Dark Hour, The (2006)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Dark Hour, The (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »


It's... blue...



My name's Jesus.

I'm 10.

Well, 8 really, but Judas says

I'm quite grown-up for my age.

I'm going to tell you our story,

the story
of each one of us, one by one.

This is Pablo and Maria.

They love each other very much.

They're always like this,
lovey-dovey and all over each other.

How revolting!


Jesus, give us a break, will you?

Pablo, don't shout...
Do you know what time it is?

Come here, snuggle up to me.

Go to bed.


Now, let's look
in on another neighbour...

And these two here
are Lucas and Mateo.

They're like Pablo and Maria,

always lovey-dovey and all
over each other, all the time.

We'd better let them sleep.

This is Magdalena.

She's an astronomer.

And this is Ana.

She's like my sister,
but in fact she isn't my sister.

She's pretty, isn't she?

I think she's very pretty.

There was a time when I used to sleep
with these two, but I don't any more.

Not since Ana's started saying
she's a big girl now.

Pedro's a soldier.


you should be in bed by now.


Pedro used to be the boss.

But he isn't anymore.

Now Maria's the boss.

I like Maria being the boss.

Pedro used to be Maria's boyfriend.

He isn't any more.

Hi there, little ones
Rise and shine, Jesus.

It's eight o' clock!

That's not fair...

just a little bit longer, please...

I've only just fallen asleep...

Breakfast time!

Don't make me have to say it again!

Shower time today!

Alright, alright, I heard you...

Good morning, champ!

Good morning.


I've got class with you today, right?

Oh no, not eggs again!

Just imagine it's a nice steak.

Just tuck in and don't complain,
they're good for you...

We're going to see Judas today.

I don't like you
going down to see Judas.

Come on, Mum, it's only Judas.

We're not going anywhere.

They're kids.

- They've got to move around.
- They're my responsibility.

They're our collective
responsibility, Magda.

Alright, alright...
Spare me the sermon, will you?

Mummy, can you tell Jesus
to stop filming me, please?

Don't get all worked up, honey.

He's just having harmless fun.

- What's wrong with that?
- I hate it.

Alright, Jesus, you heard her.

She doesn't like you filming her.



Silly Nellie.

Silly Billy.

Good, that's breakfast.

Class time now, shall we get cracking?


You too, off you go to class.

It's Friday today.

Get your things
and I'll be right there.

- Shit!
- Jesus, watch your language!

Boy, does your mouth need a good wash!

- Get your things, off you go to class.
- Alright.

- See you later, champ.
- Bye.

I'm worried about Pedro.

He's been like that for weeks now.

That's his funeral.

We can't be at each other's throats
all day long.

I think he just can't stand me
telling him what to do now.

It's probably best for Mateo
to deal with him.

- So what do we do then?
- I wish I knew.

I must go to class now.
Let's talk later.

Hey... are you alright?

Now, it's time for class.


What a bore.

But Maria's real cool.

She explains things real neat.

She says we've got to learn
all those things,

'cause they might be useful some day.

She says Maths are real useful
and all that stuff.

But I don't really believe all that...

Okay then,
we were on to decimal divisions.

Don't pull that face,
you don't fool me.

You're good at decimal divisions.

I sure am...

They frighten me.

Come on, don't be silly.

M- A-G-N-I-T-U-D-E.

- Mateo...

When are we going to talk
about the w*r?

In due time, Ana.

We'll get to that.
In the meantime, just write this down:

"directly proportional magnitudes”.

Be back here in two hours.


- Bet you don't catch me.
- You want to bet!

Wait a minute, don't go so fast!



We shouldn't let them go out
on their own.

Come on, they need to get us off
their backs every now and then.

That way, Ana also takes
some responsibility for Jesus.

I love it when she calls me "Mum".

That Judas is at it again; putting all
sorts of silly ideas into their heads.

I don't like that guy.

Well they adore him.

I always hate this bit.



- What if we go that way?
- No.

We mustn't break the rules, Jesus.
That's an out-of-bounds area.

But it's boring.

Don't be so stubborn.

Hang on a sec.

What are you doing?

It's for the kid.

Magda says we mustn't do things
like that, Jesus.

Come on, let's carry on.


Judas! It's us!
open up!

Come on in.
I wasn't expecting you so soon.

