Blind Side, The (2009)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Blind Side, The (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »

There's a moment of orderly
silence before a football play begins.

Players are in position, linemen
are frozen, and anything is possible.

Almost Indian-summer
weather here in mid-November.

Then, like a traffic accident,
stuff begins to randomly collide.

From the snap of the ball
to the snap of the first bone... closer to four seconds than five.

First and 10.
Riggins, flea flicker back to Theismann.

Theismann's in a lot of trouble.

One Mississippi.
Joe Theismann, the Redskins' quarterback...

...takes the snap and hands off
to his running back.

First and 10. Riggins-

Two Mississippi.

It's a trick play, a flea flicker...

...and the running back tosses the ball
back to the quarterback.

Flea flicker back to Theismann.

Three Mississippi.

Up to now, the play's been defined
by what the quarterback sees.

It's about to be defined
by what he doesn't.

Four Mississippi.

Lawrence Taylor is the best
defensive player in the NFL...

...and has been from the time he
stepped onto the field as a rookie.

Theismann's in a lot of trouble.

And it was Lawrence Taylor...

...who slammed Theismann to the ground
at the 42-yard line. The blitz was on...

He will also change
the game of football as we know it.

We'll look at it with
the reverse angle one more time.

And I suggest if your stomach is weak,
you just don't watch.

Legendary quarterback Joe Theismann...

...never played another down of football.

Now, y'all would guess that,
more often than not...

...the highest paid player
on an NFL team is a quarterback...

...and you'd be right.

But what you probably don't know
is, more often than not...

...the second highest paid player is,
thanks to Lawrence Taylor, a left tackle.

Because as every housewife knows, the
first check you write is for the mortgage...

...but the second is for the insurance.

And the left tackle's job is to protect the
quarterback from what he can't see coming.

To protect his blind side.

The ideal left tackle is big,
but a lot of people are big.

He's wide in the butt
and massive in the thighs.

He has long arms, giant hands
and feet as quick as a hiccup.

This is a rare and expensive

...the need for which can be traced to that
Monday night game and Lawrence Taylor.

For on that day, he not only
altered Joe Theismann's life...

...but mine as well.

Mr. Oher.

Mr. Oher.

Do you understand?
Do you know why I'm here?

To investigate?

Yes. To investigate.

I'm here to investigate
your odd... predicament.

Do you find it odd, your predicament?


I don't know.

- Can I-? Can I leave now?
- No, you can't.

Where's Coach Cotton's office?

Thanks, man.

They said you were the coach.

Bert Cotton.

Tony Hamilton, but everybody
just calls me Big Tony.

Hey, Big Mike, check it out.

Not even locked.

White people are crazy.

I promised my ma, Boo,
on her deathbed...

...that I'd get my son, Steven, out of
public school and into a church school.

I appreciate that, Tony,
but I'm not involved with admissions.

I just figured maybe
I can come talk to you...

...seeing as though
you might need some players.

- What kind of sport does he play?
- Anything with a ball. The boy's good too.

Classes start in a week.
It'd have to be for next semester.

I know what you're thinking, coach.

But look here, I got money, all right?

See, I'm a mechanic at Wilson's Auto,
the other side of town.

Well, look, what if somebody drops out
or moves? Could they get in then?

"They"? You only mentioned one son.

That's right, Steven.
But there's another boy.

- Heh. Another boy?
- Yeah.

Big Mike. Sleeps on my couch
from time to time.

It's a bad deal. You know,
his mom's on that crack pipe.

He ain't got nobody else. He just
wanted to come along for the ride.

- They're here?
- Yeah.

Now, the little one, that's Steven...

...and the big one...

Big Mike.


Big Mike! Ha-ha.

Come on.

Mother of God.

Steven Hamilton's paperwork
looks acceptable to me...

...and I believe he'll do fine.
But this other kid...

- Big Mike.
- Michael Oher... us no reason to believe that...

...based on his records,
that he would be successful here.

Well, how bad could it be?

We're not exactly sure how old he is,
due to his lack of records.

He has a measured IQ of 80,
which is sixth percentile.

His grade-point average
begins with zero, 0.6.

Everyone passed him along.

They gave him D's so they could
hand their problem off to the next school.

He's a brave kid.

For wanting to come here,
for wanting a quality education.

An education denied him by
the poor quality of schools he's attended.

Most kids with his background wouldn't
come within 200 miles of this place.

Coach Cotton, we understand your interest
in this young man's athletic abilities.

He wouldn't be able to play sports
until he got his grades up.

Forget sports.

Look at the wall.

"Christian. " We either take that
seriously or we paint over it.

You don't admit Michael Oher
because of sports.

You admit him because
it's the right thing to do.

Class, this is Mike Oher...

...and he's new here so I expect
you all to make him feel welcome.

Mike, just take any empty seat.

This is a quiz based on the information... learned last year
in your science curriculum.

Don't worry, it's not gonna be graded.

I just wanna see how much information
we need to hit again.

Just answer whatever you know.

Thank you.

- Can I leave now?
- Yeah.

Take your book.

I'm tired
of having someone always in our home.

I'm tired of him eating all the food.

Look, man, you gotta be Christian
about this thing.

Let somebody else
be Christian about this thing.

Dee, come on, I can't kick him out
on the street like he's some dog.

Let somebody else
take the responsibility.

What, you want me to go to
Beale Street and drop him off?

When do I have time
just to be with you?

All right, all right. Whatever.
You win. I'll take care of it.

I don't care if Patrick Ramsey
approved the chair.

He's an NFL quarterback,
not Martha fricking Stewart.

Because there is a difference
between Bunny Williams and a La-Z-Boy.

No, see, when MTV Cribs
comes to his house...

...he'll be showing off
his home theater.

AII I'm gonna see
is a brown Barcalounger.

No, listen to me, I'm the designer,
my name is on it.

Deliver what I ordered, all right?
Thank you.


- What'd I miss?
- Collins just got a dig.

It's girls' volleyball, Mom.
You didn't miss anything.


- Come on, Collins, move your feet.
Good job, Collins.


We'll wait for you outside.

Don't double condition in
the shower, you have homework.

I'm going to Cannon's to study.

SJ! SJ, do not go in the girls' locker
room again. Come here! SJ, come here!

The big kid's been here
for, what, a month?

He's still not cutting it in my class.

Why does Admissions do this?
I mean, it's not fair to us or the boy.

They're just setting him up to fail.

I don't think he has any idea
of what I'm teaching.

And how would you know if he did?
He won't even talk.

He writes.

His name. Barely.

He threw this in the trash can.

"I look and I see white everywhere:

White walls, white floors,
and a lot of white people.

The teachers do not know I have no idea
of anything they are talking about.

I do not wanna listen to anyone,
especially the teachers.

They are giving homework and expecting
me to do the problems on my own.

I have never done homework in my life.

I go to the bathroom,
look in the mirror and say:

"This is not Michael Oher. "

He entitled it "White Walls. "

How's the spelling?


Smile at them.
It lets them know you're their friend.

You're Big Mike, right?

Well, I'm Sean.

But everyone calls me SJ. It's for
Sean Junior. My father's name is Sean.

Sean Tuohy? He was a basketball star
at Ole Miss, point guard.

Now he owns like a million Taco Bells.

Who is that, SJ?
Big Mike.

Get your feet off my dash.

Thank you. Put on your seat belt.

Big Mike?

Mike, I got a call from someone
at the police department.

You remember a story in the papers
a while back about a man who...

...fell off an overpass?

No one knew who he was.

They didn't know if he jumped or if...

Well, anyway, he- He passed away.

Mike, that man was your father.

They've been looking for
somebody to notify and they-

They found your name in our registry.

I'm really sorry, son.

Were you close to him?

When's the last time you saw him?

I don't know.

- He knows it!
- Who knows it and what does he know?

The material. Michael Oher.
I gave him this test verbally.

- Is that even allowed?
- A "C"? On how big a curve?

He's been listening all along.
It's amazing what he's absorbed.

And, trust me, he's listening to you too.
Now, his reading level is low...

...and he's got no idea
how to learn in a classroom...

