2009: Lost Memories (2002)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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2009: Lost Memories (2002)

Post by bunniefuu »

October 26, 1909, 9:00 am
Harbin Station, China

Failed assassination attempt on
Chosun Governor Ito Hirobumi

Assassin Choong-Kun Ahn
shot and k*lled on site

the Korean peninsula

Ito Hirobumi appointed
as first governor of Chosun

in Pagoda Park dispersed

as second governor of Chosun

in Honxiao Park, Shanghai

fight as allies in World w*r II

over Manchuria

on Berlin World w*r II ends

accepted into UN

as a permanent member
of the UN Security Council

satellite goes into orbit

held in Nagoya

held in Japan

Toyotomi Hideyoshi, The Last
Exhibition of Inoue Artifacts

It's amazing

We don't have to
do the rounds, right?

There are bodyguards
all over the place...

Who is it?

I'm in

The t*rror1st group
that has taken Ito Hall

has been identified
as the "Hurei-Sen-Jin"

When their claims
of Chosun independence

failed to earn public support
even from Koreans

they turned to terrorism
Authorized Personnel ONLY

In the Hureisenjin attack on the
Japanese Cultural Center in 2007

The leaders of the team
were apprehended

and the team was believed
to have been destroyed

but another t*rror1st attack
was carried out today

The Hureisenjin have
apparently rebuilt their team

Eight SWAT teams
are standing by

- How many t*rrorists are there?
- We believe about 10

Their demands?

Nothing yet, sir!

Can we move
in right away?

I wouldn't do
anything hasty

Think of the
Cultural Center

Stalling will only result in greater damage

They've taken many hostages

No more negotiations with Hureisenjin!

Sakamoto! Sorry to
cut short your vacation

Tough luck!

How's the situation?

It's strangely quiet

They've taken control of

the Central Hall but
there's no movement

I have a bad
feeling about this

It reminds me of the nightmare
at the Japanese Cultural Center


Bring them to the east exit
We'll be standing by

Drop the g*n!

Drop your g*n
and surrender!

f*ck you!

I didn't come
here to surrender

Any more
resistance is useless

Drop the g*n!

Are you Korean?

Drop your g*n!

I asked
if you were Korean!

How can
you sh**t at us?

You're just criminals


How can a try to get
my country back be a crime?

I'm going to count to three

I am Captain Joon-Hwan Kim
of the Korean Independence Army


Tell them this message

- Two!
- Korea is an independent country!

Japan has committed a crime
by forcefully invading Korea


What did he say in Korean?

JBI Seoul Office

Judging from the break-in route
and the overall nature of the attack

We know it was
a well-trained team

Hureisenjin has rebuilt itself

This incident will
provide material clues

material clues
to the direction

the organization
plans to take


The current evidence isn't enough to
clearly identify their specific motives

Maybe they were after
the national treasures?

The Hureisenjin are not known
to commit simple robberies

That's right

Many were
damaged in the g*nf*re

But there is no evidence that
they tried to steal any of them

What are the
other possibilities?

The interesting thing is that
they locked up the hostages

Almost as if they
wanted to protect them

Then they must've
had another motive

They completed their task but the
police came sooner than they expected

This was confirmed by
statements from the hostages

There is another unusual detail

One t*rror1st tried to
slip out with the hostages

This man

This is just speculation
but we believe the g*n fight

may possibly have been...
...a cover for something else

Ten men were sacrificed
to save one?!

Please leave this case
to Saigo and myself

Why do you always go for
the Hureisenjin cases?

Do you have
something to prove?

Why not let
Inspector Miura

take it and leave me out of it?

I have no idea
about you sometimes

Who has the most to
lose from this case?

The Inoue
Foundation obviously

Could this be relate
to the Foundation?

We can start by checking out
the background for the exhibition

Thanks, Saigo!

Don't dump this on me!

You know that picture?

What picture?

That Hureisenjin guy...

It's nothing!

I'll make sure that
nothing affects the schedule

Here you are!

- Who are you?
- Oh!

You mean Mr. Inoue

That's Mr. Inoue Kenji
Chairman of the Inoue Foundation

He's the grandson of
the second governor of Korea

This painting "Utopia"
is by Kawabata Yukio

He drew paradise
as he saw it in a dream

This kind of celadon is
famous around the world

It's magnificent, isn't it?