- We finished class a bit earlier.
- Yes, we did.

- How's everything up top?
- As usual.

And how are you getting on
with the camera?

Real neat. Thanks.

If you need more tapes,
I've found a boxful.


And you're prettier every day, eh!


I found something for you yesterday.


Cosmetics and stuff.

Some are bit worn and dry, but I'm sure
Magdalena can knock them into shape.

Thanks so much!

Alright then,
how much time have you got today?

About two hours.

- Good; time enough to see a movie.
- Great!

Hi there, little ones.

You parents want you to know
what must be done, by all,

in case of a nuclear attack
from the enemy.

The enemy is evil,
and wants to k*ll us all.

But we can overcome them.

f*ck, you gave me a fright.

What do you want?

My head hurts a lot.

I can't handle it.


We've hardly any tranquillizers left.

I can't make exceptions.

Maria, I'm telling you the truth,
it hurts a lot.

I can't do it. I'm sorry.

The ground is a safe place,

but the walls and the houses
can be knocked down.

We shall win this w*r. For you!

For the future!

But we must protect ourselves.

Block your eyes and cover yourself.

That's all, kids.

There's just the one reel.

Is that what it's like outside?

With all those buildings and machines?

Yes, siree.

Cars used to run on their own,
we had robots in our houses.

Are we going to get back out soon?

We will one day.

Will you tell us more about the w*r?

What's the matter?

Don't they ever tell you
about those things upstairs?

No, they never talk about that.

Magdalena says when I grow up

I can go see the sea,
the sky and the beaches.


they're on their way.

I'm sorry.
Time just flew by.


Kids, that was for you.
You'd better be going.

Next time I'll tell you
more about the w*r, promise.


Be careful on the way now.

- Bye
- Bye.

What was that?

I don't know.

We shouldn't have gone out today...


The camera sees better than we do.

Look, look...

Bloody hell...

It's the Kid... Solitary Chid...

- He's so scary.
- Of course he is.

It's Solitary Child.

He's like an animal.

Light scares him.

We'd better go.

Magda will be mad at us.



I protected you today, right?

You helped me.


I want to protect you.



I want to marry you
and protect you always.

You're only a kid.

I'm the one to protect you,

Come on, let's go.

I told you two hours,
and you've been away three.

Judas was protecting us!

Judas! Good God!
He can hardly walk.

Tomorrow you'll get
the punishment you deserve.

Please, Mummy...

He showed us films about robots,
and he was going to tell us things.

Stories and stuff...

It won't happen again, I swear...

Look what Judas gave me.

- What's that?
- Makeup.

It's a little dry, but with
some water, it can be used, right?



This is my room,
in case you didn't know.

And Magdalena's.

because we're both grown women now.

You just run along
to your kiddies room.

Hey, champ.

It's been one of those days, huh?


Can I have it for the day?

- Come on, be a sport.
- That'll cost you more.

- Tapes are harder to get these days.
- Bloody hell!

You certainly know how to act grown-up
when it suits you, don't you?

What do you want for it?

I want...

- all your desserts for a week.
- No, no, no, no...

- Very well, then.
- Alright, alright, alright...

Will you let me have it?


Thanks, champ.
I'll return it tomorrow.

Hi, boss.

Honey, I'm exhausted...

Come on, just a kiss...

You shouldn't take the camera
from Jesus.

I didn't take it from him,
I just bribed him.

It's great to come home to this...

Don't stop, don't stop...


Alright, alright, alright...

- Breakfast time, Jesus!
- Okay.

You want the camera?
You want the camera?

Come on, breakfast time.


If I were a grown-up,

and there was a w*r, I'd save Ana.

And she'd love me.

Like in those comics Judas has,

where you k*ll Strangers and enemies.

But I'm protecting her,
though she doesn't realise that,

"cause she's very proud.

Besides, I'm almost her age.

If she doesn't love me,
I'll go off with Solitary Kid.

He must be happy, with all those
corridors for himself.

"Don't stop, don't stop"

You're late again, Jesus.

Good morning, champ.

- You forgot the tape in the camera...
- Shit...

Did you...?

- What's in it for me?
- Jesus...

Come on,
give us that tape.

- Your dessert for the next six months.
- You're a real monster.

Okay, okay.

- Swear?
- Swear...

Not a word to Maria.

Otherwise she'd k*ll us both,
you and me.

