Noah's Ark (2007)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Noah's Ark (2007)

Post by bunniefuu »

The Ark

See what they've done with the world,

A storehouse of evil and greed. We'd
better end this at its very roots.

- You're not talking about...
- Yes, judgment day.

- Let each pay for what they've done.
- Are you sure?

Forgive me for asking,

but when you talk about
the end of the world...

My medallion... who stole my medallion?
You herd of soulless evildoers!

Great balls of fire and terrifying
lighting bolts from the heavens

shall make you cringe with fear
in the deep dark halls of hell!

These prophets only confuse people

with their apocalyptic prophecies.

I wonder what god would
say if he heard them.

Good morning.

Take this, and with what's left...
you can settle what you owe me.

But Farfan...

you said that with the last
crop the debt was canceled.

But you see, the price
of grain has gone down.

What's important is that
you've paid in full and now...

you can get back in debt again.

We should do it by night...

that way the smaller
lights can be better seen,

balls of fire aren't as
noticeable during the day...

do you want me to arrange it?
I can take care of everything.

Thank you Noah,
thank you very much!

- But...
- I'm free, thank Noah, I'm free.

Let us wait. There may still be hope.

Dad, we must talk... every year
we work harder and get paid less.

Yeah, the land becomes
more and more barren

and we haven't even
finished paying for it.

- We're not doing things right.
- Have we bothered anyone?

Have we bothered anyone? Did we cause...

harm? Is anybody
suffering on our account?

- N- No, no.
- Well, then we are not doing so badly.

What if we chop down the
forest around our house, dad?

Jafet, my father helped my
grandfather plant those trees.

When the wind blows and rustles the

leaves, I feel like they are with me.

It's not all about money. Don't worry.

We will be fine.

We will always be fine if we stay
together like we are: a family.

Yes, one big family.

What do you mean your dad got into
debt again, just to free a sl*ve?

Silence. Enough arguing!

My dear, the time has come for
you to take charge of this family.

Undoubtedly, you are the most capable.

The most capable?

My Sem can perfectly well
take charge of it.

But Sara, dear, Sem is the
youngest of the three brothers.

Don't touch, that's for dinner!

If age matters that
much, Jafet is the eldest.

But first Noah must be dealt with,

and for that we have to...

just a minute, we are
talking about my dad.

- Watch out how you talk to my Miriam.
- Don't you dare mess with my husband...

that's all you know how to do, yell...

- I am not yelling... I am not...
- You're yelling at me...

I'm getting a headache!

- You have freed a sl*ve, again?
- Yes, isn't that wonderful?

Yes, but Noah... the children...

Yes, aren't they great?

Noah, all through our marriage I've
been loyal to you in every way...

You know this better than anyone,
but sometimes I feel that perhaps...

we're at a dead end and
we're not aware that...


Come closer Noah. Just step
into your own spotlight.

Are you... who I think you are?

Who do you think I am?

Who do you think I think you are?

I think you think that I think that
you think I am who you think I am.

Why would I think that you
think that I think that...

That's enough! It's me, God.

I've called you because I've decided
to give you one last chance...

I'm going to send down a flood.

A flood?

Yes, a pouring rain that
will drown everything.

I know what a flood is, what
I'd like to know is, why?

Noah. You are a good man.
But not everyone is like you.

Listen to what I say:

You must build an ark,
take your family away...

until the rain stops.

If you do this wisely,
when this is all over,

humankind will start again, anew.

Sail? In... an ark?
All of us, on our own?

You will not be alone. You will take a
pair of each existing species of animal.

But how will I communicate with
them? And how do I build an ark?

It's impossible.

Nothing is impossible
for those who have...

faith. You shall sail
towards the sunset.

If you remain united,
the world will be reborn.

Otherwise, it will come to an end.

Alright. I will not
let you down, my lord.

- Well? How did it go?
- Do you think he's the right guy?

I suppose so. Did
my voice came out right?

I always think it's
a little... projected.

No, sir, it was perfect... ok,
cut. Lights out! It's a wrap!

I'll have more mashed potatoes.

Mom, dad says he spoke with
god today in the forest.

- Really? And what did he say?

That he was going to send down a flood.

A flood?

Yup, this real torrential rain
that will flood everything.

I know what a flood is! But
then... we're all going to die...

Not us. We're the chosen ones.

Well... finally some good news.

But in order to survive
we must first build an ark.

- An ark?

Yup, one huge ship in the shape of a...

an ark...

How original.

Yes, and even more so
since we're in the desert.

Sorry, how do you spell hippopotamus?

A little more mashed
potatoes, sweetheart?

Dad loves that forest more
than anything else in the world.

Noah, can I help in anyway?

We must summon the animals.

- Summon the animals?
- All of them.

A male and a female of each species...

Finally, a summer house.

And in exchange for
a handful of pigeons!

Like my grandfather used to say...
persevere and you get to cheat.

Poor soul, a partner k*lled him.

Oh, really? What a pity!

My messengers, the time has come.

