Prodigal Planet, The (1983)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Prodigal Planet, The (1983)

Post by bunniefuu »

(tense music)

- [Radio] Longitude number one pressurized

set condition ISQ for launch,

pressurization switch for nine.

- [Narrator] The planet earth is dying,

the disease is sin.

- [Radio] After two doors unlocked

m*ssile ready for a*t*matic firing,

prepare to fire m*ssile.

Prepare to fire indicator probe.

Permission to fire missiles away.

(expl*si*n booming)

- [Narrator] With a noise
like that of chariots,

they leap over the mountaintops

like a crackling fire,

consuming stubble like a mighty army

drawn up for battle.

At the sight of them
nations are in anguish.

Every place turns pale.

But Jesus said in John 3:16

for God so loved the world that he gave

his only begotten son,

that whoever believes
in him should not perish

but have eternal life.

The latest bulletin of atomic scientists

has issued a warning that every hour

the planet earth moves
closer to a nuclear disaster.

At this moment, science
is recording the time

remaining on civilization's clock

often referred to as the doomsday clock.

The doomsday clock is real.

It is at this very moment

ticking off the minutes
that bring us closer

to prophetic events that
could happen in our lifetime.

(tense music)

- [Soldier] David Michaels,
do you wish to renounce

your faith in your God

and receive identification
on your right hand?

- [Woman] You're just like your brother.

We cannot ignore God's word.

(car tires screeching)

(railroad crossing dinging)

- [Woman] David, your
brother's gonna try to

beat that train!

(train horn honking)

(expl*si*n booming)

- You cannot ignore God's word without

one day suffering eternal consequences.

David, every time I've
tried to talk to you boys

about the Lord

you turn a deaf ear.

What can I do to get you to listen?

- Um,

I'm not ready for all that yet.

I need time to--

- The only time you can be sure of is now.

Robert ran out of time and went

straight to eternity without God.

David listen.

God is trying to get your attention.

- [Man On Speaker] Condition
red, condition red.

Immediately, we are under attack,

this is condition red, condition red.

(expl*si*n booming)

- [Man] Eternity.


Time without end.

What prophet can there be

to gain this whole round world

all your own?

And then to step into eternity

and find out there

that you've lost your soul.

Not one thing this world offers you

in exchange for your soul

can take your guilt away,

when time is no more.

Jesus Christ

is the only way.

Reach out, and believe.

My friend there's no chance in eternity

to change your destiny.

♫ Life here

♫ Is quickly gone

♫ And your footsteps

♫ You can't retrace

♫ Your only hope is Jesus

♫ His pardon

♫ His saving grace

♫ Not one thing

♫ This world offers you

♫ In exchange for your soul

♫ Can take

♫ Your guilt away

♫ When time

♫ Is no more

♫ Just this moment

♫ Is yours

♫ To spend

♫ Which way will

♫ It be

♫ There's no chance

♫ In eternity

♫ To change

♫ Your destiny

♫ There's no chance

♫ In eternity

♫ To change

♫ Your destiny

- [Man] Why did you take David Michaels

to that platform?

- [Man] Those were the last
orders I received from you sir.

- My orders said his
execution at 1600 hours.

You had words with Michaels,

and you retaliated by taking him

to the platform early.

- Sir, request permission to speak.

- Speak.

- Sir, he is a fanatic believer,

and as long as he remains alive

he is a serious threat to our
computer's security system.

He must be ex*cuted.

- That's not your decision.

- No sir but those were my orders.

- We just got the results

of a counter intelligence effort

on the Believers Underground movement.

Michaels' computer savvy
could be a key link

in our plan.

- He'll never cooperate sir.

- Oh I think he will.

Yes I think he will.

He follows his God like a pied piper.

He's predictable, he's
totally predictable.

And we'll use that to our advantage.

- Jerry I want you to get with
Captain Dierdorf immediately

and execute the plan.

If the enemy steps up their
att*cks in this sector

they might put us out of commission.

(tense music)

- Drop your weapons.

(g*n firing)

(door rumbling)

(garage door rumbling)

(truck humming)

(gentle music)

- Who are you?

- I'm a double agent David

with the Believers Underground.

- Where are we going?

- Away from that.

We're about five and a half miles

from what appears to be ground zero.

We were lucky David.

All we got was the tail
end of that firestorm but

when the radiation hits the ground

we don't wanna be under it.

- Seems hard to believe that God could use

something that hideous for good.

But he's done it before.

- I admire your great faith David.

Especially after all you've been through.

- Look you've convinced me
we're trying to avoid fallout,

but what am I doing here
and where are we going?

- I want you to trust me.

- Then take these cuffs off.

- I helped you escape.

- Escape to what?

Take these things off.

- I'm afraid to.

- Then you'll have to trust me won't you?

(tense music)

(zipper zipping)


Why'd you risk your neck to get me out?

- If you let me go I'll show you.

The underground believers know you have

exposed UNITE very successfully

in your efforts to infiltrate

and destroy their computer ID systems.

- What do they want with me?

- We need you to help construct

a special computerized radio transmitter.

This will create an instantaneous

worldwide communications linkage
to underground believers.

- How do they expect to do that

without Unite intercepting their signal?

- Not they David, you.


- You know that requires
highly sophisticated equipment.

- They have it David it's all in place

except for one piece.

- One piece huh?

Listen, I still don't understand.

Why me?

- Because you are one of the few believers

who understand the workings of the module

and can assemble it with other components

and adjust it to function properly.

- Do you have the module?

- Well if everything worked the way

Martin and I planned we do.

- [David] Who is Martin?

- Three of us infiltrated
this sector about

eight months ago.

We lost one, Martin and I have been

trying to get the module as
well as trying to find a way

to get it to the underground.

When they informed us that you were here

we had to move quickly.

- Move where?

- I don't know.

But our instructions are in here.

- Do you realize what you've got here?

- I know it's important.

- If all the other components are in place

we can send out multi-directional
or scrambled signals

in such a way that
we'll fool the satellite

and it won't know where
the signal's coming from.

Now if the satellite doesn't know

there's no way Unite can
ever find the location

of the transmitter.

All we have to do is

find the location of the transmitter.

- There's the map.

- Countless ages,

Hells foundation quiver.

Blend your voices

00:15:05,821 --> 00:15:07,738
w*r church and forward.


- I thought you were an expert in this.

- Computers and decoding are
not quite the same thing.

Do you have the key for this?

- I'm afraid we have to start from zero.

The agent was discovered in the process

of receiving these so this is all we have.

- Terrific.

Did Unite get these?

- No.

- How do you know?

- Because he got these to me

before Unite caught him

and they k*lled him because he wouldn't

reveal this information.

- Can I--

- Sure.

(buttons clicking)

- Oh I wish Cathy were alive to see this.

