Love Finds a Home (2009)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Love Finds a Home (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Chattering ]

I am not gonna make a fuss over it.
I promise.

It's not that I don't appreciate you offering
to stay with me while Peter's away.

You go visit your friend.

After the baby comes, there
won't be much travelin'.

Thank you for understanding, Mary.

I don't wanna hurt your feelings,
but I do wanna visit Belinda.

It takes a lot more than that
to hurt this old crone's feelings.

But it would hurt my feelings if you
delivered my first grandson without me.

I'll be back in plenty of time.
And I'm counting on you.

Keep good thoughts. For the baby.

- We'll see you in a few weeks, Mother.
- All right.

Peter Watson, you drive slowly and easily...

and-and avoid the ruts and the bumps.

Annie and my grandson do not need
to be jostled around like a sack of potatoes.

Yes, ma'am.

- I got it, Freddy Joe.
- [ Man ] Yes, sir!

- Step up!
- [ Whinnies ]

[ Man ]
Have a good time!

[ Woman Shouting, Indistinct ]

[ Woman ]
It just feels awful sometimes.

What exactly are you feeling?

I don't mean to complain, Doctor,
but I 'm just plumb wore out.

Sometimes I can barely keep my head up.

And when did you start feeling this way?

When I had my youngest,
about five months ago.

Open your mouth, please.

Your gums are very pale, Mabel. You haven't
noticed when you look in the mirror?

I'm not sure I know
what they're supposed to look like.

Well, I think you have anemia, which means
you don't have enough iron in your body.

It's common with new mothers.

When the baby was inside of you,
he took most of your iron.

- So it's nothing serious then?
- Oh, it's very serious.

What took you so long to come to me?

Well, you see,
my husband doesn't think I'm really sick.

- He says I'm just lazy.
- You take care of six children and a husband.

You work harder than he does.

Lloyd's a good man, Doc Owens.
Really, he is.

He just don't trust doctors.

Not since his sister died.

Is there a tonic I can take for this anemia?

There is a tonic, but eating vegetables
would be much more effective.

Lloyd doesn't really like
all those vegetables.

He prefers his meat and potatoes.

Take two spoonfuls twice a day
and come and see me in a week.

It's very important
that my comin' to see you is kept private.

What goes on between a doctor and a patient
is always very private.

- [ Horse Neighs ]
- [ Whimpering, panting ]

- Hello, Lee.
- Hey there, Reverend.

You leaving that bronc of yours
saddled all day?

I'm just trying to wear him down
for the ride home.

You're here early. You're here late.

Sometimes I don't know
if I'm coming or going.

Aren't you expecting company?

My wife's best friend from medical school.
She should get here any day now.

I was referring to that apprentice of yours.

He should be here on Thursday's stage.

I'll leave you to your work, Lee.

- You have a good day, Reverend.
- [ Man Speaking, Indistinct ]

All finished?

That'll be $2.00 for the doctor
and 50 cents for the medicine.

I'm sorry..
My husband doesn't allow me any extra money.

I have to use the sock money I've saved up.

Why don't we just call it a dollar even?

Thank you. That's very kind of you.

Don't mention it, Mrs. McQueen.

[ Woman ]
Tell her I'll be by with that medicine.

[ Man ] I will. Absolutely.
It's very good to see you.

- Oh, thank you. Thank you.
- Now, you take care of yourself.

- Okay.
- All right, pal.

- Let's have a nice, easy ride today. Okay?
- [ Snorting ]

I don't want any more
of that funny business.

Here it comes. Easy.

- Whoa! Hey!
- [ Neighs ]

- [ Man ] Everybody get inside!
- Settle down now. Settle. Settle.

- Easy now.
- [ Neighing ]

I guess we're still in the learning process.

- [ Horse Snorting ]
- Come on. [ Tongue Clicking ]

[ Woman ]
That was a close one.

- Aunt Annie's here.
- [ Kisses Cheek ]

- Aunt Annie!
- Oh, Lillian, my love.


She looks wonderful, doesn't she, pa?

Sure. She, uh, looks very round.

I'm so glad you and Uncle Peter are here.

- Oh, let me get that.
- Oh, it's fine. treats me like a China doll.
I'm not gonna break.

- I'm so glad you came.
- Me too.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate...

you looking after Annie while I'm away.

I didn't wanna take a surveying job...

this close to her having the baby,
but we need the money.

- I'll be back in plenty of time.
- Put your mind at ease, Pete.

- We're happy to have her.
- My mother would have stayed with Annie.

But I wanted to come visit my best friend
and her family before the baby comes.

- And we're so glad you did.
- How are things down at the clinic?

Broken bones and bee stings.
Anything a nursing student can handle.

Don't let her fool you, Aunt Annie.
The town loves Ma.

- They wouldn't know what to do without her.
- Those are very kind words.

- But they're hardly true.
- [ Sighs ]

How about I start cleaning, and, Lee,

you'll help them get
settled in for the night?

It's, uh- It's good having Annie here.

It is.

She's your best friend, isn't she?

I like to think of you
as my very best friend.

Why don't you tell
your very best friend where you are?

I'm right here.

Well, you seem like
you're a hundred miles away.

- I'm just tired.
- Are you sure that's all there is to it?

- What's wrong?
- I'm not pregnant.

Don't worry yourself about it.

We've tried for so long.

We have more than we can handle with Lil.

Oh, I know, but-

It's just that
when Annie found out the news...

it made me want a baby of our own even more.

- Mm-hmm.
- And...

now that she's staying with us-


We are gonna have
a beautiful baby of our own.

All good things come in God's time...

and... maybe we should just let him decide.

What if he doesn't want us to have a baby?


Come on.

Let's go help Lil finish the dishes. Hmm?

I guess I'd best be leaving now.

Peter, please be careful.

Yes. My level and compass
are dangerous pieces of equipment.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

Bye, ladies.
Take good care of my Annie.

Will do.

Step up!

[ Chattering ]

Boy, are you all right?

Hyah! Hold 'em!


[ Shouting, Indistinct ]

Hup! Ho! Ho! Easy.

Well, about time, isn't it?

- The bags.
- Got it.

Check on the team.

- [ Man ] Welcome home, darlin'.
- Oh, it's beautiful.

[ Man ]
How was the trip?

[ Woman ]
Just lovely.

- You must be Joshua Coil.
- Yes, sir.

Lee Owens.
Welcome to Sikeston. How was your trip?

Couldn't believe how far
it was just to get here.

Nothing but wide open spaces.

- This your first time away from home?
- Yes, sir.

Well, Sikeston's a nice little town.

- I hope you like it.
- I expect so.

- Can I help you with your things?
- Don't have much.

All right. Come on.
Let me show you the shop.

Sounds good.

So we do a little bit of everything here.

Livery work and rolling stock.

Custom work for the building trade.

When your blows are even and you can work a straight piece of metal,

those will be your tools.

It's hard work, but we manage to make
something that lasts a generation or two.

