Repo Men (2010)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Repo Men (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »

REPORTER 1: The federal government

it will declare bankruptcy in the next 90...

REPORTER 2: Flags continue to be flown
at half-mast in the U.S. Capital...

... have significantly deteriorated...

REPORTER 4: ... developing global recession.

REPORTER 4: ... and sustained
an ultimately disastrous w*r.

REMY: What do I remember?

I remember reading about a scientist.

He had a thing for cats and boxes.

What he'd do
is take a cat and lock it in a box.

And then, just to make things interesting,

he'd also put this machine in there
that released poison gas.

Now, the scientist didn't actually know
when the machine would release the poison

and when it wouldn't.

The only way he could tell for sure
was to look inside the box.

Here's the science bit.

Until he opened it up,
he figured the cat had to be alive

and dead.

See, if either one was possible,

then both had to be possible, too.

Ever since I read about that cat,
I can't get the story out of my head.

Don't get me wrong, I don't give a f*ck
about the plight of small, furry animals.

I just don't understand.

How can anything be alive and dead
at the same time?


WOMAN: Are you ready
for tonight's entertainment?


(WHISPERING) Yeah, go, go, go, go.

Mr Smythe?

I'm from The Union.

Holy f*ck!

Wait! Okay? Just wait.

No worries. Keep it holstered.
Everything's okay. I can pay.

Sorry, that's not my department.



- Hey!

- Don't you f*cking touch me.
- No need for v*olence, miss.


Henry Smythe, I am legally bound to ask you
if you would like an ambulance on standby

in order to take you to hospital.




REMY: My job is simple.

Can't pay for your car, the bank takes it back.

Can't pay for your house,
the bank takes it back.

Can't pay for your liver,

well, that's where I come in.

Good morning, everybody.
I'm Eric Fitzsimmons.

And I'm Sabrina Kenn.

From around the globe
and around the corner,

here's what's happening in your world
this morning.

FITZSIMMONS: Some big news coming in
from Nigeria this morning.

KENN: That's in Africa.
FITZSIMMONS: Now, of course, you know

that we've already got 10,000, 15,000 soldiers
over there, waiting at the Nigerian border.

- KENN: Come home soon.
- Well, not too soon.

Word's coming in
that the 34th Armoured Division has arrived,

and they're ready to start
the sixth phase of the w*r.

KENN: Operation Hope Springs Eternal.


Uh-uh-uh! Don't drink out of the bottle.

- He does.
- Well, you don't.

I'm late. Can you take him?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

RADIO HOST: ... first place at yesterday's
annual Coney Island hot dog eating contest.

Can you say "indigestion"?

REMY: Peter, leave it.

- You got everything?
- PETER: Yeah.

Dad, I'm okay from here.


All right. Have a good day.

PETER: Okay.



REMY: Almost every job I do
ends the exact same way.

Some whimper. Some cry. Some even laugh.

But in the end,
they all do the same horizontal mambo,

twitching and thrusting their way
into the great beyond.

LARRY: Hey, watch the suit!

(STAMMERING) Sorry, sir.
I didn't know that was you. Sorry about that.

helping you get more you out of you.

In years past, nearly 200,000 people
waited on organ transplant lists

at any given time,
hoping for someone else to die

so that they could possibly live.

But thanks to modern biomedical science,

- the days of waiting and praying are over.
- FEMALE ANNOUNCER: ... where the artiforg

is expertly and cleanly inserted
with minimal invasion and scarring.

Now, if you can't afford the full payment
of $618,429,

we can offer monthly instalments
at an APR of 19.6%,

standard for a generic pancreatic unit.

Frank Mercer, Union Manager.

I understand you have concerns.

Affordability. It's only natural.

First of all, let me just reassure you

that our credit department will find a plan
that fits your lifestyle.

And should you fall behind,
there is a three-month grace period.

Not until after the sixth day
of the fourth month of nonpayment

will we retrieve the property,
at our own expense, of course,

utilising our skilled and licensed technicians.

Now, I'm not sure what you've heard
on the 6:00 news,

but this almost never happens.

I got to tell you, you owe it to your family.

You owe it to yourself.

Now, if you could just sign here, here,
and initial here, we can get started.

REMY: He'll sign it.

Everybody signs it.

REMY: All right.

Ears, ears, ears.

g*dd*mn ears again. Shit.

A job's a job, right?

I'm just saying, ears, four times in a row.

f*cking probation ain't fair.

Wasn't fair what you did to that woman
on the subway, was it?


Yeah. Well, you weren't there, were you?

Hey, my sister's kid, he wants in.
He's a good kid.

- Talk to Frank.
- Yeah, but I figured

I'd get a recommendation from you,
you know? Level Five?

I don't know the kid, do I?

You're k*lling me,
coming in the front like that.

I got guys trying to make sales out there,

I don't need you on the floor
spooking clients, all right?

We want them buying, not thinking.

Six paid-in-fulls this week.
You know what that means?

REMY: No. What, Frank?

They see you, they start turning down
the loans and coming up with the cash.

We don't make money when they pay in full.
Right, pal?

- What do you got?
- REMY: Liver.

- What's that?
- Liver.

What, are you hanging out at AA meetings?

Day's count, give it up, buddy.
What's the magic number?

- Not today, Jake.

Wrong answer.


REMY: Jake Freivald kicked my ass
in the fourth grade.

