Godspell (1973)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Godspell (1973)

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is known,
God and King.

I am most in majesty, in whom no beginning
may be and no end.

Highest in potency I am,
and have been ever.

I have made stars and planets
in their courses to go.

I have made a moon for the night,

and a sun to light the day, also.

I have made earth,
where trees and grasses spring.

Beasts and fowl,
both great and small,

all thrive and have my liking.

I have made all of nothing
for man's sustentation.

And of this pleasant garden
that I have mostly goodly planted,

I will make him gardener
for his own re-creation.

Back it out of there! Come on!
Back that up!

Will you back it up?

Come on. What do you say?
I got the right of way.

Look at that character.
Hey, come on.

I got the right of way!
Go on! Get out of here!

Don't just stand there.
Come on! We gotta...

I ain't got all day.
I got places to go.

Hey! Come here. Come here.




♪ Prepare ye ♪

♪ The way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye ♪

♪ The way of the Lord ♪

Hey, Merrell,
what are you doing?

Hey, Merrell!

♪ The way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye ♪

♪ The way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye ♪

♪ The way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye ♪

♪ The way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye ♪

♪ The way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye ♪

♪ The way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪

Everybody now!

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪

Everybody now!

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪♪

I baptize you with water
for repentance,

but he that comes after me
is mightier than I.

I am not fit
to take off his shoes.

And he will baptize you all

with the Holy Spirit
and with fire!


You come to me?

I want to get washed up.

I need rather be baptized by you.

No. We do well now to conform
with all that God requires.

♪ When wilt thou save the people? ♪

♪ O God of mercy, when? ♪

♪ The people, Lord, the people ♪

♪ Not thrones and crowns but men ♪

♪ Flowers of thy heart ♪

♪ O God, are they ♪

♪ Let them not pass like weeds away ♪

♪ Their heritage a sunless day ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ Shall crime bring crime forever? ♪

♪ Strength aiding still the strong ♪

♪ Is it thy will, O Father ♪

♪ That men shall toil ♪

♪ For wrong? ♪

♪ Oh, no, say thy mountains ♪

♪ No, say thy skies ♪

- Hey!
- ♪ Man's clouded sun shall brightly rise ♪

♪ And songs be heard ♪

♪ Instead of sighs ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ When wilt thou save the people? ♪

♪ O God of mercy, when? ♪

♪ The people, Lord, the people ♪

♪ Not thrones and crowns but men ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ For thine they are ♪

♪ Thy children as thy angels fair ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ From despair ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ Oh, God, save the people ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ Oh, God, save the people ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ Oh, God, save the people ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ Oh, God, save the people ♪

♪ When wilt thou save the people? ♪

♪ O God of mercy, when? ♪

♪ The people, Lord, the people ♪

♪ Not thrones and crowns but men ♪

♪ God save the people, save us ♪

♪ Oh, thine they are
Oh, thine they are ♪

♪ Thy children as thy angels fair ♪

♪ Oh, God, save the people ♪

♪ Save the people
God save the people ♪

♪ From despair
God save the people ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ Oh, God, save the people ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ Oh, God, save the people ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ Oh, God, save the people ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ God save the people ♪

♪ God save the people ♪♪

Come on!

- Let's go.
- Look at this!


Look at that car.

Hey! Come here! Come here!



Watch the birdie.

Leaving so soon?

Wake me at 6:00 for tea and biscuits.

- Peekaboo.
- Make that noon.

Oh, boy!

Hey, look!

Here, see if it fits.

Who is it? I said noon.

Come here, come here!

Oh, boy, look!

Here, see if it fits.

Now, do not suppose that I have come
to abolish the law and the prophets.

I did not come to abolish, but to complete.

I tell you this.
So long as heaven and earth endure...

not a letter, not a stroke
will disappear from the law

until all that must happen has happened.

Any man that sets aside even the least
of the law's demands,

he will have the lowest place
in the kingdom of heaven.

But he who keeps the law,
and teaches others so...


Come on.

...he will have the highest place
in the kingdom of heaven.

Unless you show yourselves
to be far better than the Pharisees,

and the doctors of the law,
you shall never enter the kingdom of heaven.


Brothers and sisters, gather round,
because two men,

I said two, went off to the temple to pray.

One, a Pharisee.

And the other, a tax gatherer.

- Shame!
- Why, the Pharisee, he just stood right on up

and prayed thus...

I thank thee, O God,
that I am not like other men.

- Greedy!
- Yeah!

- Dishonest!
- Yeah!

- Adulterous!
- Yeah!

Or, for that matter,
like that tax gatherer.

I pray twice a week.
Get that? Twice a week.

And pay taxes on all that I get.


But the other kept his distance

and would not even raise his eyes
to the good Lord in heaven.

- I said the good Lord in heaven, child.
- Amen!

But beat upon his breast, saying...

O God, have mercy on me,
sinner that I am.

And it was this man, I tell you...


You've got to be kidding.

