Stingray Sam (2009)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Stingray Sam (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »

Liberty Chew Chewing Tobacco

Stingray Sam is not a hero

But he does do the things
That folks don't do

That need to be done

He's got a bravery inside

That won't let him run away
Will not let him run

This is the planet Mars.

It was once known as the resort and
entertainment capital of the universe.

Over the years the appeal of Mars
has worn thin.

The ideas that its entertainment
industries were once based on

are no longer valued
among smart, young couples

Iooking for a good time.

No, Mars has seen its day.

Now it has become a home

for forgotten people
with shattered dreams

Iooking for that break
that just isn't there anymore.

These are today's visitors.

Then there are those
who occupy this planet.

The ones who capitalize on these,
the misfortunate.

But don't judge them too harshly.

They came to Mars

for the same reason
as everyone else,

only now they have
nowhere else to go.

Welcome to Mars

Welcome to life among the stars

Welcome to hotels
And restaurants and bars

Where you'll never be homesick

You'll live in space
Where you'll develop certain tastes

And certain views
On things you've never faced

Where you'll never be homesick

You're in the dome
You're in the perfect home

Where sweet dreams
Mean everything

And memories can't hurt you

Here's where you'll stay

Where everything you ever knew
Is turned into something new to you

Where you'll never be homesick

All right.

Thank you very much,
and thanks for coming out tonight.

And now, it gives me a great deal
of pleasure to introduce to you

our dancers for this evening.

This is Heaven and Star
from Liberty Chew Chewing tobacco.

"Liberate yourself
with Liberty Chew tobacco

and join
the tobacco-chewing liberation."

These ladies will be handing out
free samples of tobacco later on.

So, stick around,
make yourselves at home,

there's a lot more entertainment
to come,

and if you have any problems,

just let me or the bartender know,
and we'll see what we can do about it.

Thank you very much.
You need this?

How we doing, Barnaby?

I'm not too sure, Stingray.

I think we might have
a little problem.

Where at?

That big fella sitting
at the end of the bar.

He's been acting kinda weird.

Oh, my.

That's what I'm talking about.

I think you're gonna
have to ask him to leave.

Hand me my asking-stick.


You got olive juice
on my asking-stick.

Well, what do you think
we ought to do about this?

I think you should leave.

-Not without you, Stingray Sam!
-Quasar Kid!

Barnaby, this here's The Quasar Kid.
Get him some olives!

Well, what brings you
to these parts, Kid?

Well, when I learned
you became a lounge singer,

I said, "Well, okay, then."

Well, all right, then.
What do you say?

-I say, okay.
-Well, all right.

Well, all right, Kid.
It's good to see your face.

It's good to see you, Stingray.

Well, Kid, I know you really didn't
come all this way for the olives.

What are you really doing here?

Well, some folks
caught up with me recently

and asked me if I wouldn't mind
paying off my debt to society.

As you might remember,

we hadn't finished doing that
at the time we left the prison.

What are you saying?

I'm saying there's
a little girl out there somewhere

in a whole lot of trouble.

And if you and I can help her,
we won't be wanted men.

You won't have to hide out here
in this dump anymore.

This is not a dump, Kid.

This is a nightclub,
and I am its lounge singer.

That may not mean a lot to you,

but it means a lot to me
and a lot of people

who come here to see
a lounge singer, and that's me.

I'm saying there's
a little girl in trouble.

Besides from earning our freedom,
it might be the only chance

you and I will ever get
to do something that's right.

And aren't you the one
who said you always hoped

to help somebody someday?

-Hell, no.
-Ah, come on Stingray.

Just do it for me, then.

I'm happy here, Kid,
and besides you,

there's nobody else out there
looking for me.

Well, if you won't do it for me,
will you do it for her?

Stingray Sam
came from the planet Durango.

The economy of Durango
was based

on the manufacturing
of rocket ships.

To meet the rising
costs of manufacturing

the planet's leaders shut down
production and moved the industry

to the far away planet of Mayberry,

where the population
was much more in need,

and therefore labor
much less expensive.