It gives you a sense of pride.

[ Chuckles ]
I reckon that's true.

- [ Whimpering ]
- What do you say? You ready to get started?

- Yes, sir.
- All right then.

How was your walk?

Like carrying around a

Slow day?

Oh, I'm sure it's only a matter of time
before someone comes in...

from getting caught on a rusty nail
or falling off a ladder.

When I was traveling
through Selena last month...

there was a rash of copperhead snakebites.

It felt like every day
someone was dragged into the clinic.

I haven't had anything
as exciting as a snakebite in months.

You should be grateful
to have a healthy community to serve.

It's our job as doctors to care about even
the most minor illness or affliction.

And our patients deserve
and need our compassion.

That's right out of a textbook.

Belinda, are you sure there isn't anything
you'd like to talk to me about?

You can tell me anything. You know that.

- [ Moans Sharply ]
- What is it?

It's a quick, sharp pain and a
shortness of breath and minor faintness.

- Let's get you to an examination room.
- It's not necessary.

- Is the baby moving?
- It isn't that.

[ Groans ]
It's nothing to be concerned about.

Let me finish some things up,
and we'll get you home.

You know, my pa says walking's good
for a man's constitution.

You always walk?

Well, lately, I've been riding.

- You walking on my account?
- No. No.

I got a horse to give to Lillian...

but he's still a little green and testy.

I've been breakin' him,
gettin' ready for her to ride.

I figured I'd give him and me the day off.

I know nothing of saddle horses,
only a harness pro.

- I stick with wagons.
- You're better for it.

I really wish you would just sit down
after what happened today.

- What happened today?
- Absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

And that's coming from the doctor in me.

When you go home,
who will deliver your baby?

My mother-in-law. She's a midwife.

Well, I wish I was the one
delivering your baby.

It's a doctor's job after all.

I'm sure it's gonna be fine.

Ladies, if you don't mind,
I brought home a guest for supper.

Ahh. Ah.

And you must be Joshua. Welcome to our home.

- It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Owens.
- Uh, that's ‘‘Dr. Owens."

You're a doctor?

Yes, as is my best
friend, Dr. Annie Watson.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Joshua.

Ma'am. It's funny. I just had no idea women
were allowed to be doctors.

- Allowed?
- No. I just-

And just who would
we need permission from?

Go easy on him, Lil.

He just got here. I'm sure he's aware
of what women can accomplish. Hmm?

Apparently not.

That's our daughter, Lillian.
We raised her to speak her mind.

You'll get used to it.

Well, now, let's go get washed up.

It smells like my favorite.

- Well, she certainly is your daughter.
- Indeed.

- Miss Owens?
- Mr. Coil.

I just want you to know...

I meant no disrespect earlier.

I would express an opinion,
but I'm not sure I'm allowed.

Well, I'd very much like to
hear your opinions.

I think you're very old-fashioned.

Women can pursue any career
they want these days.

They already have female lawyers,
doctors and ministers.

A town in Kansas even had a woman mayor.

Well, I have no objections to your mother
and aunt being doctors. I swear.

It's just-
Well, I've never met a lady doctor before.

I'm apologizing.
I guess I'm just not doing a very. Good job.

Apology accepted.

- Well, I 'll leave you to your schoolwork.
- Well, this isn't for school.

So you read for fun?

I'd read just about all day
if Ma and pa would let me.

Well, all right.

I'll leave you to your book, Miss Owens.

Good night, Mr. Coil.

- Nice young man.
- I hadn't noticed.

- Good night, pumpkin.
- Good night, pa.

- [ Knocking ]
- Come in.

- How are you?
- I feel fine.

- Is everything all right?
- I can't get pregnant.

Belinda, you're young and healthy.

It may just take some time.

It's just- I think Lee is so disappointed.

- Have the two of you talked about it?
- Yes.

And he says he's fine
with the way our lives are.

But recently,
he's been at work more than ever.

His business is booming.

He's had to hire help.

You're probably right.

I'm really glad you're
back and we can talk again.

Me too.

- Oh!
- Annie, what is it?

It's that pain again.

And it's more severe this time.

Oh, I feel light-headed.

[ Exhales ]
Belinda, I think something is really wrong.

- Is she gonna be all right?
- I believe so.

- The baby?
- He should be fine for now.

Annie thinks it was preterm labor,
but I just don't know.

- Why?
- I think it's eclampsia.

That sounds serious. What is it?

It's a condition of pregnant women,
but it's not well understood.

What makes you think that Annie has it?

Well, the symptoms
include muscle aches and pain...

severe agitation,
unconsciousness, seizures.

- Did she have a seizure?
- No, but she has all the other symptoms.

Well, I'll telegraph Peter first thing in
the morning, tell him what's happened.

Thank you.
And let him know I think it's best...

that Annie stay here
for the remainder of her pregnancy.

- Bed rest is crucial.
- While I'm at it, I'll wire his mother.

- You said she lives in Spartan?
- Thank you.

[ Clucking ]

Do you really think this is necessary?

Total rest for you, Mrs. Watson,
and a dark room is conducive to rest.

To being lazy, you mean.
I cannot just lay around all day.

- I'm a doctor, remember?
- But I'm your doctor.

And this is my home. And if it is eclampsia,
you know bed rest is called for.

- Don't you think you're overreacting?
- Perhaps.

But if I'm not, I won't be sorry later.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

A pear for my peach.

Are you sure you don't want me
to stay home with Aunt Annie?

No. You just run along to school.

I'll post a note on the clinic. If someone
really needs me, they know where to find me.

- Morning, ladies.
- Good morning.

- Bye, Ma.
- Have a good day, darlin'.

- Bye, pa.
- Bye.

That girl kicks up a cloud of dust
everywhere she goes.

Here you go.

Is this your way of telling me
not to come home for supper?

The other one is for Joshua.

A young man just starting off-

look like he could use
a few more good meals.

- Do you have any idea how much I love you?
- It never hurts to hear it.

Come here.

I love you too, Lee Owens.

Oh, and don't forget
to send the telegrams.

All right.

Have a good day, sweet darlin'.

[ Neighing ]

[ Lee's Voice ] ‘‘Belinda feels Annie's
health as well as the baby's...

‘‘is better served staying here
until after the delivery..

I wired Peter the same message. Lee Owens."

[ Chattering ]

- [ Man ] Doc Owens.
- Mr. McQueen.

I 'm sorry. We're closed today.
But if you'd like to make an appointment-

Were you the one that
gave Mabel this tonic?

Yes. It's iron for her anemia.

Why you got to go telling her
she's got this and that condition?

What she has is a spell of laziness.

Mabel is sick, Mr. McQueen.
Give her that medicine.

I don't need your magic potion.

A doctor k*lled my sister with tonic.

I don't know the details
of your sister's death.

But there's no magic to it.
Your wife had a baby a month ago...

and she has a very serious
medical condition.

Maybe if you weren't so hardheaded,
you would realize that.

