Love Takes Wing (2009)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Love Takes Wing (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »

[serene acoustic guitar music]

[female vocalist oohs]

[horse whinnies]

Yah! Yah!

"Dearest belinda",

"your father and I
were glad to hear

"you're off
on your journey west.

"Though I must confess, we
can't help but worry about you.

"I know how difficult
your life has been

"since drew's death last year.

"And I wish there was
more we could do to help.

"I hope the new start
in missouri

"will be just the change
you're looking for.

"Just remember that no matter
how far away you go,

"you will always be welcome back
in anderson corner.

"Your journeys can always
bring you back home.

"And know that you are always
in our thoughts and prayers.

"Please write to let us know
when you have safely arrived.

"And give our regards to annie.

"Thank her for being able
to stay with you for a few weeks

"before she goes
to her own practice.

Love, mama."

Can't sleep again?

Thinking about drew?


I'm worried about the children
in sikeston.

You're an amazing doctor.

You can take care of anyone.

You and I both know
that's not true.

I couldn't save drew.

Morning, folks.

Welcome to sikeston.


Thank you.

[violin music]

Why, it's lovely.

What is?


There's nothing here.

Annie, what were you expecting,

an opera house?

I don't know
what I pictured, exactly.

I certainly didn't think
it would be this...



I don't know who we're
supposed to speak to, but...

mayor evans,
I can't believe you'd put

the interest
of those no-account orphans

over the good of this town.

I am doing no such thing, ray.

Thank you, cyrus.

I am trying
to be fair to everyone.

There's no reason
to believe those children

are a danger to anybody.

You tell that to my brother.

The entire town is sorry
about what happened to carl.

But you can't blame his death
on the orphans.

It could all be
some terrible coincidence.

Uh, you might be,
uh, looking for me.

Please, come on in.

I am maxwell evans, town mayor.

Belinda simpson, the new doctor.


Well, thank you, cyrus.

Uh, you can go, please.
Thank you.

I trust you were told
I was a woman.

Oh, absolutely, yes.

Uh, but I was expecting
one woman and not two.

Oh, this is my friend
dr. Annie nelson.

She'll be taking over
as the circuit doctor

for the kansas territory.

But the position
doesn't open until next month.

She'll be staying
with me until then.

It's a pleasure
meeting you, mayor.

It's a beautiful hotel.

Thank you very much.

Welcome to sikeston.

If you'll permit me,

I'll escort you
over to the clinic,

and we can, uh,

get you all settled
into your new home.

Thank you.

And then I'd like to see
the sick children

as soon as possible.

Uh, yes. Of course.

[fiddle music]

Right up here.

Well, here we are.

This is my clinic?

Uh, yes.

We have made plans to expand it,

but something always seems to
come up that needs tending to.

You understand that.

Uh, you're gonna wanna
take those inside.

The living quarters are through
the clinic and up the stairs.

Come right over here.

When was the last time
you had a full-time doctor here?

Well, doc ross died
six months ago.

We've been pretty much
on our own since then.

Under these conditions?


For 30 years.

And I don't ever
recall him complaining,

as a matter of fact.

We'll fix this place up
in no time.

Well, given the nature
of the illness at the orphanage,

I would guess that house calls
might be a necessity.

The children... the sick ones
have all taken to their bed.

But it's not
just the orphans anymore.

In town, carl russell
died two days ago.

And john and meredith pine
have come down with it as well.

The sickness
is spreading, doctor.

And the town
is getting a little edgy,

and quite frankly, so am i.

Your quarters are
at the top of the stairs.

Well, it isn't that bad.

At least there's a balcony.


Do you think all
frontier towns are like this?

A lot of them, yes.

I knew it would be
a change leaving boston.

The two of us
went through three years

of medical training
at boston university

without so much as a lick
of help from the men...

and without a woman in sight.

You're gonna be fine.
And so am i.

[breathes deeply]

Hello, lee.

That's, uh, lee owens.

He's been a smithy here
for years.

Here, step over here.

Well, here we are.


You aren't coming inside?

No, I, uh...

I have some appointments
this afternoon.

Um, but I'm sure we'll
be seeing each other soon,

so if there's anything
that I could do

to make your stay here
in sikeston more comfortable,

you, uh... you just let me know.

All right?

Till then, good day.


I'm sorry.

We're not accepting
any visitors at this time.

I'm not here to visit,
miss clarence.

My name is belinda simpson.

I was sent here
to tend to the children.

I was told we'd have a doctor.

But... but I'll take a nurse.

I am a doctor.


I'm not a nurse.

I'm the new doctor in sikeston.

Please come in.

Follow me.

Pardon me.
Where are the children?

Oh, I try to keep
the healthy children outside

in the... the fresh air
as much as possible.


All I'm saying is something's
gotta be done.

Evans thinks we're
just gonna stand by

and let our families suffer
for the deeds of these orphans,

well, we need to show him.

We need to show him
who's really in charge here.


You're driving away
all my customers.

Not my fault that these people

don't wanna listen to reason.

Apologies, ma'am.

We lost one just this week.



I'm not sure
what this illness is called,

dr. Simpson.

But, uh...

it's unlike any kind
of influenza I've ever seen.


On any day, this orphanage

is home to about 30 kids.

When the sickness started,

it hit five of my charges
in the first week.

[child moaning]
and the end of the month...

three died.
I got ten sick.

Hello, sweetie.

Dropped your doll.
Here you go.

Thank you, miss clarence.

I've enlisted the healthy
children to run the place,

but I'm worried that I'm... i'm...

endangering them too.

Iillian's the only one
who will work in the ward.

May I?

Oh, please.

