Six: The Mark Unleashed (2004)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Six: The Mark Unleashed (2004)

Post by bunniefuu »

[dramatic music]

[ominous music]

- [Brody] I still remember

Saturday morning cartoons, must see TV,

news, fair and balanced.

I also remember the first
and second Gulf wars,

the second great depression,

school sh**t and the music.

It's the music I miss the most.

There was freedom then.

Freedom to do terrible things,

but freedom all the same.

- You will find that
such primitive emotions

and ideas, as jealously, rage,

sexual possessiveness and monogamy

have been eliminated.

Your new implant has made you
part of a collective whole,

known as the community.

In the community, you are truly
free to move among partners,

male or female, as you choose.

Your pleasure will be your guide.

- [Brody] I had a girlfriend once.

We were going to get married.

I remember being excited about that.

She was k*lled in the
first purge of the leader.

Rumor has it that 80 million
people died in one day.

One day.

That was just in North America.

The death toll in third world countries

was reported to be much higher.

Not that you could confirm such rumors.

- The most significant health aspect

of the implant regards aging.

Each one of you can
reasonably expect to live

far longer that 200
years of productive life

for the community.

As such is the case, the
implant also functions

as birth control.

Only by the will of the
leader may you procreate.

Praise to the leader for
the freedom he has given.

- [Brody] Praise to the leader.

my mother die of cancer.

She grabbed my hand in her last moments,

wanting me to stare out the window.

She was seeing something
that I couldn't see,

but as she passed

her face was truly peaceful.

Even in the midst of all her pain.

- Those whose old jobs
are no longer necessary

will receive new assignments
for the good of the community.

Information on how to do these new jobs

will be downloaded into
you via your implant.

- [Brody] I remember my job
before he came on the scene.

Before all of this, I was a designer,

engineer and test driver for Chevrolet.

I was part of the team

that designed the engine

for the last Corvette ever manufactured.

That was only a few years ago,

before the whole world went insane.

- [Man On Radio] Why should
one desire such a weak God?

It results in the destruction

of the most basic drives of mankind.

Self-preservation at any cost.


- Come on, he was just gettin' goin'.

- At any cost?

You weren't in L.A. during the purges.

You don't remember the bodies
stacked in the streets.

You don't remember the smell.

- Are you done?

- All right.

You know what, let's just do this, okay?

You got it?

You sure this thing is gonna work?

- Dude, who am I?

Is there any security
system that I can't crack?

[dramatic music]


[engine starting]

- [Man On Radio] Only
be seizing what we want,

taking what is rightfully ours

and destroying those who get in our way,

can mankind truly be fulfilled.

- Well, I'm with you there.

- [Man On Radio] What is that fulfillment?

The deification of mankind itself.

Each one of you can
become God as I am God.

Each one of you has my spirit in you,

through the holy implant.

- But you always lose me.

[tires screeching]

[dramatic music]

I'll meet you at Eddie's.

- [Jerry] Wanna race?

[dramatic music]

[ominous music]

- Tom.

- [Tom] Why's it so dark in here?

- 'Cause no one's supposed to be in here.

You know they run patrols
along the coast at night.

- Yeah, so what are you so scared of?

- Gettin' caught.

Or becoming one of
those brainwashed morons

who thinks nothing all day

but worshiping that psychotic dictator

who claims to be God.

- They can't force you
to take the implant.

Every time they try, people
either died instantly

or went bananas.

- Yeah, well, I don't particularly care

for the other option either.

- Good point.

- So what do you got for me?

- I got good stuff in the back.

What don't you give me
a shot of that first?

- Yeah.

Mr. Iceman.

Don't tell you don't got a case of nerves.

How's that ulcer?

Business has been so slow,

it's gettin' harder for
me to lose this much food.

- Yeah, well, I'm makin'
it worth your while.

Check this out.

Real American tobacco, but wait...

There's more.


Now, I don't know how good they are,

but ever since the leader nuked the south

all the way down to Cuba,

impossible to get anymore.

- Tell you got more than smokes.

- Yeah, I got more.

Five cases of banned DVDs.

You ever see Schindler's List?

- I never even heard of it.

- Yeah, it'll make ya feel like a hero.

Also, some real classics.

Papillon, Braveheart, Lawrence of Arabia.

- Any good?

- What do I look like, man?

A film critic?

I also got a box of prescription meds.

Mostly painkillers and antibiotics.

- Painkillers, huh.

Let's open this one up.

- You know, if you didn't
consume all your product,

you might make a profit.

- Maybe.




- That's it, Dallas.

I guess I'll see you next week.

- That's pretty optimistic
for this day and age.

Are you sure you don't wanna stick around

for one more drink?

- I'd like to, but I can't.

I got deliveries to make before dawn.

- You should stay for that drink, Tom.

[ominous music]

- Oh man.

- Hi honey.

- Sweetie.

- You look good.

Life in the gestapo suits you.

- You know her?

- Dallas, meet Jeseca Newman, my ex wife.

It is still Newman, isn't it?

- I haven't changed it.

- Ooh, how sentimental of you.

- You set me up.

- No.

I'm in as much trouble as you are.

- Check his implant.

- Reads clear.

Mr. Brian Clark.

In good standing with the community.

- [Jeseca] Really.

- Ow.

- You know what the
penalty for impersonating

a member of the community is, don't you?

- Look, I was gonna get it,

but I have this fear of
having computer chips

jammed under my skin, you know?

- Well, I think we can cure you of that.

Take him out back.

- What about this one?

- [Jeseca] I'll deal with him.

Leave me alone.

[dramatic music]

- Just can't stay away from me, can you?

I always knew you'd come back.

- I never left, Tom.

You did.

- No, you left when you got that chip

implanted in your hand.

What are you gonna do with Dallas?

