Post Impact (2004)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Post Impact (2004)

Post by bunniefuu »

Every 350,000 years, the comet
Bey-Leder 7 so close to the earth ...

that he is seen with the naked eye can
become. Tonight is it so far.

Dad, most people who have a party
offered, there would be ...

and not worried at the balcony.
-- Do I do.

Bey-Leder 7 passes, and I look from
a balcony and not through a telescope.

That is because you're the discoverer.
-- I have not discovered him.

Your institute then,
That is almost the same.

Stop that way.

Sergeant Parker, security
on the 2nd floor. Unknown persons.

Parker here, I ga out. Over.

Besides' t institute, your charity work
and politics should also equip ...

otherwise you get a heart attack.
And who leads it?

There is somebody.
-- I?

The staff loves you,
and they respect you.

Hintze And then?
-- Hintze is a courageous man.

But he has no vision.
He is not like you.

You know that I am not a leader, Dad.
-- That you would still be surprised.

This is reserved
for the ambassadestaf.

We would like to see the comet.
-- I did not realize it was you, dr Starndorf.

Parker here, the strangers are
dr Starndorf and his daughter. Included.

Dr. Starndorf, stay as long as you want. I
bring you back to the party when you want.

Mr. ...
-- Commander Tom Parker.

Commander Parker, check with us.
Leather-Bey is so close ... Sorry.

But that is impossible.

I come there. Come on, Anna.

Take our sorry.

Sandra Parker? What do you have?
-- Regrettably, I was expecting my lover.

Unfortunately, that is currently

Then I have a new regime.
-- You'll have to do to me, baby.

That should then tonight.
-- I must go. Enter the princess' n kiss.

She is ready to sleep.

I love you.
-- I also yours.

N.L.O.S.I. Command Center

The incorrect calculations
to 3 hours ago.

Call, you are the engineer, Hintze.

We thought 's system.
Leather-Bey is of course changed.

Will he now closer to the earth?
-- Probably.

He is probably struck with a
asteroid, then changed his job.

This goes into the history books.
-- We will re-calculate the orbit.

No, that's impossible.
-- My heaven.

How long?

Estimated time of the collision:

Call NASA and every country in the western
Hemisphere. I call Colonel Waters.

Say it is not true.
-- It is not good. I Can you speak?

We are so back, dearest.

Gentlemen, we have today
a very tight schedule.

We know that, colonel.
But we really have only one chance.

With 'n waterpistool on the Sunday sh**ting.
-- Is it nothing?

The SolStar 2 is an experimental

About 2 hours happens something resembling
what did the dinosaurs extinct ...

and we want countering with a
extra large microwave? That is nothing.

Should you listening, Mr. Hansen.
-- Hintze.

I would not jeopardise national security
leave it to a microwave.

SolStar 2 reacts and goes to the purpose
. The radius is about 30 seconds.

Maybe we're going
to save the world.

Colonel, prays for you?
-- 20 seconds.

The last time.
-- Then I would now begin.

This is ridiculous.
-- Keep your mouth, Hintze.

Some things you do not understand.
-- Six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

The flight is already in a few hours.
-- Where to?

The comet is equivalent in Russia,
to 't so south.

I will soon pack up.
-- No, there is no room for luggage.

It's a special broadcast. The comet
will 't mean northern Europe.

Everyone is advised
to leave.

We will make a trip.

In a final attempt
to destroy the comet ...

is a highly secret stralingswapen
. That seems to have failed.

On this basis there are no fewer than 50
C-17 and C-130 aircraft took off ...

to cities like Copenhagen, Oslo
and Berlin to evacuate Americans.

This is John from Elkin
the Ramstein airbase.

It is estimated that there are 4 billion dead ...

and in large parts of northern Europe
Asia and there is no life more possible.

The sun no longer insists on, it's
dark. This is Anna Vulkova in Bulgaria.

There were a lot of looting reported in
Brussels, Dresden and Kiev after the entry.