This created a desperate situation
for the citizens of Durango,

which resulted in a crime wave
that dominated the entire planet.

This problem was not acknowledged
by the lnter-Galactic Community

until the population of Durango

began drifting
toward the wealthier planets.

Sorry to interrupt the party.

I'm Stingray Sam,
this here's The Quasar Kid,

and we just got here from Durango.

To restore peace
throughout the galaxy

the United Planets Organization

created a new economic system
for the planet of Durango.

The former rocket-ship factories were
now to be used as penitentiaries.

One quarter of Durango's population
was given jobs as prison guards,

while the other three quarters
were incarcerated.

The cost of Durango prison labor
would be minimal.

With the rocket ship machinery
still in place

and with a prison population
of skilled factory workers,

it was the natural choice
for the leaders of Durango

to remove
all manufacturing contracts

from the now wealthy
planet of Mayberry

and reintroduce
the rocket-ship industry

to the prison population
of Durango.

Unfortunately, Mayberry held
its own in the rocket industry,

and Durango soon went bankrupt.

The penitentiaries
were shut down,

and all of the convicts
were released under the condition

that they would be called upon
at any given moment

to resume paying their debt
to society.

-What happened?
-We got arrested.

By who?

Well, technically
it was me that arrested you,

but I got arrested first, and I always
kind of thought of us as a team.

Are you the one who hit me, Kid?


What the...?
Did you put this thing on me?

I had to.

They said if I didn't put one on you,
then mine would explode.

-That's just part of the deal.
-I guess I don't blame you, then.

What do we gotta do to get 'em off?

It's just one job.
We got to rescue a little girl.

Once we do that, these things
will fall right off, and we're done.

-That's it, huh?
-Yeah, well, we got off easy.

They got everybody else
picking up garbage.

I've seen that.

That kind of work never ends.

Yeah, well,
when we're done with this job

our debt to society
will be paid in full.

You and I will be free men
for the rest of our lives.

You couldn't have just told me that
back at the bar? You had to hit me?

I missed you, Stingray.

And so this was the beginning
of Stingray Sam

and The Quasar Kid's
final adventure.

But what dangers will they face
on the road to becoming free men?

Find out
on our next episode of...

...Stingray Sam!

Liberty Chew Chewing Tobacco

Stingray Sam is not a hero

But he does do the things
That folks don't do

That need to be done

He's got a bravery inside

That won't let him run away
Will not let him run

So young and irresponsible.

How quickly they mature
and turn into incompetent adults.

Incompetent in management
and administrative duties.

It was this form of incompetence

that sent Stingray Sam
and The Quasar Kid

on a mission
without any information.

The only detail they were to receive
was to be administered

at the lnter-galactic
Hall Of Records And Trivia.

It is here where we now find our boys
perched in a state of readiness.







No 36.


Here you go, Ma'am.

I'm Stingray Sam,
this here's The Quasar Kid,

and we're from Durango.

-You don't say.
-Yes, Ma'am.

We're on an assignment,

and we don't know
what we're supposed to be doing.

-What's your assignment?
-We're supposed to rescue a girl.

-Who's the girl?
-We don't know.

We're from the work program.

Give me your wrists.

Just one box?

That's all I have for you.

Could you tell me
where I could find...?


If I leave this bag here, do you
think somebody else could use it?

Yes. And they'll be so happy,
and I'll tell them it came from you.


No, I don't think it was stupid.

You had a plastic bag,
and you didn't need it.

You thought somebody else
could use it.

Well, either way, you know what
that lady did when she just said that?


She made our day.
That's what she did.

I think that lady is a genius.

Just that one thing she said
made our whole day worthwhile.

Well, I'm glad something did.

It takes 20 of these darn
little boxes to figure out anything,

and I don't think
it's gonna tell us much.

Well, let's have a look-see.

To a father in a middle-class home,

no one is more important
than "Daddy's little girl."

Unfortunately, the extremely wealthy
and the extremely poor fathers

cannot share in this sentiment.

A female child born to a poor family
may find herself

in compromising situations
in the name of survival.

The father of a dynasty would need
a son to carry on the family name.

It was long believed that a child's
gender was determined by its mother.