Amazing that it made it
through all that g*n fire

The last exhibition?

After this exhibition, all the
artifacts will be moved back to Japan

This exhibition is amazing

But this is nothing compared to
the really important gems

that already have been moved to
Busan for shipment back to Japan

This one piece was huge

Huge? What was it?

Over there
That's where it used to be

Inoue was the Korea's second governor

and he collected
every treasures he could

He was quite a collector

I've heard stories
that he even collected

a lot of forbidden things
by the government

and wilder stuff
than in this exhibit...

One time, he saw this mountainous rock
in Harbin that he wanted so much

but couldn't move it with
the technology at the time

So, he left instructions in his will
and eventually had it moved

Talk about obsessive

So he got it after he died

- Daddy!
- Ok. Ok!

- Go to Mommy, Go to Mommy!
- All right. I know

Why did you ask me over anyway?

Oh, that...?

Ask Yuriko!

This is when your Daddy and
I were at the Police Academy

Your mom and dad had started
dating when they had a fight

What are you telling her?

And your daddy said that
they should break up

Stop it!

But, your daddy
loved your mom

So much that he just cried for days

Daddy cried?

That's not all
One day...

The things you tell a child
That's enough


One day!
Mommy got a letter

I hadn't gotten a letter
since I was a little girl...

There was
a strange name on it

Mommy read
the letter and thought

"If he has a friend like this
I could trust him with my life"

Do you know that
Yuriko still has your letter?

What did you
write in that letter?

How come you keep secrets
with someone else's wife?

Every time I see your family
I envy you

Yuriko is so warm and gentle
and Keiko is really cute

Was it a woman?


You said
you sometimes see visions

Oh, that
Well... I don't know...

It looks like a woman...

At first, thought cuz you're workaholic
But I don't think that's it

Then what?

It's time you got married

You still have
feelings for her?


I was pretty drunk
at the graduation party

but I remember clearly

You said that you felt like
You've been in love so long

I told you that?

I don't get it...


The Hurei-Sen-Jin

Why were they fighting so hard?

Obsessed with the past, I guess

Chosun disappeared and
was reborn as a united Japan

They're in denial about reality

That's the problem

Is that why you're obsessing
about this case?

If I had Korean blood...

I would understand
how you feel

But let's be realistic
You and I are Japanese

You don't need to get emotional
about something like that


I've never thought
of you as a Korean

Aha! You drag me all
the way to this smelly dump...

Being in Korean districts
always gives me the creeps

I just got here and
was having a smoke

I already had dinner

You used to love sushi
What happened?

Like father, like son
You love sushi just like your father

Masao loved sushi, too
when he was at your age

Don't talk about my father

- Sakamoto!
- Please...

Your father was
a great police officer

Then he wouldn't have been
shot by a fellow officer


Yes, I'm not being
very smart today

I should've just congratulated you

I know it's late, Sakamoto!
Happy birthday!

Is your
investigation going well?

We're still just getting started

Did you know there was
a similar case before?

That time, too, we couldn't
figure out Hureisenjin's motives

Year 1985
The Vladivostok case

Chronological table of
Hureisenjin activities

Attempted hijacking of
Vladivostok barge

Agent Sakamoto Masao
found to be corrupt

Searching: list of shipments

Inoue Cultural Association

Origin: Harbin


Access Denied!

Access Denied!

What are you staring at?

I was wondering
if it was related to this case



Why don't you get
some new glasses?

They're not pretty but
my wife bought them for me...

She likes them

Then it can't be helped

Here, the picture
you asked for

Oh, thanks!

- What is it?
- We over looked a simple detail

This thing is over

where it was
originally displayed


It's rock
so it's heavy and

Look how big it is! There's no way
it moved that far during the sh**t

Think about the guy
who tried to escape

They left this morning

What do you mean?

The rest of the
exhibition's cancelled

and everything is being moved back
to Japan earlier than scheduled

What is that assh*le?

Mission complete!
Move out!

Mission complete!
Move out, K1!

Answer me, K1!


Let's go!

Move out!

This was the motive
for the Ito Hall incident!

That's the motivation!