- Now, my advice-
- I don't need your mouth nor your advice.

And I don't need your magic potion.
Doctors aren't worth a hootin' howl!

[ Man ]
Hey, boy!

Are you all right, Belinda?

Yes. I'm just frustrated
at a very stubborn and hardheaded man.

Lloyd McQueen is truly set in his ways...

but he's still a child of our maker.

He has no compassion
for his wife's condition.

Can't we all get caught up
in our own lives at times...

and lose sight of the compassion
we should have for others?

There I go preaching again.

Oh, it's all right.
I suppose I needed to hear it.

I'll see you in church, Belinda.
Good day.

That's it. Steady blows.

All right.

Your daughter seems very smart, Mr. Owens.
It must run in the family.

Oh, I wish I could take credit
for Lillian's intelligence.

But she was adopted.

- But still, I couldn't be prouder.
- Really?

- Yeah.
- I never would've known.

I mean, she and Mrs.-
I mean, Dr. Owens- sorta look alike.

Is that a fact?

Well, yeah.
I mean, it's just- Lillian's very pretty.

Yeah, I know she's pretty.

[ Annie ]
I'm truthfully not that hungry..

Doctor's orders.

Even if you don't feel up to it,
you need to finish the entire bowl.

I'm not a child, Belinda.

And I'm a doctor. I know what's best for me.

Knowing and doing
are two entirely different things.

- [ Exhales ]
- Is that another contraction?

No. The baby's just kicking.

And I have to tell you.
I'm a little relieved.

I haven't felt him move
since the contractions yesterday.

You just said it was... h-he?

How do you know it's a boy?

I know it sounds silly...

but Mary thinks because
I'm carrying so low that it'll be a boy.

It is silly. That's an old wives' tale.
There's no medical merit to it.

Say what you want,
but when Peter's sister was pregnant...

Mary was concerned because
she was carrying so far out in front.

She said it would be a breech birth,
and she was right.

One lucky guess,
and she's got you believing made-up stories.

Goodness, he's getting his exercise today.

- Do you wanna feel?
- That's all right.

Come on, Belinda. Don't be nervous.

It's so strange.
I never thought I'd be a mother.

Now it suddenly feels like
the most natural thing in the world.

I'm sorry.
I've opened that wound, haven't I?

Maybe we shouldn't talk about it.

You know, I know so many women that
have gotten pregnant without even trying.

And Lee and I have been trying.

We've both seen it take some time.

You just can't get impatient with yourself.

I look after this woman, Mabel McQueen.

She's had six babies in the past eight years
without even trying.

It's important to you, isn't it?

I'd best get supper ready.

Lee and Lillian will be home soon.

I'm here to talk whenever you'd like to.

Please eat your soup, Annie.

I was wondering where you'd run off to.

I just looked in on Annie.
She's out for the night.

She keeps insisting she feels fine.

[ Chuckles ]
I think I've heard that before.

You two are so much alike, it's frightening.

I suppose that's why
we're such good friends.


I notice you didn't have Joshua over
for supper tonight.

Well, I'm pretty sure he's sweet on Lil.

I don't want the two of them
spending too much time together.

Why not? He's only a couple years older.

Doc, he's an apprentice blacksmith.
I want better for Lillian.

I'm the wife of a blacksmith,
and you don't hear me complaining.

I spent the last five years trying to figure out
how I tricked you into marrying me.

- You could've done much better.
- You didn't trick me into anything.

I married you
because I fell in love with you, Lee Owens.

And if Lillian and Joshua
have taken an interest in one another...

I don't think it's our place
to stand in their way.

Besides, telling Lillian
she can't have something...

is like daring to try to stop her.

[ Laughs ]

I get your point.

I don't wanna get in
the way of her happiness.

Still, you left a small town
to follow your dream.

And if Lil wants to go to college,
I darn sure wanna see it happen.

I don't want her tied down to Sikeston.

I hope she knows
what a wonderful and caring father she has.

You know, it's getting a little chilly.
Wanna turn in for the night?

No, you go ahead.
I'll be up in a little while.

Don't be in such a hurry, pretty lady.

- Please allow me to pass.
- Uh-uh. We need to get to know each other.

I think not.
I don't wanna be late for school.

Oh, I can teach you
more than any school can.

Excuse me.
You mind letting the young lady pass?

This ain't none of your affair, sod buster.

- Ah, but it is.
- It ain't.

[ Woman ]
Oh, dear, what-

[ Man ]
What's going on here?

- I'm gonna knock your head off, boy.
- Now, you hold on a second.

Now, the good book tells me
to turn the other cheek.

Now, I only have two.
So after the second, I'm on my own.

[ Man Chuckling ]

- That was the second cheek.
- You're breaking my wrist.

Well, I understand
there's a fine doctor in town.

No. Please don't. Please don't break it.

I trust I'll never see
you around Miss Owens again.

No. Never.

Good. Now get.

[ Men Chattering ]

Good morning, Miss Owens.
You were on your way to school?

Indeed I am.

May I walk with you?

I did the best I could, Jim.

- But you got to go easy on her, all right?
- [ Mouths Word ]

[ Steam Hisses ]

Your pa strikes me as a hardworking man.

He lives and breathes work.

Ma says sometimes he
rolls over in his sleep

and tries to use her
arms like a set of tongs.

[ Chuckles ] I guess that's the future
I have to look forward to.

It's not such a bad life really.

So what about you?

You gonna become a doctor like your ma?

I don't know. I haven't decided.

Maybe I wanna be a lawyer or a
famous writer like Harriet Beecher Stowe.

One thing for sure- I wanna go to college.

Well, I'd better get to work.

- Have a nice day, Joshua.
- You too, Lillian.

[ Belinda ] I don't think you should be
climbing the stairs.

But I feel fine.

What's making me crazy
is sitting in a dark room all day.

But it's only been three days
since you had pain and felt faint.

You know the symptoms and treatment
as well as I do.

That's assuming your diagnosis is correct.

[ Woman Singing, Indistinct ]

Is that singing?

I would know that voice anywhere.
That's Mary.

Your mother-in-law?
What reason does she have to be here?

Mary doesn't need a reason to do anything.

¶¶ [ Singing Continues ]

Well, this must be it.

[ Man ]
Whoa, Tee.

Thank you, my good man.

And you have a blessed day.

[ Gasps ]
And you must be the infamous Doc Owens.

- Infamous?
- Mary Watson.

Oh, but you knew that already.

Now, where is my peach pie?

Oh, would you be a dear
and bring my things along?

- [ Laughs ]
- Mary, what are you doing here?

Well, where else would you expect me to be?
Oh, my little lamb.

But didn't you get the telegraph
from Belinda's husband?

I did. That's why I'm here.

I have nothing against you finishing out
your term with your friend.

But I certainly wasn't going to miss
the birth of my first grandson.

I've missed you.

Ah, it's darker than the
inside of a cow in here.

Yes, it is.