...and not the other,
who went off and quitted of his sins.

For every man
who exalts himself...

...shall be humbled.

But every man
who humbles himself...


Shall be exalted!

Now, what if
your brother sues you?

You'd better settle with him quickly.

- Otherwise, he'll hand you over to the judge.
- Guilty!

And the judge to the constable.

- And you'll land in jail.
- Creak!

Let me out of here!

And I tell you,
you'll not get out of there

until you've paid the last penny.

♪ There once was a king ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who decided to settle
Accounts with the men who served him ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Well, at the outset, there appeared
Before the master ♪

- ♪ A man whose debt ran into the millions ♪
- ♪ What? ♪

- ♪ I said the millions ♪
- ♪ Whoa! ♪

♪ But the man had no means
of paying the money ♪

♪ The master ordered him
to be sold to meet the debt with his wife ♪

- ♪ Whoa!
- ♪ And his child ♪

- ♪ Whoa! ♪
- ♪ And everything he had ♪

♪ Well, the man threw himself down at
the master's feet and went ♪

♪ Ooh-bobadoo, uh! ♪

Oh, be patient with me.

He said.

And I shall pay in full.

And so moved
with pity was the master

that he decided to free the man
and remit the debt,

and let's hear it for the master!

Give me an M,
give me an A-S-T-E-R.

Yay, master!

Wait a minute.

But no sooner had the man been released

than he met a fellow servant
who owed him a few dollars.

Well, he gripped him
by the throat and said...

Pay me! I says, pay me what you owes me.

Whoa! The man fell at his fellow servant's
feet and begged him, saying...

Please, please, be patient with me.

I shall pay you.

But he refused, saying...

- Look!
- What?

And had him jailed
until he should pay the debt.

Well, the other servants
were deeply distressed

when they saw
what had happened.

Are you sitting down?

They ran and told their master
the whole story. Mmm-hmm.

Accordingly, he sent for the man.

- You scoundrel!
- He said to him.

I remitted the whole of your debt
when you appealed to me.

Were you not bound
to show your fellow servant

the same pity I showed to you?

And so angry was the master

that he condemned the man to t*rture

until he could pay the debt in full.

Oh, no, no, no.

And that is how my heavenly father
will deal with you,

unless you forgive your brothers
from your hearts.


♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Oh, dear Lord ♪

♪ Three things I pray ♪

♪ To see thee more clearly ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly ♪

♪ Follow thee more nearly ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Oh, dear Lord ♪

♪ Three things I pray ♪

♪ To see thee more clearly ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly ♪

♪ Follow thee more nearly ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray ♪

♪ To see thee more clearly ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly ♪

♪ Follow thee more nearly ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray ♪

♪ To see thee more clearly ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly ♪

♪ Follow thee more nearly ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

- ♪ Day by day
- ♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray ♪

♪ Three things I pray ♪

♪ To see thee more clearly
Day by day ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly
Day by day ♪

♪ Follow thee more nearly ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray ♪

♪ Three things I pray ♪

♪ To see thee more clearly
Day by day ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly
Day by day ♪

♪ See thee more clearly
Day by day ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly
Yes, I love ♪

♪ See thee more clearly
Love ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly
Day by day ♪

♪ See thee more clearly
Love ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly
Day by day ♪

♪ Follow thee more nearly ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day by day by day by day ♪♪

Now, you have heard
that they were told,

"An eye for an eye
and a tooth for a tooth."

But what I tell you is this.

Never set yourself against the man
who wrongs you.

So if someone slaps you on your right cheek,
turn and offer him your left.

Oh, Jesus Chr--

Slowly I turn, step by step,

inch by inch.



It's for you.

No, I, uh, didn't think so.


Now, when the Son of Man
comes in all his glory,

with all his angels with him,

he will sit in state upon his throne,

with all the nations
gathered before him.

And then he will separate
the men into two groups,

as a shepherd separates
the sheep from the goats.

And then he'll put
the sheep on his right

and the goats on his left.

Over there.

Sheep on his right.

Oh, oh! The sheep on his right.
Oh, I see.

Thank you.

And then he will say
to those on his right,

sheep, you have my father's blessing.

Oh, wonderful.

Come and enter the kingdom that has been
ready since the world was made.

For when I was hungry, you gave me food.

- When I was thirsty, you gave me drink.
- Oh, it's nothing.

When I was naked and without a home,
you took me to your house.

And when I was ill and in prison,
you came to my aid.

Ah-ah. Sorry. No goats.


And then they will say to him...

Oh, Master, when was it that we saw
you hungry and gave you food,

or thirsty and gave you drink?

Yeah. Or in prison
and helped you?

And he will say to them,

anything you did
for one of your brothers,

however humble, you did for me.

Oh, I get it.

And he will say to them,

a curse is upon you.

Then they will say to him...

Big boy, if we'd have known it was you,

we would have taken you around the corner
for a cup of coffee.

