
appropriate to your life.

You and your fiancé

have been invited to

your mom and dad's
house for dinner

for the first time.

Halfway through dinner,

your fiancé
stands up and says,

I'll be right back.

I got to take a dump.

There seems to be

no really gentile way

of announcing
publicly a dump.

And frankly, I'm not
impressed with people

who tell me what
they're going to do

when they go to the
bathroom in the first place.

Doesn't it bother you,

people that announce it,

I'll be right back,
I'm going to take a shit.

Never mind.

Do what you have to do

and leave me out of it,

and don't describe it
when you come back.

Boy, you should have seen...

Never mind.

It set off the smoke alarm.

Never mind.

I have never
understood that,

nor have a cared for it.

Something else
I don't care for,

these organ donor programs.

That shit bother
you a little bit?

Sounds like
Josef Mengele's

been sitting on some of
those meetings or something?

Organ donor programs.

The thing that bothers
me the most about it is

they're run by the
Motor Vehicle Bureau.

I figure, hey, shit,

you got to wait on a line
that long for a kidney,

f*ck it, do without.

It's the Motor Vehicle
Bureau in most states

who send you the little card

you're supposed to carry
right next to your wallet,

right next to your
driver's license,

in your wallet,

little card.

You're supposed
to fill it out

and on it you're
supposed to list

the organs you're
willing to give

in case you die.

Are these people
out of their f*cking
minds or something?

Do you honestly believe

that if a paramedic
finds that card on you

in an automobile accident,

he's going to try
to save your life?

Bullshit, he's looking
for parts, man.


Look, Dan,

here's that lower intestine
we've been looking for.

Never mind the oxygen,

this man's a donor.

Bullshit, they want
something of mine,

they can have my
rectum and my anus,

that's all I'm giving,

take them and get out of here.

Put them in your bag and
get the f*ck out of my life,

that's all I'm giving.

I don't want some guy
poking around in me,

hoping I die.

I want to live.

I don't want to die.

That's the
whole secret of life,

not dying.

I figured that shit out
alone in third grade.

And don't be pulling
any plugs on me, either.

Here's another bunch of
macho assh*le bullshit

floating around
this country,

people talking about
ah, pull the plug on me.

If I'm ever like that,

if I'm comatose,

if I'm like a vegetable,

pull the plug on me.

f*ck you,

leave my plug alone.

Get an extension
cord for my plug.

I want
everything you got,

tubes, cords, plugs,
probes, electrodes, IV's,

you got something,

stick it in me, man.

You find out I got a
hole I didn't know I had,

put a f*cking plug in it.

Vegetable, shit,

I don't care if
I look like an artichoke.

Save my ass.

There's three things I want

if I'm ever
in that condition,

three things
I got to have,

ice cream,


and television.

You give me that ice
cream every two hours,

give me that morphine about...

every ten minutes,

and turn on the f*cking TV.

I want to see Geraldo.

And don't be
coming to visit me,

I got no time for life people,

I'm brain dead here.

You people got no respect
for the brain dead?

Hey, you got
to be brain dead

to watch Geraldo
in the first place.

You might as well watch him

when you're
clinically brain dead.

There's one other
thing I thought about

concerning this
comatose thing,

and this might
help you someday.

This little
piece of information

might come in handy

sometime in the future

if you're in
this circumstance.

If you knew a family,

if you knew a family

and one of them
was a h*m*

and he was in an
automobile accident

and he was comatose,

you could always comfort
that family by saying,

well, look at it this way,

he was a fruit,

now he's a vegetable.


at least he's still
in the produce section.

Now I probably got some
other group pissed off at me

because I said fruit.

There's a different group

to get pissed off
at you in this country

for everything you're
not supposed to say.

Can't say fruit,

can't say f*gg*t,

can't say q*eer,

can't say Nancy boy,

can't say pansy.

Can't say n*gg*r, boogie,
jig, jiggaboo, skinhead,

jungle bunny, moolie,
moolie yan or schwarz.

