Bill Burr: Live at Red Rocks (2022)

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Bill Burr: Live at Red Rocks (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

Ladies and gentlemen, Bill Burr!

All right, thank you!

Thank you very much.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
How are ya?

How's it goin'? All right.

You guys standin' up, sit down.

Sit down.

See if I'm funny.

I've been inside for a year
and a half just like you.

All right. It's nice to be
out here in Denver, man.

It's legal on a state level,
but not on a federal level, man.

Everybody out here dressing
like they're f*ckin' goin' hiking.

Your North Face pajamas
and all this shit you guys have.

You guys all live inside.


how have you guys been doin', man?

How has your pandemic been?
You enjoyed it?

You been staying inside?

Are you being safe?


I am so fed up with people...

"I ain't bein' safe!
I don't f*ckin' believe in it!"

"It's all a bunch of lies!"

We're just totally divided.

The people that are like,
"You gotta get vaccinated."

"You have to wrap yourself in an afghan,

and you gotta cover your face
and hold your breath

when you look at pictures of people."

And you got the other side,
"I don't give a shit!"

"I'm gonna have my balls out,
walkin' down the street,

'cause that's
what Jesus said in John 13."

"I read it in my bible study class.
I don't give a f*ck."

"And if I get it,
I'm goin' to the hospital and be like,

'All right, fix me, you were right.'"

Everybody, all hypocritical.

All the liberals, "You gotta wear
the mask, gotta wear the mask."

Then half of them when they talk,
they're pullin' it down.

They got it up under their f*ckin' nose.

Then the other assholes,
they were all patriotic for years.

"America, love it or leave it!"

"Support the troops!"

"You don't like it, get the f*ck out."

"America, love it or leave it."
All right, take the vaccine.

"Well, I don't trust the government."

Where the f*ck did that come from?

I thought you were all about it.

I thought you were waving the flag
and all of that shit.

Listen, here's the deal.

We're never gonna solve this shit
until we all get on the same page,

which we know is never gonna happen,
it's never gonna happen.

So, we gotta set up
some Hunger Games shit to solve it.

And whoever wins, wins.

It's the non-vaxxers versus the vaxxers.

So there's a giant field,

and all the people
who don't want to get the vaccine,

all the fatties
and the f*ckin' lunatics, right?

You gotta f*ckin' run
the length of the field

and try to make it to the other side

while there's a helicopter flying over you

and they're sh**ting the vaccine
down at you.

All right?

And I know what you're thinkin',
"Well, that ain't fair, man."

"I'm runnin' in my shit-kickers,
you're up there in a helicopter

and you got a g*n."

Well, here's how we...
It's a liberal with a g*n, right?

They're not good at that.

Say, "Oh, my God, is it alive?
Is it gonna hit me?"

"I don't feel safe!"

And by then, you're already halfway there.

One of the straps of your overalls is off.

If you make it to the other side,
in the end,

just like dodgeball, we'll just score it.

"Who won?"

It's an idea, I don't know.

I just…

I don't know what else to do.
I've kind of quit.

I'm like… I've got to be honest with you.

For the first like, you know,
year of this shit,

I was an American, you know,
and I was rootin' for everybody,

and then, I don't know.

They let us outside for a couple of weeks
and then they sent us back in,

and I just didn't have it in me anymore.

It's like, "I don't care.
I just don't give a shit."

"You know, I hope
a lot more people die, I really do."

But the one good thing
about this whole pandemic shit,

and I really hope by the time
this f*ckin' thing comes out

that this will be considered old,
I don't know, God willing,

but the one great thing
about this pandemic shit

is it kind of slowed down
a little bit of that cancel culture.

You know what I mean?

Yeah. It's kind of hard to take
your d*ck out at work when you're at home.

You know?

Some people still manage to do it.

They're on a Zoom call, no pants on.

All of the sudden, standing up,
their chunk right in the screen.

Still figured out a way to get fired.

It was unreal.

It's kind of good, though,
that those creeps got to take a break,

'cause I felt like cancel culture,

they were kind of running out
of people to cancel.

You know?

As much as they wanted to make it seem,
there really was a finite amount of people

that took their d*ck out at work.

Despite the stats, right?

"Every 1.6 seconds,
somebody takes their d*ck out

and shakes it in a woman's face
in a cubicle."

You're like, "What? Every 1.6 seconds?"

I must not have been paying attention.

"Every 3.2 seconds,

some man jizzes on a fern
and rubs it in a woman's face."

Holy shit! I didn't know that.

Right? Yeah.

So fortunately they rounded up
all of these f*ckin' animals…

and they got rid of them, right?

But it kind of became
like this cottage industry

and it was a way
to kind of get rid of some men

that maybe were in your way, you know?

It's like anything.

You know, the initial thing,
you agree with it,

and then it kind of gets out of control.

So, I don't know.

But it kind of ran out of people
and there was this hilarious moment,

like last year where they started
to try and cancel dead people.

Remember that? All of the sudden,
out of nowhere, John Wayne was trending.

Have they got some found footage,

a new movie coming out
that maybe they shelved?

Then all of the sudden it was all these
stupid-ass "woke" white people, right?

"Oh, my God, did you see
what John Wayne said

in Playboy in 1971?"

Can you... this is a bunch
of f*ckin' white people

all up in arms about a dead white guy.

"I can no longer tolerate this."

"I can no longer tolerate
dead-for-45-years John Wayne

saying things in a magazine
that doesn't exist anymore."

"I am here for Black people."

These f*ckin' idiots.

What kind of a f*ckin' idiot white person
refers to themselves as "woke"?

You know?

If you actually were socially conscious,

you'd realize that white people
stole that word from Black people.

Once again doin' the Elvis thing. Right?

But you know what,
I blame Black people for that.

One of them f*cked up.

They were at a party,
there was white people there,

and they let it slip out.

"Stay woke"
or however the f*ck you say it.

And some white person heard it,
like, "Ah, what was that?"

"Oh, my God."

"'Stay woke'? I wanna say that."

"I gotta say that around my white friends
so they know that I'm down."

"Oh, my God, I'm gonna f*ckin' say that."

"I'm f*ckin' woke. I'm f*ckin' woke."

"I'm a woke stickler."

"I've f*ckin' had it, I've had it."

"I support Black people
in my white apartment on Twitter."

"That's what I do.
I'm f*ckin' here for you."

Every white person
likes to lie to themselves

that if they were alive 150 years ago,

that they would have been working
on the underground railroad,

trying to help slaves escape, right?

"I would be one
of the good white people, yes."

"I would have taken time
out of my day, risked my life."

And the reality is,
is you'd be doing back then

exactly what
you're doing today... nothin'.

Not a f*ckin' thing.

Maybe a little #BlackLivesMatter.

"Oh, my God, my heart breaks
on my L-shaped couch."

My favorite thing
about the Black Lives Matter marches

was the store windows that would have
the plywood over the windows,

and then it would say,
"Black lives matter"

on top of the plywood.

I just loved the duality
of that message, you know?

It's like, "Black lives matter,
we're all the same, we're all one."

"Don't burn down my store,
you f*ckin' animals!"

"Everybody is welcome in this store."

"Anyone can come in."

"One at a time, follow him!"

"It's just a safe space for everyone."


John Wayne was born in 1907.

That's what the f*ck
he's gonna sound like.

Then you got all these douchebags
going like, "That's not an excuse."

It's like, "Yes, it is."

It absolutely is.

You are of your time.

Look at these young kids.

Remember, for a year and a half,
they'd take a water bottle.

They're all standing around
and one kid would flip it,

and if it landed upright, they'd go…

"Oh, shit!" And they'd just
lose their f*ckin' minds.

I didn't understand it.

But I'm born in 1968, so I'm just like,

"All right, well, no one tried
to slap it out of the way."

"You do it enough times,
it's gonna f*ckin' land upright."

"What is happening here?" Right?

I don't wanna ruin their good time.

They're excited, they're gonna
get on their scooters and ride off.

Like a little posse or some shit.
I'm like, all right, you can do that.