It wasn't exactly fair,

seeing as he was in the fourth grade
for the third time.

Maybe he didn't appreciate
the rhyme scheme.

But he had to admire an aspiring writer
who could give as good as he got.

After the w*r, a job at The Union was
a perfect match for our specialised skill-set.

The recruiter told us we were protecting
America's medical establishment.

We didn't care who we were protecting.


- REMY: (GROANING) f*ck!
- Hey, come on. Come on, come on.

(LAUGHING) Here you go!

REMY: Two livers and a Jarvik!

You got to stop nicking
these bar codes, Jake!

Won't happen again, boss!


You okay, man? You okay?


I'm working with f*cking children.


Come on, let's go hit a few.

Yeah, all right. I've got to tell Carol.

Of course you do.

CAROL: So, did you talk to Frank today?

- About moving over to sales?
- No, I didn't get a chance.

What? You mean
when you were standing next to him?

Right. Right, I'll talk to him on Monday.

You know, you're turning me
into a horrible, naggy bitch.

You were always a horrible, naggy bitch.

Just get him out of here.

- See you later.
- Yeah.

REMY: Come on.

That went well.

Maybe next time she'll crochet you
a set of balls. What do you think?

FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Come test-drive
the most advanced neural sensory replicator,

The Union's M.5 Neural Net.

Sweet dreams are made of these.


MALE ANNOUNCER: Stay super dry.

JAKE: You know what this is about, right?

It's about control. She's trying to control you.

I mean, you got to move from Repo to sales,
that's like cutting your pay in half, man. Half.

REMY: She thinks sales is more stable.

Nine to five, no late nights.
I'll be home more often.

Buddy, you and me,
we're always gonna be Repo.


Check out fatty.

You know his organs went out
a long time ago.

Twenty bucks says he's overdue.

REMY: Go, I'm in. 20 bucks.

- REMY: Deadbeat?
- Almost.

Pancreas. Two days.

Oi! How's your pancreas holding up?

I sent the money in this morning.

You better hope you did.
48 hours, your organ's mine.

(LAUGHING) Slow down, mate.
You're gonna need a new heart, as well.

P Morton? That's Patrick Morton.

- The guy from Company C?
- Yeah.

Here, let me see it.


The bastard...
Bastard, he still lives with his parents.

Did you ever repo anybody you know?

- I had to do my granddad.

What are you laughing about?
You try to explain that to your grandmother.

f*ck you, you didn't.

I would. I would, on Day 96,
if they gave me the pink sheet.

- I know you would.
- A job's a job, right?

Yeah, a job's a job.


(SINGING) Now you say you're sorry

JAKE: Hey, you want another beer
or something?

Oh, man.

For being so untrue

Stare any longer,
you'll be married by the weekend.

Well, you can cry me a river

Cry me a river

I'm gonna go start a fight or something.

I cried a river over you

Well, you can cry me a river

Cry me a river

I cried a river over you




Remember this? Jimmy T-Bone?

- Hmm?
- Peter's sleeping.

Well, we'll turn it down
and use our quiet voices.

Music's too loud.





Peanut. Wake up.

You awake? Hi.

- Hi.
- How was school?

- We learned about the Romans.
- Mmm?

- I made the club.
- I can see.

- One for you, too.
- Thanks.

- Weren't these from medieval times?
- Yeah.

Mrs Begs is making me redo the project.

- Well, if she says redo it, you better redo it.
- I hate the Romans.

Aw, that's a shame.

The Romans were real badass.

You know,
they used to make people fight with lions.

Mrs Begs says they used to burn down
all the villages when they att*cked them.

She's right. Scorched earth.
Starves out the enemy.

Pretty effective tactic.

- Hey, Dad?
- What?

Why did the Romans stone people to death?

'Cause they didn't have any g*ns.


Go to sleep.

Good night.


I don't want to stifle you, but, you know,

you might wanna turn them over
just a little bit more.

Well, if people ate them
as quickly as I'm cooking them,

- they wouldn't burn, would they?
- All right.

Hey, hey. Hot dogs! Charbroiled.

MAN: Save me one of those, all right?
JAKE: Kind of crispy.



(SIGHING) No, this is not a good time,
I'm not at home. What do you want?

Nobody eats the salad.

No one ever eats beetroot salad.
I told you not to waste your money on it.

Okay, I'll call you back. Bye.

I need to... I need to borrow
your grill master for a minute.

- (SOFTLY) Give me your apron.
- What?

I got a mobile coming here right now.
You want some of this?

To my house? f*ck, no.

- The guy's six months overdue.
- No.

It's a double commission.
I'll give you half. Half.

I'm paying you for a full ride.

I just want to get to the Fairmont downtown.

Don't worry. You'll be done in a minute.

Two minutes. Tops.

- Two minutes, tops.
- Yeah.

- Where's the case?
- Front closet.

- You're a saint.
- I know.

He's gone to get more meat.

(NERVOUSLY) Who's that guy?


Who's that guy?

- Relax, fellow. He's a friend of mine.
- He's a friend of yours?

Hey, come on, man.
Come on, let me out of here! Open the door!

Come on, man!


Thanks a lot, man.

- Where are you going?
- Getting a jacket.

I'll get you a... Carol!

Hey. I could have gotten you a coat,
for goodness' sake.

What the f*ck do you think you're doing?

- I'm stepping away, right now.
- Get this out of here!

No, no. He's gone. He's out of here.