Can't say yid, heeb, zeeb,
kike, mackie, dego, ginny,

wop, ginzo, greaser,
greaseball, spick, beaner,

oya, tiger, PR, Mick,
donkey, turkey, limey,

frog, squarehead, kraut,
jerry, Hun, chink, jap,

nip, slope, slopehead,
zip, zipper head, gook.

There is absolutely
nothing wrong...

There is absolutely
nothing wrong

with any of those words

in and of themselves.

They're only words.

It's the context that counts.

It's the user.

It's the intention
behind the words

that makes them good or bad.

The words are
completely neutral

the words are innocent.

I get tired of people
talking about bad words

and bad language.


It's the context that
makes them good or bad,

the context that makes
them good or bad.

For instance,

you take the word n*gg*r.

There is absolutely
nothing wrong

with the word n*gg*r
in and of itself.

It's the r*cist
assh*le that's using it

that you ought to
be concerned about.

We don't care
when Richard Pryor or
Eddie Murphy says it.


Because we know
they're not racists.

They're n*gg*r*s.



We don't mind their context

because we know
they're black.

Hey, I know I'm Whitey,

the blue-eyed devil patio,

fake gray boy, honkie,
m*therf*cker myself.

Don't bother my ass.

They're only words.

You can't be afraid of
words that speak the truth,

even if it's an
unpleasant truth

like the fact
that there's a bigot

and a r*cist in
every living room

on every street corner
in this country.

I don't like words
that hide the truth.

I don't like words
that conceal reality.

I don't like euphemisms

or euphemistic language.

And American English

is loaded with euphemisms,

because Americans
have a lot of trouble

dealing with reality.

Americans have trouble
facing the truth,

so they invent the
kind of a soft language

to protect themselves from it.

And it gets worse
with every generation.

For some reason it just
keeps getting worse.

I'll give you
an example of that.

There's a
condition in combat,

most people know about it.

It's when a fighting
person's nervous system

has been stressed to its
absolute peak and maximum,

can't take any more input.

The nervous system
has either snapped

or is about to snap.

In the First World w*r

that condition was
called shell shock.

Simple, honest,
direct language,

two syllables.

Shell shock.

Almost sounds like
the g*ns themselves.

That was 70 years ago.

Then a whole
generation went by,

and the
Second World w*r
came along

and the very
same combat condition

was called battle fatigue.

Four syllables now,

it takes a little
longer to say,

doesn't seem to hurt as much.

Fatigue is a
nicer word than shock.

Shell shock,

battle fatigue.

Then we had the w*r
in Korea in 1950,

Madison Avenue was
riding high by that time,

and the very
same combat condition

was called
Operational Exhaustion.

Hey, we're up to
eight syllables now,

and the humanity
has been squeezed

completely out
of the phrase,

it's totally sterile now.

Operational Exhaustion.

Sounds like something

that might
happen to your car.

Then of course came
the w*r in Viet Nam,

which has only been over

for about 16 or 17 years.

And thanks to
the lies and deceits

surrounding that w*r,

I guess it's no surprise

that the very same condition

was called Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder.

Still eight syllables,

but we've added a hyphen,

and the pain is completely
buried under jargon,

Stress Disorder.

I bet you if we'd have still
been calling it shell shock,

some of them
Viet Nam veterans

might have gotten
the attention they
needed at the time.

But it didn't happen,

and one of the reasons is

because we were
using that soft language,

that language that
takes the life out of life.

And it is a
function of time,

it does keep getting worse,
give you another example.

Sometime during my life,

sometime during my life

toilet paper
became bathroom tissue.

I wasn't notified of this,

no one asked me
if I agreed with it.

It just happened.

Toilet paper
became bathroom tissue.

Sneakers became
running shoes.

False teeth became
dental appliances.

Medicine became medication.

Information became
directory assistance.

The dump
became the landfill.

Car crashes became
automobile accidents.

Partly cloudy
became partly sunny.

Motels became motor lodges.

House trailers
became mobile homes.

Used cars became previously
owned transportation.

Room service became
guest room dining.

And constipation became
occasional irregularity.

When I was a little kid,

if I got sick they wanted
me to go to the hospital

and see the doctor.

Now they want me to go

to a health
maintenance organization,

or a wellness center

to consult a healthcare
delivery professional.

