Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1982)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1982)

Post by bunniefuu »

I tell you, it isn't human.

It's a monkey without hair.

If this is how they're making
babies now, what's to become of us?

Now, what's the matter here?

Someone's left a foundling.

It's a monster. Look.

It's only got one eye.
The other's a wart.

That's no wart!
That's an egg with a devil inside.

Who left it here?
They should have burnt it!

I will adopt this child.

But it's a demon.
It's deformed!

How can you?

In charity.
My investment in charity.


One must never be found
lacking in charity at the gates of heaven.

Wait, Father, what you going to call it?

What I see.

The approximation of a human.



And by this document, Dom Claude Frollo,

the Church invests in you
the office of archdeacon of Notre Dame.

Thank you, My Lord.

By your extraordinary devotion
to the Church,

you have proven yourself
worthy of the position.

We embrace you. We...

It would seem

the very bells
of Notre Dame are aware of your new position.

Not the bells, Your Eminence.
It's my ward, Quasimodo.

He's our bell ringer, you see.

And the bells are like his children.

He even talks to them.

In return, they have
shattered his ear drums.

But, then, one more affliction,
what can it matter to him?

Go in peace, Dom Claude.

Your devoted servant.


To all loyal subjects of our sovereign,

King Louis XI,
His Majesty proclaims this day

the Festival of Fools!

All the good people of Paris
are invited to join in the festivities.

You are welcome to attend
the Festival of Fools!

What's going on here?
Why have we stopped?

A gypsy girl, Your Worship.
We caught her dancing in the streets.

Then arrest her.
See that she's taken at once.

Yes, Your Worship?

Bring her here.


Please, please!
I haven't done anything!

Be quiet.

I have no money.
I must dance to eat, to live.

What is your name?


You are a gypsy?

They tell me so.
I don't know.

She's a witch!

Save me! Save me!

Release her.

Your Excellency.
Let her go.

Did you see that?

How he looked at you.

Your Worship, Your Worship!

Quasimodo has gone.
He left the tower. I can't find him anywhere.

There's a festival today.
We should have locked him in.

Hey, watch what
you're doing with that pole.

Be off with you.

Come on, have a go at it.

- Hey.
- Come on, my boy.

Oh, it's a bleeding bear.

Don't be afraid.
He's got no teeth.

Come on, then, let's get on with it.


Citizens of Paris!

Silence, please!
Listen to me.

I now present to you
the greatest of morality plays.

Give us a mystery!
Come on!

It is written by the greatest
of morality poets,

your humble servant.

The curtain parts.



I am the god of commerce!

Fight! Give us a fight!


Give us a fight!
Give us a fight!


I can't!
What's the matter?

She refuses to dance.

How can we pick their pockets
if they're not watching her dance?

They'll arrest me.

The man of the Church.
He's warned me.


Oh, no, my sweet. I've seen
the way he looked at you.

He wouldn't touch a hair on your head.

Please don't!
Dance! You will dance!

They take some money for that?
Have you any money?

Hey, hot lips!


Make way for the Throne of Fools!

What's that?

They choose
the ugliest human in all of Paris.

For the King of Fools.

Take heed to the meaning of life.

Oh. I've heard enough
of this chafe. Come on.


Come back. Our play
is not finished.

Well? Do we continue?

Do we?

It's a goddess.

It's a gypsy.

I will write a sonnet for her.
I will write 10,000 sonnets.

Yeah, but for now?
Do we continue?

Behold the choosing
of the King of the Fools!

Let the ugliness begin!

Oh, no.

Let go, you wart!

Hey, it's the bell ringer.
It's Quasimodo.


Oh, come on, then.

He'll get first prize.

- Get him in there.
- Here with it.

Come on, there.
Get him inside.

Don't look at the hunchback!

Let all pregnant women beware!

Or those that wish to be!

My, is he lovely!

God's cross! Holy Father!
I've never seen him this close.

Don't look him in the eye!