King Henry Vlll believed it.

He ex*cuted several of his wives

because they were unable
to bear him a son.

If Henry only knew
what we know today

perhaps he would have
cut of his own head.

Still, gender-decisive pills
were created for the woman to take

until five generations ago

when a pill was invented
to give the father the choice.

The wealthy and poor alike
began having sons exclusively.

As a result, the poor
and the wealthy classes

found themselves
on the brink of extinction

until cloning was introduced
to the upper class

as a mandatory measure
to generate the next generation.

But health risks linked to cloning
drained the economy

through increased
medical expenses.

In its last attempt for survival,

strange new theories
were openly developed,

but time was running out,

and things were looking bleak
for the upper class

until two scientists

known only as Edward and Frederick

developed a radical new procedure.

They had successfully

blended their DNA

and then placed the living embryo

into the body of the scientist

know only as Frederick.

Funding was immediately pulled

from all research programs

and awarded
to Edward and Frederick.

When the child was born,

he was given the name Fredward.

The entire upper-class population
was impregnated

with double male genetic combos,
and thus a new generation was born!

Frederick and Edward
Had a baby named Fredward

Frederick and Edward
Loved their gentle son

Frederick was the world's
Only pregnant man

Edward might not have been the one

Frederick and Edward
Had a son named Fredward

Max and Clark
Had a son named Mark

Aldo and Rex
Had a son named Alex

Bob and Ringo

Had a son named Bingo

Zack and Deke

Had a son named Zeke

Bill and Jeff

Had a son named Biff

John and Mason

Had a son named Jason

Karl and Burt

Had a son named Kurt

Reed and Johnny

Had a son named Ronny

Chris and Al

Had a son named Cal

Clark and Biff

Had a son named Cliff

Walter and Bill

Had a son named Will

Bill and Kurt

Had a son named Burt

Burt and Robby

Had a son named Bobby

Fred and Bill

Had a son named Phil

Jack and Ronny

Had a son named Johnny

Rich and Andy

Had a son named Randy

Mick and Jack

Had a son named Mac

Hugh and Gordon

Had a son named Hugo

Matt and Rick

Had a son named Mick

Mel and Alvin

Had a son named Melvin

Jack and Bo

Had a son named Joe

Clark and Jasper

Had a son named Casper

Sam and Randy

Had a son named Sandy

George and Harold

Had a son named Gerald

Biff and Chuck

Had a son named Buck

Nate and Rick

Had a son named Nick

Nick and Ted

Had a son named Ned

Clark and Ray

Had a son named Clay

Bo and Larry

Had a son named Barry

Ray and Paco

Had a son named Rocco

Ben and Lee

Had a son named Bentley

Rocco and Dusty

Had a son named Rusty

Rusty and Alf

Had a son named Ralph

Tom and Ed

Had a son named Ted

John and Ted

Had a son named Jed

Ron and Cory

Had a son named Rory

Rory and Tex

Had a son named Rex

Burt and Morris
Had a son named Boris

And this baby, his daddy's gone
And this baby, his daddy's gone

And this baby, his daddy's gone
And this baby, his daddy's gone

And so the plot begins to thicken,
but not by much.

A girl is in need of rescue,

and the genetically designed
figurehead of a very wealthy planet

is somehow involved.

But how? Who?

What? When?


And why?

Find out the answers
to these questions and more

on our next episode of...

...Stingray Sam!

Liberty Chew Chewing Tobacco

Stingray Sam is not a hero

But he does do the things
That folks don't do

That need to be done

He's got a bravery inside

That won't let him run away
Will not let him run

In a distant solar system, located
among a certain class of planets,

were the planets of social classes,

and among them
was a planet of a certain class.

A planet that had changed its name
to Fredward.

It is here where Stingray Sam
and The Quasar Kid

initiate their pursuit of a man
who bears that same name.

Their search begins... the Pregnant Man's
Science and Trivia lnstitute,

where an important meeting

of The Pregnant Man's lnstitute
of Science and Trivia

is about to take place.

They took my clipboard!
They took my clipboard!