Yeah. So that was like a thing
for like half a second.

Sean Connery died.
The great Sean Connery.

Yeah, my favorite James Bond of all time.

Yeah. And he was getting a proper send-off

for about eight minutes on Twitter,

and then the first hairy-leg white chick
shows up, right?

And she's just gotta be like,
"Really? Really?"

"Are we really gonna celebrate this man
who advocated the hitting of women?"

It's like, first of all, he didn't
advocate hitting women, okay?

He just, "Every once
in a while, you give 'em a little slap."

"Yeah, give 'em a little back of the hand,

ya remind 'em
who's making the bucks off this shit."

"Reset their hard drive."

That's all he said, okay?

Yes, it's a crazy statement in 2021.

1976, you know, it's not good,
but it's not crazy.


And he's born in 1930.

You gotta put this shit
in historical perspective.

I love old movies. You ever watch movies
from the '30s, '40s, and '50s?


Any time a woman
even has heightened emotion,

there's some guy like,
"Get ahold of yourself!"

"Yeah, go make me a pie.
Put it on the windowsill."


That's what he grew up watchin'.

I grew up in the '70s.

I thought being a truck driver
was a cool thing.

You know, you had a monkey for a friend.

Going around,
chicks are showin' their titties.

I thought that that was the world.
I had no idea, that's what I was watching.

My thing is, okay, so if you're gonna
cancel all of these f*ckin' dead guys

and shit all over them after they're dead
and they can't defend themselves,

why are you only going after men?

You know, what about
all the horrible women in history?

You can't just go after the men,
that would be sexist,

and this is what they don't want.

You know? I mean, what about Coco Chanel?

Great example. Coco Chanel.

Widely considered a feminist icon.

She started her own purse factory, right,

in the 19-teens or '20s,
whatever the hell she did.

I can't imagine the sexism
that she had to deal with, you know.

An amazing accomplishment,
hats off to her, right?


she was also a n*zi sympathizer.

Yeah. That's like half
her f*cking Wikipedia page,

just sitting there,
waiting for someone to read it.

Right out in the open, nothin'.

So evidently, what happened was,
in World w*r II,

old Adolf came rolling into town, okay,

with his tanks
with the Porsche engines in 'em,

took over the town in like 90 minutes.

She freaked out.

She closes up her shop, right?

Figured out where all the head Nazis
were staying, what hotel.

She moved in there
and she started a relationship

with one of the Nazis.


She started f*cking a n*zi.

You ever see those Holocaust videos?

Huh? With those piles of kids' shoes?


She was sucking the d*ck that did that.

Now, just to refresh my memory,

what did Sean Connery do again?

"Oh, you know, every once in a while,
you give 'em a little slap."

That's what he did.

She's sittin' there like,
"Hey, Adolf, what's goin' on?"

She so sold out her own country,
she had to flee it at the end of the w*r,

and I have no idea how many dicks
she had to suck to get back in it.

But despite all of that,
I still don't judge her.

I don't, 'cause I've never been
in that situation.

You know, I've never been in a country
where all of the sudden,

the most powerful army
the world has ever seen comes in

and takes it over in a couple of hours.

She must have been terrified, right?

And she's a woman. You know?

She's into fashion.

They show up
with those Hugo Boss uniforms.

You know, her knees buckle a little bit.

Things start getting ugly,
people are getting shot in the street.

She's freakin' out.

You know.

And she's a woman,
and women know push comes to shove

when you get your back against the wall.

No matter how bad it gets,
they always have the option

of f*cking their way out of a situation.

They always got that card
they can play. Right?

All women know this.

Women, all women know this.

Men don't realize this
till they go to prison.

But women learn this early on.

She had the option and she took it.

I can't get mad at her for that, you know?

So she's dead and gone.
I think she's up there in heaven.

I think she made it.
She's up there with Sean Connery.

Every once in a while,
they have a disagreement,

he gives her a little slap, you know?

She doesn't care.

Once you shit on a n*zi's chest,

a little backhand's
not gonna freak you out.

Jesus can't say anything,
he got a hooker, right?

Everybody's got
a little something they did.

Well, there you go, boom.

Still buy your Coco Chanel.
She's still a hero.

She was a victim,
she was a victim of that time.

She was frightened, she was scared.
She didn't know what to do.

Uh… anyway.

So, we're living in a f*cking weird time.

Obviously, beyond all the bullshit
that's going on now, like,

every time I think feminism
has kind of like died off, you know,

you know, like a band you can't stand

and they haven't put out an album
in a few years,

you're like, "Oh, good, did they quit,
did they break up?"

All of the sudden,
they come out with more shit.

You're like, "f*ck, what is it now?"

I'm just f*cking with you.
Feminism doesn't bug me, you know?

It doesn't bother me.

I'm not afraid of it
or anything like that,

you know, for the simple fact
that I know it's gonna fail, you know?

And I take comfort in that, I do.

I'm not rooting for it because…

I know it doesn't like me.


Yeah, do you know why I think
it's not going to survive,

why it's not going to be
successful anyway?

'Cause they still need men's help
to make it happen.

I don't understand it.

I don't understand why women
just can't work with each other

and make this shit happen.

They keep coming to us, like,

"More men need to care about this issue."

"Where are the men to stand up
and say something…


Why do I have to f*ckin' say something?

This is your f*ckin' problem.

Why are you always
dragging us into this shit?

I saw a woman a couple months back,
professional soccer player, right?

She goes onto ESPN
on one of these sports channels

and she starts bitching, going like,

"I don't understand,
how come female athletes

don't make as much
as male professional athletes?"

Right? And all of these men
had to sit there

and act like they didn't know
what the answer was.

They had to sit there, like, dumbfounded.

Like, "Oh, I don't know."

"Why is that?"

"That is a conundrum. I have no idea."

Literally, I'm sitting at home
screaming at the TV,

"'Cause you don't sell
any f*ckin' tickets!"

Nobody is going to women's soccer games.

You're playing in a 20,000-seat arena,
1,500 people show up.

That's not a good night.

The promoter lost
his f*cking ass on that gig.

I'm not saying
no professional female athletes...

Serena Williams,
the women in the UFC, you know?

But nobody's watching your f*ckin' sport.

And then you're gonna come
and you're gonna get mad at f*ckin' men.

They keep doing that shit.
Why are you yelling at us?

It's not our f*cking job.

It's not my f*ckin' job to give a f*ck
about women's soccer, okay?

I have men's sport to pay attention to.

This is... it's your bullshit, right?

Dude, look at the WNBA.

Dude, nobody in the WNBA got COVID.


They have been playing
in front of 300 to 400 people a night

for a quarter of a century.

Not to mention
it's a male-subsidized league.

We gave ya a f*ckin' league.

None of ya showed up.

Where are all the feminists?

That place should be packed
with feminists.

Faces painted, wearing jerseys,
flashin' their titties.

Goin' f*ckin' nuts, like the guys do
in the upper deck

with their big beer titties.

"Am I on the jumbotron? Am I doing it?"


You didn't.

None of you, none of you
went to the f*ckin' games.

None of you.
You all, you failed them, not me.

Not men.
Women failed the WNBA.

Ladies, ladies, name your top five
all-time WNBA players of all time.

Come on.

Let's hear it. Name five WNBA teams.

Name the WNBA team in your f*ckin' city.
You can't do it!

You don't give a f*ck about them.

They play night in and night out
in front of nobody.

It's a f*ckin' tragedy, right?

And then meanwhile,
you look at the Kardashians,

they're making billions.

You look at those Real Housewives shows,

they're making money hand over fist
'cause that's what women are watchin'.

The money listens.

You don't wanna watch this shit,
you're watching this shit.

They just sh**t it over there,
drowning these whores in money

and purses and shoes and Botox.

It's just raining.

It's raining money.

Yeah. So, the money listens.

You'd rather watch that shit,
Real Housewives,

a bunch of women
just tearing each other down.

"Well, maybe that's why
your husband left you."

"Maybe that's why your husband left.
That's why you can't have kids, bitch!"

