Splice (2009)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Splice (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, okay, I can see him.

- That's it. Here he comes.

All right. I got him. I got him.


- Vitals?



Severing umbilical.

Umbilical cut. Okay, clear.

Wait. Dropping fast. BP's dropping fast.

Respirations are slow,
shallow, and irregular.

O2 sat's down 82 percent.
BP 80 over 30. He's in V-tach!

Get the paddles.
May I have some Dopamine?


I've got the paddles.
Okay. Everybody clear.

All clear.


Heart rate's stable.

Easy. Easy.

Okay, we're good.

No physical discrepancies.

He's perfect.

He's just perfect.

I like Melvin.
He's much more of a Melvin.

Somehow Ginger and Melvin
doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

Okay, then, Fred it is.

All right.

Come on, little fella. Ahem.

Look at that.

He's so cute.

All set?

Let's do it.

All right.

- Okay.
- We're good.


Ginger, meet Fred. Fred, meet Ginger.

- What are they doing?
- Imprinting.


Love at first sight.

I wish you would fill me in.

I like to think we're a team.
I like to think I'm a sounding board.

- You're much more than that, Barlow.
- It's just another dog-and-pony show.

- We could splice a dog and pony.
- They can take the meeting for us.

Maybe I can help you with your publicity.

"If God didn't want us to explore
his domain, why'd he give us the map?"

Bumper-sticker wisdom.

I get it, and I am totally with you guys
on every level.

But Joan Charot can make or break
our project without even blinking.

We should all be nervous,
as in survival-instinct nervous, so come on...

...who's heads up?

I don't want to spoil the surprise.
Come on.

- You love surprises.
- No, surprises make me nauseous.

Over the course of the last
three years, our lab has combined...

...the DNA from a variety of species
to create a completely new life form.

And, as you know,
Ginger has exceeded all expectations...

...in her ability to produce
medicinal proteins for livestock.

What you don't know is that,
since the birth of Fred...

...we have an upgraded
splicing technique...

...which can be applied to the most
sophisticated of organisms, namely...

...human beings.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hold on. Let's not get
too far ahead of ourselves.

By incorporating human DNA
into the hybrid template...

...we can begin to address any number
of genetically-influenced diseases.

Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, diabetes,
even some forms of cancer.


I can't tell you how, um, excited we are.

The entire board is thrilled
with the progress you've made...

...which is why we are so anxious
to move on to phase two.

- Phase two?
The product stage.

We need to isolate the gene in Ginger
and Fred that produces your magic protein.

We are shutting down
the splicing facilities...

...retooling your labs
for intensive chemical analysis.

Shutting down?

I don't understand.

Uh, we're handing you
the medical breakthrough of the century.

We could begin...

Elsa! We all know that can't happen
right now.

The moral outrage would be
completely out of control.

I mean, regulators and politicians,
they'd tear us to pieces.


If we don't use human DNA now,
someone else will.

Look, we'd love to go there.

sh**t for incredible medical breakthroughs,
of course we would.

You put a viable livestock product
on the shelves...

...then we will talk about a 20-year plan
to save the world.

Right now, we need to start phase two...

...and you are the only ones who can do it.

We could quit. Go to Hamilton-Splinter.

Newstead owns our patents.
We'd lose everything.

Well? What?

I'm not spending the next five years
digging through pig shit for enteric proteins.

Me neither.

What's the profile?

Jane Doe.

Anonymous female donor.
Clean medical and heredity. The usual.

A dime a dozen.

One in a million.

- It's not working.
- What enzyme are you using?

It's not the cleavage.
They're digesting fine.


The human Alu sequences
don't wanna bond with foreigners.

So what? We'll use a ligase other than T4.
We'll make them.

Oh, we'll just make them.

Yeah, we will. You know why?
Because Wired doesn't interview losers.

Sometimes I forget those
basic scientific principles.

This Ret*rded, fascist,
über music is the f*cking problem.

Got us thinking in circles.

You're right.

We have been dancing to the wrong beat.

Try this.


It's not working.

- Wait a second. It's happening.
- Why now?

I don't know, but they're on fire.

- We got the right temperature. The enzyme...
- They're changing partners.

- Everyone dances with everyone.
- You are Bob f*cking Fosse.

All right.

Biotechnology's most startling
breakthrough in decades...

...on ice.

