Island, The (2006)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Island, The (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »

O Lord Jesus Christ Son of God,

have mercy on me, a sinner.

in a Pavel Lounguine film


w*r, 1942

There's nobody here.
What now?

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t! I... I give myself up.

Don't sh**t!

Where's your captain?


Where's your captain?

Nicht verstehen! I don't understand.

Don't! I understand.

He's here.

Don't beat me.

I'll show you where.

He's here.

Right here.

Hey, Tikhon!

Tikhon, get out!

Get out, now!

That's him.

- How long?
- 20 minutes.

You are useless. sh**t!

- Aim!
- No!

Don't sh**t me, please!

Don't sh**t me.

Don't sh**t me!

Please! Don't sh**t me.

k*ll him. Be a man.

What d'ya want?

Be a man.

I can't.

I won't.

Didn't make it, did ya?
But I did. Yes.

Bastards, you k*lled Tikhon!

Monastery, 1976

Father, where is Father Anatoly?


We've been waiting a long time.
Why is he sleeping?

I see. He's sleeping.

How long do we wait? We are tired.

Wait a little.
He'll come out before long.

I'd like to talk
to holy man Anatoly.


There'll be more sense
if you listen to the radio.

Are you in trouble?


Big trouble.

Don't cry. I'll ask him.

Perhaps he'll deign...

But then he's been
in the sulks today.

I'll not be in your debt.

Put that away, you fool.

Don't let me see it again.


Well then...

You want a blessing for m*rder?

Take this for a blessing.

Please, Father,

ask the blessing for an abortion

from the holy man.

You are heading for hell
and want to drag me too?

I know

if I have a baby

no one's gonna marry me.

Who'll want me with a baby?

No one'll want you without it.

It was preordained.

You'll have a baby...

for comfort.

Or you'll be cursing yourself
all your life

that you k*lled an innocent child.

How do you know?
You are not a holy man.

Maybe I too...

k*lled a man.

Anyway, don't kneel before me.

Fall to your knees
when you pray to God.

You'll have a boy.

A golden boy.

Now get off my island!

O Lord, have mercy...

Glory be to Thee, O Lord

Glory be to Thee.

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,

and to the Holy Ghost,
for ever and ever. Amen.

Blessed be God

For ever and ever. Amen.

Glory be to Thee, O Lord

Glory be to Thee.

Glory to the Father,
and to the Son...

O all-holy Trinity,
have mercy upon us.

O Lord, wash away our sins...

Remember, O Lord,

the soul of thy departed servant,

the warrior Tikhon.

Pardon him every sin

and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven

and the Fount of everlasting Life.

O Lord Jesus Christ

Son of God,

have mercy on this sinner.

O Lord, forsake me not...

Forsake me not, help me, O Lord.

Deliver my soul from the dungeon,
O Lord

forsake me not.

Have mercy upon me, O Lord,

blot out my transgressions.

For I acknowledge my iniquity
and my sin is ever before me.

Wash me and I shall be whiter
than snow,

make me hear joy and gladness,

wash me from my iniquity

and cleanse me from my sin.

Create in me a clean heart,

Cast me not away

from Thy presence.

Harken the prayers of our Holy Fathers,

O Lord Jesus Christ our God,

have mercy on us.

Hey, Father Anatoly,

somebody has soiled the handle.

Who could it be?
Must be some mean souls.

- Wipe it.
- In a minute.

Give me a rag to wipe my hand.

I got none.

Don't I give you rags
for your needs?

No rags really.
Go inside, have a look.

That is, if you don't mind
the soot, filth, coal.

No matter.

I'm here on behalf

of our Father Superior, Filaret.

Get Father Filaret's blessing
and live in peace with him.

Live with a saint you'll become a saint.

You said something
and I didn't get it.

Father Filaret shows his kindness.

He wants you to live in his chamber
to mend your health.

Who's going to work here?

Lay brother Nicodimus.

Why, he dreads fire.

We all dread Gehenna.

Father Job,

bless me to stay here.

