7 Women (1966)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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7 Women (1966)

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Horn honks ]

Agatha: Thank you, Kim.

Put the car in the shed,
will you?

And take the first-aid bag
to the clinic.

Good morning, girls.

Good morning, missy.

The boy's mother
insisted on paying me,

so I took nine tangerines --

one for each of you.

Thank you very much,
miss Andrews.

[ Children laughing ]

Miss Andrews...

Was it very bad?

A simple fracture.

How wonderful to be able
to do a thing like that

with no medical training.

To head a mission,
miss argent,

you have to learn to do
a little bit of everything.

You know that.

There's a letter for you,
miss Andrews...

From headquarters.

Yes, miss Andrews,
you've got a letter.

From headquarters.

Uh, miss argent told me.

Oh, I do hope
that this time

there's some news
about a doctor.

I'm so afraid.

Well, perhaps you can restrain
your curiosity

about the letter
until lunchtime.

[ Sighs ]

"And so,

Dr. D.R. Cartwright..."

"...should be with you
on the 16th at the latest."

Thank goodness for that.

I couldn't have stood
another day.

What horrible news
from kumcha.


That's where tunga Khan --

now, florrie, please.

People were m*rder*d
in their beds!

Mrs. Pether, please.

This bandit...

This tunga Khan,
as you call him...

Wouldn't dare to molest US.

We are American citizens.

Of course.

We're perfectly safe.

Now let US say grace.

God spake, my child.

God spake to thee...

"I will
thy god and father be."

Hear my plea, oh, lord,
and consider my desire.

Harken unto me for thy truth
and righteousness' sake.

Oh, let me hear
thy loving-kindness

betimes in the morning...

For in thee is my trust.

Show thou --

Mr. Pether.

Do you really think
that one of those children

understands a word
you're talking about?

I suppose not.

Then you must learn to control
your inclination for the pulpit.

This is not
a theological seminary.

I want so much
to reach them.

I'll take your class today.

But you'll have to meet
Dr. Cartwright in my place.

Why not?

how will I recognize him?

How many doctors do you suppose
are on that mule convoy?

It took US three months
to find one.

Yes, I know.

I know florrie and I
have been troublesome.

We've been a great burden.

I'm so sorry
it started to happen here.

Yes, quite.

[ Water splashing ]

Miss Clark...

...you'd better hurry.

You'll be late for supper.

I-I'm sorry.

The doctor and Mr. Pether

will be here soon.

I'll hurry.

Your hair.

That's better, Emma.

They're terribly late.

It's time for supper.

Surely the doctor should
understand we must eat.

Is it absolutely necessary
to say we?

Yes, please stop it.

Well, it is we.

He hiccups sometimes,
and he kicks.

[ Horn honks ]

Where is he, Charles?
Where's the doctor?

What happened, pether?

I don't know.

He wasn't there.

The market square
was full of farmers.

Nothing but Chinese.

I looked everywhere.
I couldn't find any doctor.

Oh, it's just like the last time
and the time before that!

You just can't get a doctor!

And you're
not even trying!Florrie.

You don't even care!

It's not fair!

Take your wife to her room,
Mr. Pether.

Put her to bed.

We haven't had
our supper yet!

We won't be able
to sleep!

You shall have a tray.I'll bring your supper,
Mrs. Pether.

Miss argent
will bring her supper.

They'll never be able to get
any doctor to come out here!

What are you
doing here?!

This is
the last place on earth!Florrie, florrie.

I'm desperate!Florrie.

I'll be like
an animal!No, no.

An animal in a ditch!

Oh, Charles, please!

Please get a doctor!

Do you think Mrs. Pether
will be all right, miss Andrews?

If god wills it.

What a beautiful evening.

♪ Jesus loves me,
this I know ♪

♪ for the Bible tells me so

♪ little ones to him belong

♪ they are weak,
but he is strong ♪

[ Speaking Chinese ]

♪ Yes, Jesus loves me

♪ yes, Jesus loves me

♪ the Bible tells me so

Who are you?
What do you want?