Love, come on. It's just a kidney.

- He's got another one. He's fine.
- REMY: Jake?

- He's fine.
- Jake.

Peter, turn off the phone!

Give me that.

REMY: Where are you going?

Where are you going?

Oh, come on, not this.

Let's talk about it, huh?
Slow down, let's talk about it.

Make a decision.

- I went as fast as I could, man.
- Yeah, I know you did.

I'll have to have that talk with Frank.

Did you hear about that new M.5 Neural Net?

No. You've been reading
those f*cking pamphlets again?

(CHUCKLES) I saw it at a trade show.

The damn thing,
it takes over the whole limbic system.

Brain damage, stroke,
you name it, it doesn't matter.

They hook you up, and then it's like
you're living the rest of your life in a dream.


How do you get it out?

- Hold on a second.

Wait, wait, wait!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!




We got a nest.

All right, fine.
If you want, you can go in first on this one.

What's that? A favour? Of course
I'm going in first. You went first last time.

- No...
- It's simple mathematics.

You either have the money,
or you don't have the money.

You have the money,
I'll find you a seat on the boat.

Listen to me. You gotta listen to me.
There's a bank in Buenos Aires,

at the corner of Cacao and Santa Fe!
There's a woman there...


- Raid!

Call it.


I'm going to beat you by two.



Where you going? Where you going?
I just got here.

And you! Now you!


(ENUNCIATING) Are you having fun yet?

Wake up! Wake up!


The Force is strong, Luke.


You all right?

- What are you doing?
- I thought you needed help.

I had him.
Didn't you see I had my knife in his side?

I knocked him down. He goes on my count.

- (LAUGHING) You're joking me, right?
- Jake.

I've been working on this guy for 10 minutes!

Ten minutes I've been working on this guy.
You gonna come in here

and just hit him
on the side of the head with a pipe?


Look, you're not taking a life.

You're keeping The Union viable,
so we can continue to give...

Conquering heroes
have returned with their spoils!

All right. What do you got?

Eighteen hosts. 32 forgs.

- Thirty-two and a half!
- FRANK: Half?

- Midget.
- Little people. Please, I have a cousin.

We found a boat heading out of port.
Look at these.

Two of them had scanning jammers.
We pinged them, they read free and clear.

I opened them anyway.
They had three forgs each.

- Stupid bastards will try anything.
- Mmm.

Thirty-two forgs. Pretty impressive, boys.

You ever think
about doing this on a regular basis?

- Spec?
- Yeah!

You run your own ship.
Take down these nests.

Don't have to deal with me
and the pink sheets any more.

You two riding around together,
kicking ass, taking names.

I can talk to Corporate,
see if they'd bump up the commissions a bit.

What do you think, man?
What do you think, buddy?

Forget it.

Actually, Frank, I've been meaning
to talk to you about something.

- (CLEARS THROAT) Something...
- Yeah. Forget that.

Find somebody else.
Just get us our pink sheets.

FRANK: Suit yourself.

- Okay, look. Can I just ask you something?
- Mmm-hmm.

What do you think

keeps a world like this's shit together?

It's not magic. It's not.

It's rules.

It's people abiding by the terms of the deals
that they sign themselves.

It's rules.

You know what's more important
than the rules, though?

It's the enforcement of those rules.

I mean, we got a responsibility, you and me.

I mean, what we do,

I mean, maybe it's small, I don't know,

but it matters.

It matters.


I'd actually work less hours.

You're sure about this?

A job's a job, right?

A job's a job.

Just make sure that they give you hazard pay.

You'll be sitting next to Frank,
in some booth,

telling some cancer-riddled prick,

"You owe it to your family.
You owe it to yourself."

There's a good chance
you'll choke on your own vomit.

- You should go finish that T-Bone job.
- Yeah.

It'll be your last hurrah.

Get Carol a chance to blow off some steam
at the same time.

You ready to go after the Patrick Morton's?

I was there this morning. He said to say hi.

You didn't do it?

I did it. He said to say hi before that.


REMY: Jake's right.

And if this is going to be my last job,

then they don't come much better
than Jimmy T-Bone.


Will be like a holiday

REMY: I've been listening to his music
since I was in high school.

And the way I see it,

at least he's gonna get his heart ripped out
by someone who appreciates his music.

When my baby comes home

REMY: It's a nice house.

T-BONE: Thanks.

Not really mine any more.

- You from the IRS?
- No.

Soul suckers, taking everything back.


So am I.

(SIGHS) Uh...

Can I finish this song?

Yeah. Of course.

I'm a bit of a fan, actually.

Good. You can help me out.

(STAMMERING) I don't... I don't know.
I wouldn't be much help.

It's not that complicated.

A song is just a bunch of separate tracks,
all working together.

Just got to know when to break it down.

You know, pull it out, one thing at a time.

Well, I can do that.

And every day, oh, yeah

Will be like a holiday

Oh, yes, it will

When my baby


When my baby comes home

That's a m*therf*cking hit right there, man.

IRS will be thrilled.



Can you make sure my boy Terrance
at Blue Note Records get this?

It's done.



I'm legally bound

to ask if you would like
an ambulance on standby,

in order to take you to the hospital.

And, what, they gonna give me a new heart?

Christ, no, not with your credit history.

I know, it's a chicken-and-egg thing.

There's a complaints department.

Nah, man, nah. Let's just...

Will I sit or stand?

Easier if you lie down.