Well, at least we know
we can do it, right?


Elsa, come on. What are you doing?


I'm too tired for this, Elsa.

Come on. I don't have the energy
to play with you right now. Elsa?

I'm not playing around with you.

Come on. Hey!

- What, did you recode the locks?
- I recoded the locks.

Come on. Open the door.

Elsa. Seriously.

You see, this is what's known
in couples therapy as emotional hijacking.


Come on, this is illegal. We're gonna
go to jail for this. Open the door.

Human cloning is illegal.
This won't be human, not entirely.

What? What are you doing?

Relax. We won't take it to term.

We need to know if we can
generate a sustainable embryo.

- Then we destroy it. No one will know.
- What's the point if you can't publish?

To be sure we really did it.
To know for sure.

You're telling me you don't need to know?

This is not so simple.
There are moral considerations.

Millions of people are suffering
and dying with no hope.

We might have the key to saving them.

What are the moral considerations
of that?

- f*ck.
- Exactly.

How's it coming, little brother?


How's Fred doing?

Our boy is growing up into
a fine young man.

And phase two?

Don't worry. We'll nail that gene.

Good man. Double helix. Ha, ha.

Hey, uh, I can't help...

...but wonder what you and Elsa
have been so busy with.

Building you your very own
special friend, Gavin.

Thank you.

I have been so lonely.

Not for long.

Come on, come on, come on.

Can you not do that?

Can you not do that?

- Hmm?
- Don't do that.

- What?
- Don't do that.

My Zeppelin interpolation, come on.
You don't like it?

Zeppelin crashed and burned before
I was born.

Check this out. It's near the distillery.

I f*cking love it.

Yeah, it's cool.

You don't sound that enthusiastic.

I don't know, I just don't want to
move again any time soon.

We've been here for seven years.

No, I mean from that place.
It just doesn't seem big enough.

It's twice the size of this apartment.
More than enough room for all our stuff.

But, you know, for down the road.

You are talking about a kid, aren't you?

- That so unreasonable?
- Yeah.

Because I'm the one who has to have it.

Look, I love this place.

I don't wanna bend my life to suit some
third party that doesn't even exist yet.

Come on. Come here.

What's the worst that can happen?

How about after we crack
male pregnancy?

Ha, ha. And ruin this perfect figure?

- You're a hypocrite. You're a hypocrite.
- No. You're a hypocrite.

Who is it?

Ignore it.

- What?
- It's BETI.

- Holy shit. What's going on?
- It's coming out.

What? It can't do that.
It's not due for months.

Well, tell that to the fetus.

Oh, God, it's huge.

- I thought you were keeping tabs.
- I was.

It wasn't that big this morning.

Too much pressure. It'll k*ll it.

Okay. Okay, we're gonna
have to do this manually.

It's not depressurizing.

All right.

Can you feel it?

I can't. It's slippery. It's... Aah!

What? What is it?

- Aah!
- What? What? What is it?

It's stinging.

No, don't, don't.

- Latch on. Come on.
- No, don't! Don't!

All right, hold on. Hold on.

Close your eyes.

- What?
- Close your eyes!

Hold still.

Don't move.


Look out, look out.

Oh, my God.

Hey, hey.

Come on, come on. No, no, no.

Oh, God.

All right, don't worry.

Hang on, hang on.

Okay, come on, come on.
Come on, come on.

Come on, come on, come on.

You okay? You okay? Are you okay?

What was that?

What was that?

A mistake.

Do you think it's in pain?


It's not formed right.

We don't know that.

I'm gonna k*ll it.


There's still a lot we can learn.

We can find out how close we came...

...to something sustainable.


It's okay.

It's all right.

It's not all right.

It's wrong.

Do we have to do this?

You don't have to. I'll take care of it.

Jesus, I think it's dead.


Hold this.

Careful, careful.
Yeah, yeah.


I'll bag it.


...at least it's not in pain now.


It's empty.






What happened?
It's alive.

Oh, Jesus.

Don't! Don't, don't! Lt'll get out.



- Get out of there. I'm gonna gas it.
- Wait.

Don't k*ll it.

Elsa, get out, okay? I'm hitting the gas.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

In three, two, one!

Clive, I said don't!

Put your f*cking mask back on, Elsa!

Listen! g*dd*mn it,
you never listen to me!

Put your damn mask on! It's dangerous!