And he will say to them,

anything you did not do
for one of your brothers,

however humble,
you did not do for me.

And then they will take their place
in eternal punishment,

but the righteous shall have eternal life.

Come on!

Come on.

The lamp of the body is the eye.

If your eye is sound,

your whole body

will be filled

with light.

But if your eye is bad,

your whole body will be darkness.

If then

the only light

you have is darkness...

the darkness will be doubly dark.

Hey, I can't see!

- Why not?
- What's the matter?

I got my eyes shut.

Now, no servant can be
the sl*ve of two masters.

Either he will love the first
and think nothing of the second,

or be devoted to the second
and hate the first.

No man can serve God...


...and money.

Oh, money!

- Ritz Hotel.
- Take me to Tiffany's.

Simply divine.

Where's she going?


♪ Turn back, O man ♪

♪ Forswear thy foolish ways ♪

♪ Old now is earth ♪

♪ And none may count her days ♪

♪ Da-da-da-da-da ♪

♪ Yet thou, her child ♪

♪ Whose head is crowned with flame ♪

Ooh! Stop it.

♪ Still wilt not hear ♪

♪ Thine inner God proclaim ♪

♪ Turn back, O man ♪

Mmm, I like that!

♪ Turn back, O man ♪

Handle with care.

♪ Turn back, O man ♪

♪ Forswear thy foolish ways ♪

Pardon me while I slip into
something more comfortable.

♪ Earth might be fair ♪

♪ And all men glad and wise ♪

♪ Age after age ♪

♪ Their tragic empires rise ♪

♪ Da-da-da-da-da ♪

♪ Built while they dream ♪

♪ And in that dreaming weep ♪

♪ Would man but wake ♪

♪ From out his haunted sleep ♪

♪ Turn back, O man ♪

♪ Turn back, O man ♪

Hard as a rock.

♪ Turn back, O man ♪

♪ Forswear thy foolish ways ♪

♪ Earth shall be fair ♪

♪ And all her people one ♪

♪ Not till that hour ♪

♪ Shall God's whole will be done ♪

♪ Now, even now ♪

♪ Once more, from earth to sky ♪

♪ Peals forth in joy ♪

♪ Man's old, undaunted cry ♪

♪ Earth shall be fair ♪

♪ And all her people one ♪

Come here, Jesus.
I got something to show you.

♪ Turn back, O man ♪

♪ Forswear thy foolish ways ♪

♪ Old now is earth ♪

♪ And none may count her days ♪

♪ Da-na-na-na-na ♪

♪ Yet thou, her child ♪

♪ Whose head is crowned with flame ♪

♪ Still will not hear ♪

♪ Thine inner God proclaim ♪

♪ Turn back, O man ♪

♪ Turn back, O man ♪

♪ Turn back, O man ♪

♪ Forswear thy ♪

♪ Foolish ways ♪♪

Play it, honey.

A man was on his way
from Jerusalem to Jericho.

When he fell among robbers,

who beat him,

stripped him,

and left, leaving him half dead.

It so happened a priest
came upon him,

but when he saw him,
he went past on the other side.

So, too, a judge came to the place...

...and saw him,

and he went past on the other side.

But a Samaritan was making the journey.

He came upon him,
and when he saw him,

he was moved to pity.

He went up
and bandaged his wounds...

bathing them in oil and wine.

Then he put him onto his own beast
and brought him to an inn

and looked after him there.

The next day, he produced
two pieces of silver

and gave them
to the innkeeper and said,

"Look after him,
and if you spend any more,

"I will repay on my way back."

No! No!

When you do some act of charity,
don't announce it with a flourish of trumpets,

as the heathen do in the synagogues
and in the streets.

I tell you, they do it just to win
admiration from men.

No, when you do
some act of charity,

don't let your right hand know
what your left hand is doing.

Oh, look at that!

Your good deed must be in secret.

It's a secret.

Now, what the good master's
telling us all right now

is that up in heaven, there's
about a hundred million little tiny angels,

about yea by yea,
and they all take shorthand.

And every time you do
something silly, they write it in a--

No, no, no, no.

That's not what the good master's
telling us.

Your heavenly father,
who sees what is done in secret...

He will what?

Reward you!

Get him some flowers.

Thank you. Thank you.

There once-- There once
was a very rich man who-- Thank you.

Who dressed in purple
and the finest linen.

Rich man, that's me.

And every day, he feasted...
Thank you. Thank you.

Ah, feasted in the greatest magnificence.

At his gate, there lay a poor man
named Lazarus,

who would have been glad
to have satisfied his hunger

with the scraps from the rich man's table.

Oh, my God, it's good.
Get out of there.

Now, even the doggy-doggies used to come
to Lazarus and lick his open, running sores.

- Bleck.
- Sorry.

Well, one day, the poor man died.

And he was carried away by the angels
to be with Abraham.

The rich man also died.

And was buried.

And was sent to Hades.

- Hello.
- Hello. Hey.

Where he was in torment.