We worked a long time trying to mess up

Unite's ID system.

- If you hadn't got caught
you may have succeeded.

- Well maybe.

But we lack the equipment.

Look at this machine.


Unite, we're gonna destroy your whole

communications network

and your computers are
gonna help us do it.

(key tapping)

I may need some time however.

If I only had the key

it would sure save a lot of, Turner.

- Turner?

- He's a friend.

With a real knack for survival

and a real understanding of prophecy.


Well wherever we're going
this is some motor home.

What do you got in this thing?

- This is the restroom.

And we've got a good supply of rations.

Enough water.

Even a limited fuel reserve.

We've got a little problem,

we had to move so fast we didn't have time

to put a*mo in here.

- Well we better get a move on it.

You can bet that when Unite recovers

we're gonna be high on
their list of things to do.

(tense music)

Hey, terrific.


Anyone ever tell Unite these dresses itch?

Matthew Turner!

- David there's no one here.

- He knew what was coming.

- Well even if he is alive

he sees this t*nk out here
he'll never show himself.

- Matthew Turner!

Matthew Turner it's David.

Ah maybe you're right.

I'm not even sure this is the same place.

- [Matthew] On your bellies, now!

- [David] Matthew it's me.

- Don't move.

- [David] It's me David.

- Quiet.

Forgive me David,

your w*r wagon scared me.

- [David] Well you knew it was me.

- I didn't know if you were in control.

Who's your friend?

- Connie Wright.

- She's a double agent with
the Believers Underground.

Hey you look great, you look great,

I'm really glad to see you Matthew.

- Well my goat's gone.

So are my chickens.

But I got fresh meat

and a place to sleep.

You're welcome to stay.

- Stay where?

What happened to your barn?

- Well the they took it some time ago.

I took everything I could salvage and

moved underground.

Actually it's the first
time anyone's dropped in

since I moved.


- This is nice.

- It's all right.

Does pretty good keeping us

rodents from the buzzards.

- Buzzards?

- Yep,

you've been out here for a while you

know that the buzzards don't wait

for the carcass.

You see four or five of them together

look out, because they'll attack and k*ll.

- I don't think Unite's
gonna find you here

that's for sure.

- Actually I'm

more afraid of the doomsday people.

- Doomsday people?

You mean mutants?

- Yes.

Deformed victims of the b*mb.

Most of 'em are dying of leukemia.

But even so some are renegades.

In well organized bands
of murderers and thieves.

- Dear God.

- Is this girl going to
tell anybody where I live?

- Hmm?

Uh no.

I've been thinking about you Matthew,

praying for you.

Wondering if you've received
Christ's gift of salvation.

- Is that why you came?

- Well in a way you saved my life once.

Hurts me to see you like this.

- Do you think God would save someone

who's led a host of souls into perdition?

- Have you asked?

- I can't ask.

Why did you come?

- I was wondering if

those words mean anything to you.

- Countless agents,
Hells foundation quiver,

blend your voices 1842 w*r

church and forward.

I don't know about the date,

they sound like words of a hymn.

Don't have any books anymore.

What are you looking for?

- I don't know these

words are supposed to
tell us where we're going.

- If I was you I wouldn't
plan much traveling.

Not with the heat plagues

and the darkness plague coming.

- [David] Well we don't have much choice.

- Well what's coming?

- Well about the same thing
that we've been having

except worse.

- How do you know?

- Well, when the Christians were taken,

God initiated his plan to

allow sin to judge

and destroy itself.

Called the tribulation.

Now it began with the seven seal judgments

that lasted about three and a half years.

They were the natural results of

w*r and

famine and pestilence.

Then came the trumpet judgments,

supernatural plagues, meted out by God

as a corrective measure.

A part of his redemptive program.

Now during this time

Satan worked through brother Christopher.

They forced the world to receive the mark

and worship the beast.

Those who resisted brother Christopher and

his false prophet were
sent to the guillotine

you know about that.

- How much longer will this go on?

- According to the book

there's a great similarity between the

trumpet judgments that we've been

living through in the last couple of years

and the bowl judgments
that are coming soon.

Now, the new plagues,

will be stronger

but they won't last as long.

Probably about a year or less.

Now the Bible shows

that God designed the trumpet judgments

to invite repentance and correction.

The bowl judgments are to
complete the wrath of God.

Now according to Revelation 16:2

the first bowl judgment

is to be an affliction of
malignant sores, boils.

Only those with the mark will be effected.

The second bowl judgment
according to the word

will turn the seas to blood

and destroy all life in the sea.

Bowl number three does a
similar thing to rivers

and fountains of waters.

Fresh water will be scarce.

The fourth bowl

effects the sun.

Revelation 16:18 says

it will scorch men with fire.

I think that means those who
worship brother Christopher.

The fifth bowl is the
judgment of darkness.

Men having refused the light

will get a real taste of darkness

and the pain from the
boils will intensify.

Now the sixth bowl is the drying up

of the Euphrates River

making way for the great
armies from the east

and all the nations will gather for w*r

in the valley of Mageddon.

The seventh bowl concludes
the final series of judgments,

with tremendous atmospheric
and geographic eruptions.

A great earthquake

and topographical convulsions

will devastate most of
the earth's surface.

The Bible tells us that giant
hail will fall from heaven

and then, the battle of Armageddon.

All the nations and kings
of the earth will be there.

First they will fight against each other

and then against Christ.

- Why do we have to go through all this?

- Since the rapture,
Christ has been absent.

And sin has had complete control.

During the battle, Christ will return.

He will seize control
of the world government

and bring peace and prosperity.

- Connie, what are you thinking?

- I was thinking about Turner.

He's strange.

I mean, he seemed to know
a lot about the Bible

yet he doesn't seem to be a believer

and apparently he doesn't wanna be one.

- The idea of salvation
seems to torment him.

- But he has all that knowledge.

- I wonder if maybe he isn't being

eaten alive by that knowledge

and the guilt of not
having preached God's word

to his congregation.

He seems to have a compulsion
to learn all he can

in order to work out his
own plan for salvation.

He is a tormented man.

- Why does he choose to live
in that hole and eat rats?

He may as well take the mark,

least he could eat.

- Probably what he used to preach.

Salvation through good works.

You know, do good, obey
the law, and get to heaven.

But Jesus said in Matthew 7:22,

many will say to me on that day

Lord Lord did we not prophecy in your name

and in your name cast out demons

and perform many miracles?

And I will tell them plainly

I never knew you, away
from me you evildoers.

The only way to get to the Father

is through Jesus Christ.

(screaming and glass shattering)

(intense music)

Open the door,

if we wanted to hurt you we'd take you

come on open up.

- Who are you?

- No mark.

- So why should we go with you?

- Hey look lady there's five good reasons

running around out there maybe more.