"That's why your ass is as flat
as your titties, bitch." Right?

That's the message you sent.

"We would rather watch that
than see a bunch of women

come together as a team
and try to achieve a common goal."

"We would rather watch them
actually f*cking destroy each other."


No, no, no.

And then in the end, you come back
and you f*ckin' yell at guys.

And it's like, let me get this straight,
I have to buy you a drink,

stop the axe m*rder*r
from coming through the f*ckin' window,

and I have to watch WNBA games for you?

Like, when are you gonna pick up
your end of the couch?


I don't have any sympathy for women
when it comes to shit like that

because every study they've ever done
to determine who's smarter,

men or women,

every study comes back and says
women are smarter.

Every f*ckin' one.

Ladies, you shouldn't be applauding that.

You know I'm an assh*le.

You know this isn't gonna end well.

"Did he say I'm pretty?"

"Oh, my God."

Get out of the relationship.

If every study says
that you're smarter, okay,

the question
you should be asking yourself,

if we're so g*dd*mn smart,
how are we in the situation we're in?


You're in the situation you're in
not because of guys like me.

As much as you want to blame me, you know?

Ladies, you never drove by
a sports bar on a football Sunday

and looked at the humanity in there?

All those dumb guys
with their big beer bellies bumpin' shit.

"Hey, he's on my fantasy team!"

"Up top, yeah!"

"You wanna get
some more mozzarella sticks?"

As a woman with your bigger brain,
you never looked in there

and thought to yourself,
"I'm f*ckin' losin' to that?"

"I'm losin' to that?"

Yeah, there's nothing stopping you.

Other than the fact that you guys
are just into destroying each other.

Oh, now it's gonna get quiet?

I see all that sneaky shit you do.

Ladies, if you could just
support the WNBA

the way you support
a fat chick that's proud of her body

and is no longer a threat to you,
you know?

That league would be doing
better numbers than the NBA.

Oh, my God, that's one
of the saddest things I've ever seen.

"Oh, my God, you're a goddess,
you're gorgeous."

"You look great in that bikini."

"I would k*ll myself
if I looked like that."

"Keep eating, keep eating."

"Lose a toe, you fat bitch."

It's just…

You saw an alcoholic, would you be like,
"Oh, my God, look at you."

"You're facedown, passed out,
your kids are crying."

"You're a hero, you're a god."

"Keep doing what you're doing."

You'd be like,
"Dude, get your f*ckin' shit together."

"Get off the sauce."

I will say that's one of the most
genius things I've ever seen,

how regular-looking women
somehow mind-f*cked advertising

to get beautiful women off of billboards.

Yeah. Just regular f*ckin'
who-gives-a-shit-lookin' women, right?

I'm just being honest.

Come on, we're outside,
we're in the woods, we can be honest.

Just regular who-gives-a-f*ck…

can't-remember-her-name-looking women.


Lookin' at these goddesses
and they had to f*ckin' be…

"How am I supposed to compete with that?"

You can't!

How f*cking arrogant are you?

I don't see Brad Pitt
when he takes his shirt off in a movie

and, "Oh, great, how am I
supposed to compete with that?"

I can't.

I am an ugly, bald, orange man.

I need to write jokes.

I gotta put a lampshade on my head.

I know what my role is, okay?

I should be on the ground gazing up
at people better-looking than me.

I don't know, ladies, this is supposed
to be like an inspirational talk.

I don't know
if it's coming through this way.

I'm trying to say, if you really like…

If you get through
all the misdirected anger of my childhood…

I'm trying to say,
you're smarter than we are

and there's more of you.

I don't know.

I don't know what to tell you.
I'm trying to be... I don't know.

Trying to be a better person
during all of this shit, you know? I am.

You know, I got this new thing, man.
I try to help out homeless people.

You know? Sometimes I help them out,
sometimes I don't.

You know, it's like the mood you're in,
how much they freak you out.

You know?

So, this is what I do.

You got to do something

because people at the top
don't seem to be doing anything.

I try to bring all my old clothes down
to the tent cities to give it to them.

It's a good thing to do,
but I gotta tell you something,

you gotta do it during the day.

All right? You want to do it
during the day

when they're tired
from Thunderdome the night before,

they're coming down
from whatever they're on,

realizing there's
a nail in their shoulder.

You want to get them when they're tired.

You don't go at night.

No one's gonna see you again,
you're gonna end up on a f*ckin' spit.

I mean, you're under an overpass,
you never know what can happen, okay?

I'm just warning you
'cause they don't make homeless people

the way they made them
when I was a kid, you know?

When I was a kid,
a homeless guy was a bum,

he was a vagrant,
somebody down on his luck or whatever.

You know, a wino.

They didn't have this Shutter Island shit
going on that they had out there,

like people talking to trees.

You're right here
having, like, eggs Benedict.

He's, like, looking through
a porthole over your cabbage.


When I was a kid, you could only
be crazy outside for about 15 minutes

before a van would pull up

and two guys in nurses' outfits
would just come walking out.

"Hey, buddy, how's it going?"

"You're making a lot of racket
out here, aren't ya?"

"Why don't you do me a favor,
try this shirt on?"

Be like, "Okay.
How come the sleeves are so long?"

"Oh, because we're gonna
tie your arms behind your back

'cause you're out
of your f*cking mind, that's it."

"Not gonna have you out here
scaring the shit out of people."

"Get in the f*ckin' van!"

And he got in the van and that was it.
They send you to a nuthouse.

That's it, boom, bam, done, nuthouse.

But the problem was
the people at the nuthouses

started f*cking the patients

'cause everybody knows
crazy people are great in bed, right?

So they're banging away, right?

Hey, it happened.

You're groaning at history, all right?

You can shake your heads
all you want, but…

Hey, hey!

They f*cked those people, all right?

And they were banging away,
doctors with their f*ckin' lab coats

flappin' in the wind, just banging away,

until finally… for decades…

finally somebody
with a heart came walking in,

"Hey, what the f*ck is going on here?"

And then they shut it down and
then they just let all these people go.

They all came running out
like Mike Myers,

jumping up on station wagons and shit.

So that's the thing,
you go during the day.

And I gotta tell you, when I pull up
to one of these tent cities,

I always feel good about myself.

"This is good, man,
helping out a fellow American."

"I would want them to do that for me."

"It's f*ckin' ridiculous
people have to live like that."

That's what I think when I'm in the car,

and then the second I get out
and that smell hits me,

I'm like, "What the f*ck am I doing?
Jesus Christ, these people are animals!"


I would equate it
to the same feeling you probably get

if you were on a safari
and you're in the Land Rover,

and you look over
and you see, like, a leopard.

You're like, "Look at
that leopard over there." Right?

Then all of the sudden you go over a bump
and fall out of the f*ckin' Range Rover.

"Oh, f*ck, that's a leopard!"

Yeah, so I pull up
and I'm feeling like f*ckin' Uncle Sam.

Then I get out of the car and I'm like,
"What the f*ck am I doing?"

I start walking like this.

There's always
some sort of movement going on,

somebody f*ckin' limping
across the street or something.

And I've never been able to get
close enough to talk, really, to anybody.

You know, like they do on the news.

You know, like, "Jeez,
have you been sitting in here,

you know, for a couple of months?"

"What is it like
to be inside of this tent?"

I always wondered how many people
they had to choke out

before they could get
that f*ckin' interview.

You know, just comin' in… blow darts.

Numbin' up everybody else.

Building a perimeter.

So, what I…

What I do is I get about 30 yards away,

and then I just start walking like this.

And then I chicken out,
I always chicken out.

Thirty yards away,
I just go, "Free shirts!"

I run back to the car.

And that's when your brain
starts playing tricks on you.

Like I'm convinced somebody just came
running out of the tent with a 2-by-4.

Running after me.

So I always do a lap around my car
before I get in it, you know.

'Cause homeless people
have horrible lateral movement.

You know, from all those years
of sleeping on the sidewalk,

their hips are just junk, you know,
like an NFL running back.