Oh, please don't do that.

Well, she's not a mushroom.
She needs light.

All right, darlin', let's sit up
so I can get a good look at you.

- I'm sorry. What are you doing?
- I'm getting her upright.

If she stays in this bed too long...

she'll get a crick in her back,
and it'll make delivery much more painful.

I think it's better that she's on bed rest
for the remainder of her term.

It's not gonna hurt her to sit up.

When you've delivered as many babies
as I have, you learn a few things.

Well, I've been to
medical school for years...

and rest is the proper treatment.

You don't learn everything
in medical school.

That is a matter of opinion,
and I wholeheartedly disagree.

Ladies, I'm not a sack of flour.
[ Exhales ]

[ Crickets Chirping ]

There I was in the middle
of the worst blizzard I ever saw.

I wasn't too surprised...

when three babies were delivered that night.

- I expected twins, not triplets.
- I n a blizzard?

Oh, the little ones pop out whenever
they want, regardless of the weather.

Fortunately, I don't have many emergencies.

Women giving birth are always an emergency.

[ Chuckles ] That's the penalty we pay
for Eve eating the apple.

It is not a penalty.

Wow, Mrs. Watson.
You sure got an exciting life.

[ Clears Throat ] Well, I should
probably get you up to your room, Annie.

You let that little fella
start running your life now...

you'll be lacing his shoes when he's 30.

Yes. Annie told me you believe it's a boy.

Believe nothing. It's a fact.

[ Laughs ]
Honestly, Mary., you can't possibly-

Actually, I am a little tired.

I'm gonna go to bed.

- [ Clears Throat ]
- I can manage on my own.

Good night, all.

- Good night, Annie.
- Rest well, dear.

- Good night, Aunt Annie.
- Good night, Annie.

- There is no way to tell whether-
- It's time we all settled down.

Huh? We have a full day tomorrow.

Thank you for dinner, Dr. Owens.

Joshua. Lillian told us
that you came to her rescue.

Her mother and I both appreciate it.

It was my pleasure, sir. Thank you again.

I'll walk you out.

[ Sighs ]

Aren't they the most adorable couple?
[ Laughs ]

So tell me.
How was Captain Nemo this evening?

When I left him,
he was exploring the ruins of Atlantis...

although I can't say for sure what he does
when I'm not looking.

I never met a girl that made a book
sound so interesting.

- Well, you can borrow it if you like.
- No, no.

I'm not sure if I'm sold on Nemo just yet.

Maybe you could read
some of it to me though.

Just so I can find out
if it's my kind of story.

I could do that.

Would you like to go on a picnic with me?

Maybe on Saturday we can go out
and find a nice, quiet spot and read.

I think I know just the place.

Lee Owens,
you are not spying on our only daughter.

I'm not spying on her.
I'm just looking out for her.

Good night.

[ People Chattering ]

[ Man Shouting, Indistinct ]

Let's see what you've got there.

- Well?
- You're, uh-You're really improving.

Thank you, sir.
I'm trying my best to impress you here.

Well, as long as it's me
you're trying to impress.

Well, to be honest, I wanted to ask you...

- [ Sighs ]
- maybe, um...

- Lillian and I-
- You want permission to court Lillian.

- Right?
- Yes, sir.

Well, I don't want it
to distract her from her goals.

Well, I promise I'll be respectful of her
and not get in the way of her schooling.

I know how much she wants to go to college.

Well, I'll think about it. All right?

- I understand.
- In the meantime...

finish up with that horseshoe.

- Eli wants this order by noon.
- Yes, sir.

[ Mary ]
You're gonna be late opening your clinic.

[ Belinda ] I don't feel comfortable
leaving Annie here all alone.

And I certainly don't feel comfortable
with her being out of bed this much.

I wish the two of you wouldn't talk about me
as if I wasn't sitting right here.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

You must be so frustrated
cooped up inside all the time.

I will be here with her all day.

You tend to your patients,
and we'll see you at supper.

- If you need anything, I'll be close by.
- Thank you.

Have a nice day.

Praise the Lord! We're free.
[ Laughs ]

peach pie, you get dressed.

We are going out to smell the roses.

Oh! Going to town.


- [ Door Opens ]
- Doc Owens? Can I talk to you?

Mrs. McQueen, come in.

I only have a minute.
I left Lloyd at the general store.

Said I was running to the butcher.

- What can I do for you, Mabel?
- Doc, I feel terrible.

This sickness, it's just getting worse.

I'm dizzy all the time,
and I can barely pick up the young 'uns.

That's because your anemia's getting worse.
Your body needs iron.

- You're only gonna get sicker.
- Well, what can I do to make it better?

I already told you. Vegetables or the tonic.

If you don't listen to my instructions,
there is nothing more I can do.

I tried to take the tonic. Really, I did.
Even started to feel a little stronger.

And then Lloyd found it,
and you know the rest.

I certainly do. He threw a bottle at me.

I'm sorry for that. Really, I am. He was
just upset. He didn't mean anything by it.

He's a wonderful husband and a father.

Maybe. But I can't help you
if you won't help yourself.

Good day, Mrs. McQueen.

[ Scribbling ]

[ Scribbling Continues ]

[ Scribbling Stops ]

Your friend Belinda doesn't seem too happy.

I'd say it's just that
she doesn't like me...

but everybody likes me.

She isn't happy.

She's been trying to have a baby.

Belinda just feels discouraged.

And me showing up in my condition
and staying till the baby comes...

I think it's just another painful reminder.

Why didn't you say something sooner?

If it's baby trouble she's got,
I've surely got the cure.

How about a sugary treat?


I'm sorry, Lloyd. It isn't here yet.

It's been over a week.
You said it'd be here by now.

The freight line lost the shipping order.

- There's nothing I can do about it.
- There's something I could do...

if there was another general store
within 10 miles of here.

It'll be here within a week.

I'm here, Lloyd.

What took you so long?

I'm sorry, Lloyd.
There was a little bit of a line.

There's always an excuse.
Let's get out of here.

I've got fences to mend before sundown.

- [ Woman ] It's not fair.
- [ Woman #2 ]She's-

- Annie!
- [ Woman ] My goodness!

- [ Woman #2 ] That man!
- Ma'am?

- Ma'am?
- She's just feelin' poorly of late.

She's got a newborn and five young 'uns.
Says it wears her out.

You think a mother doesn't work?

[ Scoffs ] I've seen this a bunch
during and after pregnancy.

This is a severe case of anemia.

She don't need coddlin', lady!
I know how to take care of my wife!

No, you don't!

You are selfish...

and rude and contemptuous.

And you can't see the forest for the trees.

Doc Owens is trying
to save your wife's life.

She's dying.

You get her over to the clinic...

and you beg Doc Owens
for more of that tonic.

- Don't talk to me like that.
- I'll talk to you anyway I want-

Get her to the clinic.

[ Woman ]
I admire women like that.