I can understand that a house must
be traded for some lousy pigeons

or that a centenarian forest
be chopped down to build a ship.

But what I can't understand
is that your husband has spoken

to God and it didn't even occur
to him to ask for something!

Fly, my white doves.

Carry on our lord's message.

Fly! Fly!

This calls for celebration!

Free! Finally free!

Excuse me, but isn't the
jungle in that direction?

Come on, stop worrying.

Look at Buddha's book,
full of wonderful pictures.

And this one is Chinese to me,
it's got more than 800 pages,

But look at its binding.

When will ours be ready?

Well, we're at the beginning...
these're the first chapters,

we'd need something to
catch people's interest...

You think the flood isn't enough?

I don't know if we can
keep our readers'...

attention... we should
have a little more fun.

I get to take the letter to the hawk.

Would you believe it?

Fly, my white doves...

Listen! Listen to this:
'My dearest hyenas'

We are the messengers of the new world,

Foolish old man.

What if the flood thing is for real?

What a dunce!
He spelt 'deer' as 'dear'.

Honestly, guys... have you ever
seen clouds like these before?

- Heard thunder like that?
- Wait a second. Here comes thunder.

Here comes another... here
goes. I'll be right back...

Shall we order another round?

Ok, but no malt, it gives me gas.

A toast to all the lady
parrots in the world.

Friends! I bring letters!

Is it lunch time already?

Finally, some friendly folks...

What's that noise?

Something at the window.

And this? Looks like a letter...

Oh no, it's more like
junk mail. They don't

know what to do to get
people's attention anymore.

But don't you worry about
a thing, just relax your muscles.

Relax, right, let the
strained muscles relax.

Must see King Sabu, not forget
what Queen Oriana said...

And you? What happened?

What have they done to
you? What have you got here?

Alright, doll, relax
and let yourself flow,

so that the natural
oils con do their thing.

I'll be back in a minute... darling.

For 40 days... great opportunity...

rain will fall upon the
earth for forty days.

God is giving us one
last, great opportunity.

He asked me to build an ark,

where we shall all travel with my
family together with pairs of animals,

to accomplish the divine design,

Learn to love each other,

respect one another, be just,
practice solidarity... and multiply.

Learn to love each other and multiply!

For those chosen to
fulfill the lord's will,

we will wait in the Jacira
desert, past the jungle.

Signed Noah... Noah?

I want to go!

Listen, if I'm not on
that ark when it sets sail,

I swear, dad,
I shall never forgive you.

Are you sure of what you're
saying? This is not a whim?

No dad, I've thought about it,
and this is what I want to do.

It's time I fly the coop
and take on new challenges.

Don't you think? After all I'm the son
of the king, the heir to the throne...

Well... Does anyone
have anything to say?

- Something is not right.
- Since the day he was born.

Those curlers aren't mine...

Well, I'm off to tell Bombay the news.

And now we must tell
all the other animals.

And you Oriana, you
should appoint him a...

mate for the trip.

- Kairel!
- It would be my honor.

Arrange an audition with
all of Xiro's girlfriends.

Noah, you've been working all
night. Shouldn't you take a break?

There is no time to rest,

The storm will be
unleashed any minute now.

Attention! Honorable king
Sabu summons all animals

for an emergency gathering.

Why in the world do I
listen to you, woman?

- This heat is unbearable.
- It's not my fault.

I can't stop sweating, I
feel like a soaked sponge.

What do we care about this flood?

It's never rained in
the north pole, its...

ridiculous to think
we're going to drown.

- Here we go again.
- I really don't need this.

They will hear me out, they will.

They are starting to congregate.

As usual, my faithful
animals have responded.

How could they not respond... to such
a generous, fair and dashing king.

And old.

We always knew this day would
come... and that Xiro would succeed us.

Well, I hope he measures
up to the circumstances.

You must trust your son, when the
time is right, he will be ready.

Skin moisturizer, hair tonic,

facial mask, incense,
some afternoon casual wear.

Some afternoon casual
wear. And something...

classy in case there's
a black tie evening.

I think I have it all... oh,
and something to read, of course.

I've read others by this author, but
none like this one.'Be yourself'

Have you heard about your
partner, do you know who she'll be?

No, no-one has told me yet,
but they're interviewing all of them

to pick the best one.

- You're coming too, right?
- But of course.

I wouldn't miss this for the world.

- But... isn't it a 'couples'thing?
- Haven't you met her? Lily!

Lily, allow me to introduce prince Xiro!

- Hello!
- Hi Lily.

- Isn't she lovely?
- See you in the ark, love.

This is an outrage! This king
is going to hear from me...

Welcome to the emergency
meeting called by King Sabu.

Step this
way, here's some brochures

where you'll find your proper seatings.

Excuse the inconveniences,
we are working for you.

Welcome to the emergency meeting
called by King Sabu. Step this way...


Attention... ahem.

For years we have been waiting to hear

from the only animal who
never shows at our meetings...

who never shows at our meetings...


