Absolon (2003)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Absolon (2003)

Post by bunniefuu »

Man has always
been arrogant.

From the moment we emerged,
evolved and standing upright...

we became the masters
of our destiny.

With each step we moved on,
ever forward.

Seldom looking back at the
destruction we left in our way.

The answers would come tomorrow.

Always tomorrow.

Somehow they seemed
safer there.

We stacked them up as if to
protect us from the inevitable.

But everyone forgot that
tomorrow always comes.

And when it did
we weren't prepared.

It swept through the land,
toppling nations until...

the world was awash
in a great silence.

Only then did we see
what we had done.

Only then did we see
the price of our arrogance.

Yet, the human race is best
when things are at their worst.

In our darkest hour destiny always
forces someone to step forward.

Even if he never planned to.


Having fun again?

I told you to freeze it.

- Do you know what that feels like?
- It doesn't feel like anything.

There's no physical interaction
involved with holographs.

Whatever. Run it back. I wanna see
what he pushed behind the desk.

The cameras were
mounted diagonally.

We can't include anything
obstructed from it’s original view.

The wonders of technology.

Scott, you know Lt. Grier

- You saw the tape?
- Yeah.

What do you think?

I think he's dead.

There's nothing funny about this.

This is agent Walters.

What does the World Justice
Dept. Have to do with this?

The victim was Dr. F. Reyna...

- I know, Absolon.
- That 's right.

That still doesn't answer
my question.

The dept. Is very interested
in seeing that the k*ller is found.

This is a universal warrant, it'll
get you in wherever you want.

Put your team together
and get on this right away.

Prison entry codes
are no longer viable.

Norman Scott. 2372.

Identification confirmed.

You have one message.

Mr. Scott this is the
phone company.

Please call us back.

- You have one saved message.
- Hi, baby it's me.

I'm gonna stay for a few more days.
I'll call you later. I love you.

Neurological degeneration
syndrome is a new...

unknown medical illness.

As it is air born...

the infection will reach epidemic
levels by the end of the year.

The virus has two stages.

Stage one consists of contraction
and incubation.

Stage two is a deterioration of the
neurological pathways.

Once stage two has been entered
death follows within 2 or3 days.

A virus living undisturbed on the
floor of the rainforest for eons.

When we destroyed the rainforest
it was swept up into the air.

What arrogance!

To think we could change that which
took millions of years to create.

- Are you sure you want to do this?
- Yes. I want it documented.

I am born.

Whether I shall turn out to be
the hero of my life...

or whether that station
will be held by anyone else...

these pages must show.

In thinking of her,
pointing upward.

Pointing to that sky above me...

where in the mystery to come...

I may yet love her with a love
not known on earth and...



You have 147 seconds of hot water
remaining in today's allotment.

You are 7 hours delinquent
from your Absolon schedule.

Please initiate you weekly
neurological analysis.

Cell integrity is good.
Neurological levels stable.

Immunization is at 83% .

Dr. Frederick Reyna. P.H.D. M.D.
And a bunch of other letters.

Modern day saint. The world leader
in botanical chemistry.

He won the Earth Humanitarian
award in 2OO7...

for isolating the N.D.S. Virus.

And again in 2O14 for his work
on the Absolon project.

After that there's not much on him.

Maybe there is.

I found this at Reyna.
It 's encrypted, try to break it.

Who's financing the guy?

He got a grant from
Unified Pharmaceutical Corp.

Dr. Whitaker.

I'm Dt. Scott...

and this is Dt. Brian.
We need to ask you some questions.

- How well did you know Dr. Reyna.
- He was my professor.

He convinced me
to go into research.

- So you were friends?
- I don't think he had any friends.


That He was brilliant but he
wasn't easy to get along with.

- What was he working on?
- Nothing worth k*lling over.

But your company was
still funding him.

You don't pull a grant from
the man who discovered Absolon.

Of course. We found an encoded
disc in his study.

- Do you have the key charge for it?
- He was very secretive about work.

- Give it to us and we'll decode it.
- We have people who can do that.

They could also erase
very valuable data.

Didn't you say he wasn't
working on anything important?

No, I said he wasn't working on
anything worth k*lling over.

All research data is important.
You never know where it can lead.

- We'd like to look at his lab.
- It isn't here.

He liked to work outside
the corporate structure.

Thank you.

One more thing.

Can you tell us
where you were last night?

I was here until 9:3O
and then I went home.

- Anything else?
- Not for now.

Thank you Doctor.