And you better pray
to the merciful and good Lord...

that she doesn't slam
the door in your ungrateful face!

[ Woman ]
Amen. Amen.

I gave you a double dose,
so do not take any more today.

No, ma'am.

Starting tomorrow morning,
take two teaspoons every morning.

And if you don't get your strength back
in four days, get back in here.

I'd like to apologize.

The last time we spoke, I lost my temper.

What do I owe you for the tonic?

Only that you allow her to keep taking it.

We don't need no charity.

The first one was already paid for.
This is just a replacement.

Step up!

- [ Sighing ]
- Yes, dear.

I'm sorry. Are you sleeping?

Well, not anymore.

My apprentice wants to court Lillian.

His name is Joshua.

I told him I'd think about it.

Well, then think.

[ Inhales ]
But don't think too long.

- Lillian's grown up.
- I'm having a hard time with it.

You're having a hard time
letting her grow up.

I'm just trying to protect her.

I don't think she needs protection
from Joshua.

He's a very nice young man.

That's all you have to say about it.

[ Inhales ]
Good night, sweetheart.

[ Exhales ]
All right.

Tomorrow I'll give Joshua
my permission to court Lil.

Don't think I don't know
about your little excursion with Annie.

This town is filled with gossips. You can't
keep a secret for more than five minutes.

It's a pretty little town, Sikeston.

I can see why you like it here.

May I ask why you feel the need

to go against every
instruction I have for Annie?

I don't deliberately go against your word.

- We just disagree about how to treat her.
- This isn't a competition.

If a patient came to you
with gangrene or pneumonia...

I wouldn't dream of telling you
how to treat them.

That's your business.

Babies are my business.
Have been for 30 years.

It's just that there's been
so many new advancements.

Sometimes the old ways are best.

Annie may have a serious condition which
could be fatal to both her and the baby.

Are you sure?

Of course I'm not sure,
but I'm not taking any chances.

So it's true what they say
that doctors only practice medicine.

This conversation obviously
isn't getting us anywhere.

So Annie tells me you're barren...

or, uh- or having trouble anyway.

I don't think that's any of your concern.

I see this problem a lot.

If you want, I can give you some remedies
that are guaranteed to work.

I know how it's done, Mary.

I don't think there's
anything wrong with you.

- So, what do you think is the problem?
- You're too high-strung.

Folks worry too much about work, family...

or whether or not they can have a baby.

Then years go by and nothing happens.

Then one day they decide to stop trying...

and before you know it,
they find they're with child.

So your sage advice for me is to relax.

Read a book before you go to bed.

Take some deep breaths.

And before you know it,
I'll be back to deliver your little one.

I'll make sure I'll try that.

[ Horse Neighs ]

Every baby boy needs his own blanket.
Don't you agree?

- Yes, I do.
- [ Door Opens ]

I'm gonna head to the shop for a few hours.
I'll be back in time for supper.

Don't you ever take time off?

Well, the good book says that a man
who doesn't work doesn't deserve to eat.

And I got a lot of work to do.

We just thought you'd have more time off
once you hired an apprentice.

And I do. Now I'm only two weeks behind
instead of six.

Lillian, you look lovely.
Where you headed off to?

Joshua and I are having a picnic.

You enjoy yourself.
And please, tell Joshua that we said hello.

I will.

You be back in time for
supper now, no exceptions.

I will. I promise.

- Bye, everyone.
- Bye, dear.

[ Neighs ]

[ Lillian ]
‘‘I love it. The sea is everything.

‘‘It covers seven-tenths of the terrestrial
globe. Its breath is pure and healthy.

‘‘It is an immense desert
where man is never lonely...

‘‘for he feels life stirring on all sides.

‘‘The sea is the only embodiment
of the supernatural and wonderful existence.

‘‘It is nothing but love and emotion.

It is the ‘Living Infinite,'
as one of your poets has said."

I've been reading for almost two hours.
You must be bored.

No. I don't think I can ever get bored
listening to you talk.

You're just saying that.

No, I'm not. I swear. It's just-

I'd like this Captain Nemo if he weren't
holding his friends hostage all the time.

Well, he can't let them go.
They might tell the world who he is.

It's about personal freedom.

"Nemo" means "nobody" in Latin.

He's invisible to the world
and wants to keep it that way.

You're brilliant. You know that?

I am not.

Lee, you working today?

You work harder than any man I know.

I can't let the customers down.
Besides, it gives me thinkin' time.

Anything that you'd like
to share with your pastor?

Just a lot of rumblin' around in my head
like a marble.

Sometimes it helps to speak it out loud.

Talking to yourself
only gets the answer you're looking for.

Just can't figure Lillian out.

I'm trying to be a good father to her, but-

Our children grow up,
start spreading their wings.

A father has to be aware of that
and try to grow with his child.

Yeah. Belinda tolerates more than I do.

She's a mother.

The good Lord gave them
the patience of Job...

when it comes to raising their children.

He shortchanged fathers in that area.

[ Laughs ]
Yeah. Yeah.

I really wish you would get some rest.

I feel fine.

Looks like someone may have been wrong
about my condition.


So, have things improved with Lee?

He says he isn't bothered, but...

I still sense that he's disappointed
we can't have a baby.

Well, maybe you're just
being overly sensitive

and you think that he's disappointed.


You know, I'm starting to think
that maybe she regrets marrying me.

Now, Lee, that is just plain nonsense.

She's proud as a peacock
that she married you.

- Maybe.
- Have you spoken to her about it?

Uh, in a roundabout way.
Of course she says I'm wrong.

But still, she seems kind of distant lately.

She's got something on her mind.
Most women do when they get like that.

Hmm. You know, we're, uh...

trying to have a baby.

- So far, no luck.
- You have to have faith.

Sometimes it's hard, Reverend.

Talk to her about your feelings.

I best be getting home.

Mrs. Davis will give me an
earful if I'm late for supper.

Yeah, myself included.

Well, I see...

you didn't need my help
putting supper on the table.

- You were taking a nap, Mary.
- We just wanted you to be able to rest.

I'll rest enough when I'm dead!

Give me that knife before you cut yourself.

[ Exhales Sharply ]

So, do you miss your family?

I do. My pa's a farmer back in Pennsylvania.

He wanted more for me
than spending my entire life plowing fields.

So he said if l got good enough,
maybe I can find some work in Philadelphia.

Sounds like he cares about you a lot.

Yeah, my family's pretty close.

It's kind of strange though,
you know, being out here all by myself.

I have three sisters and two brothers
and not a moment of peace.

Back at the boardinghouse
I got nothin' but quiet.

I know what you mean.
I mostly grew up in an orphanage...

until Ma and pa adopted me when I was 10.

I'd spent so long in a room with other kids
I couldn't wait to have a room of my own.

- Now I miss having someone to talk to.
- You have me.

I do, don't I?

So tell me something.

How'd you ever find a place
like this anyway?

I stumbled across it by accident
while riding one day.