What the f*ck is that, man?

My defib unit.

Jarvik stops pumping
when you give it a jolt with electricity.

Saves me from losing my finger.

Hold on, hold on.
Is this... Is this going to hurt?

You won't feel a thing.

REMY: I have been knocked unconscious
on four separate occasions.

Knockout number one, military training.

- DOCTOR: Head back for the concussion test.
- What test?

Congratulations, son.
You've got a very small brain.

REMY: Small brains, big skulls.

That's why they put us in a t*nk.



- Target sighted!
- Fire on will!


That's you!

Oh, shit! It f*cking disappeared!

Here, right?

REMY: And then one night, the w*r was over.

And there we were,
all dressed up and nowhere to go.

You see, for us, the w*r never ended.

It just changed venue.


- Come on!
- Come and get it!


REMY: That takes care of number two.

And this

is knockout number three.

FRANK: (SOFTLY) He's waking up.


Looking good. Looking real good.

You gave us a big scare, buddy.

The client?

Look at this guy.

Two seconds out of a coma,
and he's worried about the pink sheet.

You scare me, pal.

Don't worry, we'll get him.


She left a while back, buddy.

I don't


Faulty shock unit.

Frank's got the guys back at the shop
looking into that right now.

Huh? What is it?

I mean, you know that I will be here,
no matter what.

I would change your f*cking diapers
if you needed me to.

But we got some business
that we got to discuss right now.

Oh, sure. Look...

Jake, he does my work
until I get back on my feet.

You're a very lucky man, you know that?

What you're looking at here

is the new Jarvik 39 heart module,
top of the line.

- FRANK: Oh, yes.

- REMY: No, no, no.
- Ten billion beat warranty.

- It's got the no-rust valves...
- Get it out.

- Get it out, Jake.
- JAKE: You got hit pretty hard.

All you got is scar tissue in there right now.

I feel fine!

'Cause the unit's already doing its work.

All you have to do is sign a few papers.

They can take out the meat,
put in the new forg,

sew you up better than new.
The warranty alone on this baby...

Don't you sell me. I'm not a f*cking client!

Of course you're not.

You're the best Repo
in this whole damn town.

But you gotta have a ticker
to play the game, am I wrong?

You got to do what you got to do, buddy.
Take care of yourself.

You owe it to your family.

You owe it to yourself.


What? What did I say?

You're an assh*le, man.

- NURSE: Sir?


NURSE: Sir, that's hospital property.





Buddy? Come on.
Let's go back inside, all right?

Now you're just being childish.

NURSE: Well, that should
take care of your pain

and help the artiforg
assimilate into your body.

You got it for three more days,
and then it's cold turkey.



The lock's broken.

My key works fine.

Where are you going?

That's a bit extreme, isn't it?

I told you to make a decision.

You made it when you did another job.

Can I see Peter?

Come on, Carol.

I'm sorry.

Who's out here ringing my bell? Damn kids.

Hey, man! Get your convalescent ass in here.

Thanks again for this, yeah?

- You're home, man. You're home.
- Yeah. Yeah.

And your timing's perfect, all right?
15 minutes, the game starts.

Remember that Chinese chick
from downstairs?

- Yeah.
- Her.

Well, she's coming up to watch the game,
and she's bringing a friend.

And her friend is hot. I'm giving her to you.

But can I just say one thing, though?

This place here is the happy, happy room.

Listen. You know, man, I'd love to hang out,
but I think it's better if I just sleep.

- Great. You wanna sleep?
- Yeah.

- No problem. But one other thing.
- What?


The guys all missed you so much,

we thought we'd get you
a little welcome-back present.

I'd like to introduce Harry the Heart.






What are you doing in my house?

Mr Erikson, I'm from The Union.

Stop! No!










All hail the conquering hero!

MEN: Hey.

- Welcome back.
- Big stuff.

You gonna keep me in suspense,
or you gonna tell me the details?

- What happened?
- It was standard. Standard job.

It was easy.
You know, the usual. Pleading, a few tears.

Oh, man, I had this guy last week, right?

As soon as the guy sees me,
he starts bawling like a little girl.

And this snot bubble,
it starts growing out of his nose.

And the more he cried, the bigger it got.

Bigger and smaller, bigger and smaller.
He's like...


I'm like, "Whoa! Okay." I'm like,
"Whoa, whoa, slow down, slow down."

REMY: Listening to Jake swapping stories
about some schmuck and his overdue liver,

all I can think about
is how that schmuck has a name

and a wife

and kids.


- Hey, Peanut.
- Hey.

- How are you?
- Good.

How's school?

- Okay, I guess.
- Only okay?



Go inside.

(WHISPERING) You listen to your mum.
Go back inside.

PETER: Okay.

It'd be good to talk.



If I could come in for just a minute...



JAKE: Frank just called.
He said you never turned in that pink.

You told me there was no problem, right?

You said that there was... It was an easy job.



Hey, hey, I get it, I get it.

No problem. I understand.

I mean, everybody needs a break, right?

No time at all,
you're gonna be back on your game.

You're gonna be knocking them dead.

REMY: Mr Timmons,

you owe it to your family,
you owe it to yourself.

I made some moussaka.

I want you to try this b?chamel sauce.

I'm falling behind on payments.

I really need to make some cash.

Do what you got to do.

JAKE: Gotta make some money, right?
REMY: Yeah.

JAKE: But you get it out of your system.
All right?