Thank you. You account will
be debited in fifteen minutes.

Could we go somewhere
where we can sit down?

What? You don't like
dining here.

Dining! You call this dining?

What do you expect
from a guy who makes my wage?

- A chair.
- Touché.

- What 's next?
- Reyna's lab.

Hey, Mister.
Could you spare some time.

We can't help him.
He's already stage two.

Take a look around here, I'm gonna
check out the rest of the place.

My name's Scott.
I'm a police officer.

Daniel Heywood.
I was Dr. Reyna's assistant.

I know it 's a difficult
time for you...

For me!
We will all suffer for his death.

We'll suffer because things
are gonna stay the same.

- Just the way they want them.
- They! Who are they?

Do you know why he was k*lled?
Because of this.

- A garden?
- It 's a pharmacy not a garden.

To some it 's a cash register.

Is big business.

- We're all slaves to Absolon.
- Yeah!

- Without it we'd all be dead.
- Good for you Mr. Police officer.

You take your Absolon everyday.
You go to your job.

- You live your life.
- That 's the way it is.

They control us.

Our currency is time
allotments of life.

- You go broke and you're dead.
- And Reyna wanted to change it.

He never intended it
to be used this way.

Absolon was a death sentence.

- He died for what we created.
- I don't understand the connection.

Absolon must be taken everyday to
inhibit the diseases progression.

He was working on a cure for N.D.S.

Excuse me.

Hey, Scott.

Take a look at these printouts.

We got this off Reyna's lab tape.
Look at the K*llers face.

It 's been digitally altered.
Look at his eyes.

- Maybe an imperfection on the tape.
- I thought so too but check it out.

It moves with the eyes...

where as an imperfection
would stay still.

The medical examiner
sent this over.

- This isn't possible!
- It 's not.

- What do we do now?
- Heywood.

Wait here.

Daniel, it 's Scott.
We spoke earlier today.

I know you're in there Mr. Heywood.

- Ruth, keep your ears open.
- I'm on it.

I know why you're afraid.
I'm not here to hurt you.

- What do you want?
- I want to help you.

You can't help me,
I'm a dead man.

- I know that Reyna found a cure.
- Then you're a dead man too.

- What happened?
- What is that?

- It 's a radio link to my partner.
- I'm not talking to your partner.

I'll take it off.

Ok. It 's off.

I don't know how
but they found out.

- Who k*lled Reyna?
- Unified pharmaceuticals.

The government.
Effectively they're the same thing.

Remember when N.D.S.
First appeared?

Bodies in the streets. Governments
fell and economies collapsed.

Our economy is based on Absolon
and those who provide it...

won't allow it to become worthless.

And the cure?
Can't you just give it to people?


We're complex.

We're the same species but
not identical organs.

- I'm not a scientist.
- What 's your blood type?

- O.
- I'm AB-.

We maybe allergic to
different things.

We're not all exactly the same.

It 's tea.

We used to grow it here.

It 's good.

- Where's the cure now?
- It 's hidden.

- Where?
- In a safe place.

There are two people
passing the building.

It's probably nothing.

You have to trust someone.

- I wanna help you.
- Scott.

There's nothing you can do here.

Go home

Pretend that you know nothing
and maybe they'll leave you alone.

- Are you OK?
- No.

- You did a good job tonight.
- What are you talking about?

We found this.

It 's the g*n that k*lled Reyna.

- He didn't k*ll anyone.
- Looks to us like he did.

Maybe he wasn't working alone and
the others thought that he'd talk.

What 's going on here?

- What do you think is going on?
- I don't know but I will find out.

Now if you'll excuse me,
it 's been a long night.

Go home and rest.
Things will look clearer tomorrow.

Wake up. You've used 8 hours


Can I have a word with you?

- What are you doing here?
- I need to speak with you.

- You don't look good this morning.
- I'm fine. I've got a headache.

It won't last long.

Get in!

Get in if you want to live.


Agent Walters, return to
Mr. Murchison's office now.

I send you out to
do a simple thing.

A simple thing by definition...

should not be difficult
to accomplish.

You have allowed that simple thing
to become a complex thing.

He was lucky.

I don't believe in luck. I believe
we create our own destinies.

And you,
through your inaptitude...

have opened the door for
Norman Scott to create his.

- I'll find him.
- I don't doubt that.

But when will you find him.

And how many people
will he tell before you do?

He won't go to the media.
He knows we'll be waiting for that.

I see.

So you Would say...

- that he's an intelligent man?
- Yes, Sir.