He looked up,

and there, far, far away
was Abraham,

with Lazarus close beside him.

Oh, Father Abraham, have pity on me.

Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger
in water to cool my tongue.

For I am in agony in this fire.
Let go of me, will you?

Remember, my child, that all the good things
fell to you while you were on earth

- and all the bad to Lois.
- Lazarus.

Abraham. Glad to know you.

And now it is he who has consolation here

and it is you who are in agony.

But, Father Abraham,

send Lazarus to my father's house,

where I have five pies,
I mean, brothers,

to warn them so that they, too,

may not come to this place of torment.

They've got Moses and the prophets.
Let them listen to them.

Yeah, but if somebody from the dead
should rise, then they would listen.

Look, if they don't listen
to Moses and the prophets,

they ain't gonna
listen to nobody,

even if somebody should
rise from the dead.

♪ Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ His grace to thee proclaimed ♪

♪ And all that is within me join ♪

♪ To bless his holy name ♪

♪ Whoa, yeah! ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ His mercies bear in mind ♪

♪ Forget not all his benefits ♪

♪ The Lord to thee is kind ♪

♪ He will not always chide ♪

♪ He will with patience wait ♪

♪ His wrath is ever slow ♪

♪ To rise ♪

- ♪ Oh, bless the Lord
- And ready to abate ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord
And ready to abate ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord
And ready to ♪

♪ And ready to
Abate ♪

♪ And ready to abate ♪

♪ Whoa, yeah! ♪

♪ He pardons all thy sins
All thy sins ♪

♪ Prolongs thy feeble breath
Feeble breath ♪

♪ He healeth thine infirmities ♪

♪ And ransoms thee from death ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ He clothes thee with his love
With his love ♪

♪ Upholds thee with his truth
With his truth ♪

♪ And like the eagle he renews ♪

♪ The vigor of thy youth ♪

♪ Then bless his holy name ♪

♪ Whose grace has made thee whole ♪

♪ Whose loving kindness crowns thy days ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord
Bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord
Bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord
Bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord ♪

♪ Bless the Lord
Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ Bless the Lord ♪

♪ Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ♪

♪ Bless the Lord ♪

♪ Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord ♪

♪ Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord ♪

♪ Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord ♪

♪ Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord ♪

♪ The Lord ♪

- ♪ Oh, bless the Lord ♪
- ♪ Oh, bless the Lord ♪

♪ My soul ♪

♪ Well, bless the Lord, my soul ♪♪



Master. Blessed are the poor in spirit...

For theirs is
the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn...

For they shall
be comforted.

Blessed are the meek...

For they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst
for justice...

For they shall be filled.

Blessed are the merciful...

For they shall have mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart...

For they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers...

For they shall be called
the children of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted
for righteousness' sake...

For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are ye,

when men shall persecute you
and revile you,

and say all manner of evil
against you,


Did I ever tell you
that I used to read feet?

You used to what?

Some people read palms,
tea leaves. I read feet.

Look. Look what it says.

Aha. It says rejoice.

- It does?
- Where?

It says "Keds."

No, it says rejoice
and be exceedingly glad.

For great is your reward
in the kingdom of heaven.

Come on.

♪ When you feel sad ♪

♪ Or under a curse ♪

♪ Your life is bad ♪

♪ Your prospects are worse ♪

♪ Your wife is sighing ♪

♪ Crying ♪

♪ And your olive tree is dying ♪

♪ Temples are graying and teeth are decaying ♪

♪ And creditors weighing your purse ♪

♪ Your mood and your robe ♪

♪ Are both a deep blue ♪

♪ You'd bet that Job ♪

♪ Had nothing on you ♪

♪ Don't forget that when
you get to heaven ♪

♪ You'll be blessed ♪

♪ Yes, it's all for the best ♪

♪ Some men are born to live at ease,
Doing what they please ♪

♪ Richer than the bees are in honey ♪

♪ Never growing old, never feeling cold ♪

♪ Pulling pots of gold from thin air ♪

♪ The best in every town,
best at shaking down ♪

♪ Best at making mountains of money ♪

♪ They can't take it with them
but what do they care? ♪

♪ They get the center of the meat,
cushions on their seat ♪

♪ Houses on the street
where it's sunny ♪

♪ Summers at the sea,
winters warm and free ♪

♪ All of this and we get the rest ♪

♪ But who is the land for? ♪

♪ The sun and the sand for? ♪

♪ You guessed!
It's all for the best ♪


- ♪ So you feel sad
- Some men are born to live at ease ♪

- ♪ Or under a curse
- Richer than the bees are in honey ♪

- ♪ Your life is bad
- Never growing old, never feeling cold ♪

- ♪ Your prospects are worse
- Pulling pots of gold from thin air ♪

- ♪ Your wife is sighing, crying
- The best in every town, best at shaking down ♪

- ♪ And your olive tree is dying
- Making mountains of money ♪

♪ Temples are graying
and teeth are decaying ♪

♪ While creditors are
weighing your purse ♪

- ♪ Your mood and your robe
- They get the center of the meat ♪

- ♪ Are both a deep blue
- Cushions on their seat ♪

- ♪ Yes, sir
- Houses on the street where it's sunny ♪

- ♪ You'd bet that Job
- Summers at the sea, winters warm and free ♪

- ♪ Had nothing on you
- All of this and we get the rest ♪

- ♪ Don't forget that when you get
- But who is the land for? ♪

- ♪ To heaven you'll be blessed
- The sun and the sand for? ♪

- ♪ Yes
- You guessed! ♪

♪ It's all for the best ♪

Now, how can you take a speck of sawdust
out of your brother's eye

when all the time there's this great plank
in your own?