Now I'm trying to take you to safety

I'm not gonna stand around
here and negotiate open up.

- Okay.

(gentle music)

- Making any progress?

- A little.

You know I think some of
these words are code words

because the number codes
coincide with them.

The others I think must
be clue words because

there doesn't seem to be any relationship.

Anyway, what we seem to
have here is a word code,

plus a number code, and a tone code.

- Which means?

- Which means that the
list of words you gave me

is a lot more than a coded road map.

It appears that the word code

and the number tell us where to go.

The tone code has a
whole different purpose.

- Can you tell where we're going?

- Well I can put the code
words into the computer,

the clue words I can't obviously.

But I figured out one.

Countless ages is not a clue, it's a code.

You see for every letter there's a number

so the word is New Mexico.

- [Connie] Where in New Mexico?

- Now I'm afraid I won't know that

until I figure out all the clues.

- Any ideas about what
the tone code means?

- Well I put the tone
codes in the computer

and it came out like this.

(computer beeping)

In five words or less Connie

can you name that tune?

- That's all we have?

Maybe your friend was right,

maybe those words did come from a hymn.

- Well I don't know,

seems to me if that were true

then all we'd have to
do is find a hymn book

and then find a hymn with the words in it.

- Not if those tones
are a mixture of hymns.

- Well I think I'll get something to eat.

I hope you're feeling better.

- I am a little.

- Thanks.

If you feel like talking I'd like to know

something about you.

Where you've been who you are.

- And how you've managed
to escape the mark.

- Well I don't really
know who I am anymore.

I used to be a woman that looked at

life through a microscope,

analyzing it and probing it.

And looking for something
anything that was real.

I had dreams from childhood of

maybe one day finding the cause,

discovering the cure.

I wanted to be a great
scientist and save the world.

Now we can hardly save ourselves.

- Did you become a scientist?

- Oh yes.


And I found reality, it
turned out to be a nightmare.

I shared my brilliance with the world

and you know what I gave to mankind?

Those people this afternoon.

They suffer from acute X-ray, beta,

and gamma ray disfiguration.

- Nuclear cancer.

- [Woman] And you know what their

main objective in life is now?

- Survival.

- To k*ll all of us

who were in any way
responsible for this madness.

- That's a pretty heavy
load to carry Linda.

- Look so young, how could
you possibly blame yourself?

- I began my career with the

Radiation Research Society

at Stanford Medical Center when I was 20.

It was while we were there that

so many people disappeared.

My husband Chuck was one of them.

- How did you avoid the mark?

- Just a few weeks after
Chuck's disappearance

Jodie and I went down a
weetalk in the Pacific

with two other research scientists

and it really wasn't a
matter of avoiding the mark

we were told that we could receive it

on our return to the states

and then the w*r broke out.

- What about your husband?

- Chuck and I saw life from
a different perspective.

My questions were always how,

how were things made, how
could we control them?

His questions were always why,

why was there pain, sorry?

His philosophy never seemed to be

very realistic to me.

- Why?

- Well I remember him
one day telling me that

mankind didn't like the
moral demands of God.

That death, eternity,

and judgment seemed a long way off

and that man would just
live with his guilt and sin

and try to forget it by
working, and playing.

- Did he ever talk to you about prophecy?

- He was always warning me about

what the Bible said would come.

- And what'd you think about that?

- I had more important
things to think about.

What he was telling me
just didn't seem real.

- Does it seem real now?

- All I know is that God took my dream

and turned it into something ugly.

I'll tell you what's real David,

thirst, hunger, heartbreak, and fear.

- Did you ever think that

maybe it wasn't God that
shattered your dream?

Maybe it was sin that
shattered your dream.

It did mine and others like us.

Because we chose to live our lives our way

instead of God's.

I think sin destroyed our nation.

And all the nations that
turned their backs on God.

You talk about heartbreak Linda,

Jesus had a divine and
grand design for our lives.

We were his dream.

But we broke his heart.

And you wanna know what
the reality of it is?

He still loves us.

Think about that.

Well, feeling better
after a little shuteye?

- [Jodie] No I don't but thanks anyway.

- Jodie.

- Anything I can do to help?

- Yeah you can give me back my dad.

You could get me a boyfriend
to take me to school

and dances and friends

and a nice house to
live in with my own room

and all the other things I have a right to

that God has ruined, and
you could get me away

from those hideous monsters!

- Come on kiddo,

things will look brighter in the morning.

- David I'm sorry.

David, this afternoon when you found us,

Jodie and I were making our way to

some Midwestern city,
we felt that our chances

for survival would be better there

and according to your map we're about

60 miles north of Omaha.

Would you consider--

- Omaha was the first target they hit.

- Well that's to our advantage.

It's very likely that the

radiation has decayed sufficiently

to allow the area to be inhabited again.

- Well we can try if the
roads are still intact,

we could go south take 35 to Oklahoma City

and then 40 west.

- [Linda] Where do you
get fuel for this thing?

- We can't go into the cities

where Brother Christopher's
government is in force,

so we look for bombed out cities that are

no longer populated, and
siphon from cars and trucks.

- Well how do you find out
if the city is populated.

- We're constantly
monitoring Radio TV signals.

When we receive a transmission
we avoid the area.

- Who would've thought
it would come to this?

- [Connie] David, I've
got a signal, it's strong.

- [Man] And I say

let us break their bonds asunder

and cast their hearts from us.

I am the prince of this world.

In my name, and in the power of my glory,

with advanced m*ssile
and nuclear technology,

we will blow this self
righteous God from his throne.

You can see via satellite

we are already moving
equipment towards Palestine.

Soon, he will not plague us anymore

with famine and fire,

with pittance and pestilence,

we will meet this God of tears and torment

in the valley of decision.

We will settle once and for all

who will be king.

- He thinks he's deceiving
God and the people,

he's really deceiving himself.

That signal wasn't
coming from Omaha was it?

- [Connie] Fremont, Nebraska.

We are going south now aren't we?

- Yep.

- [Connie] Fremont's west, we're okay.

(tense music)

- [David] Dear God.

- [Connie] What was it, gas?

- No.

Connie run a level on the radiation.

(keys tapping)

- The radiation's decayed

I guess it's okay to get out.

- This city was violated
just a few days ago then.

- How do you know?

- People are still in their shelters.

- Isn't gas a possibility?

- Nope, those bodies were
picked clean by vultures

who wouldn't touch that
flesh if there had been

any chemicals in it.

- Vultures?

I wanted to get out.

- I think we could.

We should be careful.

I think the banquet's pretty much over.

(door rumbling)

- If this town was bombed

how come none of the
buildings were ruined?

- They dropped it on the sat base

and that's about 12 miles away.

- The fallout comes this far?

- [Linda] Oh yeah.