It's very nice of you
to help the other children.

I don't need help.
It's an important job.

And nobody does it
as good as me.

I had no intention of taking
your job away from you, lillian.


'Cause we don't
trust strangers around here.

Kids need someone they know
looking after them.

Quite the handful.


Oh, she's something.

She's tenacious...

but an immense help to me.

Stick your tongue out for me.

And what'd you say
the average recovery time was?

Well, there isn't one.


gotten any better.

You shouldn't
be helping them orphans.


I know who you are.

You're here to help us,

not those no-accounts spreading
plague to half this town.

I take it you're ray russell.

Miss clarence
warned me about you.

It's me who should
be warning you, miss simpson.

You have no idea
what you're getting involved in.

It's dr. Simpson.

Thank you for your concern,

but I can take care of myself,
and just so you know,

I'm here to take care
of everyone in this town.

We're the ones
who pay your salary.

The good god-fearin' folks
who don't deserve

this plight visited upon us.

No one deserves to suffer,

mr. Russell, not you,

and certainly not
a bunch of innocent children.

Those children ain't innocents.

They come from beggars,
liars, and thieves.

You cannot blame children

for the misdeeds
of their parents or your own.

What're you talking about?
I ain't done nothin' wrong.

You wanna send children
out on the prairie to die.

If you don't think
that's wrong...

he causin' you a problem, ma'am?

I'll ask you to stay
outta this matter, lee,

this ain't none of your concern.

Ray, you got no business
botherin' the doctor.

She's just trying to do her job,
just like other folks.

Let god help the unfortunates.

You're here to help us.

That's not very christian
of you, is it, ray?

You have quite the welcoming
committee in sikeston.

Please, don't judge
the rest of us on ray russell.

Oh, where's my manners?

Lee owens, blacksmith.

Belinda simpson.

But I have a feeling
you already know that.

Well, it's a small town.
News travels fast...

especially when the mayor
hires a woman doctor.

You got quite the temper, ma'am.

I think it's unfair
to attack children.

You don't need to convince me.

I don't know of much
with the witch hunt myself.

Do you think you could
point me in the right direction

to the pines' residence, please?

Well, it's a little
late in the day.

And I get the feeling
you haven't had a chance

to settle in yet.

Why don't you turn in?

I'll take you there
first thing in the morning.

Very well, then.
First thing tomorrow.

I'll be over at the clinic.

I know the way.

Evenin', doc.

Thank you, mr. Owens.
You as well.

Hard first day?

I'm sorry,
I hope you haven't been waiting

for me this whole time.

I went down to the general store

to get supplies.

From what I heard people saying,
I figured it'd be a while.

And I thought
you might be hungry,

so I saved you
a plate from supper.

Thank you.

So what'd you hear?

Plague of god...

some sort of influenza.

Annie, I think
I know what it is.

When I was little
in the tenements of new york,

it would burn through
the houses every summer,

and by july, someone
in each family was sick.

More died than survived.

I think it might be cholera.

We'll get through this together.

You know, the old belinda

would've said that
it was divine providence

that I was here to help her.

That was before I knew
the truth.

We can pray all we want,
but no one's listening.

No god saved drew
as he lay dying in bed.

All we have in this world
are ourselves.

[bell ringing distantly]

Start talking
to the townspeople.

We need to figure out
where this thing started

and how it got spread.

Where are you headed?

I'm gonna go
and give the mayor my diagnosis,

and then I've gotta go see
john and meredith pine.

Good luck.

You too.
We'll both need it.

I'm sorry to interrupt, mayor.

I was told
I could find you here.

I'm in the middle
of my breakfast.

If you'd like to meet me
in my office in a while,

we can have a chat.

I have a very busy day
ahead of me, sir,

and I was hoping I could speak
to you now.

All right, doctor.
What's on your mind?

It's about the sickness
at the orphanage.

I don't believe
it's influenza, sir.

I think it's cholera.

Keep your voice down.

Besides, that's not possible.

I have read about this.

And this disease
is a disease of poverty

and the unclean.

And here in town, we are very
proud of our civic improvements.

No one is exactly sure
how the disease is spread.

That's one of the difficulties
in fighting it.

Well, what about a vaccine?

I've also read
that they're making strides

against smallpox using vaccines.

Unless we know
what causes the disease,

we can't invent a vaccine.

Then how do you cure it?

There isn't a cure.

Then I suggest
you find one, doctor.

Cholera is a disease
of the unclean.

I wasn't aware you attended
medical school, mayor evans.

Seems like I was right
about your temper, doc.

I'm just so frustrated,
and these people...

watch yourself, now.
These people are also my people.

Except you don't support

making poor, defenseless orphans
homeless as well.


But it wouldn't hurt
to understand

why they might wanna do
something like that.

I don't care
how frightened I was.

I would never endanger
the lives of children.

Maybe so.

But if you understand
why they're afraid,

well, it might help you
get your point across.

You're probably right.

Are you here to take me
to see the pines, mr. Owens?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, thank you
for your kindness, mr. Owens.

I'm finding it's a rarity
in this town.

Aw, give us a chance, doc.

You might find that sikeston
can be a very welcoming town.

Mrs. pine, this is dr. Belinda
simpson. She's here to help.

Thank you for coming.

Give my best to john, will you?

Will do.
Thank you, mr. Owens.

Have a good day, ladies.

You feeling better?

I'm sorry?

I was told that
you and your husband

came down with the same
sickness as the children.

I'm actually quite relieved
someone's recovering.

I'm not sick at all, ma'am.

It's my husband and daughter.

They fell ill almost a week ago.

you said the doctor was coming.