The one I use!
Somebody stop them!

The triumphant efforts
of this new brand of research

could not have been possible
without this generous grant

from the Liberty Chew
Chewing Tobacco Corporation.

"Liberate yourself
with Liberty Chew Chewing tobacco

and join
the tobacco-chewing liberation."

Before we recess this afternoon,
Dr. Adison and l

will be handing out
free samples of Liberty Chew.

And now,
let's have a look at the chart.

I'm The Quasar Kid,
and this here's Stingray Sam!

You boys are in
for a world of trouble

if you don't give us
what we came here to get!

"Stingray" Sam? Are you
from the Oceanology Department?

Yes, I am.

Well, this is a surprise.

Ever since the oceans have died,
I can't imagine

where you could have found
any funding without a gunman.

Unless, of course, you found a way
to bring the oceans back to life,

which I honestly doubt.

How are you planning to do it,
young man?

Excuse me?

Well, I mean, how are you planning
to bring the oceans back to life?

One fish at a time, I guess.

Yeah, that's right.

Sam here's come halfway
across two galaxies

with a Stingray baby
growing inside his very own belly!

-A Stingray?


Stingray, Stingray, Stingray

Stingray, Stingray, Stingray

Well, I went to the doctor

And he gave me a sonogram

Not the kind of thing
That you do to a man

I said, "Doctor,
What does that picture say?"

He said, "Boy,
You're gonna have a Stingray"

Stingray, Stingray, Stingray

Stingray, Stingray, Stingray

-Is it gonna be a boy?
-No, it's gonna be a Stingray

-Will it be a girl?
-No, it's gonna be a Stingray

Will it be the Prince of Thieves
Or Queen of The World?

Will it be a son
Or will it be a daughter?

Will it be a Stingray
Swimming in the water?

Stingray, Stingray, Stingray

Stingray, Stingray, Stingray

My friend here
ain't feeling quite right.

Maybe it's because he's got
a baby Stingray in his stomach.

Yeah, that's probably what it is.

Anyway, I need
to go sit down for a while,

and I was wondering where
you keep all your files and records

and stuff like that.

We thought we'd go take a look-see.

Through the door
at the end of the hall.

And what exactly is a "look-see"?

Don't you worry about it.

This don't look so good.

Yeah, we got a lot of looking to do.

Well, if there's only one girl,

then maybe we should look
in the girl section,

and we'll find her.

You're right.
It's the only pink one.

Well, let's give her a try.

The upper class
had become the only class.

To make it possible
for society to function,

it became an unwritten law

that physical labor
would not be looked down upon,

as long as you were famous at it.

Jerry was a famous carpenter,

but fame was of no interest
to Famous Jerry.

He was a loner, a rebel.

So unlike the norm
was Famous Jerry the Carpenter

that he protested his obligation
to reproduce a male child

by secretly taking
gender-decisive dr*gs.

Jerry privately gave birth
to a female child.

Her gender was assumed male

and therefore never reported
to the authorities.

Fredward had always been
a stranger to effort.

He had achieved his wealth and fame
through the act of being born.

His every need
had forever been fulfilled,

and though he grew up in seclusion,
he was never alone.

He had always been surrounded
by a group of wealthy young followers

who valued his every word.

His ideas were never questioned.

As a result, Fredward was convinced

that his thoughts were the product
of divine inspiration.

Though he had never developed
any skills and had no talents,

he declared himself an artist,

and to the amazement
of his followers,

Fredward began
what was to be his masterpiece.

He was going to redesign
his own living quarters,

and the only man famous enough
to make this dream come true

was Famous Jerry the Carpenter.

Famous Jerry was sequestered
within the compound.

He was forced to listen
to Fredward's high-art concepts.

None of Fredward's ideas
were based in reality.

They could never be achieved.

After one week,
Famous Jerry quit the job.

Fredward was devastated.

Jerry was to be arrested
and sentenced to death.

Before Jerry had a chance to retrieve
his daughter and flee the planet,

their home was broken into
and searched.

The girl was discovered and taken
directly to the Fredward Compound.

Famous Jerry fled the planet alone.