Well, one of them, a so
called... so called...

- Noah.
- Noah...

has gotten in touch with us.

He is inviting us to board his ark,

an ark constructed

to save us from a flood.

You are the chosen
ones to begin a new era.

Those of us who have reached
the end of our journey

send you forth with the hope

that you will build

a better world.

Well, I'm against it!

This is no more than
a trap to hunt us all down!

What do you know? Stop
living in a fantasy world!

Silence, please!
The unicorn has the floor!

Man is our natural enemy,
let's not be naive.

If you respond to this call
you will see how your heads

hang over a fireplace next winter.

Shut up and take that
ridiculous party hat off...

- Yeah... Where's the birthday party?
- It's a bone overgrowth...

- that I'm having treated.

Don't pay any attention to them, Philip.

No one is being forced to take
this trip against their will.

This may be one of mars
tricks, but if it isn't,

You will only survive

by helping each other

and following a strong leader.

The time to make this
decision... is now!

To the aaaark!

Wise words, my lord.

Dagnino, it's a pleasure
to see you again...

Same here, King Sabu... excuse my
interruption, but I just want to know

who will be chosen to guide the
animals on such a dangerous mission.

How come none of my girlfriends
qualify for this trip?

Who is in charge of this choice?
I want one of my chics.

I want one now!

Hey! Hi Dagnino,

you are one tiger,
stripes really suit you!

It'll be a great trip. Maybe a new
beginning also means a new king.

Thank you.

Looks like our children
have decided to help out.

I think they're sorting
out the sailing charts.

I'm not good with charts.

This one offers good service,
but it is quite away from here.

What's the name of the
place Edith's dad is at?

'Sacred sunset' but I don't recommend
it, they don't allow visitors.

Your behavior is unacceptable.

This is unbelievable, all of
my dates have been rejected!

- There must be a reason.
- Of course there are.

Would you like to hear them?
Nube: big boobs, no brains.

Bruma: too thin, no brains.

Niebla: too hippy, too
busty... no brains.

- What was the last one called?
- Sabu!

Well, it doesn't matter...

since when are there so many
prerequisites for taking atrip?

Who's in charge of this
ridiculous selection?

I asked Kairel to do the interviews.

I should have known,

she's the only one who would
reject all these super hot chics.

Didn't you read the brochure ad?
Travel as a couple,

learn to love and multiply all words
that Kairel doesn't understand at all.

I'm taking Bruma. That's that.

Does this kid know what
he'll be up against?

You must have faith. He will
listen to the voice of his lineage.

Doesn't it bother you that Noah
sold us the house so easily?

Why? The world is full of fools

and I have a special
gift for finding them.

- Xiro... you're so sweet.
- Not here, not here!

May I remind you that your
people expect leadership from you.

What are you doing here?

Didn't they say one
pair of each species?

Precisely, they said
pair, not 'sur-plus'.

Honoring the person who accompanies
her, I shall abstain from formulating

a reply to a who... Lily
unimpeachable woman.

Wha, wha... what...? I was very young,
I didn't know what I was doing...

besides my private life is private.

Aren't you going to
say anything? She's insulting me.

Prince Xiro, King Sabu put me in
charge of escorting you to the ark

to guarantee that all would go well.

We are lagging behind,
you had both best be quiet.

It's finished, lord. Your ark is done.

I wonder, is there enough
room for all the animals?

Of course Naama!

My humble ark has a
'section for animals'

with 1300 double cabins...

and five towers built for birds.

It also has the 'section
for humans' located on deck

with the command bridge
and 4 cabins for our family.

On board, all of us living
creatures will form a commune

in solidarity, without
hatred or resentments.

Sailing in peace towards a new world...

where there'll be no room
for suffering or evil.

It's beautiful!

Dad, even though it's finished,
you ought to get used to the idea

that the animals are not going to come.

Oh! Its true.

There's the ark that will protect you!
In there you'll find shelter and food.

Cachito, will these animals
be enough for such a long trip?


You can't let us share
our roof with these beasts!

Animals are only good as stew!
Eat them or they eat you!

Just a minute! We want guarantees
that the predators aren't going

- to eat us during the trip.
- Don't say it that way...

Well, its a good thing I
brought my salad for the trip.

Yeah, and I'm on a herb-based diet.

Beautiful, now let's get moving,
there isn't much time.

- I insist!
- I think we should go in anyway.

- Good idea.
- Shut up, Ram...

- Why doesn't our
dashing new king decide?

Oh, yeah, right. Great idea...

asking protection from a savage
beast... with a murderous instinct.

But... what's going on?

- Why aren't they moving?
- I will go and get them!

Be very careful, dear.

- Jafet, go with your father!
- But mom... - Jafet!

Don't go!
Protect me from those beasts!

Your majesty...

I'm sorry to distract you
from such important...

matters, but the animals want to know...

if they are allowed to feast
on each other during the trip.

I need my bacon for breakfast.

One less piggy won't make
much of a difference, will it?