The so called "Lunar Soul"
Extremely ancient. Exact age unknown

The Inoue Foundation excavated
excavated it in 1923

The excavation site was
at Wandal Mountain near Harbin

It was used in
religious ceremonies

Why would they steal
something so useless?

That's the key question
We figured out that

Finally, Hureisenjin got a "Lunar Soul"

The Lunar Soul was their goal

But still don't know
why they needed it

This is a list of similar cases

Anniversary Hall bombing

of the Vladivostok Barge

One incident in 2005, two in 2006
five from 2007 to date including this

And they are all connected
to the Inoue Foundation

Their goal is
the Inoue Foundation?

It can't be just a coincidence

The two organizations
must be related somehow

There's no other
logical explanation

A full investigation into...

the Inoue Foundation is necessary
in order to find some answers


The Inoue Foundation
is no easy match

Hasty action without solid
evidence is unacceptable

The Inoue Foundation?


Sakamoto, did you get
the Commissioner's permission?

The higher you get
the scarier things get

Even with solid evidence
The Commissioner will hesitate

But you can't investigate without
the Commissioner's permission

You saw the record on the
Vladivostok case 24 years ago, right?

The case where the Hureisenjin
tried to hijack the barge?

On the report it says
they were after semiconductors

But there were other things
on the barge. You know what?

More Inoue
Foundation artifacts?

Yes! The rock thing that was being
shipped to Japan from Harbin

The huge thing that Inoue wanted!
That was on the barge

That's what the Hureisenjin were after?


What does that have
to do with this case?



Both the big rock artifact and
the Lunar Soul were found in Harbin

The conflict between the Hureisenjin and the
Inoue Foundation must be related to that artifact

I'm not sure how this fits in
but it's too strange to be a coincidence

Harbin is where the attempted
assassination of Ito Hirobumi took place...

It was Inoue who
saved Ito at that time

What do you want from me?

Please tell us. I can't find any
info about that artifact anywhere

It's been erased from the Foundation's
collection list. They have it, don't they?

I said I don't know...

What are you trying to hide?

You think it's
justifiable to barge in here

and demand info about
something from 24 years ago?

I'm sorry, sir. We'll make an official
request for your cooperation later

We'll meet with
the Chairman in person and...

This is unacceptable!

Who do you think you are to treat
the Inoue Foundation like a criminal?

Why are you avoiding answering?

Wasn't the thing on the boat
shipped from Harbin?

what's wrong with you?

Calm down!

What did you say your name was?

Sakamoto Masayuki

Now I remember

Yes, there was a Korean police officer

The Hureisenjin paid him off
A corrupt cop...

That has nothing to do
with my question!

A fellow officer
shot him, I believe...

- Answer the question!
- Sakamoto Masao!

- What is on that ship?
- I said I don't know!

I heard his son
became a cop, too...


- What's wrong with you?
- What!

This attitude
it's not like you!

You saw that too

He's hiding
something for sure!

That's why you got so upset?

That's why you att*cked
him without thinking?

Listen, we are police officers
We have to be objective

Don't drag your petty feelings
about your father into this!


All right
My father was a corrupt cop.

He was a
Hureisenjin dog...!

A filthy cowardly traitor!
That's what you want to hear?

You want to despise me?

Fine, laugh away!

There's tainted blood
running through me


Calling your feelings "petty"
was bad of me. Sorry

I'm solving this case

Harbin International Airport


Ancient Koreans worshipped
the sun and the moon

This is where the temple stone
the altar where rituals to...

the Sun god Haemosoo
were carried out

Professor Ono!
What is the Lunar Soul?

It's the knife used to cut off
the head of the sacrificial animal

They called it the Lunar Soul because
it contained the spirit of the moon

The Lunar Soul...
it's a beautiful name, isn't it?

That was 20 years ago

Everyone here was against it
but they were adamant

People said
there would be a curse...

No one lives here now...

That's right!
It was the Inoue Foundation


He's the one
Saigo Shojiro!

Say hello
This is Mr. Inoue Kenji!

Don't move!

Do you know me?

You must know me

JBI agent Sakamoto Masayuki

And also?

A traitor who turns his g*n
on his own people

How can a criminal be
defending her people?

A criminal?

Then you're saying

your father is a criminal too?