I'm used to it, I know all about it.

It's winter. I need to stoke up.

Do you hear me?

Father Filaret is showing
you kindness!

Look, you learned to read and write,
didn't you?

If I didn't I wouldn't be a chief.

Read holy books too.

Sure, I know many by heart.

I forget

why Cain

k*lled his brother Abel.

You and your jokes.
You'd better wipe that handle.

You're wallowing in filth,


It's sheer bliss...

You are always scaring me!

Where did you learn to walk

If you like,
I can make me horseshoes

so I'm always heard from a distance.

Just you dare!

This is a monastery, not stables.

If everybody wears horseshoes
there'll be such noise!

Like at a hippodrome.

Should I make bets on you?
What now?

Let me report...

Father Anatoly...

Father Anatoly? Not again!

What has he done wrong?

It's all written here.

What do I want with your scrawl?
Say what you have to say.

And let's have done with this.

This is what in all honesty

can no longer be tolerated.

Firstly, Anatoly never washes
his face and hands.

Second, he is always late for work.

Third, Mainland folk are
always coming to see him.

Yesterday he showed up
in church

with a felt boot on one leg
and a sock on the other

and started singing
through his nose.


the brethren are grumbling.

On festive occasions
he does come to church

but he doesn't pray,
only exposes...

He was barred from refectory.

Enough. My head is spinning already.

Where is he now?

Where else?

In the boiler room

having tea with laymen.

With sugar!

- Shall I call him?
- No, I'll see him.

Did you tell him to quit his work
in the boiler room

and move to my cell?

- I did.
- And?

He asked me

if I know

why Cain k*lled Abel.

Why indeed?

Are you trying to hurt me?

Sorry. You can go.
I'll sort it out with him.

I mean well...

Go, my good man, go.

And forgive me.

O Mother of God,

forgive this sinner,
save and keep me.

Give me and my brethren
health and strength.

May this day be joyful
and free of sin.

Forgive me,
Mother of God.

Preserve my faith

and multiply my love for Thee.

With my whole heart
have I sought thee, O Lord.

O Lord, grant remission
of their sins

unto all who have fallen asleep

in faith and the hope
of resurrection...


Take this. All homemade.

Please pray for my late husband.

He was k*lled
in the Great Patriotic w*r.

Have a seat, sister.
Let's have tea.

Sit down.

Now tell me your story.

He keeps coming to me in my sleep.

- What does he say?
- Nothing.

He just groans.

He must be feeling bad up there.

- Did you love him?
- I still do.

We'd been together only six months.

Then he was recruited.

I've been widowed for 30 years now.

Very well.

Given such love,
it'll do no harm to ask.

I'll go see Father Anatoly.

He is not a saint but well-read.

He may give some useful advice.

Come over here.

While I'm talking to him -

I'll open the door -
you stand here and listen.

Just be quiet.

- What's his name?
- Mikhail.

Father Anatoly,

a widow here asks you to pray

for the repose of
a fallen warrior Mikhail.

What an idea!

A requiem for the living!

How come?

She says he laid down his life
in battle in '44.

He laid down nothing.
He was captured.

After Victory
he stayed in France.

He's ailing now.
Wants to see his first,

beloved wife before he dies.

What are you doing here? Go away.

Did you hear?

No requiem for the living, he says.

Your man is alive but ailing.

You gotta go to France.

To comfort the ailing man
before he dies

and close his eyes.

Don't stare at me, do it.

What are you saying, Father?

Me? To France?

Why not? People live in France too.


It's a capitalist country.
They won't let me out.

Have no fear.
If Father Anatoly says so,

they will.

But there's my household, my cow...

My pig needs to be slaughtered.

Sell it all, lock, stock and barrel.

- All?
- Lock, stock and barrel.

Sell it. You won't be sorry.

They'll give a lot of money
for your pig.

It's a good pig.

If I ate meat

I'd buy it.

I would.

You must be joking, Father.

Do you love your husband?

Then go and do
what was preordained.

Don't upset me, go!

Forgive me and have mercy!