I... ah... I think that...

Time is up, your majesty.

- Maybe we ought to
listen to other opinions.

I agree.

Does anyone mind if I express
my opinion with my mouth full?


It's not the time for intestinal
struggles that would end badly.

We have the opportunity
to forge a new world.

Let's do so based on
respect and tolerance.

If any of us touches
one of our brothers,

I will deliver his
rightful punishment myself.

I love the way he talks.
How does he do it? I love it.

I love the way he talks.
How does he do it? I love it.

Welcome creatures of the
lord to our humble ark!

We living creatures must
prove worthy of a new world,

But we will only do this if we
can learn to trust one another.

Too bad you will never
get to see that world...

That is why nothing would make
me happier than your decision

to board our ark and come along on
this amazing adventure, in peace.

- Umm... as representative...

Shush! The rules. No speaking to humans.

Well... what do you say?

Do you need a sign, maybe?

May your will be done.

- Here it is!
- Raaiin!

Beware of dagnino, I
don't think his sudden...

'be kind to animals'attitude
bodes any good.

- And remember...
- Hurry up. I'll miss the best rooms.

And above all remember those who with...

love and faith shall
drown under the water

without so much as having
experienced a second of joy...

I want a room with aview!

You can hold that pout
for some other time.

Now that you are going to drown,
I'd love to say a few things.

First of all, I always hated
your efficiency and intelligence.

And in case you don't know
what a mirror is, you're fat.

My friend, my loyal messenger.

You have fulfilled your duty.

But... what's with the bandages?
Now its time to relieve your pain.

I suppose that this
crazy old man will not...

let these beasts...
travel up here on deck!

Don't talk like that, my father's
not crazy. Look at this rain!

It's just a summer storm!

What are you doing here,
you're not going on this trip.

You weren't chosen because
you're boring and plebeian!

- You're the one that's boring!
- Yes, tell her to shut up...

- I think you're exaggerating...
- Hey donkey, don't defend heeeer!

And you're not only fat,
you're also a busybody.

You're starting to...

I can't stand her any longer!

Ohh, did you hurt yourself?

Oh, what a smell!

And you, don't even
think of defending her,

this graceless dwarf
isn't even capable of...

My little pompom, you've hurt yourself.

I lost my balance, my feet are so tiny.

Well, there goes the sweet and tender...
future mother of my children.

Quickly... hurry up, last couples...

Everybody on board!

Kairel, you'll just
have to come on board.

But my orders are to
return... I have to...

write up my report
and make out the list.

What are you talking
about, Kairel? To hell...

with the rules, there's
nothing to decide.

Get in!

Boy, what a way to rain.

Yes, and here, one of
those bubble bath bathtubs.

How could all eight have lived here?

I couldn't care less,
they can all go live

in an incredibly enormous... boat!

- Do you see what I see?
- I can't believe it.

That old man is crazier than we thought,

Building a boat in
the middle of a desert.

He must have thought
it was going to rain...

until everybody in the
whole world drowned.

Farfan, and if that's true?

We must get onto that ark.

Ye... yeah, but... how...?

- It's floating...
- It's floating, dad!

Row, Esther, keep rowing!

- Wait!

Wait, don't leave us
behind, wait for us!

We have fulfilled God's will.
Now, let's sail.

We're tilting, we must still be moored.

My darling!

If we don't cut the ropes, we'll sink!

It's not the end of the world.

What do you mean it's not?
You said it was!

- Wait!
- Wait! Come back...

You've lost your glasses...
Can you even see?

Absolutely darling. Now,
we're off to the new world!

Don't call for them anymore!

My Esther!

Oh, no! They're leaving again.

- Dad, let me at the rudder.

You're going to make
me take a wrong turn.

I can do it on my own.

- You can do something else, dad.
- My little boy, did you hurt yourself?

What a family, my god, what a family!

Don't take his side,
mom, he can't see athing.

Stop fighting...

Please, dad, you're going
to crash into something.

What could I crash into,
son, don't be childish.

There's nothing in front
of us but... water.

We'll sink!

We're going to die,
we're all going to die...

We're saved, we're all saved!

- Off we go, towards the sunset!
- No, dad. The sun sets that way.

Ah, yes, yes, of course. That way.

I hope we didn't make a mistake.

Did they manage?

They still have to live together,
rain is the least important thing.

Speaking of which, the FX unit called,

and they said, so much rain!
And in the desert no less!

It's going to cost a fortune.

Tell them its fine, they'll
be rewarded in heaven.

I'm going to rest now.
Get to work on my book.

...each one to his appointed room.

Your attention please, can
I have your attention...

Louder please!

Let's try to establish some priorities
so as to organize this journey.

The rooms are first class!
Last one there is a donkey!



it seems like there're going
to be problems with discipline.

This one has a great view!

Did you see the rooms?
They're spectacular.

- And this is my room!
- You mean... our room.

That's just what I wanted
to talk to you about.

Perhaps it would be best to, you know...