Of course, if you can't pay the bills,

some Union man will break into your house
in the middle of the night,

slice you open from the collarbone
to the pelvis with a scalpel

and reclaim our property.


I'm just saying.

Clearly, I'm not cut out for sales.

And this new heart's
accumulating interest with every beat.

MAN ON TV: Hello.
Uh, can we have your liver?

REMY: Most people don't know
when they're gonna die.

I have exactly six days, three hours
and between 20 and 30 minutes,

depending on how punctual
my Repo Man is feeling.

It's amazing how fast 90 days go by.


We're supposed to be partners.

And you're just f*cking up our shit.
You know that?

You're f*cking up everything.

Don't you see that?

We've always been lucky here.

The metal graveyard's
a f*cking treasure chest.

Thirty minutes,
you're going to be back on top.

You're gonna see, all right?

REMY: It's a black hole.

That's all it is.


There it is, on a platter.
Oesophagus. Five months over.

Okay, no, you're not ready to do a kid.

Fine, fine.

JAKE: Hey, hey, where are you going?


Liver and kidneys.

You want me to start?

All right, Jake.


You've done this a thousand times!

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

You stay right here

until you get this done.

Then you find another one.

You find another one.
You get as many as you can.

I want you to get over this hump.

You do this.



REMY: Part of me,

most of me,
doesn't mind too much if this is how it ends.

'Cause it's over anyway.

For those still counting,
this is knockout number four.

Well, you can cry me a river

Cry me a river

I cried a river over you

Now you say you're sorry

For being so untrue


Well, you can cry...


... me a river

Cry me...

Hey, where did you hear that song? Miss?



How do you know that song?

And dream of days we...

(GROGGILY) I know you.

REMY: In three days,
they can legally come take my heart.

I may not be making the best use of my time.


Two days of withdrawal.

It's not like I can't see the dirt or the scars
or the Q stains on her lips.

I should leave.

But for some reason, I can't.


I saw an interview with a serial k*ller once.

Said it took him six years
to work up to his first k*ll.

The second, a year. The third, just a week.

Once that dam broke, it was a flood.

Making people die,
it had become second nature.

Apparently, it also works
the other way round.

How you feeling?


Stop! Stop it!


I didn't ask for your help!


What did you want me to do,
leave you on the street?


You're as f*cked as me.


(WHISPERING) Maybe not.

REMY: It took me a while,
but I think I finally understood

why the scientist put the cat in the box.

He was trying to tell us something.

We're all alive.

We're all dead.

We're all that cat.

But we have to make a choice.

We either purr and lick ourselves
and wait for the poison to put us down

or we scream and scratch and claw our way
right out of the top of that damn box.


You get nine hearts when I wasn't looking?

My uncle was a bank robber.
I ever tell you that?

Made a mess of the west coast,
knocking over savings and loans, you know.

And he was good at it.

Nobody ever knew a damn thing.

He thought he was home free.

He woke up in the morning,
went to work at the auto shop.

But every once in a while,

he'd skip out for lunch,
pull on a ski mask, rob a bank.

Then one day,
the cops came knocking at his door.

Let me guess.

He was relieved.


No, he was f*cking pissed.

He went soft.

He was off his game. And he knew it.

Who do you think
Frank's gonna send after me? Ray?

Probably Ray.

I don't know.

Maybe me.



A job's a job.

You still believe that?



- Yeah.

Hey, listen, I'm going away for a while.

It means I won't be able to pick you up
on Saturdays.

But I'll think about you
every day that goes by.

(SLEEPILY) See you on Saturday.

BETH: What happened?

- We got to leave.
- What?

I got caught trying to clear your forgs.

Now they'll want to know
where the rest of them are.

BETH: You're clear.

You can leave me here.
I'll be fine on my own. It's okay.

I did yours first. I didn't get to mine.

Are you coming?

REMY: The thing is, I have an artificial heart,

and she has an artificial everything else.

Maybe we're two parts of the same puzzle.

Maybe it's not just her I'm trying to save.

Why you giving this to me?

I figured you'd want the option.

Was I wrong?

Give it to somebody else.

You want it?

Didn't your eyes used to be brown?

Opticor 202, with kaleidoscope enhancement.

How do you keep track of all those things
you've got in there?

Let's see.

Pancreas and kidneys from the diabetes.

One went bad outside warranty.
I had to go black market on the replacement.

Liver, stomach and lungs, thanks to Q habit.

Knee from the car accident.

Upgrades. I've got eyes, ears, voice box.

Jackson Reproductive Replacement System,
release 5.3.

Lady Mystique model.
Comes in six sparkling colours.


Flexor Dura-Joints. Billion step warranty.


Ask me about my lips.

What brand are your lips?

(SOFTLY) They're all me.

Happy birthday.

It's not my birthday.


Happy birthday.

I didn't get you anything.

Yeah, you did.

There was a man from Troubadour

who got blown up during the w*r.

He did not die, would not concede.

REMY: So what is it I'm writing?

It's not just some crappy memoir

or even an attempt
at apologising for everything I've done.

This is a cautionary tale.

I hope that you might learn from my mistakes.

'Cause in the end,

a job is not just a job.

It's who you are.

And if you want to change who you are,
well, first,

you have to change what you do.

There was a man from Troubadour

who got blown up during the w*r.

He did not die, would not concede.

How many artiforgs did he need?

- Here.
- Thanks.