- Must not have been much,

trees look normal.

- Radiation doesn't have
any effect on the foliage,

oh it does a little bit
but you can't see it,

in fact, I was told that two weeks after

they dropped the first test b*mb

plants were growing in the crater.

- David, the aspirin is
gone from the first aid kit

and I'm catching a little cold

could we take a couple of
hours to pick up a few things?

- Um,

let me check something first okay?

Listen it's

10 minutes to three.

Exactly 3:30 sharp we're gonna leave

so if you see anything suspicious

or the all clear sounds
get back here on the double

and I do mean on the double all right?

- Okay.

- Oh, Connie wait a second

I wanna talk to you.

I think I figured out the tone code.

- [Connie] Really?

- It looks to me like it has two purposes.

First, and I think Turner was right,

the words and notes may be from a hymn.

Now the notes are scrambled

so I can't tell which hymn it is.

It could be any number,
we'll have to isolate it.

- Go on.

- Well this may sound crazy to you,

but one of the clues, blend your voices,

makes me think that
wherever the transmitter is

a group of people are gonna sing,

or a recording of a
hymn will be broadcast.

The second part has to do with

destroying Unite's computer system.

- That's great David,

but how did you get all that from

just those few words?

- I was working on the tones,

trying to get some
information from Unite's

main computer center

when I discovered I had a
direct link to the main program.

- But how could the tones give you access

to the main computer?

I don't understand.

- Okay,

music is sound to us,

but to the computer it's just numbers.

But those numbers turned
out to be the access code.

- So you're telling me that we have access

to Unite's main computer?

But what does that do for us?

- Well, you have to
remember that the computer

will do whatever you tell it to do.

It won't ask questions.

Now I can write my own computer program

through this equipment right here,

transfer it to Unite's main
computer center program.

It won't ask any questions because

we are Unite, it'll use my program.

- I still don't understand

what that's going to do for us David.

- Well, I can write a program

with musical notes

transpose them into binary
words which are really numbers

then replace Unite's program

with my new information.

- Are you telling me that we can sabotage

Unite's entire communications
system with a hymn?

- [David] Yes.

- What about backup systems?

- Well that's a problem.

You see I could destroy it right now

if I knew when the
backup system was online.

Hey you better get going so
you can get back in time.

- What happens to the
people who get a dose

of radiation that's not fatal?

- Well it depends on the
amount they receive but

in most cases the radiation
destroys the white blood cells

which means they have no immunity.

- Is that what the doomsday
people suffer from?

- Uh huh, and even if
they catch a common cold

it'll k*ll them.

- What happens if they
just get a little bit?

- Oh the symptoms vary but

they could get boils.

- Boils?

- Car bunkles.

- Stupid things are driving me nuts.

- We'll find a drug store maybe
some penicillin will help.

(tense music)

- Wow!

Can we take it for a ride?

- Don't touch it.

We've gotta find something
to wipe it off with first.

- Isn't this good enough?

- I guess it's okay

I don't wanna take any more sweaters.

- We have to return these?

- Of course.

- But there aren't any people.

- But they'll be back.

There weren't very many
people on the streets

they probably had a pretty
good advanced warning.

- Why did they all go to shelters?

- I don't know, probably a lot of reasons.

I remember once in one
of the western states

a flash flood warning was issued

in one of the canyon areas

and a lot of people were evacuated

but a good number of people stayed

and they lost their lives.

Some people always seem to think

a warning doesn't mean them.

(upbeat music)

(tense music)

(truck rumbling)

(upbeat music)

(tense music)

(clothes hangers rattling)


(truck rumbling)

- Uh oh, dregs.

Rick stay with the unit,

Don get in there and get that dreg out!


- Please don't hurt me.

- I don't wanna hurt you.

Please, I need someone to help.

- [Connie] David, this is Connie,

if you read, 10-4.

- [David] Connie 10-4.

- [Connie] David, I'm in the
basement of a drug store.

There's mutants and soldiers
crawling all over the place.

Take the list of code words I gave you

and go to the fourth group of words.

Take the last two letters in the word

in the fourth group and
head toward our destination.

Then stop and wait for me.

- Connie, we can't leave without you

what if something happens?

You've got the component.

- [Connie] Look, I'm okay, I'll be fine.

I'll get a vehicle and
catch up later, now go!

(intense music)

- [Man] This is Unite.

We know you're in here!

Come out with your hands over your head!

Come on, wherever you are,

I'm warning you, come out now!




- [Linda] David!

- [Jodie] David!

- [David] Freeze!

- He only wants help he's sick.

- [David] They're all sick come on.

(somber music)

(door rumbling)

- [Jodie] And you call
yourself a believer?

(intense music)

- Hit it!

- Well come on, get in.

(gentle music)

- What's the fourth word?

- Okay, you mean the fourth word

or the fourth section?

- [David] Section.

- [Linda] Okay it's not a
word it's a number, 1842.

- Last two numbers toward countless ages.

42 miles west and wait.

Hi Jodie, Jimmy.

- Last night you told my mom

that God had a grand design for her life.

What right have you to tell her that

you're an escaped convict.

- [David] That's right
Jodie I am a convict.

- Then how do you come
off telling all that

holy stuff to my mother?

- Your mother is carrying
an awesome burden.

A burden only God can
lift by his forgiveness.

- Before you start talking to me about God

you better prove to me that there is one

'cause he certainly hasn't shown me much.

How far is it across this stupid land

till we get to where we're going?

- You in a hurry?

- I'm bored.

- [David] You're not
the least bit concerned

about what I said out there are you?

- Should I be?

- Anything could happen to you.

Today, tomorrow,

you could have a blood clot hit your brain

and drop dead as we talk.

- You think I care?

Anything is better than this.

- Even hell?

- [Jodie] What do you think this is?

- Bitterness won't change anything Jodie.

Why don't you look at the
bright side of things?

You got a friend your age.

- Oh big deal, I find a boy

and he's got a face like
a burnt marshmallow.

- I suppose you heard that.

- That was kinda funny,

'cause when I was 13 I used to worry about

girls not liking me because I had pimples.

What she said out there,

I was wondering if you could answer me

a few questions.

- I'll try.

- Well you said something about

God wanting to forgive us.

I don't think I've sinned.

What you said out there
it really bothers me.

- Do you know what sin is?

- Yeah.

Lying, cheating,

and stealing.

- Do you know the story of Adam and Eve?

- Sure.

- [David] What did Adam do?

- Well God told him not to eat the fruit.

And the devil conned him into it.

- Romans 5:12 says

one man brought sin into the world

and sin brought death

and since all have sinned

death spread to all people.

The Bible says we
inherited that sin Jimmy.

You and I and all mankind.

We were sinners the day we were conceived

and as we went through life

sin made itself real in our very being.