I'm not saying he's gonna pass,
but Big Mike is not stupid.

Hey. Good job.
Mama. Daddy.

Good job. Hey...

- ... I got a question for you.

There was a little girl about two rows
back. What was her name?

- Oh, that was Kinsey.
- Kinsey, yeah.

I saw your little Indian feathers
get all ruffled up.

Yeah! She is nice.

SJ. Don't let this go to your head...

...but I thought you were
very convincing in the role of...

- Indian Number 3?
- Yes.

I tried out for the chief,
but they gave it to Andy Sung.

I can't be sure, but I think there's
some multi-cultural-bias thing working.

Or maybe they just thought
that he'd make a better chief.

Dad, he's, like, Chinese.

Yeah, and you're Irish.

If you weren't the chief,
how did you get the headdress?

Dad, I'm gonna need a few more
of those free quesadilla tickets.

And where does the acorn fall?

Hey, don't laugh too hard.
The quesadillas saved our ass.

Don't use the A-word.

What is he wearing?

It's freezing.

- What's his name again?
- Big Mike.

Where is he going?

Hey, Big Mike. Where you headed?


Go ahead.

Turn around.

Big Mike!

Stop the car.

Big Mike.

Hey. My name's Leigh Anne Tuohy.
My kids go to Wingate.

You said you were going to the gym?

School gym's closed.

Why were you going to the gym?

Big Mike, why were you
going to the gym?

Because it's- It's warm.

Do you have anyplace to stay tonight?

Don't you dare lie to me.

I've seen that look many times.
She's about to get her way.

Come on.

Come on.

SJ, make room.

Get inside.

Come on.

- Where we going?
- Home.

I know, it's my favorite part.
He's so cute.

How'd the dork do in the school play?



Collins, do you know Big Mike
from school?

I'd give you the guest bedroom,
but it's full of sample boxes.

And the sectional in the family room
slides apart when you sleep on it.

Least that's what Sean says.

Mr. Tuohy sleeps on the couch?

Only when he's bad. All right.

The powder room is right there and we
will be upstairs if you need us. All right?

Okay. Sleep tight, honey.

Was this a bad idea?


Don't lie there and pretend like you're
not thinking the same thing as me.

Tell me what you're thinking so I'll know
what's supposed to be on my mind.

How well do you know Big Mike?

Case you hadn't noticed,
he didn't have much to say.

What's the big deal?
It's just for one night, right?

It is just for one night,
right, Leigh Anne?

You don't think he'll steal anything,
do you?

I guess we'll know in the morning.

...talking about Mississippi and Arkansas.

The fight's gotten more interesting.

Well, if you hear a scream,
call the insurance adjuster.


Big Mike?


Big Mike!

You gonna make me
walk the whole way?

All right, then.

Where are you going?

I don't know.

Well, are you spending Thanksgiving
with your family?

Those 40, 50 guys
from State here can quiet them down.

As you mentioned,
the Mississippi State defensive-

- Come and get it, y'all.
- Yeah, baby!

Let's eat!

Come on!

It's that Rebel turkey.

Thank your mother for driving
to the store and getting this.

Thank you, Mama.
- Thank you, Mama.

Food and football.
Eat all you want.

Come on. Hustle, hustle.
We gotta get back over there.

Going, Dad.

Don't take my spot.

- No rushing, SJ. SJ, slow down.
- Coming through.

This is fantastic.

Oh, y'all, I forgot
the potato salad. How's Ole Miss doing?

They're kicking butt.

One wide receiver left...
Good, huh?

...and one corner, number 30,
out in press coverage-

Sean, salad.

It's great, Mom.
So good. Thanks, Mama.

Yeah, Mama.

Nice little surge,
but not much running inside.

Come on.
- And the Rebels got third and long here.

Birdsong and Mawhinney on the tackle.
Ole Miss, five of 10 on third downs.

From the 26, third down and six
for the Rebs here.

Come on, defense.

I formation. The rain is slow,
let's see if they try a pass or not.

Now Turner goes in motion
out of the backfield.

State showing blitz, Manning to throw.

Runs to his right,
throws it at the feet of the-

- Hey. Mom.
- What?

But it's Thanksgiving.

- Wow.
- Why are we eating in here?

Shall we say grace?

Heavenly Father, we thank you for
all the many blessings on this family.

We thank you for bringing us
a new friend.

And we ask that you look after us
on this holiday season...

...that we may never forget
how very fortunate we are. Amen.


Let's check the score.
Up by 10.

Collins, can you pass me
the green beans, please?

Don't pick it with your fingers.
Just take- Take a sp- Ta-

- SJ, elbows.
- Sorry.

So, Big Mike. You like to shop?

Because tomorrow I think I'm gonna
have to show you how it's done.

I got clothes.

You have clothes.

And an extra T-shirt in a plastic bag
does not a wardrobe make.

I have clothes.

Fine, let's go get them.
Just tell me where I'm going.

All right.

Tell me everything I need to know about
you. Who takes care of you? A mother?

Do you have a mother?
A grandmother maybe?

Tell you what, Big Mike, we can do this
the easy way or we can do this the hard way.

You take your pick.


Tell me just one thing I should know
about you. Just- Just one.

I don't like to be called Big Mike.


Tell you what, from now on,
to me, you're Michael.


So, Michael...

...where are we headed?

I kid y'all not, y'all. I'm gonna
tell it. Make it rain and everything, right?

Shorty- Shorty gets to the top of the pole.
She just done-

That's nice.
Yo, check it.

What's that, a seven?
For real.


Yeah, right there.

- You know them?
- Man, I ain't got no idea, shorty.

This is where your mother lives?

- Let's go get them.
- Don't- Don't get out.

Who's gonna help you
carry your clothes, Michael?

Don't get out the car.


Oh. That's Big Mike, man.

Oh, Big Mike is in the house.

Big Mike! Where you been, baby?

Hey, who that fine thing you got driving you
around now, like Miss Daisy or something?

Hey, David.

You need to holler at me about them
sneakers, man. I'm gonna take care of you.

I run this over here in Hurt Village.
Baby, believe that.

Ey. Hey, D, watch this. They always
go for the wink, watch this.

There you go. Yeah, snowflake. Ha-ha-ha.

You like that. Yeah.

That girl will not listen to me.
She don't listen to nobody.

- Hey, Mike.
- Hi, Big Mike.

She wasn't home.

Well, we can come back.

She probably moved to a nicer place.

I've been in Memphis my whole life
and never been anywhere near here.

- You're gonna take care of me, right?
I got your back.

Now just follow me, y'all. Uh-huh.

There we go.

Oh, we also got apparel for the ladies.

But everything we got that'll fit him
is right here.

This is it?

If this is all you got, why's it say
"Big and Tall" on the sign?

Big and Tall. You need
Bigger and Taller.

- Holler if you need me.
Thank you.

- See anything you like?
- Hey, I got just what you're looking for.

One thing I know about shopping
is that...

...if you don't love it in the store,
you won't wear it.

The store's where you like it the best.

So before you choose something,
think of yourself wearing it.

Say to yourself, "Is this me?"

What about this one?

Well, this is not atrocious, this...

No? All right, well, you go look
over there and I'll go look over here.

Why would you need this many coats
out of plastic?

Good Lord. What is this made out of?

That's the one? That's the one you like?

Well, all right, then.

Have a great day! Learn something.

Oh, don't get your panties in a wad.

The best part about Paris was the food.

They use sauce like we use gravy.

- I had to join a gym the day I got back.

Have y'all spent much time
on the other side of town?

- Where exactly are you talking about?
- Alabama Street, Hurt Village.

Hurt Village? That sounds like a threat.

Not far off.

I think it might hurt me to go there.

It would hurt your reputation
to go there.

Actually, I'm from there but didn't mind
hard work, and look where I am now.

Eating an $18 salad?

And it's a little soggy, to be honest.

What is this sudden interest in the projects?
Another one of your "charities"?

Wait. Project for the projects.
Ooh. That's catchy!

Y'all, money would raise itself.

Okay. Count me in, Leigh Anne.