- Resourceful man?
- Yes.

And you have chosen him
for this assignment!

No, Sir. The W.J.D. Doesn't have
jurisdiction over this case.

If I'd interfered with this case
it would have looked suspicious.

Reyna's is dead.
His assistant is dead.

An attempt has been made on the
life of the investigating officer.

Things already look suspicious.

This was supposed to be neat.
Now it 's a mess.

Clean it up.

And do it quickly.

- What is going on here?
- They want you dead.

That much I've already figured out.

Because you know.

What 's happening to me?

- You need to sleep.
- No. I need answers.

Did Heywood tell you
he'd hid the cure.

- Do you know where?
- Yes.

In you.


You have all the symptoms.
Fever, paleness, labored breathing.

You have a headache, spasms.
It began after your injection.

- Your body's rejecting the Absolon.
- What! I can't live without it.

Take another injection
and you'll die.

Your blood is changing.
Producing anti-toxins.

In three days
you'll go into stage two.

Stage two is fatal.

Then you need
the second part of the cure.

There's a second part!

For safety no one person
was allowed both parts.

- One of Reyna's colleagues has it.
- Where is he?

He's in hiding.

So I have three days
to find him or I'm dead!

You die and the cure dies.

Primary satellite transmission
in fifteen seconds.

Target is locked.
Up-link will last seven minutes.

Why me?

Everyone went underground
after Reyna died.

- Daniel had nowhere to turn.
- He could have taken it himself.

He new that he would be k*lled...

and his blood was AB-.

The host 's body's blood cells
have to be type O.

- A universal donor.
- It was in the tea.

- Why didn't you tell me before.
- How? I didn't know you.

Just knowing about this
is a death warrant.

- Who are they?
- W.J.D.

Watch out!

They don't have to k*ll us
you're gonna do it for them.

Watch out!


- Give me the g*n.
- What?

Give me the g*n!


Nice shot.

Watch it!

I'm afraid he's escaped and he has
Claire Whitaker with him.

Define "with him".

She's helping him.

Should have taken care of her
when you had the chance.

Hi, I just wanted to remind you
about our lunch today.

- Are you ready for some burritos?
- What?

Yeah I am.
I'll see you in an hour.

- All set.
- Thank you. Her boss gets angry...

- Whatever.
- Yeah, whatever.

Play it back.


Yes I am, I'll see you in an hour.

There's a high stress factor
in her voice.

Get on her and stay on her.

They can't trace you
on this one.

- You look like shit.
- Thanks.

- What 's she doing here?
- Helping me.

- Walters tried to k*ll me.
- Why?

- Heywood hid the cure in me.
- What do you mean in you?

In my blood.

I have three days to find
the second half or I'm dead.

- Can I come in?
- There's a warrant out for you.

For what?

The two guys at Reyna's lab
were undercover W.J.D. Agents.

Bullshit! It was a set up.

I know but I was out of contact and
couldn't hear what was happening.

- They say Heywood k*lled Reyna.
- I know.

It 's impossible
his eyes don't match.

Stay on the desk.
Hold on.

Try using binary codes to reduce
the data table in the charts.


- Watch yourself.
- You too.

How's it going Ruthy?

- How's it going with the photos?
- Grier said the case was closed.

What 's going on? All this business
about the medical examiner.

What business?

He was found him behind a dumpster
on State St.

Somebody snapped his neck.

Are these the autopsy reports?

This can't be right.

How did this escalate
in to what it is, John?

When Heywood died
we thought it was over.

Only after we tested him did we
know he hadn't taken it.

We didn't think he'd
give the drug to Scott.

When you think about it
it was very clever.

- Why did you suspect Scott?
- Only he had contact with Heywood.

And his blood type is O.

Once Scott is producing
the antibodies and the cure...

is being given to others,
will they be able to produce it.

Only the host body
can produce the antibodies.

Then our course is very clear.

Thank you for your help Doctor.

Find him, and this time don't
screw up. k*ll him.

- We think his partner knows.
- Good.

Then use her.

It doesn't matter what she knows,
Just what she can prove.

And she can prove nothing.

She's just a voice in the wind.

- Hello.
- It 's me.

Reyna's autopsy has been
changed to normal readings.

They're trying to cover up.

I decoded the disc. It 's a list
of addresses and security codes.

- Can you read them to me?
- It 's not safe here.

- I think I'm being followed.
- Well then get somewhere safe.

I'm heading home
and I'll call you when I get there.

Back up.