Elsa, please.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

It's imprinting.

You're really something, aren't you?

Come on. Come on. Get out.

Get out! Get out! How about listening?

Are you crazy? Huh?
Are you trying to get yourself k*lled?

I had the situation under control.

You had it under control?
You're forgetting why we came here.

You know what?
We can't do that now, all right? Look at it.

What's that supposed to mean?

Let's just knock it out with some ether,
find out what we've got.

This is unbelievable.
I don't even know what half of this is.

There must be some rogue elements.
Junk genes pushing through.

Be careful with that.

It's some kind
of self-defense mechanism.

Yeah, or attack venom.

None of her animal components
have predatory characteristics.

Well, there's the human element.

What are these?

No. These are the lungs.


Well, I guess we'll find out
in the autopsy.

This wasn't supposed to go this far.
It wasn't even supposed to go full-term.

But it did.

What happened to,
"We're just gonna prove we can do it"?

So, what are you saying?
You really gonna k*ll it? Hmm?

Do you think you can do that?


It's growing fast.

Yeah. It's aging fast.

Days within a matter of minutes.

- You think it's the Ambystoma gene?
- It might be.

The point is, this thing's
gonna die soon anyway.

We're gonna get to observe its entire
life-cycle in compressed time.

We'll never get an opportunity
like this again.

So it's dying.

She's dying. All by herself.

Estrogen level's been low these days.


How long?

What are you talking about? What do
you mean, "these days"? Are you sure?

Of course. I did all the tests.

The progesterone, testosterone, estradiol.
It's all in the logs.

I'm sorry. I've had a, uh...
I'm a little worn out.

So, uh, I guess that thing...

...that experiment you got going on,
you're still not ready to talk about it?

How do you listen to this crap?
What is this?

- What were you saying?
- Nothing.

Day seven.

We've got H-50 on a diet of chlorophyll,
roughage, bean curd, and enriched starch.

You're gonna eat this. You're gonna...

Just a little bit, please. Okay?
Come on, just a little. Please.

Just stop. Stop. Just stay still.

She seems resistant to feeding...

...though her rapid growth should
generate a proportionate appetite.

You're gonna eat it. Eat it.


God, I can't take this thing anymore.

This isn't gonna work.

This is impossible.

- Come on.
- Come on.

- Bring it over here.
- Okay.

- Listen, listen.
- Eat this. Eat, just eat it.

- Good girl.
- Good. You're gonna eat that.

Good. See? See?

This isn't gonna work.

She makes too much noise.
People will notice.

- And she stinks.
- We'll just feed her with a drip.

How you gonna feed her with a drip?
She'll rip it right out.

Come on.

Try it.

Tracking her feeding habits,
we've determined...

...that the H-50 craves
high-sucrose foodstuffs.

Elsa couldn't make it?

She's at the lab, holding things together.

She's, um, not very happy
with the new directive, is she?

It was our facility.
We were supposed to have autonomy.

I know.

And, um, I am sorry.

Truth is, if we don't start projecting profits,
big profits, soon...

...Newstead's in serious trouble.

We need capitalization
to move forward...

...which means that phase two is
not just an option, it's all we've got.

If Ginger and Fred don't hit a homerun
at the shareholders' presentation...

...we might not even have that.

We won't let you down.

In the first month since her birth,
the H-50 continues to evolve rapidly.

Emergence of arms and the closing seam
that bisects her body...

...suggests that she develops
like a fetus outside the womb.

Early cognitive recognition tests
indicate growing intelligence.

Still, her mind remains
her greatest mystery.

Where does it go?

Where does the bear go?


That's it. You got it again.

You are such a good girl.

You could do this all day, couldn't you?

Okay. I'm gonna try something harder,

So really concentrate.

E- L-S-A.

E- L-S-A. Elsa.

E- L-S-A.

Show me Elsa.

That's it.


Yeah! I'm a nerd.

Yeah, you made a connection.

You are such a good girl. Oh, my God!

She did it. Ha, ha.

What's going on?

She can associate.

Why is the cover off her tail?

What is she doing in this room?
You can't let her out.

What's the problem?

The problem?
Specimens need to be contained.

- Don't call her that.
- What do you want me to call her?

Dren. Dren.

Her name's Dren.

Listen, you're talking to her
like she's a...

You're treating her like a...

A pet.

