Never Let Me Go (2010)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Never Let Me Go (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »



My name is Kathy H.

I'm 28 years old.

I've been a carer
for nine years.

And I'm good at my job.

My patients
always do better
than expected

and are hardly
ever classified
as agitated,

even if they're
about to make a donation.

I'm not trying to boast,

but I feel a great sense
of pride in what we do.

Carers and donors
have achieved so much.

That said,
we aren't machines.

In the end,
it wears you down.

I suppose that's why
I now spend most of my time
not looking forwards

but looking back,

to The Cottages and Hailsham,

and what happened to us there.



and Ruth.



When we are scattered
afar and asunder

Parted are those
who are singing today

When we look back
and forgetfully wonder

What we were like
in our learning and play

Oh, the great days
will bring distance enchanted

Days of fresh air
in the rain
and the sun

How we rejoiced
as we struggled
and panted

Echoes of dreamland,
Hailsham lives on

Good morning, students.

Good morning,
Miss Emily.

It has come to my attention
that three burned cigarettes
were discovered,

hidden behind a pot
in the flower garden.

I know that on occasion
students have seen

some of the caretakers
and deliverymen
smoking cigarettes,

but I must emphasize,
once again,
that it is much, much worse

for a student of Hailsham
to smoke cigarettes
than anyone else.

Students of Hailsham
are special.

Keeping yourselves well,
keeping yourselves
healthy inside,

is of paramount importance.

Have I made myself clear?

CHILDREN: Yes, Miss Emily.

RUTH: I think, one day,
I'd like five horses.

I don't know all their
names, but I know
I'd like five horses.

The best
would be Thunder.

He'd be dangerous to ride,
so you can't ride him.

You can ride


Just so long as you don't
use your crop on him.

That's pretty.

You have it.


Look. Who's that
with Miss Emily?

Do you think
it's the new guardian?

KATHY: Miss Lucy.

I think it must be.

We haven't had
a new guardian for ages.


Arthur! Arthur!

Catch it, Tommy.



Why didn't Tommy
get the ball?

Excuse me, Miss Lucy?

Why didn't Tommy
get the ball?

When it bounced
over the fence,

it couldn't have
been far from him.

The fence is the boundary
of the Hailsham grounds.

We don't go outside
the boundary, Miss Lucy.

It's too dangerous.


RUTH: There was once
a boy who had a big row
with all his friends

and then ran off
beyond the boundary.

They found him,
two days later, in the woods.
Tied to a tree.

With his hands
and feet cut off.


RUTH: And there was the girl
who climbed over the fence,

by the front gate.

And when she tried
to get back,
she wasn't allowed.

And then she starved.
Out there.

Right by the gates.

Who told you
these stories?

RUTH: Everybody knows them.

And how do you know
they're true?

Of course
they're true.

Who'd make up stories
as horrible as that?



Tommy, what are you doing?

What is it, exactly?

I think it must be a dog.
Is it a dog, Tommy?

ARTHUR: It can't be a dog.
lts eyes are too small.

I think it must be
a kind of rat.

Yes, that's it.
Tommy's drawn a rat.

It's not finished yet.

That's right.
You haven't finished
the whiskers.

Do you think Tommy's rat
will be selected
for The Gallery?

TOMMY: It's not a rat.

It's an elephant.

GERALDINE: Children,
back to work.




He's got his shirt on.
His favorite polo shirt.

RUTH: He really doesn't
suspect a thing.


BOY: Looks like no one
wants you, Tommy.




What's he doing?

It's his own fault.

If he learnt to keep his cool,
they'd leave him alone.

TOMMY: I hate you!
I hate you all!

GIRL: Kath... No, don't!



You shouldn't have...


Kathy H.

What's this from?

I don't remember.


It's nothing.
Just a bruise.

LUCY: Hello.

Kathy. Kathy H.

Of course. Kathy H.

Come in.

So what can
I do for you?


I was wondering
what you said to Tommy.

Out on the
playing fields.

I see. Oh.

So what did I say?

I believe I was trying
to calm him down.

Because he seemed upset.

He explained
he was often teased
about sport and art,

so I told him
he shouldn't get upset
about these things.