Our hearts, our attitudes, our motives,

and in the very mechanism that
allows us to make decisions

our will.

- Then what you're
saying is that we can be

good to others

and we can go we can do good things

but no matter what we do on our own

it's not gonna get us to heaven.

- No matter how good we are in our lives

we're still sinners separated from God,

but God loved us so much

that he sacrificed his son Jesus Christ

to die on the cross and shed his blood

to wash away that sin.

- And when we believe that

we're no longer separated.

- That's right.

- Then sin's actually born inside?

- Sin festers inside.

Then it's spread by
hate, greed, bitterness,

and then it comes to the surface.

The stealing, cheating, lying and

all those things that
create a meaningless life.

(intense music)

- [Radio] Sector 115 to 17.

- [Radio] 17 go ahead.

- [Radio] We aren't
receiving Michaels' voice

we'll try another frequency.

- [Radio] We're having trouble too.

- Headquarter sector 115.

- [Radio] 115 go ahead.

- Try to keep your voice print monitors

on their frequency.

- [Radio] Okay.

- Try to get a print if you can.

- [Radio] We'll try.

- Rodger.

- Why did Jesus Christ
have to shed his own blood?

- In the Bible, in the Old Testament,

animals were brought to the priests

as sacrifices by the Israelites.

These animals had to be
perfect Jimmy, without blemish.

The sin of the one making the sacrifice

was transferred to the innocent offering.

Then the animal was slain

and its blood was sprinkled on the altar

as a temporary covering for one's sin.

God's special lamb, his son Jesus Christ,

a man without sin without spot or blemish,

shed his blood on the
cross to conquer death

and free us from sin forever.

Christ took our punishment.

- Then the animal sacrifice
was just temporary.

But the cross that was once and for all.

- The cross and the blood

and the resurrection is
what made it permanent.

- And anybody that believes
that is a believer?

- It means everyone who believes

can receive salvation,

but everyone isn't a believer.

They can be, if they ask God.

John 1:12 reads

but to all who received him
who believed in his name

he gave the power to
become children of God.

Salvation is a gift.

And when a person receives that gift

they become a new creature.

- Well how come no one ever explained

that to me before?

- A lot of people probably tried Jimmy

but a lot of us weren't listening.

And some Christians were

too tired and too lazy,

or too ashamed of Jesus to share him.

But now that you've heard
the plan of salvation

God holds you responsible.

(fire crackling)

Rock of ages was first,

churches one foundation was second,

church and rock have to go together.

Church and rock.

Church made of rock.

Rock that looks like a church.

A rock that looks like a church!

- A rock that looks like a church?

Shouldn't Connie be here by now?

- She said tonight, didn't say what time.

I sure don't like leaving her there.

Maybe we should go back for her.

- How could we find her?

She knows where we are,

42 miles west and wait.

And besides she'll see our campfire.

- [David] So will everyone else.

- Why do you people wear those robes?

- Same reason the Arabs did
it's to keep out the heat.

Our skin's very sensitive to the sun.

I make you uncomfortable don't I?

- Don't you hate the people
that did that to you?

- [Jimmy] No.

- I do.

- For my sake Jodie, or for yours?

I think hate's one of the worst sicknesses

a person can have.

- Well listen to you you sound like David.

Was your daddy a preacher or something?

- No.

My dad owned an exotic pet shop in Omaha.

- Oh and I suppose you had
some kind of exotic pet.

- When I was a boy had a pet python.

His name was Julius Squeezer.


You do know how to laugh.

- I had a pet chipmunk.

He could talk.

We used to talk to each other.

My dad brought him home from the zoo

where he used to work.

They had to close the zoo
because a wild cat strike.

- You feel better?

- Yeah.

- What do you think about what
David said this afternoon?

- I don't think anything about it.

- [Jimmy] Why not?

- Why should I?

- Well David could tell
you better than I could but

if we die out here

we'll be in eternity forever without God.

- So.

- Well David said we don't understand

God's love right now

but in eternity we will.

And to be without God,

it'll be unbearable.

- He really brainwashed you.

- There's a difference
between being brainwashed

and hearing the truth.

- Jimmy I think that's
fine if you need God

but don't push it on me because I don't.

- You wanna know what you need?

You need a good spanking.

That would solve your problem.

- My problem?

Just what is my problem and
who do you think you are?

- Just someone who would like to like you.

- You think I care?

You're not exactly Redford you know.

- See that's your problem.

- [Jodie] Look, I don't
have to listen to you.

- No you don't but you might as well

because you're gonna
stay here until I'm done.

You're gonna hear something for once

besides how pretty you are

which is obviously what you've
been told all your life.

You are pretty on the outside.

Do you wanna know what you
look like on the inside?


we can cover up our faces with makeup

but we can't hide what's
inside our hearts.

Think our hearts are so wicked that

this is what they look like to God.

Only God's forgiveness can heal them.

- David you asked me the other night

if I thought about the fact
that God still loves us.

Well I have been thinking about that.

Is it still possible for
us to receive Christ?

- Revelation 20,

verse four


then I saw thrones,

and seated on them were
those who had been beheaded

for their testimony to Jesus

and for the word of God

and who had not worshiped the beast

or its image and had not received its mark

on their foreheads or their hands.

They came to life and reigned
with Christ 1,000 years.

The main reason for the tribulation

is the judgment of unbelieving
Israel in the world.

One of the main results

according to the scripture I just quoted

and Revelation 7:9

is the salvation of vast hosts of people

from every kindred tribe,
tongue, and nation.

But God is merciful and just.

And is not willing that any should perish.

That's why millions
have received his mercy.

But according to Second Thessalonians

many believe that if a person heard and

understood the plan of
salvation before the rapture

or even now and rejected it

he would not get a second chance.

Let me read you something else.

Second Thessalonians second

chapter verses 10, 11, and 12.

And with all wicked deception

for those who are to perish

because they refuse to love the truth

and so be saved.

Therefore God sends upon
them a strong delusion

to make them believe what is false

so that all may be condemned

who did not believe the truth

but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

- Chuck was always telling
me about things in the Bible.

- My mom was always trying
to tell me and my brother

about Christ.

- Did you understand anything

that your mother told you about the Bible?

- [David] I never heard it

but I wouldn't even listen.

- Then you rejected it.

- Once I heard the plan of salvation

and understood it, I didn't reject it.

If I had known then before the rapture

what I know now, I
would've received Christ

in the twinkling of an eye.

And one reason is

because if I'd had any idea
what it would've been like to

feel the total fulfillment
of God's great love

I would've done it.

And secondly, if I'd
had any idea the misery

that I'd have to go through in these times

scrounging for food, facing execution,

and watching

watching loved ones tortured and


it would've been so easy then.

- It could be too late for Jodie and me.