They slow down like a cruise ship,
go right up and over the horizon.

So in that time, you go around,
you get in your car, you drive away.

You drive away.

Your closet's a little more empty.

You can go out,
you can fill it back up again

with shit you don't f*ckin' need,
you know, that's what you do.


What's that, sir?


America, yeah! America! Don't think.
Just do what you wanna do.

Take your d*ck out, you know?

I'll tell ya, that's what
George Washington was talking about.

You know?

They really need
to shut down the Internet.

We are clearly too stupid
to all be sharing ideas

in this giant townie bar
that we've created.

You guys are all cheering,
you're all on the Internet just like me.

I was on the Internet
for six hours last night.

Trying to figure out
what kills a beaver, you know?

Does a beaver have a natural predator?

No. You wouldn't know it from
all the ignorant shit I've said so far,

but I am a changed person,
believe it or not.

I am.

I had an experience earlier this year.

- Bullshit.
- This is all true. You don't think so?

Guy just yelled "bullshit."

Are you saying "bullshit," sir,
'cause you don't believe me

or 'cause you don't want me to leave?

Is that what it is?

The little angry circle that you're in?

Don't be goin' and gettin' happy now.
Don't be goin' and gettin' soft on me.

Don't start huggin' people
and lovin' yourself.

And cryin' when you see somethin' cute.
Hang onto it!

Lash out at people.

Reach for your p*stol
under the seat. Do it!


No, I took mushrooms back in February
for the first time ever.

This is the perfect state
to tell this story.

You guys should literally have…

you should have mushrooms
on your f*ckin' license plate.

All right, so here's the deal.

I never f*cked with anything like that.
I was always a booze guy.

Always a booze guy, you know.
Yeah, you know.

Relax, everybody. I always get nervous
when I get white guys going like,

"Yeah! All right, whoo!"

"All right!"

"Build the wall! Yeah!"

I'm f*ckin' around, relax.

It's frightening to listen to,
but that's what being a guy is.

You're not allowed to have emotions.

So all that shit comes out
when you're drinking.

"Do something dumb
so I don't feel stupid!"

So… yeah, I was always like a booze guy,

so I never f*cked
with psychedelics or whatever,

so it was one of these deals.
I was out in the desert, man,

and I was like, all right,
I got somebody watching my kids.

Everything's fine, I'm in my fifties.

I gotta do it now
or I'm never gonna do it, right?

So this person, who may or may not
have been my opening act tonight, goes,

"All right, man."


He's a good man, he's a good man.

He says to me, he goes, "All right."

He goes, "Okay,
just take like, you know…"

You know, it's always just like,
"All right,

so, like, how f*cked up
do you wanna get, all right?"

And there's always like a square
and it's like,

"Okay, don't eat the whole square."

"Just like, bite one corner,

lick the other one,
and then rub the other one."

"Let it absorb in your face or whatever."

So, I'm like, "All right." He goes,
"How far into it do you wanna go?"

I go, "I just wanna trip a little bit,
nothing crazy."

So he goes, "Fine,"
so I ate just a little bit.

I get a little nauseous or whatever.
At first it feels like I ate some weed,

but then all of the sudden
I notice shit that's not alive

looks like it's breathing, right?

Like the refrigerator looked like
it just did a lap around the house.

It's kind of…

Nothin' threatening, you know.
It needed it, you know.

TV started getting bigger.
It's looking like it's gonna fall on me.

All right, and I was doing fine.

I was like, "I know that TV's
not getting bigger."

"And if it is, I don't
give a shit, go ahead."

"Spill that pixelation all over me,
I don't give a f*ck."

"I know I'm trippin', I'm having fun.
I'm giggling."

I'm laughing and shit,
I'm putting things together,

and everything is f*ckin' great.

And all of the sudden, about an hour in…

all of a sudden
this profound sense of loneliness

and not feeling loved just washed over me.

Yeah, and I was just like,
"I f*ckin' knew it."

I f*ckin' knew it.
This is why I didn't do it.

I knew I had too many demons.

I knew I wasn't going to see God
and f*ckin' unicorns

and slide down the rainbow
and roll around in the grass.

I f*ckin' knew Satan was coming up.

There was gonna be a guy
with a knife and shit.

I was just like, "All right, go ahead.
Drag me into the abyss."

"Let me see how f*cked up I am,"

and this feeling, it just enveloped me,

and I don't even know how to describe it,
it wasn't even a feeling.

It just was, it just was.

So I'm freakin' the f*ck out.
I'm sitting there like, "What the f*ck?"

I can't get out of it, dude.

Like I could walk
a hundred f*ckin' million miles,

I can't walk out of it, it just was.

So everybody else is, like, trippin',
I didn't want to f*ckin' ruin their trip,

so I'm just like, "All right, dude,
I'm just gonna go to the bedroom."

"Oh, look at the refrigerator.

All right.

"I'm just feelin' a little nauseous."

Just playin' it up, right?

Goin' in the f*ckin' bedroom,

and I'm just layin' down
in the bedroom like,

"Dude, what the f*ck? What the f*ck?"

And every time I thought
I felt the bottom, it would just…

just further into the bed,
further into the bed,

further into the bed.

So about a half hour later,
my wife comes in.

She's like, "Hey, how you doing?"

Typical guy.

"Great, I'm doin' great."

"I'm doin' great."

"It's goin' great."

So she's laying next to me,

"I'm feeling a little nauseous,
this is a little bit much for me."

And she's just laying down
and I'm just feeling this feeling.

Not feeling loved,
profound sense of loneliness.

So now I'm just looking at my wife,
and my brain just starts going like,

"Oh, f*ck, did I marry the wrong person?"

"Why am I lookin' at…"

I know it seems f*cked up,
but once you're married long enough,

even not on mushrooms, you have
that thought every f*ckin' six weeks.

You just do.

Something happens where you
just look at the side of their head

and just do the math and just think,
"Why did I ever talk to you?"

"I could have just walked by.
I didn't even have to say hello."

"We had no relationship."

"We were nothing!"

"What would happen
if I just never talked to you?"

Every six weeks,
you think that's a healthy relationship?

That means you've still held on
to a part of yourself

that even though you love this person,
you still, you know,

you still want to run around
like a mustang a little bit, right?

So anyways, I'm like,
that was freaking me out even more

to think of my wife and be feeling that.

So I was like,
"f*ck, I need to pull the rip cord."

"I gotta get out of this f*ckin'…
it's like a giant beanbag."

Couldn't get out of it, right?
So I was like, "Oh, f*ck."

Think about your kids.
Now, I love my kids.

And I know they love me,
there is no f*ckin' question.

And I start thinking about my kids.

And I still felt that feeling.

And I was like,
"All right, what the f*ck is this?"

'Cause I know that's bullshit.

And I just sort of laid there.

And I relaxed.

And I went,
"Oh, f*ck, I know what this is."

This is how I felt growing up.


This is what the '70s and '80s were like.

Both your parents worked.

You got a set of keys to the house
when you were three.

"Oh, yeah, son.
Get the f*ck out of my face, son."

It was f*ckin' nuts, yeah.

I grew up in a very,
like, angry time, you know?

Like, you were afraid of your dad,
your dad's dad.

I talked about this shit before,
but I'm still working through it,

so just bear with me.

You just were f*ckin'…

Yeah, like I love seeing kids
nowadays loving their dad.

Like, "Dad, wanna go play, Dad?
Let's go ride bikes! Dad!"

Yeah, when I was a kid,
it was like, "Dad, f*ck, Dad!"


"Run! Open a window."

"Mom, what did you see in that?"

- f*cking lunatic, right?
- Yeah!

It was absolute f*ckin' lunacy.
And not just my house.

I love my parents,
but it was just the time.

Everybody was f*ckin' crazy,
you were afraid,

and people could put their hands on you
and other people's dads could hit you,

and then you come home,
"What the f*ck did you do?"

"I'll f*ckin' hit you for it!"
It was just nuts.

Teachers would grab you,
dig their nails into your f*ckin' neck.