I'm Dr. Cartwright.
Who are you?

I'm Agatha Andrews,
the head of this mission.

We've been expecting you
for days.

What happened to you?

Your damfool coolie's
lost half my luggage.

It took me a day
to round it up.

Well, I suppose you're hungry
after the journey.

You'll want something
to eat, and, uh --

I'd like a bath first.
I stink.

And a nap.

Hey, you! Be careful
with those medical supplies!

Our people
are very well-trained.

I hope so.

Mrs. Pether,
it's the doctor.

Are you the doctor?

But you're a woman.

Unless a lot of men
have been kidding me.

Charles, it's a woman.

Don't worry.

She's as good
as any man.


[ Door closes ]

Good evening.

Did you call
the doctor?

Yes, missy.

Dr. Cartwright.

now that you are rested,

I would like you
to meet my staff.

This is miss argent,
my assistant.

She's so loyal and devoted.

I don't know
what I'd do without her.

Mrs. Pether
you have already observed.

The wife
of our only male teacher.

How do you do,

Mr. Pether
is not a clergyman.

Are you, Mr. Pether?

Uh, no,
miss Andrews.

But I --

how do you do,
Dr. Cartwright?

And miss Emma Clark,

our youngest member...

Uh, you will sit
over there.

...for whom
I have great hopes.

Hi, Emma.

Good evening,
Dr. Cartwright.

I'm so glad you came.

Did you have a good trip?

You must be exhausted.

I know
it's a very rough journey.

Did you --Dr. Cartwright...

I have not said grace
as yet.


Dear god...

From whom
all blessings spring...

We render thanks for what thou
art about to give US.

Give what thou wilt,
as much as thou wilt,

and when thou wilt.

Only thou knowest
what is good for US.

Amen. Amen.

Dr. Cartwright...

Do you mind not smoking?

Oh, why not?

We don't believe

in the use
of tobacco for women.

We find it unbecoming

to any lady dedicated
to the Christian endeavor.

Miss Andrews, I don't claim

to be dedicated
to Christian endeavor.

I only claim to be dedicated
to the practice of medicine.

Did you know this was a mission
before you came here?

Yes, of course I did.
Gave me a hell of a jolt.

But it happened to be
the only job going

that took me
out of the United States.

And, uh...

I had personal reasons
for wanting to get out.


And you're damn lucky
to get me.

Of course, I can't stop
you smoking in your room.

Or the clinic.

You wear your hair very short,
Dr. Cartwright.

Oh, yes.
Back home, it's all the rage.

Besides, in my job,
it's very practical.

Oh, I like it.
It's very becoming.

I-I mean that it's becoming
to you, of course.

I'm not hungry.

Oh, the baby's kicking,

He's kicking a lot.

When are you going to
examine me, doctor?


Why not tonight?

Oh, good.

Well, pether, we haven't heard
from you all evening.

How does it feel to be the only
rooster in this henhouse?

[ Laughs ]

Mr. Pether!

Well, I'm late
on the scene.

But as far as I can tell, you've
got another few weeks to go.

will it hurt much?

Do you want your baby?

What's a woman
without a child?

you can come in now.

Everything all right,

So far.


You see?

But it isn't natural for her

to have her first baby
at her age.

Florrie's only 42.

38, Charles.

I can't stress too much
the importance

of what I'm going to say,

Listen to me now.

When her time comes,

Mrs. Pether is going to
need a modern maternity
ward with all the equipment.

And she may need it suddenly,
without warning.

At her age,
we can never judge.

Get her out of here,
fast as you can.

That's my advice.

Get her out?

Oh, I can't --

you see...

Yes, pether?

The work here --
we're shorthanded.

We're shorthanded!

Well, you know
nobody can be spared.

I repeat, pether...

Your wife needs
a modern maternity ward,

and there isn't one here.