I've suffered a very painful loss,

- Nube was very important to me...
- Bruma.

Oh, yeah, Bruma... anyway, if we
gave each other a little time...

Besides, my image as king might
be affected by improper company...

Are you insinuating that
I'm not good enough for you?

Well, it's not that
you're not good enough...

- it's more a question of... of...
- Of weight?

It's not so much how you
are, but rather...

well, how you aren't.

Tell me, what do you see?

A young, handsome lion...
full of vitality.

- Wrong answer. You
should be seeing a king.

But I am a king.

You will be when you start setting...

priorities for the
good of all concerned,

when you're not so worried
about appearances.

Meanwhile, there are
many who think you don't

have the conditions to
be the legitimate king.

Do you think I should change my shampoo?

You think it's the shampoo,
have I mentioned shampoo?

The hair conditioner? I've told Bombay
that coconut oil dries my skin...

- What happened?
- A horrible-looking lion!

That's what I've become,
my face is full of wrinkles!

There's nothing there, on
the outside or on the inside.

There's something important that
you don't seem to understand,

and I feel I must bring
it up. You better sit down.

I think it's time for me to go see
how things are doing in the ark...

I'll go on a brief round
before coming to bed...

Don't worry, Farfan,
I can do it on my own.

I swear I saw a lion.

Not even that idiot Noah would
put wild animals on an ark.

We'd better rest a little,
then go on climbing.

What for? It's very high... and we...

don't even know what
there is further up.

It can't be worse than what I saw below.

And so Aesop, as he had faulty teeth,

couldn't eat anything offered
to him by la fontaine...

That's why one must never
trust any fable tellers.

He's really good, this parrot!

- Tell us another about humans.
- La fontaine...

The great pity will be back later.

But now, the dive is proud
to present our super star...


- Does anybody know where we're going?

I think it's in the
direction the sun sets.

That's during the day,
but I mean at night time.

Come on, sh**t.

Why don't we just k*ll them now?

Agreed! I don't see why we
have to stand on ceremony

with that foolish lion
and his foolish friends!

Fat has weakened your
poor carrion-fed brains.

Don't you see that we've earned the
respect of all the animals on board?

And why would we want
the herbivore's respect?

Do they worry about not
having a lettuce's respect?

You fools, the world to
come will have new rules.

Aren't you tired of running after your
food? We won't have to do that anymore.

The food will run to us.

When we get to firm land we
will take the animals to a place

where we can breed them, keep
them locked. Where they multiply...

Where we can fatten them, until
it is time for the sacrifice.

Xiro won't allow it, he's
a fool but he's also fair.

We can't allow that
frustration over failure

forces us to give up,
without trying once more...

So we do it again...


Hey 'King', it seems that all
the bad boys came out to play.

- Xiro, let me buy you a drink.
- No, thanks, I'm with my old friends.

Old friends can always
be exchanged for new ones.

Not in my case. My friends are
essential to me, a priceless asset.

Hi handsome...

Why won't you join us?

You don't mind, do you?

- This is very humiliating,
I need a bath.

Shhh, the lion might hear us.

Don't over react, it's
probably all in your head.

I saw a lion again!

Stop being foolish,
animals don't sail in boats!

There aren't anyanimals here! !

What... are we going to do?

Very carefully, without
disturbing them...

Just run!

And one of the most stimulating
things about governing

is to find the capabilit y
there is of giving.

For example, all the food
is given to me for free.

Hey, your friends should relax a little.

Who authorized this
Babel before its time?

What's this?

I don't know, but as it's
green I'm presuming it's mint.

You cannot validate this
unlawful dive by being here.

Just a minute! This dive
has the necessary permission.

You signed a permission so
that they could open a bar?

It's only a temporary
concession... for forty days.

Does anyone else have a
concession signed by Xiro?

Is this your idea of a fair government?
Trying to appeal to everyone?

I'm concerned about those I
love and you should do the same.

A little fun never hurt anyone.
Rules aren't everything, Kairel.

This is not just a pleasure trip.
You should be worried by now.

Isn't this rain telling you something?

I suppose now you'll understand that
we all rely on your decisions...

You are the king. The only
survivor of your lineage.

And as to being concerned about
those I love, it's all I've done,

that's all I've ever done.

- Here you are, your lunch.
- Let me guess... fish and salad.

I believe that yesterday we
had... salad and fish?

Be patient, better
times will soon be here.

- It's time for some clean-cut action.
- Do you think so?

I think there's one for each.

Ah, how are you, sir?
Here I am, working away.

Yes, I see. How is everything below?

Okay, sort of, but I haven't
seen Farfan for a while.

Farfan? Farfan is on the ark! ?
But how could you let him get on?

Just a minute, you may
squeeze but not strangle.

What a good phrase for my book!

- We're surrounded by beasts.
- Are you sure it's going to work?

To get out of here, we must go
unnoticed bythe other animals.

And what makes you think they're
not going to eat us like animals?

Always so negative,

Just shut up and get dressed.