And it's so far off the main road,
so no one really comes out here.

So I brought some of my old stuff,
and now it's where I come to be alone.

I can see why.

Captain Nemo had a cave near the ocean
where he went to escape.

- This reminds me of it.
- [ Chuckles ]

- Well, the timber still seems sound-
- I wouldn't do that.


Not as sound as you may think.

Yeah, you're probably right.

I think it's best we pack up.

Well, I'm happy to see
you and Mary are getting along.

You know,
her fertility advice to me was to...

relax and read a book before bed.

- Did you try it?
- Of course not.

She's been doing this longer
than we've been alive.

I can't believe you, Annie Watson.

You've spent three years
in medical school...

five years practicing medicine and you're
gonna believe that woman's folk magic?

It's rubbish, plain and simple.

We ask people to believe in things
they don't understand and they do...

because they have trust and faith in us,
just like they have faith in the Lord.

Okay, it is not the same thing,
and we're talking about Mary here.

Why do you have such a hard time
believing in Mary's ways?

Look, okay, Mary is a lovely woman...

but you have to admit,
she's a little touched in the head.

She doesn't like me anymore than I like her.

The other day at the general store...

Mary defended you to the ends of the earth.

- What are you talking about?
- The man with the anemic wife?

The one that you said
was such a success story?

Mary is the reason
that he brought her back to you.

That's why Lloyd McQueen
brought his wife back to me?

Mary unloaded on him like a tornado.

Spoke up for you
and just plain made him cower.

Come on. Let's go.

Thank you.

Do you have any idea what time it is?

Hi, pa.

You were supposed to be home for supper.

Joshua and I weren't that hungry, so we
decided to stay out a little while longer.

Well, it's well past supper.
That's more than a little while.

Why are you so angry?

I thought I could trust your judgment,
but apparently I was wrong.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- It means you can't spend any more time...

with Joshua Coil until I say so!

You'll go to school, help your mother
at the clinic and come straight home.

- For how long?
- As long as it takes me to trust you again.

That's completely unfair.
Joshua's only two years older than I am...

and no one tells him what to do.

No one said the world was fair, young lady.


I was worried about you.

[ Groans ]

Hello, Joshua.

Good afternoon, ma'am.

Uh, Mr. Owens told me
how much trouble I caused the other night.

I just wanted to come by and say how
sorry I am for keeping Lillian out so late.

You needn't place the blame all on yourself.
She's old enough to know better.

- Well, I'm still sorry.
- Ma, I can't find the-


Pa said I can't see you for a while.

Pa said you couldn't go out with Joshua.

He said nothing about the two of you
seeing each other.

Thanks, Ma.

Well, I have work to do.
It was nice to see you, Joshua.

There's always room open
at the dinner table for you.

Thank you, ma'am.

Sorry to get you into trouble.

You didn't do anything
wrong, and neither did I.

I'm a grown woman and I don't need my pa
deciding how late I can and can't stay out.

- He's just worried about you is all.
- Well, he doesn't need to be.

There's no need to be cross, Lillian.

I'll still be here when
you get off punishment.

I'm not going anywhere.

- I wanted to return this. Finished it.
- Already?

I just gave it to you.

Well, once I got started,
it was hard to quit.

The sun was already up
when I finally closed the book.

So you stayed up all night
just to read about Captain Nemo?

Well, I don't think I would have gotten
much sleep with or without him.

- I'll be thinking about you.
- Me too.

[ Clucking ]

- Mary?
- In here, dear.

- Annie, should you be up?
- Where are you going?

I've decided to head on home.
I can see you're in good hands.

You're leaving? Before the baby comes?

Oh, you'll do fine.

And besides, the last thing you need...

is an old granny midwife
gumming up the works.

This doesn't have anything to do

with the disagreement between
you and Belinda, does it?

Oh, no. No, no.
[ Laughs ]

Truth is... I'm feeling homesick.

I miss sleeping in my own bed.

And my patients back home don't have
a smart lady doctor to take care of them.

If you've made your decision,
I can't stop you.

I'd really love for you to stay though.

I want my family here when the baby comes.

Belinda is your family, sweetheart.

And Peter will be back with you next week.

Besides, all of you
will be home before long...

and somebody's gotta get the house ready.

I'm gonna go home to check on Annie.
I shouldn't be long.

If there's an emergency,
just send them my way or come running.

- Which you're very good at.
- I will, Ma, and thank you.

- For what?
- For understanding about me and Joshua.

Believe it or not, I was your age once.

I'm not gonna keep her from a church social.

You may not be able to go with her,
but you'll see her there.

In the meantime, we have an order to finish.

Well, all right. I like your attitude.

You're leaving.

- Time for me to go home.
- Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm gonna see her off into town.

I don't think it's a good idea for you to be
carrying luggage and walking into town.

It was my idea, Belinda.

And I've been all over this whole territory
through my entire pregnancy.

I think I can handle a short walk into town.

Doc Owens!


Lillian told me you was here.
Ma's in labor.

Okay, there's a horse and buggy in the barn.
Help me hook it up.

Yes, ma'am.

I trust you won't walk into town
while I'm away?

All right, peach pie,
you get back in the house and stay put.

Belinda and I have a baby to deliver.

- Mrs. Travis is my patient.
- If you find you don't need me...

you have my permission
to just shove me out of the way.

But if you do, I'm there.

Fine, but only because
I don't have time to argue with you.

Thank you, young man.

It's never taken this long.

The first few hours seemed
normal, but then it stopped.

- What stopped, the contractions?
- No.

Doc, the baby.

It's like it's stuck,
but I can't see the head.

- I'll see to it.
- Your mama's gonna be fine.

[ Moans ]

- It's a fetal dystocia.
- A what?

- The baby's shoulder is stuck.
- What are you fixin' to do with that?

We have to get the baby out
before it suffocates.

If we start pulling,
we could make things worse.

- What should we do?
- [ Moaning Continues ]

Well, if you can't
get the baby out from the inside...

you try from the outside.

All right, help me with her now.

- That's good.
- What are we doing?

We're gonna flatten out her hipbones.

- [ Sobbing ]
- Now, Mrs. Travis, lay down for me.

Now, we're gonna see
who's stuck and who's not.

[ Mrs. Travis Sobs, Moans ]

- [ Mrs. Travis Moans ]
- [ Mary ] There.

[ Loud Moan ]

It's gonna be all right.



Hello, Joshua. Where's my pa?

He's on delivery and then headed home.

I'd sure like to go to the ice cream social.

- I'd sure like to ask you to go with me.
- So?

Your pa said I could see you there,
but I can't escort you.

I'm sorry..


Pa is being so unreasonable.

We were late coming home, okay?

Don't tell me you're on his side?
What's the difference in an hour or so?

We got home just fine.
He just doesn't trust me.

Your pa had no way of knowing

whether you were all right when
you didn't make it home on time.

You sound just like Pa.
Ma is the only one who understands.

Lily, wait a second.