GIRLS: Stomach, bladder,
pancreas, eyes, intestines.

So, what is it? A novel? Epic poem?


It's just



And it's not finished.


Somebody's coming.

You don't hear it?

What are you doing?

Put them on.

- GIRLS: ... who got blown up during the w*r.


GIRLS: He did not die, would not concede.


How many artiforgs did he need?


Stomach, bladder, pancreas,

eyes, intestines, liver, blood, guts, head!

Get down!

Who's that?

Landlord, come to collect.

Grab the typewriter!

- There's a fire escape.
- No, no! Downstairs.

What the f*ck is this? This is bullshit.

I thought you were a Level Five.

Quite honest, I'm...

I'm a little disappointed.

You're disappointed?

They sent the ear guy after me,
imagine how I feel.

That's a good one.

You'll be laughing
out of the other side of your mouth

when I have your heart in my hand.


Shit. Beth! Get back!

- Beth!




Oh, shit!

- It hurts!
- Beth, get out of there.

REMY: Come on, get out!



Welcome back.

Whose car is this?

The landlord's. I borrowed it.

You're leaking quite a bit of fluid there.

I can fix it.

- Where are we going?
- We're gonna pick up some supplies.

Where'd you find all that stuff?

When you're on the streets
long enough, babe...




"What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a f*cking lung.

"Can you believe that shit?
"It's ridiculous, right?"

Great example he's setting.

You all right?

Never been better.

I'll be five minutes.


FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Attention, shoppers.
This month only...

- Hey, Larry.
- Hi, Larry!

Hi, Larry! Hi, Larry! Hi, Larry! Hi, Larry!

Watch it, kid.

If you ever want to make Repo,
keep your f*cking head up.

What the f*ck do you want?


Afternoon, boss.


I should have given you that lung job.
You look good in that thing.

Yeah? It itches like a m*therf*cker.

Yeah, that's what the kid said, too.

Nice Taser.

- Yours?
- No.

Nor is that.

I'll do that to the next one.

The one after. The one after that.

I guarantee, you'll run out of Repo Men
before I run out of ways of k*lling them.

Great, great. This is just great.

Do you have any idea
what this makes me look like?

One of my own guys jumping credit, huh?


Now take me out of the system.

Fine. Give me your heart.

- I said take me out of the system.
- And I said give me your g*dd*mn heart.

For Christ's sake,
you sound like one of them,

whining and begging.

There is no way out of the system!

You screwed that up when you
pulled your little stunt with the bar codes!

Yeah! That's right, Einstein!

They pulled all the local scanners!

Now every artiforg reclaim
has to go back to the main office,

get scanned in behind the pink door!

So, unless you're thinking
about breaking into Corporate,

give me your f*cking heart!


and there is an option here,

we could sit down and talk this out.

You know, maybe come up with a plan
that fits your...

We're leaving.

Where are we going?

Kenya. South America.
Anywhere The Union isn't.

The airport?

No one gets out through the airport.
It's impossible.

Not with these.

I don't get it. How'd he get in here?

He was wearing the damn lung costume.

I'm glad you find this amusing,

- 'cause now he's yours.

Where's my g*dd*mn shirt, huh?

A job's a job, right?


- WOMAN ON PA: Your attention, please.
- Hold there.

Forward. Thank you.

Now boarding,
Flight 2701 to S?o Paulo, Brazil...

Sir? Gate 29.
- MALE AGENT: Forward, please. Hold there.

If you are a passenger on that flight,
please proceed to Gate 29.

Thank you.

- What if it doesn't work?
- It has to work.

- Should I check it?
- No. No.

You really don't want to be found
with a jammer in here.

- I looked at him.
- REMY: Huh?

- I looked at him.
- Shit.

A little holiday?

Uh, funeral.

You done with that?

Have a nice day.


Thank you. Forward, please.

Hold there.

Thank you. Forward.

Sir, forward, please.

Hold there.

Thank you. Forward.

That was fun.

- Thank you.
- WOMAN: Honey, look.

Excuse me, miss? Your leg's bleeding.

Come on.

Ma'am, do you need some assistance?

- I'm okay. Thank you.
- She's fine. Thanks.

- We can't let you fly like this.
- Sorry?

Sir, there's blood all over the floor.

- We need to get her cleaned up.
- I'm fine, really.

- Is that really necessary?
- The quicker we get this done,

the quicker you can get on the plane.

- REMY: I promise you, she's all right.
- Let's go.

This way, please. Come on.

- We still gonna make the plane?
- Absolutely.

- These tickets refundable?
- I have no idea, sir.

- REMY: So when's the last boarding, then?
- MALE AGENT: I don't know, sir.

let's take a look at that leg.

Doctor told her to take it easy.
She doesn't listen to anyone.


It's okay. It happens all the time.


That's him.

You don't want to do that.


Everybody's got to be a f*cking hero.





REMY: We got to dump this car,
get you a new kneecap. Hold on.


BETH: I know someone who can help.
He's outside the Union.

- REMY: Is he a vulture?
- We don't have any choice.

BETH: Believe me,
it's the last place I want to go.

REMY: This is a bad idea.

- He always left me a key up here.
- How well did you know this guy?



(SINGING) I gave her my loving
She gave me blue balls

I gave her my money...

Put it away. Put it away.

(SINGING) I gave her the thing a man...

BETH: Asbury.

- Little, little Miss Muffet.
- Don't call me that.