Who's this?

I am the doctor, mr. Pine.
I'm here to take care of you.

I already got a woman
to take care of me.

I need a...
i need a real doctor.

Please, john, just let
dr. Simpson take a look at you.

He's been like this for days.

He can't even stand
for a few minutes at a time.

Neither one of them
can keep anything down.

Is it the same sickness
as those orphans?

I think so.

I believe it's cholera.

Please keep it down.

I don't wanna upset
your husband or meredith.

John and meredith
are all I have in this world.

Are they gonna die?

I'm gonna do everything I can.

I need you to keep cold
compresses on their foreheads

to get the fever down
and keep them resting.

And give them
as much water as you can.

I'll be back
to check on them tomorrow.

Thank you, doctor.


I don't understand.

Are you the doctor,
or aren't you?

I'm a doctor, but I'm here
to help dr. Simpson.

You and your friend

need to stop asking
so many questions,

especially around the hotel.

Sikeston's a town on the grow.

We can't afford talk like this.

No, what you can't afford
is to ignore the problem.

Things like
this orphan sickness,

I've seen 'em
turn boom towns into ghost towns

in a matter of months.

We know what the problem is.

Now, if you'll excuse me, miss.

Stop it.
We're gonna get caught.

Looks like you
could use some more help.

Seems like you got
a big enough job on your own.

Don't be needing
to take on other chores.

Besides, making a stew
for 30 kids is a lot harder

than baking a cake
for your husband.

I've done my fair share
of kitchen duty.

Watching your servants
do the work

ain't the same thing
as doing it yourself.

I can tell rich folks
when I see 'em.

Educated doesn't
necessarily mean rich.

Actually, you and I
have a lot in common.

I grew up in an orphanage too.

It's true.

Too many kids,
not nearly enough food.

They pay
for your fancy schoolin'?

Ain't never heard of an orphan
becoming a doctor before.

That's because
I was lucky enough to be adopted

by a wonderful family
when I was 14.

But I wouldn't be
who I was today if I hadn't

grown up the way I did.

We all have our sorrows.

If you wanna
make yourself useful,

I could use some more water
for the pot.

The pump's in the yard.

Iillian's got me
doing manual labor.


Spirited girl.


What made her so wounded?

Her father was k*lled
on the railroad.

Iillian was five years old

when her mother couldn't
take care of her anymore.

She told lillian that
her father had gotten the job

just to support her,

that she was the reason
for the misery in the family.

Just what a child needs to hear.

She doesn't talk much about it.

If you press hard,
she lashes back.

She's been known to have
a couple of pretty good

tantrums now and then.

And you condone that behavior?

No, certainly not.

But try as you might
to cage the lioness,

she will find a way to roar.

And, uh, speaking of which,

I heard about your little
run-in with ray russell.

It was out of line.

I had no right
to speak to him that way.

And I'd do it again.

I know the town is afraid.

I'm just as scared
as anybody else.

I don't understand how they
can use god to justify

what they want to do.

I do.

When science can't explain

people turn
to superstition to...

to comfort them,

give order to their lives.

Surely you don't believe
god is a superstition.

I believe what I can see.

But you're
in a field of medicine.

And they've
just now discovered germs.

We know the children are sick,
we know a germ caused it,

but we all agree
that we can't see it.

But we know it's there...

just as we... we can't see god,

but we can see the effect
of him in the world.

It's hardly the same thing.

And with microscopes,
you can see bacteria.

Perhaps you haven't
had the opportunity to know god.

If you read the bible...

I've read the bible,
miss clarence.

And my family
was very religious.

My views were formed
by my own experiences,

and they are not up
for discussion.

You're entitled
to your beliefs, doctor,

as are the rest of us.

"Dear mama",

"I've been in sikeston
for little more than a day,

"and I already wonder
if I've done the right thing

"in coming here.

"I knew the town needed me,

"but things are much worse
than I feared.

"I think the disease
they believe to be influenza

"is actually cholera.

"It's a terrible situation
for everyone.

"The disease seems to be
coming from the local orphanage

"and all the townspeople
want to do is send

"these poor children out
on the street.

"They're selfish.

"They don't care
about what happens to the kids.

"And everyone looks to me as if

"I'm supposed to make it
all better.

"The illness is bigger than me,

"and I'm afraid they've
put too much faith in me.

"I'm afraid I'll let them down...

"especially this
one little girl, lillian,

"who reminds me so much
of me at that age...

"the person I was
before you took me in.

"I want to help lillian
find her own way,

"but I can't even find
my own path.

"I wish I could talk
to you and grandma.

I wish I had your strength."

Miss clarence.

This is my good friend annie.
She's a doctor as well.

Good. Come on, come in.

That's a good trick, lillian.
Where'd you learn it?

I don't know.

People get sick
around here a lot,

and nobody wants
to help miss clarence.

Just makes sense.

You need to get their heads up,

else the water just
runs right back out.

Or they choke.

There you go, katie.

Very brave, helping the sick.

Weren't brave, miss.
I just like helping people.

Well, see,
we have a lot in common.

That's why I became a doctor...
to help people.

Iillian, wait.


You're not using the same cup
with all the children, are you?

There's just me
and miss clarence

in the infirmary rooms.

And the rest of the kids
is busy cooking and cleaning.

You can't do that, lillian.

We ain't got time
to wash dishes.

Do you know what a germ is?


It's what makes people sick.

And if you let everyone
drink out of the same cup,

it spreads it around.

Gimme that.

I've gotta find miss clarence.

You and belinda seem very close.

Well, we've been best friends

since the first day
of medical school.


We kind of had to be.