We're Just trying to
get our country back

But no one wants to get it back

You're just making Koreans suffer

Cut the crap. You're just
an errand boy for the Japanese

Why don't you drop
your backwards ideas!


- Korea is gone!
- Shut up!

You can't sh**t

I can see it in your eyes

Then you sh**t me!

You just don't have the
courage to become like us!


You've been taken off the case

You know why?

Because you're Korean

Please explain to me
what this is

You don't even know
what you did!

Did I tell you to investigate
the Inoue Foundation?

What are you trying to prove?

The Inoue Foundation is
the key to the case

As long as they keep quiet
the Hureisenjin...

Shut up!

You want to some sort of hero
by investigating a powerful figure?

You arrogant jerk! What was that
stunt you pulled at the Foundation?

The 1985 case was
about the "temple stone"

The temple stone is
related to this case

That's enough!

Investigating without reporting
is grounds for suspension!

Any objections?

No, sir

That letter...
what was in it?

It was a long letter...

Everything about
Sakamoto was in it

At the end

He said that you were a precious
person to him and he hoped

we would reconcile
for your friendship

Were you that upset for my
scolding you for not eating kimchi?

You had tears
running down your face

- No, I wasn't
- Don't deny it

It was just spicy, that's all

I haven't been able to
eat kimchi since then

- You were a crybaby
- No way

That year
remember the picnic?

Stop it now!

I put aside my case and went to
all that trouble to make that lunch

And you threw it away and cried

because you were the only one...
without your parents

So I got mad at you

I was just a kid


I was a little hurt
because you didn't understand me

but, I was really mad at me

for not able to
take your father's place

I promised myself that I would
never make you cry again

I have to keep
my promise to Masao

Why did you give me info on
the 1985 Vladivostok case?

Sakamoto, you're
mistaken about your father

He wasn't a
corrupt cop, like you think

Yes, he did side
with the Hureisenjin

He thought that
he had to do it for Korea

I was 7 years old

Did he have to abandon
his family like that?

No! Masao worried
about you until the end1

He came to me the night
before he went to Vladivostok

He asked me to take care of you
It was the only time I ever saw him cry

You have to
understand how much

it hurt him to
leave you behind1

He loved you
more than anything×

Stop it!

We're out of drinks

I'll get it!

You were drinking and got
angry at being suspended

You were arguing and then
go mad, so you shot him?


You're a cop
so you know the drill§



Keeping your mouth shut
will do you no good

Saigo, you do it

Someone was after me

He k*lled Takahashi
thinking it was me@

- He died because of me...
- Name?


Now you too

He was like
a father to me

You know
I didn't sh**t him

Just answer the question!?

You were
holding the g*n

You didn't report it and your
so-called intruder left no trace

It's a conspiracy
Isn't it?£

Are you part of this?~

Look at me in eyes!

Why are you
trying to stop me?@

It's connected to
the case, isn't it?

Because you're protecting
the Inoue Foundation?

Why the hell are
you doing this?

Sakamoto, you are under
arrest for the m*rder of Takahashi

The b*ll*ts in the body
was identified as yours

Arrest him!

You'll find
a lot of friends in jail

Since most of
them are Koreans@

Hideyo, you got new glasses

Oh... the old ones were out of style

Don't come back

Next time we meet
you and I are enemies


Where am I?

not safe for you at all

Don't go outside this room¾

There are a lot of
people after you



Don't move!

You're Japanese, aren't you?

Do you know how many of us
died because of people like you?

You wouldn't sh**t...

Don't come near me!


You're Herin's boyfriend, right?‘


The only man allowed
in this room is me!

What's your name?




Hey, kid

I can't stand...
arrogant pricks

What the hell do
you think you're doing?

Arrogant bastard

Stop it

There's someone
who wants to see you

Welcome, Sakamoto

You know me?

I knew your father
Masao Sakamoton

Do you know
Choong-Kun Ahn?@

The assassin who attempted
to k*ll Ito Hirobumi?


You have good
reason to call him that“

How do you think history would
have turned out if he had succeeded?

And what about if Japan
had lost World w*r II?

Atomic bombs were dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1 945n

and Korea gained

The history you know
has been tampered with

The damage caused by
the atomic b*mb was horrendous

Korea became independent
and we lost the w*r

However, Korea was soon
engulfed in a civil w*r, and...