Communication can only via satellite
telephones, but the flow is running out.

From Tangiers the UN says that a
Government 't former Europe.

The temperature is below zero and the
Snow seems to radioactive fallout.

The cloud over Europe takes 85 percent
of the sunlight against. An ice age.

According to scientists, the earth
an uncertain future.

Come only.

This area is only for diplomats.
Stay here, I'm back.

Can we not with you?
-- I have to do something, but I'm back.

He comes back so, dearest.
There is nothing in your hand.

I would like permission.
Tower, you hear me?

No, you do not get permission.
This plane should leave immediately.

I can not prevent. My father is still there.
-- That is his decision.

He wants to stay here,
and he also wants you leave.

You can not force me.
-- Yes.

Your father tackles on the plane 'n couple
days when he sees that everything is in order.

I myself have a daughter. He wants you
are safe, so ga Join the 't plane.

Well done, Parker. Help me
but for the others to calm down.

Now immediately, Parker. This is an injunction.

Ga all comfortable,
and keep you.

Flight 210, you may as soon as possible
takeoff. There is a heavy storm.

Close but.
-- Do open.

I have the plane.
-- Since it is now too late.

My wife and daughter are still there.
-- Those taking the next plane.

Parker, you go with this plane account,
as a passenger or as a corpse. Choose it.

I ga now the aircraft, Colonel.

You boft. You are the only ones a w*apon
has focused on me and still alive.

Tangiers, Morocco
three years after the entry

New Northern United States

Headquarters of the N.V.N.S.

What will we do? One of
our lights is just light up.

SolStar is just 2 of
red to green burst.

Ga that need to find out. Why?
Because we do not have the codes.

Control is only possible
from the control room in Berlin.

Whether there is someone still lives there, or
genius polar bear has deciphered the code.


I was 3 years back just escape
and now they send us back. Why?

Someone forgot to switch off lights do
on the NLOl-lnstituut in Berlin.

That you do not believe? Is that all?
-- Sin, hear.

I'm two years in Berlin,
It was a fantastic city.

Feel you do that?
-- Yes, it gets warm.

Let the pilot
lower the heat.

Ga I see what is going on.

What happens here on earth?
We perish from the heat.

That is not too good, eh?

Shall we go look?

Madam President, they are concerned
by a laser beam of SolStar 2.

We now know that active and SolStar 2
under control, but not by us.

from Berlin could, that is the Death Zone.

According to the intelligence, there is already 2
no more contact from that area.

Then our intelligence is not good.

The laser beam of SolStar is dangerous
for all our aircraft.

It is even more complicated.
-- Why?

The jet would at low radiation
to stations on earth rays.

At a high level can
with a concentrated beam ...

a total destruction.

SolStar 2 was an experimental
power ...

in time so that we no fossil
more fuel needed.

The army has funded and
't had so' n wapenfunctie.

A w*apon? Even in secret operations
So there are still more secrets.

-- SolStar was reported lost.

We thought that it was destroyed
when the comet reached the atmosphere.

We found it unnecessary to
destroyed a project.

Someone used it against us.

Are there any experts who can help?
-- Starndorf has designed.

But he and his colleague Hintze
in Berlin remained.

His daughter Anna is fled,
she knows the project.

Where is she now?
-- In Quito, Ecuador in South America.

I want her here.
-- Yes, Madam.

That goes in the truck.

Today? No, that's impossible.

What you say?

I ga now to the airport.

Tangiers, Morocco

Leave her alone.

Anna Starndorf?
-- Will I know you?

Tom Parker. Ever commander Parker,
but I'm no longer in 't army.

I know you from the U.S.
Embassy in Berlin, with your father.

Sorry, you look different. We see
display so only if there are any problems.

And there are the past 3 years
enough problems.

And this is a friend of you?
-- That is Sasquatch, my travel companion.

Oh, where are you all?
-- In 't north, I wanted to return to Berlin.

She said that nobody ...
-- There is no rescue team.