It was two more years
before we saw another woman.



Oh, hello.

Iillian said you're
using the same few dishes

with all the sick children.


Well, there're
so few healthy children

they... they can barely handle
the dishes we do use.

That isn't acceptable,
miss clarence.

Every child must be fed
with their own dish,

and those dishes need to be
cleaned every single night

and certainly not handled
by the healthy children,

if you can help it.

Well, the children
in the infirmary

are already sick.

I didn't think it would make
any difference.

By lillian using the same cup,

she's spreading the same germs
to all those children.

They can't be expected
to get better

when you continuously feed
them the disease.

I-I'm doing
the best I can, belinda.

I'm not a doctor.

So tell me
what you want me to do,

and I'll... i'm happy to do it.

We need to rewash
every dish we can find

in the hottest water
we can stand.

I'll boil some water.

You needn't yell
at her, belinda.

And mrs. Clarence
didn't go to medical school.

She doesn't know these things.

That's why we're here.

I'll apologize to her later.

Well, we have a restaurant's
worth of dishes to do.

[carriage approaching]

Need some help with that pail?

I've done
my fair share of chores.

I think I can manage on my own.

I'm sure you can.

But just because you can manage
doesn't mean you ought to.

You only have yourself
to rely on, mr. Owens.

Best not to forget that.

I thought I was the only one
who made house calls.

Miss clarence is having
some trouble with her gutters.

Thought I'd stop by
and take a look.

You know, I'll just be up there
for another half hour.

After that, I'd love
your company for lunch,

if you're free.


Uh, I don't even know you.

Well, lunch could go
a long way to remedy that.

Mr. owens...

I thank you for your invitation,

but I'm afraid
I'm much too busy.

I'll be using my lunch break
to do research at the clinic.

Well, seems like the children
are in good hands.

Another time, then?


Sorry I made you sick, katie.

I swear I didn't mean it.

I promise that belinda's
doing everything she can

to make you better.

I'll be right here to help her.

I'll be okay, lillian.

He's getting worse, isn't he?

He's fighting, mrs. Pine.

[shallow breathing]


even the busy need to eat.

You are a very
persistent man, mr. Owens.

Uh, I thought I'd...

help you with your research.

Oh, I-I can read, so...

as you wish.

Just, uh, tell me
what you're looking for.


thank you.

Why can't it be the food?

Because it doesn't make sense.

The orphans doesn't grow
their own food,

it comes from the farmers.

And the farmers sell it
to the general store.

Whole town buys from gus.

They don't have a garden?

Well, you've seen
what miss clarence

has to contend with.

She doesn't have time
for a garden.

I should get back to the shop.

Thank you for your help...

and lunch.

Oh, you're welcome.

You know, those children
are lucky to have you.

They could use
a few more defenders.

Well, I grew up
in an orphanage just like them.

I know what it's like to feel
like you're nobody's child.

I'm sorry.

Not nobody deserves that.

No one does.


what's hattie clarence
doin' in town?

Make her tell us the truth, now!

Hattie clarence
has the same rights

as anyone else in this town.

You have to just lock her up!

She came to me
like a responsible citizen.

You're supposed
to be protectin' this town!

Please, try to understand.
We need your help.

What do you think is going on?

[indistinct yelling]

Send florence nightingale
and her children

back where they came from!

People, quiet down.
Yelling doesn't solve anything.

I will address
your concerns one at a time.

The malloys caught
the sickness last night.

The malloys
and now betsy donovan.

And this plague
is spreading, folks.


My children
can't be responsible!

I haven't let them come near
town since this thing started!

They haven't been
anywhere near you people!

You people?

Our taxes pay for that place,
hattie, don't you forget it.

This town hasn't put
ten cents into that orphanage.

You people built it
with the best of intentions

and then just
left it there to rot!

All right, now,
don't make it personal, hattie.

This is as personal
as it gets, mayor.

That woman is playing
with our lives.

Ray, you can't blame
miss clarence or those children

for what's happening here.

We don't even know
what this disease is yet.

We do know.

Doc simpson says it's cholera.

[panicked chattering]


You knew about this,
and you didn't warn us?

She's doing the best she can.

Well, her best doesn't
seem very good, now, does it?

We need a real doctor,

not some uppity spinster
who wants to play pretend!

Everyone, calm down!

We need to give dr. Simpson
enough time to do her job.

She needs a chance.

Our families are sick, mayor.

How long are we supposed
to wait?

Those orphans
need to be run outta town!

All right, now, that's it.
That is enough.

We will have a town meeting
tomorrow night,

right here, 5:00.

And we will decide the fate
and future of the orphanage.

You heard it.
Mayor said it.

On your way, then.

[frustrated chattering]

[soft acoustic guitar music]

Oh, belinda.

I know how much you miss drew.

[bell tolls]

[rooster crows]

[dogs bark]

What is it?

What is it?

I know why the sick
aren't getting any better.

Cholera doesn't
directly k*ll the body.

It drains it of all its fluid,

and so the patient
dies from dehydration, right?

That's why we've been
giving them so much water,

except the fact that most of it
keeps coming back up.


So we need to find a way
to give the children

so much water that their bodies
retain some of it.

I don't understand.

The hospital at johns hopkins
is doing an experiment...

a method called
intravenous therapy.

Works just like taking blood,
only in reverse.

You drip a fluid,
usually a medication,

into the body through the veins.

So by injecting it
directly into the bloodstream,

it's harder
for the body to reject.

We have no idea how to build
something like this.

I'll go to the post office
and telegraph johns hopkins.

Wait, belinda,
where are you going?

The post office
doesn't open for two hours.