Jerry reported the kidnapping

to leaders
of the lnter-Galactic Community.

for her rescue were made.

-Are you leaving us so soon?
-Yeah. We gotta get going.

-Where will you be going?
-To find Fredward.

Oh, no more cheese and tobacco
for these boys.

They're off to see Fredward.

You'll never see Fredward,
young man.

He's far too important.

Thank you for your hospitality.

Oh, and by the way,

you said you had traveled
halfway across two galaxies?

There's only one galaxy.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

With an understanding
of their mission

and a sense of purpose
behind their every step,

Stingray Sam and The Quasar Kid
set forth to the Fredward Compound.

But what dangers await?

Find out on our next episode of...

...Stingray Sam!

Liberty Chew Chewing Tobacco

Stingray Sam is not a hero

But he does do the things
That folks don't do

That need to be done

He's got a bravery inside

That won't let him run away
Will not let him run

Our story begins where it left off.

Here, among
that certain class of planets

where we find Stingray Sam
and The Quasar Kid

in pursuit of a man named Fredward.

Like every icon
of every great economic power,

Fredward was well protected.

He lived in a grand fortress
above the law

where no man dare enter
without an invitation.

It was because of this

that no security system
was maintained,

making it possible
for Stingray Sam and The Quasar Kid

to gain entrance.


You're not supposed
to be back here.

No one is supposed to see me
before the performance.

What performance?

You're here for the party,
aren't you?

What party?

Yeah, we're here for the party.

Do you remember
what happened back on Durango

just before the prisons
went bankrupt and they let us all go?

-You mean the Mascot program?


I was in a solitary-confinement suit

that looked
like the Liberty Chew Grasshopper.

I couldn't move my arms.

Yeah. Well, when you were gone,
they gave me a new cellmate.

His name was Cubby.

Excuse me
I'm new here in this prison

I think that I was sitting there
See, there's my piece of cornbread

It was said that Cubby
was not right for prison,

or perhaps prison
just wasn't right for Cubby.

Either way, his timing
could not have been more perfect

for the Durango prison facilities

were on the brink
of financial disaster.

It was during these,
the darkest of hours,

when an advertising firm approached
the planet's CEO with a proposal.

It was to be known as "The Corporate
Mascot Rehabilitation Program."

In this program, prisoners were
rented out as corporate mascots.

Mascot costumes
were designed and manufactured

within the prison facility.

The exteriors of these costumes
were designed to attract and amuse

happy conventioneers
and their families

while reminding them

of the corporations
they were representing.

The interiors of the costumes
were designed to restrain the inmates

in order to keep them
from committing crimes

or from endangering themselves
and those around them.

When a prisoner became suicidal,
his attempts would fail

while appearing comical
and charming to any onlookers.

Eventually hygiene became an issue.

The smell of an unwashed prisoner
would penetrate the costume

and give the corporation
it represented a bad name.

A new approach
was quickly put into effect.

Through the use
of mass/matter compression,

a prisoner could be reduced in size,

infused into the body
of a small robot,

dressed accordingly,

and placed on a shelf
for public viewing.

No personal contact
was ever made with the public.

Cubby was a master
at mass/matter compression.

Without him, Durango
would not have had a program.

Cubby requested that he be allowed
to develop the device

in the privacy of his cell.

His request was granted,
and in a short while

six prototypes
were developed and delivered.

Two additional devices
were secretly manufactured

and hidden
behind the wall of his cell.

These two devices were to be worn
by Cubby and The Quasar Kid

while escaping through the prison's
tiny ventilation system.

On the morning
of their planned escape,

Cubby infused himself
within one of the tiny suits.

He hid behind the toilet
and waited for The Quasar Kid

to finish his kitchen duty.

Kid was distracted
and unable to join Cubby as planned.

As Cubby patiently waited
behind the toilet,

a prison janitor
hosed down their cell.

The water
short-circuited Cubby's suit.

He was k*lled within seconds.

When Kid returned to their cell,
he discovered the miniature device

that contained
the tiny remains of his friend.

Only then did he remember
their escape plan.

Cubby was secretly buried
the following morning

in the prison community garden.