I'm compiling a developmental profile.
She needs more stimulation than that room.

Oh, well, that's great.

You know what Barlow said?

They're renovating this entire wing,

So we move her to the storage room
downstairs. Nobody ever goes down there.

How do you know nobody goes there?

Have you ever?
g*dd*mn door.

It's the best idea I've got.
What do you want me to say?

What the hell do you mean by that?

Your sarcasm's gonna help
when we get caught.

We're not gonna get caught.

Yeah, breakthroughs come from risk,
and so do people in prison!

They go to jail because of risks!

So you think they're gonna
renovate the storage room?

What, they're gonna install
state-of-the-art mop racks?

All they need to do is open the door.

You're gonna risk our career on the fact
that somebody won't open a g*dd*mn door?

It's the best idea I've got, okay?
I mean, what else do you want me to say?

Why are we taking all these risks
all of a sudden? What is going on?

When did you get so f*cking scared?

When the f*ck did you
stop being a scientist?!


Stop! You go to your place.

Go to your place!

No, Gavin.
It's okay.

Get away from me.
- She's not gonna hurt you.

Okay, so we have to deal with this.

Come on.

All right.

It's okay, Dren. It's all right.
It'll just be a minute, all right? Shh, shh.

I don't know about this.
You got a better idea?

Go, go, go open the door.

You stop it. Shh.

Starting to feel like a criminal.

Scientists push boundaries.
At least the important ones do.

Sticking to a few rules isn't always
such a bad idea either, you know.

Nobody is gonna care about a few rules
after they see what we have made.

"See what we've made"?

- Is that what you just said?
- Yeah.

Nobody can see what we made.

Once they see Ginger and Fred,
the world will wanna know what's next.

Do you think they could
really look at this face...

...and see anything less than a miracle?

Oh. Oh. Oh, sweetie.

Sweetie, you're sick, oh, no.
Clive, she's really hot.

I've gotta talk to my brother.

I know it's crazy,
but I need your support on this.

Do you know what happens
if you get caught?

What am I supposed to do
if you go to jail?

Do you know what happens to this place,
to everyone that depends on you?

God, did you ever think about them?
About me?

I mean, did you think at all,
or did you just do what she wanted?

It wasn't like that.

You could have stopped it at any time.

You could have just said no to her.

Try it some time.

It's 105. This is serious.

- You don't know that for sure.
- I know. Okay?

- We have to do something.
- What?

What are we supposed to do?

- Well, we have to take her somewhere.
What? That's crazy.

Well, then do something!


- Give her a Tylenol?
- Shh.

Come on, we're biochemists,
we can handle this.


f*ck! How?

- What do you do for a fever?
- Cold bath.

Hurry. Hurry!

Come on. Okay, sweetie. Shh.

All right, you got her?

Okay, yeah, I got her. Okay, it's okay.

- Try to be still, okay? I know, I know.
- Aah!

Dren, Dren, you have to settle down,

- Try to be still.
- It's all right, it's okay.

Jesus, her passages are closing.
She can't breathe. Do something!

- What?
- I don't know!

- A tracheotomy.
- With what?

In the lab.

But there's no time. Look at her!
She's dying!

Dren, try to look at me. Look at me!

Dren! Look right at me. Good girl, good girl.
Look at me, look at me.

Now try to breathe. I want you to look
right at me. Dren, look right at me.

Try to look at me!
Please, Dren, try to look at me.

What are you doing? Let her go!

Let her go! Stop it! You're k*lling her.
Let her go!

Let her go, please! Clive! Just let her go!
Let her go! Let her go!

Stop it, Clive! Let her go! You're ki...

Stop it!

Please let her go! Please let her go!

She's breathing.

She's breathing.

Those weren't tumors.
She has amphibious lungs.

You saved her. But how did you know?

You did know, right?



We can't mess around anymore.
We have to clean this place up, make it safe.


Yeah, I think we can do that.

Sweetie, you have been
such a good girl lately.

I have something special for you.

Hi. I'm Jenny.

I like cute guys, fast cars,
and funny little creatures like you.

She was my secret friend.

I wasn't allowed to have her,
so I had to keep her hidden, just like you.

Good night, sweetie.

She's had a big day.
She's gonna be out like a light.

It's been a long time.

My God, I didn't even notice.
Is that what happens?

- To couples when they...
- When they work too hard? Ha, ha.