Direct me on my way, O Lord!

For I am weak in soul.

And weak in body - yea!

And of sinful passions
Am I a vicious sl*ve.

Can't you adjust the prop?

Your laundry's on the ground.

Not too many of you today.

What are you doing here?

Writing a petition
to our Heavenly King... survive the winter.

It's hard for brethren to cut
a grave through permafrost.

Thank God you're joking again,
I feared you'd gone mad.

Look, it's sailing.

Pray for me, Father Anatoly.

You should pray for me.
I'm three times as sinful as you.

What are you saying?

You don't like me, Father Job.

Filaret does, and you--

are trying to please him.

Why should I love you?

You never pass my cell
without a prank.

Now you soil the door handle,
now you plant some trash.

Don't I know about my sins
without your hints?


Forget it, brother.

And forgive this sinner.

- Tired?
- No, no.


- Let me carry you.
- No, I can manage.

- Careful.
- I can do it.

Yes, of course.


Mind his leg!

He fell from a shed roof.

Broke his leg.
His hip is rotting now.

Four operations, but it didn't help.

We've seen all sorts of professors
and surgeons...

I'm hot, Mom.

The Father will help us.

No one is able to help
and his hip is rotting.

Sit down. You are tired.

- What's the boy's name?
- Vanechka.

This good man will help us.

Let's take the crutches away.

Get up,

I'll move the block a little.

Put him on the block.

- Don't be afraid.
- Won't it hurt him?

Hold him.

My angel...


I'm going to pray to God.

You pray too,

in your own words.

Ask the Lord to heal your leg.

He's kind,

He'll help.

He will.

My dearest...

Just stand still.

In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Ghost.

Glory be to you, O Lord.

O Heavenly King, Comforter,
and Spirit of Truth,

Come and take up
Your abode in us,

and cleanse us from every stain,

and save our souls.

Ask the Lord.

Yes, ask Him, my love.

Please help me

and heal my leg.

My dear boy...

We are praying to You, our God.

Visit Your grace on

Your servant John,

forgive him all transgressions

Send down Your healing strength

On his flesh.

Put the fire out, quench all heat
And creeping illness.

Heal Thy servant John.

Please, O dear God!

Raise him from his sick bed,

Bring him to Thy Church

That he may understand Thy will

Glory be

to the Father,

and to the Son,
and to the Holy Ghost,

For ever and ever,

Glory be to Thee, O Lord.

O Lord, succor John,

heal his leg.

God Almighty, succor
the suffering and the sick.

I trust in Thee, O Lord.

Now you'll be all right, Vanechka.

Come on, have a go.

No, he can't.

Yes, he can.

- Try it.
- Careful.

Hold it, hold it.

Look, he's walking.

Good boy.

You won't need
the crutches anymore.

Forget about them.

Come over to me, angel.

My boy, my golden boy.

- We'll be going now, and thanks.
- Going?

You should stay the night
at the monastery.

Tomorrow Father Filaret

will give your boy communion

and he'll never limp again.

I can't stay.

I need to go to work.

D'ya think I'm playing games
with you?

I've got a ticket.

What's more important,

your son or your work?

But I got to go to work.

Get out of my sight.



Come back!

Go ashore!

What do you think you are doing?

There, my boy.

- What are you up to?
- If you don't think about yourself,

think about your boy.
He'll be a cr*pple for life.

- Let him be.
- You're stupid.

Let him be.


Come, Vanya, have no fear.

I'll be fired.

You like your work?

I love it.

Our design bureau
is commissioning a project

and we even work overnight.

A pipe's broken there

and the staff's on three days' leave
without pay.

How can you know?
Why are you lying?

I am not lying. When you find out
it'll be too late.

Go, woman. I have no time for you.

Another row?

Look... take the boy,

settle him for the night.

Tomorrow Father Filaret

will give him communion.

Whose boy is he?

What do we do now?

- Is he your boy?
- Yes.

Where do we go now?

Come with me.