I do it on our own.
It sounds very disturbed fixed ...

No, it sounds great. I also
gefantaseerd often that I went there.

But now I live in Ecuador,
Berlin and then very far away.

In Ecuador?
-- I care that refugees have food.

And after Berlin was space ...
-- Yes, your father was the man of SolStar.

-- Are you here for the crash?

How do you know that?
-- Can we talk under four eyes?

Yes, but come.

Miss Starndorf, as the president you
invite, you may not score you.

Pardon. Tom Parker, he was sitting in earlier
the American embassy in Berlin.

And why is he here?

Two days ago
one of your plane crashed.

I saw the neergaan.
-- It was a tragic accident.

It was no accident.
-- Did you draw that conclusion themselves?

No, Madam.
I have found the black box.

The damage was incurred
before the plane exploded.

The only w*apon that such damage may
cause is' n stralingswapen.

So SolStar 2.
-- Why do I not have people like you?

I would like to join the expedition.
-- What expedition?

The onderzoeksexpeditie to Berlin.
-- No case.

Colonel, I have the most experience ...
-- Should I let you arrest?

Do you love me back under shot?
-- That can hear.

Do you mean, gentlemen.

Why do you want to back
to Berlin, Mr. Parker?

For personal reasons.

He has already tried to 8 times there
to come. His experience can help us.

Then you are now employed by
the Government of the NVNS, Mr. Parker.

After your work at the embassy,
you know everything from confidentiality.

Thank you, Mr. Parker. I do not know
Colonel Waters how well you know ...

but he will lead this mission.
You get orders from him, you understand that?

I hope that you are better
behaves than your dog, Mr. Parker.

Airport of the New United
Northern States in Morocco

You know like me that I would not want
, but I have a contract.

Like the last time.
-- This is not much.

A few soldiers, cars. I had more
expected with what is at stake.

We still know almost nothing. The
Arab states have strongly.

We need their oil desperately needed now.

This is Sarah Henley, a former British
SAS. She is my right.

So you follow its instructions
equally as that of me, understand?

I follow them exactly so.
-- Brutaaltje, eh?

I can assure you to.
-- That I like to believe.

See you later.

That is something to think about.

We get only on holidays and
'n dangerous mission hot water.

If you do not tackle everything what you
can address before you leave?

That depends on what I can tackle.

That was good.

Ladies and gentlemen, the President.

Madam President, we are there.

Four and half million,
remember that number, Waters.

-- The position of SolStar has changed.

According to the calculations is his goal now
the area where we now find ourselves.

If the estimates are correct,
he will sh**t within 48 hours.

If that happens,
four and half million people die.

May God preserve you.

Good people, we have a
deadline. 48 hours, so hurry up.

Everyone in the truck,
it is time for the dropping.

Tom, it's time to ...

What we fly low.
-- Even lower, we would drive.

Here millions of people once lived.
Now it seems' t like it always is.

If things the same time, we
thinking that it will always remain so.

Tom, can I trust you?
-- What do you mean?

You do this for personal reasons.
Me too.

They think that my father is still alive
and the control over the satellite.

Suppose that this is so?
-- My father died in Berlin.

But suppose he is still alive and
the satellite actually in charge?

I do not know.
-- Then I can promise you nothing.

When he was little, his parents remained in
Berlin during the Second World w*r.

It was' n lively and beautiful city
but which was destroyed in the w*r.

After the w*r made them from the rubble
a city that was still beautiful.

He always said: Berlin is a marriage.
You're there in good and bad times.

So he and his assistant

Brave men.
-- Not brave but stupid.

Courage and stupidity lie
close to each other, they say.

The outcome dictates the difference.

But I therefore know
that my father is innocent.

He has seen too much destruction
something to themselves.


Have you ever been in Paris?
-- On my honeymoon

I see you on the ground.

Wagon 2, you receive me?
-- Learn 2 car, we are there.

All systems are checked.
Everything has green light.

If the satellite is turning, we go.