- Yeah.
- Hmm.

Hi there.


What do we have here?

All right.

We have to be quiet.

L... We don't have any, uh...

What's the worst that could happen?


Here is a couple unlike any other
we've seen before.

That they are completely unique
in the world...

...is more than just fate...

...more than just luck.

It is by design.

Now let me present to you the minds
behind the design.

Splice masters extraordinaire...

...Clive Nicoli and Elsa Kast!

Thank you. Ahem.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

There's been a lot of talk tonight...

...about advancements in, uh,
multispecies morphogens.

We've talked about our new
protein-based compounds...

...disease-fighting agents for livestock.

And that's all very exciting
for everyone at Newstead.

But let's be honest.

What's exciting for you people
here tonight...

...is to see these two creatures,
alive and in the flesh.

These are state-of-the-art designer
organisms, the first of their kind.

The origin of a species.

Male and female.

- Like Adam and Eve...
Raise the barrier.

...coming together to enact nature's
timeless story of love.

Do something.


Well, I think we have to agree that
this is a setback in terms of how...

It's a f*cking disaster.

What happened?

Well, it was difficult to examine
the remains...

...but it seems that Ginger
has undergone certain...

Hormonal changes.

Hormonal changes?

She turned into a male.

What? Just like that? Just changed sex?

But how can this happen?

We really don't know...

...but clearly, two males caged together
and stressed is a...

So your first living hybrid changes sex,
and you didn't notice?

How is that possible?

We can re-create them.
No reason not to start over.

No more monsters.

We don't have time for that.

We need the gene that produces CD356,
and we need it now.

Do you understand?

- We have to get it out of here.
- Yeah, and take her where?

Barlow's taking over every inch
of this place, man. He'll find it.

Gotta find some place,
like, away from everything.

What am I not getting here?

What did you expect when you made it?
Didn't you have a plan?

Listen, brother,
we wouldn't be in this mess...

...if you'd been paying enough attention
to observe a f*cking gender change!

And where were you, maestro?

I was playing catch-up with
all the work you weren't doing!

- I know a place.
All you had to do was track data...

I know a place we can take her.

All these years you've owned this farm,
and you never mentioned it?

- You knew I grew up on a farm.
- Yeah, I didn't know you still had it.

It's not my farm. It was hers.

- She's dead.
- So is the farm.

It's all right, sweetie.
We'll have you out in a minute, okay?

You know, you can talk to me
about your mother.

I don't even want to think about her.

I just want to understand.

If you could understand crazy,
it wouldn't be crazy.

It's okay, honey.
There's nothing to be afraid of.

This is your new home now.

This is your new home.

Come on. It's okay.

- No, no.
- What is it? What is it? Come on.

- It's just a barn.
- Dren. It's all right. Dren.

Come with us.




Everything's fine.
Everything's under control, huh?

Is it really under control now?

Okay, you know what? I need you
to calm down. We just need to focus.

Unbelievable. This is the disaster
everyone warns about.

A new species set loose in the world.

Don't worry, all right?
She's not gonna leave us.

- She just did.
- Okay.

You know what? We're gonna find her.
She's not gonna go far. Shh, shh, shh.

Where is it?

Go, go, go.



- Dren, honey?
- I think she's hurt.

Oh, Dren.



It's almost full.


...you must never, ever run off
on me like that again.

Do you understand?

Do you understand? Dren, look at me.
That was bad.

Bad Dren!

Look, I'm...

I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm not angry at you.
I was just... I was really worried.

Well, it ain't the W,
but it's got a kind of rustic charm.

You okay, Dren?

Got a little blanket for you.



Maybe we should move her
into the house.

No way. Come on,
someone's gonna see her there.

No, that's fine.
She needs a place to be in water.

She's just upset. Everything's new.

It'll be okay.

Come on, let's move in. It's late.
Okay? Come on.

You okay?

Yeah, of course. It's just a house.

This was your room?
- Mm-hm.

I thought you said your mom left it
just the way it was.

She did.

Nice of you to show up.


You will observe protocol. It's the only way
we're gonna beat this thing.

Thank you. Shall we, um, get to work?

Please, honey, not today.
Eat your dinner, okay?

She doesn't like that stuff.
Maybe she wants meat.

She doesn't eat meat.

I'm sorry, is rabbit considered
a vegetable?