[children playing]

I truly think this could work.

Dr. william halstead of
johns hopkins agrees it could be

the most effective way
to treat the sick.

We don't have anything
like this in our infirmary.

Well, no one does,

not yet, at least.

Um, it's still
fairly experimental.

We'd have to build
each one of them on our own.

Sounds expensive.

Belinda, I...

we hardly make ends meet here.

You're right.

I'll pay for it.


I can't ask you to do that.

You're not asking me.

And my father loves his causes.

He'd be more than happy to give
us anything that we needed.

So let's make the list, and let
me worry about paying for it.

Well, the most important
element is the rubber tubing.

We can start there.

If you want more tubing,

I'll have to order it
from st. Louis.

Would you?

Oh, and I need
as many bottles as I can find.

Soda bottles would be best.


Sodie bottles.

[upbeat fiddle music]

Is this all right?


Hey, doc.

I'd offer to help, but I think
I know what you're gonna say.

You're a fast learner,
mr. Owens.

She's spending
too much time here.

Would you mind if I took her
to the clinic with me?

But if the disease
is passing person to person,

should she really be out there
with the townspeople?

She's not sick.

And neither are we.

You sure do have a lot of books.

Books are very important to me.

There's nothing useful in books.

That's not true at all.

I found the idea
for the intravenous therapy

in this very book.

Besides, my mama taught me

that the really good ones
can take you places

you might never see otherwise,

like china or africa or france.

I thought you said
you were an orphan like me.

And I told you
that I was very lucky

to be adopted by my mama.

So she's not really your mother.

Yes, she is.

Family's just
what you make of it.

Miss clarence
is a part of your family

just like annie
is a part of mine.

Can I be a part of your family?

Do you ladies
have the supplies ready?

We should start working
on the intravenous devices.

Yes, we should.

[clears throat]


Oh, thank you, cyrus.
Thank you very much.

All right, everybody.

Now, I want you
to all understand

that I hear your concerns.

I don't think you do, mayor.

We're talking
about our lives here.

Well, what if
sending the children away

doesn't stop the disease?

It can very well spread
even after the kids are gone.

And then the death
of innocent children

will be on your hands.

All right.

The bottom line is this:

Dr. Simpson is working
on a new treatment.

She just needs a little time
to put it into place.

There's plenty here who believe

the time to put 'em out
is long overdue.

[murmurs of agreement]

All right, then,
we'll put it to a vote.

All those in favor of giving
doc simpson one week

to implement her new plan,
say "aye."

And those who want to shut down
the orphanage permanently

will say "nay."

All those in favor.

Crowd: Aye.

All those opposed.
Group: Nay!

All right, the ayes have it.

Dr. simpson,
you have one week

to show some improvement
in those children.

And we will reconvene then
and take another vote.

Until then,
this meeting is dismissed.

Go on. Thank you.

No loitering here.
Move along, now.

How's it coming?

Turns out I'm not
much of an inventor.


lemme see what you got there.

I need to fill
the bottle with liquid

and then have it drip
slowly through the tube,

but I can't figure out how to
get the opening narrow enough.

Well, even if you manage
to get the tube attached,

how are you gonna get
the liquid in once it's sealed?

I hadn't even thought of that.


I may have an idea.

That'll do it.

Still a little hot.
Take a minute to cool down.


How did you do that?

Well, it's more involved
than I'm used to,

I'll give you that,
but not that hard.

See, now you
can just pop the cap

on the bottle, like this...

and then refill it
as you need to.

And I thought I was so clever.

I never would've
gotten that to work.

I think you're also
gonna need a stand

to hold the bottle up like this.

I'll see if I can work
something out this afternoon.

That is so kind of you.

You know, you're the only one

that calls them children
instead of orphans.

I think you're
the only one in this town

that's on their side.

No, that's not true.

They've got you, don't they?


everyone needs someone
to fight for them.

No child should
have to manage on their own.

I don't think this town
realized that till you got here.

I'm sorry.

I need to go.

Um, just bring the rest
of your supplies down, and, uh,

I'll have these
finished up by tomorrow.

If you ever need some help,
I know of someone.


I think she could
use the company

just as much as you could
use the help.


I'll, uh, stop by the orphanage
and pick her up this afternoon.

Oh, she'll like that.

Belinda's pretty smart,
isn't she?

She sure is.

I couldn't have come up
with something like this.

I would've...

you know, if I had
her kind of book smarts.


Doc belinda says I'm clever.

Well, I think she's right.

[inhales deeply]

All right.

Let's get started
on the next set of tops.

Uh, let's go get some water.

I'm a good worker.

Doc belinda says
I'm the only one she trusts.

So just point me
in the direction of your bucket,

and I'll take it from there.

You'll take it from there.

Are you sure
you can handle that?

Of course I'm sure.

All right.
Bucket's right there.

People are silly.

This bucket is so small.

Take three trips
to get enough water.

[water pumping]

I don't need any help.

I'm just fine
on my own, thank you.

Ain't you from the orphanage?


My name's lillian.


What're you
doing outside, child?

I'm getting water
for mr. Owens.

We've got lots of work
to do for doc belinda.

Is that right?

Dr. simpson let you
come out here?

Yes. It was her idea.

Howdy, ray.

You all right, lil?

Yes, mr. Owens.

I didn't touch a hair
on that child's head, lee.

She shouldn't be out here,
and you know that.

You aren't gonna go near
any of these children

or dr. Simpson ever again.

Come on, lil.

Let's get back to work.

You sure you wanna be
touchin' that vermin, lee?

She might infect you too.

For god's sake...

ray, they're children.

come on.

Let's get back to work.