I don't know. How can you take the speck
of sawdust out of your brother's eye,

when all the time there's
this great plank in your own?

You hypocrite!

First, you take the plank
out of your own eye

so you can see clearly to take the speck
of sawdust out of your brother's.

Wait a minute.

That's no answer to the question.

Did I promise you an answer
to the question?

Ha, ha, ha. Uh, no.

♪ Some men are sad
Some men are born to live at ease ♪

♪ Or under a curse ♪

♪ Your life is bad ♪

♪ Your prospects are worse ♪

♪ Your wife is sighing, crying
And your olive tree is dying ♪

♪ Temples are graying
and teeth are decaying ♪

♪ And creditors are weighing your purse ♪

♪ Your mood and your robe
are both a deep blue ♪

♪ Oh, you'd bet that Job
had nothing on you ♪

♪ Don't forget that
when you get to heaven you'll be blessed ♪

♪ Yes, it's all for the ♪

All your wrongs will be redressed.

♪ Yes, it's all for the ♪

You must never be distressed.

♪ Yes, it' all for the ♪

Someone's got to be oppressed.

♪ Yes, it's all for the best ♪♪

One and two.

Hello? Love your enemies.

And pray for your persecutors.

You don't mean...

- I do.
- You do?


I love you.

- Hey!
- Yeah!

Come on.

Giddyup! Giddyup!

Right here.
A sower went to sow some seed.

And as he sowed,
some seed fell on the footpath.

Where it was trampled on,
and the birds ate it up.

Some seed fell on rock.
And after coming up...

Grow, grow, grow,
grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow.

Oh! Oh!

Withered for lack of moisture.

Oh! Oh! Oh, my!

And some seed fell in among the weeds.

And the weeds grew up with it
and choked it.

And some seed fell into good soil.

Good soil! Come on!

Where it grew and it yielded
a hundredfold.

Do you know what the seed is?

A baby.

Wrong. The seed is the word of God.

And that seed,
which fell along the footpath,

represents those
who hear the word.

But then the devil comes
and carries them off,

for fear they should
believe and be saved.

And that which fell upon rock,

they receive the word
with joy when they first hear it,

but they have no root,
and so in time of testing, they desert.

- Bye.
- See you.

And that which fell in the weeds,

they hear the word, but their further
growth is impaired

by wealth and cares
and the pleasures of the world.

They bring nothing to fruit.

No fruit, Robin!

But that which fell among good soil...

Hey, good soil! Good soil.

They hear the word
with a good and honest heart,

and, through their perseverance,
yield a harvest.

Come on.

Come on!

♪ We plow the fields and scatter ♪

♪ The good seed on the land ♪

♪ But it is fed and watered ♪

♪ By God's almighty hand ♪

♪ He sends us snow in winter ♪

♪ The warmth to swell the grain ♪

♪ The breezes and the sunshine ♪

♪ And soft refreshing rain ♪

♪ All good gifts around us ♪

♪ Are sent from heaven above ♪

♪ So thank the Lord ♪

♪ Oh, thank the Lord ♪

♪ For all his love ♪

Consider the lilies of the field.

They don't work, they don't spin,

and yet I tell you,

Solomon in all his splendor
was not attired like one of these.

Now, if that's how God clothes the grass,
which is here today,

and tomorrow is thrown unto the fire,

will he not all the more clothe you?

♪ We thank thee then, O Father ♪

♪ For all things bright and good ♪

♪ The seed time and the harvest ♪

♪ Our life, our health, our food ♪

♪ No gifts have we to offer ♪

♪ For all thy love imparts ♪

♪ But that which thou desirest ♪

♪ Our humble thankful hearts ♪

♪ All good gifts around us ♪

♪ Are sent from heaven above ♪

♪ So thank the Lord ♪

♪ Oh, thank the Lord ♪

♪ For all his love
Love ♪

♪ I really want to thank you, Lord ♪

♪ All good gifts around us ♪

♪ I want to thank you, Lord ♪

♪ Are sent from heaven above ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ All good gifts around us ♪

♪ Hey, to thank you, Lord ♪♪

Once upon a time there was a man
who had two sons.

And the younger son
said to his father...

Father, give me my share of the property.

So, he divided his estate between them.