Hyah! Giddyap! Hyah!


[ Mrs. Travis Crying ]

[ Baby Crying ]

It's a beautiful baby boy,
and your wife is fine.

- Can I see them?
- Shortly.

Well, it looks like we got ourselves
a baby brother.

[ Laughs ]

[ Cooing ]

- Isn't he beautiful?
- He sure is.

He'd better be.
Leave it to a boy to jam up the works.

Uh, that's not doctor's work.

It doesn't matter who does it,
just as long as it gets done.

I learned something today
that they didn't teach me in medical school.

[ Neighs ]

[ Belinda ]
All right, whoa. Whoa.


- You seen Lillian?
- No. Why?

We thought she might be with you.
She's been missing all afternoon.

We got into an argument at the shop
over Mr. Owens and she stormed off.

Said you were the only one
who understands her.

We were hoping she'd run off to find you.

She rode off on that crazy horse
I bought for her.

It's about to get dark outside.
If she gets stuck in the country.side-

I think I know where she is.

[ Crying ]

[ Whistles ]
Come on.

[ Moans ]

Are you all right?

It's worse this time.
I feel like I could faint.

Okay, okay. Let's get her inside.

It looks as if the doctor
was right about bed rest.

[ Crying Continues ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]

- [ Lee ] How much further?
- It's just up ahead.

How are you feeling?

I'm really not as light-headed as before.
I'd like to just go to bed.

Let's get you upstairs to a darkened room.
Doctor's orders.

[ Horse Neighs ]

[ Lee ]
Whoa, ho.

- Was it like this before?
- No, sir.

It looks like there was a cave-in.
She might be hurt.

This is one of her lamps.

Come on. Let's go. Lil!


- [ Joshua ] It's right up there.
- I see her.


Lil! Give me a hand with this.

One, two, three.

I got it.

- You got it?
- I got it.

Lil? Lil. Lil.

- Come on. Talk to me, pumpkin.
- [ Moans Softly ]

- pa?
- Yeah. I'm here, honey.

Just take it easy. You stay down, all right?

- We're gonna get you out of here.
- Okay.

How's Lillian?

A few cuts and bruises...

but nothing that won't heal nicely.

She's out for the night.
Lee is sitting with her for a while.

Give her a couple of days.
She'll be right as rain.

At that age, nothing keeps them down.

Well, I think her ego has suffered
more than her body.

Ah. This, too, shall pass.

[ Laughs ]

Children are just so resilient, aren't they?
True miracles.

Are you still fretting
about the baby making?

I don't think I'll be making babies
anytime soon, Mary.

Hmm. Give it up if you want...

but I'm telling you...

the shine in your hair
is not the mark of a barren woman.

You don't really believe that, do you?

Doesn't matter what I believe.
Only matters what you believe.

What do you mean?

Medicine isn't the only thing
that makes people feel better.

It's believing that they can be better.

I'm sorry I doubted you.
You didn't deserve it.

The Lord says we are to forgive...

if we expect to be forgiven.

Make me some fresh bacon and eggs
in the morning and all is forgiven.

That's a promise.

Late night tonight.'s worn out.

Lil's sleeping like a pup.

You know...

I think I might read a book
before bed tonight.

Really? You never read in bed.

I think it'll do me good. Help me unwind
after the long day we've all had.



I've been thinking about us
trying to have a baby.

Lil's changed our lives
in so many wonderful ways...

and I'm sure there's plenty of children down
at the orphanage who need a good home.

You mean, you'll still be happy
even if we can't have children of our own?

I'll be happy as long as I'm with you.

I always have been and always will be.

Do you think my hair is shiny?

[ Chuckles ]

Yeah. Yeah, like the sunrise.

I do love you, Mr. Owens.

I love you too.

Good night.

Oh, all right.
You gonna read your book now?


All right, I'll just go to sleep.

You sure I can't help you read it or- No?

All right.

[ Page Turns ]

Shouldn't you be in bed?

My ball and chain let me come downstairs.

She has her mind set on going
to the ice cream social.

What if l find a shady, comfortable place
to just sit and eat ice cream?

- You are not going to the social.
- I am a doctor. I vote yes.

Well, that's one vote for Dr. Annie
and one vote for the midwife.

I guess you've got
the tie-breaking vote, Doc.

I'm sorry., Annie. I'm gonna have
to side with the midwife.

- But I love ice cream.
- Then I'll send you some.

It's not the same.

How do I know you're not
gonna sneak out when we're gone?

Don't give it a second thought, Doc.

This old ball and chain will be sitting
right here like a prison warden.

- You're both against me.
- That's right. Read your book and pout.

[ Snickers ]

[ Sighs ]
Don't you look beautiful.

- Except for this.
- Oh, no one will even notice that.

- Even Joshua?
- Especially Joshua.

Thanks for telling Joshua
he can escort me to the social.

You're still coming
with your mother and I, right?

I told him I wanted to walk in with
my family and see him from afar.

- That's very romantic.
- It must be from all the books I read.

Pa, I'm sorry for not making curfew
the other night.

I know you were just worried about me.

Don't worry about it.

You're growing up so fast,
sometimes I can't keep up with you.

Thanks, pa.

[ Sighs ]
Come here.

[ Sighs ]

[ People Chattering, Laughing ]

[ Woman ]
And then you step like this.

¶¶ [ Continues ]

Here you go.

Mr. Owens, Dr. Owens,
would you like some lemonade?

- No, thank you.
- No, thank you, Joshua.

Hey, partner, how's your ice cream?

Doc Owens, can we talk?

Lloyd, I believe you know my husband Lee?

- Lloyd.
- I wanna thank you.

Mabel is as different as night and day.
It's all I can do to keep up with her.

- Well, you do look like a brand-new person.
- I've had a lot more energy.

I still need some extra
sleep in the afternoons,

but getting stronger everyday.

Well, the best medicine is no good...

if it isn't dispensed or
received with a joyful spirit.

- It's all too easy to forget that.
- Well, I, uh...

mostly want to apologize
for being... stubborn.

- Thanks again, Doc Evans.
- It was my pleasure.

And I should be the one
to apologize to you, Mabel.

I had no right to be cross with you
when you needed my help.

- I hope you can forgive me.
- There's nothing to forgive.

Thank you.

Have a good day.

Well, now, that was
a very nice thing you just did.

- You like some ice cream?
- I'd love some.

¶¶ [ Continues ]

[ panting ]

[ Moans ]


[ Horses Neigh ]

I got Lee's telegram. Where's Annie?

The Lord brought you at the right time.
Everyone's in town at a social.

- I need Belinda now.
- I want to see Annie.

Get Belinda now!

Hoo-hoo. Hyah!

- You look beautiful.
- So do you- handsome.

- I still can't believe it.
- Can't believe what?

Well, that I'm here with the smartest,
most beautiful girl in town.

That's very sweet of you to say, Joshua.

Lillian's got a boyfriend.
Lillian's got a boyfriend.