She'd come home, "She wouldn't have
done that unless something happened."

Right? It was all of that shit.

Me and my siblings,
we all beat the shit out of each other.

You know.

And then we all teased the dog,
and the dog bit all of us.

And we never got rid of the dog.
One time the dog bit me in the face.

I was f*ckin' with it,
it was eating, I was like…

And he latched onto my face like…

Like that. My dad had
to stitch me up and everything.

We still didn't get rid of the dog,
you know?

"Aw, he's a good dog, he had a moment."

"Jesus Christ, you shouldn't have put
your g*dd*mn face down there

near the f*ckin' dog."

Yeah. So that's all it was.

It was weird, we were like
The Brady Bunch meets Lord of the Flies.

Like, on paper, it was great.

It was a station wagon
full of f*ckin', you know…

Norman Rockwell, we went to church,
we got Dunkin' Donuts.

Yeah, that was about the f*ck... so…

I don't know, so anyway,
we all ended up...

My dad was one of those people,
he said whatever the f*ck was on his mind.

You know what I mean?

Yeah. You know, like that haircut
women get when they get to a certain age?

They got a couple of kids,
they just get it cut a little shorter

'cause they don't wanna deal with it.

They put that little
Hillary Clinton flip in it or something.

Right? They get it
all shaved up the f*ckin' back.

First time you bend 'em over,

you feel like you're f*ckin'
your friend Eric. Right?

You know?

But you love your wife,
so you lie and you tell them,

"Oh, looks good."

"Looks great, I always wanted
to f*ck Geraldine Ferraro."

"My God, it's amazing."

My dad didn't care.

We picked my mother up,
she got in the car, he just goes,

"Aw, Christ, it looks like shit!"

"Jesus Christ, what the f*ck
did they do to you?"

"Aw, for Christ's sake,
you look like a f*ckin' man."

My mom's just sittin' there like…

We're in the back seat like, "This is what
a functional relationship looks like."



So, because of all that, we all ended up
getting, like, physical ailments

from being in the fight-or-flight mode
our whole lives.

Everything, gym teachers were scary,
collecting on your paper...

Everybody was scary f*ckin' everything.

One time my dad told a priest
he didn't deserve to wear the collar.

I don't know how it happened.

We were discussing
the altar boys' schedule…

and, I don't know, he wanted
to put me on a different mass,

and my dad started getting his leg going.

"You don't deserve to wear
the f*cking collar!"

The guy's jaw was on the ground,
and then the best part,

next week we go to mass.

They haven't spoken in a week,
and my dad comes walkin' like,

"Hey, how you doin', what's going on?"

Like nothing happened.

Yeah, so anyway, we all end up
getting these physical ailments.

Like one of my siblings
has stomach problems,

another one has this pain
that won't go away in his back.

I remember I had, like, alopecia
in, like, the third grade.

Third grade, I literally had
clumps of hair falling out

like I was working
on Wall Street, you know.

And I was just sitting there like,
"Did I pick up all the toys?"

"Did I do the dishes?"

"He's gonna find something,
he always finds something."

"f*ck, what do I do? I gotta k*ll him."

"I should k*ll him,
that's what I should do."

"When he's sleeping,
I'll take an extension cord."

"I'll wrap it around,
put my f*ckin' foot on his back."

"Billy seems to lack the focus
in class that he needs."

"He's not working up
to his ability." Right?

Yeah, so, anyway,
I took these f*ckin' mushrooms.

All right?

And I realized that I have been
carrying that shit around

and being like, all right,
well, that's why I drank the way I did.

That's why I've trashed women the way I...

All the f*ckin' shit.

I knew every f*ckin' thing I did,
good and bad, in that moment.

I was like, all right,
now I got to get sober

and I got to f*ckin' work
my way through this shit,

because, you know, my wife...

I don't know if you guys noticed,
I have a bit of a temper.

"No, not you, Bill." Yeah.

So here's the thing,
you know, I'm so f*cked up

and grew up in such a f*cked-up time
that I didn't even think I had a temper

'cause I was like, "I don't f*ckin'
yell at people in my house."

I curse my wife out,
I mean we get into it.

I get into it with her,
but I don't go like,

"Jesus Christ, you f*ckin' bitch,"
I don't do that stuff.

I don't yell at my kids,
but what I do is…

what I still do is I flip out.

So, like I said, I didn't think
that this was a problem.

My wife told me it was a problem,
but I don't listen to her, you know.

Why would I listen to her?
All she does is criticize, you know?

I got nothing but bad reviews
on the f*ckin' Husband Yelp.

It's just all, "You know,
didn't enjoy the experience."

"Thumbs down, half a star,"
never get a f*ckin' "attaboy," right?

So it just becomes
white noise after a while.

"What, am I doing something wrong again?
Oh, yeah, you again, okay, great."

"Great, what did I do this time, huh?"

"What do I have to work on?"

"Go ahead, f*ckin' let me know," right?

So, I don't listen to my lovely wife.

Like an idiot...
Like the idiot that I am, so…

One day I learned a harsh lesson, okay?

It was a breakfast time.

For some reason I had,
like, 20 minutes to myself,

which is really rare when you
got two kids four and under, right?

So I'm thinking like, "Holy shit,
I can actually make myself a breakfast,

like the old days."

"I'll make two eggs over easy,
I'll make some toast,

I'll make some bacon,
f*ckin' burn it up the way I like it."

"It's gonna be the shit, right?"

So I'm having a great time,
making myself a Grand Slam breakfast.

I sit down to eat, I got the OJ,
I got the glass of water.

It looks like a picture from a commercial.

And right as I sit down to eat,
my phone lights up

and I get a text message from my buddy.

He goes, "Hey, man, I thought
you were coming on this Zoom meeting."

"It started five minutes ago,
we need you on this."

And I just absolutely lost it.

I was like, Jesus Christ,
of course I have a meeting.

Of course I have my meeting,
because why couldn't I just have

one g*dd*mn cocksucking
m*therf*cking moment to myself?!

f*ckin' toast flying all over the place.

Flippin' the f*ck up.

And then all of the sudden, my daughter,
who was like two and a half at the time,

comes running into the kitchen
with big tears in her eyes,

just going, "I sorry, I sorry, Dada.
Dada, I sorry."

And I was like, "Oh, shit!"

So I literally just squatted down,
I was like, "No, buddy, come here."

"I wasn't yelling at you.
Daddy would never yell at you."

"I love you, buddy.
Daddy was yelling at the phone, okay?"

"Dad yells at the phone when it says stuff
that he doesn't like, okay?"

"Your dad has issues. I'm sorry, buddy.
I would never yell at you."

And I could literally feel
her tears drying in my shirt.

I was like, "Buddy,
I would never do that, okay?"

"I love you. You still love me?"

She said, "Yeah."
I go, "Okay, all right, buddy."

And then you know
when you do that thing with a kid

where you turn them around and push them
in the direction you want them to go in?

And I just had to sit there like,
I just did that

to a two-and-a-half-year-old,
and she was like walking away,

and I'm just sitting there thinking like,

"How bad was that?"

"Is she just gonna go play with a toy
and forget about it,

or is she no longer
gonna be an astronaut?"

Like, what did I just do?

I thought I was better than my dad,

I'm making the same mistakes
that he's making.

I f*ckin' hate myself.

I didn't do the meeting,
I didn't eat the breakfast.

I just went upstairs,
just wanted to be alone, right?

Just want to be f*ckin' alone, but I
got a wife, so it doesn't work that way.

You know?

Especially when you f*ck up
as bad as I did

and as loudly as I did.

I knew she was comin' down the hall.

I knew I was going
to have to watch some game film.

She was bringing the projector,
the screen was gonna come down,

and I'm literally just laying in there,
like, "Please, God,

just let her give me two minutes
to f*ckin' calm down."

Nope, she just comes right in
and she's just like, "So…

you wanna discuss that little incident
that happened downstairs in the kitchen?"

And I'm like, "No, honey,
can you just give me a second?"

"My heart is still on the floor.
Give me a second. I know I f*cked up."