[b*ll*ts firing]

You know, when the time comes,

I hope you pull the
trigger on me yourself.

That way your face will be
the last thing I ever see.

- I promise.

Hopefully it won't be necessary.

I convinced them to give
you your job back, Tom.

- Yeah, I've heard that before.

All I have to do is take the holy implant,

then I can be a cop again.

Then we can go to community sex parties.

Log into the virtual church

and get enlightened by the leader.

You know, I think I'd rather be shot.

No, wait, I don't mean that.

I'm sure I'd rather be shot.

- You haven't changed.

- You have.

Every time I see you,
you look more and more

like everyone else in the community.

I think it's that glazed
look in your eyes.

- We're being conformed into
the image of the leader.

We're being transformed...

- The renewing of the mind, yeah.

Heard it all before.

- You should mock such sacred things.

- You know, I used to love
to look into your eyes.

- The fact that you don't have the implant

makes you perfect for this assignment.

- Did you hear what I just said?

- Did you hear what I just said?

You don't have to take the implant.

Then we could be together.

- Yeah.

If I don't mind sharing
you with every other man

and woman in the community.

- I miss you.

- You want me to infiltrate
and betray renegade groups?

- Yes.

- Can't do that.

The fact you even ask, you
don't remember who I am.

[engine revving]

- [Brody] Dude, did I tell
you she was sweet or what?

- You disabled the tracking device?

- Of course.

Jerry's new program worked perfectly.

- So, Tiny, check it out.

What do you think?

- It's a nice car.

- Nice car?

Nice car?

This is a Porsche 911.

One of the finest sports cars ever made.

They haven't shipped
one to the United States

in over two years.

- I said it was nice.

- Dude, are you high?

- All right, all right.

Let's just forget about it, okay.

We'll just go to your
office, we'll get our fee.

It's all good, right?

Nice car.

What is wrong with him?

- Would you just forget about him?

Can we just get paid and get out of here?

- I don't have your payment.

- Okay.

I guess we'll be leaving then.

With the Porsche.

I don't believe this.

Can you believe this?

- Looks real good there, Tiny.

Better than the prosthetic implant

Jerry and I sold you.

Tell me you didn't.

- I didn't have much choice, Brody.

It was really the right thing.

I don't know why I resisted so long,

but I feel so much
happier, and you will too.

[dramatic music]

- We're out of here.

[dramatic music]

[sires wailing]

[tires screeching]

[lively music]

[tires screeching]

[lively music]

[tires screeching]

[sirens wailing]

- [Jerry] Dude, dude dude.

- Shut up, all right.

I got it.

- [Man On Radio] Anyone who
threatens the peaceful life

of the community, must be destroyed.

- [Brody] Shut up too.

[lively music]

- [Jerry] You know how these things

usually end up, don't ya?

- You are really getting on my nerves.

- Look, I don't mean to bug ya,

I just wanna know if you had a plan

other than just taking
one last thrill ride

before the big chopping block.

- And what's the problem with that?

You anxious to get your head sliced off?

I could just drop you right here.

- All I wanted was a pizza.

- All right, listen.

See those hills up there?

I know those roads back there really well.

These cops may be able

to keep up with us on the straight away,

but there is no way that they
can keep up with this car

on those hair pin turns.

- Was that so hard?


All I wanted to know is if you had a plan.

That's it.

- Well, get away.

Just quit your whining.

- Whatever.

What are you doing?

Are you letting me off right here?

What are you doing?

- I'm not doing anything.

- Then why are you stopping?

- What is wrong?

These cars never break down.

- Why are you stopping?

- I'm not stopping!

- [Both] We're stopping!

- [Jerry] We're out of gas, you idiot.

- [Man On Intercom] You may
be released with a full pardon

at any time.

Inform a guard that you
wish to join the community

and receive the implant.

If you refuse, your head is ours.

- That's driving me crazy.

- And perhaps if you checked the gas gauge

we wouldn't be listening to it.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

I forgot to fill up the
car after I stole it.

- I'm just saying.

- [Bald Man] Ancient
t*rture was primitive.

So messy.


- Are you talking to me?

- The iron maiden.

The rack.

Drawing and quartering.

Subjects often die before
useful information was obtained.

- That is a shame.

- Indeed.

Fortunately, those days are long gone.

- Well, I'm sure we're
all grateful for that.

- Although, there was a certain
visceral pleasure to it.

The splitting of flesh,
the spilling of blood.

- Ooh, and let's not forget
the sound of cracking bones.

- How true.

The sound is

almost musical.

[dramatic music]


So nice to work with someone

who has an appreciation for this art.


- Hey.

Aren't you gonna ask me any questions?

- Why?

Is there something that
you wish to confess?

- Oh yeah.


I wish to confess that
you're a complete nutcase.



[ominous music]

- In the past several hours

you've had the feeling of your skin

being burned off of your body,

your guts ripped out, your
limbs torn from their sockets,

and broken glass shoved
into every orifice.


I guess we're just gonna
have to get creative.


But you need a moment's rest.

We wouldn't want you to die.

That would ruin everything.

It's nice to work with someone like you.

The Christians are so annoying.

The whole time that you're torturing them,

they're forgiving you.

[dramatic music]




Feel the skin being
stripped off of your body.

Peeled away.

[computer beeping]

- Ask, ask me something.

I'll do anything.

[dramatic music]


- Ssh.





- Please.

Please make it stop.

- Only you can do that, Tom.

- He hasn't asked for anything.

- There's only one thing.

If you agree, it will stop.

- What?


- They want you to find
a man named Elijah Cohen,

and k*ll him.

- He's dead.

He's a dead man.


- Therefore, I urge you brothers

in view of God's mercy

to offer your bodies
and living sacrifices.

Only in pleasing the God.