That was an accident.

Come on. Honey. I know you're hungry.

Eat your di...

What is it?

What's the matter? What?

Tedi... She spelled "tedious. "

- Where would she get a word like that?
I don't know.

She's telling us she's bored.
She's been stuck here a week.

Do you want to play a game, sweetie?

Holy shit. How did you...?

Dren, I know, but I'm sorry, you can't
go outside. You know, you just can't.

- Dren! No, Dren! Stop it!
- Hey, cut it out.

Dren, stop it!

Dren, okay, take it easy.

- Okay, hey.
- You know what?

That's it. You come over here
right now and sit down!

- Elsa! Cool it.
- Sit down!

- You saw what she did!
- Come on.

Did you not see what she did? f*ck!

I did. Stop, it's okay. It's okay.

- It's done.
- She's getting so hard to control...

Dren, stop!

Be careful.

- Dren?


- Dren?

Dren, come back here!

Dren, sweetie?

Come on, sweetie. Come back inside.

Dren, we're not angry.

- Dren, get back here this instant!
- Watch it, watch it, watch...

- No!
- No!

Dren! Dren, don't, don't. We need you.


...we love you.

Come here.

Elsa not here yet?

Not feeling well.

Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

People get sick. It happens.

A lot of people would just
suck it up, you know, rise to the occasion?

You guys are not some special case,
not anymore.

f*cking idiot.

My mother wouldn't let me wear makeup.

She said that it debased women.

But who doesn't wanna be debased
every once in a while?


You see how pretty you've become?

You're gonna have to learn
how to be a grownup.

I remember how I felt at your age.

It's an exciting time.

I never thought it...

Maybe we could use some, uh,
more eyeliner, hmm?

Let's try some more eyeliner.

What are these?

Did you do these?

These are really good.

Are there any of me?

Dren, what is that?
Where did you get that?

Give it to me.

Give it to me, right now.
Dren, you give that to me.

Sorry. You can't keep her.

We can't take a chance.
It could make you sick.

Can't always get what you want.

That's a part of growing up too.




Hey. What's the matter, girl?

What happened?

Did Elsa do that?

Looks nice.

Well, let's lighten things up around here,
shall we?

That's good. That's really good.

Ah. Ha, ha.

You like that?

It's music.

It's fun, huh? Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.

It's music.

Come on, it's just music. Feel that?
It makes you feel good.

Feels better. Yeah, yeah. Let it out.
Good. Come on, come on.

Good. Very good. Good.

That's dancing.
Okay, that's kind of a dance.

Okay, look, look, look. Look at my feet.
Watch my feet. The feet.

Okay, ready, one...
Look, you're doing good.

Step, step.

Very good. Ooh, look at you. I knew we got
the dance gene in there somewhere.

Give me your hand. Hold my hand.


That's nice. Okay, hand there.
Put it here. Very good.

Okay, I'm gonna lead, okay?
I'm the man, I lead.

The man leads, okay?
So back up, back up, one more.

One, that's it, that's it. Good, good, good.
That's it, one more.

Good. Back up, back up, good.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, turn this side.
Okay, good, back up, back up. Okay.

You're a good dancer.

You're very good.

Look at you.


That's enough.
That's enough dancing, Dren.

Good night.

Thought I was taking a quick nap.

I must have slept like a rock.


It's your DNA.


In Dren.

I can tell.

You put yourself into the experiment?

How could you...? Ha, ha.

What...? What were you...?
I mean, was this ever about science?

Of course it was. It still is.

If you believe that, you're even more
f*cked up than I think you are.

Uh, what is that supposed to mean?

Maybe you ought to take another look
at your family history.



Hey, Dren.

I have something for you. Come here.

Come here. I wanna give you something.

Can't you smile for me?

You know I love you, don't you?

You're a part of me.

And I'm a part of you.

I'm inside you.

I have something for you.

Look what I got.

You can keep her.

Why not?

It's nice to have a pet.

Oh, my God!


Physically, H-50 has evolved well.


...recent violent behavior suggests
dangerous psychological developments.

Erratic behavior may be caused by
a disproportionate species identification.

Cosmetically human affectation
should be eliminated wherever possible.

Due to her unstable condition,
it has become necessary...

...to remove her zootoxin glands
and stinger.

- What are you doing?
- What I had to.

Jesus Christ. Elsa.