She doesn't give a shit at that point,
and she's right, it's her kid too,

so she just launched in, "If you think
you can do this in this f*ckin' house…"

All this shit, and…

I mean, she was 100% right,

but I wasn't ready
to hear the information.

So she just sort of zoned out.
"They're my kids too and…"

And I'm just sittin' there…

laying in the bed
with the nerve to be upset with her.

She didn't do anything,
and I'm just staring at her mouth

as it's moving, not hearing anything.

I just started thinking of the news,
a news story popped into my head.

You know that news story,
you'll see it every year, year and a half.

You'll see some guy,
never committed a crime in his life,

you know, went to church every week.

Helped old ladies across the street.

And then out of nowhere,
he just kills his wife.

It's gotta be from times like this.
It just has to be.

He just had something to say.

Like, I don't know,
I just f*cked up, but…

I knew she was right, so I sat there,
I f*ckin' took it, you know?

I will say, as an aside,
the next time you see a guy

who never even cheated on his taxes,

and then out of nowhere he kills his wife,

I think it's high time to bring back
the question, "What did she say?"

Okay? I'm just sayin', all right?

Examine the problem from 360 degrees.

So anyway, so,

I love my dad and everything, you know,
but there's things I want to improve on,

so the great thing I have done
is my kids are not afraid of me.

And every time I have f*cked up,
I've gotten down on my kids' level

and let them know
that I was wrong and I apologize.

So, the great thing is
my kids are not afraid of me.

So now, my daughter's a little bit older,
she's like four and a half now,

so now whenever I start flipping out,
she actually has been helping me to stop.

'Cause the second I hear
that cute voice, I can't…

I just think, "Dada, I sorry,"
I just immediately…

It's hilarious, I'll be in the kitchen.

I'm always in the kitchen
doing something, right?

And one day I just come in like,
"What the f*ck kind of toaster is this?"

"What was wrong with the other toaster?"

"I need to download the app
to make f*cking cocksucking…"

And all of the sudden,
she'll just be like,

in the other room, be like,
"Dad, don't scream like that!"

The second I hear that voice,
I'm like, "You're right, buddy, sorry."

"Sorry, I'm just gonna
download the app here."

"Download the app in the amount of time
it would take to make some f*ckin' toast!"


"Ooh, Dad, you said a bad word.
You said a bad word."

She does all of that shit, right?

To the point, one night...
We have movie night once a week.

It's my favorite thing, we'll watch
some Pixar thing, you know.

One of those great movies, you know.
They're great.

They're for kids and adults.
It's f*ckin' awesome.

We sit down, make the popcorn
and everything.

So we have this smart TV
in the living room.

Oh, people, this is a smart TV.

Oh, is it smart.

Oh, is this f*ckin' TV.

It's so g*dd*mn smart
that one time I was in there,

I had all the lights up because
we were gonna watch a movie,

but the TV's so smart,
as I'm pressing "on"…

which you don't even do.

Don't hit the "on" button.

You hit the "on" button, that fucks it up,
you gotta press two other buttons.

"Oh, is that what I gotta do?
Is that what I have to f*ckin' do?"

"Don't scream like that."
"You're right, buddy."

This f*ckin' thing, if the lights
are out, will not turn on,

'cause it's thinking,
"Well, the lights are out,

obviously nobody is in the room."

Well, maybe somebody's asleep
on the couch

and they rolled over onto the remote.

Meanwhile I'm standing in the dark,

"You're gonna turn on 'cause I f*ckin'
bought you and I f*ckin' said so," right?

So my kid comes running.

She's like, "Dada,
don't scream like that."

I'm like, "You're right, buddy.
I'm sorry."

She's like, "Dada,
why do you scream like that?"

"'Cause I paid
all this money for this TV."

"I wanna sit down
and watch the movie with you,

and every time I go to turn it on,
it won't turn on."

"It's always something."

So she put her little hand
on my shoulder,

she goes, "Dada, it's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay."

Right? I don't even think
she knows what that means.

I just think she knows when to say it,
because my wife always says that.

"Honey, it's gonna be okay, just relax.
We'll get you another balloon."

"We can get you another one."

So that's what she did.

She was just going,
"Dada, it's gonna be okay."

Right? She had that little
cute hand on my shoulder.

And I don't know, it just hit me,
I was just thinking like, yeah.

You're right,
it is going to be okay, right?

"I mean, I could turn the lights on."

"I can relax.
I don't even need to watch it."

"As long as I'm hanging out with you,
this is great."

It was like a profound moment for me
for like half a second.

Then another moment,
then I felt like a loser

'cause I'm like, how f*cked up am I
that a four-and-a-half-year-old

is, like, my life coach,
like, dropping these truth bombs on me?

So… anyway.

So I'm going to try to stay sober
until I figure out…

Yeah, dude, it f*ckin' sucks, though,
I'm not gonna lie to you.

Just every day, takin' life in the face.

Praying for sleep.

Oh, God, make it end.

f*ckin' hate these happy sober people.

"It's amazing, I feel so alive.
I have all this f*ckin' energy."

How long does that take, you know?

I drink a milk shake once a week,
that's my big f*cking thing.

Have a root beer float, oh, it's just sad.

It's just a sad thing,

like watching an old athlete
that can't run anymore.

"I used to day drink, man, it was great."


Anyway, um…

By the way, I haven't even mentioned
how blown away I am

that I'm playing in this place.

This is absolutely great.


It's hilarious. You stay up here
for like an hour with this wind,

your f*ckin' lips get all chapped.

It's like you're standing
on the front of a boat.

So, anyway, let's end
with a couple of silly ones here.

We'll be on our way, right?

Let's see what I did.
All right, I'm doing good here.

All right, so, here's a good one for you.

A couple of years ago,

before all this stupid f*ckin'
pandemic shit started,

Mother Nature's half-assed attempt

to get rid of the amount of people
she needs to get rid of,

you know, just procrastinating,
treating it like a term paper.


I was in New York, I had an acting gig.
I was playing a fireman.

All right, now,
I'm not the best actor, right?

Some of you saw it.

I hope you paid for it,
you cheap bastards.

You all watched it for free, you bastards.

So, anyways, I'm not the best actor,
so I have to look the part,

so I grew this giant fireman mustache,
big stupid fireman mustache,

which looked great when I was wearing
the whole fireman getup,

and they put the fake dirt on my face.

I looked like I'd been
fighting fires for 20 years, right?

However, the second
I took off the costume

and they cleaned off my face
and I put on my regular clothes,

I immediately just looked
like some sad old queen

that never found love, right?

And as luck would have it,
I was in New York City in June,

which I quickly found out
was Gay Pride Month.

The whole month.

And let me tell you something,
the gay guys show up strong.

It is wall-to-wall, the f*ckin' island
is almost tipping over,

there's so many of them.

And I'm sitting there going,
"Oh, my God."

Thirty days of this shit.

I'm walking around with this orange

Freddie Mercury f*ckin' d*ck broom
on my face.

I am gonna be getting harassed
up and down the street.

I was in actor shape, man,
I was f*ckin' shredded.

I gotta tell you something, man,
when I tell you 30 days of June,

not one gay guy
even f*ckin' looked at me.

Forget about even hit on me.

I have never felt so old
and undesirable in my life.

Dude, I'm gonna tell you something,
there's one thing as a man

when you get so old
that women don't look at you anymore.

Like, you know you're gonna hit that age,
you know that day's coming,

but nobody tells you, at some point,
you're gonna get so old,

not even a man wants to f*ck you, right?

Dude, that is a statement.

When you get so old,
some queen in his sixties is,

"Keep it movin',
I can do better than that."

"Jesus Christ."

"Get some f*ckin' hair plugs or something.
Get a spray tan."

"I can get someone in his forties.
Come on, keep going."

Dude, I was having
this f*ckin' panic attack.

I was thinking like, "Oh, my God,
I waited too long to get married."

"I had kids too late,
I'm gonna die soon."

I was literally wrapping up
my life, you know?