You know, I just remembered
we're out of eggs.

And we certainly can't make
breakfast tomorrow without them.

Well, let's go to the general
store before it closes.

I can take care of that.

Why don't you go
check on lee's progress

with the intravenous devices?

I'll meet you back here
in a few minutes.

Howdy, doc.

Iillian had a lot of fun
with you this afternoon.

Well, I enjoyed her company too.

She couldn't stop
talking about it.

She speaks very highly
of you too.

I'm sorry I left so abruptly.

Well, I know you were married,

if that's what you
wanna tell me.

I'm sorry about your husband.

I'm beginning to think

annie should've just taken out
an ad in the newspaper.

It would've been faster
than telling everyone.

Well, she only told me
because she knew you wouldn't.

I like you a lot, lee.

I just...

don't know if I'm ready.

It's all right.

I'm a very patient man.

And you're well worth
waiting for.

But, um...

I don't want you
to walk away from this

just 'cause you're scared.

I can't lose anyone.

I'm not going anywhere.
You don't know that.

Look what's going on
in this town.

You think carl russell
ever even thought about cholera?

You can't go
through life worried

about what's around
every corner.

You have to let yourself
have some joy.

Otherwise, what's the point?



Well, whenever you're ready...

you know where to find me.

Good day, mr. Owens.

Have a good day, doc.

A letter came for you.

You ready to walk home?

I really am gonna miss you.

"My dearest belinda",

"I am so sorry to hear
of your struggles in missouri.

"I try not to, but I can't help
but worry for your safety.

"But I trust in god and truly
believe that you have been sent

"to help the people of sikeston.

"We all have times
of fear and doubt.

"We all wonder why we were given
such a heavy burden to carry.

"But know in your heart

"that god never gives us
more than we can handle,

"even when it might
seem that way.

"When I am afraid,

"it is prayer that carries me
through to happier times

"and reassures me that
everything happens for a reason.

"You're always
in our thoughts, belinda.

"Stay safe, and I look forward
to hearing from you soon.

Love, mama."

Will that hurt?
Not much at all.

[labored breathing]

Will this make them better?

I think so.

You should've seen it, katie.

Bill dobbs got chewing gum
stuck in his hair.

And he tried everything
to get it out.

Miss clarence put so much
mayonnaise on his head,

it smelled like rotten salad.


Katie, can you hear me?

Katie seems worse today.

She was never
a healthy child to begin with.

I think that's why she
and lillian get along so well.

They're my two little outcasts.

I know what that feels like.

I can tell.

I think that's why
you're such a...

a strong, fine example for her.

Not a wonderful example,
least of all to a ten-year-old.

You're a strong woman doctor
with a good heart.

The very definition of a...
a fine example.

Going through a tough time
doesn't make you a bad person.

Those things
define who we become.

In the best of times,

everyone grows and prospers,

but when times
are at their worst,

we find out what we have in us.

You're only saying that
because of what annie told you.

Belinda, no.

I see the loss and the grief

in everything you do and say.

I've worked here
in the orphanage

for the last 20 years.

I know the signs.


I know annie told you
about my husband.

Drew had tuberculosis.

it was long and painful.

And I couldn't help him.

And when he died,

the head nurse at the sanatorium
took me to see his body

and told me
that it was god's will.

And I thought,

how could any god
make me a doctor,

if, with all
my medical training...


I still couldn't
save my husband?

My own husband!

I gave up trying
to understand god's will,

oh, long, long ago.

Maybe we're just not meant to.

So I'm just supposed to believe

that everything will work out
like it should.

I-I think maybe that's right.


you spend so much time worrying

that you miss
all the happy times

and the people who might've been
important to you.


Thank you.
Thank you, ma'am.


You sure you're gonna
be okay without me?

I'll have to be, won't I?

Thank you for everything, annie.

I couldn't have done this
without you.

I feel the same way.

I wish I wasn't saying
good-bye to you.

This isn't good-bye.

I'll be in kansas
before you can even miss me.

I'm gonna hold you to that.

You'd better.

Ready, ma'am?


Sorry to see annie leave.

Me too.

But it was time
for her to move on.

Be all right if I accompany
you to the town meeting tonight?


Have I ever told you
you're a very persistent man?

Many times, ma'am.

Then I suppose
your persistence has paid off.

I'd be honored.


"I'll miss annie
now that she's gone",

"but I knew she couldn't
stay forever.

"life changes when it wants to

"and often
in the most unexpected ways.

"I've met a wonderful man
named lee.

"I just don't know yet
if I can let go

"of drew
or how I'm even supposed to.

"But my heart is light in ways
it hasn't been for a long while.

"Thank you so much
for your love and support,

"and know that I miss you,
pa, maddy, and jacob each day.

Love, belinda."

[dog howls, barks distantly]

[bell tolling]

Doc simpson!

You have to come quick.

It's john.

He wouldn't wake up when I came
to check on him this morning.




no! No, please!

Lillian, it's all right.

Katie can't be dead.

I took care of her myself.


Iillian, dear,
it'll be all right.

You took care of her.

Please, miss clarence.
Please, make her better.

You'll be all right, sweetheart.

When did this happen?

Sometime during the night.

It's not true!

it's not true!

You'll be all right.

Iillian, honey, I am so sorry.

Sorry doesn't make it better!

Miss clarence?

Are you okay?

Okay, lay down.
All right, all right.

Come here.

It's okay.

I came as soon as I heard.

I'm failing, lee.

These people are dying, and I...

I can't figure it out,
and I don't understand why.

You're not failing.

You're doing everything you can.

You came up
with that contraption

to help people get back
the fluid they lost.