Only when SolStar fires on us?
-- The plane has been replaced.

We do not.
-- The risk is necessary.

A person who has the satellite,
think we should have been destroyed.

You may not Waters, eh?
-- Should it?

And that girl Starndorf?
-- What has happened to her?

You guys know each other.
-- In a past life, yes.

People always say that if they
the time for the weft mean.

Nonsense, it's the same life. I was
soldier then, and still now. Comet or not.

That's probably not.

The satellite is in the running.
-- How long?

Twenty seconds.

Put your belts on.

It focuses on us, we drop?
-- Not yet.

He is charging.
-- Every second saves us an hour.

I give the signal.
-- A laser beam, we are concerned.

Colonel Waters, we must
now the plane.

It last exploded after 40 seconds.
-- This is crazy.

No, it's a risk.

If you want to achieve something, you sometimes
take risks that others crazy.

You know who said that?
-- My father.

Start with the dropping.

Open the parachutes about 5 seconds.

Parachutes are open.

Shut up,
it is not a soft landing.

-- Rather than so on snowshoes.

No criticism until you've done.
-- As you?

Eight times.

I get everything the first time for each other.
How do you ever full?

A promise, and you?
-- My order, which is also a kind of promise.

Here we go.

Is everyone okay?

That was it.
-- Where are we exactly?

In the former border between Belgium
and France. It is -50 degrees Celsius.

Wegwezen. Wagon 2, we go for.
-- Rack 2 here, understood.

Those annoying twilight, I see nothing. You
are here already, is that better?

The weather forecast
is easy.

Each day is cloudy and cold, that's all.

The weather is stable,
but not the land.

The comet caused problems
the magma. Europe breaks into two.

Prima, as it continues to display
as long as we are here.

What was that?
-- IJsgeisers, the ice is under pressure.

That shows, yes.
-- Rust but you and Parker, Scott drives.

Do you rest?

Sorry, but someone
find that not a good idea.

What do you mean, reversing?

According to our scouts, we must
that river crossings cautiously.

The Rhine was frozen.
The weight of the cars can do.

The land on the river is erratic
and quite unstable.

When the bridges are very,
I would take.

You know that we have a deadline.

Which is closest to?
-- We are in Cologne. There are a couple.

Choose only one. Focus on your
the cathedral, it is a bridge.

I have the cathedral on the scanners.
It is just a few miles over.

I am as a child in Cologne,
for the carnival.

The carnival we have missed.

Forwards then. The sooner we go, how
I feel better. Wagen 2 goes first.

Included, colonel. Drive carefully,
we do not know what we encounter.

The ice looks flat.
Faster, Parker.

Forwards Parker. Faster.
-- That I would not advise.

Your opinion is heard and
ignored. Faster, Mahoney.

That brings us crazy in danger.
Give him space but.

Colonel, is doing well with everyone?

Shut up, this is a bumpy ride.

Parker, do you sometimes death?
-- No, I try to save your life.


Ladies go for, Ms. Starndorf.
-- I'm afraid I fall.

I have her. Are you going to it.

Do you love to me. I have you.

Keep me well.

Now slow down.
It's all good.

Sorry that I pause,
but if we go there all.

Help me, Henley. Pak her.

Wegwezen here.

Where's Parker?
-- I have not seen him there.

If the lightning go here.

What now?
-- What is happening?

The front has just broken.
-- Should we?

Yes, unless you want to Berlin per sleigh.
It takes an hour. Tobin and Scott.

Opschieten, boys.

What you did was perilous.
Thank you very much.

Never mind.
I ga even an air.

May I with you?
-- Sure.

I want to thank you yet.
-- I am pleased with your company.

That you've saved my life, I mean.
That was very brave.

Encourage or stupid?

I can only resist stress.
-- Practice makes perfect.

I have a feeling that you have enough exercise
gets on this trip.

What's that?


Smart. It has no batteries required,
it does not freeze and always makes noise.

Would anyone inside?
-- No, not.