So I'm walking down like Ninth Avenue,
putting a little swish in my f*ckin' step,

just tryin' to get something.

I was desperate.

f*ck you, ladies, you've been there.
You know how it is.

You wanna think you got
one more in ya, you know?

So I'm tra-la-la-ing down the street.

I really wish that wasn't the truth.

So I'm going down Ninth Avenue,
and all of the sudden I looked up,

and about two blocks away,
I see this lesbian coming up the block.

Okay? Now, I know
this is Boulder, Colorado, right?

So you guys are all like,
"f*ckin', hey, man, you know?"

Like, "How did you, like,
know she was a lesbian, man?"

"Like, that's not cool."

"You just looked at her and
you just knew she was a lesbian?"

"You don't know her, how did you just…"

"How do you just know
somebody's a lesbian?"


The same way you do.

The same way other lesbians do.

It's not calculus.

No, but I understand in 2021,
you're not allowed to say

you know
"what a lesbian looks like," right?

Judging by your silence, yes, right?

Yeah, you're not allowed, right?

What's funny, if some white kid
came in here, like 20 years old,

hair slicked back, collar popped,
loafers, no socks,

you'd be looking at him thinking,
"All right, frat boy, date r*pist."

"His dad's a judge.
He's not going to jail."

"Yeah. Just k*lled five people
in a drinking-and-driving accident."

"Already has a new
Dodge Challenger on the way."


Yeah, you're allowed to see that,
that you can see.

Clear as day.


I have no idea.

No, but that's how progressive
you guys are.


You don't have any idea.


Like, let's play a game.

I'll just name different people you see

and see the slides
that come into your head, right?

Construction worker.

Sports fan.




Right? It all goes blank.

Is that a lesbian?

Am I a…?

I mean, I have gay friends,
but I've never noticed

any sort of a throughline.

Listen, people, I'm not saying
all lesbians look alike.

I would never say
some ignorant shit like that.

However, I am saying, though,

every once in a while,
there's a f*cking layup.


Flattop, wallet chain,
f*ckin' walking up the street.


But even then, I'm not saying 100%.

But g*n to my head, I gotta go lesbian.

Gotta go lesbian.

Final answer, final answer,
show me "lesbian."


So, anyway…

She's f*ckin' walkin' up the street.

I'm comin' down, right?

And it's clear to me

that if we keep walking the way we're
walking, we're gonna bump into each other.

I don't wanna bump into a woman,

I don't want to bump
into anybody in New York,

so I do the gentlemanly thing.

I clock what's going on,

so I just gradually
shift over into my lane.

Now everything's fine, right?
But then the weirdest thing happened.

We walk like another 30 yards,
and all of the sudden,

she drifts back into my lane again.

And I'm sitting there walking like,
"Wow, that was kind of crazy."

"Thought I solved this problem."

All right, so I f*ckin' dip
into another lane again.

Okay, I'm walking, we go another 30 yards,
she comes back into my lane again.

So now I'm up against the curb.

So now I'm thinking, how do I do
the politically correct math here?

What am I supposed to be doing here?

Am I supposed to step off
into the bike lane

and have some young kid
on his electric bicycle come by,

forty miles an hour, run me over,

I go down to the pavement,
knees and elbows?

And for the rest of my life,
every time it rains,

I gotta think about this lesbian
that walked me off the f*ckin' block?

Is that what I'm supposed to do?

Am I supposed to give up
the whole sidewalk?

Like, "Oh, your gayness!"


Or do I stiffen up my shoulder

and protect my lane?


Now, I'm not proud of this,
but I chose the latter, all right?

I was like, "Look, I'm 53."

"I moved twice. I have an AARP card.
I'm the f*ckin' victim here."


I stiffen up the shoulder and immediately
I'm thinking this is gonna get crazy.

I've never done this with a female before.

This is in public, people are gonna
see this shit, what's gonna happen?

But I'm not going to lie,
she started closing in, she was moving,

so I like leaned in,
like I really got my legs underneath me,

'cause she was built like a janitor
and I was not gonna get spun around.

I wasn't gettin' spun around.

Not having that
on the f*ckin' logbook, right?

So I lean into this shit,
and at the last second,

she turned her shoulder
and we just missed shoulders,

but our forearms still slapped together

with significant enough force
that it warranted a turnaround.

Okay? Now, I know most of you guys drive,

so I will break down pedestrian etiquette
really quickly in New York City.

This is the deal, if you're walking
down the street in New York,

you're walking and you just sort of
brush sleeves with somebody,

you don't have to stop.

Just look over your shoulder,
"Sorry, man, my bad, have a nice day."

Right? Then there's the next level.
Moves up a little bit.

You're walking down the street,
you actually bump into somebody,

you actually have to turn around,
"Sorry, I didn't see you."

A little dojo bow, "My bad."

Whatever you have to do… "My sensei"…

to keep it from escalating.

And then there's the last one.

You're just walking down the street
and you hit so f*ckin' hard,

you gotta turn around and go like
old-school Dustin Hoffman-De Niro,

like, "Hey, I'm f*ckin' walkin' here!

"I f*ckin' moved twice,
you didn't see that?"

"You drifted two times, huh?"

So I turn around
to have this confrontation,

and let me tell you something,
she never looked back.

And I'm not gonna lie to you,
that bugged me.

That bugged me for like three days.

Three days, I'm just walking
around New York,

"g*dd*mn f*ckin' bullshit,

there's no f*ckin' way
you didn't do that on purpose!"

"Who does that, who drifts?" You know?

And I'm feeling this anger,
it's just burning me up,

and I know eventually
it's gonna settle in my chest,

and then one more time it's gonna be,
"I sorry, Dada, I sorry."

It's like I can't do this to my daughter,
I can't do this to my kids.

So I started reading up on anger.

Like, "how to let go of this,"
I think is what I Googled.

And I found empathy.

If you have empathy for somebody,
you put yourself in their shoes,

you can just, you know, figure out

where they're coming from, where
you're coming from, meet in the middle,

so I said, here we go,
let me put myself in her shoes.

What would cause somebody to accidentally
drift into your lane twice?

You know, so I just started
throwing shit on the wall.

Did she have a clubfoot? No.

Did she just have a stroke?

Did she have Bell's palsy
of her left side? You know?

Was she a mummy?
Did she have a wooden leg?

You know? Is she one
of those f*ckin' diagonal walkers?

You get behind them at the airport,
they're walkin' too slow,

you go around to the right, they start
dragging their suitcase over there.

You go over to the left,
they're coming back this way, you know?

It's like they just got off a ship.

And everything was just like,
no, no, no, cut! Right?

And I was still mad.

I was still f*ckin' mad.

So I said, "Who gives a shit?
I don't give a f*ck."

Lied to myself,
said I didn't give a f*ck, you know?

So then I ended up going home.

Then I'm washing the dishes,
which is a very Zen-like thing to do.

It's a week later, you wash dishes,
you're not thinking of anything.

Your brain is empty,
I'm washing the dishes,

and then all of the sudden,
the answer just came to me.

It just floated into my head,
and I just looked up.

I was like, "Oh, my God.
I know why she did it."

I know why she bumped into me.

She bumped into me
because she's a lesbian.

It was right there.

I was, like, looking nine miles down
the street, looking under shrubs.

It was right in front of my face.

She did it because she's a lesbian.

All right, so judging
by most of your silence,

I will do this math for you, come on.

Let's have a little empathy here.

Put yourself in a lesbian's shoes,
all right?

Who do lesbians date?


Who do they move in with? Women.

Who do they get in relationships with?

Who do they eventually marry? Women.

And I was thinking like,
"Oh, my God. I did that."

I know what the f*ck that's like.

I know what it's like to live
with one of those f*ckin' things.

I know exactly what that... it's hopeless.

Trying to make them happy.

"Hey, I bought you this shiny thing.
Did I do it right, huh?"

Trying to get them
to take responsibility for their actions.

Not gonna happen.

The best you're gonna get is,
"I'm sorry, but…"

I know what it's like to be winning
a f*ckin' argument, you're winning,

and then they turn it around,
they're crying, you're apologizing.