Well, that's the rarest
ugliness I ever beheld.

Make him the King!

The King of the Fools!

Make him the King.


By the holy cross.

Bring him round!

You, Quasimodo,

I shall now crown thee King of the Fools!

Long live the King of the Fools!

Oh, look. Look,
I've got a crown for you.

And look.
Look over there.

It's a throne for the King of the Fools.

Do you understand?

We would make you our king.

He can't hear.
He's deaf.

Because of the bells.

They've shattered his ear drums.


Your crown!

Long live the King!

To cast aside
all evil and all temptation.

Guide me in the ways
of righteousness. Amen.



Forgive me for intruding,
but we have just had word.

It's Quasimodo. They have
made him King of Fools.


Make way for the King of Fools!

Seize her.

You have been warned,
and now you will pay for it.

The King of Fools!
The King of Fools!

Set him down.

Get off, you ugly ox.
Get off!

We need your consent.

My consent?
To what?

The gypsy girl.

Knowing the consequences,
she deliberately disobeyed your edict,

and we caught her
dancing in the streets again.

Where is she now?

You've brought her here?

She's to be taken at once to the Bastille.
We need only your consent.


I will speak with her.

As you wish.

I am innocent.

Get up.
I told him they'd arrest me.

I said get up.

Is it so terrible
to dance in the streets?

You take me for a fool?

I don't understand.

There is a demon.
A demon that speaks through your lips.

No! Please, God!
Do not blaspheme.

I swear by all that's holy,
I've never harmed anyone.

Let me go. Please.

If you go, if you leave this cathedral,

you will be taken
straight to the Bastille.

There is no hope for you, unless...

Here in this cathedral,
you may claim sanctuary.


The courts, the magistrates,
they cannot touch you here.

But how could I live here?

In the bell tower.

There is a place for you to sleep.

I will see that you are cared for.


I will pray for you.


Come along.

There, now, you see?

A room of your own.

You only have to do what I say,

and I will care for you.

Do you understand?
You and I

will be good to each other.

You are very pleasing, Esmeralda.

Don't be a fool!

Don't you realize I'm your salvation?

I'm your only hope!

Bring her back.

Buy a sonnet, Captain!
Certain to win your lady's heart.

Be off with you.

Two sonnets for the price of one.

Let me go! Let me go!
Help me!

Help me!
Somebody help me!

Help me!

Help! Help!

Release that woman, scoundrel!

Company! Company!

There he is.
Seize him.

He's an animal.

Come on, you!

And who are you?



Captain Phoebus de Chateaupers
of the Royal Archers at your service.

We must meet again.

What shall we do with him now, Captain?

To the Bastille.

He has the strength of many,
but we have him safe now.

I would rather have kept the girl.

Go on.
Get him out here, now.

Out of my way.

Hey! Everyone,
look what we got here!

And what do we have here?

Who is this scum?

And who are you?

The king of thieves.

Well, in that case, Your Highness,

I am known as
Pierre Gringoire, master poet.

What have you to say in your defense?

My defense?

You have entered our kingdom
and violated the privileges of our town.

I'm gonna hang you.

As you use our kind among you,
so we use your kind among us.

You may divide your rags cheerfully

among the ladies.

Your Highness, would you hang a poet?

Of course.

Oh, I beseech you.

We need a diversion here tonight.

Oh, I know the prospect
doesn't seem to please you,

but there's no need to make
such a fuss about it.

Is there not any way I can escape?


You can become one of us.

I will. I will most readily.

Do you declare yourself
a thief and vagabond?

With all my heart and soul.
Good. Good.

But you must prove yourself first.

I beg your pardon?

The test.


You will attempt
to pick the pocket of this fine gentleman.

Do it without a sound from the bells,
and we'll call you a vagabond.


You must first twist
your right foot around your left foot.


We are waiting.

If the bells ring?

Hang him.

Secure the rope!

Are we ready, lads?

- Ready!
- Ready!