Blessed is the man

that walks not in the counsel
of the ungodly,

nor stands in the way of sinners,

nor sits in the seat
of the scornful:

but whose delight is
in the Will of the Lord;

And he shall be like a tree planted
by the fount of eternal life

that brings forth fruit
in season;

And whose leaf shall not wither;

whatsoever he does
shall prosper.

Not so are the ungodly;
They are like chaff

Blown by the wind.


the ungodly shall not stand
in the judgment,

nor sinners in
the council of the righteous.

For the Lord knows
the way of the righteous:

but the way of the ungodly
leads nowhere.

What are you doing there?

Lying in wait for you.

Why the charred log?

It just leaped out of my hands.
I didn't mean it.

I see.

- No, you don't.
- Come down.

No, I'm fine where I am.

I've got complaints about you.

The proud are risen against me

and violent men have sought
my soul.

What do you think I should do
about this, prankster?

Marvelous are your deeds,
O Lord!

I hear you are
cultivating superstitions

and tempting brethren
and laymen.

Safeguard me from worldly slander...

Forget prayers and
use your brains.

Being your superior
I am duty-bound to punish you.

The Lord is my light.

Whom shall I fear?

Just you wait, prankster.

You'll reap the benefits
of your doings.

In God is my salvation

and my comfort.

Forgive me

and have mercy!

Direct me on Thy way,

O Lord!

For my soul is weak

And so is my body

And of sinful passions
Am I a vicious sl*ve.

Father Anatoly is looking
the wrong way.

Turn him the right way.

Fire, brethren, fire!

Put it out!

You knew about the fire,
didn't you?

No one can know this but God.

You threw a charred log
at my feet. I remember.

Many mourn for the righteous,
Father Filaret.

Why didn't you just say it?

Why those charred logs?

I'm an ordinary man,
I don't understand your signs.

If you are slandered
for Christ's sake,

Then the Spirit of God
dwells in you.

Answer me!

I am your superior!

Blessed are ye
who are persecuted

and slandered for my sake...

Say no more.

Through your prayers, Father,
we have put out the fire.

Your cell is burnt a bit
but we saved the hen.


Cackling like a hen.

You are not in your office,
but in the house of God!

Let's not discuss
worldly matters here.

Temples love prayer.

Holy Father!

Forgive me, brother Job.
I went too far.

It was your lay brother, Amvrosy.

He filled a lamp with oil,
struck a match

- and dropped it.
- Got it.

We'll fix it in no time.

I'll tell you what, Father Anatoly,

I never wanted to be
a Father Superior.

I wanted to live in the wilderness

as a recluse

I take the fire as a sign for me
to become a hermit.

What do you think?

I'm not a learned man.
I don't think anything.

I'm here to share your cell with you

while mine is being restored.
Will you accept me?

It's up to you to decide.

- Where do you sleep?
- Right here.

- Here? On the coals?
- Yes. On the coals.

You can sleep next to me.


We'll save ourselves together
and pray jointly.

And think about God

and life eternal.

Mind you, I'm a troublesome bedfellow.
I have coughing fits.

Sometimes I suddenly want to sing

in the dead of night.

You won't mind?

I've long wanted to ask you,

why do you behave improperly

during the service?

You should pray
in the prescribed way.

If everyone starts praying
in his own way,

where will we be?

What will be left of the church?

Father Filaret,

you've got nice boots.

You like them?

Very. Soft, ain't they?

Oh yes. The only boots
I can wear.

His Beatitude gave them to me
out of kindness.

He knows I have bad feet.

And your blanket's even better.

His Beatitude too?

No, I got it in Greece

when the Metropolitan and I
were on a pilgrimage to Athos.

Well... let's go to sleep.

What are you doing,
Father Anatoly?

I'm reading the book of human sins.

When I'm through,

I'll shove it in the stove--

and sin will be no more.

What the hell are you doing?

I'm going to read the second page.

Page? It's my boots.

Another one gone.

Didn't you know

most sins nest

in bishops' boot tops?


Why is it locked?

- We are going to drive demons out.
- What demons?