Perhaps there is an indication
when they departed. Let's see.

These people have
fought against the cold.

They have not departed.

Hopefully they do not have much suffering.

I've heard that it does not hurt.

Do you think your wife and daughter
you still waiting?

That should I do believe.

We must once again go back.

Berlin 10 kilometers

How does it look like?
-- The city was buried under 20 meters of ice.

-- No, I look at the institute.

No, despite what you think of your pa,
There are people who want us to do something.

We explore it here.
-- I can go with the sledge.

Then you do not come back.
-- Why?

You wanted only to Berlin.
How do I know that you get back?

The sled has two seats, I can
but go along. He finally knows the city.

As you will.

Protect the environment.

What Ga you do?
-- I would even around, it is my city.

It's a w*r zone. Your task
begins when 't institute in our hands.

Calm, colonel.
-- Ga am not saying that I should be calm.

Nothing may be this mission in jeopardy
, understood?

Continue to that nice woman
until I'm back.

Do not worry, he will not bite. Usually then.

Would you like to do that w*apon away?
-- See it if my insurance.

You've lived here for years anyway?
-- But when I rode around on street level.

I recognize that hill.
We even look.

Was this be true?

I have just saved our lives,
you can at least remain polite.

Are these lights?

No, there are so many mirrors
the sun shines in the parliament.

Very interesting, professor.
We must continue, it is so dark.

I see nobody.

Come inside. Wegwezen, Henley.

My God, they are att*cked.

They sit there in the fall,
why not leave them?

Parker, go.
-- Colonel Waters, you still alive?

We are in the fall.
Make sure you understand that sleigh.

What's on earth happened?
-- She once we sh*ts off.

-- Bech has not rescued. And when you?

Like you, we were back.
-- This is now just a military conflict.

We need here. sh**t.
-- Wegwezen.

Look, Tom.
-- What is happening?

I do not know.
-- It is a tunnel.

Let's go visiting,
Anna goes first.

Sas, come here.

It is much warmer.

What's that?

He is still warm.

What is there, boy?

My heaven, a little girl.

Arm child. She is terrified.

You do not worry about.
-- We can do nothing.

Even my dog Sasquatch
you can find love, you see it?

I think you make friends quickly.

How hot?
-- Toe but, Sas.

You have quite a name?
-- Maybe they can not talk.

Come on with that sweet stuff.
We go to the institute.

And we also have
no transport back more.

It is all not so fast.

Someone who has lived 3 years,
knows the city and knows our attackers.

And if they are to hear? Our priority ...
-- I know very well what that is, Henley.

And I also know the bevelsverhoudingen.

You know where the other people?

Do not worry, we can do nothing.
We need your help.

Give me one of your energy bars,

Will I see are like the Salvation Army?
-- Give him that rep.

Are you hungry? Here.

We urgently need the other people
speak. Can you tell us when they bring?


And we thought but
that nobody had survived.


Where would we be, do you think?

I can sit next to, but I think
a onderhoudstunnel for the metro.

Take our sorry, but we have
for years no strangers.

We are guided by the Interim
Government of the Northern States.

For us?

Sorry, but you have these people
maybe here?

We are here with a mission.
-- Nobody knows that there are still people.

Have you tried to flee?
-- It was awful fast.

There were no planes,
the roads were closed.

The ground froze. We could k*ll
no longer buried.

Ultimately many went
of our underground.

Who is your leader?
-- Leader?

Someone must be organized.

He is not really 's leader, but the doctor
has helped with the organization.

Can we speak to him?
-- He's not here now.

He is rather in itself. It is not
so well with him the last time.

He is often in the Reichstag building.
-- How do we get there?

Then you need some 500 meters
that other tunnel.

Then you see a hole that we made
to have easy access.

Tom, do you?

Does that little girl in your group?

Her parents are a couple of years ago

We have it in us asked,
but it is occasionally very quickly.

What do you think?
-- Something is wrong, because like I do not like.

We can assume that this
people are not att*cked.