Hey, easy!

She may be a little upset, it
isn't easy with so many problems.

Things will sort themselves out,
don't worry.

Don't worry?

The end of the world has come and
I thought it was a pleasure trip.

- It must be Kairel.
- Come in.

Sorry to interrupt.
Have you seen my husband around?

No. Isn't he with the
other birds in the pen?

I haven't seen him since this afternoon.

If you see him tell him that
the eggs have to be sat on.

Thank you, m'sieur monkey.

I'm supposed to be king. I must put
things in order and make decisions.

You see, it's not so difficult!
At least you know what to do.

What animal are we supposed to be?

I don't know, it doesn't matter
as long as we can get out of here.

- Your majesty...
- Ahh... hello.

Good evening.

Kairel! We have a lot of work to do!

I think we should have a name.

Just try to keep quiet. We might be
discovered, even with these costumes.

...and so I will become king.

- And what good will that do us?

Ludo! I can't believe you don't get it.

- I think we should go this way.
- I think we're going the right way.

But the rest of the
animals will support Xiro.

Xiro won't be a problem,
when the animals realize

he has eaten one of
his vegetarian friends.

But he's not going to eat any
animal while prohibition is on.

We don't need him to, it's enough
to make others believe he has.

And all we need for
that is a dead animal.

- What kind of bugs are these?
- They seem to be some kind of...

They smell horrible...

They smell like humans.

And they are a repugnant shape.

- They're talking...
- Yessss... they talk.

We're... we're... the...

- Grass... - Whoppers!
- Yes, the grasswhoppers!

Grasswhoppers? I've never
heard of them, and you?

I think that when I was little,
my mom used to tell me...

Enough! They're making
me a little hungry.

Excuse me, but I must go to
the bathroom very urgently.

Yes, if you're going to eat us,
we'd better have empty intestines.

And freshly bathed.

- Do you want me to fetch them for food?

It's not necessary, I
guess they can't go far.

Rise and shine, two and
four legged animals...

the forecast is finally
announcing sunny weather.

I can't find my Cecilio, I don't get it.

Before we continue, we have
a public anouncement to make:

Aa male goose is missing,
his name is Cecilio...

he's wife is worried, so please...


What the hell are you
doing, you old fool?

We must preserve the lord's
species until we reach land.

And what are we supposed
to eat meanwhile?

Whatever God provides is fine.

I've written down something
they just said for the book:

- 'Whatever God provides is fine.'
- It needs a bit more punch.

Maybe something shorter,

more to the point.

- We're very interested.
- What's your proposal?

If we modify the courts' codes we'll
reduce prison terms for all prisoners.

And investments in foreign
currency must be considered,

everything I have is
in the stock market.

And credits for small enterprises
would be indispensable,

Maybe not today, but any
day we could take off...

I think the use of dr*gs should
be regulated responsibly...

Let's see, open up. That's
right, nice and wide.

You must regain your strength...

- Dad, there's something wrong.
- Yes?

- We're the chosen ones,
but all we do is work.

That's bad?

Look old man, you're
not shutting me up here,

for forty days in the
middle of this pond,

feeding and cleaning
up after filthy animals.

Show little more respect when
you talk about our children.

- That's right, don't
talk like that about us.

My dears, I understand your concern,

but this is what God wants
and this is what we must do.

Debate's over, everyone back to work.

I think it's about time
we take over the rudder,

before this voyage
turns into a nightmare.

The animals are tired,
hungry and generally discouraged.

We'll carry out our plan tonight.
You, go and wait for that fool Xiro.

It's about time, I've already
reserved a little tomato sauce.

I'm getting tired of all these problems!

I told you our luck would change!

- Any news?
- Everybody's patience is wearing thin.

Perhaps we should send
them some sort of relief.

First they must show their fortitude,

Otherwise they go around saying I
give a hat to those with no head.

But, Farfan!

A pool full of mud. Two females!
That should be successful.

That's not a bad idea.

We will consider your suggestion,
thank you very much.

Come back soon, Alvaro.

It's really unbelievable
what one has to listen to.

At least it was a sort of suggestion,
and besides, alvaro is a friend.

That's just what this is about,
considering everyone's best interest,

not just looking out for one's friends.

I know, I know, to govern
is to improve what is wrong,

Straighten out what is crooked
and make a better world.

A perfect world...

that's not bad, a perfect world,
a perfect world, where do we start?

- Xiro, wanna have lunch together
- Ok, I'll be right with you.

Kairel, you can finish filing
here. I'll see you later, okay?

- This place stinks.
- This is the last place we should be.

- I have a new plan.
- Another one?

You are so witty, such fun.

If only we could spend
more time together...

especially at night, when I'm
overcome by such a deep melancholy.


Call me if you need me.

I don't need to call,
the door to my heart...

and to my room... are
wide open, just for you.

What's going on?
You'll break my things!

Be grateful I don't break your head.

Look, you jealous doll... you can't
throw me out, this is my room too.