- As I said,

only God knows the condition of the heart,

but according to Second Thessalonians

if anyone before the rapture

heard and understood the plan of salvation

from a friend, a pastor in church,

or in a movie or TV and rejected it

the opportunity for a
second chance now would be

about zero.

- I never really believed
that God existed.

- God proves his existence
by your existence.

Certainly as a scientist you weren't

foolish enough to think that
there wasn't a creation?

- David, I fooled myself
into believing that

the b*mb would never be used again.

I thought that my research
was in the national interest.

- Well it appeared to be
in the national interest

as long as it was a deterrent to w*r.

What have we got now?

- Well I've got guilt.

- Nuclear science wasn't
really the problem,

it's what sin caused us to do with it.

God gave us the resource,

but he warned us in Matthew 25

to strive for its wise
and responsible use.

It's like fire, we cook with it,

generate power with it,

but in the hands of an arsonist it's ugly.

If you're interested in receiving Christ

the time to do it is now.

- I need a little more time David.

- I said that once.

I wish now I hadn't waited.

(tense music)

- Sorry you had to die for me.

I guess it wasn't fair.

Thank you.

I don't have too much
in my life to offer you

but I do accept your offer of salvation.

Cleanse me Lord from my sin.

Let me come to your heaven.

- 10-4 go ahead.

- [Connie] I've got a vehicle but

can't risk being followed.

Keep moving ahead toward countless ages

and keep me advised as to your position.

- Connie where are you?

We're coming back to get you.

- [Connie] No, we can't
risk it, I'll catch up.

(truck rumbling)

David, this is Connie,

hold your position.

- First two letters

fourth word from the top

subtract two from the second

add 11 to the first heading
towards countless ages.

- Those turkeys.

(tense music)

- Meanwhile here in Oklahoma

there were new travel restrictions

placed on motor vehicles.

Beginning Monday no
persons will be allowed

within a 50 mile radius
of a radiation belt

even if relatives were living in the area.

The big news of the hour is the plague

that has hit many parts of the world.

In this country reports have come in

from Provincetown Harbor
that blood red sea waters

have caused sea life to diminish rapidly.

This is not new to the fishermen in Japan,

they have been plagued with this new

and unexplained phenomena
for nearly a week.

The stench--

- Are we near a city?

- Oklahoma City, we just went around it.

(tense music)

(helicopters whirring)

- [Man] Turn your vehicle
around and go back.

The Unite command unit will intercept you.

Once there you will transfer

in an orderly fashion to that unit.

Your failure to comply will force us

to eliminate you and your party.

We know your unit has no
provisions for our movement

so do not try to negotiate

with threats of retaliation.

You will execute our instructions at once.

- David can't we sh**t them down?

- I don't think that's a very good idea.

- Well we're safe in here.

- They're equipped with anti-t*nk rockets.

Where's the other one?

- [Jodie] Right behind us.

- Well David, it's so
good to see you again.

- [Radio] Unit 616 this is sector 17 over.

- Unit 616 go ahead.

- [Radio] Unit 616 identify your position,

we're going to send a bigger chopper

to bring your prisoners back

this will lessen the
chance of escape affirm.

- Affirm, position at 45 miles northeast

of sector 117.

Area B as in Baker.


- [Radio] 10-4.

- What happens next?

- Oh come on David,

I think you know the procedure.

I don't think that I can
get the code out of ya

but we have a man back
at sector 117 that has a

certain talent.

It's painful but effective.

- I think I'm gonna get sick.


- Maybe with him all we
have to do is say please.

- He's got leukemia.


- Well, all we have to
do now is just wait.

(intense music)

(tense music)

- Get outta here this thing's gonna blow!

(somber music)

- [Jimmy] Jodie, you can
cover up your face with makeup

but you can't hide
what's inside your heart.

(expl*si*n booming)

- Do what you can for him.

I gotta find a way to camouflage our wagon

before the choppers arrive.

(expl*si*n booming)

You start walking east until that

chopper picks you up and I
better not see you again.

- [Linda] You worried about the chopper?

- There isn't gonna be any chopper.

Doesn't take two and a half hours

to fly 45 minutes.

They're just playing with us.

They could wipe us out in
a second if they wanted.

How's he doing?

- Oh the bleeding stopped

but he's still unconscious.

- [Connie] David, do you read?

- Connie 10-4.

- [Connie] 10-4.

- Current position
fourth word from the top,

center two letters, add
150 toward countless ages.

- [Connie] Affirmative, I'm
only 20 miles behind you now.

I thought we'd had it.

- Connie we're gonna wait for you.

- [Connie] No David,

Unite's radios are buzzing
about your capture.

They're onto you now and if they put you

out of service I've
still got the component.

- 10-4.

Hells foundation quiver.

It's a clue not a code.

See what you think of this.

Suppose the light of God's people

got so close to Satan's headquarters

figuratively speaking that
Hell's very foundation shook.

Now where would we have
to be to accomplish that?

- Down.

- A mine or a shaft?

- A well.

- A cave.

No, caves don't go down they go back.

- What do you plan to do about him?

- Take him with us.

- Why can't we leave him
here with some rations

and then in a few hundred
miles tell Unite where he is.

- No he'd be buzzard meat out there

in his weakened condition,
let's wait till he

gets a little stronger.

(tense music)

(truck rumbling)

(vulture screeching)

- David.


Not as predictable as I thought.

But I didn't think you
were a fool until now.


Do you realize what you did?

- God said in Romans 12:20

if thine enemy hunger

feed him.

When you took that mark,

do you realize what you did?

You sold your soul to Satan.

I don't know if it's possible
for you to ever understand

what the love of Jesus Christ
in a man's heart can do.

I'm truly sorry for that.

(pump cranking)

- [Jodie] Hey look water.

- Yeah that's terrific.

You know we can boil it
and that'll purify it.

- No, that just concentrates the radiation

making it deadlier.

You know I doubt there's
been any fallout in this area

and even if there has the
sand would filter it out.

(wind blowing)

(vulture squawking)

(helicopter whirring)

(intense music)

- Jerry.

Tell 'em to leave or I'll.

- Or you'll what David?

- Jerry.

How'd they know you were here?

- David you saved my life,

I'm about to do the same for you.

We're even.

(vulture squawking)

(pump cranking)

(intense music)



(helicopter whirring)

(g*n firing)

(g*n firing)

(expl*si*n booming)

(expl*si*n booming)

- That's twice they knew
exactly where we were.

- Well we've only gone 150 miles

since Unite knew our last position.

- Yeah but we could've gone north or south

how'd they know we've been going west.

- I haven't got the slightest idea

I don't even know where we are.

(tense music)

(vultures screeching)

(helicopter whirring)

(suspenseful music)

(truck rumbling)

(computer beeping)

- [David] We've got to find shelter

or we'll burn this thing up.