The other children
are only teasing him
to get a reaction.

And if it happens
that he's not particularly
good at sport or art,

well, that doesn't matter.

It's not so important.

Thank you.


Aren't you sitting
with the girls?

Well, I just checked

and I'm pretty sure
I'm not sitting
with the girls.

I'm sitting with you.

I wanted to say

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean
to hit you.

I mean, I wouldn't
want to hit any girl.

But particularly
not you.

Well, it was
an accident,
that's all.

finish those vegetables.

I'm not gonna get angry
like that anymore.

Because of what
Miss Lucy told you,
about being creative?

How do you know
about that?

I'm nosey.

She can't actually
mean that being creative
isn't important, can she?

I mean, what about
The Gallery?

If being creative
isn't important,

then why have
a gallery at all?

I don't know. arching her back,
or perhaps with the aid
of a pillow,

the woman can
arrange herself...



Good morning, ma'am.

Good morning.

Can I help you?

I wanted one tea,
with milk
and sugar in it.

One tea. Right.

LUCY: Tommy.

Oh! One tea with
milk and sugar
in it, please.

No, Tommy.

I want to hear
your own order.

Don't simply repeat
the one you've just heard.

What other drinks
do they serve in cafes?






LUCY: So, then.

So, then,

one coffee,
please, with milk
and sugar in it.

Thank you.


I think Laura
likes Arthur.

All the girls like
Arthur, don't they?


I'm not sure you do.

He's not my type.

I think Laura and Arthur
will be the first
in our year to have sex

because, if Arthur wants to,
Laura wouldn't stop him.

I'm sure you're right.

Tommy's changed.

Changed how?

Just changed.

That's all.

What about this one
by Madeleine Kane?

I think it shows more
than technical ability.

It gives a real insight
into the child.

Which is precisely
what Marie-Claude
wants for The Gallery.

Yes, I agree.


EMILY: Put these
two together.

Madame is coming.

EMILY: Good morning, students.

Good morning,
Miss Emily.

There are several
points of order today.

The first is that our good
friend, Madame Marie-Claude,
is visiting us.

She will, as usual,
be carefully inspecting
your artwork and poetry

and selecting
the very best pieces
for inclusion in her Gallery.

We will, of course,
extend to her every courtesy

and make her feel
most welcome.

Second point of order,
a piece of good news
for all students

who have been diligent
in collecting tokens.

After studies tomorrow,
there will be a sale.


The delivery
will arrive in the morning,

and I was assured
by the van driver

that the boxes will
contain a bumper crop.






Is it really
a bumper crop?

I should say so.
Yeah, sweetheart.
It's a bumper crop.




Aren't you buying?

If you've already
spent all your tokens,
you can have some of mine.

I have tokens.
I was just gonna wait
till the rush died down.

I'm sure there'll be
something good left.

What's the matter, Kath?

Well, anyway,
it doesn't matter

if you can't find
anything in the sale

because I already
found you something.

KATHY: A music tape.

I don't know much about it,
if it's much good or anything.

Thank you.


* Darling *

* Hold me *

* And never *

* Never *

* Let me go *

* Darling *

* Kiss me *

* And never *

* Never *

* Let me go *


The problem is

you've been told
and not told.

That's what I've seen
while I've been here.

You've been told

but none of you
really understand.

So I've decided
I'll talk to you in a way
that you will understand.

Do you know
what happens to children
when they grow up?

No, you don't,
because nobody knows.

They might grow up
to become actors,

move to America.

Or they might work
in supermarkets.

Or teach in schools.

They might become
sportsmen or bus conductors
or racing car drivers.

They might do
almost anything.

But with you
we do know.

None of you
will go to America.

None of you will work
in supermarkets.

None of you
will do anything
except live the life

that has already
been set out for you.

You will
become adults,

but only briefly.

Before you are old,

before you are
even middle-aged,

you will start to donate
your vital organs.

That's what you were
created to do.

And sometime
around your third
or fourth donation,

your short life
will be complete.

You have to know
who you are
and what you are.

It's the only way
you'll lead
decent lives.

There will be only one
announcement this morning,

which is that Miss Lucy,

who was guardian
to the fourth-year students,

is no longer
working at Hailsham.