This is your spiritual act of worship.

Not conformed any longer to the world,

but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind.

- I guess those guys today
were living sacrifices.

- [Brody] I guess.

- What is this writing all over the walls?

- It says Romans.

Pretty sure that's a book in the bible.

- Yeah, but did you notice
that almost all the cells

are covered in writing like this one?

- Yep.

- You sound depressed.

- I'm a little depressed.

Something about watching people
get their heads chopped off

brings me down.

- Yeah.

Suddenly the implant doesn't sound so bad.

- Come on.

Don't lose hope.

We have exactly three weeks

to plan and execute an escape

from a high security prison.

That's plenty of time.

- You know, it says over here,

if God is for us, who can be against us.

He who did not spare his own son,

but delivered him up for us all,

shall not freely give us all things.

What do you think that means?

- I'll tell you what it means.

It means if God even exists,

he m*rder*d his own kid.

They seem to think that that was good.

So they let all of us be m*rder*d too.

I didn't see 'em coming
to help those losers.

Did you?

They got their heads chopped off,

and God was nowhere in sight.

[dramatic music]

- I guess you're right about that.

- Tenant Newman, this is a pleasure.

Jeseca has told us all so much about you.

- Apparently.

- Seven years in the LAPD,
then you made Detective.

Afterwards, you were recruited by the FBI.

- You know, I actually
am aware of my history.


- Jeseca mentioned that you
had a droll sense of humor.

I am not disappointed.

But as you well know, not
everyone who has the implant

has their memories erased.

Jeseca still retains her memories of you.

A procedure's only really necessary

for criminals or deviants.

- You know, I'd be curious to know

what your definition of deviant is,

considering the widely known
practices of the community.

- An excellent question which leads us

right to your first assignment.

- Your target is Elijah Cohen.

He preaches the Christian heresy.

I know you're familiar with it.

- Jesus, the bible, all that.

- Teachings which deny the
inherent Godhood of our leader.

Very dangerous.

Jeseca assures me that you

have no religious inclinations whatsoever.

- Mr. Cohen is seen mostly

in black market and low town areas

throughout California and Nevada.

Speaking to those who
have refused the implant.

His recruitment efforts have
been largely successful.

Although we are at a
loss to understand why.


- Now, all of you have refused the implant

that is being pushed on us

by the madman who claims he's God.

Well, he's not.

He's the antichrist.

His rise to power and the implant

were predicted over 2,000 years ago,

and right in here.

The implant is called
the mark of the beast.

Anyone who accepts it is going to hell.

That's right, my friend.

Hell exists, and the
antichrist is going there.

- Can you believe this guy?

- But you don't have to.

You can have hope.

You see, Jesus Christ came
and died for your sins,

so you could be right with the true God.

That's hope, my friends.

Hope in Christ Jesus.

By taking Christ into your heart,

you will be granted a place of rest

and happiness in heaven.

Do you believe in him?

How about you, do you believe?

Then come forward.

- Why haven't you k*lled him already?

- It's very difficult for
anyone bearing the implant

to get close to him.

- That's where you come in.

- We will put you in personal
contact with his followers.

People who are known to have
a relationship with this man.

They will take you to him.

- What, just like that?

- It's a deep cover assignment.

The conditions under which you meet them

will ensure that they
trust you implicitly.

And while you will not
be able to contact us,

we will be monitoring you at all times.

- [Tom] Brother.

- I don't know what was weirder,

the implant morons or these Jesus freaks.

- I guess you don't believe in heaven.

- And you know what's good about that?

I don't believe in hell either.

What's your deal?


You wanna become a Christian now?


That's just great, Jerry.

Then you can be brainwashed

like everyone else on this planet.

[dramatic music]

- At that time, the kingdom of heaven

will be like 10 virgins
who took their lamps

and went out to meet the bridegroom.

Five of them were foolish,
and five were wise.

The foolish ones took their lamps

but did not take any oil with them.

The wise, however, took oil in
jars along with their lamps,

the bridegroom was a long time coming,

and they all became
drowsy and fell asleep.

Yeah, probably because
the story's so boring.

Hello, brother.

- [Man In Bed] Brother?

Why do you call me that?

- Don't you believe in the Christ?

- [Luke] Yes, do you?

- Why else would I be in here?

- [Luke] The boys in
the next cell are here

because they stole a car.

- Why don't they just take the implant?

- I guess they're just
not team players, brother.

At midnight the cry range out.

Here's the bridegroom.

Then all the virgins woke
up and trimmed their lamps.

The foolish ones said to the wise,

give us some of your oil,
our lamps are going out.

No, they replied.

There may not be enough for us both.

Go buy some yourselves.

While they were on their
way to buy the oil,

the bridegroom arrived.

The virgins who were
ready went in with him

to the wedding banquet,

and the door was shut.

Later, the others also came.

They said, open the door for us,

but he replied, I tell you the truth.

I don't know you.

Therefore, keep watch.

For you do not know the day or the hour

the son of man will return.

What do you think it means?

- Well, the bridegroom
is obviously Christ,

the banquet is heaven,

and look, I'm pretty new with this.

- It's all right.

Please continue.

- Christ only wants to
deflower five virgins

because the others forgot the oil.

You know, it seems to me
there's some kind of message

about sharing in there.

I mean, aren't we supposed to share?

Maybe it should be called
the five selfish virgins.


- You're a fool, Tom.

[dramatic music]

You heard me.

I said Tom Newman is a fool.

- How do you know my name?

- I know things.

Like, why you're really here,

and why you think you're here.

God told me you were coming, Tom.

[dramatic music]

- So, did God tell you what
the stupid story means?

- It's not about a marriage.

The virgins are bridesmaids, they may...

You know what, forget
about all that for now.

What it means, Tom,

is Jesus is coming,

and nobody knows when or where.