- Break out your checkbooks.

SJ, you have two more minutes
on that Playbox thing, all right?

Aw, Mom!
- There you go.

Michael, do you wanna stay here?

I mean, because if you wanna stay here
for a while longer...

...I can find some time to
figure out a bedroom for you.

I mean, because look at this.

You have practically ruined
a $10,000 couch.

Do you wanna stay here, Michael?

I don't wanna go anyplace else.

Well, all right, then.

SJ, you better be off that Playbox.

That wasn't two minutes.

Good night, Mrs. Tuohy.

I see on the admission that we're
Michael's contact for medical emergencies.

Sean wrote that in last week.

We needed a contact number and
the ones listed weren't in service.

I love that man.

What's this?

The state makes schools measure
for career aptitude in the eighth grade...

- ... and this just came with his file.
- What's it say about Michael?

Spatial relations, third percentile.

Ability to learn, fifth percentile.

It's funny though. He tested in
the 98th percentile in one category.

- Which one?
- Protective instincts.

So over here you have a desk,
chest of drawers... have a nightstand, a light,
an alarm.

Sean says all pro athletes use futons
if they can't find a bed big enough... I got you one of those.
Of course the frame was heinous.

I was not about to let that in my house,
but I got you something nicer.

- It's mine?
- Yes, sir.

- What?
- Never had one before.

What, a room to yourself?

A bed.

Well, you have one now.

Okay. Define osmosis.

I think I know that one.

It's when water passes through
a barrier.

That's basically right, Michael.
Very good.

Name the combatants
in the Battle of Waterloo.

I know that one. Um...

- The little guy, Napoleon.
- Uh-huh.

He was on one side
and a duke was on the other.

Duke of Wellington.

Yeah, and the Duke of Wellington,
he had Russians helping him.


Enough with the rugby shirts.
You look like a giant bumblebee.

That Taco Bell.

KFC catty-corner. And
the Long John Silver's on the next block.

You own all of them?

- Yeah. We've got like hundreds.
- Eighty-five.

Is that why Mr. Tuohy
don't have to go to work?

Whoa, whoa! Hey! I'm working even
when I'm not working.

- What?
- And you eat at all these places for free?

All you want. It's awesome.

What do y'all do with all
the leftover food from the restaurant?

We have to throw some out,
what's already cooked.

- That's too bad.
- Yeah, I'd rather sell it.

Seems like you could give it away
or something.

- You should check into that, Daddy.
All right, I will, SJ.

How come we're not eating
at one of your restaurants tonight?

- Well, because tonight is a special occasion.

I talked to Coach Cotton. He said
Michael's grades have improved enough...

...that he can go out
for spring football in March.

- Isn't that great?
- Oh, man! You're gonna crush some people!

- Hey, guys, how we doing?
- Great, thank you.

I've got a design book I need to get.
Why don't you check our reservation?

They'll seat us right away.
Can't it wait?

They might be closed by then.
Come on, SJ!

I need some new magazines.

Michael, come on. Come on.

Collins? Collins?

Collins, come on, your dad's
already PO'd. Let's go.

Over here.

You remember this one, Mom?
You read it to us like a thousand times.

"He gnashed his terrible teeth
and he roared his terrible roar. "

I always liked this one.

Mm. Ferdinand.

Me too.

Michael, your mama ever read
either one of those books to you?


How cute!

It was a good steak, huh?

Thank you, Daddy.

Thank you for a lovely dinner, Papa.

Here we go.

Michael. Who was that boy
you were talking to at the restaurant?


- Marcus, and he- He works there?
- Yeah.

How do you know him?

He's my brother.

Well, we'd really- We'd really
like to meet him someday.

Would that be okay with you?

I don't know where he stays.

When was the last time you saw him?

When I was little, maybe.

"Once upon a time in Spain,
there was a little bull...

...and his name was Ferdinand.

All the other little bulls he lived with
would run and jump...

...and butt their heads together.

But not Ferdinand.

He liked to sit just quietly
and smell the flowers.

He had a favorite spot out
in the pasture under a cork tree.

It was his favorite tree...

...and he would sit in its shade
all day and smell the flowers. "

- Good night.
- Good night.

- What?
- What?

Why are you smiling?

I don't know, I'm just happy.
Real happy.

Does this happiness have anything
to do with Michael?


It has everything to do with Michael.

Mm. Mm.

- Happy's good.
- Mm.

You know what I think we should do?

We should start a charity
for kids like Michael.

- Okay.
- Maybe fund a program at Wingate.


Lord knows that school
could use a little color.

Poor Michael's like a fly in the milk
in that place.

Are you listening to me?

- Hmm?
- I try to concentrate on one...

...thing... a time.

You knew I was a multitasker...

...when you married me, right?

- I sure did.
- Right. Okay, just checking.

Okay, Tuohy family.
Big smiles, everyone.

And one, two, three!


Come on down here
and get in the next one.

Come on. Come on. Come on down.

Oh, come on. It's not like I'm gonna
put it on the Christmas card.

Okay, let's scootch in a little tighter.

That's good.

Really big smiles.

Okay, one, two, three.

- Say "Rebels!"

- a blitz off
the corner, quick pass over the middle.

- The hot route was there. And that's...
I got it.

- Who's winning?
- Tennessee.

- Ugh. Who they playing?
- Clemson.

Your mama roots against Tennessee
no matter who they play?

Uh- Yes, I do. With gusto.

She can't stand Tennessee.

Collie-bell, I thought you were
going over to your boyfriend's.

Thought I'd hang around here
for the day.


I like that.

There's a couple messages on the machine.
I didn't check them.

All right.

Hey, Sean, hey, Leigh Anne, it's
your cousin Bobby. Happy New Year's.

- Listen, I've had about five cold ones...
- Of course you have. I'm just gonna go ahead and ask:

Did y'all know there's a colored boy
in your Christmas card?


You just looked teeny-tiny next to him.

Right? Like Jessica Lange and King Kong.

Hey, does Michael get
the family discount at Taco Bell?

Because if he does,
Sean's gonna lose a few stores.

He's a good kid.

Well, I say you make it official
and just adopt him.

He's gonna be 18 in a few months. Doesn't
really make much sense to legally adopt.

Leigh Anne.

Is this some sort of white-guilt thing?

What will your daddy say?

Um... Before or after
he turns over in his grave?

Daddy's been gone five years, Elaine.

Make matters worse, you were
at the funeral. Remember?

You wore Chanel
and that awful black hat.

Look, here's the deal.

I don't need y'all to approve
my choices, all right?

But I do ask that you respect them. You
have no idea what this boy's been through.

And if this is gonna become
some running diatribe...

...I can find an overpriced salad
a lot closer to home.

- Leigh Anne, I'm sorry. We didn't intend to-
- No, we didn't, really.

I think what you're doing is so great.

To open up your home to him?

Honey, you're changing that boy's life.


He's changing mine.

And that's awesome for you,
but what about Collins?

- What about Collins?
Aren't you worried?

I mean, even just a little?

He's a boy, a large, black boy,
sleeping under the same roof.

Shame on you.

I've got this.

Be honest with me, okay?

Does Michael being here
make you uncomfortable?

They're stupid kids.
Who cares what they say?

- What kids?
- At school.

They're juvenile.

And what do the juvenile kids say?

It's really not worth repeating.

And don't worry about SJ.

He likes all the attention. He introduces
Michael as his big brother.

And what about you?

It's fine.

I mean, you can't just throw him
out on the street.

I could make other arrangements.

Hi, Mike.
- Hi. Need a push?


Higher, Mike, higher!



Don't look down, don't look down. Ah!

- Where are you going?
- Collins?

Quit looking at me like that.

I mean, we study together at home.

You know how much those things weigh?
This kid's gonna make us all famous.

Easy, Bert, man. It's only the spring.
He hasn't even had his first practice yet.

No, he's a player.



Get down, son.
Get down in your stance. In your stance!


Shuck him, shuck him! Ah, ah-

Mike, son, you-
You fought off the block...

...but then you wanna shuck
the blocker.

All right? Shuck him. All right, let's go.

Huddle up.