- [Linda] A state park,
they'll have shelter.

- [David] Connie,

fourth section from the top

first two letters.

From our last communication
at 108 to countless ages.

Add 108 toward countless ages

from our last position.

- [Connie] 10-4.


- At least it's a little cooler in here.

- It's gonna be hotter
than blazes in here too.

At least we're outta
the sun's direct rays.

- [Jodie] Aw, what's the matter?

Don't you have any friends?

- Praise God.

I think we got us a cave.

So, if it's a cave,

near a large rock

shaped like a church

then all I've gotta do is figure out w*r


and 1842.

w*r forward in 1842?

They gotta be crazy to give me this.

All right, we've got a cave,

near a rock,

that looks like a church.

(computer beeping)

(metal crackling)

(radio sizzling)

From now on we only go out at night.

We don't need sun stroke.

We got visitors.

- Unite?

- I'm afraid not.

It's too hot out there now

for them to make any major moves

but you can bet they'll be
on us like flies tonight.

- How do we get outta here?

- Well,

this evening when it's cool
enough to run the engine

and the air system in the wagon

we'll make a run for it.

- If it's cool enough for us

won't it be cool enough for them too?

- Well they have eyes and skin

that are super sensitive
to light and to heat

so we should have, what do you say David

maybe a half hour head start?

- No more than that.

Praise God we got that.

- Praise God?

Things seem to get progressively worse

and you say praise God.

- We've been groaning and
bellyaching about the heat

I think it's about to save our lives.

God knows what he's doing,

even if we don't.

(expl*si*n booming)


- Mom,

I'm scared.

- Jesus said in John 14,

that we don't need to be afraid.

If I could've had a

conversation with your
little caterpillar friend

and I said to him

why do you crawl around in the dirt?

He might've said to me

because I'm earthbound.

It's impossible for me to fly.

And then I said

well I could tie wings around your body.

He'd say, it wouldn't work.

I still couldn't fly.

You see it would be like

those who try to become Christians

simply by going to church
and reading the Bible

but that alone did not
make them Christians.

They had to have a new birth.

Your little friend would've made it

through this heat spell

he would've spun a cocoon and

one day emerged as a beautiful butterfly

and would've soared the heavens.

That's what happened to Jimmy.

It happens to everybody

who is reborn in Christ.

But the Bible tells us

that if we don't,

we shall not see the kingdom of God.

(truck rumbling)

(helicopters whirring)

(intense music)

Let's take cover in the back.

(g*ns firing)

Wait a minute.

(g*ns firing)

- [Linda] What's the matter with you

have you lost your mind?

- Good show Linda, good show.

Except your actors did badly.

- [Linda] David.

- Now how do you suppose
Unite could follow me

and at the same time make me think

they were chasing me?

Mock attack.

- I don't know David,

I'm curious to know the
answer to that myself.

- And because I'm a fugitive

if they didn't come after me

I'd wonder why, I'd get suspicious

and think they were following me huh?

- David listen.

- No you listen.

Now I don't know how in the world

you're feeding my positions to Unite

but the next time you're in touch with 'em

you can tell 'em from me that I thought

it was a very clever plan.

Right down to our capture

to throw off any
suspicions I may have had.

If it wasn't for Jimmy God bless his heart

for saving our necks

it might've been interesting to experience

Jerry's plan for our escape.

- I wouldn't do that to you.


- God forgive me if I'm
wrong about you Linda.

But somebody's giving Unite our positions

and I don't think it's Jodie.

Question is, how am I gonna find

that transmitter site without
Unite following me in?

(keys tapping)

- Michaels' voice has been printed

it's in the computer.

- Good work.

- As soon as we get a transmission

we'll be able to get a
reading on his position.

- Well gentlemen,

it seems that although
we had a small setback

this afternoon, David
Michaels is about to lead us

to the target.

(gentle music)

- Let's get the wagon back in the tunnel

it's cooling off fast.

(thunder rolling)

- [Jodie] I'm freezing can anybody find a

jacket or a blanket around here.

- [Linda] Well here's Connie's jacket.

- [Jodie] Don't you need it?

- [Linda] No I'm warm.

- [Jodie] David can't
we turn the light on?

- [David] No no,

leave it dark maybe they won't find us.

- [Linda] I wonder if
they know we're in here?


David let's go!

- [David] No we're safer in here these

walls around here are too narrow

we can't upset it.

- [Linda] They're already upset!

(g*n firing)

- [David] That ought to
hold 'em for a while.

- [Linda] Why is it dark?

- [David] I seem to remember you saying

a little while back that you needed

proof that God existed.

Well he just showed you
Revelation 16:10 come to pass.

- [Linda] What does Revelation 16:10 say?

- [David] The fifth angel
poured out his flask

upon the throne of the
creature from the sea

and his kingdom was plunged into darkness.

(tense music)

- You're telling me
that they haven't moved

since it got dark?

Well, make them move.

We've got to find that
radio station and destroy it

as soon as possible.

- [Jodie] How long have we been in here?

- [Linda] Seems like months.

- It's clearing.

(gentle music)


what does that big rock
look like to you guys?

- [Linda] It looks kind
of like a cathedral.

- Cathedral, church.

Church rock could that be church rock?

(upbeat music)

We've been camped under the very thing

we've been searching for for

I don't know how long.

- He is present.

He's here David,

he's always been here.

- Red Rock State Park,
West Arroyo Ratan one mile.

West Arroyo Ratan?

West Arroyo Ratan, W-A-R,

this is w*r!

This is w*r!


And now all we gotta do is figure out

forward and 1842, hmm.


I wonder if it could be 1842 something

forward from the rock.

Feet, yards, miles.

Those numbers that
doesn't make much sense.

- Maybe it's a numerological code.

- Maybe let's try it.

Let's see 1842,

one plus eight is nine plus four is 13

plus two is 15, 15 that's a one and a five

one plus five is six.

Six something forward from the rock.

Can't be feet or yards obviously.

It has to be miles, six
miles forward from the rock,

let's try that.

Let's go back and find Connie first.

- With Russia and the United
States nearly destroyed

it appears that China is the thorn in the

flesh of Brother Christopher

and it appears now that China
is going to challenge him

for control of the Middle East.

Already many nations
are moving their troops

over the Himalaya road
built by west Pakistan

and the Red Chinese to join forces

with the tactical might
of its European allies.

The only other obstacle in the troop move

from China to Palestine

was the Euphrates River

and it appears now that
the mighty riverbed is dry

allowing free movements
of troops and tanks

toward Israel, the
Galilee region near Hypha.

- And he gathered them together

into a place called in the
Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

Connie, we've gone fourth
section from the top

first two letters minus eight

east of countless ages.

Bring us in, do you read?