The oil is the holy spirit.

You don't have it, you don't get in.

- Right, the holy spirit.

Is that like the holy implant?

- No.

The holy spirit is from God.

Implant is a deception.

A lie told by the king of lies.

- So, if you have it,

you become more like everyone else.

- When you're talking
about the implant, yes.

When you're talking about the holy spirit,

you become more like the way
Jesus wanted you to become.

More like him.

More unique.

More individual.

Opposite of the implant.

- That doesn't make any sense.

You know, I mean,

everyone becomes more like Jesus?

I mean, come on,

he's just, he's just one person.

- He's also God.

The God who made each one of us

as a unique creation.

Sin destroys that, creates conformity.

Redemption in Christ restores that.

Brings us back to what
God truly wanted us to be.

- Still, I gotta tell ya,

sounds awfully close to the leader.

- You're just gonna have to

figure that out for yourself, Tom,

'cause if you don't,

you're gonna burn in hell forever.

- Ooh, hell.

Frightened now.

[dramatic music]

- Afternoon, neighbors.

- Fool.

- Hey Luke, hey Joe.

- Tom, if you're not gonna eat that...

- I don't have much of an appetite.

- It's the head's thing, isn't it?

Where they kind of spin
off with that little spray.

- I think it's the way they
just thunk into the buckets.

- I don't know how long
your brain stays alive

after they chop it off.

I mean, the brain can stay alive

for almost four minutes without oxygen.

- Dude, I bet those are four long minutes.

I mean, your head just sittin'
there in a gray bucket,

knowing that your body's upstairs.


- Doesn't that bother you?


That's gonna happen to all of you.

- That's gonna happen to you too, Tom.

- No, it's not.

You guys have nothing to worry about.

Tom here is gonna bust you out.

- What makes you think I can do that?

- Luke hears voices in his head.

He believes they're from God.

- Right, yeah.

Anyway, we are looking for a way out.

- What about you?

Or you.

- I'm not going anywhere but home.

- Home?

You're gonna die in here.

- Only in the body.

- Only in the body.

I'm sorry, what other part
of death am I missing?

- Don't even bother, Tom, okay.

They're just like everyone else in here.

Totally bonkers.

They think that everyone who
gets their heads chopped off

becomes a ruler in the
new kingdom of Jesus.


- No.

Revelation 20, verse four.

- Here we go again.

- I saw thrones, and sitting on them

were the souls of those
who had been beheaded

for their witness to Jesus
and to the word of God.

They had not worshiped
the beast or his image,

and they had not received
his mark on their foreheads,

or on their hands,

and they lived and reigned
with Christ for a 1,000 years.

- I told you.

Take a good look around.

This isn't prison.

It's an insane asylum.

- Would you stop for a second?

Listen to me.

My name is Lieutenant Newman of the CPF.

I need to get a message to
Lieutenant Jeseca Newman.

She knows I'm in here, I
need to speak with her.

- I'm sorry.

The only message we're allowed to relay

is acceptance of the implant.

Do you wish to receive the implant?

- If I said yes, where would that get me?

Could I talk to somebody?

- You'd be taken to the
prison hospital, implanted,

and given orientation.

Then, you may contact whomever you wish.

- I read something this morning

I thought I'd share with you.

I found it to be rather promising.

Acts, chapter five, verse 19.

But the angel of the Lord, by night,

opened the prison doors,

and brought them forth and said,

go stand and speak in
the temple to the people

all the words of this life.

All right, now, picking
up from where we left off,

Romans chapter one, verse 20.

Since the beginning of the world,

God's invisible qualities
have been clearly seen.

Being understood from what has been made,

so that men are without excuse.

Now, who knows what that means?

- Nature.

We can see God in nature.

- What are you doing?

Why are you speaking?

- I can speak if I want to.

You're not the boss of me.

You think you're the boss of me?

That's right.

Nature, trees,

plants stars,

other people.

- I absolutely agree.

God has made himself
evident through his creation

and his eternal power.

- That is a crock!

And you know it.

- What's a crock?

- You ever heard of evolution?

Besides, you can't prove God from nature.

It's been shown to be impossible.

It's the cosmological or
the teleological argument,

and it was destroyed by Hume and Pascal.

- Pascal?

Oh, he was a Christian.

You didn't know that.

Oh, well, I guess you don't
know very much at all.

- But you do?

Why don't you tell 'em that part?

Why don't you tell 'em the
other side of the argument?

'Cause you're just like the leader.

It's all propaganda.

- You're right, Brody.

God's existence cannot be
proven logically or in nature.

It's really just a subjective experience

unique to everyone of us.

But the truth is, the
proof of God's existence

is written in the hearts
of everyone in this room.

It's God's signature on
His greatest masterpiece.

Even with you, Brody.

- I don't think so.

- I know that I'm not
gonna be able to argue

anyone into believing anything.

But then again, I don't have to,

'cause I know that argument
already lies deep within you.

That's right, I know that
somewhere deep down inside of you,

there's a peace of you that's screaming.

There's a peace of you that's
begging you to hear me,

so that you don't go to hell.

You know why you're laughing?

It's because you're scared.

You're scared.

You know that hell exists,

and that sadly that's

probably where you're going to end up.

- I've heard this kind of
worthless dreck my whole life,

from hypocrites and liars,

and con men who wanted my money.

What makes you any different?

- I'll be dead in four days.

What do you think you have

that you could possibly offer me?


- What's your story, man?

You better talk fast or
I'm gonna snap your neck.

You think I won't?

Everybody in here has a death
sentence, including you.


- All right, not that you need to know,

but I used to be a cop before all this.

I wouldn't take the implant, my wife did.

She turned me in, I ran.

I was a smuggler until I got caught.