Poor people used
to live in slums.

Now the economically

occupies substandard
housing in the inner cities.

And they're broke.

They're broke.

They don't have a negative
cash flow position,

they're f*cking broke.

Because a lot of
them were fired.

You know, fired,

management wanted to
curtail redundancies

in the human resources area,

so many people are no longer

viable members
of the workforce.

Smug, greedy,
well-fed white people

have invented a language
to conceal their sins,

it's as simple as that.

The CIA doesn't
k*ll anybody any more.

They neutralize people,

or they depopulate the area.

The government doesn't lie,

it engages in disinformation.

The Pentagon actually
measures nuclear radiation

and something they
call Sunshine Units.

Israeli murderers
are called Commandos.

Arab Commandos
are called t*rrorists.

Contra K*llers are
called Freedom fighters.

Well, if crime fighters
fight crime

and firefighters fight fire,

what do
Freedom Fighters fight?

They never mention that
part of it to us, do they?

Never mention
that part of it.

Some of this stuff is just
silly, we all know that.

Like on the airlines,

they say they
want to pre board.

Well, what the
hell is pre board,

what does that mean?

To get on before you get on?

They say they're going to
pre board those passengers

in need of
special assistance.


Simple, honest,
direct language.

There's no shame
attached to the word cr*pple

that I can find
in any dictionary,

no shame attached to it.

In fact it's a word used
in Bible translations,

Jesus healed the cripples.

Doesn't take seven words

to describe that condition.

But we don't
have any cripples

in this country any more.

We have the
physically challenged.

Is that a grotesque
enough evasion for you?

How about differently abled?

I've heard them called that,

differently abled.

You can't even call these
people handicapped anymore.

They'll say,
we're not handicapped,

we're handy capable.

These poor people have been
bullshitted by the system

into believing
that if you change the
name of the condition,

somehow you'll
change the condition.

Well, hey cousin
doesn't happen.

Doesn't happen.

We have no more deaf
people in this country,

hearing impaired.

No one's blind any more,

partially sighted
or visually impaired.

We have no more
stupid people.

Everybody has a
learning disorder,

or he's minimally exceptional.

How would you like to be
told that about your child,

he's minimally exceptional.

Oh, thank God for that.

Psychologists actually have
started calling ugly people

those with severe
appearance deficits.

It's getting so
bad that any day now

I expect to hear a r*pe victim

referred to as an
unwilling sperm recipient.

And we have no more old
people in this country,

no more old people.

We shipped them all away,

and we brought in
these senior citizens.

Isn't that a
typically American

20th Century phrase?

Bloodless, lifeless.

No pulse in one of them.

A senior citizen.

And I've accepted that one,

I've come to terms with it,

I know it's here to stay.

We'll never get rid of it,

that's what they're
going to be called,

so I'll relax on that.

But the one I do resist,

the one I keep resisting,

is when they look at an
old guy, and they say,

look at him, Dan,

he's 90 years young.

Imagine the fear of
aging that reveals,

to not even be able
to use the word old

to describe someone,

to have to use an antonym.

And fear of
aging is natural,

it's universal isn't it.

We all have that.

No one wants to get old,

no one wants to die,

but we do.

So we bullshit ourselves.

I started
bullshitting myself

when I got to my 40's.

Soon as I was in my 40's

I'd look in the
mirror and I'd say,

well, I guess
I'm getting older.

Older sounds a little
better than old, doesn't it.

Sounds like it might
even last a little longer.

Bullshit, I'm getting old,

and it's okay,

because thanks to our fear
of death in this country

I won't have to die.

I'll pass away.

Or I'll expire like a
magazine subscription.

If it happens
in the hospital,

they'll call it
a terminal episode.

The insurance company
will refer to it

as negative
patient care outcome,

and if it's the
result of malpractice,

they'll say it was a
therapeutic misadventure.

I'm telling you,

some of this language
makes me want to vomit.

Well, maybe not vomit,

makes me want to engage

in an involuntary
personal protein spill.

Thank you all.

Give me a little
light for Moe.

Moe says hello.
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