A replacement
will be found for her,
and in the meantime

her classes
will be divided between
Miss Geraldine and myself.

It is hard, is it not,

to continue in the face
of deliberate subversion.

There are those who seek
to thwart us, this is clear.

And we are aware that the tide
is not with forward thinking.

It never is.

No, the tide is with
the entrenched mindset.

With values that
are still unexamined.

But I will not be coerced.

I will not be coerced.

And neither will Hailsham.


I didn't understand why,
after all her teasing,

Ruth would decide
that Tommy was the boy
she liked most of all.

They say girls are always mean
to the boys they like.

So maybe Ruth
had liked him all along.

Maybe I should have
teased him, too.

I kept hoping
they would separate,

like the other childhood
and teenage romances
at the school.

They never did.


We were moved
from Hailsham at 18

and sent to various
around the country,

to wait
until we were old enough
to start the donations.

Tommy, Ruth and I

were sent to a collection
of farm buildings
called The Cottages.

During our stay there,
we were told

that some of us
would be permitted
to volunteer as carers.

But, apart from that,
we'd be left largely
to our own devices

and even allowed
to take day trips into
the surrounding countryside.

The Cottages were also
our first contact

with those who had not
grown up at Hailsham.

There were people
from White Mansion,

Oakhill, Morningdale
and other homes
I'd never heard of.

Everyone seemed wiser
and more worldly than us.

None more so than
Rodney and Chrissie.

They'd already been
at The Cottages
for over a year

and would soon be leaving
for the completion centers.

GIRL ON TV: Ricky?
I don't know what
you're talking about.

Oh, I can
help you out there.

He's talking about
blue eyes, blond hair,
cute dimples when he smiles.

And biceps that
could crack walnuts.


BOY: Jennifer, get real,
I saw you with him.

Jen and Ricky
sitting in a tree,

That is so not true.

We weren't in a tree.




Where you going?

I thought
I'd go for a walk.

Does that mean
you want to be alone?


I'm not even saying
that I'll apply
to be a carer.

Just that several people
have said that
I'd be good at it.

But then Laura went around
telling everyone

that I'd been saying
I was the most likely
to get selected.

That's so not true.

So not true.

Thank you.


RUTH: I'm getting
more plates.

Is there
anything left for us?

I don't know.

Perhaps not.

Ruth, why do you
do that thing?

Tommy's shoulder.

I'm allowed
to touch Tommy,
aren't I?

It's the way
you're touching him.

You know what I mean.
It's copied from
that television show.

That's so not...

Don't tell me
"that's so not true."

All that behavior,
that's not what people do
out there, in real life,

if that's what
you were thinking.

So what? Look,
it's no big deal.
A lot of us do it.

What you mean is
Chrissie and Rod do it.

Oh, Kathy.

So that's what
this is about.

It must be really
awful for you,

surrounded by
all these couples.

I never said that.
I just think it's daft.

You copy them,
and they copy from
a television show.

I'm right,
aren't I?

You don't like the fact
that Tommy and I are friends
with Chrissie and Rod,

whereas you hardly
speak to anyone.

No. You're not right.

"So" not right?

Thank you, Mr. Keffers.




Hello, Tommy.

Hello, Kath.


Well, don't just
hover in the doorway.
Come in. Join the fun.

Didn't know you liked
that sort of stuff.

You're very welcome to them
after I've finished.

Oh, no,
it's just sex stuff.

I expect I've seen
them all already anyway.

Kathy, what are
you looking for?

What do you mean?
I'm just looking
at dirty pictures.

What, just for kicks?

I suppose you could
say that, yes.

If it's just for kicks,
then you don't do it
like that.

You need to look
at each picture
more carefully.

Nothing really happens
if you go that fast.

How do you know
what works for girls?

Kath, you're not
looking for kicks.

Here, give it to Ruth.
See if it does
anything for her.


I suppose you've heard
what Rod and Chrissie
have been saying.

No, I haven't.

Well, you know that
Rod and Chrissie

have been thinking
of applying
to be carers,

so they've been
learning how to drive.