Has anyone seen your family?

Gentlemen, secure your position.

Someone here has wide green fingers.
-- I've seen so anyway lamps.

We distribute to us that a doctor
. Ellison, secure this position.

Bienchen, what have you all done?

Papa, what has happened to you?

When I decided to stay,
I had a price to pay.

I could not leave the people
who had not delivered on time.

Will you forgive me?
-- I have long ago forgiven you.

You've done what you just did.
-- So you are the doctor.

Not really. If people call me
because I helped them to have been.

This is Tom Parker,
You remember him?

He was head of security at the
U.S. embassy in Berlin.

We discovered that when Bey-Leder 7
of course had changed.

I'm so many things forgotten. But you
hence could not stay away, Mr. Parker?


An ordinary cucumber.

Who has made this, Dad?
-- We have worked together.

As you can imagine,
we had plenty of time.

Cultivation everything you eat here?
-- No, but a little bit.

Three years ago, the hunger
just as deadly as the cold.

The cold has won.
Many are then died.

The survivors could live on the
frozen food in the shops in the city.

Why have you made it?

People have always somewhere to go
where they may be able to feel the light.

Zometeen try us
a timeshare to sell flat.

Who's that?
-- Colonel Waters and a few soldiers.

Why are there soldiers?
-- For safety.

The only people who are still armed,
are my guards, the Distributors.

Why do you monitor?

After the storm came from the people
north that threatened our existence.

The Distributors are there to protect you from
looters to protect.

We have so much help as possible.
-- And what are they doing now?

As their name suggests,
they distribute food and material ...

and they mediate in conflicts.

How many people live there now in Berlin?
-- I believe 603.

And there are 11 born.

Who will run the sceptre
on the N.L.O.S.I?

That is why you're here.

What do you mean?
-- The reflation SolStar2.

SolStar as a w*apon of mass destruction
is seen as terrorism.

You are arrested, and we take
the control over the satellite.

Who now has the control over SolStar?

After I had designed the plan,
it was the best that Hintze was doing.

Klaus Hintze?
-- Yes, tell me what there is.

What was your plan?
-- For the purpose of the jet to widen.

Then we could reach an area
of 1000 kilometers.

That would have no effect.
-- That said Hintze.

But I could prove that the effect that
Now the weather could multiply stilstond.

Through the cloud layer to bombard
low radiation ...

You can create a fake campfire.
-- And what's the result?

A trapstarter of the climate.

At this moment stands ready SolStar 2
to fire on towns in northern Africa.

Bring me now to the institute.

Rip and processing by FB & F Crew

Not in your condition, doctor.

Who touch his w*apon, goes out.

Lay down.

You have betrayed me so.
-- Be honest, we help you still ongoing.

You use my technique
for mass m*rder.

In the struggle to survive, we have
Now that a w*apon to fight to win.

So what? What do you do?

The question is whether you understand
what we are trying to do.

No, I do not understand that.

Is everyone okay?
-- I did.

Papa, please ...

Huile not, dearest.

That you again I've seen has been more
than I dared hope.

I'm with you, dad.

We have the codes
of the institute.

Leave us alone.

Remember it. That said you always.

What should you remember?
-- You always said that I had to remember.

What should you remember, dad?

Now quickly to the institute for Hintze
discovered that 't team has failed?

Yes, that's a good idea.
We go further.

Ms. Starndorf, you're with us?
You're the only one who knows the institute.

But I can here him
not to leave.

Anna, he would have wanted
that you refuse to Hintze.

I think it is very much your father.
He was a special man.

I've always thought that he too much to
others and gave too little for himself.

That is why my mother
when he left.

He has served many
for many people here.

And ga when you search your family again?
That is the only thing you want?

I want to finish first,
ga my family than I look.

We are both so responsibly
than we like to admit.

Since it seems.

Here I am sick of it.


Where is the doctor?
What have you done with him?

He is dead.
-- Mr. Hintze was so right.