I told you, Charles.
You see?!

You should have never
brought me here in
the first place!

Why did you bring her here?

Well, I always wanted to be
a minister.

A lay mission was the nearest
I could get to it.

How long
have you been married?

Almost a year.

A year?

How long
did your courtship last?


I was in pigtails
when I first met Charles.

Now, I wanted
to get married, too, florrie.

His mother was alive.

He didn't have money
to keep US both.

Or the money to go
to divinity school, hmm?

My mother was an invalid.

I had to work.

You know, to get enough
for nurses and treatment,


There was no one else.

Years I waited.

I waited, too, florrie.

All right,
marriage is one thing.

Starting a baby is another.

One didn't necessarily
have to lead to the other.

Didn't you know the difficulties
of a menopausal birth?

The thought
never entered my head.

We were married, at last.

And I didn't care.

All my chums at school
had babies.

Betsy Chapman had twins.

Now it's my turn.

All right.

We'll do the best we can.

God will take care
of florrie.

Pether, I worked for years
in slum hospitals --

New York, Chicago.

Some of them hellholes.

I never saw god come down
and take care of anyone.

Thank you, doctor.

"Though he slay me,

yet will I trust him."

Call miss Clark.

Yes, missy.

Yes, miss Andrews?

Uh, I want you to listen
carefully, Emma.

I'm only trying
to protect you.

You understand that,
don't you?


[ Sighs ]

You've lived
a very sheltered life.

Your father,
both your brothers --

ministers of the gospel.

Dr. Cartwright

comes from quite
a different world.

She'll never fit
into a Christian community.

I'm writing to --
to headquarters

to ask them to replace her
as soon as possible.

But I -- I find her
so interesting.


Sitting before grace?

Using profane words?

You call that interesting?

I can see that
to a young, inexperienced girl

there's something exciting
about her.

But morally...


She's dead.


Dr. Cartwright has come here
to look after the sick,

to take care of Mrs. Pether.

She -- she just can't be
a bad woman.

She's different.

She isdifferent.

And the difference
is the evil in her.

I can't believe it.

My dear Emma...

Oh, sit down.

Do you really want to live
in Dr. Cartwright's world?

Is that where your foolish,
young curiosity is leading you?


No, I didn't mean that.
I -- I didn't mean that at all.


I've devoted myself
to you.

I've tried to teach you...

To guide you.

And you repay me
by losing your faith.

Oh, no.

I --
no, I haven't lost my faith.

I didn't mean that.

I haven't.

You have
many gifts and graces, Emma.

They just have to be directed
into the right channels.

That's all.

St. Matthew said, "blessed
are the clean of heart,

for they shall see god."

That's simple to understand,
isn't it?


Thank you, miss Andrews.

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Men shouting in Chinese ]

I'm miss binns,

head of the British mission
at kumcha.



This is
Mrs. Russell...

And miss ling.

We managed to hide

when we heard tunga Khan
was coming.

He burnt our mission.

He k*lled our people.

What an appalling

Of course, you're welcome
to stay here.

[ Baby crying ]

Hey, ching!

Chang, whatever the hell
your name is, come here!

Ask her how long
the baby's been sick.

[ Conversing in Chinese ]

10 days, miss doctor.

Miss Clark!


Get this baby into the clinic
right away.

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

Get him to the clinic,

[ Speaking Chinese ]

Please sit down.

Miss argent.

I'm sorry
we've only cold rice and tea.

The kitchens are closed.

We're very grateful,
miss Andrews.

You're welcome to stay here
until your own society

can make arrangements
for you to move on.

God knows
when that will be.

We're a very poor mission.

We'll work
as soon as we're rested.

I know and admire the work

of your...Denomination,

miss binns.

But we all
have our own methods.

A new approach
might be confusing here.

So for the short time

that you remain with US,

please take opportunity
for rest.

There's no danger here.

We're American citizens,
you know.