- Not me.
- Yes, you too.

Cut that out.

Stop it please.

That's enough.

No more of that.


I don't think it's a good idea
for the kids to attend these meetings.

The better they understand our
situation the better for us all.

You look very nice...

Bet you don't catch me...

Well, well, Ana, you've certainly
got all nice and dolled up!

Well, I think we're all here now,
so I'll get straight to the point.

The lights haven't been cut off

which makes me think
that someone, somewhere,

Is controlling
our electricity supplies.

So far there's been no problem
with running water,

save for the few occasions
when it's been a bit muddy.

Judas analyses it every two days,
and it's perfectly drinkable.

But we're running out
of food and medicine.

No antibiotics, no tranquillisers,
no vitamins...

almost nothing.

So we're going to have
to go out, right?

We've got to try to make it
to the Warehouse.

We only know 10% of that area.

Well, you all can stay here
and fart about, and die of botulism.

I need to go out
and get medicines for my head.

The last time we went out
I was this far from a Stranger.

- I don't like the idea, okay?
- Okay.

But Maria's right.

We need to get stocks
before it's too late.

The Warehouse isn't that far,
and we can move in from underneath.

We don't have to go in
at ground level.

What's more,
there could be other groups like us,

going through what we are, not
daring to move from where they are.

If we move, we stand
a better chance of finding them.

Votes in favour...

Jesus, your vote doesn't count.
You're a little kid.

Neither does yours.
You've got to be 18.

Motion to go out approved.

The members of the expedition
will be chosen later.


- have you got a minute?
- Of course.

What's the latest on the Cold Hours?

They're becoming more and more
frequent. There's one today.

Pedro found one of the chickens
stone cold dead.

I'll set the curfew for 8.

I'd like us
to plan the expedition together.

After dinner.


"Oh yes, darling, don't stop... "

Jesus, stop taking the piss, kid.

We've got a deal.

You right little rascal...


But our nuclear strength will
destroy them in a matter of weeks.

I'm going to send you
out with this expedition.

- Right.
- You're the one with most experience.

Where will the signal come from?

They must have left
an a*t*matic transmitter.

I suppose it'll carry on
until there's no more power..

In their sinister laboratories,

where they use w*r prisoners
to do experiments,

dissecting them live,
they've developed a blood-fibre virus

that coverts people into contagious
agents, keeping them alive.

The virus destroys the brain,
causes bleeding all over the body,

and turns people
into limp vegetables.

They're sons of b*tches.

Come on, Pablo, let it be.

Forget it.

I'll be staying with Magda.

We're going to plan the expedition.


Here, for instance, we see how they
keep the head of a dog alive,

though it's been severed
from the dog's body.

You're always taking notes?

I'm writing what's happening
to all of us.

And I'm going to leave you here,
written down very clearly,

all the information necessary,
so that if I ever disappear,

you know where everything is.

Tell me your name,
age and occupation.

My name's Pablo,
I'm 30, I studied Architecture,

but now, I'm a cook, cooking
for people like you, my dear kid.

Tell me something
about the time of the w*r?

Were you a hero?

What's a hero?

Heroes are only found
In your comic books, kid.

And you've got to promise me
one thing:

if one day you find new friends,

you must let them read this.

Cold Hour time!
Curfew in force till 7 a. m.!

From now on it is strictly
forbidden to leave your rooms.

All rooms must remain locked!

Now she's lucky.

She falls asleep immediately.

They'll try to get
sleeping pills tomorrow.

I sure could use some.

If this exit is blocked,
they can take this other one.

They'll be close to the Warehouse and
shouldn't take more than 4 or 5 hours.

There's nothing on tomorrow, is there?

No, it's a normal day, just right
for one of these expeditions.


The Cold Hour's coming.

That means freezing our socks off
and locking ourselves in our rooms.

Otherwise the Invisibles
can get in and k*ll you.

I always snuggle under the quilt.

That way,
if they sneak in, they don't see me.

They're like ghosts,
but even more scary,

and no one knows where they come from.

Before, during the cold hour,
all of us used to get into one room,

but they're attracted by the warmth
of many people together.

So it's better to stay in our rooms,
not many of us together.


I wonder how Solitary Kid's doing.

If we're this scared in here,
What must it be like out there?

Much worse...

Good morning, everybody!