Giving them all the water
they can take.

They haven't eaten in days,

so it's not just water
they're lacking.

That's it.

I've been replacing the water
but not the nutrients.

You know,
they used to give puppies

cow's milk if the mother died.

But it's not the same, right?

No, because cow's milk
doesn't have the same nutrients.

So they came up with a solution
of water, sugar, and salt.

And it worked?

Mortality rate dropped
by more than half.

That's what I should've been
doing all along.

I'm gonna go
to the general store

and pick up some salt and sugar,

and then I'll make it
at the orphanage,

right at the kitchen.

All right.

I think that about does it.


Mayor, I need you
to postpone the town meeting,

just one or two days...
i think I can help these people.

I just need some more time.

There isn't going to be
a meeting, dr. Simpson.


Four more townspeople
have fallen ill.

John pine and the orphan...

town council felt it
was too dangerous to try

and bring people together
under close quarters.

That's a very good idea, mayor.

Now, just give me
the names of the new patients,

and I should be able
to get to everybody tonight.

I just need to start
with the orphanage.

You will do no such thing.

As of tomorrow morning,

sikeston will no longer
have an orphanage.


Uh, are you serious?

I most certainly am.

I came here to post
an eviction notice.

You're gonna put those
sick children out on the street?

Don't you understand
nobody's gonna take them in.

They're gonna die.

Lee, I did my best.

I can't protect them anymore.

Just gimme two more days, mayor.

Please. Two more days.

No one but lee or myself
will be able

to go in or out
of the orphanage,

and it's practically
quarantined anyway.

I'll try.

I'll try again.

But I'm afraid
this situation might already

be out of my control.



You sure about the ratios?

I think so.

Just remember to put more sugar
than salt into the mixture.

And make sure it boils
completely so the crystals

don't clog up
the intravenous contraptions.

All right.

All right,
I'm gonna go talk to lillian.

I hate to involve such
a little girl in all of this,

but I don't think
we can do without her.


Are you feeling okay, lillian?

Do you feel sick?


Ain't been sick
a day in my life.

Katie was my only friend.

Now I got nobody.

I didn't know,
doc belinda, I swear.

I didn't mean to hurt them.

What are you talking about?

You said I was making them sick,

feeding everybody
with the same cup.

It's my fault.

I didn't know.

You didn't hurt anyone.

I did.

You said so.

I shouldn't have said that.

I was upset,
and I wasn't thinking.

But I didn't mean
that you made anyone sick,

'cause that's just not true.


If it's anyone's fault,
it's mine.


But you work so hard, miss.

Before you got here,
nobody came to help us.

You tried.

Miss clarence says, "sometimes
that's all we can do."

She's right.

And miss clarence
needs us right now.

She needs us to be strong,

even if we don't feel so tough.

Can you do that?

I can if you can.

It's a deal.

Come on.

[melodic piano
and female vocalist]

♪ I know
that hope can heal ♪

♪ and life must carry on

♪ in your face

♪ is my return to grace

♪ and your smile

♪ is a light
that makes me strong ♪

♪ like a child

♪ If I touch

♪ then can I feel again?

♪ This heart will find relief

♪ if I love

♪ then can I heal again?

♪ And restore

♪ an innocent belief

♪ like a child

♪ Ooh...

[quiet slurping]

[sizzling and cracking]


[rings bell]


Get some water!


I'm gonna go get another bucket.


We need some help!

[woman yelling]


You ought not let

them orphans play
with fire, miss simpson.

Somebody might get hurt.

Stop, lee. I'll handle this.

All right!

What were you thinkin', ray?

People could've died.


A few may have died.

But it's for the good of many.

Does anyone hold with
what this man did tonight?

We can't abide by this, ray!

Well, that's just fine.

You go ahead and let

those no-accounts
be the undoing of this town.

I'm proud of what I done.

You have nothing to be proud of.

lock this piece of trash up.

Get him outta here.

You come along now.

Don't test me, ray.

Just you wait.

You reap what you sow, people.

You hear me?

You reap what you sow.

How could anyone believe

that that's what god
wanted them to do?

If you want
to believe something enough,

I suppose you search
for justification.

What ray russell did
has nothing to do with god.

I know...

or at least I used to know.

I worked with this woman once
whose two children died,

and she turned away from god.

And I remember wondering,

"how could you not know
that your faith

would carry you
through your hardships?"

And then...

when drew died,
I waited to be carried

for weeks.

All night and day,
I waited for a sign

that god was there.

And I heard nothing.

And then one day
I just stopped listening.

Just because we don't hear
what we want to

doesn't mean god isn't speaking.

I'm trying to listen.

I just don't understand
what I'm supposed to listen for.

Talk to god.

And then be silent.

He will answer you.

Sleep well, miss clarence.


God, I know it's been
a long time since we've spoken.

And I've tried
to do right by this town...

by these children...

and I don't know
if there's any more I can do.

These children
deserve to be happy...

healthy, and loved.

Please, let this be
enough to save them.

Please, I need you.

Thank you.

Her fever broke just after dawn.

I'm glad, mrs. Pine.

She's not out of the woods yet.

She'll need
to continue treatment

for at least two weeks.

Anything you say.

And I want you eating solid food

as soon as you feel up to it.

Thank you so much,
dr. Simpson.

I've gotten
to all the townspeople.

Not everyone has responded,

but the worst off will probably
come around in a few days.


I-I'll take that batch
up to the kids

and bottle the rest
for the town.



[chicken clucking]

looks like it got away from you.

Uh, I know.

I should be helping inside.

But it gets so stuffy in there.

Well, no girl should be
cooped up inside all day.