Jodie stay with the vehicle

I'm pretty sure Connie's
around here somewhere.

- Connie!

(tense music)

- I don't believe it

when the quakes come that
thing'll crumble like matchsticks.

God wouldn't put those people somewhere

where they'd be wiped out.

The cave must be on higher ground.

- How far away from the cave?

- Well let's see we're about

four miles east of the rock.

If we're right about our
six miles in front of it

should be about 10 miles.

(tense music)

What are you doing?

- It's only music David

I found these tapes in Omaha.


(intense music)

- [Linda] Maybe we should give Connie

the location of the cave.

It's possible she can
receive and not transmit.

- The radio remains
silent from here on out.

- If Unite was gonna
zero in on our position

from your radio signals

they would've done that a long time ago.

- Not true, our transmissions
weren't long enough

for them to get a fix on us.

- Well how long does it take

to tell Connie where the cave is?

- Look, by now they've printed my voice.

One word this close to the cave

and my mission becomes their target.

- What about my voice or mom's?

- Jerry would recognize your voices too.

- So what do we do now?

- We hide until dark while I

try and figure out a
way to get to that cave

without Unite following me in.

- I think I have a plan on how to

get a message across to Connie.

- You wait till I'm half
dead before you show up?

Your chopper's always bringing my fuel

and my rations late.

Why did you put me through all of this?

- We've had a few problems
of our own young lady.

Our equipment got so
hot we couldn't use it,

aircraft blew up in hangers.

If you hadn't of let
them run off without you

in Omaha this wouldn't have happened.

- I told them to go.

My training officer failed to tell me

when these would appear.

- So, everybody's got 'em.

- Believers don't get them.

- [Jodie] Dad go to work

eight miles west of your home,

church is the rock of ages,

calculus 1846 from the fort.

We're infection from the top

go forward!

- 10 miles west,

church is the rock, countless.

Count less, 1836 from the fourth word

that's 1842, that's six,

six miles forward from the rock.

Come on we've gotta move.

- What's the rush you got the component.

- No I don't.

- You better you had specific orders

to keep it no matter what.

- I left it in my jacket pocket
the day we were in Omaha,

I left the vehicle without it.

- What'd you do that for?

- Because I didn't know
I wasn't coming back

that's why now lay off it!

- Hey.

Where'd you get this?

Connie had it.

- I found it in Connie's jacket.

- Well,

why did she want me to

think she had it all this time?

Oh no.

Connie's been giving away our positions.




- That should be obvious.

- No I mean why would God let her be

right in the middle of this operation?

This is God's mission

and the enemy was right in there with us.

- It's not too late.

You better tell sector 115 to contact

main headquarters and have
them change the access code.

David's figured out the one we have now.

- How long have you known that?

- For weeks, but there was no way

I could contact anybody, remember?

- I'm afraid I

haven't been a very good example of

how a believer should behave.

I'm sorry Linda.

Please forgive me.

- Forgiven.

I wanna ask you a question.

- Okay.

- What are you doing?

- Oh all this, well,

it's a decoy.

I'm gonna send this thing out

across the desert as far
as it will go as bait.

And if I plan this right

Unite's gonna be going after this vehicle

and we're gonna be on our way to the cave,

hopefully unnoticed.

- In order for them to locate this

don't we have to transmit a signal?

- We're gonna be music to their ears.

(thunder booming)

- For just as the lightning
comes from the east,

and flashes to the west,

so shall the coming of the son of man be.

Wherever the corpse is,

there will the vultures gather.

Matthew 24.

- You sound like one of them.

- Well, Unite trained me for over a year

to sound like one of them.

- By the time Unite locks into this

they'll get a big thrill.

(upbeat music)

(alarm ringing)

- Red alert, red alert.

- [Man] Secure stations.

Prepare for confrontation.

- Aircraft in the air.

Emergency options to fly.

(helicopter whirring)

- [Radio] Unit 26, unit 26

David Michaels is moving east

repeat east towards target,

he is approximately one mile behind you

turn around and follow,
repeat turn around and follow.

Our decoding was an error,

unless you apprehend
them we may not locate--

- No, you're wrong!

We're not going the wrong way.

(alarm ringing)

(upbeat music)

(train crossing dinging)

What are you doing are you crazy?

(train horn blowing)

(expl*si*n booming and screaming)

(helicopter whirring)

- Unite 969 to base I've located the unit

looks to me like a diversionary tactic

I'm not certain but I'm
setting down now to check

you better standby to alert other aircraft

to concentrate the search
in the western sector.



- [David] Praise God there it is.

- How are we gonna get in there?

They'll think you're Unite.

- When I show 'em the words to the hymn

and the components they'll let us in.

Come on let's go.

(thunder booming)

- Everybody, praise God they made it.

(upbeat music)

- [David] You're aware there's a dam.

- 10.3 miles due east as a matter of fact.

And this cave is over
7,000 feet above sea level.

Well there it is, it's all yours.

- This is it?

- It's all we need.

Signal originates here is transmitted

to a relay station with a

satellite dish,

from there it's transmitted

and broadcast worldwide.


♫ Onward Christian soldiers

♫ Marching us to w*r

♫ With the other people

♫ Glory done before

♫ Onward these people

♫ Join our happy song

♫ Lift with us your voices

♫ Hear the dryad song

(alarm ringing)

(computer buzzing and beeping)

- [Man] Secure stations.

Secure stations.

♫ Glory Lord and honor

♫ Unto Christ the king

♫ This will come the sages

♫ Let the angels sing

♫ Onward Christian

- Lord,


forgive me.


(alarm ringing)


(thunder cracking)

Who am I

compared to you,

who loved me so much

that you gave your life for me.

(alarm ringing)

(expl*si*n booming)

(water flowing)

- [Man] Look out what is that beeping?

(water flowing)

(woman screaming)

- Lord Jesus, please adopt me

and free me from all my sin.

Thank you Jesus.


- Linda,

to be with him at this moment

is like a song of praise.

In spite of all the evil,

the rejoicing around the world
among believers is fantastic

and it's eternal.

I don't know what's in
your heart right now,

only God knows that.

But according to John 3:3

the only way we can see God's kingdom

is to be born from above

and have his forgiveness.

To be part of God's kingdom

or to have to live for eternity

with the agony and remorse and regret

of those who rejected him and his love.

Oh Linda,

God in his faithfulness

has given you

a choice.

♫ Not one thing this world offers you

♫ In exchange for

♫ Your soul

♫ Can take

♫ Your guilt away

♫ When time is no more

♫ Just this moment is yours

♫ To spend

♫ Which way will it be

(laughing and sobbing)

♫ There's no chance in eternity

♫ To change

♫ Your destiny

(explosions booming)

♫ There's no chance

♫ In eternity

♫ To change

♫ Your destiny
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