We used that w*r as an opportunity
to become a financially

strong country
with great power

North and South Korea untied

to become a new nation
with a strong economy and military

Korea became a
new icon in Asia

It was then that a movement

to try and regain the land that
used to be ancient Korea started

You may not know this, but Manchuria
used to belong to ancient Korea

Of course, the Chinese government
would never begin to consider that

but we managed to organize
a joint research project between

Korea, China, and Japan

But the strangest thing
was uncovered in the process

That artifact held the secret†

about a doorway in time

Fortunately, our research
team found it first

and immediately sent it
to our organization

That was the temple stone

And the Lunar Soul is the key
that can open the doorway of time

We wanted to erase the
bitter defeat of the Pacific Ware

and the bombing of Hiroshima...@

An extreme right-wing organization
in Japan sent an assassin

named "Inoue" to change history@

October 26, 1 909...

Inoue went back exactly

and stopped Choong-Kun Ahn
from assassinating Ito in Harbin

That was the starting point of
our unfortunate history...h

Aren't you curious

how history could be
changed by only one man?

Because Inoue had
come from the future@

He knew what would happen
for the next 100 years

This our great secret and
the Inoue Foundation has kept

the temple stone completely
hidden until now...u

The Hureisenjin, judging from

their actions
obviously know this

But there is no way
they could know...@

When the door of time
was about to close

a female
researcher was drawn in...7

She didn't realize until later—

what had
happened to her"

She told her story
to a resistance group

They are the Hureisenjin of today

I know it sounds unbelievable

I thought so too at first...[

But for the past 1 00 years
many comrades have fought and

lost their lives for
this unbelievable fact

Your father was
one of them...@

We are trying to right
this warped history

We believe the temple stone will@

cross the Sea of Japan tomorrow@

This is our last chance

in this distorted history of ours

to erase the pain and sorrow
we have had to suffer

This is our only chance

We have endured decades
of humiliation for this day

After tomorrow

if our efforts end in failure

this perverted timeline will
continue and the truth will be silent

forever in disgrace

We cannot afford to
lose this opportunity

If we can't stop them
the tragedy of losing the w*r

and the atomic b*mb
will be repeated

The house of Yuriko
is no exception

Yuriko and Keiko
would not exist

Most importantly

How could we stand
the Koreans challenging us?

If I pass through the door of time
will I be able to come back?

The moment you pass through the door…

you can never come back

You want me to believe that

Do you actually believe that?

On what grounds?

You think
your father believed it?

And those people over there?

It would probably
hard for anyone

to believe it, like you nowº

But we realized somethingº

Whether you believe or not
is not important

Look at that kid

Like you, he lost his father


Do you think he understands
what his father was trying to do?

Things like independence
and liberation?

But Min-Jae is proud of his father

He trusted his father

He trusted that the things
his father did were rights

He trusted his father's beliefs@

Min-Jae will always remember

He believes his father's promise
that he will come back

That's his hope

If someone were to take
that hope away from him

what could we do for him?&

Where is it?

What do you mean?

The Hureisenjin hideout

This is just a bar...



You take the second floor
Okay. Move out

What is it?

It's all
because of that bastard

He brought them here

I should have k*lled him earlier

- Min-Jae!
- Min-Jae, Watch out!

Are you trying to get
yourself k*lled?@

This way


There's no time to lose

No. You have to come with us

We split up now doesn't mean
we'll never meet again


There's nothing
left for me to do

The rest is up to you

Take Myung-Hak and go!

What are you doing? Agh!


I'm counting on you


You bastards!


Miss Keiko!

Goodnight, Daddy!

Goodnight, Keiko!

Yes, I see!

I'll see you

Be careful!

Busan Port, Pier 1





I can't let you go¸

I can't let you rewrite
Japan's history

Don't try to stop me, Saigo

This is the nation that many
have died to regain,

I don't want to lose it again


sh**t, Sakamoto!

One of us has to die!


Now, sh**t!


If you don't sh**t

I will!


Excuse me...

Memorial Hall

These people are the ones who gave
their lives to reclaim our country

Without them
you wouldn't be here

Everyone knows the great independence
fighters AHN and YOO, right?


Choong-Kun Ahn...
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