- [Brody] What makes you
think you can escape?

- I never said that.

Luke did.

- You didn't deny it.

So I'll ask you again.

What's your story, man?

- Try to get this.

I'm gonna get my head
chopped off 19 days from now

if I'm still in here, just like you.

- Fine.

You don't have the implant,
that's all that matters.

You find a way out, you
count me and Jerry in.

- Is that your buddy?

Isn't he back at bible club?

Couple more days, he may not wanna leave.


- That was very nice, and now
I think our friend, Lewis,

has something that he'd like
to share with all of us.

- Ah, tomorrow morning I'll
be missing prayers with you.

I know it's only been three weeks, but,

you all seem like my brothers.

- That's because we are
your brothers, Lewis.

- Amen.

Amen to that.

Tomorrow I'm goin' home.

I'll finally be with Jesus.

I don't want there to be any goodbyes,

'cause I will see you all later.

What makes me so sad is how

I wasted most of my life, you know.

Til these past few months.


I didn't realize what joy was,

and when I did find out,

I wanna die.

But I wanna thank you all for
helping me learn, you know.

These last three weeks has been
the most joyful of my life.

[rap music]

♫ Bumps

♫ Can't believe it

- Ya'll look pretty hot.

You want a cube of ice?



Look at ya.

Hey, cutie, you wanna ride?


Move, move!

[horn beeping]

That's right, back away, back away.

Woo, this is fun.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ooh, tough guy.

- Nice car, punk.

- Ya bum!

[lively music]

[gentle music]

- Easy now.

Easy now.


Here, drink it up.

Looks like you had a bad day.

- They stole my car.

As this man, this Elijah
Cohen spoke to me,

and dressed my wounds,

I was struck my how different he was.

- [Elijah] You'll be okay, man.

Don't worry about it.

- From anyone I've ever met.

I mean, my grandma told me about Jesus,

but I didn't care about that stuff then.

This always happens to me.

All of a sudden when the
Cohen was taking care of me,

and I felt like it was Jesus himself.

He led me to the Lord right there.

My life has to change.

My life has to change for the better.

Oh Jesus.

I know you died and rose again.

I know your blood covers up my sins.

I got so many sins.

- Not too many for God.

His blood will wash it clean.

- God, wash me clean.

Wash me clean, please.

Let me live for the first time,

and I'll follow you from now on.

Please wash me clean.

We must have prayed for over an hour.

I confessed to him things...

I confessed to God, things
I've never told anyone.

What poured out of me was vile.

All the terrible things I've done.

But when I was finished,
for the first time,

I mean for the first time in my life,

I felt free.

I mean really free.

Sing for joy to guide our strength.

Shout aloud to the God of Jacob!

Begin the music, strike the tambourines,

play the melodious harp, Elijah.

He said to me, I remove the
burden from your shoulders.

Your hairs were set free from
the basket in your distress.

You called, and I rescued you.

I didn't even know what I was sayin'.

I later found out it was from Psalms 81.

But you know what the strangest thing is?

When I looked up, Elijah Cohen was gone.

Just vanished.

- Like Philip in the book of Acts.

- What do you mean he vanished?

You mean he ran away?

- No, man.

I mean he vanished.


- [Tom] Why do you do that?

- True strength can only
be found through prayer.

- This Elijah Cohen that
we're talking about tonight.

Did you know him?

- Yes, do you really think
you're gonna k*ll him?

- What are you talking about?

- You heard me.

Or would you rather play games?

- How can I k*ll him?

I'm trapped in here with you.

- All right, let's play games.

- You seem to know a lot.

- We've already been through this.

I don't work for the CPF, Tom.

There's only one sellout in this room.

- The goals of my handlers and my goals

are not necessarily the same.

If this Cohen is who everyone says he is,

then maybe he can help me.

- Help you get your wife back, Tom?

She's not coming back.


- What do you know about my wife?

- I know that she's
somewhere close to here,

being intimate with another man.

Right now.

- Yeah?

Did your God tell you that?

- You really do love her?

Oh, I'm sorry, Tom.

You do what you think you need to do.




I forgive you.


- Go back to bed.

There's nothing you can do.

- [Jerry] You think I'm a wimp, don't you?

- I think the door is locked.

Go to sleep.

This is prison.

- Yeah.

Not like any prison I've ever heard of.

Brody, you afraid to die?

- Who isn't?

- Them.

All of them, these Christians.

They're not afraid.

- They're insane.

[ominous music]

- Those who trust in the
Lord are like Mount Zion,

they cannot be shaken,
but endured forever.

The scepter of the wicked will not remain

over the land allotted to the righteous.

Do good, O Lord, to those who follow You.

But those who reject Your ways,

bring judgement.

- We're leaving tonight,

after lights out.

- [Jeseca] Who's going with you?

- Sutton and Willis.

- They are not followers of the way.

- You know what?

I don't care.

Your stupid plan's not gonna work.

- We are certain that most
of the men in your block

had a relationship with Cohen.

Perhaps you need more time.

- I don't think you get it.

These men, they don't wanna escape.

They want to die.

Haven't you read any of what they believe?

To die is to gain.

You think you're punishing them

by putting them in here and
chopping their heads off?

You're a bunch of fools.

You've given them the greatest
privilege of their lives.

- Then is a weak religion
following a weak God,

just as the leader says.

Praise to the leader for his wisdom.

It should be destroyed.

- Knock yourself out.

I'm done.

- Unacceptable.

Your escape will not be allowed
without taking a Christian.

Elijah Cohen must be found and ex*cuted.

Those are the terms.

- They won't leave.

- You have two and a half
weeks until your execution.

I suggest you become more persuasive.

- And if I don't?

- The death is painless.

Or you may take the implant.

If you attempt to leave tonight,

you'll be captured and
turned over to Preston Scott

for further conditioning.