And furthermore,
there's a Garrison

of the regular Chinese army
stationed in the town.

Is true about the atrocities
at kumcha?


They k*lled,
mutilated, r*ped...

Tied the Chinese
in bundles of three

and threw them
into the burning fire.


Children, old women --

they didn't care who.

They held them down screaming

while they cut off their legs

and their arms
and their feet.



[ Screams ]

[ Sobbing ]Shh. Shh.

People aren't in the habit

of coming into my office
without knocking, doctor.

I won't be responsible
for florrie pether's life

if she stays here.

And what would you
have me do?

Give me the money to get her
to a decent modern hospital.

What is it, doctor?

Don't you feel qualified

to deal
with a simple confinement?

Andrews, I've done them all --

breech births,
premature cesareans.

I've brought babies
into this rotten world

till I could scream...

With the fathers
outside the ward

waiting to drag the mothers
off the beds.

But they were young --

children, some of them.

Florrie pether's
at the change of life.

Get that through your head --
at the change of life.

who joined this mission

enlisted in a w*r.

They are soldiers,
Dr. Cartwright --

in the army of the lord.

Let them behave

Did your lord turn his back
on the weak and the helpless?

What's biting you?

Are you punishing florrie

because she's guilty of a sexual
act beneath this sacred roof?

Get out!

Get out of my office!

You're nothing
but a small-time dictator.

[ Door slams ]Dr. Cartwright...

They can hear you
all over the mission.

Miss argent,
in my medical opinion,

Mrs. Pether runs a very grave
risk if she has her baby here,

and it'll be a miracle
if that baby lives.

Will you ask your chief to give
me the money to get her away?

Why, miss Andrews
cannot give you mission funds

for a private purpose.

That's a rule.

Well, then I hope
your god is merciful,

because he's the only one that
can help florrie pether now!

[ Door slams ]

That's blasphemy.

Hi, kids.


Oh, doctor...

How's the baby?

Why don't you come in
and find out?

Good morning, ching.

Very much sick,
miss doctor.

Is she
all right?

Get your kids out of here.
Move them up into the fields.

What fields?

Move, girl!

Uh, girls, come on.

We're gonna all go out today
and work in the field.

That's where we're going.

Come on.

Get up, honey.
Come on.

♪ Shall we gather
at the river ♪

♪ where bright angels' feet
have trod ♪

♪ with its crystal tide
forever ♪

♪ flowing
from the throne of... ♪

[ Banging ]

Kim, where are you?!


Kim, come here!

Round up everybody
from kumcha.

Everybody from kumcha
into the compound.

Run like hell.

Beat it!

Miss argent --

what are you doing?

Why, we're thirsty.

I'll get you
some boiled water.

Dr. Cartwright!

Now, don't you leave this room
until I tell you.

Do you hear, florrie?

What's going on?

[ Speaking Chinese ]

Miss ling, tell them what I want
in their own lingo.

Everything they came with
into the cart --

the clothes off their back,
the shoes off their feet.

Then put them into the cart
and burn the lot.

Kim, did you hear
what I said?

Everything they own
into the cart and burn the lot.

Dr. Cartwright, just exactly
what are you thinking of

giving orders
to my people?

There's plague
in this mission, Andrews --



Can I help, doctor?
I've had medical experience.

Yes. You can isolate
all of your people.

And you -- get all
of your people together

so we can immunize them.

We've got to cut this place off

roll up your sleeves.

That's right.

[ Baby crying ]

You got enough serum,

God knows.
I hope so.

[ Laughs ]

Run over to my room.

There's some shirtwaists
and shoes.

Bring them, quickly.

Miss Andrews!

[ Speaking Chinese ]


It's 36 hours
you've been at it.

I'll relieve you.

Thank you.

Get some rest.

Call me in two hours.


[ Crying ]


Oh, god.


[ Sobbing ]


I have your tray.

Your food is here.