How's he doing?

Hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet.

Mike, son.

Shuck the blocker, don't tote him!

Set, go!

No, no, no! No, no, no!

Set, go!

Balloons! They're balloons!

Guys, quit looking at the balloons.

Most kids from bad situations
can't wait to be violent...

...and that comes out on the field.

But this kid, he acts like
he doesn't wanna hit anyone.

He's Ferdinand the Bull.

- Nothing.

I thought he was gonna be a player. I can't
believe I used up all my chips to get him in.

I thought you said
it was your Christian duty.

Look, Bert, he's never even played before.

Yeah, and he won't this fall if he
doesn't improve a lot before then.

Who died and made him Bear Bryant?


Oh, God bless me.

This is your summer workout sheet.

Now, first it says to warm up
and get loose.

Well, go ahead, get loose.

Are you loose?

Okay. Next, it's five 100-yard runs
to stretch out your legs.

- Can we just go home and play video games?
- Look!

Everybody at Wingate is expecting you
to be a star football player.

Don't wanna let them down,
do you?

- I don't know.
- What about Dad and Mom?

Because, you see, in our family,
everyone's an athlete.

Dad was a basketball star.
Collins plays volleyball and runs track.

And me, well, as you know, I do it all.

And Mom- Well, Mom was a cheerleader...

...which doesn't exactly count,
but don't tell her I said that. Okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Yeah. Fifty.


Fifty-two. Fifty-three.

Come on, you can get him.
Go, go, go! Come on!

Five seconds left in the game!

This way!

This way!

High knees, high knees, high knees!
Speed kills, baby! Run like the wind!

Go, Michael, go!



One hundred.

Move your feet, move your feet!
Come on, come on! Go!

- There you go.
- Ahh!

You gotta get the tackle,
come on, come on, come on!

Come on, Michael.

Mrs. Tuohy?

I hear "Mrs. Tuohy," I look over
my shoulder for my mother-in-law.

Call me Leigh Anne or Mama
or almost anything else.

- Can you help me get something?
- What?

Driver's license.

Why do you need a driver's license
when you don't even have a car?

Michael, why do you want
a driver's license?

It's something to carry
with my name on it.

There's no one by the name of
Michael Oher in the system.

Another last name, perhaps?

Look, I will sign something
that says he lives with us.

We'll pay for all of the insurance.
Whatever it takes. Okay?

What's it gonna take?

You wanna do what?
- You heard me.

- Shouldn't we at least talk about this?
- What do you think we're doing?

And don't act like
I'm going behind your back.

I know you put us down as
Michael's medical contact at school.

There is a huge difference
between paying for a broken arm...

...and being legally responsible for
someone. I mean, a kid we barely know.

That's another thing. We need to
find out more about his past.

He won't talk about it. He's like an onion.
You have to peel him back a layer at a time.

Not if you use a knife.

What if we took him to a child
psychologist or something?

- Do you really expect Big Mike to-?
- Michael.

Do you expect Michael
to lie on a couch...

...and talk about his childhood
like he's Woody Allen?

I mean, Michael's gift
is his ability to forget.

He's mad at no one and he really
doesn't care what happened in the past.

You're right.

Excuse me? "You're right"?

How'd those words taste
coming out of your mouth?

Like vinegar.

Well, at least promise me
you'll think about it.

All right.

"All right, you'll think about it,"
or, "All right, we should do it"?

Is there a difference?

Just tell Gerald to hold on to the chiffonier
and I will be by there after a while.

You know- I gotta call you back. Bye.

Excuse me.

I'm not cutting, I'm just asking.

Let me tell you something. We have been
sitting around here for over an hour...

...and when I look around and all I see are
people sh**ting the bull and drinking coffee.

Who runs this place?

I'd have it in shape in two days,
I can tell you that.

- I bet you would. How can I help you?
- Oh, he was first.

- No, you go ahead. I think I wanna hear this.
- Me too.

I do not appreciate the attitude.

Ma'am, now, you can tell me
what you want...

...or I can make sure
you wait here all day.

Now, how can I help you?

I would like to become a legal guardian.

Lord help that child.

There's very little on Michael.
Most of his files have been lost.

- Well, what is in there?
- A few case notes.

This one describes an incident where
officers forcibly removed Michael...

...from Denise Oher's care
when Michael was 7.

Quite a scene evidently.
They had to split up the kids.

- And it's far from the worst.
- Where is she? His mother?

I don't know. If you find her, we got
a heap more files we could add to.

Well, how many kids does she have?

Least a dozen, probably. If not more.

With her drug-arrest record, my guess
would be, she can't even remember.

Can I see that?

So we would need her permission,

No. Michael is a ward of the state.
Just apply and get a judge to sign off on it.

So you would just give him away
without even telling his mother?

Check out this piece right here.

Damn, girl.

Miss Oher?

Hi. Miss- Miss Oher?

- You from the state?
- No.

My name is Leigh Anne Tuohy,
and your son...

...Michael, lives with me...

...and my family.

How is my boy? How's Big Mike?

He's fine. He's doing real well.

We might have some wine in the kitchen,
if you...

Oh, no, no. That's real kind.

When did you last see Michael?

I don't know.

How many-? How many foster kids
you got living with you?

Oh, I'm not a foster parent to Michael.
We're just helping him out.

State don't pay you nothing?

No, no.

And you feed him and
you buy him clothes too?

Well, when we can find them
in his size.

You are a fine Christian lady.

Well, I try to be.

This all real nice, what you're doing...

...but don't be surprised if one day
you wake up and he gone.

What do you mean?

He's a runner. That's what the state
called him after they took him from me.

Every foster home they sent him to...

...he'd slip out the window at night
and come looking for me.

No matter where I was, that boy
would come find me, take care of me.

I've had some health problems.

Miss Oher, was Michael born
under a different name?

Proctor. That was his daddy's last name.

Where is he?

- I ain't seen him since he left.
- And when was that?

Week after Mike was born.

Do you happen to have
his birth certificate?

It's all right. I'll figure it out.

Mrs. Oher, you'll always be
Michael's mama.

Would you like to see him?

No. Not this way.

It's Williams.

His last name's Williams.

Couldn't even remember
who the boy's father is.

I checked out the new Madden. The colors
are better, graphics brighter. It's awesome.

Michael, we have something
we'd like to ask you.

- What?
- Well, Leigh Anne and I, we-

Well, we'd like to become
your legal guardians.

What's that mean?

What it means is,
is that we wanna know...

...if you would like to
become part of this family.

Kind of thought I already was.

Well, all right, then.

Right here.

You got a couple steps.
Better watch that big foot.

One more.

One more. There you go.

All right. Take off the blindfold.

Well? That's the one you wanted,
isn't it? Heh.

Here. Here you go, go ahead.
Take it for a ride. Go on.

Can I go too?
- Yeah, but, Michael? Be careful.



- He wanted a truck?
- Well, Michael thinks he's a redneck.

Come on, Michael!

Okay. See, you're the ketchup,
here at left tackle on the weak side.

The first play is simple. Gap.

Now, see, this just means that you're
going to block whoever's in front of you...

...or on your inside shoulder, if
you're not covered by a defender.

Now, I'll be the running back, and you
show me what you're supposed to do.

Ready? Hike!

You'll block him. He'll hit him.
Quarterback'll hand it off.

He gets the ball, and he takes off!

Open lane to the end zone.
All there is to it.

What's going on here?

Blended spice just scored.

We were going through the playbook.
Michael got moved to offense.

When you're done, put the players
back in the spice cabinet. Thank you.

No problem.

Actually, Mom, we were
kind of waiting for you.

You see,
the new Madden game came out...

...and me and Michael
were wanting to go get it.

- I can't, I've got a meeting in 10 minutes.
- But he can drive.

He can drive us.

Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

What you know about this?
I know a lot about this.

- Show me something then.
- I'll show you something.

- I'll start it. Follow my lead.
- All right.

- You ready?
- Yeah.