A few days later,

the younger son turned the whole
of his share into cash.

And left home
for a distant country.

Where I squandered the money
on reckless living.

He had spent it all when a severe famine
fell upon the country

and he began to feel the pinch.

So he decided to attach himself
to one of the local landowners,

who sent him on the farm
to mind the pigs.

He would have been glad to have filled
his belly with the pods the pigs were eating,

but no one gave him anything.

And then he came to his senses.

He said...

How many of my father's paid servants
have more food than they can eat?

And here I am starving to death!

I will set off and I will go to my
father's house and I will say to him,

"Father, I have sinned against God
and against you!

I am no longer fit
to be called your son!

Treat me as one
of your paid servants!"

So he set out for his father's house.

Yes, and there he goes.

While he was still a long way off,
his father saw him.

Mmm... Ah!

And his heart went out to him.

The son ran to meet his father,
and, like the spunky kid he is,

threw his arms around him,
kissed him and said...

Father, I have sinned against
God and against you.

I am no longer fit to be called your son.

Treat me as one
of your paid servants.

But the father called to one of his servants.

Quick, fetch me my robe, my best one.

Put rings on his fingers
and bells on his toes,

so he shall have music
wherever he goes.


Wrong story.

Put rings on his fingers
and shoes on his feet.

And bring the fatted calf and k*ll it.

I said k*ll it.

I said k*ll it!

And let us have a feast
to celebrate this here day,

for this son of mine was lost...

and is found.
Was dead and has come back to life.

And the festivities began.

Now, the oldest kid was out
on the farm, working.

On his way back,
as he approached the house,

he heard music and dancing.

He called on one of his servants
and asked him what it meant.

The servant said...

You know, your brother,
yeah, your brother's come back home again.

Your father's k*lled the fatted calf
'cause he got him back safe and sound.

Well, the brother was rather
irritated by this.

He refused to go into the house.

The father came out and pleaded with him.

But he retorted, saying...

You know how I've worked for you
all these years.

And you never gave me so much
as a kid for a feast with my friends.

But once this son of yours turns up,

after running through
your money with his women,

you k*ll the fatted calf for him.

I said k*ll it!

I said k*ll it!

Yahoo, yippity.

My boy, said the father,

you've always been with me
and everything I have is yours.

Now, how could we help
but celebrate on this happy day?


For your brother here was dead
and has come back to life,

metaphorically speaking.

Was lost and is found.

Them's my boys.

- Hey!
- Hey!

Is there a man among you
who would offer his son a stone

when he asks for bread?

Is there a man among you
who would offer his son a stone

when he asks for bread?

- A snake if he asks for fish?
- No!

Well, if you then, bad as you are,

now know how to give your children
what is good for them,

how much more will your heavenly father
give good things...

Good things, good things, good things,
good things, yeah!

...to those who ask for them?

Always treat others as you
would have them treat you.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Well, that is the law
and the prophets.

The law and the prophets. The law and
the prophets. The law and the prophets.

The law and the prophets. The law and
the prophets. The law and the prophets.

The law and the prophets!

You are the light of the world!

♪ You are the light of the world ♪

But if that light is under a bushel,

it's lost something kind of crucial.

♪ You've got to stay bright
to be the light of the world ♪

♪ You are the salt of the earth ♪

♪ You are the salt of the earth ♪

♪ But if that salt has lost its flavor ♪

♪ It ain't got much in its favor ♪

♪ You can't have that fault
and be the salt of the earth ♪

♪ So let your light so shine before men ♪

♪ Let your light so shine ♪

♪ So that they might know
some kindness again ♪

♪ We all need help to feel fine ♪

♪ Let's have some wine! ♪

♪ You are the city of God ♪

♪ You are
the city of God ♪

♪ But if that city's on a hill ♪

♪ It's kind of hard to hide it well ♪

♪ You've got to stay pretty
in the city of God ♪

♪ So let your light
so shine before men ♪

♪ Let your light so shine ♪

♪ So that they might know
some kindness again ♪

♪ We all need help to feel fine ♪

Let's have some wine!

♪ You are the light of the world ♪

♪ You are the light of the world ♪

♪ But the tallest candlestick ♪

♪ Ain't much good without a wick ♪

♪ You've got to live right
to be the light of the world ♪♪


Stroke! Stroke!

Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!



This is the beginning.

By whose authority
are you acting like this?

Who gave you this authority?

Well, I have a question to ask you.

Answer it and then I'll tell you
by whose authority I act.

The baptism of John.
Was it from God or was it from man?

If we say from God, he'll say,

"Then why did you
not believe?"

But if we say from men,

the people will be angry
for they took John as a prophet.

We do not know.

Then neither will I tell you
by whose authority I act.


Now, we know you are an honest man.

Give us your ruling on this.

Are we or are we not permitted

to pay taxes to the Roman emperor?

Why, you hypocrite! I...

Show me the money
in which the tax is paid.

Well, whose head is on here?
Whose inscription?