Did you wash your hands
in disinfectant?

Of course.

Is the doctor all right?

The doctor's exhausted.

But is she all right,

She's not ill.

Well, remind her to come
and speak with me.

Well, I'll ask,

but, florrie,
she's very, very busy.

But she's got to come
and speak to me.

My condition changes
every day, every minute.

I -- I can feel it.

Look, florrie...

People are very ill here.

They're dying.


You mustn't tell me
anything horrible.

I have to go now.

Did you remember the melon,

The melon?

I'm craving for melon.

Don't forget the melon,


Dr. Cartwright.

I'm sorry.

I know you've had no rest.

But it's Emma.

Is she --

[ sighs ]

It happened so quickly,
doctor --

the cramps.

Is she thirsty?

She was very,
till the cramps.

She's collapsed.

Miss ling, do you know

how to prepare
a turpentine poultice?

Bring it quickly.

[ Speaking Chinese ]


Are you gonna --

you gonna help me,

Well, that's what
I'm here for, honey.

Oh, god,
whose mercy --


I can't pray.

I can't pray.


Don't let Emma die.

Oh, boy.

Am I pooped.

You smoke too much.

Yes. Everything I do,
I do too much.

Is...emma going to die?


She's young.
She's healthy.

But a lot of others will die
before this is over --

the old, the weak.

Oh, I can't stand
all this unnecessary death.

So many dying unbaptized.

You know, Andrews,
you should have married.


Had sons,
shared their problems.

That's real living.

I never wanted that.

But the mission isn't enough,
is it?

What do you mean?

I work every day.

Every day,
every hour of the week.



I have to fill my life.

Because something's missing.


I've always searched
for something that...

Isn't there.

And god isn't enough.

God help me.

He isn't enough.

We offer thanks, oh, god,

for having delivered US
from the perils of the plague.

And we pray for those poor souls
who have departed.

And we give thanks for
what thou art about to offer US.

Give what thou wilt,
as much as thou wilt --

what the hell are you all
so gloomy about?

Good evening, ladies.

I beg your pardon.

You're played out,

What you all need
is a good, stiff drink.

Take that...

from off this table!

Oh, come on, Agatha.

It's good scotch whisky.

Would do US all
a world of good.

She's been drinking.

Oh, florrie.

I sure in hell have.

But don't you worry.

By the time things start popping
in your department,

I'll be sober.

Oh, doctor.


Filthy, horrible stuff!

I watched it degrade
a decent, honorable soldier...

Turn him into a liar...

A cheat...


It ruined his life.

It ruined mine, too.

I could tell you things...

Vile things.

Russell, when you joined
the mission at kumcha,

you shut the door on your life
with colonel Russell.

Leave it shut.

Please sit down,
Mrs. Russell.

We've had enough
of this ugliness.

We have all been through
a great strain.

It's time for US
to settle down.

You know that you were
responsible for this,

Dr. Cartwright.

I'm willing to forgive you,

because you have been under
the greatest strain of all.

[ Voice breaking ]
But it mustn't happen again.

Please take that bottle away.

Try to...

To get back to a normal life.


What the hell
is so normal about my life?

Took me eight years
to become a doctor.

I gave everything up
to study.

And for what?

Anything I could get.

There are no top jobs
for women doctors.

I couldn't even open
a decent office.

Had to sweat it out
in the worst hospitals.

And when I finally gave myself
a little time for a little love,

I wound up
picking the wrong guy.

What do you think of that,

Oh, well.

It was nice while it lasted.

But for keeps,
he preferred his wife.

So, what's normal
about that?

As a matter of fact,

what the hell is so normal
about any one of US nuts

sitting at this table?

Oh, well.

It's all your fault,
you mouth-opener.

You know, Emma,

you're the only one
that still has a chance.

There's a real world

Get out of this rat race.
Go and find it.

[ Florrie groans ]

[ Florrie sighs ]



I was wondering.

What is it?