And you expect me
to get into that thing?

-It's easy. Just close your eyes.
-No! Hey! Hey! Hey!

How's it feel?

It's a little tight.

-I think my leg's asleep.
-Can you move it?

-Yeah, I think so.
-Well, just keep moving it.

You'll be all right.
Now, hang on to my pant leg.

Allow me to introduce our visitors.

I must ask you to excuse their
somewhat lackadaisical manners,

but I have conditioned them,
or brainwashed them.

You will notice that I have told them
that they may smoke.

I've allowed my people
to have a little fun

in the selection
of bizarre tobacco substitutes.

Are you enjoying your cigarette, Ed?

Yes, Fredward.

Oh, tastes good,
like a cigarette should.

And now, comrades,
may I introduce the famous...

Can I help you?

Party, it's a party
Come on, party, get Ret*rded

Party, it's a party
Come on, party, get Ret*rded

Party, it's a party
Come on, party, get it started

Party, it's a party
Come on party, get Ret*rded

Party, get it started
Party, it's a party, come on, party

Get Ret*rded

Oh, man, you scared me!

You're the Carpenter's daughter.

I'm here to take you
back to your daddy.

I'm gonna need your help
getting us out of here.

I think your legs look cool.

Oh. Thank you very much.
They're not really mine.

-Can I see them?
-Yeah, sure.

Now, we don't have very much time,

so I need you
to listen to me very carefully.

This is gonna be a little bit tricky,

and a little bit dangerous,
but I'm gonna get you out of here.

Now, what I need you to do is run.

Did you hear me?
Run! Run!


-I ran really fast!
-Yeah, you did.

-Can we go see my daddy now?
-As soon as The Kid gets back.

It shouldn't take him very long.

If I know The Kid, he won't stay
in there any longer than he has to.

Party, it's a party
It's a party, get it started

Party, it's a party
It's a party, get it started

Party, it's a party
It's a party, get it started

Party, it's a party
It's a party, get it started

Party, it's a party
It's a party, get it started

Party, it's a party
It's a party, get it started

Party, it's a party
It's a party, get it started

Party, it's a party
It's a party, get it started

Stingray Sam and the girl
waited onboard the ship,

but what of The Quasar Kid?

Had Fredward
discovered their plans?

Had The Quasar Kid
been brainwashed

for Fredward's amusement?

Would the girl ever see her father,

and will Stingray Sam remain
a tiny, little robot indefinitely?

Find out on our next episode of...

...Stingray Sam!

Liberty Chew Chewing Tobacco

Stingray Sam is not a hero

But he does do the things
That folks don't do

That need to be done

He's got a bravery inside

That won't let him run away
Will not let him run

It was a long night of angst,
anxiety and apprehension

for Stingray Sam
and the Carpenter's daughter.

They waited
for what felt like an eternity

for the return of The Quasar Kid,

and by this point, they could
only fear the worst had transpired

and were beginning to give up hope,

when suddenly...

Morning, Stingray. Ma'am.

-And where were you last night?
-How'd you get out of the suit?

The girl let me out.
Where were you?

I was keeping
Fredward and the boys busy

so you could get the girl
and get on out of there.

We were out of there
in two minutes.

How was I supposed to know that?

I was gettin' ready
to fly out of here.

-We were gonna leave you a note.
-You would never have done that.

Show him your note.

That's a mighty nice note.
Thank you.

Let's fly out of here
before they figure out she's missing.

Stingray Sam, The Quasar Kid,

and the Carpenter's daughter were
able to escape the planet unnoticed,

but back
at the Fredward Compound,

a flurry of activity
was taking place.

The Artist,
who had originally been hired

to perform at Fredward's party,

was discovered gagged and bound
in his dressing room.

At the same time, the Carpenter's
daughter was found to be missing.

But it was the absence
of The Quasar Kid

that pushed Fredward over the edge.

He had not felt such a loss
since Famous Jerry the Carpenter

had abandoned him.

Fredward's disciples
tried to comfort Fredward

by belittling The Quasar Kid.

They tried to discredit his
participation in the evening's events.