Lillian's got a boyfriend.
Lillian's got a boyfriend.

Gracie, Shannon,
you go on and get out of here.

[ Both Laugh ]

[ Peter ]
Belinda, Doc Owens, I need you!

Whoa! Whoa.

- Belinda!
- Peter.

It's Annie! You gotta come quick.

Joshua, you see to it
that Lillian gets home safe.

Yes, sir.

- Hyah! Hyah!
- [ Man ]Stand back.

Hyah! Hyah!

- Mary.
- Thank God you're back.

She's had a seizure. I've got her in bed.

Pete, you best wait down here.

There's nothing you can do up there.

Dear Lord, please watch over Annie
and her baby.

- Amen.
- Amen.

- Amen.
- Amen.

- Thank you, Lee.
- You're welcome.

Come on. Let's have a seat.

[ Panting ]

[ Moaning, Crying ]

- Peter.
- He's waiting downstairs.

Right. Is it eclampsia?

I'm afraid so.

Please save my baby.

You know what you have to do.

[ Exhales ]

I'm gonna close my eyes now.

[ Moans ]

[ Grunts ]

What did she mean,
you know what has to be done?

That baby has to come out
if we're to save it...

even at the risk of her own life.

That baby is ready.

She was talking about a cesarean delivery...

which I could do at the clinic,
but under very crude conditions.

- Have you ever done one?
- I did one once at a hospital in Boston...

but I had the proper equipment and staff,
and there wasn't eclampsia involved.

Is there no other choice?

Not if she doesn't go into labor soon.

Well, then, we best get that labor going.

[ Sniffs ]
What is that?

Scotch broom with a little vanilla
to help it go down.

- Women have been using it for centuries.
- Scotch broom is a weed?

A weed the good Lord made.
His wonders to perceive.

- Does it work?
- As sure as the sunrise.

A little of this...

and we'll have our baby boy in no time.

- Is there anything else I can do?
- A glass of water.

[ Thunderclap ]

[ Speaking Softly ]
Her temperature is slightly raised...

but her heartbeat
and her breathing are normal.

No contractions yet.

It doesn't seem to be working.
It's never taken this long.

Let's just give it a little more time.

We could lose Annie and the baby.

Do you have everything here
that you need to do a Caesarian delivery?

How about taking a spoonful
of that faith you're always talking about?

[ Chuckles ]

I'm gonna make some tea.
Would you like a cup?

No, thank you.

[ Footsteps ]

- Any news?
- Nothing yet.

I'm going to have a cup of tea.

[ Exhales ]

[ Moaning Loudly ]

You're doing fine, Annie.
Just keep breathing.

- Okay. [ Mouths Words ]
- [ Moaning Continues ]

Contractions, closer together.

We are going to introduce
this baby boy to his new family.

- It's all right. It's all right.
- [ Moans Loudly ]

Good job. Keep breathing. Good, good.

[ Moaning Continues ]

[ Baby Crying ]

[ Laughs ]

Congratulations, Uncle Peter.

She's so beautiful.

I've delivered hundreds of babies...

but I've never seen one this... perfect.

And I'm not just saying that
because she's my granddaughter.

I thought she was a boy.

She carried like a boy.
But we live and learn, don't we, Doc?

We sure do.

- Thank you both for being here.
- There's no other place we'd rather be.

- [ Knocking ]
- Is it okay if I come in?

Come meet your daughter, Peter.

Can I hold her?

Come sit.

[ Baby Cooing ]

[ Crying ]

[ Woman Chattering ]

- [ Man ] Whoa.
- [ Man #2 ] Hey, you got that, fella?

- I brought you a present.
- A present?

These are a few of my favorites.

When I asked you for a few books,
I thought you'd give me one or two.

Well, the way you went through 20,000
Leagues, I figured you could use a few more.

- Oh, you think so?
- [ Laughs ]

I should probably get going.

Okay. Will I see you later?

As sure as this is one fine day.

[ Lee ]Joshua, when you're finished
swooning over my daughter...

- I could use a little help in here.
- I 'm comin'.

[ Mary ] Lord, thank you for the family
that surrounds us...

and the love which envelopes us.

May we always strive
to walk the way you like...

and be true missionaries of your word.


Hey, are you all right?

I 'm fine.
It's just a little stuffy inside.

I've gotten so used to
you being at the house,

it's gonna be too
quiet when you're gone.

Well, it's been a week since
my darling daughter was born.

I think it's time we go home.

I'm gonna miss you so very much.

And all the more reason for you
to come visit us soon.

What are you doing out here?

I was just getting some fresh air
and talking to Annie.

You're gonna miss her, aren't you?

Well, we have her for one more night.

Let's enjoy her while we can.

- Thank you very much, Lee.
- Oh, it was my pleasure, Pete.

And, Belinda, I can never thank you enough.

Well, I wish I could take all the credit,
but I had some expert help.

This has been the happiest time of my life.

I'm so glad that I got
to share this with you.

Me too.

All aboard, folks! We're burning daylight.

I think it's about that time.
Will you hold baby Linda for me?

Of course.

- Bye, you two.
- Bye.

[ Coos ]

There you go.

Easy now. All right, take her easy there.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, my friend,
we had ourselves an adventure.

How do I thank you, Mary?

Well, you could start
by finding me a husband.

- I learned a lot from you.
- And I from you.

I may bring 'em into the world...

but you keep 'em alive and kicking
once they're here.

Now, if you ever need a good midwife...

you know where to find me.

[ Whispering ]

[ Laughs ]

Oh, young man,
I'm gonna need a hand here.

All right. Here we go.

- [ Mary ] Wait a minute. One, two, three.
- Steady, steady, steady.

[ Grunts ]

Well, commodore,
are we sailing with the tide?

I thought you said we were burning daylight.

Yes, ma'am. Hyah! Giddyap! Get!

[ Chattering ]

What were you and Mary
whispering to each other?

Oh, just telling her
I'd be needing a good midwife.

- You mean-
- Mm-hmm.

Are-Are you sure?

I'm a doctor. I know a pregnant woman
when I see one, especially when I am one.

[ Laughs ]

We're gonna have a baby.

A baby?
[ Laughs ]

We're gonna have a baby.

Lillian Owens, you're late enough
for school as it is.

Put those running legs to good use.

Yes, Ma.

Joshua Coil,
don't just stand there and gawk.

You've got a job to do.

Yes, ma'am.

I've got patients to attend to
and baby plans to make.


Uh, now wait up.

Wait up.

How far along are you?

Now, I'm serious.

We've gotta start talking about names.

- I like Lee for a boy.
- Oh, you think it's gonna be a boy?

Or, you know, maybe Daphne for a girl.
What do you think?

Oh, that's very pretty.

Come on. You want a
little girl, don't you?

- And what do you think?
- Hold on. Let me get the door for you.

- Oh, Lee, my goodness.
- Take it easy.

- [ Belinda ]Stop it.
- There you go.
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