I don't know.

I'm gonna find out.

Oh, boy, that's one hell
of a bonfire.

What do you think it is?
Chinese new year's?


In my classroom today, there
was fear among the children.

I know fear.

Tunga Khan.

Oh, holy Moses.

Wasn't tough enough
taking care of her here.

But if she's gonna start
having her baby on the run,

she doesn't stand a chance.

[ Explosions in distance ]

What the hell is that?


r*fle sh*ts.

What kind of a man was I
to get my wife pregnant

at a time like this?

What kind of a man was I

to bring her to
this Chinese hole-in-the-wall?

And for what?!

Because I wanted to play
at being minister of the gospel!

Oh, god, forgive me
for what I've done to her.

[ Explosions continue ]



For the first time in my life,
I'm not scared.

All I can think about
is florrie.

[ Explosions continue ]


What's going on?

Chinese soldiers leaving.

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

Have you got orders
to move out of here?

You're acting
on your own authority.

I shall report you to nanking.

Why are the soldiers
leaving, miss ling?

They're deserting US!

Why are they leaving US?!

It's tunga Khan!
I'm sure it is!

I'm sure it is!

No, no,
it's not tunga.

They're pulling
out of here!

They're leaving US!

We should go with them!

Absolutely not,
Mrs. Russell.

I've told you before,
he won't come here.


What gives, pether?

Tunga Khan.

Kim, get the car out
for me.

I'm gonna find out what's
really going on out there.

If anything happens to you,
florrie's done for.

Look, I'll go.

I'm the head
of this mission.

You're not to risk your life
or anyone else's.

Miss Andrews, you've told me
what to do for the last time.

Now, pull your head
out of the sand.

Are you out of your mind?

Our time
for making believe

we're untouchable saints
is over!

Now, Kim,
get the car.

frank merriwell!

Charles, Charles,
where are you going?

What are you going to do?
Charles, don't be stupid!

You can't leave me!

Plenty of people to take care
of you here, florrie.

Listen, everybody...

Miss Andrews,
all of you.

If we're gonna get out of here,
we're gonna have to move fast.

So pack up --
just necessities.

Now, be ready to make a run
for it the minute I get back.

Don't be so stupid,

Come back here

Are you --

[ shouting in Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

Well, I'm ready.

Got my toothbrush
and my lip Rouge.

I brought your things,
miss Andrews.

In case --this is cowardice.

We mustn't be infected
by Mr. Pether's hysteria.

Of course not.

We're not like those
poor creatures in the village.

Charles going out there.

Of all people.

I can't believe it.

I think it would be
more advisable, miss Andrews,

if we all left --

I don't need advice,
miss binns.

I built this mission.

I made it a part of the life
of this whole province.

And I am not leaving.

The rest of you
can do as you want.

I'm not afraid
of this petty bandit.

I shall stay.

Now, come on, Andrews.
Cut out this martyr complex.

Put on your best bib and Tucker,
and let's scram.

Dr. Cartwright, I am still
the head of this mission.

[ Horn honking ]And as such --

florrie: There's Charles.

[ Honking continues ]

[ g*nshots ]

Miss Andrews!

[ g*nf*re ]

[ Florrie screams ]

[ g*nf*re continues ]

[ Horse whinnies ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Conversing in Chinese ]

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

Where's Charles?

Where's my husband?!



[ Crying ]

What happened
to Mr. Pether?

We see them in town
k*lling, stealing.

They pull the girls
from the house,

tear the clothes from them.

Beat, r*ped.

The girls screamed
to Mr. Pether, "help!"

Mr. Pether get out
of the car,

go to help the girls.

They sh**t him like a dog

and laugh.

Mr. Pether dead.


[ Crying ]
Oh, Charles! No!

Emma: Oh, florrie.

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

[ g*nsh*t ]


Agatha: [ Sobbing ]
The fiend!

God strike you dead,
you filthy savage!