Cold Hour roll-call!

We're still here,
all of us in one piece.

The expedition leaves this morning,
Pedro, Pablo and Lucas.

They're in the best physical shape
to carry heavy things.


Are you alright?

Just great.

Someone's got to do it.

I've got a very bad feeling.

How are we off for amm*nit*on?

Not great.
We've only got 50 b*ll*ts left.

Let's hope for the best.
It's now ten o'clock.

We'll expect you back
between two and three.


- Judas? Can you hear me?
- Yes.

We sent out
an expedition today.

If all goes well, they'll drop in
on you on the way back.

- Fine.
- Call me when they get there. Thanks.

This way. North.

Do you hear that?


We're under the square,

As long as they're
at a safe distance...

Come on.

This way.

Hi there, little ones.

You parents want you to know
what must be done, by all,

in case of a nuclear attack
from the enemy.

The enemy is evil,
and wants to k*ll us all.

But we can defend ourselves.

Looks safe.

Don't be so sure.
You never know where they might be.

Three minutes, okay?

Not so much noise.
For f*ck's sake!

Oh, shit!

Lucas, we've got to go...

What's the matter?

Are you alright?

Yeah, I'm fine.
I've seen one of them, that's all.

- Pablo's seen one of them. Let's go.
- We have to get b*ll*ts.

Hey, hey.

Hey, there's no time for that.

No f*cking time, I said!

- Pablo, I don't like the look of this.
- We'll talk when we get back.

- What's the matter?
- Where are we?

Hang on a sec...

What's the matter?

Let's go...

- Where are you going?
- This way...

- It's a prohibited area.
- There's no time.


Some f*cking idea this was!

We can't see a thing.

Be quiet, you'll wake them all up.
You're going to k*ll us all.


Shit! f*cking shit!

Where have you taken us?

Straight into the lion's den!

You f*cking bastard!



What the f*ck's going on?
Where's Pablo?

He jumped in...


Cover me!

Are you mad? If you go in there,
they'll k*ll us both.

We've got to get out of here!



There's nothing you can do now.

Let's just get out of here. Let's go.


Let's get out of here!


Good God...
What's happened to you?

He jumped into a room
full of Strangers.

There's nothing we could have done.

In such conditions,
you haven't got a chance.

You're better off sh**ting yourself.

More than half the house
is infected with Strangers.

It was bound to happen.

We simply must not set foot
in the prohibited areas.

You should have gone around it!

I want a written statement
from you both. Separately.

Magda, make sure it gets to me!

Let Maria know.

How are you?


More chickens have died.


Another bloody curfew! Another
bloody awful night! I'm fed up!


The Invisibles
seem very active these last few days.

How's Lucas?


He's locked himself away
in the observatory.

He says wants to be alone.

He thinks it's all his fault.

Do you remember when this place
was full of people and kids?

There was hardly room for all of us.

- It was like being in a shopping mall.
- Yes.

It seems ages.

How long ago was that?
Nine years perhaps?

One day the generators will conk out,
and we'll die.

We only kid ourselves thinking things
are going to work out.

There might be other people out there.

The fact that we haven't found anyone
doesn't mean there's no one out there.

This place is very big.

There's no one,
and you know it.

We've been on the run for years,

and there's hardly anywhere that's not

We're lying to them, Mateo.

We're no different from those
politicians who brought this upon us.

If the kids survive, and one day make
it to adults, they'll never forgive us.

Very well.

There's always a neat solution:

k*ll all the kids,
then k*ll ourselves.

Does that seem
a valid option to you?

how did you become Pablo's girlfriend?

Why are you two boyfriend
and girlfriend?

'Cause we love each other very much.

And we like being together.

'Cause we like each other, we've known
each other for a long time,

and things just seem

to flow naturally between us.

You'll understand when you're older.
You're still too small.

Pablo died today.

I liked Pablo.

I'd like to think
my father was like him.

He jumped into a room
full of Strangers.

All this commotion seems to have roused
the Invisibles into action again.

They're in the corridor outside.
That's why I'm whispering.


Mateo, please!

Mateo, please!

Are you crazy?

- I'm frightened.
- Those things could have k*lled you.

You've put us all in danger, Ana!
That's very selfish of you!

Just remain still,
so they don't see you.

Remain still.

- Mateo...
- What?