We need your help.

- Why'd you have to drag me a U-man, huh?
- I'm not with them any more.

Why? Did you quit or was he quitted?


- Got my cookies?
- Yeah, I got your cookies.



Don't touch anything, U-man.


ASBURY: Come on, stop your whining.

I was thinking of you when I tweaked this.

BETH ON TAPE: He always left me
a key up here... Asbury... Don't call me that.

Universal remote. Vocal auto-playback
with an eight-hour buffer, man.

I'm telling you, this is gonna be
a head-blaster at all the parties.

- Mark my words.
- I see you haven't changed.

Well, no, I haven't.

Have you?



REMY: You pay for these?

What'd you say?

- Did you pay for these?
- Pay for yours?

- REMY: That's different.
- Yeah, how's that different, U-man, huh?

I'm Robin Hood, baby. I'm Jesus, I'm Gandhi.

I can lift the valve from some fresh meat
and then drop it in a new client

for half the cost.
Bottom line, I don't k*ll my clients.

I wait for them to die.

What do you do to your clients
when you're finished with them, huh?

- Chop them up for dog meat?
- You know what?

You got your own thoughts, huh?
Company parrot?

- I'd rather be a f*cking parrot...
- Parrot!

...than a f*cking vulture! f*cking vulture!
- Parrot! Parrot!

You think you're the solution, man?
You're the problem!

REMY: I'm the problem?
You're the f*cking problem!

Hey! When the pissing contest is over,

may I have some help?


So what do you want me to do? You want me
to put you two on the boat, is that it?

Yeah. But I can't run if I can't walk.

I'm sorry, baby,
I just don't fly with joints any more.

We're gonna have to switch over to Alva
for that insertion.

- That bitch almost k*lled me.
- Well, that's your side of the fairytale, isn't it?

But I'll tell you something. It warms my cock
that you're still sore about that.



Have a seat.

LITTLE ALVA: Another one, Mom?

ALVA: Yeah, baby, another one.
So let Mama work a minute.

That's Little Alva.

- Hey.
- Hello.

ALVA: Before we start,

I'm gonna need to know
about all your other artiforgs.

What do you mean? You put most of them in.

Beth, humour me.


Ears, Vocar.

Opticor eyes.

My liver is a Hexa-Tan
from a speciality house in Denmark.

My kidneys are actually two different models.

One is a Union generic.

The other one

(YAWNING) didn't hold up so well.


Lord, I thought she was gonna go on forever.

Wait. Don't you need her to tell you the rest?

Nah, that's just my version of "Count back
from 100." All right, baby, you're up.

- What are we doing?
- ALVA: A new knee.

What? She's the surgeon?

Yeah, I just do anaesthesia these days.
The little one's got the steadier hand.

She's five!

She's nine, actually,
but she's been doing this since she was four.

- Ain't that right, pumpkin?
- Shh!

I almost got it.



BETH: I feel like break dancing.
REMY: Go on, then. Hop along.



Stay here.


Beth, let's get out of here.


ASBURY: All right, all right, all right,
I'm coming. U-man number two, huh?

- Man, you guys regen like a cancer...
- Beth.


ASBURY: All right...

It just goes on like that for awhile.

How'd you find us?

Found you the same way
you would have found me.

I see what's going on here.

I get this. I get it. I do.

But I can make this right with Frank.

All you got to do
is you got to come back with me.

Beth, wait there.

I'll deal with you later. I'll deal with you later.


I can't go back.

That's who you are, man. That's who you are.

Not any more. Not since the accident.

There you go again with the accident!

If I had known that you were going to be
such a p*ssy about the accident...


What, you thought it was fate?

Sort of karmic plan
to get you right with the world?

Is that what you thought?

- Jake...
- Let me tell you,

the cosmos, it doesn't know shit
about swapping out electrical leads.

You rigged the defib unit.

Didn't you?

For what?

So I'd build up debt
so I wouldn't transfer to sales?

You're not a salesman, man!
You never would've been.

You never could be!

All you had to do was just to keep working.

You and me, doing our thing.

You're f*cking crazy, do you know that?

You could have k*lled me.

I tried to save your life.

I'm not going with you.

Well, I'm not letting you go.










Let's go, buddy.


FRANK: You owe it to yourself.

JAKE: You've done this a thousand times!

Buddy, you and me,
we're always gonna be Repo.

REMY: (WHISPERS) Stay with me.

FRANK: There is no way out of the system!

You screwed that up when you
pulled your little stunt with the bar codes!

BETH: Hey, wake up.

Wake up.

Come on, get up.


You okay?


We got to go.

MAN 1: Raid! Repo!

MAN 2: Raid, raid!

MAN 3: Go! Go! Go!

MAN: Raid!

BETH: f*ck!



WOMAN: Help me! Please, help!

REMY: Where'd they go?



Singing my favourite song.


- Wait.
- Back off!

(ENUNCIATING) Give me one reason
why I shouldn't pull this trigger.

Welcome to your world, Repo Man.


(DISTANT g*nf*re)



Come back inside.

- We can stay here until we find a way out.
- There is no way out.

Stop, please.

There is no way out.

Not for anyone.

Wherever we go, wherever we hide,
they'll find us.

That's what they do. That's what I did.

What do you want to do?

Finish this.

Okay, so we go to headquarters
and find the pink door...

We go to headquarters,
we find the pink door, we wipe the system.