Next day's function

High-class luncheon

- Food is served
- And you're stone-cold munchin'

- Music comes on
- People start to dance

- But then you ate so much
- You nearly split your pants

- A girl starts walkin'
- Guy starts gawkin'

- Sits down next to you
- Starts talkin'

- Says she wanna dance
- 'Cause she likes the groove

- So come on, fatso
- And just bust a move

If you want it
You got it

You want it
Baby, you got it

You want it
You got it

You want it
Baby, you got it

This is not a $40,000 Oushak, Omid.

You're crazy, Leigh Anne.

The borders are different widths.
They've been altered.

We'll give you 17, tops, all right? Hello.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Ma'am, you can't get through.

Those are my kids. Those are my kids.

- Oh, my God.
Please, God, let him be okay.

Where are they?!
I'm so sorry!

- Michael, are you okay?
- I'm fine! SJ! Go help SJ!

I'm so sorry. So sorry.

How are his vitals?

Excuse me, ma'am.
- That's my son.

SJ. SJ, baby.

- Mama?
- Yes, baby?

Do you think the blood'll
come out of my shirt?

Yes, I think the blood
will come out of your shirt.

An air bag deploys at 200 miles an hour.

Your son is too small
to be in the front seat.

But he is okay, right?

Busted lip, bruised face. Usually when
someone his size gets hit with a air bag...'s a fractured face, broken neck,
maybe worse.

It's like the air bag was coming for him
and changed direction.

It's probably defective or something...

...but your son's very, very lucky.

No, I did. I called the insurance,
it's fine. It's fine.

I'll talk to you later. I gotta go. Bye.

SJ's fine.

He is. He's actually enjoying all
the attention he's getting back there.

Hey, Michael, could've happened to
anyone, all right? It's not your fault.

Honey, look at me.

Michael, what happened to your arm?

I stopped it.

Wide right!

Let's go.
We're going right, right, right!

- Roll three, roll three.
Ready, set, go!

Oher! You got 100 pounds on Collis and
you can't keep him out of our backfield?

Hold your block until
the whistle blows. Hold it!

All right, let's go!

What's with the camera?

Michael always does better when
he sees what he's supposed to be doing.

Set, go!

- Holding. Left tackle.
Michael! Come on.


Come here, son.

If you're gonna hold him, hold him
inside here, between the tits. You got it?

Will you look at me, son?

If you grab him outside here like this or
with that horse-collar thing you just did...'re gonna get flagged and
I'm gonna be pissed, you hear?

All right, let's go!

Baby, watch my stuff, all right?


Well, at least he'll look good
coming off the bus.

They'll be terrified till they realize
he's a marshmallow.

Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane.

Give me a minute, Bert.

- We're in the middle of a practice.
- You can thank me later.

Come here.

Michael. Remember when we first met
and we went to that horrible part of town... buy you those dreadful clothes?

I was a little scared. You told me
not to worry, you had my back.

- You remember that?
- Yes, ma'am.

And if anyone tried to get to me,
you would've stopped them, right?

And when you and SJ were in that car
wreck, what did you do to the air bag?

- Stopped it.
- You stopped it. You stopped it.

This team is your family, Michael. You have
to protect them from those guys, okay?


Okay. Tony here is your quarterback,
all right? You protect his blind side.

When you look at him, you think of me,
how you have my back... you have his. Okay?

All right, Tony, go back.

All right.

Oompa-Loompa here is your tailback.
When you look at him, think of SJ...

...and how you'd never let anyone or
anything hurt him. You understand me?

All right. Go back.

- Got it?
- What about Collins and Mr. Tuohy?

Fine, they can be on the team too.
Are you gonna protect the family, Michael?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Good boy.

Now go have some fun.

Yelling at him doesn't work, Bert.
He doesn't trust men.

In his experience, they pretend
to care about you till they disappear.

Wanna run a play?

SJ, you're gonna wanna get this.


Come on, Michael.


Set, go!

- Yeah.
- All right, Michael, come on.

Set, go!

- Whoo! Yes! Michael!
All right, way to go, O, way to go!

Ready! Set, go!


That a boy.

You all right?
Hey, get over here. Let's go.

Come on, son!

Okay. What'd you say to him?

You should get to know your players,

He tested 98 percent
in protective instincts.

I said you could thank me later.

It's later, Bert.

Milford! Milford! Milford!

So much for home-field advantage.

You ever see so many rednecks
in one place?

NASCAR. Not even close.

Crusaders! Get ready for 48 minutes
of hell!

Look at that fat ass.

Pay them back on the field.

Coming through. Hold on.
Listen up! Listen up!

Don't let them get inside your head now.
Keep your composure! You ready?

- All right, let's go, Crusaders!

Go, Wingate!
- Let's go, Crusaders!


Damn, that ain't fair. They got
a big old black bear playing for them.

- What is this, a circus?
- Right.

Eyes forward, SJ. Sticks and stones.
Sticks and stones. Come on!


- All right, all right. Good start.
- Nice.


- Let's go, O! Let's go!

Hey, you guys, look at this big buck
we got right here! Whoo!

Coming after you! Coming after you!

You're all mine. All mine.

Ready, set, go!


Don't let him rip through, Oher!
Come on, son.

Yeah! That's right, boy!

- All night long, fat ass! All night long!
Good job.

I got you, boy! All night long.

Now that's my boy.

It's all right, Michael.

- It's all right. Come on.
- Let's go.

Shake it off. Come on.

Here we go. Round two, baby, round two.


- Set!
- Switch! Switch!

Got it! Got it!

Whoo! Yeah!

Oher, don't let him get the inside gap
on you. Come on. Use your head!

- What is Bert doing? Nothing.

- Hey, fat boy.

We're not done yet. All game long,
boy. All game long!

Slot right, slot right.

Ready, set, go!

Pass, pass, pass!

Stop this- Oh!



Why another pass, Bert?

Hey, where you going, fat boy?

You better stay off my field. You are
not welcome here! This is my field!

- Sixty-six, get back to your own bench!
- Bert! Be quiet. Bert!


Enough with the trick plays, Bert.
Run the dang ball.

You heard me. Run the dang ball. Run it!

Wait, did he just hang up the phone?

- No, I think he lost service.
- He did not lose service.

- Whoo!
Oh, that's my boy, Jimmy!

Number 66! Kicking that blue gum's ass.

Hey. Crotch-mouth.

Yeah, you. Zip it or I'll come
up there and zip it for you.

Sticks and stones?

You know what, SJ, just turn forward.

Just pick up the camera and
keep sh**ting. Come on.

Push it, push it, push it!

And go!

Squeeze in!


It's all right. All right, all right,
we can come back from that.

Set, go!


And go!

Come on!

Get him!
- He's gone. He's gone.

- He's gotta shut that hole off.
- No.

Unbelievable. Three plays. Three
plays. What were we in, 4-3? Come on!


Whoo! That's right, biggie, me and you.

Me and you, biggie, one more time.
Here we go.


Set! Go!

All right, Bobby, cut back. Son,
you gotta cut back, you gotta cut back.

- Come on. Let's go. Back to huddle.
- You fat, black piece of crap.

Hey! Hey! Ref, are you gonna
do something about this?

He just kicked my boy in the head
and he cussed him!

Thank you.

Unsportsmanlike conduct, Wingate.
Fifteen yards.

- What?
- You shut up, you get another 15.

This young man plays for my team.
My team!

And I will defend him
like he's my own son against you...

...or any other redneck son of a bitch!

Don't worry, coach. I got your back.

Come here, son, come here.

- Try Gap.
- Gap?


All right. g*n rip, 47 Gap.
On one, on one. Ready.


Your coach ain't here
to protect you now, is he?


This team is your family, Michael.



Cut back, cut back. Block him, Oher.

He's got a hole! He's got a hole!

- Get him, Michael.
- SJ!

Get him, Michael. Come on, go!
Run, Michael!

Go, go, go!

- Go, Mike!
- Go, Michael!

Yeah, touchdown!

Hey! Hey! Touchdown!


Yo! Deliverance!

You see number 74?
Well, that's my son.

Way to go, bro! Ha-ha-ha.

Okay, here's what we got.
Dead ball foul.

- Now what? Was he holding?
- No.