Look at me.

Good morning, kid.


- What's the matter?
- It's Ana.

- She's disappeared.
- What?

When I woke up she wasn't there...

Get up everyone!

Ana's gone!

Our little girl has disappeared!

Relax. She's with me.


She came in the middle of the night:
she said she was afraid...

Are you crazy? At the Cold Hour?
You could've died!

We're gathered here to say goodbye
to our friend Pablo.

He was an example for us all,

a good, honest person,

who helped us in difficult moments.

These are bad times,

in which the very best
are being taken from us.

That's precisely
why we must not give up.

Because being alive is all we've got.

Maria, can we go with Judas?

It'll be a good distraction
for them.


Just a couple of hours.

Of course...

He was a good guy.

I know.

You've got to be strong
This place is like that.

The Strangers are like zombies, right?

Not exactly.

They're ill.

They have a virus
that kills them slowly.

Their skin starts falling off
and they bleed all over.

And if they touch you,
you become infected.

They are weapons, which the enemy
have infected, to annihilate us.

My parents were k*lled
by The Strangers, right?

Who told you that?

Pablo told me.

What about your parents?
Were they k*lled by Strangers?

No, Jesus, no.

I've been around for a while
and I've seen a lot.

My parents died a long time ago,
in a big w*r.

They were k*lled by the same people
who put this number on me, on this arm.

They were bad people,
but we beat them.

After that we all swore
there'd be no more wars.

But adults, you know what we're like...
we've got bad memories...

Good God!

The Strangers
have taken over my house...

Magda! Pablo!


Atrocities were committed
by both sides.

By us and our enemy alike;

we filled the cities of our enemies
with experimental diseases,

we used bombs
that reduced people to dust.

Why don't they want us
to know such things?

They're afraid.

They don't want you to suffer.

With certain things they've gone
completely over the top.

That's why I've decided to live down
here. I'm better off on my own.

Who was the enemy?

The enemy...?

It was one half of the world
against the other.

We were fighting because we believed
our God was better than theirs.

But they felt the same about their own
God. Do you get me?

What's God?

Just some guy who's abandoned us.

Well, time to go back now.

Not a word about this to anyone.

Grown-ups scare easily.

I want you to swear to me.

- Swear.
- Swear.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- You used to give me food.
- Yes.

What's this I'm hearing, Jesus?

Whenever I went round to Judas'
I used to leave him food.

I used to feel sorry
for him there on his own.

Why didn't you ever tell us there was
a child on his own in the house?

I thought you'd all say he was a
Stranger, and k*ll him.

Good God, Jesus.
He's a kid.

He could've starved to death;
or something worse.

- I'm sorry.
- Alright, never mind that.

He was telling us about the Strangers.

They're all over my house.

They arrived this morning
and have decided to stay.

Where exactly is the area
in which this kid lives?

Going by what he says, they're about

They're right upon us.

There's nowhere to turn.

It's the only unaffected area left.

We must break out.

There are thousands of Strangers
out there. That would be su1c1de.

- We've got to rid the area of them.
- When?

Right away; every second counts.

Every able-bodied adult
will have to help.

I can't stay with you.

You'll have to take care
of Jesus and this kid.

- What's his name?
- I don't know.

Try and give him a bath,
he stinks.

And put him to bed at 8 o' clock.

We'll try to be back
before midnight.

Make sure everyone stays in his room.
No going out into the corridor!


What's the matter, honey?

Don't let them k*ll you.

Don't worry.

And tell Mateo I love him.

Son of a bitch!

Hey, that's enough.

This bastard's got something
going with Ana.


- What did that kid tell you?
- Enough!

What's the problem?

There's nothing wrong with Ana.
She's virtually of age.

We didn't do anything untoward,
just sleep...

You carry on and I'll blow your f*cking
brains off, you f*cking bastard!

I swear nothing happened.

We must be going.

We can't afford
to waste any more time.

Let's go see what's out there
to be k*lled.

Are you sure this lot
are going to help us?

They all seem nuts to me...

Why have you got
all that stuff in your room?

Well, I just like recycling stuff

that might not appear to be
of any use, know what I mean?

Take bits from one, to mend others.

But most of all,

here, there's a lot of time to k*ll,

and you've got to keep yourself
occupied, and that keeps me very busy.

Why do we have
to go to class everyday?