Well, then pay Caesar
what is due Caesar,

but pay God what is due God.

What is the greatest
commandment of them all?

Thou shalt love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all your soul.

This is the greatest commandment
of them all, and the second is like it.

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

All the rest of the law and
all that the prophets have written

is based on these first two.

You doctors of the law and you Pharisees
sit in the chair of Moses.

But you say one thing and you do another.

Everything you do is done for show.

Oh, you like to have your places of honor
at feasts and in the synagogues,

and to be greeted respectfully
and to be called Teacher.

But you must not be called Teacher

for you have one teacher, the Messiah.

And you must not call
any man on earth Father,

for you have one father,
and you are all brothers.

♪ Alas, alas, for you lawyers
and Pharisees ♪

♪ Hypocrites that you be ♪

♪ Searching for souls
and fools to forsake them ♪

♪ You travel the land,
you scour the sea ♪

♪ Then when you've got your converts,
you make them ♪

♪ Twice as fit for hell
as you are yourselves ♪

♪ Alas, alas, for you
lawyers and Pharisees ♪

♪ Hypocrites that you are ♪

♪ Sure that the kingdom
of heaven awaits you ♪

♪ You will not venture
half so far ♪

♪ Other men who might enter the gates,
you keep from passing through ♪

♪ Drag them down with you ♪

♪ You snake, you viper's brood ♪

♪ You cannot escape being devil's food ♪

♪ I send you prophets
and I send you preachers ♪

♪ Sages in rages
and ages of teachers ♪

♪ Nothing can mar your mood ♪

♪ Blind guides ♪

♪ Blind fools ♪

♪ The blood you've spilt on you will fall ♪

♪ This nation, this generation ♪

♪ Will bear the guilt of it all ♪

♪ Alas, alas, alas for you ♪♪

Blind fools!

Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem.

City that stones the prophets and murders
the messengers sent to her.

How often have I longed
to gather your children

as a hen gathers her brood
under her wings?

But you would not let me.

And so I tell you, you shall never see me
until the time when you say,

"Blessing on him who comes
in the name of the Lord."

♪ Where are you going? ♪

♪ Where are you going? ♪

♪ Can you take me with you? ♪

♪ For my hand is cold ♪

♪ And needs warmth ♪

♪ Where are you going? ♪

♪ Far beyond,
where the horizon lies ♪

♪ Where the horizon lies ♪

♪ And the land sinks into ♪

♪ Mellow blueness ♪

♪ Oh, please take me with you ♪

♪ Let me skip the road with you ♪

- ♪ I can dare myself
- I can dare myself ♪

- ♪ I can dare myself
- I can dare ♪

- ♪ I'll put a pebble in my shoe
- In my shoe ♪

- ♪ And watch me walk
- Watch me walk ♪

- ♪ I can walk and walk
- I can walk ♪

♪ I shall call the pebble Dare ♪

♪ I shall call the pebble Dare ♪

♪ We will talk together
We will talk ♪

♪ About walking ♪

♪ Dare shall be carried ♪

♪ And when we both
have had enough ♪

♪ I will take him
from my shoe, singing ♪

♪ Meet your new road ♪

♪ Then I'll take your hand ♪

- ♪ Finally glad
- Finally glad ♪

- ♪ That you are here
- That you are here ♪

- ♪ By my side
- By my side ♪

- ♪ By my side
- By my side ♪

♪ By my side ♪

♪ By my side
By my side ♪

♪ That you are here ♪

♪ By my side ♪

Then the man
they called Judas Iscariot

went to the chief priests
and said,

"What will you give me
to betray him to you?"

They paid him 30 pieces of silver.

And from that moment he began to look out
for an opportunity

to betray him.

- ♪ By my side
- By my side ♪

♪ By my side ♪

♪ By my side ♪

♪ By my side ♪

♪ That you are here ♪

♪ By my side ♪♪

♪ Come sing me sweet rejoicing ♪

♪ Come sing me love ♪

♪ We're not afraid of voicing ♪

♪ All the things we're dreaming of ♪

♪ Oh, high and low ♪

♪ And everywhere we go ♪

♪ We can build a beautiful city ♪

♪ Yes, we can
Yes, we can ♪

♪ We can build a beautiful city ♪

♪ Call it out ♪

♪ And call it the city of man ♪

♪ We don't need alabaster ♪

♪ We don't need chrome ♪

♪ We've got our special plaster ♪

♪ Take my hand ♪

♪ I'll take you home ♪

♪ We see nations rise ♪

♪ In each other's eyes ♪

♪ In each other's eyes ♪

♪ We can build ♪

♪ A beautiful city ♪

♪ Yes, we can ♪

♪ Yes, we can ♪

♪ We can build ♪

♪ A beautiful city ♪

♪ Call it out ♪

♪ And call it the city of man ♪

- ♪ Come sing me sweet rejoicing
- Rejoicing ♪

♪ Come sing me love
Keep singing me love ♪

♪ We're not afraid of voicing ♪

♪ All the things
All the things ♪

♪ We're dreaming of ♪

♪ Oh, high and low ♪

♪ And everywhere we go ♪

♪ Everywhere we go ♪

♪ We can build ♪

♪ A beautiful city ♪

♪ Yes, we can ♪

♪ We can build a beautiful city ♪

♪ Call it out
And call it ♪

♪ The city of man ♪♪

my flowers have grown.