[dramatic music]

[door opening]

- Hey man, what's goin' on?

- Nothin'.

- You okay, Jerry?

- No, I'm not okay.

I'm not like you.

- But I'm like you.

I was afraid to die once too.

- Gimme a break.

- Jerry, men can take
your food, your family,

your freedom, even your life.

No matter what happens,
you can be fearless.

- It's true, Jerry.

You can be fearless.

You see, all of us in this room,

we learned something
that changed everything.

It's kind of like when you're
a kid and you got a secret.

- What's the secret?

- Surrender to Jesus Christ.

- I mean, do you guys
really believe in Jesus?


I mean, it's a lot easier to think

that the leader is a messiah,

than to believe that some poor carpenter

who died over 2,000 years
ago can save my life.

[dramatic music]

- Talk is cheap, Jerry.

You know the truth.

Jesus has been convincing you already.

Tell me I'm wrong,

and all of us will walk
out of this cell right now.

That's what I thought.

You have the opportunity
of a lifetime right now.

Accept Jesus.

Ask him to forgive you.

Become fearless.


You can do it.

You know you want to.

It's okay.

It's okay.

- Okay.


Let's do it.

[uplifting music]

[door buzzing]

Brody, it's amazing.

Totally amazing.

- What are you talking about?

- Jesus.

Dude, now I know why they
call it getting saved.

- Tell me you're joking.

You're not joking.

Take it back, Jerry.

- Dude, I can't take it back.

I'm happier than I've ever
been in my entire life.

- Don't you realize what you sound like?

An implant moron.

- You don't get it, Brody.

- That's what they say.

- What's goin' on?

- That idiot just joined the Jesus freaks.

- One Christian who wants to escape.

Funny how the Lord provides
us with what we need.

Hmm Tom?

- What did Luke mean by that?

- You still wanna escape tonight?

- Actually, I have a massage
scheduled for tomorrow,

and tennis with Luke on Friday.

How about the weekend?

Is that good for you?

- You just make sure Jerry will go.

- No problem.

This place is a bad influence on him.

[ominous music]

- Prison can be like that.

- Tonight?

- Yeah.

So, what do you think?

We gonna make it?

- I'll tell you if let me spend

my last two days with Jerry.

He's got a lot more to learn.

- That's not gonna happen.

I need 'im.

I do need him.

- What you need, Tom, is
to look inside yourself.

Realize the truth,

because pretty soon you're
gonna have to make a choice,

and you're gonna make the wrong one.

It doesn't have to be that way.

[ominous music]


- [Inmate] Where you goin'?

- Willis, no matter what,

remember the most important
thing is while you're out there,

do not forget, pick up the hitchhiker.

Do you understand?

Pick up the hitchhiker.

- Yeah.

All right, Luke.

The hitchhiker.

- [Luke] All right, now go.

I'll be praying for you.

[suspenseful music]

[siren wailing]


[engine starting]

[tires screeching]

[siren wailing]

- This may be all for nothing.

- All right, look.

My wife gave me the device
to get us through the gate.

Beyond that...

- Your wife has the implant.

Why would she be doing this?

- Look, they're gettin' close.

[dramatic music]

[tires screeching]

[sirens wailing]

[dramatic music]

Pull over and pick that guy up.

Pull over!

- Hey, what are you doin'?

Are you crazy?

You could have k*lled us.

- I don't think we're gonna
be able to take ya very far.

- Unless you're lookin'
for a ride to prison.

- You're not worried about them, are ya?

- Where ya headed?

- You're on the underground
railroad to Prodigal City.

- Why do we wanna go there?

I think it's time we all split.

Jerry and I have a life to get back to.

- Wait a minute.

What's Prodigal City?

- Well, it's a haven,
a safe place to rest.

- Is Elijah Cohen there?

- Yeah, he's there often.

- I'm in.

- Me too.

- There's one more thing.

You're gonna need these for
the next leg of your journey.

They'll need to be reprogrammed

to match your age and description.

One of you is a hacker, right?

- Yeah, that's no problem.

Jerry and I used to deal
in black market implants.

I'd recover them, and Jerry
would do the reprogramming.

- Well, great.

Okay, now rest.

Tonight's leg will be difficult.

[ominous music]

- There, in that building in the basement.

Brody Sutton, Thomas Newman.

- Let me out, I'll make contact.

Wait for me around the corner.

- I cannot wait to get out of this place.

Are you sure you wanna
go to this Prodigal City?

- I gotta tell ya, a safe haven

sounds pretty good right now.

- How do I look?

- Very handsome.

I thought you said you couldn't wait

to get out of this place.

- Well, what I have in mind
shouldn't take that long.

- I think we should take a walk.

- You know, Brody, if you don't
wanna go to Prodigal City,

there's plenty of work to do here.


- Is that a invitation?

- Sounded pretty obvious.

- So, what kind of name is,

is Rahab?

- Rahab's the name I chose
after I accepted Jesus.

But before that I went
by a lot of other names.

Cinnamon, Sunshine...

- Stripper names.

- I was a prost*tute.

- Really?


You wanna find a corner
somewhere, we could...

- I'm faithful to Jesus now.

But if you stick around,
we could get married.


[ominous music]


[ominous music]

- Tell me.

Why shouldn't I k*ll you right now?

- Because I'm on my way
to meet Elijah Cohen

in some place called Prodigal City.

- But Sutton is not a Christian.

- Sutton got nothing to do with it.

His friend Jerry accepted Jesus,

and now the Christians are helping him.

- How did you lose the police pursuit?

They claim you vanished.

- We didn't.

They drove right by.


I'll be cashed if I can explain it.

How'd you find me?

- Oh, well, let's just say
Foley is part of an army,

and shall we say, spiritual bloodhounds.