When I clap my hands,
you may pull out the stool.


Have you forgotten?

It is our custom not to hang
a man if there's a woman who will claim him.

Do you want him?


Have you a purse?

I have nothing.

Then hang!

And be welcome.


you have no luck.

- Ready!
- Ready!

Are we ready?


I will claim him.

He'll hang on the rope
unless you take him as your husband.

I will take him.

Remove the noose!
Fetch the pitcher!

By the laws and customs of all vagabonds,

I declare you man and wife.

Break it.


Break it.

Brother, she is your wife.

Sister, he is your husband.

For a period of

- four years.
- Four years!

Go in peace or w*r.
It matters not to me.

What is that doing here?

He is Djali.

He is very clever.
He can count with his hoof.

Is he clever enough to leave us alone?


Oh, my love.

Yes. What do you want?

Oh, how can you ask?

I don't know what you mean.

Am I not yours?
Are we not joined...

You're not very friendly.

And you are quite impertinent.

Am I mistaken?

Didn't you claim me for your husband?

Well, should I have let them hang you?

You mean,

it was only to save me from the gallows?

Well, what other reason?

You're telling me, then,
that you won't have me for a husband.

I won't.

Or a lover?


Or a friend?


Do you know what friendship is?

It is like a

brother and sister.

Two souls that touch

without mingling.

Two fingers of the same hand.

And love?


That is to be two and yet only one.

It is heaven.

Are you in love with someone?

Are you?



He wears a handsome uniform

and carries a glittering sword.

You mean that captain?
The captain of the Royal Archers?

You had better think twice.

Well, he can have any woman
he wants in Paris, and he frequently does.

You're lying!

I may be jealous, but I am not lying.

Well, how can I, a mere poet,
compete with a captain of the Royal Archers?


In truth, that's his name.
In Latin it means the sun.

The sun?

Phoebus was a god of the sun.

A god?

How very different
from the Phoebus of Paris.

I tell you truthfully,
you would do well to keep away from him.

It's quite well known,
the stories about his amorous exploits.

Believe me, they would
give you pause. They...

Indeed, this is a very strange
wedding night.

Who is he?


What? What?


Yes. Yes. Quite.

Step forward.

You are charged with
attacking the captain of the Royal Archers

and the as*ault on the person
of a lewd woman.

What have you to say?


What? What?

Bell ringer, Notre Dame.

What does he say?
Does he mock me? He is deaf.


Sergeant of the rod!

Take this scoundrel
to the pillory and give him 30 lashes.

Sire, he meant no disobedience
to your questions. He is deaf.


He is deaf.

Oh, I didn't know.
That makes a difference.

In that case, you may
turn him for an hour

after the flogging.
Take him away!

Quasimodo. Quasimodo.

When was this?

This morning.

They've taken him
to the pillory in the Place de Greve.

Shall we fetch him?


He is an embarrassment
to the Church, Excellency,

and to your office.
Why do you go on sheltering him?

Those that we shelter here on earth become
the treasures God grants us in heaven.

What did he do?

Haven't you heard?

He tried to abduct Esmeralda.

The monster.

Don't look at his eye,
or he'll cast a spell!

Lay it on him.

We want blood!

Whip him!

Flog him!

Come on, lay it on!

We want more blood!

Whip him!

Whip him! Whip him!



He wants water.



Yes, I'll give you some water.
A bloody jugful.

How do you feel now, Quasimodo?

Look, it's the gypsy.

What's she doing?

It's the gypsy Esmeralda.

Thank you.


She gave me water.

Gave... She gave me water.

"For beauty is known
to the gods by other gods,"

"but to all mortals,
thy name is Esmeralda."

"How like a rose
in the garden with..."

My gypsy love.
How I've missed you.

Tonight at the Boarshead Tavern.

There's a private chamber
just above. 7:00?


You're not going to meet him?


At the least, let me warn you.
There may be others there.

You may have to wait your turn.

Don't go.