[ Crying ]

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

[ Men shouting in Chinese ]

[ Florrie sobbing ]

[ Sobbing continues ]

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

What will they do
to miss ling?

Why have they
taken her?

To degrade her.

Miss ling comes
from a mandarin family.

In some countries,
she would be called Princess.


[ Men shouting in Chinese ]

[ Baby crying ]

[ Crying continues ]

[ Tunga Khan shouting
in Chinese ]


[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ g*ns cock ]


[ g*nf*re ]No!

[ Screaming ]

No! No! No!

[ Sobbing ]

[ Laughter ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Sobbing continues ]

Dr. Cartwright...

Now I know
what evil really is.

[ Woman screams ]

[ g*nshots ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]


Yankee, American.


[ Speaking Chinese ]

He wants ransom.

[ Speaking Chinese ]

He wants money,
much money.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter stops ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

He wants you
to stand up.

Tell him to go to hell.

She says,
"no, thank you."

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

Doctor? Doctor!

[ Screams ]

Emma: Oh, florrie.

Dr. Cartwright:
Florrie, take it easy.

This is it.
Let's get cracking.

No, no!

I won't watch it!

I won't!

I have to get out!

I have to get out!

[ Sobbing ]

Dr. Cartwright:
Relax, Mrs. Pether.

Take it easy, florrie.
That's it.

That's it.

All right.

Just take it easy.

All right.

What can I do?

Get her a stick
to bite on.

Easy, easy.

[ Florrie moaning ]

You're doing fine.
You're doing fine.

Now, bite on this.

Very hard.

Easy, easy.

[ Florrie groaning ]

[ Groaning continues ]

[ Sighs ]

Those dreadful noises --

it's like an animal.

You're a doctor.
Do something.

Oh, knock it off.


She needs an injection.

Some ether.

Yes, I know.

I've got to get
my medicine kit.

But how can you --

[ banging ]Tunga Khan!

Tunga Khan!

Tunga Khan!

Tunga Khan!



Tunga Khan.

[ Speaking Chinese ]


Tunga Khan.

Me and tunga Khan.


[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Man shouting in Chinese ]

[ Laughter ]

Now, listen,
you big Mongolian ape.

There's a sick woman.

I need my medicine bag,
hot water.

Sick woman!

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Miss ling speaking Chinese ]

Miss ling.

Are you all right?

I'm alive.

Tell him
Mrs. Pether will die

if I don't get
my medical bag.

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]


He knows damn well
that the ransom

won't get here in time
to save the baby's life.



Does he mean --

yes, he does.

[ Sighs ]

Tell him it's a deal.

[ Sighs ]

Miss binns,
she's coming back.

[ Speaking Chinese ]

Get out!

Get out!!

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Breathing heavily ]


Tunga Khan!

[ Laughing ] Tunga!

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Laughter continues ]

[ Baby crying ]

[ Sighs ]

It's a boy,
if you're interested.

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighing ] Well...

She'll sleep for about three
or four more hours.

Did you understand
what he meant?

I have a faint idea.

Dr. Cartwright,
isn't it a miracle

he's alive
and he's breathing?


Florrie won't be able
to feed the baby, Emma.

I'm gonna
go get some milk.

When it comes, tear a strip
off your petticoat,

dip it in the milk.

Let the baby suck on it.

Aren't you coming back?

Where's she going?

Well, why isn't
she coming back?

Dr. Cartwright
has taken an oath

to preserve human life.

I want milk.

Milk for the baby
and food for those people.


[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

He only wants her because
she's white and he's yellow.

[ Sighs ]


Oh, this tension here.

And the heat.

[ Baby coos ]

[ Sighs ]

And now that...Brat.

Oh, stop it!

Whatever the doctor's doing,
she's doing for our good.

And you should be thankful.

[ Baby crying ]

My baby
will have no father.

What ever possessed Charles
to do such a thing?

Charles of all people.

He'll grow up knowing
his father was a very brave man.