- Mutants.

Part of the leader's genetic
modification program.

A freak.

- No.

Your future.

A future of a superior mankind.

- Sieg Heil.

Look, I suggest you let me
go before you blow my cover.

- We'll be following you.

- That's very comforting.

- You were married before.

- No.

No, I wasn't married before.

- I'm sorry.

What was their name?

- She's dead.

You always propose to strange guys?

- I had a feeling about you.

You could stay, accept Jesus,

and we could help people here.

- Maybe I'll swing back this way

after I get Jerry and Tom
to this Prodigal City.

I kinda gotta watch out after Jerry.

- God'll look after Jerry,

and every opportunity should be grabbed,

because they're aren't many
tomorrow's left, Brody.

For any of us.

- This ain't the end of
the world, sweetheart.

Trust me.

Someone will come in and stop the leader,

and things will be good again.

- Jesus will stop the leader.

But it'll be too late then.

You have to choose, Brody.

You need to choose.

- Her name...

Was Ellen.

And she,

she was my whole life.

[gentle music]

And she had these,

these piercing green eyes,

and this long blonde hair.

She had this smile

that would light...

But she's dead.

And some computer chip
isn't gonna change that,

and neither is your Jesus.

- Jesus can comfort you.

Heal your pain.

- My pain is what keeps me alive.

- As soon as I reprogram
the chips, we hit the road.

[computer beeping]

- That's yours.

[computer beeping]

This one's still attached
to the satellite network.

- What's that mean?

What's the problem?

- What, are you kidding me?

It's only the worst kept
secret in the world.

Each implant not only stores data,

it receives a constant communication

from the global satellite network.

The information that's
fed into the implant

directly affects the brain,

changes brainwave patterns,
alters the personality,

removes or adds inhibitions.

Haven't you noticed
that no one who gets it

ever tries to remove it?

- Yeah.

- With these black market chips,

we cut that satellite link
using a redundant loop.

That way they can't be
tracked immediately.

But they're only good for
check points, buying groceries,

you know, and they can only be tracked

for short periods of time.

But if one is being altered
while still attached to network,

that information would be fed back.

Then, game over.

- All right, so what would
happen if you took out

the whole satellite network?

- Not sure.

But millions of people would be

cut off from the data stream.

Who knows what the end result would be?

- They might return to normal?

- Hey, that's a good plan.

All we need are hundreds
of tactical warheads.

You got any?

[implant device revving]

Is it done?

- [Rahab] Mm-Hmm.

- Nice work.

- Thank you.

- You should be a smuggler.

- Oh, I am.

Smuggling you.

[dramatic music]

- [Brody] Thanks.

[dramatic music]

[ominous music]

[b*ll*ts firing rapidly]

- Robs of grief.

Can near.

Repay the debt of love I owe.

[g*n firing]

[boat motor rumbling]

- [Tom] So, Charles, what's the r*fle for?

- In case any of you tries to run.

- What?

- Pow!


No, I'm just yankin' your chain.

We're headin' through outlaw lands.

Wild animal packs.

They can be dangerous,

but a couple of sh*ts scares 'em off.


- You know, I can't stop thinking about

this satellite network
that controls the implants.

- It controls more than the implants.

It controls the people.

- Why can't we just hack
into it and shut it down?

- Gee, Tom, why didn't we think of that?

- Isn't it possible?

- Theoretically, sure.

Any system can be hacked.

But rumor has it implant
control is a quantum system.

- What does that mean?

- It means you can't
jack in from a phone line

and mess with it.

- Most computers can't
even interface with it.

You need a quantum computer
just to communicate.

- And they don't sell quantum
computers at the mall.

- All right, what about direct
access to implant control

to these quantum computers?

- Sure, that'd work,

if you could get past the security guards,

get the pass codes,

and figure out an entirely
new computer system.

- Implant control is only
found on military bases,

and community police headquarters.

- I know.

You need high level
clearance just to get in.

What if I could get us in?

Could you do it, Jerry?

- Tom, even if you've
got in it wouldn't work.

Only when Jesus returns will
the system be destroyed.

All those who've taken the
mark will be sent to hell.

- I don't believe that.

- Don't matter.

Your beliefs are irrelevant to the facts.

- All right, forget the
religious mumbo jumbo.

Who do you know that
has that kind of access?

It's you, isn't it?

Had a bad feeling about
you from the beginning.

- The CPF coerced me.

They want me to k*ll Elijah Cohen.

- What?

You're an assassin?

- Turn the boat around.

- This boat's only goin' one way, son.

Up river.

[dramatic music]

- I'll k*ll you, Tom.

- You get this straight, Brody.

I don't need you, and I don't like you,

and don't think I won't sh**t you.

I only need Jerry.

- This is right.

This is the way they went.

Up river.

We'll need a boat.

Wait, wait a minute.

They're here.

[g*n firing]

[g*n firing]

[dramatic music]

[g*n firing]

- Drop the g*n, Jes.

- You won't k*ll me.

- I don't know, honey.

I've had a pretty bad day.

- I promised you, Tom, when the time came.

[g*n firing]


- I could care less if you shot him, lady.

But there's no way I'm
gonna let you take us.

- Brody, you so much as twitch that arm,

I will sh**t you in the head.

All right, everybody get in the car.

Jeseca, you're drivin'.

Sutton in the front seat,
Jerry in the back with me.

Go, go.

[dramatic music]

Let's go.

- Identification.

Accepted, Lieutenant Newman.

[dramatic music]

Sorry, Lieutenant Newman,
these men are not clear

for access to this facility.

- I'll take responsibility.

- That's not acceptable.

Please wait while I inform the commander.

- I think this makes it acceptable.

Unlock the elevators to the top floor.

- Elevators are unlocked.

- Move, move.