Miss clarence says
that thing ain't run well

since buchanan was in office.

And if it's rusted
through again,

might need
mr. Owens to fix it.

Iillian, a woman
is just as capable

of fixing a water pump as a man.

Sure, if she had a wrench.

Do you got a wrench?


I better go in and
tell mr. Owens about the pump.

But if you need water now,

the well is right
through those trees.

Come on, I'll show you.

It's just right back there.

Thank you.

Iillian told me
about the water pump.

I'll get it fixed right away,

but you wanna stay away
from the water in this well.

You knew it looked like this?

Well, town hasn't used it
in a few years,

ever since we got
the water pumps up and running.

How long have people
been dumping into the well?

I'm not sure.

The mayor tried to board it up
a few years ago,

but people would just rip
the planks off

and use it anyway.

I've known about it for a while,

but I'm not sure
when it started.

Thank you.

Where you headed?

I need to tell the mayor

to stop the town
from using the water pumps.


You want me
to tell the people in town

to stop using water?


Or at least boil the water
for two minutes,

'cause the well
is just not safe.

I know the well isn't safe.

That's why we use the pumps.

Except all of the water
comes from the same place.

People have been dumping
rotted wood and rusted metal

in it for months now,

both of which are
a breeding ground for bacteria.

The germs
spread through the water,

and you accidentally
contaminated the entire system.

Which is why none
of the farmers got sick.

You see, they're too far away
from the well to be affected.

It started at the orphanage,
then moved toward the town.

Yeah, but the well
is separate from the pumps.

Not really.

All of the town's water
runs together underground.

It's just like a pond.

You only have three pumps
in town, mayor,

all of which are only
1/4 of mile away.

Once the well was contaminated,
it was just a matter of time

before it spread
to the groundwater.

Mayor, if people continue
to drink this water,

people will continue
to get sick.

But the sickness
came from the orphans.


It came from the water
under the orphanage.

It's just like
miss clarence said...

we left that place to rot,
and now we're paying for it.

I had no idea this was going on.

You have to understand that.

There's no need to place blame.

Doesn't matter how it happened,

just as long as we fix it
and it never happens again.

I will be here
for as long as you need me,

so there's no excuses
getting out of bed.

I'm not sure how lillian...

what she'll do with herself

when you're not around
here so much.

She's become so attached to you.

We'll see each other.

It's an orphanage.

The splinters
and hay fever alone

will keep me busy for years.

You get some rest.


Oh, thank you, dear.


I'm gonna catch you!

♪ You can't catch me!
Na na-na na na na ♪

you know I was never
very good at those.

They always fell apart.

I can teach you.
I'd like that.


I guess you
gotta get back to helping

the rest of the town.

You make it sound
like I'm going somewhere.

My office is
right down the street.

I know.

But we're only allowed
out of the yard

when miss clarence takes us
to the general store

to get a penny candy
for somebody's birthday.

Then I'll just have
to come visit you.


And I'll get permission for you

to come work
with me at the clinic.

I need my best assistant,
after all.

You don't need to do that

to make me feel better,
doc belinda.

I know you don't need
a kid getting in your way.

Iillian, you're never in my way.

That's what everybody says.

They don't mean it.

You don't have
to feel bad about it,


I'm just fine here on my own.

Well, there's another option.

What's that?

You could come live with me.

You mean it?

I don't say things I don't mean.

But you would have to focus
on your schoolwork.

Education is
very important to me.

I could do it if you help me.

And this wouldn't be
a temporary arrangement.

I want you
to be a part of my family

if you want me
to be a part of yours.

I love you, doc belinda.

I'll be the best daughter
you could ever hope for.

I love you too, lillian.

It's so funny.
When I was adopted by my mama,

she had my room set up
almost the exact same way.

It's nice of you
to give lillian her privacy.

Well, every girl needs privacy,

especially when
she's never had any before.

Besides, this is only temporary

until I can afford
a larger home.

About that...

I love you, belinda simpson.

That's not going away.

I don't care how long
I have to wait.


I know all the reasons
you have for saying no.

But I want to marry you.

I would...

now, this is all new to me.

But I swear I'm gonna be
a good father to lillian

and a husband to you.


I would love to marry you.

[exhales sharply]

And I love you too.

[woman vocalizing]

Do you, lee owens,

take belinda simpson to be
your lawfully wedded wife,

to love, honor, and obey
all the days of your life?

I do.

And do you, belinda simpson,

take lee owens to be
your lawfully wedded husband,

to love, honor, and obey
all the days of your life?

I do.

Then by the powers vested in me

by the great state of missouri,

I pronounce you
husband and wife.

Oh, my.

You may kiss her now.


[cheers and applause]

[louder cheers and applause]

What a beautiful bride!

God bless you both.

Every blessing to you.

Can I kiss the bride?

[melodic piano
and female vocalist]

♪ This heart
will find relief ♪

♪ if I love

♪ then can I heal again

♪ and restore

♪ an innocent belief

♪ like a child?

We got a letter today.

Who's it from?

My mama, your grandma.

I really have grandmas now?

You sure do.

You got a bargain
in the family department.

You got uncles and cousins
and two grandmas

and two grandmas
who are crazy about you.

How can grandma tyler
be crazy about me?

'Cause I'm crazy about you.


What's it say?

"Dearest belinda",

"I wish we could've been there
for your wedding to lee.

"And the family can't wait
for your next visit

so that we can welcome
our new son and granddaughter."

[clicks tongue]

I know there will be
many more struggles ahead,

many more
wonderful adventures as well.

As the bible says, "to
everything there is a season,

and a time
to every purpose under heaven."
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