- Did he hit after the whistle?
- I don't believe so.

Then what was the flag for?

I don't know. Excessive blocking.

You're kidding me.

Sorry, coach. I stopped
when I heard the whistle.

Where were you taking him, Mike?

To the bus. It was time for him
to go home.

Attaboy, Michael Oher. Attaboy!

Go get them! Go get them, Crusaders!

Ready, set, go!

Ready, set, go!

- Whoo!
- Whoo! Michael!

Set, go!


Hey! Hey! Rub the head, rub the head.
All right, let's go!

- Oh.
- Tackle, over there.

Ready, set, go!


Ready, 21! Ready, 21!


Pull it!

Tom Lemming Recruiting, please hold.

Tom Lemming Recruiting, please hold.

Coach Saban wants his monthly
recruiting updates FedExed.

Does he really think getting it one day
early is gonna give LSU a leg up?

Hey, have you filled all the slots
in the Army all-star game?

Yeah, why?

You might wanna open one up.



What did I tell you?

I want him. I want him bad.

Y- E-L-L, everybody yell.
Say, everybody yell.

Y- E-L-L, everybody yell

Nice kick this time, Collins. Nice job.

What in the world?

All right, y'all keep practicing.
Remember, point your toes.

One, two, three, one! One, two,
three, two! One, two, three, three!

You gonna buckle up today, son?

sh**t, man, Fulmer's here.
Might as well go home.

What do you say, fellas? Doing
all right? Good to see everybody.

Came all the way from Knoxville
to see for myself.

Heck, coach, we drove from Clemson,
nine hours.

Coach Fulmer. It's a real honor.

My pleasure. I've watched your program.
You've done really well.

I don't think there's any question
you'll be at the next level soon.

Oh, well, you know, we do
what we can with what we've got.

Is that-? Is that Michael? Is that O'Hare?

It's Oher. Like a paddle in a boat. Oher.

You think we might see some drills,

- I think all the coaches would appreciate it.
- Oh, yes, sir. You bet.

Listen up, fellas!
We're gonna do a board drill.

Big Mike,
Jay Collis, best on best right here.

Let's go, come on, come on!

On the whistle, men.


Coach. Thank you.

- Where are you off to, coach?
- Back to South Carolina.

You tell Michael Oher, if he can qualify
with the grades, Clemson wants him.

Yeah, good luck with that, Brad.

You've done a great job
with this young man.

He was a little raw
when we first got him...

...but we've, you know,
coached him up a little bit.

Where is that?

Well, make me guess.

Hello, Mama.

Did you know to be eligible
for a Division I scholarship...

- ... Michael will need to make a 2.5 GPA?
- Really?

His ACT is low and I don't see it getting
any better if he retakes it. Right there.

Well, what's his GPA now?


That's not bad when you
consider where he started.

Well, he's gonna have to
make all A's this year.

I'm serious.
And that might not even be enough.

So he goes to a junior college.

Unh-uhn. Most inner-city kids that
go to JC drop out in the first year.

And his shot at the pros
would go out the window.

Pros? Are we even sure
he's gonna get college offers?

Michael, Nick Saban from LSU.

Looking forward to you
coming down and visiting.

Greetings, I'm Lou Holtz
from South Carolina. I'm call-

We are very interested in having
Michael over to Knoxville for a visit.

Phil Fulmer, Tennessee.

There's 20 more of them on there.
And these things right here, 50 of them.

- Any of those from Ole Miss?
- No.

They're not gonna start recruiting
till they hire another coach.

Doesn't make any difference
unless Michael makes his grades. Ahem.

What are we gonna do?

I understand you applied
for a teaching position at Wingate.

I wasn't religious enough for them.

I'm a spiritual person, Mrs. Tuohy,
but I have certain, shall we say, doubts.

Well, I appreciate your honesty,
Miss Sue.

What's the situation with Michael?

- He needs to do better in school.
- Obviously.

But why the big push?

Well, he's in line for a football
scholarship if he gets his grades up.

- Is he considering Ole Miss?
- Better be.

I'd love to work with him.

Well, when would you like to start?

Mrs. Tuohy, um, there's something
you should know about me.

I don't usually tell many people...

...but it's something I feel you should
be aware of before you hire me.

Uh- What is it?

I'm a Democrat.


- I don't understand it.
- Yet.

You don't understand it yet.

How big is your head, Michael?


And what's in there?

- A brain.
- A brain.

It's full of knowledge.

Like a file cabinet with maps,
and shortcuts for figuring things out.

You'll get there, Michael Oher, because
I'm here to help you use those maps...

...and reach your destination,
like Sacagawea led Lewis and Clark.


We'll get to that.
And the history books have it wrong.

All you need to know
is I'll get you there.

Do you believe me?

You trust me, Michael?

Yes, Miss Sue.

Try it again.

What's the next one? Read that
to me. Okay, what does it say?

First we have to find the constant.
Now, where is the constant?

Good. See?

Who'd have thought we'd have
a black son before we knew a Democrat?

I got it, guys.

Coach, how are you? Come in.
Sean Tuohy.

- Nick Saban, nice to meet you.
- Nice to see you. My pleasure.

I appreciate the opportunity
to come in your home.

- This is my daughter, Collins.
- Pleasure to meet you.

- And you must be Leigh Anne.
- That would be me, Coach Saban.

- Nice to meet you.
- You too.

Just call me Nick.
This is an incredible home.

The Windsor valances are a nice touch.

Well, thank you.
You obviously have excellent taste.

Well, we appreciate quality...

...and recognize it when we see it.

Michael, why don't you come in
and say hello?

- Nick Saban. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

And you must be SJ.
- That's me.

Michael, why don't you and Nick
go into the living room and talk?

Can SJ come?

- Absolutely. We'll recruit the both of you.
- All right.

I find him extremely handsome.

Yeah, I'm right here, Leigh Anne.

Yeah, I know.

So, Michael, we would love
to get you down to LSU for a visit.

We've got a great thing going
right now.

You have an opportunity to be
successful as a person, as a student...

...and an opportunity to be a part of the
next national championship team at LSU.

So, what do you say?
Would you like to commit to a visit?

Can I ask a question?

My brother and I are very close,
and so...

...I'm very afraid that if he goes off
to school, I might not get to see him.

- So...
- Go on.

I guess I was just wondering
how much access I'd have to him.

Well, SJ, you would have
total access to Michael.

But better than that, in his first game
in Tiger Stadium...

...we would like for you to lead
the team out of the tunnel.

- What do you think about that?
- Sounds good.

Come on in.

Greetings. I'm Lou Holtz from
the University of South Carolina.

Leigh Anne Tuohy. Nice to meet you.
Come on in. Michael?

Hello. I'm Tommy Tuberville,
Auburn University.

Leigh Anne Tuohy. Nice to meet you.

- Houston Nutt, University of Arkansas.
- Leigh Anne Tuohy. Nice to meet you.

- Ole Miss cup, huh?
- Michael?

Oh, come on. You know this.

It's logical.

I guarantee, you come to
University of South Carolina...'ll be the smartest decision
you've ever made.

We want you, we need you,
but the other thing is, Mike, you need us.


Knoxville is a tremendous place
to live and-

I know there's Lions,
there's Tigers, there's Bears.

Hey, there's only one Razorback
in the world.

And not only that, you will look great
in Gamecock red.

What's in it for me?

SJ, I'm gonna get you a hog hat
and the whole family a hog hat.

Are you telling me that's
the best you can do?

SJ, you remind me of me as a boy.

Coach, help me help you.

I can give you a Gamecock headdress,
and with real feathers.

- What do you got for me, Phil?
- I've been thinking a lot about that...

...and one of the things
I think would be special... we'll walk arm-in-arm to the center
of Neyland Stadium in the first ball game...

...and do the coin toss together.
How's that sound?

Coach Fulmer, it's a pleasure
doing business with you.

My pleasure, CJ. You bet you, buddy.

Congratulations on getting hired.

Thank you, ma'am.
Ole Miss is my dream job.

You're coming a little late to the party
and we're diehard Rebels... I'm gonna pretty much
give you a road map.