You are Pierre Gringoire?

I am.

Will you come with me?

For what purpose?

You are Pierre Gringoire?

Forgive me, Your Excellency,

I am called that,
and it's true that I'm a poet,

but I have never spoken
or written against the Church.

I am told that you are seen frequently

in the company
of a certain Egyptian girl.

If you mean...

If you speak of Esmeralda,
we are, in faith, married.


She is my wife.

But only, it would seem, to save my life.
I fear she doesn't care for me.

You mean you haven't...

You haven't touched her?

I swear to you, by my hope of heaven,

there is nothing more
intimate between us than utter strangers.

I wish to make an arrangement.

An arrangement?

I'm willing to offer
a gift of 40 gold crowns

to whomever has a claim upon her.

You, apparently, are that person.

Your Excellency, I don't understand.

It's very simple.
I intend to keep her here.

Must you keep repeating everything I say?

For what purpose, Your Excellency?

For the purpose of shelter, of course.

Of providing for her.

Only that?

You insolent... How dare you?

Forgive me, Your Excellency,
but, you see, I am distraught with jealousy.

She... My Esmeralda
is in love with the sun.

Phoebus, the sun god.
He has bedazzled her.

You dare to jest with me?

He is captain of the Royal Archers,

and they have set
a rendezvous for tonight.

I tell you, he cares for no woman,
but she is blinded by a uniform.

In all truth, I fear for her.

Where do they meet?

At the Boarshead Tavern,
at 7:00.

Monsieur Gringoire, I have
nothing further to say to you.

Yes, Your Excellency.


the gift still holds.

No, Your Excellency, I can care for her,

if she'll let me.

Good day, monsieur.

She gave me water!

She gave me water!

She gave me water!
She gave me water!

If you would, monsieur?

Well? Yes?

A girl, a young woman called...

No, we have no women here.
See for yourself.

Well, then, perhaps a certain
captain of the Royal Archers.

You mean Phoebus?


Upstairs. He waits for her.

I would not intrude,
if you value your life.

Oh, thank you.
No, of course not.

Thank you.

Ah, my angel of light.

All that's beautiful
in the world here in front of me.

The moonlight

on your hair,

your eyes,

your lips.


you are wonderful.

Oh, sweet love.

I've dreamed of meeting someone like you.

Oh, Phoebus,

the sun.

I love your name.

I want to know everything about you.


What is your religion?

Good God,

what's that got to do with anything?

Well, I must know,
if we're to be married.


You were not thinking of marriage?



Because I am married!

Oh, I must leave.

I will never understand a gypsy.

I thought all you ever wanted was love

and the free air of heaven.

What the devil's
going on? It's coming from upstairs.

Oh, my God.
She k*lled him!

She k*lled Captain Phoebus.

Save me! Help me! Oh, God!

I am bewitched!

Save me!

A demon! A witch!

Help me! Deliver me
from the evil of...

What do you want?
What are you doing here?

It's time to get ready, Your Excellency.

For what?

The Palace of Justice.

Get out.

Get out. Get out!

What happened then?

Captain Phoebus
took the room and paid me a crown.

Never mind how much it cost.

The girl arrived. The gypsy.
But I didn't know then she was a witch!

Go on.

Later, when she was up there,
I heard a scream.

A fiendish scream,
and I ran up the stairs at once.

And there she was.

And there was the Captain
with a dagger in his back

on a coat of blood!
It was horrible!

My Lord, I'm innocent of this.
I do not consort with witches.

Yes, yes, yes.
You may step aside.

I will address the prisoner.



It is well known that you
belong to a race of gypsies

and are given to sorcery.

In concert with powers of darkness,

you did s*ab a captain
of the King's Archers.

Do you persist
in your denial of this charge?

I do! I'm innocent!

Then, how do you explain what took place?

There was someone else.

He wore the garment of a monk.



I... I could see him clearly.

Then who was it?

The Archdeacon.

- Blasphemy!
- Witch!