Well, last weekend,
they went up to a town
on the Norfolk coast,

and they think
they saw this person.

What kind of person?

A lady

working in an office.


What is it, Ruth?

But they thought
this person
was a Possible.

For me.

They found
your Original?

They aren't sure,

(EXCITEDLY) but Rodney
said that the resemblance
was really striking.

Oh, my God. Ruth!
I know.

They want to drive me
back up there so that
I can see for myself.

Tommy will come, but...

Do you want me to come?

Ruth, of course.

So, exactly how much
experience have you guys
had with the outside?

Quite a lot.

No, we haven't.

We did a lot of role-playing
exercises at Hailsham.

They don't count.

RODNEY: Okay. Well,
don't feel scared.

Okay? There's really...
There's nothing to it.

We aren't scared.



I'll get sausage,
egg and chips.

(SOFTLY) Sausage,
egg and chips, please.

Yes, sausage,
egg and chips.

Sausage, egg and chips,
me, too, please.

Well, I suppose
I'd better get sausage,
egg and chips, too, then.

Five sausage,
egg and chips. Drinks?

Five Cokes, please.


CHRISSIE: It was good.
It was really good.



You know, there's something
I've been wanting
to talk to you lot about.

The problem is that
back there at The Cottages
it's impossible.

Someone's always
listening in.


someone was saying
that some Hailsham
students in the past

have managed
to get a deferral.

Apparently those
Hailsham students

could have
their first donation
put back by three

or even four years.

As long as they qualified.

If there was a boy
and a girl,

and they were in love
with each other,

really properly in love,
and they could prove it,

then they would be given
a few years together

before they began
their donations.

Where did you
hear about this?

When we were
at White Mansion.

People there were
always going on about
this Hailsham couple.

When the guy was
only a few weeks
from donation,

he just went to see someone.
He applied,
and everything got sorted out.

I suppose you lot
would know about
that sort of thing.

Being from Hailsham,
you'd know how that
sort of thing works.

Who is it
you go to?

Who would we talk to
if we wanted to apply?

To be honest,
I don't know what
you're talking about.

Come on.

Do you expect us
to believe that?

Everybody knows
Hailsham is special.

So what is it?

Why keep these
things to yourself?

There were lots of
stories at Hailsham.

I don't think many of them
turned out to be true.


It may be
down here.


That's it.


God, it must be her.

Yeah, that's her.


It's not her.

I'm not her.
No, you're not.

It was really
close, though.

Oh, shut up, Tommy!
It wasn't close.
It wasn't close at all.

And I knew
it wasn't gonna be her
before we even got here!

It was never
gonna be her.

They never, ever model us
on people like that woman.

Ruth, don't.

We all know it,
we just never say it.

We are modeled on trash.

Junkies, prostitutes,
winos, tramps.

Convicts, maybe,
as long as they
aren't psychos.

If you want to look
for Possibles, if you
want to do it properly,

look in the gutter.

That's where we came from.



We should go back.





RUTH: Don't tell me
to calm down!

You walked down the pier
and you left me there.

You knew
I was well upset.



BOY: Out here.




Chrissie and Rod
are pretty obsessed about
this rumor, aren't they?

About the deferrals?

I was thinking about it
again last night,

and if this
rumor's true

it might explain
a few things.

Such as?

The Gallery,
for instance.

We never got to
the bottom of it,
what The Gallery was for.

Pictures, poetry
and sculpture.

Say something
about yourself.

That's the whole point
about art, isn't it?

It says what's inside of you.
It reveals your soul.

Yeah. So?


Suppose for a second
that the rumor is true.

That there is
a special arrangement
for Hailsham students,

if they're in love.

Well, there would
have to be
some kind of way

to decide if couples
are telling the truth

and not just lying
to put off their donations.

That's what
The Gallery
could be for.

In The Gallery
they have everything
about us they need to know.

So if we say that
we're in love,

they can look
into our souls
and they can see.

They'll know
if it's real love
or if it's just a lie.

That's a strange idea, Tommy.


No, no. I don't think
that's any stranger
than any other idea.

And didn't Miss Lucy say that
making art for The Gallery
wasn't even important?


But look what
happened to her.

Are you thinking
of applying?