They callously mocked his dancing.

Fredward became furious.

He scolded them
in defense of The Quasar Kid

and had them arrested
for trespassing.

When the police had taken away
the last of his guests,

Fredward did something
that he had never done before.

He left the compound.

His anger gave him a bravery
that he had never known.

In an abandoned rocket ship
of a convicted guest

Fredward escaped
his planet unnoticed.

-Hey, did you brush your teeth?

Did you use
that white toothbrush I gave you?

-All right. Go to bed.

-Can you play me a song on that?


Go get into bed.

This here's a lullaby

It's a song to go to sleep by

Close your eyes while my friend
And I here sing you a lullaby

Listen to the words of the song

They're are all about cats and dogs

Cats and dogs and stars in the sky
In a pretty little lullaby

In a pretty little lullaby

Close your eyes

Shut them down tight

Stars in the sky, shining up bright

Everything will be all right

Here comes the Sandman

With a pocket full of sleep dirt

He's not a bad man
Not as bad as he seems

And he'll get you dreaming
Your baby dreams

He'll get you dreaming your dreams

This here's a lullaby song

It's a melody for a little kid
To go to sleep on

I never sang a lullaby in my life

And I'm making it up as I go on

If you have a bad dream tonight
You only gotta call my name

I'll come running
Just as fast as I can

And I'm a whole lot tougher
Than any of them

In the morning when you wake up

Just look around and you'll see me

If you want to get up
Just wake me up

And I'll be as happy as I can be

This here's a lullaby

It's a song to go to sleep by

Close your eyes while my friend
And I here sing you a lullaby

I'll sing you a lullaby

I think she's asleep.

Look at this.

They came off.
I guess we did it. We're free.

You're right.

Thanks for bringing me with ya, Kid!

I couldn't have done it without you.

Well, I guess I'm gonna
be gettin' out of here, now.

-I don't want to wake her.

-I'll just get going.
-Well, you can't leave her with me.

I can't take her with me.
My job was to rescue her.

Beyond that, she's on her own.

Besides, I was just trying
to help you get your freedom.

You were trying
to get your own freedom,

and you h*jacked me
into helping you!

I appreciate what you did.

All right.

I'll figure something out.

-Where you headed?

I'm going to Mars!

Different Mars.

I want to do that!

I'll show you later.

You take care, Quasar Kid.

You do the same, Stingray Sam.

Shut your eyes, little girl.

Oh, dang, Stingray!
What the hell did you do in here?

You take care, Quasar Kid.

You take care.

So, what do you think of The Kid?

He was a little bit nice
and a little bit mean.

Wow, girl, I think you hit the nail
right on the head with that one.

The Kid is a little bit nice
and a little bit mean.

You're okay.

Tell you what, now I'm gonna show
you that handshake, but it's a secret,

so you can't tell anyone, all right?

Put up your thumb.

Now stick out your pinkie.

Now hold your hand flat like that.

High five!

To the side.

Down low.
Too slow!

Too slow.
All right, let's try it again.

In ancient China,
a saintly character

was believed to have
watched over "the vulnerable ones."

The three groups considered
for this classification

were travelers, soldiers,
and mothers with children.

Now, with his debt to society paid,

Stingray Sam
began his new life as a free man

under the weight
of an unforeseen obligation

that had placed him in all three

of the ancient Chinese
categories of vulnerability.

Watch over him now,
O Saints of Ancient China!

And you watch, too, on our next
and final episode of...

...Stingray Sam!

Liberty Chew Chewing Tobacco

Stingray Sam is not a hero

But he does do the things
That folks don't do

That need to be done

He's got a bravery inside

That won't let him run away
Will not let him run

In our last episode,
a small child was rescued

and then left
in the custody of Stingray Sam.

Given no other choice,
Stingray has resigned himself

to deliver the child
to her long lost father.

Many days have come and gone

since the union
of this unlikely duo was forged.

Now, at the final stage
of their journey,

Stingray's freedom draws nearer
as a father-and-daughter reunion

will soon be at hand.

Okay, girl,
we got a long way to go today.