Because you're a kid,
and that's just the way it is.

Why are you always reading
all those silly love novels?

'Cause I like them.

You might find them silly,
but I don't.

You'll understand when you're big.

Speaking of which,
why don't you run off and read a story?

I've got things to do.



What's the matter?


Does it work?

It's always the same thing...

well, sometimes there are cartoons.

And that person loses
his entire skin covering,

and is unable to do anything
apart from pass on his illness.

In this horrid secret document, which
we managed to get from our enemy,

we can see how they experiment,
cutting up animals.

Here, for instance, we see how
they keep the head of a dog alive,

severed from its dog's body.

That dog's head is then transplanted
to a human body...

the result is something
positively monstrous,

which barely lives for a few hours.

That's what they want us to become.

But our nuclear strength will
destroy them in a matter of weeks.

We shall avenge our dead.

Switch that off,
it scares me...

Don't cry.

- It's not good to cry.
- It's bad to cry?

Magdalena says
when you cry you lose water,

so you then have to drink more,
and there isn't much water left.

That's why she doesn't want us to cry.

Make sure he doesn't touch you.
He'll infect you.

Run, come on, run.


That's not Pablo any more.
k*ll that thing.

Be careful!

He touched Mateo.

I'm sorry.

It's not that difficult.

Run, now!


Run, Jesus, come on!


Don't touch him.
The Stranger has infected him.

- There's nothing wrong with me...
- Stay away from us!

Ana, please,
there's nothing wrong with me...

You're one of them.

If they don't k*ll you,
you'll become one of them!

Kids, are you alright?

Anything happened to you?

A Stranger touched Jesus!

- Good God almighty!
- Please!

- He is one of those creatures.
- No!


Jesus, are you alright?


- Where did he touch you?
- He grabbed my arm...

It's only a matter of time.

He would have bloody well
have died by now!

There must be more to it.

Jesus might be immune...

Come here, come to me...

Don't worry.

Come on.

That's it...

It's all right.

We should wall off this corridor.

All those corpses are a danger.

Don't the Strangers supposedly
become Invisibles when they die?

No one knows.

We're avoiding
the most important issue.

You all know
the kid's going to be a problem.


Do you mean Jesus?

He has got a name, you know.

He's got high fever,
often has hallucinations,

the other kids
no longer want to go near him...

I wouldn't either until I was sure...

That's what I mean.

Rules are rules.
And they must be applied to all.

If a Stranger touches you,
you've got to be k*lled.

- That kid might end up saving us all.
- It's always been like that.

If he's immune to the disease,
he could guarantee our survival.

All that sounds great.

But just suppose the kid
gets up tonight and infects us all.

Or suppose he's this very minute
infecting Ana and that other kid.

You're talking about sacrificing
a 10 year-old kid!

Call it what you will.

But a short while ago it didn't seem
to bother you that much.


we can't do that.


nuclear power...

will destroy them...

the enemy...

- experiments...
- Easy, my dear child, easy now...

What's your name?


Saulo... What about your parents?
Do you know where they are?

They are Strangers now,
but I haven't seen them for some time.

There was a time
when they were knocking about,

spurting blood and stuff.

They must have died.

Do you mind staying with Jesus
a while?

And do you mind coming with me?

Where to?

Just come with me...

Where are we going?

To a place where you kids
aren't allowed.

I haven't been sleeping well.

So on quiet nights,
when there are no cold hours,

I come up here.

I'm an astronomer.

Do you know what that is?

We study the Cosmos.

I've always liked the stars.

And I can see them from up here.

May 1?

Of course.

Are those the stars?

Why are they exploding?

They're not exploding, honey.

They're things that fall from the sky.

Up there, there's a kind of thing
that protects us...

otherwise they'd fall upon us.

Thanks for taking me with you, Mummy..

I don't want you to call me "Mummy".

- Please...
- I'm not your mother, Ana.

My mother's dead, I know that.

She was a Stranger, she got infected.
You told me that.

You all k*lled her.

How can you possibly think that?

I don't know...

on the telly they're saying
that even if it's family,

it's better to k*ll them...

And Judas says when we came here,
we were babies,

and many people got infected
and turned into Strangers...

Do you like them?

I feel sorry for them.

You know Mateo died this afternoon,

He became a Stranger.

Ana, did he hurt you last night?
Did he tried anything?