With Ruth?


It wouldn't work.



you forget that

you got lots of stuff
into The Gallery
over the years,

and if I applied
they wouldn't have
anything to go on.

It's all just rumors
and theories.

Yeah, I know.








* Kiss me *

* And never *

* Never *

* Let me go *

* Lock my heart *

* Throw away the key *

* Feel my love *


I know what
you think, Kathy.

I know you think that you
and Tommy would have made
a more natural couple,

and you believe

that there's a chance
that Tommy and I
will split up some day.

And when we do,
perhaps that will be
your chance with Tommy.

Chance to do it
right this time.

But you see,
the thing is, Kathy,

although Tommy
really likes you
as a friend,

he just doesn't
see you that way.

He told me about
the porno magazines.


We had quite
a laugh about it.

He doesn't understand
what you were doing.

But I did.


BOY: I said
I'll just be
five minutes.

I want to be
a carer.

It's you who
I apply to, isn't it?


I said that
I'm applying.

I'll bring
the forms tomorrow,

and that'll start
the process.

KATHY: By the time
Ruth and Tommy
actually did separate,

my carer training
had already begun.

So I was hardly ever
at The Cottages.

It had never occurred to me
that our lives,

which had been
so closely interwoven,

could unravel
with such speed.

If I'd known,

maybe I'd have kept
tighter hold of them

and not let unseen tides
pull us apart.


Once I began working
with my donors,

I didn't have much time
to dwell on Tommy or Ruth.

so many years had passed

I came to think
I would never
see them again.


Many carers find
themselves just going
through the motions,

waiting for the day
that they can stop
and become donors.


But for the most part,
being a carer
has suited me fine.

I quite enjoy
traveling across
the country,

shuttling from
center to center,
hospital to hospital.

KATHY: Here you are.

Dark chocolate.

If you knew how many
shops I had to go to
before I found those.

I thought I wasn't
allowed to eat so soon
before the operation.

Oh, you're not.
But I am.

And after the operation,

you can wolf down
the whole packet in one go.


KATHY: For me,
the real test
of being a carer

is when a donor completes
earlier than expected.

On the second
or even first donation.

Can I just have
a quick word?


I was wondering who'd be
working on Hannah today.

KATHY: I'd never say
I've become immune
to the completions.

But they are something
I am able to live with.

You're Hannah's carer,
aren't you?

Hannah's carer?

I'm sorry, it's always hard,
but there were complications.

You need me
to sign the release?


Are you going
to leave now?

We can quite easily
provide you
with a bed tonight

if you've got
a long drive.

I can be back home
in under two hours.

It's always better
to wake at home,
isn't it?

Is that someone
you know?


we grew up together.

How is she?

Were you close?

We haven't seen each other
now for almost 10 years.

Well, Ruth isn't
as strong as we would
hope, at this stage.

She's done
two donations.

She has.

You think
she'll complete
on the third?

I think she wants
to complete.

And, as you know,
when they want to complete,
they usually do.






RUTH: I've been
keeping tabs on you
over the years.

And Tommy, too.

KATHY: What do you
hear about Tommy?

(SIGHS) That he's done
his second donation, too,

and apparently
he's doing
very well on it.

he's in better shape

than some after
their first donation.

Good old Tommy.
I'm not surprised.

Are you surprised at me?

I expect I look
a bit broken, Kath.


It's okay.

I don't think
I'd want to survive
my third donation, anyway.

You hear things,
don't you?

What kind of things?

Oh, you know.

How, maybe,
after the fourth donation,

even if you've
technically completed,

you're still conscious
in some sort of way.

And then you find out
that there are more
donations, plenty of them.

No more recovery centers.
No more carers.

Just watching
and waiting.

Till they switch you off.

I don't think
I fancy that.

Is it the end
of the day already?

Do you know,
it's funny,

I think I've thought
about you every day
for the last few months.

Hoping I'd see you again.

Do you know,
I felt sure
that I would.

Seemed impossible
that I'd complete without
seeing you one last time.

It's not
the last time, Ruth.

They offered me a bed.

I was planning on
staying the night anyway.


RUTH: I always knew
you'd be a good carer.