But we have not k*lled him.
-- Wait.

The girl was with him,
they have seen what happened.

Have they k*lled the doctor?

Who will?

No, hold on.

The rear entrance in the hallway.

-- One.

How many inside?
-- Five or six in the institute.

And there are two in the tunnel.
-- Can you distract them in that tunnel?

Nice, that's what we go.

A moment yet.

Would you here with my dog Sas?
He likes not to be alone.

Do you want him to remain until I come back?

Stay, Sas.

Will this really happen?
-- Always tap.

How was it?
-- Perfect.

My ass is nice, eh?

Here we go from each other.
You're going with me. Forward.

Good work, no alarm.

We could just as well in Tangiers.
-- Look at what lies ahead.

He looks not too good.

He looks at a monitor.
-- He looks at the flight of SolStar 2.

No, he looks at a ...
-- The monitor of the beveiligingscamera.

Boys, welcome to Berlin.

It has been changed since you there
for the last time. Hello, Anna.

Have you missed me?
I have missed you.

'Sure, Klaus. How is it? '
Nothing special, a little chill.

How would you
my beveiligingscamera's?

Nice shot, soldier.

Thus, Colonel Walker is right?

What do you want, Hintze?
-- Nothing me what you can deliver.

Let us conclude a deal. What do you want?

I want to travel around the world,
help children and 'n Shop.

I really want my life back.
The future that I would have.

The family, the house and
the scientific career.

Do you think you coincidence? Fixed not.

What do you want? In the sun?
Playmates, day and night free drink?

Sunday, women and drink.
That sounds tempting.

Colonel, put in a back massage
and it is governed.

Did you think you could offer me something that
those 3 years in the hell would smooth out?

He is disturbed.

That is low to the ground.
That I blame you.

Even if I were crazy,
I am still not deaf.

Be polite and show
a little respect, hufter.

Klaus, why are you doing this?
Why do you do this to my father?

I love you dad. At least,
until I discovered that the hypocritical hufter ...

had betrayed me. It was a knife
in the back, and that hurt me.

He told me that SolStar 2
Peace was intended.

Peace for a world
who desperately needs for energy.

He talked behind my back to
with the army on funding.

I was seven years his chief engineer.

You hear everything, namely, Colonel.

That went to funding.
The world is not black or white.

Yes, who is white.
White, white, and another white.

Your father, the hufter, said Klaus,
we continue to help until we are rescued.

You do not seem to rescuers.
They were not.

But my boys and I
know how it goes.

Frankly, we are furious
that we are left behind.

Therefore, we wanted you awake
Shake and history.

Nobody has debt.

I would not contradict you, but I've
the biggest w*apon so I decide that.

I've read a lot, because
I still had little to do.

You know Shakespeare? He says
good things, what do you want to hear?

We are like flies to the playful
gods, they k*ll us for fun.

You and the rest are the flies and I ...
You understand it.

The lock destroys itself if I
force. The code consists of 512 bits.

About two hours that's crazy enough
power to Tangiers to revive.

What is the password of your father?
-- I do not know.

He said that you had to remind you.
So you do agree conscience.

Wrong password

Good that you've tried.
Toe but still 7 trillion possibilities.

Somewhere I hope that you succeed.

I want to help because we are so good
can find, but work calls.

That understands you, colonel. I must
destroy a city, still hesitate to watch.

What is yours, Hintze?

Good question, and also a good

Uncomfortable to answer.
It is everything. Righteousness.

Revenge, which were very sweet.
But I'm already all over.

Let's keep in disturbed.
Simplicity is my motto.

It is now almost there. You may
continue to look, but are silent then.

I like working with the music,
Excuse me.

I know his password.
-- You had to remember, he said.

What does that mean?
What should you remember?

His lievelingskleur?

He had difficult passwords
and they always forgot.

He was' t always lost. I said something that he
had to choose what he could remember.

The name of his girlfriend?

Wait a minute, I know.
It is "abstain".

He hears that the system off.
Everybody ready?