- Burn her!
- Burn her!

- Witch!
- Blasphemy!

Hang her!

The court will not record
the prisoner's last statement.

The prisoner will now respond.

Does this beast belong to you?


It's known far and wide
that all demons possess a goat

with which to practice their witchcraft.

Take it away and destroy it.
No, Djali!


In view of your refusal
to confess your crimes,

I recommend the application
of t*rture until you do confess.

Remove the prisoner.

What a cruel, heartless wench
to keep us waiting like this

when we haven't had our supper.

Ah, my dear child.

Do you persist now in your denial?

I'm innocent.

I see.

In that case, it will be our painful duty

to question you more urgently
than we would otherwise desire.

Have the goodness to seat
yourself there, please.

Good. Where is
the physician?

I'm here.

I ask you again.

Do you persist in denying
the facts for which you are accused?


To my infinite regret,
I must fulfill the duties of my office.

Monsieur the King's Attorney,
with which instrument shall we begin?

The boot.

Uncover her foot.

Such a delicate foot.
Such a charming limb.

Such a pity.

No! Mercy! No!

For the last time,
do you confess the charge?





Oh, no!



Please! No!




Do you confess?
Oh, Jesus. God!

Do you?


Say it!

I confess!

The prisoner must stand.


Well, you've now confessed
to all charges of sorcery and assassination.

The court will pronounce sentence.

By order of our Lord the King,

you shall be taken in a tumbril,

with a rope around your neck,

before the great Cathedral of Notre Dame,

where you shall be hanged
and strangled on the town gibbet.

Hang her! Hang her!


So it's true!

Whom did you expect?

A ghost or a cadaver?

We were told you had died.

No, I don't believe so.
But they...

Don't you know?

They're going to hang the girl tomorrow.

What girl?
The gypsy girl.

I should certainly hope so.
She tried to k*ll me!

But she didn't.

And they're going to hang her
for your m*rder.

Good. And well they should.

My recovery has nothing to do with it.

You're not going to
notify the Magistrate?

Not a word.

But the less said

about this embarrassing
incident, the better.


The fox caught by the hen.

God forbid.

No, let the wretched creature
go to her just reward.

By next week, I trust,
the whole incident will be forgotten.

To my death.

Long may I live.

What do you want?

Who are you?

A priest.

Tell me, are you prepared?

For what?

For death.



Very cold.

I want to go away from here, sir.

You have only to follow me.


Dear God. No.

I beg you! Leave me be!

I can't.

What have I done for you to hate me so?

Hate you?

As God is my witness
and the devil my undoing,

I love you.

Can't you even conceive of that?


I, who was once consumed
with devotion to God,

the sins of the flesh,
the gross things of this earth,

they never touched me.

And then, that morning I first saw you,

a creature so beautiful,

God would have chosen you
before the Virgin.

Your eyes, so dark and radiant.

Your hair, glistening
like threads of gold.

I was enchanted.
I was bewitched!

Yes, and I knew.
I knew, at once, this was the devil's doing.

This was Satan reaching out for me.

But I was quite helpless.
Quite helpless.

And I remain so.

Look! Look at me!

You told me just now that you felt cold,

and I tell you

that an endless,
black, wintry night reigns in my soul!

I was there when they
questioned you in the court.

I was there when they
put you under the vile hands of the torturer.

If you'd cried out once more,

I would have plunged a dagger
into my own heart.

Oh, Esmeralda.

If I could once caress you.


Have pity on me.
No! No!

Now, listen, listen,
listen. Listen, listen, listen, listen!

I can contrive an escape.
If you'll just let me...


You k*lled him!

Yes! Only for you!

Leave me! Leave me be!

Help me! Help me!

Help! Help!

Tomorrow, you will die.




Hang her!

Burn the witch!

Out of the depths I have cried
to thee, oh, Lord,

and thou hast heard my voice.

Have you asked God
to forgive you your sins?

I can save you.

Even now.