Your donors
are very lucky.

Look, I was lying
awake last night

and I suddenly had
an idea that we'd take
a trip together.

Where to?

I hadn't much thought
of where, just a trip.


a place
did spring to mind.

One of the boys
on the other floor
was talking about it.

It's near the
Kingsfield Recovery Center.

Is it the boat?
The one left
on the beach?

You've heard
about it, too?

I heard.
One of the carers
who worked there.

And do you suppose,

if we're driving
all that way,

that we could
call in on Tommy?


Told you I'd been
keeping tabs on you.

Have you seen him?

No, not since
The Cottages.

No, neither have I.

RUTH: How will
we find him?

KATHY: His carer said
he'd be waiting outside.

Look, there he is.

Do you think
he's recognized us
through the glass?

No, no, no.

Let's not get out.

KATHY: Ruth's
in the car.

Oh, right.





How are you?

RUTH: I'm good.

Look at your hair.

TOMMY: Oh, yeah.
My hair.


I can't quite believe
that I have you both here.

Does it feel to you
that we're back
at Hailsham again?

Like no time
has passed?

No, it doesn't.

TOMMY: No, it doesn't
at all, does it?

It really doesn't at all.
It's really weird.

But a good weird, I think.

I don't suppose you both heard
that Hailsham was closed?

The only schools left now,
you hear
they're like battery farms.

Like Morningdale.

I'm sure that's
an exaggeration, though.

Are you sure
we're going
the right way?

It's locked,
it looks like.

No one said
anything about this.

No one said anything
about a locked gate.

Ruth, just relax.
It's okay.

Can walk through here.


Hey, come on.




I wonder if that's what
Hailsham looks like now.

Do you ever hear, Kath,
about any of the students
from Hailsham?

Sometimes, yeah.

I heard that
Amanda completed
on her first donation.

I think that happens
more than they ever tell us.


Yeah, there was this
guy at my care center

who was always really
scared of completing
on his first donation.

But it was all fine.

And he's just
come through
his third one now,

and he's completely
all right.

It's funny,
I don't think...

Well, I know
I wouldn't have been
a very good carer,

but in a way
I actually think
I'm quite a good donor.

(SNICKERS) That's what
we're supposed to be,
isn't it?

I'd like you
to forgive me.

I don't expect
you to.

Forgive you
for what?

For keeping you
and Tommy apart.

Should have been
you two together,
I always knew it.

As far back
as I can remember.

It wasn't just
because of the rumors
about deferrals.

It was because
I was jealous.

You had real love
and I didn't,

and I didn't want to be
the one that was left alone.

It's the worst thing
I ever did.

And now I want
to put it right.

I don't know
how you can
do that, Ruth.

I can

if you two
get a deferral.

It's too late
for that, Ruth.

Way too late.
It's stupid to even
think about it.

It isn't too late.
Look, you'll see,
both of you.

I wanted to do this trip
because I had something
that I wanted to give you.

It's Madame's address.

That's who you apply to.
That's who you have to
go and see.

How did you
get this?

It wasn't easy,
but I've had years
to think about what I did.

And years to try and work out
a way to make it right.

I started doing
them when we were
at The Cottages.

The day after
we went to find
Ruth's Possible.

I realized that
if I was ever going to
apply for a deferral,

then I'd have to
show them something.

And I've done
hundreds of them
over the years.

They're wonderful.

What? Really?


Well, thank you.


I have never
showed anyone
them until now.

They were my secret.

Just like you
and those
porno magazines.

You remember that?


Ruth said
you didn't understand
what I was doing.

No, I don't think
she understood
what you were doing.

She thought
you were looking
at the dirty pictures

in order
to find out about sex


and to find out what
you were missing out
on or something.

I knew.

I knew you were looking
for your Original.

I used to have
these huge urges
to have sex sometimes.

And sometimes
they'd be so powerful,

I just thought
I'd do it with anyone.

So I thought that
had to tell me something.

Something about
the kind of person
I was modeled on.

It's stupid,

but I guessed the magazines
would be the most likely
place I'd find her.

You know those urges
are natural, don't you?

You know all of us had them.
You know that now, right?