- Got it.
- LSU is out.

Everybody knows Saban's
going to the NFL.

Don't wanna name names,
but on Michael's first two trips...

- ... somebody took him to a titty bar.
- Terrible.

Tell me about it.
He had nightmares for weeks.

So when he visits,
I want you to feed him Italian.

He likes fettuccine Alfredo.
And take him to a movie.

Not Chainsaw m*ssacre
because he'll just cover his eyes.

Then get him in bed by 10. Got it?

- Yes, ma'am.
- All right.

- What about Tennessee?
- Mm.

Breaks my heart,
but they're still in the hunt.

Ahem. Fulmer made SJ a sweet deal.

- I hear that kid can really pepper the gumbo.
- Hmm.

He's his daddy's boy. You ready?

- Let's do it.
- All right.

Mike, do you love barbecue?
I tell you what, Mike.

You can go to a gas station and
get the best barbecue you ever got.

It's a wonderful place to live.

Fried catfish, all the good food that
we love to eat and that's not good for us... can have it there, Mike,
I promise you.

And for you, SJ, this is what I can do.

At Ole Miss, we have
The Grove by the stadium.

We walk it before every game
in front of thousands of people.

It's a sacred ritual. And I'm in front.

Seen it a thousand times.

Ever seen it from the front of the line?
Next year, you and me, leading the team.

Tennessee offered to let me
run on the field and flip the coin.

I'll throw in a sideline pass.

Have you decided yet, Michael?

No, Miss Sue.

But you like Tennessee?

Yeah. That's a good school.

Not at the academic level of Ole Miss...

...but they have a outstanding
Science Department.

You know what they're famous for?

They work with the FBI... study the effects of soil
on decomposing body parts.

What's that mean?

Well, when they find a body, the police
wanna know how long it's been dead.

So the fine folks at Tennessee
help them out.

Oh, they have lots of body parts.

Arms and legs and hands...

...from hospitals and medical schools.

And do you know where they store them?

Right underneath the football field.

So while it's fine and dandy
to have 100,000 fans cheering for you...

...the bodies you should be worried about
are the ones right under the turf.

Set to poke up through the ground
and grab you.

Well, it's your decision
where you wanna play ball.

Don't let me influence you.

All the other teachers are on board.
I don't know what your problem is.

I'm sorry. I will not give a student
a grade he or she doesn't deserve.

Well, Michael needs a B.

What does he have to do
to deserve that?

Right now Michael's doing
C- minus, D-plus work.

His best chance at improvement is
the written essay at the end of the year.

It counts for a third of the grade.

Well, that's it. We're sunk.

Why don't you write about
Great Expectations?

You're a lot like Pip.

I mean, he was poor. He was an orphan
and someone kind of found him.

You should be able to relate to that.

Fine. We'll go through the reading list.

But you're gonna have to pick one,


A Tale of Two Cities.

"The Charge of the Light Brigade. "

Half a league, half a league
Half a league onward

I love that one.

He loves it.

Why don't you do this?
And I'll watch basketball.


All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

They named LSU's stadium Death Valley
because of this story.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson
was writing about LSU-Ole Miss.

- You're kidding.
- No.

- It's a great story.
- It's a poem!

"Forward, the Light Brigade!"

That's like the offense.

"Charge for the g*ns," he said:

It's the end zone.

Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

"Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismay'd?

Not tho' the soldier knew
Someone had blunder'd:

Someone made a mistake?

Yeah. Their leader.

Their coach.

But why would they go ahead
if they knew he messed up?

Theirs not to make reply

Theirs not to reason why

Theirs but to do and die:

Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

They're all gonna die, aren't they?


That's really, really sad.

I think you just found
something to write about, Michael.

Courage is a hard thing to figure.

You can have courage based
on a dumb idea or a mistake...

...but you're not supposed to
question adults...

...or your coach or your teacher
because they make the rules.

Maybe they know best,
but maybe they don't.

It all depends on who you are,
where you come from.

Didn't at least one of the 600 guys
think about giving up...

...and joining with the other side?

I mean, valley of Death,
that's pretty salty stuff.

That's why courage is tricky.

Should you always do
what others tell you to do?

Sometimes you might not even know
why you're doing something.

I mean, any fool can have courage.

But honor, that's the real reason
you either do something or you don't.

It's who you are
and maybe who you want to be.

If you die trying for
something important...

...then you have both honor and
courage, and that's pretty good.

I think that's what the writer was saying.

That you should hope for courage
and try for honor.

And maybe even pray that the people
telling you what to do have some too.

Kevin Lin.

- Good job.
- Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.

Matthew Nichols.

- Hmm?

Michael's final GPA.
Got it off of Paul's computer.

He did it, Sean. He did it.

Wait a minute. You broke into
the principal's computer?


Michael Oher.


Where in the world did you find
a baby picture of Michael?

Scanned it off an Internet ad
for a toddler boutique.

- Congratulations, Michael.
Thank you.

Michael, up top!

Way to go, bro.

All right, that's enough.

Young man, I think I need a proper hug.

You're gonna be staying
in Deaton Hall. Where is it?

It's 109. It's right there.

You'll be on the meal plan so you'll be
eating over here in Johnson Commons.

Johnson Commons, all-you-can-eat
self-serve ice cream.

- Mm-hm.
- As much as you want?

That's how Mama put on
her freshman 10.

- Stop it.
- Whew.


This is Mrs. Tuohy.

They just wanna ask you a couple questions,
Michael. You have nothing to hide.

Mrs. Tuohy? Mr. Oher?
My name is Jocelyn Granger.

I'm the Assistant Director of
Enforcement for the NCAA.

Please, call me Leigh Anne.

So let's do this, shall we?

If you wouldn't mind,
I'd prefer to speak with Michael alone.

And how long is that gonna take?

A while.

It's all right. It's okay.

Go on.


Michael. I'll be waiting for you
in the lobby, all right?

I don't know, Sean.

Just have a bad feeling about this one.

This woman is tough, tough, tough,
tough, tough. Hold on.


The client wants what?

Were you aware that Coach Cotton
was accepting a job at Ole Miss?


And that this job offer came
after you signed with them?

Sean Tuohy, your legal guardian,
went to Ole Miss.

He played basketball.

And Mrs. Tuohy went to Ole Miss
as well.

She was a cheerleader.

Is it safe to say that Ole Miss
is their favorite school?

Do they like any other universities?
What about, say, Tennessee?

No, they can't stand Tennessee.

And your tutor.

- Miss Sue?
- Miss Sue.

Miss Sue is an Ole Miss grad too.

Miss Sue ever try to persuade you
to attend Ole Miss?

Did you know that the Tuohys
make generous donations to Ole Miss?

That even Miss Sue makes donations?

That the Tuohys,
they have a condo in Oxford... they can attend
as many athletic events as possible.

That in fact, both Sean and Leigh Anne
Tuohy are by our definition boosters.

Mr. Oher.

Mr. Oher.

Do you understand?
Do you know why I'm here?

To investigate?

Yes. To investigate.

I'm here to investigate
your odd... predicament.

Do you find it odd, your predicament?


I don't know.

- Can I-? Can I leave now?
- No, you can't.

What do you want, ma'am?

- I want the facts. I need the truth.
- I didn't lie.

- I wanna know what you think about this.
- Think about what?!

The NCAA fears that
with your recruitment...

...a door might be opened...

...that boosters from schools
in the South...

...will become legal guardians
of young athletes without means...

...and funnel them to their alma maters.

I'm not saying I believe it.
I'm not saying I don't.

But there are many people involved in this
case who would argue that the Tuohys...

- ... they took you in, they clothed you...
- No.

...they fed you, they paid for
your private education.

- They bought you a car, paid for a tutor...
- No. No.

...all as part of a plan to ensure that you
play football for the University of Mississippi.

Michael? We're not finished.

The toile's not available,
like I told you months ago.

So why don't we go with the ticking?
The low nap. It's a beautiful-

I'll call you back. Bye.
Michael. So, what happened?

- Why'd you do it?
- What?

All along you wanted me
to go to Ole Miss.