But why did he do it?


Who will provide for US now?

God will provide for US all.

Oh, don't talk to me
about god.

[ Baby crying ]

I brought some food.

Doctor, the baby
has a rash on his head.

Miss argent,
get me my bag.

There's a lotion
in there.

You won't let
the baby slip away,

will you, doctor?

I didn't bring him
into this world

to let him slip away,

Eat something, please.

[ Dish breaks ]

I won't touch
contaminated food.




No, that's poison.

The pink stuff.

He'll die
if we stay here, doctor.

You know he'll die.

Oh, florrie,

he'll probably grow up to be
an all-American fullback.

[ Sighs ]

"I tell thee of the woman

and the beast
that carrieth her."





Miss Andrews.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Whore of Babylon!

[ Man shouting in Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

We're leaving.

We're leaving.


Where are we going?

What are they
going to do to US?

♪ Oh, little town
of Bethlehem ♪

♪ how still we see thee lie

stop it!

[ Singing stops ]

[ Sighs ]

Stop that noise.

Mrs. Pether, the...


"They who do these things,

whose glory
is in their shame..."

"...shall not inherit
the kingdom of god."

I know!

I know
why they brought US here!

So that
they could take US outside

and stand US
up against the wall

and sh**t US...

Like they shot
the Chinese.

[ Laughter ]

[ Shouting
in Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Cheering in distance ]

[ Cheering,
men shouting in Chinese ]


They'll k*ll each other.

all naked and yellow.

Whore of Babylon.

Miss Andrews!

What a revolting sight.

Then why do you watch?

[ Drum beats, music plays ]

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

[ Music stops ]

[ Shouting in Chinese ]

[ Spits ]

[ Men shouting in Chinese ]

[ Drum beats, music plays ]

[ Baby fussing ]

I was dreaming.

I dreamt
it was Thanksgiving day,

and I was a child
helping my aunt Mildred

cut faces in the pumpkins.

We always had Turkey
on Thanksgiving day.

Everybody has Turkey
on Thanksgiving day.

You don't have Thanksgiving day
in england, do you?


The great day there
is Christmas.


But I've never seen it.

I've never been home
to england.

Never been out of China.

I was born here.

My father was a missionary.

My mother, too.

Someday I --

oh, Dr. Cartwright.

I'm so glad
you're all right.

Perhaps you can tell US,

Why did
they bring US here?

They didn't bring
you here. I did.

You couldn't stay
in that hut.

Did he take any milk?

A little.
Then he threw up.

He's so quiet,

He's quiet
because he's weak.

That milk
isn't doing him any good.

Emma: How long
can he hold out?

I'm not altogether a fool,

I know.

He's slipping away.

Come on, florrie.

[ Shouting
in Chinese ]

He wants you
to ride with him.

Dr. Cartwright...

You got US
out of the hut.

Maybe you could get the baby
away from here altogether.

You're a good kid, Emma.


"Night's black cloak,

she lies with the beast."

That sounds like a text,
miss Andrews,

but you made it up.

We chose a lonely life
to help others.

What do we know
about the sins of the flesh?

What right have we to shout
abuse behind our celibate walls?

You're leaving,
all of you.

Come on!

Grab those blankets
and get out of here

before he changes
his mind!

take care of the kid.

Why are you staying here?

Why aren't you gonna come
with US?
Beat it.


You --

take care of her.


No, don't.

Please don't.
It's a sin.

It's a sin against god!

It's a sin!

Then pray for me.

[ Man speaking Chinese ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Man shouting in Chinese,
laughter ]

[ Laughter ]

Dr. Cartwright.

I'll never forget her
as long as I live.

A Scarlet woman.

Mother of harlots!

Oh, be quiet!

I never want to hear your voice
again as long as I live,


[ Laughter ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

[ Spits ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Speaking Chinese ]

So long, you bastard.

[ Thud ]

[ Cup shatters ]
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