We just kissed.

Then cuddled up in each other's arms
and I fell asleep.

I think I was in love with him.

He was a good person.

- Hi...
- Hi.

- What are you doing?
- I'm looking at you.

The girl told me to watch over you.

- Have you seen my camera?
- Yes, it's here.

Can you pass it to me, please?

Careful now, don't touch me.


In case you turn me into a Stranger.

Hi, it's me again.

I'm with my friend.

- I don't know his name...
- Saaaulo.

That's it...

Well, here I am.

I'm poorly, because a Stranger
touched me,

but the grown-ups k*lled him.

What about Ana? Where's Ana?

She went with that big girl, Magda.

When I get better, we'll leave this
place and go ouside, with Judas,

and go to the beach.


It's blue...


It's blue...

Why is there still light and water?

If it really were
the end of the world,

none of those things
would exist, right?

No one knows, my dear girl.

They say the nuclear plants won't
shut down till the uranium runs out.

And there'll be uranium around
for a good while yet.


it's time for you to go to sleep.

I'm scared...

We're here with you.

That's right.
Don't be afraid.

- We're here, okay?
- Okay...

As you can well see, you're not
the only artist around here.

They hide,

but I can hear them breathe.

Their lungs are congested with blood,
like a clogged drain.

What on earth are you on about,

There's at least a dozen of them
on the other side of that wall,

lying still, in the darkness.

Just waiting to pounce,
to come in here and finish us all off.

What if all this
was just an experiment?

Can't you feel they're spying on us?

There are hidden cameras everywhere.

We are guinea pigs.

This is a behavioural experiment.

We are being observed.

We're in a concentration camp.

You saw what happened.

You saw the bombs, the diseases,
the dead people...

You made the journey with us.

How can you say that?

I've got to find all the cameras.

There are cameras

Don't you understand?

They're in the walls!

They're behind there!
They're everywhere!

That's why you've got
to come with me.

You don't understand,
but I'm doing it for your good.

I love you, Maria.

I've always loved you.

And I'm going to save you again,
like I saved you from that Pablo.

- You saved me?
- He was no good for you.

I turned him over to the Strangers,
to gain precious time.

- Now we can get out of here.
- You f*cking bastard!

What was that?

Oh no, no class today...

- What time is it?
- Be quiet.

Come along.

Stay where you are.

Don't any of you try anything!

It's Pedro, he's gone mad.

Good God...
but what have you done to her?



Not another move!

Just hand over the infected child,

- and whoever's touched him.
- Sorry.

They're not persons, Judas.

Pedro, stop, please...
Don't spoil everything now, please.

What's going on behind there?

Take them away from here...


Let's get out of here.

Come on kids!


You lot carry on!

Come along, hurry up!

- I need to sleep.
- Don't fall asleep now!

We're leaving, come on!

Come on!

Don't stop, this way!

We have to look after Maria!

We have to get out of here,
there's no choice!


Come on, come on!

- Come on, come on, come on!
- Go out!

Go out!

You too!

- Mummy, I don't want to leave you!
- Go, now!

Don't bother, Jesus.

It doesn't matter any more.

I need to stop and rest.

Beautiful night, isn't it?


Lots of stars...

Judas, I'm frightened.

So am I, Ana...

so am I.

Jesus, Saulo,
come here, all of you.

They... well...

they wanted you to grow up
away from all this,

but it's not been possible.

Jesus, there are no beaches to go to.

Not any more.
Do you understand?

We thought when we got here
that it would be a temporary thing...

that we'd be able
to get back out one day, but...

I'm sorry, kids, I'm sorry...

I've always liked the stars.

Now she's lucky.

She falls asleep immediately.

You look very nice.

When I get better, we'll leave this
place and go ouside, with Judas.

Good morning, champ.

It's great to come home to this.

You must let them read this.

If they do make it,
and live to be grown-ups,

these kids will never forgive us.

Heroes are only
In your comic books, kid.

Not a word of this to anyone.

Grown-ups are very easily scared.

I'm sorry.

- Bet you don't catch me!
- Wanna bet?

Hi, it's me again.

It doesn't hurt any more.

The Strangers are around us

and they'll turn us
into creatures like them.

It's probably not that bad.


that's the story of my life.

I hope we meet again some time.
The end...
It's blue...
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