May God have mercy on your soul.


Hang her!
Hang her!

Hang her!
Hang her!

Sanctuary! Sanctuary!


I give her sanctuary!

I give her sanctuary!

Look there!

God protect us!
It's the Archdeacon!

Your Excellency.

Are you all right?



She's gone.

I k*lled her.

Master, please come.


Quasimodo has something to show you.

It's important!

I gave her sanctuary.

No, don't be afraid.

I'm your friend.

Forgive me.
I forget how ugly I am.

I frighten you, I know.

So, don't look at me, please.

You brought me the food?

I was...

I was coming to look at you sleeping.

I watch you when you are sleeping.

Is it all right if I watch you
when you have your eyes shut

and when you can't see me?

No, wait.

I put myself behind the post

so that you couldn't see me.


It's my ears.

I don't hear well.

I asked you to come back.

Deaf. I am deaf!

I am deaf.

This is the way I am made.

It is horrible, isn't it?

But you can speak to me.
Oh, yes.

Oh, yes, you can speak to me
with your lips and with your eyes.

You can speak to me,
because my master, he taught me how to...

How to watch.

Why did you save me?

Do you understand?



You gave me water and a little pity.

Only you. No one else. No one.

I would give my life for you.

Oh, you're so kind.

So kind...

You are so beautiful.

Until now, I did not know how ugly I am.

When I compare myself to you,
I am a beast. A monster.

I'm hideous.
Not man nor animal.

I am more unshapely
than the man in the moon.

The man in the moon.


I am deaf, you see, from these bells.

Fair Juliet...

This is Juliet.

This is Juliet.

Now, if you want me to come,

you have only to pull on this rope.

Because I can hear the bells, see?


Well, I must leave now.
I mustn't stay any longer.

I know it is only out of pity
that you don't turn your eyes away from me.

You are so beautiful.

This is Juliet.

Why was I not made of stone

like you?

Quasimodo! Quasimodo!

Quasimodo, come here!

Do you see that man on horseback?

Do you see the man on the white horse?


They think he's dead, that I k*lled him.

But if they could know
that he lived, if they could know that,

then I could be set free.


I must talk to him. Quickly.
Can you bring him here?



I'll go to him now.

Sire! Sire! Sire! Stop!
What the devil!

Come. Follow me! Up there!

What are you talking about?

She wants to speak to you.


It's the gypsy girl.

Oh, indeed.

Well, you can tell that
most unfortunate wench

she can go to the devil.

She's caused enough trouble as it is.

Sire! Sire!
Let go, you scoundrel!

It's Esmeralda.

I don't like it.



What has happened to Esmeralda.

My God, she lives.
What more do you want?

She eats. She drinks.

And sleeps.

And that's more than some of us can do.

I fear for her.


She's protected by the Church.

By the Archdeacon himself.

That's why.

Do you know?

Have you any idea
what will happen to you now?

Captain Phoebus is alive.


But what does that matter?

Well, he can go before the Magistrate...

But the crime remains the same
even though he lives.

You. You were the one
who tried to k*ll him.


Possessed as I was by the devil.

Please go away, I beg you.
I can't bear to look at you.

Do you find Quasimodo
a better object to look upon?

He can't save you.
But he has.

No. Sanctuary can be broken.

It needs only a decree of parliament.

Someone can easily solicit that decree.

But who would do that?

Don't you yet understand?

It's beyond all reason now.

I must have you.

I must!

No! Get off me! No!

Get off!

Get off me!

Well, what do you want?

I've changed my mind.

I think I will take you now.

Take me?

For my husband.

Get out of my way.

Tomorrow they'll
bring her out and hang her.

No. They can't.

She's in sanctuary.
Is she?

What are you talking about?

It's a decree of parliament.

It's already signed.

The gypsy girl dies.

You're lying!

Am I? Am I?

This is Gabrielle.

She's big and fat!

And she growls, and she moans.

And this is Guillaume.
She's the biggest of all.