No more accounts.

Nobody's overdue.

That's easy.

- Here he is.
- Hmm?

- Peanut.
- Dad!

- Thanks for bringing him.
- I can't believe you let it get this far.

Just let me have a minute with my son.

Who's she?

Carol, shall we do this on the train?

Come on.

Frank and Jake are calling me
three times a day, trying to find you.

I haven't got time for this.
All I'm asking for is a few minutes with Peter.

Do you think I'm having a good time
trying to raise him on my own?

- PETER: Mom! Dad.
- Peter, I'm talking!

I didn't have a f*cking choice!

You think I wanted to just walk away
from the situation?

Give me a moment with my son.

CAROL: Oh, I'm sure
that's exactly what you like,

for your problems to just walk away
and just disappear.

- That's not...



That was very naughty.

Very, very naughty what you just did.

BETH: Come on, come on, we gotta go.

When you're old enough, you read this.

And if you still want to see your old man,
I'll be in Punta del Este.

- Can you say that?
- Punta del Este.

REMY: I love you. Look after your mum.


Come on. Again?

So, what's the plan?

Wait here.

My feet are always freezing.

What? The cotton socks don't work?

- I always wear cotton socks.
- Hey, who's this guy?

Sir, this is a restricted area.

It's all about who you know.

So what is it, bright pink or pale pink?

I don't know.
You see a pink door, you go for it.


Let's go.



Come on.


Come on. Oi!




This is it?

Oh, shit.

- Union men.
- What are we going to do?

(SOFTLY) f*ck.

Grab the axe.


GUARD 1: Don't move!
GUARD 2: Drop it now!

Your weapons!
Drop your weapons! Do it now!

Anyone comes through that door, k*ll them.






Please make your way to the nearest exit.

This is not a drill.

Have a nice day.

Go on. Make a delivery.

Please make your way to the nearest exit.
This is not a drill.







Great! That's just f*cking great!



There's no keyboard.

- There's no keyboard.
- So?

So, if there's no keyboard,
how can I get into the system?

How do I wipe the accounts?

- Maybe there's a different way.
- Using what?

- I don't know. An interface or something.
- Look at it, Beth, it's a scanner. That's it.

Even if we were just... I mean, we...
The only...


- The only way out of the system...
- Is what?

(QUIETLY) The only way out of the system
is to repo ourselves.

- Can't get in without a forg.

We're surrounded by the f*cking things.

Please make your way to the nearest exit.
This is not a drill.

You're kidding, right?

Stop it.

No. Stop it.

- No!
- Beth.

- No!
- Beth.

- We'll die.
- Beth.

- We can fight our way back out.
- We didn't come all this way to run back out.

Help me.







I can't.


I can't dance the mambo alone.


Please deposit one artiforg in reclaim drawer.

Have a nice day.


Please make your way to the nearest exit.
This is not a drill.

Have a nice day.





Stay with me.




REMY: Stay with me.

Only one left, all right?

Only one left.

Don't go now.

- What are you doing?
- I'm losing her.

There's only one left.

There's only one left.

Oh, Jesus, this is f*cking pathetic. Finish it.

Stay with me!

JAKE: Is it really worth it?

Is she really worth it?

She's worth every job we ever did.

She's worth every job we ever did.

FRANK: End it, Jake.


All right, then.

Enough of this bullshit. I'll do it myself.


Give her a shot.

Just give her a shot.


We're out.

We're out.

Please deposit 11 artiforgs in reclaim drawer.

Have a nice day.

We're not out yet, buddy.

Not yet.

Scorched earth. Just like you told the kid.

Romans... They were some badasses.


Artiforg not recognised. Lockdown in effect.


An administrator will be with you shortly.

Have a nice day.

Every day

Will be like a holiday

BETH: Mmm.

Christ, it's hot.

It's the tropics.

Yeah, I know.

It's hot.

Are you going to stay here and act macho,
or come and have some fun?

Christ, it's hot. Huh?


"Repossession Mambo."

- Sounds kind of fruity.

Peter had it published.

"An instant classic.

"The depths of this author's insights
are astonishing."


Am I in this?


JAKE: What's happening?

TECHNICIAN: It's just a glitch.
It'll sort itself out.

There. All better.


See? His endorphins are up,
limbic system's running strong.

Hey, hey, you guys take it easy.
I want him to be comfortable. All right?

- Yes, sir.
- TECHNICIAN: Nothing to worry about.

If that hook had hit him any lower,
it might have posed a problem.

The M.5 Neural Net is top of the line.

What's he thinking about?

TECHNICIAN: No way to know.

Yeah, but he's happy right now.

As long as someone's paying for the system.

There's 50 commissions right there.
That'll take care of his heart,

that'll take care of the down payment
on the M.5.

The Union can dock my pay for the rest.

Hey, sir. Sir!

This one's still alive.

Leave her. I'll take care of her.


Sweet dreams, buddy.

For extensive neurological injuries,
I'd have to recommend the M.5 Neural Net.

We're running a special on it this month,
18% for the first year, 24% after that.

Why should your loved one pass on just
because of a little brain damage?

That's barbaric.

That's just bad science.


With the M.5 Neural Net,
yesterday's dreams are today's reality.

Imagine your loved ones
living out the rest of their natural lives

in a world where they are always happy,
always content,

and always taken care of.

You owe it to your family.
You owe it to yourself.

A little fruit for the fruit?

Why not?


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