This is a king's room, not a womanizer
who doesn't know his obligations.

And you, Xiro, are in no way
up to handle atime like this.

I thought you'd turn into a real king,

but all you are is the
result of a bad receipt.

Listen, we'll hide among the garbage
and wait till they haul us up.

If they don't eat us first.

Hey, the grasswhoppers again.

I told you they'd have
to eat sooner or later.

Nobody will find us here.

Are you sure they'll
carry us to the deck?

- Just be patient.
- Who turned the light off?

Hurry up with the soup.

Don't you think the water
is getting rather hot?

Does anyone want another helping?

You'd better follow
them, i wouldn't want...

anything to happen to
them before they die.

- The costume is shrinking.
- Because they got wet.

- There they are.
- I think they've realized what we are.

Do you think that clumsy animal
knows we are two miserable,

unscrupulous people with no principles,
our hearts corroded by greed?

No, but I wouldn't wait.

All she does all day is scold me,

whether I've done this, whether
or not I've done something else.

Kairel just wants you to be
okay, you must give her time...

I'd like to, but she's like my shadow...
Have you ever worried about your shadow?

No, because no matter what happens

it will never leave you.

- Do you think that Kairel...
- You should listen to your heart.

Sometimes I think Kairel
is the woman for me,

But Panty is so sophisticated
and such fun

When I'm near Panty my
heart beats so loud...

that it doesn't even let you listen...

- Did either of you have
the grasswhopper soup?


I think it didn't agree with me,
my stomach is upset.

- I'll be right back.
- Are you taking a newspaper?

What's this? A sale?

What are they giving away?

It's the grasswhopper soup,
it caused a chain reaction.

Could you lend me this paper?

- Are you okay?
- I think so.

At least someone has cleaned this out.

Ow, animal droppings!

Careful, some animals have escaped!

I'll fetch the net.

- I've got them!
- They're getting away!

Run, Farfan!

I don't know about you, but tonight
I want to eat shepherd's pie...

- Don't let them get away!
- This way, love!

What? What's happening?

These animals go back into the hold!


Noah? How could...

- Dad! - We must go find him!
- Down there with those beasts?

I'm the eldest... I'll go!

You're in such a hurry,
you better go first.

There's nothing we can do, the
hold is full of sinister beasts.

- The rudder?
- It's mine!

I'm faster than youuu...

Oh, no!

Take one every eight hours and if
you have an emergency, let me know.

- That soup's really upset me.

I believe I've taken
the correct decision.

- And what are you
waiting for? Go tell her.

First things first!

I'm going to tell Panty
that our relationship is over.

Farfan? Esther, is that you?

Of course it's us, old man.

And why are you here among the
animals, why didn't you ask for help?

Why ask for something when
one can get it by force?

Now that you're there,

You spare us the trouble
of having to send you...

down here.

Since I've lost his house,
at least I can keep his boat.

You're talking too loud, the
animals can hear, they may react...

You forget, woman, that
we're the kings of creation,

and these beasts are no more
than... pickles... soups...

coats... and carpets...

Tell me I didn't do what I just did.

- You remember where
the latrine is, right?

Run, Farfan!

I'll soon catch you.
This is enough for now.

- It's mine!
- No, mine!

You should be ashamed of yourselves,
your father brought you this far,

You'd have drowned if
it weren't for his faith,

and all you're concerned
about is taking control

when you don't even deserve it.

Now that he's gone, you could
at least honor his sacrifice.

Hi handsome, you're here at last...

well, look, I think we have to...


- careful, this must
be suitable for all ages.

Sir, what do you expect?

- It's been 40 days already.
- Will my book be too boring?

It needs more action. Maybe
a little blood, a love story...


Don't take it so hard, accept
that someone doesn't love you.

- Here, clean it off.
- Thank you.

He ate it! Ripped open its belly and
ate it in front of my eyes, and then...


What's the matter with
you, have you gone crazy! ?

You bully, you assassin!

- He ate the defenseless grasswhopper! !
- Is this a joke?

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me please.

She's gone completely
mad, I only came to...

Kairel, you don't believe
that I... you know that I...

Kairel, please, you must believe me...

You have dishonored us,
you have broken the law

that you yourself imposed,
by eating one of us.

But I didn't eat anybody.
You must believe me...

Do you believe that Xiro
is a worthy king?

- So...
- What are you doing? Let go!

Everyone back to their rooms, it's
all over, there's nothing more to see.

I hope everything turned
out as you planned.

Couldn't be better.

We should go see Bombay.

Without a rudder, we have no
way of changing the ark's course.

If we can't set a course,
we can't turn either, can we?

We'd better pray.

That's what dad would have done.

Wake up lord. Why are you sleeping?

Sure, when they're in trouble,
they remember I exist.

- Angel!
- Yes, my lord?

- I'm innocent, I'm innocent!
- What matters is that now I'm king.

- You set me up.
- Lock him up!

I'm innocent!

What's the matter?

He says he's innocent, maybe
we should listen to him first.