"From Basrah we sailed,

"day after day,
night after night,
over the sea,

"visiting island after island
and land after land,

"selling or bartering
our goods at each.

"One day,
after some weeks of sailing
out of sight of land,

"we saw an island in the sea
with such fair greenery

"that it appeared
like one of the
gardens of Eden.

"At once
the captain made towards
this delectable land

"and, when the anchor
had been cast
and the ladder lowered,

"allowed his passengers
to disembark."

(WHISPERS) Don't stop.

KATHY: Ruth got it right.
Right street,
right door, everything.

We have to decide
which of my drawings
we're gonna take.

Just take the best ones.
Maybe six or seven of them.

You have to help me.
Yeah, I know.


So, we'll just go there.


Next week.

I'll take you out
for lab tests, I'll sign
you out for the whole day

and we'll visit Madame
on the way back.

KATHY: We're going to do it.

I thought you should know.

You're going to apply?












We didn't mean
to startle you.

We were at Hailsham.

I'm Kathy.
This is Tommy.

We're not here to
give you any trouble.

From Hailsham?

TOMMY: We just came
to talk to you.

And I brought you
some things.

Some things
you might like
for your Gallery.

Come inside.




Please, wait here.

Look, it's Hailsham.

Kathy, it's Hailsham.

KATHY: That's exactly
how I remember it.

Please, sit down.


We're in love.

And it's true love.
It's verifiable.

Verifiable. I see.

Go on.


we'd heard about
the deferrals.

And we'd worked out
the purpose
of The Gallery.

Tell me the purpose.

To use our art
from Hailsham

to look into
our souls,

which would verify
that we deserved
a deferral.

But the problem is

I was a little bit
mixed up back then

and I didn't
really do any art,

so you never took
anything of mine.

I know, I know that
that is my fault

and it is probably
much too late,

but I brought
some stuff
with me today.

This is a book
of stuff and...

Other stuff here.


Some of them I've done
quite recently,

and others

(STUTTERING) were done
several years ago,
so there's a real spread.

You already have
a load of stuff
from Kath already.

She got loads of stuff
into The Gallery over
the years, didn't...

I'm sorry.

I never know
what to do.


I'll take it
from here.

Thank you, George.

Kathy H and Tommy D.


I remember you both.

Kathy, a bright girl,
and so creative.

And Tommy, a big heart
and terrible rages.

You have to understand,

Hailsham was
the last place to consider
the ethics of donation.

We used your art to show
what you were capable of.

To show that donor children
are all but human.

But we were providing
an answer to a question
no one was asking.

If you ask people
to return to darkness,

the days of lung cancer,
breast cancer,
motor neurone disease,

they'll simply say no.

We used to get
two or three couples
like you a year.

Not so much these days.


You're the first
for quite a while.

To apply
for a deferral?

There are
no deferrals, Tommy.

There are no deferrals.
And there never have been.

We didn't have
The Gallery in order
to look into your souls.

We had The Gallery
to see if you had
souls at all.

Do you understand?


Your drawings
are very good.

If you want,
I'll keep them.

Thank you
for talking to us.

You poor creatures.

I wish I could help you.

Sorry, can we stop
for a second?
I need to get out.



KATHY: It's been two weeks
since I lost him.

I've been given my notice now.

My first donation
is in a month's time.

I come here and imagine
that this is the spot

everything I've lost since
my childhood has washed up.

I tell myself
if that were true,

and I waited long enough,

then a tiny figure
would appear on the horizon
across the field

and gradually get larger
until I'd see it was Tommy.

He'd wave

and maybe call.

I don't let the fantasy
go beyond that.

I can't let it.

I remind myself
I was lucky to have had
any time with him at all.

What I'm not sure about

is if our lives have been
so different from the lives
of the people we save.

We all complete.

Maybe none of us
really understand
what we've lived through

or feel we've had
enough time.

When we are scattered
afar and asunder

Parted are those
who are singing today

When we look back
and forgetfully wonder

What we were like
in our learning and play

Oh, the great days
will bring distance enchanted

Days of fresh air
in the rain and the sun

How we rejoiced
as we struggled and panted

Echoes of dreamland,
Hailsham lives on
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