Why don't you go get
that toothbrush I gave you,

and we'll put it in your bag?

Oh, oh, I just need to do this.

Don't you want to go
see your daddy?

I just need to do this song
one more time.

Well, it's getting late.

I just need to do it once.


Just one more time.

I'd like to do that, too.

Shummumumum mumum mumum
I'm your peg-legged father

Shummumumum mumum mumum
You're my darling daughter

You're my darling daughter

I'm your peg-legged father

What has become
Of your cold-hearted mother?

Shummumumum mumum mumum

I'm the man who raised you

Shummumumum mumum mumum

Her absence never fazed you

Her absence never fazed you

I'm the man who raised you

Your mother tried to k*ll us both

But her b*llet only grazed you

Shummumumum mumum mumum

Her second b*llet got me

Shummumumum mumum mumum

Your wicked mother shot me

Your wicked mother shot me

Her second b*llet got me

A weaker man would have fallen
To the ground, but not me

Shummumumum mumum mumum

She got me in the leg

Shummumumum mumum mumum

That's how I got the peg

That's how I got the peg

She shot me in the leg

I grabbed her by the neck

And pushed her down
And made her beg

Shummumumum mumum mumum

I heard your mother curse me

Shummumumum mumum mumum

But the bleeding made me thirsty

I heard your mother curse me

But the bleeding made me thirsty

That's why I let go
Of your mother's neck

And showed her mercy

Shummumumum mumum mumum

She up and ran away

Shummumumum mumum mumum

A year ago today

Her letter came today

Her letter came today

What did it say?
Oh, what did it say?

What did it say?

What did the letter say?

What did it say?
What did it say?

It said it's time
for me to take you home.

Okay, let's go.

Hold it right there...


The little girl is coming with me.

-Or what?
-Or you die.

She dies.

Everybody but me dies.

Basically, everyone
on that side of my g*n.

-I'm taking her back to her father.
-She doesn't have a father.

Her father ran away
and left her with me.

That's not what really happened.

I don't care what really happened.

The girl stays with me.
She's mine.

Nobody runs away from Fredward!

Not the girl, not her father,

and especially not that guy
who danced at my party a week ago.

Where is he anyway? I thought
he'd be around here somewhere.

I don't know.

So you haven't anything
to bargain with, then, have you?

So, send the girl over here

and prepare
to have your face blasted off.

Little girl,

you better get on the other side
of that g*n and shut your eyes.

No, Stingray!

I said, "Git!"

Close your eyes, little girl.

I know I'm gonna close mine.


Oh, no!
What happened to me?

What's that smell?!
Hey, it stinks in here!

Let me out of here!

Get me out of this thing!
You can't do this to me!

-I have protection!
-You're not protected here, pal.

-I thought you were going to Mars!
-I thought this was Mars.

Different Mars, I guess.

You've been a naughty boy,

It's time you start
paying your debt to society.

By the powers vested in me
by the leading members

of the lnter-Galactic Community,

it's my duty
to inform you of your rights.

He can't hear me.

Well, Quasar Kid,
first you hijack me

into paying off my debt to society,
and now you've captured Fredward.

If I didn't know any better,

I'd say you became a bounty hunter
while I was away.

Well, we all can't be lounge singers.

That's the truth, Quasar Kid.

You take care of yourself.

-I'm taking your ship, Stingray.
-I know you are, Kid.

I know you are.

There's your daddy's house.

I guess that's where you're
gonna be staying from now on.

It looks nice.

Stingray, will you stay
with me and Daddy?

Nah. You two got a lot
of catching up to do.

-I gotta get back to work.

Well, because I'm a lounge singer,
and a lounge singer's gotta sing.

He's gotta be there every night
to make sure folks get sung to.

I know that might not
mean a lot to some people,

but it means a lot to me
and a lot of people

who come to see a lounge singer,
and that's me.

But I want to stay with you.

-You do?

Well, I'll tell you what.

I know your daddy misses you,

but you and your daddy haven't
seen each other for a long time

and you can't always tell how things
are gonna go between two folks.

So if things aren't working out,

and you need someone to come
and get you, you just give me a--

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