[g*n firing]

You know where we're goin', Jeseca.

Push the button.

- Tom, do you really think
you'll accomplish anything

other than your own death by doing this?

- Oh, sweetheart, Jerry here is gonna

do a little black magic
and change the world.

Isn't that right, Jerry?

Let's go.

- This room is off limits.

- Take us to the satellite uplink

and patch us in now.

- Impossible, I'd have to notify someone.

- You will notify no one.

Do it now or you're dead.

- Do not comply.

- It's over here.

- Jeseca, go.

- You were ordered not to comply.

- Self-preservation is the highest good.

- [Jeseca] He's attempting
to destroy the community.

- If you don't patch us in,

you're not gonna be part of the community.

- [Brody] Let's do this, Jer.

- I need a password.

- Do it.

Take a seat, don't move.


- God, this is unbelievable.

- I hope you realize that this
is the hack of a lifetime,

and if you don't pull
this off we are so dead.

- Okay, just be quiet.

I can't think.

- Why are you doing this?

- Oh, you gotta be kidding me, lady?

Can't you see he's doing it all for you?

- You risk your life and
those of your friends

in some misguided attempt to rescue me?

- When he crashes the system,

you're gonna dig that evil
thing out of your hand.

And you're gonna remember.

- What will I remember
that I don't already?

My anger and regret?

All the mistakes I made in my life?

You were one of those mistakes, Tom.

Tell me, what will I remember

that will make all that seem worthwhile?

- That I love you.

- I don't understand what you mean.

- How's it goin', Jerry?

- How's it goin'.

This is fascinating, really,

but I don't have a clue what I'm doin'.

- Just crash it.

Okay, I don't care how
you do it, just crash it.

[computer beeping]

- Any minute now, the cops are gonna

come running through that
door and they will k*ll us.

Only you can stop them, okay.

Only you can save us.

- You think I don't know that?

Just shut up and quit breathing on me.

- Okay, okay, I'm just sayin'.

- I mean, there's just so much redundancy.

Just security all over the place.

Wait a minute.

I think I might have found a way.

This might be right.

Oh God, if there was ever
a time that I needed you,

right now is it.

- You can do it, Jerry, I know you can.

And you're gonna thank me, Jes.

- I'll hate you.

You think I left you because of this chip.

I left you because I was unhappy.

- You ran.

I remember.

You were happy.

- [Jerry] Uh-oh.

- What?

What's uh-oh?

No, no no no no no.

Don't say uh-oh.

- They know I'm in.

Game over.

- What?


Do it again.

Do it again!

[ominous music]

- Well done.

Very well done, indeed, Mr. Newman.

Most impressive.

- Did you hear that, Tom?

Man is impressed.

- You know what?

I did.

I did hear that, Brody.

I don't know how that
helps, but I did hear it.

- I'm afraid it doesn't
help very much at all,

unless going to your
graves with my approval

makes you feel better
about your empty lives

and worthless deaths.

- I don't feel better.

- I could go either way.

- Oh, Tom, you are such a
huge disappointment to me.

We could have done
things, had a real impact,

made a contribution to history.

- You know what?

Here's my contribution to history.

[gentle music]

- Elijah Cohen.

- Hello Zack.

- Elijah, I'm blind.

- You've been blind for years.

- I'll see you in hell.

- Doubtful.

Thomas Newman, you were
warned several times

that this quest was doomed to failure,

but you persisted.

- You're the hitchhiker.

- Come on, my friends.

We have to go now.

We need to hurry.

[gentle music]

- [Jeseca] Tom.

[birds chirping]

- The stew's almost ready.

- Smell's good.

- So you sure you're gonna leave?

- Yeah, this place isn't for me.

Gonna head to Montana.

Join the Freeman, you know.

Fight the power.

k*ll implant and morons.

- Here you go.

Well, I sure wish you'd stay.

- Yeah, well, I wish a lot of things.

- Hey, Tom, we saved you some lunch?

- Why did the old man say?

- What do you think?

- How stupid we are for
not believing in Jesus.

- Yeah, roughly.

- [Brody] Come on, hurry up, man.

I wanna get outta here.

- Are you that anxious to
get back to the nightmare?

- I'm anxious to see a woman.

A woman who's not in love with
Jesus, if you get my meaning.

- Right.

- Look, I just have a
bad feeling for you guys.

- You take care of yourself, Jer.

- Not too late to come along, you know.

- It's not too late to stay.

[gentle music]

- Hey.

Hold on.

Wait up.

[gentle music]

Looks clear.

- Yeah, I guess this is
where we say goodbye.

- Good luck.

- You too.

[engine rumbling]

[g*n cocking]

- Feel free to run.





- It's been six days.

He must make a decision.

- Time is up.

What do you choose?

- I love...

Can't help you.

- What was that?

Perfect love

casts out fear.



Jesus save me!

- [Bald Man] That was the wrong choice.

- I forgive you.

[uplifting music]

I forgive you.

[uplifting music]


I can see heaven opening,

and the son of man, Jesus Christ himself

standing at the right hand of God.

[dramatic music]

- Then Jesus declared,
I am the bread of life.

He who comes to me will never go hungry,

and he who believes in
me will never be thirsty.

But as I told you, you've seen me,

and still you do not believe.

All that the father
gives me will come to me,

and whoever comes to me
I will never drive away.

For I've come down from
heaven not to do my will,

but to do the will of him who sent me.

- I remember the thrill of driving my car,

the pleasure of friendship,

the touch of a woman who loved me.

I remember the words of
a man named Elijah Cohen,

the man who told me about Jesus Christ.

I remember.

But it's like a dream,
a dream from long ago,

and it's fading.

I still remember the last
free choice I ever made.

It was the wrong choice.

[uplifting music]

[dramatic music]
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