She's become unstable. She k*lled the cat.
She almost k*lled me.

So you cut off her tail?

You any closer to finding the protein?

What does that have to do
with anything?

You haven't, because you're working with
tissue that's been dead too long.

- You don't know she has it.
- Of course she does.

She has everything Ginger and Fred
had and more.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna solve this thing.
I'm gonna put things right.

I'm sorry.


Dren, I'm...

Where are you?

Bill, you're early.

Let me get this straight.

You stay home because you're sick,
and now I find you sneaking around.

- Making up for lost time.
- It's too late for that.

They won't extend the deadline. It's over.

You screwed us all.

- In fact, clear out Clive's desk.
- I don't think so.

Well, no one cares
what you think anymore.

You're an embarrassment
to this company. It's...

The protein's been synthesized.

It's in the fridge.

When some real scientists get here,
have them take a look.



No, no! No!

No. You can't do that. You...

You shouldn't do that.

You shouldn't do that.

Oh, God.

Oh, shit.

- El.
- Don't.


I don't even quite know how it happened.
I was barely...

I don't even know who you are anymore.

You've become something sick.

Forget about what it means to me,
there are some things you do not do!

We changed the rules.

You're not talking your way out of this.

We crossed a line
and things got confused.

Confused about what?

Right and wrong.

Right and wrong.

Do you have any idea how
naive that sounds?

You're in no position to talk to me
about right and wrong!

And you are?


Why the f*ck did you wanna make her
in the first place?


For the betterment of mankind?

You never wanted a normal child...

...because you were afraid
of losing control.

But an experiment, that's something else.

I love her.

Yeah, I know, but we f*cked up, El.

We f*cked up.

Jesus Christ. We've chained her up.
We locked her away from the world.

We maimed her.

I maimed her.

I just wish things could go back
to the way they were.

I synthesized the protein.


She has a derivative.

It's more stable than CD356.

It's 10 times higher than the level
Ginger and Fred ever had.

We could maybe save things.

I don't mean us. I mean...

Oh, God, we can't do that.

We can't. We have a responsibility.

Experiment's over.

Our responsibility is to end it.



Come out, Dren.


- Clive!
- What?

What's happening?

I don't know, but she's dying.

Do you, uh...

...wanna say anything?

- Almost done?
- Yeah, almost.

- You hear that?
- Yeah.

What...? Gavin, what are you doing here?

I'm sorry. I had to.

It's the only way.

All right. Let's see it.

- What did you tell him?
- I didn't have to tell him much.

You think I'm stupid?

The samples you gave me
had human DNA content.

They didn't come from Ginger and Fred,
they came from something else...

...something that's still alive.

And to think you did this on my watch.

Now, let's see this thing.

It doesn't belong to you.

It doesn't belong to anyone.

Where is it?


I'm calling a forensic team.

She's already dead.

It's over.

- I don't believe you.
- No?

Well, see for yourself.
She's buried behind the barn.

Oh, shit.

What the f*ck is going on?




Gav! Gavin!

Aah. Gavin!

Clive, stop!

We have to go back!

We have to go back.

Clive, Clive, Clive.

I can't, I have to... I can't.
Look, he's gone.

No, look, we can't stay here, okay?
It's out there.

What happened?

Ginger. It's the same thing that
happened with Fred and Ginger.

- Okay, now, let's go.
- I'm not leaving my brother.

He's dead, okay? He's already dead!

- I'm not leaving my brother!
- Let's go!


Just let it go.
We need it.

- Clive, let it go!
- We need it. Aah!

We gotta go.


Almost have it.

I got it!

Clive! Clive! Clive!




Grab my hand. Grab my...

Okay, okay, now, get up, because
we need to go now. We need to go.

I know, it's okay. Okay. Okay.

What do you want?

What do you want?



Your Dren turned out to be...

...a cauldron of unimaginable
chemical mysteries.

Aside from the intense concentration
of CD356 in her system...

...she was filled with a variety
of completely unique compounds.

We'll be filing patents for years.

Of course, we are extremely excited...

...that you're willing to take us
to the next stage...

...especially in light of the...

...personal risk.

We think the figure we've come up with
is very generous.

You can never speak of this...

...to anyone...


Nobody would blame you
if you didn't do this.

You could just put an end to it
and walk away.

What's the worst that could happen?
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