Well, of course I did. We love Ole Miss.

- Why'd you do this for me?
- What?

Everything. Was it for you
or was it for me?

Was it so I would go to school
where you wanted?

Was it so I would do what you wanted?

- Michael, no, I-
- That's what she thinks.

Is she right?

Michael, honey, I need for you
to just listen to me.

Don't you dare lie to me.

I'm not stupid.

Michael? Michael, of course
you're not stupid, Michael. Mi-

I should've followed him.

You had no way of knowing
he'd disappear.

Was he right?

What he said about us?

Leigh Anne, be reasonable.

We gave clothes to a boy who had one
pair of shorts and we gave him a bed.

To hell with the NCAA.
I would do it again tomorrow.

What about all the rest of it?

All the stuff we did to make sure
that he got a scholarship.

A scholarship to Ole Miss.

He could go anywhere he wanted.
He knew that.

Oh, did he? Did you ask him?
Because I sure as hell know I never did.

Hey. Come here.


Am I a good person?

Not a joke.

Not rhetorical.

You are the best person that I know.

Everything you do, you do for others.

And why is that?

I have not a clue.

But you obviously get some sort of
sick satisfaction out of it.

- Sean.
- Yeah?

What if he never comes back?

Oh. Heh. Whoo!

Big Mike. Hey, get your ass
on in here, man.

- I'm looking for my mama.
- Your mama?

Yeah, I seen Dee Dee around.

As a matter of fact...

Oh, yeah, she usually stop by
for a taste around this time.

Look, I tell you what,
why don't you just come on inside?

I'm gonna get you a 40, we gonna chop
it up like real folk. Just until she get here.

Come on, now.
Ain't nobody gonna bite you, baby.


Hey, Big Mike, go on down there
in the living room, man. Have a seat.

Liven this bitch up in here, y'all.

Give me a couple of 40s
out that refrigerator.

- Sit down, man.
- Big Mike, boy.

Damn, sure good to see you.

Yeah, you looking good too.
You looking fit.

I heard you playing a little ball.

Y'all know that old rich-kid football ain't
got nothing on that public-school league.

n*gg*s packing knives in they socks.

Hey. I played a little ball myself.

- Back in the day. You knew that, right?
- Yeah, I heard.

Little quarterback. Up there at MLK.

Thank you, baby.

What about you, David?
You still playing ball over at JC?

- Naw, br-
- No, man. David ain't with that no more.

He with me now.

As a matter of fact, look,
I can open up a spot for you too.

I got tired of going to class.
People always trying to tell me what to do.

Well, in that case, then, look here,
turn that up right there, little-bitty bitch!

- Ha-ha-ha.
- Bitty bitch!

Hey, man. I'm just messing with D, man.

Ahh. I heard you staying
on the other side of town.

Yeah, that what Dee Dee said. Said you
got you a new mama now. Yeah, man.

Hell, yeah.
She fine too.

Yeah, she fine. Mm-mm. Ooh!

Hey, she got any other kids?

She got a daughter?

You tap that?

Yeah. Yeah, you tapped that, didn't you?

Big Mike!

Big Mike done got a little piece,
y'all! He can't stand hisself now.

Hey, Big-

He done- He done lost his mind.

Hey, where you going?

I'm gonna just go wait for Mama
at the apartment.

Hey, man. Just go on heading on.

Sit down. I'm just trying to find
out a little bit about your fine white sister.

Because I likes me some of
that mommy-daughter action.

Shut up.

"Shut up"?

Who in the hell is you telling to shut up?

I will bust a cap in your fat ass...

...and then drive east to pay a visit
to your cr*cker-ass mama...

...and her sweet little daughter.

Big fella.

My baby!

You monster! Get out!

- Mama!
- Mama!

He gone, snowflake.

Michael was here?

Yeah, but you tell him I'll be seeing
him around. Oh, he gonna get his.

So Michael was here?

Last night. Gonna come by here
and sneak me then run off.

Yeah. Tell him to sleep
with one eye open.

You hear me, bitch?

No, you hear me, bitch.

You thr*aten my son, you thr*aten me.

You so much as cross into downtown,
you will be sorry.

I'm in a prayer group with the DA...

...I'm a member of the NRA,
and I'm always packing.

What you got in there, a. 22?
Or a Saturday Night Special?

Mm-hm. And it sh**t just fine
all the other days too.

- Michael?

You think the police
are gonna come and get me?

I imagine the last thing
they want in Hurt Village... a bunch of cops snooping around.

I swore I would never ask this, but
how did you get out of there, Michael?

When I was little and
something awful was happening... mama would tell me
to close my eyes.

She was trying to keep me from
seeing her do dr*gs or other bad things.

And when she was finished
or the bad things were over...

...she'd say, "Now when I count to
three, you open your eyes.

The past is gone, the world is a good
place, and it's all gonna be okay. "

You closed your eyes.

You know, when I was driving
all over kingdom come looking for you...

...I kept thinking about one thing.

Ferdinand the Bull.

I know I should've asked you this
a long time ago, Michael.

But do you even wanna play football?

I mean, do you even like it?

I'm pretty good at it.

Yeah, you are.

Sean and I have been talking and...

...Michael, if you're gonna
accept a football scholarship...

...we think it should be to Tennessee.

And I promise that I will be
at every game, cheering for you.

- Every game?
- Every game.

But I will not wear that gaudy orange.
I will not.

It is not in my color wheel
and I'm not gonna wear it.

So you want me to go to Tennessee?

I want you to do whatever you want.

It is your decision, Michael.
It's your life.

What if I wanted to flip burgers?

It's your decision. It's your life.


Okay, what?

I'm sorry I left the other day.

You were pretty upset.

- You asked a lot of questions.
- I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this.

But all the questions you asked...

...were about why everybody else
wanted me to go to Ole Miss.


Not once did you ask
why did I wanna go there.

All right.

Fine, Michael. Why do you
wanna go to Ole Miss?

Because it's where my family
goes to school.

It's where they've always
gone to school.

College will be a different
experience for you.

SJ, stop it.

- There's gonna be lots of distractions.
- Have fun.

Always gonna be some nimrod in the dorm
who wants to play video games all night...

...or fool around on the Internet.

Just have fun.

You'll be spending
a lot of time at practice...

...which means you'll have to be
very dedicated to your studies, all right?

SJ, if you don't stop it right-
Come here.

Relax, Mama.

I just got back from the library. I reserved
a private cubicle for the semester.

Here's your class schedule
and our study-hall hours.

Now, if y'all don't mind, I'm gonna
go move into my new apartment.

- Thank you, Miss Sue.
Thank you, Miss Sue.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let's see what you got.

College Writing, good. Psychology,
Math Lab, which is gonna be good-

- Hi.
Well, you know why.

A lot of good classes.

- You gonna have a lot of fun.

Michael Oher, you listen to me,
all right?

I want you to enjoy yourself, but if
you get a girl pregnant out of wedlock...

...I will crawl in the car, drive up here
to Oxford, and I will cut off your penis.

She means it.

- Yes, ma'am.
- All right.

Well, the 78's gonna be a parking lot
so we should get going.

I want everyone to say their goodbyes,
all right? Here. Bye, baby.

Thank you, Mama.
- You're welcome.

Why does she always do that?

She's an onion, Michael. You have to
peel her back a layer at a time.

Be right back.


What, Michael?

I need a proper hug.

I read a story the other day
about a boy from the projects.

No daddy, in and out of foster care.

He'd been k*lled in a g*ng fight
at Hurt Village.

In the last paragraph, they talked about
his superb athletic skills...

...and how different
his life might've been...

...if he hadn't fallen behind
and dropped out of school.

He was 21 years old the day he died.

It was his birthday.

That could have been anyone.

It could've been my son, Michael.

But it wasn't.

And I suppose I have God
to thank for that.

God and Lawrence Taylor.

One Mississippi.

The New England Patriots have traded
the 23rd pick to the Baltimore Ravens.

And with the 23rd pick
in the 2009 NFL draft...

...the Baltimore Ravens select Michael
Oher, offensive tackle, Mississippi.
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