Be quiet.
Be still.

- It isn't here.
- Where is it?

- Where's what?
- What you printed off your computer.

It was a shopping list.
I threw it away.


Listen to me very carefully.
Tell me what I want to know.

- Screw you!
- Where is it?

Where's what?

I called Scott and read it
to him over the phone.

- What was it?
- Some numbers.

They were only numbers.

They're with you.

You're wasting your time.
I deleted it.

That 's too bad.

- I want to speak to you.
- Yes, Sir.

What would happen if...

Scott took the second part of
the cure before he hit stage two?

It wouldn't work.

If we could get him and the
second part of the cure...

before he becomes stage two.

- Could you produce the cure?
- I believe so.

Why would you do that?

I'm only exploring options, our
first priority is to capture him.

But after that.

If we could produce the cure
It 'd be nice to have.

- Wouldn't it be very dangerous?
- Some risks are worth taking.

Who would decide who gets the cure
and who doesn't?

I would, John.

I would.

- Anybody see anything?
- Nothing.

I want to know
what the hell's going on?

- You know as much as I do.
- I don't think that 's true.

There's more to this than
just Reyna's m*rder.

- I want some answers.
- I don't have any for you.

I know this is rough with one cop
on the run and another dead.

But I will do ever thing I can
to find out who k*lled her.

- You have my word.
- We've got a pulse.

- Captain, how is she?
- She's got a good chance.

We won't be able to talk
to her for a while.

- So I'll need your help.
- Yes, of course.

Were they working on anything
outside the ring of m*rder?

Not that I know of.

Scott was so sure that Heywood
couldn't have k*lled Reyna.

Do you know why?

- What color were his eyes?
- Blue, why?

Good job, Ruthy.

It 's a list of safe houses.

Reyna made it
for situations like this.

The second part of the cure
is in one of these places?

Let 's go!



You pushed me off a bridge.

- I would have jumped!
- Good.

What is this place?

I've heard this is where
stage two victims come.

It 's called the boundary.

You folks are along way from home.

- We're lost.
- I'd say.

People around here
call me Doc.

- When's the next satellite pulse.
- About three hours.

There's a couple of spare cots.
You're welcome to spend the night.


I hope you like my cooking.

It 's good.

- Are you...
- Stage two?

No, I've got Absolon.

Why do you live here?

For them.

The care I give isn't much
but it 's better than nothing.

And the people who aren't
stage two.

- Do any get back to the city?
- Precious few.

Once you're that far down
it 's hard to climb back up.

It 's crazy that conditions
like this still exist.

We're supposed to be
an evolved species.

We haven't evolved.
Technology has.

It 's only took 2OO years to destroy
what took billions to create.

- You're against technology?
- I'm against it 's consequences.

- Every action has a consequence.
- We're paying for our actions now.

Do you think that N.D.S.
Is an accident?

Go ahead.
It 's made naturally.

You two get some sleep.
I've got some choirs to do.

Thank you.

That 's quite a set up.

- Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.
- That 's OK.

These are my boys.

This is Adam and David.
This is Claire.

That 's all for today.
Go outside and play.

See you later

I don't know about their parents.

The woman who brought them
here died...

and so I decided
to raise them myself.

It 's very interesting
isn't it?

Dr. Whitaker.

- How did you know my name?
- This maybe the last frontier...

but we do have television.

That 's quite a reward they
put up for you two.

- It could buy you a lot of Absolom.
- I thought about that.

But I didn't know if you did
what they say you did.

What happens over there
doesn't matter much here.

I'd like to show you something.
Do you know what that is?

It 's the chemical structure
of N.D.S.

And this?

The chemical structure of Absolon.

- Incredibly similar, aren't they?
- They have to be.

Absolom is a mutated
form of the virus.

Correct. Now look at the gene

I don't get your point.
His levels are normal because...

- the Absolon is controlling them.
- Adam's never taken Absolon.

- That 's not possible.
- He's immune to N.D.S.

Have you tested these results
against any subjects?

Over one hundred.

A natural immunity!

It 's there I just can't locate it.

I was wondering would...

- you like to stay and help me?
- I can't.

There could be something in him
that could cure us all.

- I'm sorry. I can't stay.
- No harm in asking.

- Good morning.
- Morning.

I think it 's starting.

I don't think so.

- I feel really stiff.
- So do I.

We jumped of a bridge into a truck
last night, remember?

Until you get the cure
you will get weaker.


The list has eight addresses.

- Sounds good. What 's first?
- Randal St.