Password correct


You knew the weather. But it is too late.

Why did you believe it?
He was not a threat.

That I see otherwise, colonel.
-- See if I 't plan may change.

Quick, we have almost no time.

Look, the hufter has given us the whole
time. Everywhere hang cameras.

Here I lived before. My daughter
played in the park across the street.

I'm sorry.
-- What?

From past. From your family.

That I have commanded you to leave.
-- I can not forgive and forget.

Not a day goes by that I do not
I regret van 't decided to come along.

Why do not you find out ga
know what you wanted?

What is happening?
-- Your girlfriend has followed us.

It is not safe here.

I ga her.

Good idea, Parker.

Do you have the satellite already under control?
-- Almost.

Calm, Henley.
-- How do you, Colonel?

I am very calm.


Put the door locked and change the
password. Parker should not interfere.

You'll have a few questions.

Fortunately I have the answers.

When the army discovered
that the satellite still worked ...

Not everyone was pleased with the idea
that such a w*apon would be destroyed.

Unfortunately, President Harrison
do not agree.

I went on the mission to ensure
that this w*apon would remain preserved.

What would you agree?
-- I want to change the world.

The world.

The Arabs ask now
nearly 100 dollars per gallon oil.

They put us strongly because two-thirds
of the world energy needs.

If a g*ng of rebels who do satellite
For example, would focus on Mecca ...

then it would be a different story?
-- Dan starts a w*r.

Sooner or later there is still a w*r.

Some people want no more
as a guest in another country live.

Be gentle and programming
cordinaten in this SolStar.

I told you that you had.

Is that all? You get your shoulders?

A nod.
A nod is another story.

You know better, Sas.

You know what happens
if I lost my patience?

Then you sh**t me down.
-- Very clever.

And in your case
I also really enjoy.

But then you have nobody more
that the satellite can operate.

It goes as follows:

If I will k*ll you and nobody
can operate the satellite ...

ga I just go home. I've
saved the world and I am a hero.

How do you get home? The cars are gone.
-- That is my problem.

But if you help me to the Arabs
baking, I get even ten million.

That will be just enough for one village
in the sun to be able to buy.

Access Denied

I have the instructions required.
-- Why, you know this right?

I have this programme 3 years.
Hintze has some things changed.

Ga sit, I get it. Where is it?
-- Since.

Jobs you on.

Anna, is it?
-- Wapen road, then overcomes her nothing.

Where are you doing, Henley?

The next time
it is not vleeswond.

Bring my satellite in the good job
otherwise I sh**t him dead.

Put that g*n away.

Stay where you are,
otherwise I sh**t her dead.

Two against one is actually
still not fair.

I'm with you been to bed for you
the w*r to make, but it was good.

I'm sorry, but you understand
know that I should do.

Do not do stupid, you do not want to
still a little girl lost?

What was there're all done?

We were not the only ones
who wanted power over SolStar 2.

Destroy those satellite,
then we can here.

It may, however.
-- What?

That idea of my father. Hintze
The calculations done.

SolStar 2 can start again.
-- How long do you need?

All calculations have been made,
we must try.

Great, we try it.

The contract is yet to be SolStar
destroy, whatever happens?

I trust you.

What is happening?
-- The dish on the roof is not linked.

I called him again,
but you keep doing this.

Are you sure?
-- Yes, but the satellite programming you.

Did you do it so easily?

You can make a habit
in order to save my life.

You are with me in the chalk.

Say but how I can make.
-- I will think about.

We will try to
in a group to join.

I do not know if anyone here can
, but we continue to hope.

The sun goes under,
and I creep prinsesje now with us in bed.

The nights were bitterly cold
and it is getting worse.

If I keep her in my arms,
we remain warmer and the consolation us.

I love you. Soon more, Sandra.

I think that I've always known it.

And now it is reality.

If this is successful, there must be here
much work to be done.

I think you succeeded.
-- Let's hope.

You know what that is?

That is the sun.
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