They are all around us,
don't you see?

Open up immediately.

Demons don't like smoke.
We're gonna smoke them out.

Look where that one got to.

And another one.

You are the demon.

A breeding nest...

Look! Here they are.

Damn them.

Out, out with you!

- But we're going to suffocate.
- It's almost over.

We'll get rid of them all.

We're going to suffocate.
Just wait a second.

Why'd you shut the air vent?

You want me dead!

- Wait.
- Air, air!

They're almost all gone.
Go over there.

We did it.

Oh, I forgot the chief demon.


I got ya.

Small but so vicious.

Drown him!

Why are you looking at me?

Mean, ain't I?

That's what I am.

I bear you no grudge, brother.

I am grateful to you, brother.

I really am.

You've delivered me from things
superficial and unnecessary.

I was really attached

to those boots and that blanket,

and you removed them from me.

Thank you.

And you've shown me
there's little faith in me.

I got really scared.

I'm going to meet death
in his stokehole, I thought.

I feared death
because I had little faith.

It means I am not ready
to meet Our Lord.

I was afraid to face death

There's little virtue in me

but much sin.


My virtues stink

before the Lord.

I can really smell the stench.

Yes, smell it and through that
you'll be saved.

I wonder

why me.

Why has God chosen me

to lead the community?

I should be hanged for my sins

Instead I was made almost a saint.

What is there saintly in me?

There's no peace in my heart.


Tikhon Petrovich,

can you hear me?

You know all my life.

I'm suffering torments.

I can't live and I can't die.


you are my last hope.

My spirit was frail.

I've been carrying
this sin for years.

It never releases me,
not even for one second.

I know you forgave me.

Pray that God

takes this burden off my chest.

The spoon's clanging.

Yes, we are moving.

I don't want your tea.

I do.

Why'd you give me that look, Dad?

I didn't.

Yes, you did.

Don't you love me at all?

Why, I do love you, my little girl.

You're lying. You don't.

I can't sit here.

I don't want to sit here.

What's wrong, little girl?

Why do you keep me under lock?

- What?
- Comrade Admiral, I--

- What do you want?
- I'm sorry...

You think I'm sick?

Of course not.

You are tired.
You need a good rest.

But I am sick.

Very sick.

O Lord Jesus Christ,
have mercy on us.


Why did you send me that incense?

There'll be a funeral on Wednesday.

- Whose funeral?
- His whom the Lord has chosen.

What are you talking about?

The waves of death

have washed over me

and deadly nets have enmeshed me.

Do you really

want to die?

I'll get you a coffin.

Oak? Pine? You name it.
It doesn't matter.

It's not necessary.
I have one already.

Where is it?

On the porch.
See that box over there?

You can't even die like
a human being.

Why don't we order a proper coffin?

I want the box, Father. The box.

That's my will.

What kind of person are you?

You even can't die without tricks.

All men lie in coffins,

even the venerable saints.

But he wants a box with ropes.

That's vanity.


You actually like me, Father Job,

don't you?

I can't stomach you,

old fogy.

You asked me

why Cain k*lled Abel.
I'll tell you.

I tried to help others like you

but the Lord wouldn't accept
my sacrifice.

Oh, why am I talking to you?


When I die will you weep for me?

What's with you, Nastya?

Having fun, Father Anatoly?

I hear you prankster
are preparing to die.

So they've told you.

I don't want to lose you.

I am wondering

whether I should tonsure you?

What do you mean?

I've lived an earthly life

I avoided the Law

and should I now give up everything?

Father, forget it.
That's out of the question.

What are you talking about?

Sins. Burning sins.

They've burnt my heart out.

You are speaking in riddles
again, brother.

There is no sin
the Lord cannot pardon,

for nothing is impossible
for Him.

That's enough.

There there.

You didn't come on your own, right?

My dad's... over there.

- And the name is--
- Nastya.

Not yours, your father's.

Tikhon Petrovich.
He's an admiral.


I'm glad he's an admiral.

You can go

hang around here.