Got it.
Address located.

We can be there in an hour.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- How's it going?
- Doc says I'm sick.

I see.

And I'm gonna die.

- Did Doc tell you that?
- He doesn't have to.

I know what happens to kids
when they get sick like me.

Let me show you something.

- What 's that?
- It 's my good luck charm.

I always carry it with me.
Protects me where ever I go.

- Did you ever meet him?
- I believe in some ways I did.

It was a different time.

You know I think he's coming back.
And you'll get to meet him.

- Do you want it?
- Are you serious?


See you later, David.

- Won't you change your mind?
- I'd like to stay but...

I can't.

Straight ahead.

Looks like you made a friend.

- Time to go home.
- Follow me.

- We've lost the satellite signal.
- Well get it back, now.

It 's the old sewer.

It leads to the city.
Just keep to the left.

- What about you?
- I'll be alright.

Good luck.


Do we have a problem here?

Then step back.

I need a fix
on his last location.

It 's starting but it'll pass,
just try to relax.

We need to go somewhere.

You don't need Absolon,
but I do.

- Your right but where?
- The dispensary.

We can't use credit
they'll find us.

Then what do we do?

Let 's go.


- Better?
- I'll need to get more.

- What do you want?
- Answers.

- I don't have any.
- You're disappointing me.

And I'm not in the mood for it.

How long have you been in
Unified Pharmaceutical's pocket?

I don't have to tell you
what a cop makes.

I don't want to retire counting
my time units and wondering...

If I have enough to buy Absolon
for the rest of my life.

- Why put me on the case?
- Because you do a good job.

Why not you?

I don't do field work anymore.
I would have looked suspicious.

Which brings me back to
why me?

We had to do it by the book.
Follow procedure.

Walters wanted someone
easily controlled.

I didn't know
I was easily controlled.

Not in that sense.

We knew that the investigator
could learn about the cure.

He might decide
to try and help them.

- Walters wanted...
- Walters wanted what?

Someone who had no life.

No family, no relationships,
a few friends.

Someone who'd be easy
to find if he ran.

They'll find you.

This is not like the alley.
We're not playing with you anymore.

How long do you think
you can stay out here?

- Alone.
- Long enough.

Authorities are still looking for
Norman Scott...

in connection with the m*rder of
two W.J.D. Officers last night.

A one year award
is being offered for his arrest.

Scott's partner was found
at her apartment yesterday.

The victim of a knife attack.

She is in a critical condition
at an undisclosed hospital.

She's alive.
She still has a chance.

- Should I question your abilities?
- I'll get him.

- He's only one man.
- A man who's a cause...

to fight for that makes
him very dangerous.

When will he be able to take
the second part of the drug?

Tomorrow evening.

Then how long before
he can produce the antibodies?

I'm not sure
but I'd guess a few hours.

I want him found. And Mr. Walters,
I've changed my mind.

I want him alive.

- You have one message.
- Hi baby, it's me.

I'm gonna stay at my moms for
a few more days. I love you.

They found us again.

They're tracking us somehow.

You don't seem very concerned
and that bothers me.

I don't know how they found us and
we have more important priorities.

Take off your hair clip.

Come on!

And your watch.

You could have a devise on you
that you don't know about.

Empty your pockets.

Anything else?


In front of me.

This is a universal warrant.


I'm sorry.

- The next on the list is Wilton Dr.
- Let 's go.

Go out the back
and I'll be right behind you.

There on the second floor.
Get moving.

- I have the woman in the alley.
- It 's about time.

You sure have some nice toys.

At least we can still track them.

He found the device you idiot.

She is weak. Her lung was punctured
so it 's hard for her to talk.

You have two minutes.

How are you doing.

- Scott?
- He's alright as far as we know.

Do you know what 's going on?


Cure for N.D.S.

- He was working on a cure?
- Found one.

Who did this to you?


We'll stay at this
safe house tonight.

They'll have Absolon here.

There's something sad about you.


I'm not sad.

- Dying maybe but not sad.
- I see you on your phone...

when you call someone but
you don't say anything...

and just look sad.

It 's my wife, on the phone.
It 's my wife.

She left one day saying she was
going to see her Mom.

She never came back.

The message is the last time
she talked to me.

- She died, right?
- Yes.


I'm sorry.

It was a long time ago.

Some things are never
a long time ago.

You are exceeding
your water allotment.

Not anymore.

I saw what you did
for that little boy.

When I was ten my father
gave me that card.