Ludo, would you please lock him up!

Yes, yes! All right.

- I won't let you get
away with this, Dagnino.

That's just what I wanted to... to you about.
If I can't get away with this,

perhaps I can get away
with something of yours.

If you put one single paw
on Kairel, you'll be sorry.

You can't thr*aten me, you're a nobody,

just a fool, who never
even earned his place.

A king is someone who takes
what he believes to be his.

And now the animal kingdom is mine.

Avanti! It's feeding time.

- I'm very sorry, handsome.
- Nooo!

No, no, Xiro not only disappointed
me, he also deceived you.

But it's unfair, Xiro is incapable...

That's right, Xiro is just incapable.

Incapable of doing athing like that...

we all know that, you
more than anyone...

But... we all saw him...

Perhaps what we saw is not
as important as what we feel.

Don't you think?

Weary as dust is our soul and
stuck to the earth is our body.

Get up and come to our rescue,
free us, for your mercy's sake!

- Isn't it getting too cold?
- Cold? What are you talking about?

About the cold! Don't
you remember what cold is?

See where you've come.

Now listen to me...

You are... the voice...
the voice of my lineage...

We began this journey with you and
we'll step on land again with you.

Go! No pause, no rest.

A new world awaits and
you will be our guide!

Did you hurt yourself?

I'm perfectly fine, why do you ask?

You knew that was coming?
You can predict the future?

Kairel, forgive me, you're right,

I'm no more than a bad
recipe for a bad king.

I've ruined everything...

I couldn't see that
you've always loved me,

and worse, I wasn't able to
see that I loved you...

You thought that a little bit of
fun wasn't the end of the world...

There's no time to get all romantic now.

We have a kingdom to
recover, love birds.

- Revenge!

Would you believe that
I heard an inner voice?

You must stop reading
those self-help books.

Catch them and lock them
all up! Let no one escape.

Lord, lord. Get up. Those who
rose early need your help.

Destroy those clowns.

Get them!

Get it off!

Looks like it's down to you and me now.

I pity you, Dagnino.

Now I'd like to see if you
dare to clobber the real king!

Are you so mean as to
hit him when he's down?

Yes, I am.

Will you stop giving him ideas! !

Surrender and accept your defeat.

I may even grant you the fatty,
if you're so interested.

Clean your mouth before
talking about my Kairel.

- What happened?
- We hit something.

- Where are they? Where did they go?
- Theywon't be a problem for now.

- We've touched land.
- You really think so?

Of course I think so.
This is our chance.

Come on, the new world is waiting!

Up we go.

- What's happening? What was that crash?
- Calm down, calm down...

We must keep calm.

Silence, listen to our king!

What do I say?

I don't know... show them
you're king, be positive.

Some trip, isn't it? At
least we haven't sunk yet.

Run for your life!

Wait, don't go! Come back.
There is no place to go.

I have a proposal!
Let's eat the predators!

That's enough! What's
happened is not just chance,

It's the result of a people without
direction and without a king.

We're not going to eat each other.

On their own, even the
strongest cannot survive.

We will achieve our purpose
only by helping each other

and respecting our differences. That
is the only way we will be saved...

- How marvelously he speaks, doesn't he?
- He's a champ!

Lord, it never rains in the
pole... and it's so cold.

Don't you think it's enough, lord?

Look! It stopped raining!

What are the animals doing?

I don't know what they're doing, but
we can start by fixing the rudder.


Are you alright? Are you hurt?

I think they're a little
more calm now,

they're just waiting for you
to tell them what to do.

I don't know if I will be able to be...

their guide, maybe
I'm not the right guy.

You wouldn't be here if
you weren't the right one.


We have work to do!

Dad, looks like the
animals have gone crazy.

Someone better take
charge of the rudder,

we're about to set sail.

Xiro, the animals are
proud of their leader.

The time is now.

There's the exit.

Behind it is a new world
of food and abundance.

We'll install an enormous
market without...

any competition... we'll
name our own prices.

- You're talking about...
- Monopoly!

A paradise of abundance!

We'll probably have to wait till spring.

They're leaving us.

Bye bye.

Remind me to k*ll you
if we ever survive.

Now, once again, towards the sunset.

All day and all night.

Noah, it's still freezing
outside, you mustn't catch a cold.

We'd better go to bed,

we have a lot of work tomorrow.

Just one more drink... it's
not the end of the world.

Remember we must try
and make a perfect world

Angel! You've left the rainbow on?

I'm sorry, lord...

How about: 'Praise the
lord, pray some more'.

Too much. Maybe for a press campaign.

'May the lord give you
twice what you wish for me'.

It'll cost me a fortune.

Don't worry, lord. Later we can add:

'The lord giveth and
the lord taketh away'

No, no I can't go around
taking just because...

I don't get it then.
Why did you make me...

write: 'The lord will
answer all your prayers'

But, angel, how dare
you question everything?

Ease up, lord. Remember:
'God is relentless but merciful.'

Enough! For my sake!
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