You're thinking,
what the f*ck just happened?

How am I losing this shit?
I had you on the ropes.

You feel so dumb,
you got to go for a walk.

And you're just thinking,

how did I lose again?

How did I lose again?

And then you figure it out,
it makes you feel stupid,

and then you see some bald idiot
with a giant orange mustache,

you're like, "You know what,
why don't you take some of that shit?"

"You take some of that f*ckin' anger."


I feel so stupid
that I got mad at that woman.

I shouldn't have got mad at her,
I should have bought her a beer.

And just listen to her troubles
and had empathy

and be like, "It's not your fault.
You married a woman, I did it too."

"You're not gonna win.
There's no winning this."

Yeah. I'm telling you, if you don't
believe me, do a little people-watching.

Take a look at the look
on the average lesbian's face.

I don't mean a lesbian in her twenties,
she's got her life ahead of her,

she's got Christmas in her eyes, right?

I mean, a lesbian about 35, 36,

starting to settle in
to what the deal's gonna be, right?

And then look across the bar,
find a married guy about the same age.

Look at the look on his face.

Look at the look on her face,
go back to his face.

It's the same f*ckin' look.

Yeah. And then look at gay guys.

Some of the happiest people
I've ever met in my life.

They're almost too happy.
It's like, "Hey, how's it going?"

They're like, "Hi!"

Almost floating across the room

with that lack of estrogen
just yanking down your f*ckin' dreams.


Now, look, it might be a front.

I'm not saying all gay guys
are just blissfully happy,

but it's looking like
a pretty good time to me.

Dude, they're some of the most positive
people I've ever met in my life.

Any idea you have, they support it.

They're just like, "Yes, yes, queen, yes!"

"You're fierce, you can do it!"

Lesbians are up in the bar
like a bunch of jaded cops.

"It's all f*ckin' bullshit."

"What the f*ck was I thinking?"

"U-Hauling after ten days, moving in.
What the f*ck was I thinking?"

"She's crazy!"

No, I'm telling you,
I think married men and lesbians

need to start hanging out more,

and we gotta put our heads together
and try to solve our common problem,

the women in our lives.

So we can somehow attain
the perceived happiness

of the average gay dude out there.

Yeah. So, if you believe in that shit,
I'll give you some advice.

If you're gonna expand
your f*ckin' world of friends,

I'll give you some advice.

You can't just hang out with any lesbian.

All right? You gotta make sure
you're hanging out with the dude

in the relationship, right?

And by "dude," I'm not saying she's manly,
I'm not being ignorant.

By "dude," I just mean she's the one
that gets blamed for most of the shit.


'Cause no relationship is balanced.

Somebody is getting away with more.

Somebody's drafting behind the other.
It's like a bike race.

Somebody else is taking
the f*ckin' weather in the face.


Somebody else is f*ckin' right behind.

"Oh, yeah, it really is wet."

Just kind of hiding
under your f*ckin' poncho.

Male-female, female-female, they-they,
whatever the f*ck it is you're into.

Every relationship, there's the person
that does the dishes

and the person that lets them soak.


They don't let them soak.
They know you're gonna do 'em.

They're just waitin' you out.

After a while,
you can't f*ckin' take it anymore.

They're just sitting there.
You gotta go start doing them.

Then what do they do?

They sit in the other room and wait,
like they don't know what you're doing,

and wait till they hear pots and pans,
and that's when the show starts.

That's when they come
running in like, "What?"

"I was gonna do those!"

And you're like, "No, you weren't.
They've been sitting here eight hours."

"I got my hands in room-temperature water
with scrambled eggs floating around."

"Don't gaslight me,
you're a f*ckin' animal."

"You were raised by animals,
get out of my sight."

"Don't yell at me!" Right?


Every relationship has the person

that will take the trash bag
out of the trash barrel

and do a little…

Tie it off and then leave it
slumped against the counter.

Like it took two behind the ear
in a mob hit, just…

And then there's the person
that actually picks it up

and takes it out to the curb at night
and puts it in the trash can, right?

My wife's hilarious, I love her,

but she's got some
of the worst excuses ever.

"Why don't you ever take out the trash?"

She goes, "I would,
I'm just afraid of coyotes."

"I'm afraid of the coyotes."

It's like, "So am I! So am I!"

"They're rabid dogs."

"They hunt in packs of twos and threes."

"You don't do it
'cause you don't wanna do it

'cause you know I'm gonna do it,
just get the f*ck away from me, please."

I'm telling you…

So, anyway…

I know I said
a lot of divisive shit here tonight,

so before I get out of here,
before I get out of here,

I want to…

Let's bring the room together.

It's a very divisive time.

Everyone wants to feel safe.

Let's do a nice, normal, mainstream topic,

so everybody can drive home happy,
no fights, all right?

Sound good? All right, great.

Let's talk abortion. There you go.

Everybody has an opinion.

"It's my body, it's my right."

"Well, then f*ckin' drive
to Arkansas, bitch!"

Right? Everybody has an opinion.

As do I, and I apologize
that you're gonna have to listen to mine.

Because… I'm gonna tell you right now.

I have a really weird take on abortion.

I'm gonna tell you that
right from the get-go, okay?

I'm 100% pro-choice, always have been.

Ladies, I said it was weird.

For the love of God.
Stop getting in the trunk in the car.

Wait till the end.

You're supposed to vet me first.

Whoo! f*ckin' feet out the sunroof.

I said I had a weird take.

Pro-choice always made sense to me

'cause I don't like people
telling me what to do,

and I was just like, it's your body.

Who the f*ck am I to tell you
what to do with your body?

So that always made sense. All right?

However, I still think
you're k*lling a baby.

See? That's where it gets weird.

Like, I sit on the fence
and the whole thing makes sense to me.

When anybody's saying, like,
"Don't tell me what to do."

"It's my body, my choice."

That's right, man, she's right.
Leave her the hell alone.

"Well, you're killin' a baby!"

Well, I mean, there is that. You know?

If we're gonna be honest,

that is the whole purpose
of the procedure.

You're not going in there
'cause you got an earache.

You're going in there
'cause "I got a baby in me,

get it the f*ck out of there!"

Right? You walk in with the baby,
you come out without one.

What happened to the baby, right?

Something f*ckin' happened. So…

Pro-choice people like,
"Well, it's not a life yet."

"It's not a baby yet if..."
I don't know what they say.

"Before you do it the first Thursday
or the last Tuesday

and you spin around one time."

They dance between the right trucks.

"It's not a baby yet,"
that's what they say,

which may or may not be true.

I don't know, I'm not a doctor,

but I'll tell you, my gut tells me
that doesn't make sense.

It's not a baby yet.

That would be like if I was making a cake
and I poured some batter in a pan

and I put it in the oven,
and then five minutes later you came by

and you grabbed the pan,
you threw it across the floor.

And I went, "What the f*ck?!
You just ruined my birthday cake."

And then you're like,
"Well, that wasn't a cake yet."

It's like, "Well, it would have been."

"If you didn't do what you just did,

there would have been a cake
in 50 minutes."

"Something happened to that cake,
you cake-murdering son of a bitch!"


Now, before all you pro-life people
get excited,

I think it's great
you're k*lling your babies.

It's fantastic.

Help Mother Nature out.
There's too many of us.

It's been 130 degrees out.
Animals are going extinct.

There's plastic in the f*ckin' ocean.

We don't need any more f*ckin' people.

And especially,
if you're honest with yourself,

have you done anything great
with your life?

Is the person you're banging
doing anything great?

The answer to both
of those questions is no,

what are the odds
you're gonna make a great person?

I'm not saying
you're gonna make a bad person,

you're just gonna make another person
that doesn't go when the light turns green

'cause they're staring
at their f*ckin' phone.

All right, I'm out of time.
You guys were awesome.

Thank you so much.
Thank you, thank you.

This was amazing.

Thanks again.
Thank you for coming out, everybody.

I really appreciate it, good night.

Bill Burr!
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