Maybe it was just my imagination
but when I looked at it...

I felt better.

I thought that kid
needed it more than I did.

Are we done
being neighbors for now?


we're not.

I recovered the file.
She only did a surface deletion.

I'm sick of this man.
Bring him to me.

I want some of his time
before I hand him over.

What are you looking at?

You k*lled Reyna.

What are you talking about?

The tape in Reyna's study.
The k*ller wore a mask.

We tracked in on the right eye.

- It was brown with a yellow speck.
- You think I k*lled Reyna?

- How many people have those eyes?
- Why would I?

Don't you think that when Murchison
found out about Reyna's cure...

he would know that he couldn't
have done it without my help.

Reyna and his work are my life
I didn't do this.

They k*lled him and I was
supposed to be framed for it.

- Heywood was framed for it.
- After they realized that...

there were two serums not one.

Do you believe me?

Get dressed.
We've got to move.

The next closest
place is Bridge St.

Isn't that Reyna's lab?

- They wouldn't be there.
- Yeah, that 's not...

In the car. You don't want
innocent people to get hurt.

Let 's check them.

Hold on!
Hey, you guy.

Davis here.

We've got them.
You can call off the others.

Excuse me Sir.
Get out of the car please.

- Is there a problem?
- Get out of the car.

- What 's your name?
- What has he done?

I'm not talking to you.

Alan White.

Do you have any identification?

- I left home in a hurry.
- What is this about?

Come with me, Sir.

- We have an important meeting.
- It'll have to wait.

- It can't wait. Officer.
- Don't argue with me.


Let me.

There's nowhere to go Scott.

Come out now and I won't
k*ll the girl.

What took you so long?

Watch out!

Oh no you don't.
Come on.

Why did you bring him here?

What the hell is going on.

When Reyna started work on the
cure, we new it could be dangerous.

We planned.
Made elaborate precautions but...

After he took the second part he
came here to tell us the results.

He passed out.

We ran some tests.

They showed no trace of Absolon
and no sign of N.D.S.

The result were sent to Murchison.

So they k*lled Reyna and took his
notes thinking that would end it.

But his notes said that he had
made enough for two trails.

Yours and mine.

- I'm just a decoy.
- I'm afraid so.

- Do I even have the cure in me?
- Yes you do.

Don't minimize your contribution.

Without you we wouldn't have had
the time to work safely.

- What happens now?
- You've been given the second part.

We needed someone with the ability
to elude Murchison.

Your medical records
provided the rest.

What if I didn't elude him?

It didn't matter, they would have
assumed the cure died with you.

And we would have had enough time
to run our tests.

What does it mean?

Your body isn't producing
the anti-toxins yet.

When it is,
it'll turn blue.

- What do we do?
- We wait.

We wait!
We wait for what?

Target is here.

Check him.

I have him.


I can't say how disappointed I am.

So I'll show you.


He had the cure in him.


I'm chasing Scott all over town
and it 's right under my nose.

He really did have the cure.

Isn't it ironic that he dies
while Scott lives.

Come on! The clock is ticking
and time is everything today.

Test Scott.

If you k*ll him
you'll k*ll the cure.


I guess we've got
some time on our hands.

And after we've k*lled some time.

It 's all lies!

Reyna invented a cure
for Absolon not N.D.S.


Because there is no N.D.S.
Anymore, is there?

The virus died out years ago.

When someone goes into stage two
they're not dying of N.D.S.

They're dying because
they can't live without Absolon.

It just produces
the same symptoms.

Your disgusting!

I'm a realist...

and a pragmatist.

Where did Stewart keep his notes?

- You k*lled Reyna.
- I beg your pardon.

Oh no, actually Walters k*lled him.

With my blessing of course.
Lets get on with this...

I don't want to educate them
about the new world order.

- At last, I believe it's time.
- Who's gonna do the procedure?

Don't be silly.
You are.

Or Mr. Walters is going
to hurt you very badly.

And when we're finished here...

There'll be no trace left
of this place.

Now get on with it.

We don't need his body,
just his blood. Drain it.

Time's up!

What's going on?

What the hell is going on?


Don't you fail me again!
k*ll him!

k*ll him!

- k*ll him!
- Shut the f*ck up!

Not for long, looser.

So long.

No one knows what happened to them
after they gave the World the cure.

Many still wanted him dead
for the gift he gave us.

He gave the world a second chance.

I don't know if we deserve it but
because of him we have it.

Did you ever meet him?

Just once.

Just for a moment.
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