I'm sorry, she is sick.

What's wrong with you?

Can I help you?

No, thanks. Angels are singing
in my heart.

Sorry, she is not quite herself.

I've taken her to doctors.
We even went to Moscow.

Nothing's helped.

I hear there's a holy man here
at the monastery.

If he can't help
I don't know who can.

How long has she been like that?

Four years and a half

since her husband died.

He was a submariner
in the Barents Sea.

Tell me, your holy man--

- can he heal the insane?
- She is not insane.

What's with her?

She's possessed.

There's a demon inside her
who torments her.

It sounds absurd, forgive me.

- How do you know?
- I know him personally.


The demon.


where are you? Nastya!

Let's get out of here.

Hey, Nastya!

Come out. We've arrived.

I'm not going with you.

You have to, darling.

No. I'm tired.

You go, I'll stay here.

I'm not coming with you.

You are a nasty person.

And your island is nasty.

- I'm not coming with you.
- You have to.

You have to. Don't be afraid.

- I'm not coming
- You'll be fine.

I don't want to go.

I don't want to go.

In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Ghost.

O Lord Jesus Christ,
Thy will be done.

The Lord shall rise,

and His enemies shall be dispersed,

and vanish like smoke.

As wax melts before fire,

so will the devils perish
before those who love God,

before those who make
the sign of the cross

and say joyfully:

Precious and Life-giving Cross

which drives away demons...

O most Pure and Life-giving Cross
of the Lord,

help me with the Holy Virgin
the Mother of God

and with all Saints
forever and ever. Amen.

Praise the Lord.

O Lord,

succor the sick.


Now you are well.

Have a good cry.

Thank you.

I don't know
how I can thank you enough.

Nastya is shining.

We should thank God.

Now go to the church.

Nastya should confess her sins
and receive communion.

Don't you want to confess?

I don't understand.

Come, I'll explain everything.

Don't be afraid, Admiral.

No one is going to test your
loyalty to the Party.

I am not afraid of anyone.

I've had my share of fear.

But I really don't see
what this is about.

In '42 I was taken prisoner.

I was young.

The Germans promised me life

if I shot my mate.

- Where did you serve?
- Here in the Northern fleet.

What was your mate's name?

I don't remember.

He was older than me,

a skipper on a tugboat.

Why don't you ask

if I shot him?

Well, did you?

I did.

I don't know how to live with it.

Me neither.

Why did you tell me?

I am old

and afraid to die with this sin.

I'm afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Die in peace, Father.

I know the man.

He survived.

You just shot

through his arm.

Then there was a blast

and he fell overboard
and grabbed a plank.

He was rescued
the next morning.

Forgive me.

Forgive me.

I've forgiven you long ago.

I was sure you hadn't survived.

I thought since you were
on the tugboat...

Tikhon, go in peace.

God be with you.

Thank you, brothers.

Good job.

We sand-papered it first,
then varnished.

You can well use it
as a sideboard.

Like it?

I need a coffin, not a sideboard.

I tried to please you.

Nothing ever pleases you.

I can get some sandpaper
and we'll scratch it off

or dirty it with your coal.
Tell me what you want.

I'll do it for you.

Father Job,

forgive me, an old fool.

Forgive me the soot and Cain

and this sideboard.

- It is all right.
- Forgive me for Christ's sake.

Let bygones be bygones.
You pardon me.

I've been unjust to you.

Pardon me for Christ's sake.

God will.

Glory be to Thee, O Lord.

Watch me.

I'll take a chunk of coal...

See that?

Just what you wish,
Father Anatoly.

Father Job, give me a hand.

Here I am.

Go tell Father Filaret

the servant of God, Anatoly

has passed away.

Father Anatoly...

aren't you afraid to die?

I'm not afraid to die.

I'm afraid to stand before God.

My sins are oppressing me.

How should I live?

We are all sinners.
Live the way you can.

Just try not to sin too much.

Well, enough of that.

Enough talking. Go, my dear, go.

God be with you.

O Lord... receive my sinful soul.
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