She roars, and she shakes the rafters!

This is Pasquier. Pasquier.
She's the smallest.

Now listen. Listen to her.

Listen to her sing.

Like a bird.

Like a beautiful sparrow.

See, these are my ladies.

I am good to them,
and they are good to me.

But now...

Now, when they look down at you,

they are struck dumb.

I've pulled. Nothing.
They are silent.

They cannot speak, for they
have never seen such beauty.

I'm sorry.
You don't have to look at me.

I was a fool.

I was caught by the vision

of a handsome uniform
and glittering sword,

and all the time
my heart was trying to tell me

that I loved Pierre.

They will come for me.


If you leave, I will die.

Wait! You there!

You've got to do something!

They're going to
take her away! I tried to stop him!

Let him be.

Didn't you hear me?

My God, they're going
to hang her! Yes.

Why do you come to me?
Because you care for her.

I know you do. We've got
to get her out of here.

The doors of the cathedral
are guarded day and night.

No one is allowed to go out
who has not been seen coming in.

Then, she can go
in my place. Your place?

She can wear my doublet,
my clothes. She can bind her hair in a hat.

You're a poet, monsieur,
of some imagination.

Do you know what would
happen to you under such circumstances?

They'll hang me, of course,
but she'll be saved.

No. I'll have
no part of it.

Then, how can she be saved?

In God, my friend.

In God is our hope.

No! It's too late.

Do not blaspheme!

Help me! Help me save her!

There is nothing to be done.
Good day, monsieur.

When I come back,

the very walls of Notre Dame
may not be safe!

Listen to me!

As God is my witness,
they will hang her unless we stop them!

There is no one else on earth
who can save her now but you.

She's a witch!

So says the King of France!

Well, are we dogs, then,
to tremble under King Louis?

She is innocent! Innocent!

I call upon you.

I call upon our leader.

Our king, Trouillefou!

Storm the cathedral!
Or do you lack the courage?

Look at me. Who am I?


And you dare to say

I lack the courage!

Vagabonds! Thieves! Answer me!

Have the witches of France
ever claimed our sister Esmeralda?

No! Never!

The Church has given her safeguard, and
now they would take that from her!

If the Church is sacred,

so, then, is Esmeralda!


We march!

Together we're an army!

To Notre Dame!

By the river!

There is a boat
on the Vittel quay marked Vescar.

Take her to it. Leave Paris
and never come back!

Have no fear of that!

Guards, take hold!

Quickly! We must
close this door!

Break in the door!

They've come to k*ll you!

Come with me. Come.

Do your work, comrades!
Break it in!

By the holy cross, break it down!

They've come for her.

Send word to the Bishop of Paris.

Tell him we need
the King's Guard immediately!

Yes. Up there.
You'll be safe.

May God protect you,
Archdeacon! MAN 2: Esmeralda!


- Help!
- What is it?

Who's up there?

Oh, it's Dom Claude!

It's the bell ringer.

Come back!

It's Quasimodo!

Beard and belly. Are you
afraid of a piece of wood?

Grab hold! Grab hold!
We can ram the door with it!

Come on!






Give it to them!





And again!






What was that?

Get in there. Get back in!

Stand back!


Stand to! Heave!

- Come back!
- Don't leave now!

Come back!

Come on. Harder!


- Out of the way!
- Heave!

Break it in!




Put your backs into it.

Heave! Come on! Heave!





Stay there!

There's another!

Keep to it!

Break in the door!

There he is!

Give it your arms!


Let me go. No!

Get out of the way!

That's it.
Get out of the way!

No, behind you! No!


Oh, my love!

Here, look at this.
What a mess.

What's going on here?

It's soldiers!

Open these doors in the name of the King!

Come! Quick!

It's a tunnel to the Place de Greve.

She's in the bell tower.
Quasimodo has her!

k*ll him!

Come on.
Up here. Quickly!

No, this way!

There he is.
Up there!


There he is!

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