Come on.

- Okay, come on.
- Come here.

Well, sit next to me.

Hey, that's you!

I tell you this, one of you among us
will betray me.

- Could it be me, Lord?
- Could it be me, Lord?

- How about me, Lord?
- Could it be me, Lord?

How about me, Lord?

- Could it be me, Lord?
- Could it be me, Lord?

Could it be me, Lord?

Rabbi, can you mean me?

The words are yours.

Do quickly what you have to do.

Take this and eat, eat,
for this is my body.

Take this and drink, for this is my blood.

The blood of the covenant
shed for the forgiveness of sins.

And I tell you, I shall never again drink
from the fruit of the vine

until I drink it again
with you in the kingdom of my father.

♪ On the willows there ♪

♪ We hung up our lives ♪

♪ For our captors there ♪

♪ Required ♪

♪ Of us songs ♪

♪ And our tormentors ♪

♪ Mirth ♪

♪ On the willows there ♪

♪ We hung up our lives ♪

♪ For our captors there ♪ ♪

♪ Required ♪

♪ Of us songs ♪

♪ And our tormentors ♪

♪ Mirth ♪

♪ Saying, sing us one ♪

♪ Of the songs of Zion ♪

♪ Sing us one ♪

♪ Of the songs of Zion ♪

♪ Sing us one ♪

♪ Of the songs of Zion ♪

♪ But how can we sing ♪

♪ Sing the Lord's song ♪

♪ In a foreign land? ♪

Stay here while I go
over there to pray.

My heart is ready to break with grief.

Stop here...

And stay awake with me.

♪ On the willows there ♪

♪ We hung up our lives ♪♪

Father, if it be possible,

let this cup pass me by.

Yet not as I will, but as thou wilt.

What? Could none
of you stay awake with me one hour?

Stay awake and be spared the test!

The spirit is willing
but the flesh is weak.

Everyone else may fall away
on your account,

but I never will.

I tell you this!

Tonight before the cock crows
you will betray me three times.

Father, if it be not possible for this cup
to pass me by without my drinking from it,

thy will be done.

If you are the son of God,

turn this stone into bread!

Man does not live by bread alone.

He lives on every word
that God utters.

If you are the son of God,
throw yourself down.

The scriptures say he will send his angels
to support you.

Thou shall not tempt
the Lord your God.

All these things
I will give you,

if you will pay me homage.

The son of...

Begone, Satan!

You shall do homage to the Lord your God
and worship him alone.

Friend, do quickly what you have to do.

Put down the sword!
He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

Do you not suppose that I could appeal
to my heavenly father,

who would at once send
to me 12 legions of angels?

Do you take me for a bandit that you
come after me with swords and cudgels?

Day after day I sat teaching in the synagogue
and you didn't come after me then.

But all this has happened

to fulfill what the prophets have written.

♪ Oh, God ♪

♪ I'm bleeding ♪

♪ Oh, God ♪

♪ I'm bleeding ♪

♪ Oh, God ♪

♪ You're bleeding ♪

♪ Oh, God ♪

♪ I'm dying ♪

♪ Oh, God ♪

♪ You're dying ♪

♪ Oh, God ♪

♪ I'm dying ♪

♪ Oh, God ♪

♪ I'm dead ♪

♪ Oh, God ♪

♪ You're dead ♪

♪ Oh, God ♪

♪ You're dead ♪

♪ Oh, God ♪

♪ You're dead ♪♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Long live God ♪

♪ Prepare ye
Long live God ♪

♪ The way of the Lord
Long live God ♪

♪ Prepare ye
Long live God ♪

♪ The way of the Lord
Long live God ♪

♪ Prepare ye
Long live God ♪

♪ The way of the Lord
Long live God ♪

♪ Prepare ye
Long live God ♪

♪ The way of the Lord
Long live God ♪

Everybody now!

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪

♪ Prepare ye the way of the Lord ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Oh, dear Lord,
three things I pray ♪

♪ To see thee more clearly ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly ♪

♪ Follow thee more nearly ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray ♪

♪ Three things I pray ♪

♪ To see thee more clearly
Day by day ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly
Day by day ♪

♪ Follow thee more nearly ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Oh, dear Lord three things I pray
Three things I pray ♪

♪ To see thee more clearly
Day by day ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly
Day by day ♪

♪ Follow thee more nearly ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray ♪

♪ To see thee more clearly
Day by day ♪

♪ Love thee more dearly
Day by day ♪

♪ Follow thee more nearly ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day
Day by day ♪

♪ Day by day ♪♪
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