Somewhere Quiet (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Somewhere Quiet (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- You okay?

- Hold on, hold on.


We gotta put the big

black one in first.

No, Meg, hold on.

Just wait, okay?


All right, I got it.

I grabbed your journal.

It was under the couch.

- You hungry?

- Not really.

I'm not hungry.

- Okay, but I gotta get gas.

- Fine.


- City Hall

today, a protest

led by public safety

advocates aims to put pressure

on the Boston police department.

- How many

other women and girls

has the Boston police

stopped looking for?

- The

department came

under pressure this spring-

- Excuse me.

- After the shocking return

of Megan Rhoads.

The 32-year-old Beacon

Hill resident

had been assumed dead

by the police

after she disappeared

from nearby parking garage

nearly six months earlier.

- My great-grandfather

bought this place

in the 20s, I think?

We used to own everything

to the end of that road.

- Sorry.

- I'll grab the rest

of the bags.

- Okay.

Where were your parents?

- The adults all stayed

at the big house, mostly.

Let me get this.

- I got it.

Where's that?

- Well, the big house used

to be down by the beach,

but they tore it down

when I was a kid.

- Why?

- 'Cause no one could

afford the property taxes.

It was massive.

- So you were here alone?

- Well, with the rest

of the cousins.

This was like the cousins house.

My grandmother hated

kids, I think,

so she put us all in this house

so she didn't have

to deal with us.

- She sounds sweet.

- No, she wasn't sweet.

We wouldn't see her all summer

and then one day she

would summon us down

and individually interview

us about our interests

and tell us us stand

up straight.

Can I finish this?

- Oh.

Shit, sorry.

- I'm sorry.

Meg, you don't have shoes on.

Just back away, it's okay.

- Is anyone else coming down?

- Doubt it.

It's pretty empty in the winter.

You sure you didn't...

You alright?

- Yeah, I'm okay.

Thank you.

- My reward.


You sure?

Come here.

- Scott?




It's okay.

You're okay.

You're okay.

You're safe.

- You were sleepwalking.

- Hm?

- Last night.

Is there a dog here?

- A dog?

- I heard a dog bark and then

I dropped that weird plate.

- What plate?

- You remember you dropped

a glass last night?

- No, it was right here.

- You remember what

Dr. Potter said?

Sometimes nightmares can

feel really real.

You okay?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- I've been thinking

about Christmas.

- Mm-hmm.

- It might be nice to

spend it at home.

- I thought you wanted

to come out here.

- I did, but...

- Yoo-hoo!

- Madelin?

- Hey, Minnow.



Down, Minnow!

- Minnow, off.


- Madelin.

What are you doing here?

I was just out for a

walk and I saw your car.

I'm staying at my mother's

little shack.

- How's your mom doing?

- Not well,

I'm afraid.

- I'm so sorry, that's tough.

- Yeah.

And Meg, I'm so glad

to see you again!

- I'm sorry?

- Meg, this is my

cousin Madelin.

You met her at the wedding.

- Oh.

- We've got a big family.

I won't hold it against


So, how long are you here for?

Not sure.

- Through the New Year.

- I can't believe Talkie

didn't tell me

you two were coming.

I didn't know anybody

was gonna be here.

- Talkie?

- Oh, well, Scott was

so quiet as a kid.

I don't think he said

a word until you

were what, two years old?

- Okay, I don't think we

need to talk about this.

- So we started calling

him, you know,

I think it was grandmother

who first...

In any case, we started calling

him walkie-talkie as a joke,

and then just walkie Scotty,

and then just talkie.

- Poor Scott.

- Sorry?

He just told me how tough

your grandmother could be.

- Oh, I was just telling

her about

the famous sit-down interviews.

- Right.

You know, I had a friend

in college named Meg.

It was short for Megumi.

- Oh.

- Is your name short

for anything?

- Megan.

- So you need some

cream and sugar?

- Did you forget how

I take my tea?

- Do you wanna do it yourself-

- Has it been that long?

- -you can just take care of it.

- Has it been

that long?

- Let me see how you're

holding it.

You gotta hold it

like that that.

All right, right here, ready?

- Okay.

- Yes!

Nice shot, Madelin.

- I've got it.

- I'll get it.

- It's okay.

- Oh, it is really

back here, Meg.

- Sorry.

- It's lodged deep.

You know, it helps

if you square your hips

and start low.

Keep your eye on the ball.

Swing through all the way over.

- Yeah?

- Got it.

- Why don't we just rally?

Give Meg a chance to

get her bearings.

- Meg, Meg, Meg, Meg,

Meg, Meg, Meg, Meg.

It's not, it's not.

- I used to count the footsteps.

The house was old.

The sound carried.

I started counting

how long it would

take them to get

to different places

in the house.

It helped a little

to always know how long it

would take them to get to me.

- Dr. Potter said it

could be really helpful

to write in your journal

when you're having

moments like this.

Can I go get it for you?

So this is an Argentinian wine.

It's supposed to be really

good, sort of peppery.


- Good.

I dunno.

- No, wait,

what are you doing?

- You hate it.

- No, I love it.

- And you're sure?

- Yes.

- And you wanna drink it?

- Mm-hmm, I wanna drink it.

- We have others.

- No, I want this one.

Put the wine down, psycho.


Minnow, down.




- Hello, hello, hello.

I brought chicken

and an eggplant.

- Oh, you didn't have to.

- Oh, my mother barely

eats anyway

and I don't want all

this to go to waste.

Here, would you get

to work on this?

- Oh, actually, I'm sorry,

we weren't expecting you.

- Oh, god, so American.

What is it, five o'clock?

- 6:30.

- If you got to a restaurant

in Paris at eight o'clock,

you'd be the first ones there.

- You know what?

We can have it tomorrow.

- Yeah.

Thank you.

- Well, I better be off.

- Would you like to

stay for dinner?

- That's a good idea.

- No, I couldn't impose.

- No, it's not an imposition.

I can just set out an extra...

- Alright, well, wonderful.

Talkie, get out the

good glasses.

I have a surprise for you.

- Is that the family rye?

- The last batch.

- You make your own whiskey?

- Yeah, well, our


- Great-great-grandfather.

- Our great-great-grandfather

was a banker

and a man owed him money, and

after the markets crashed,

he couldn't pay in cash so-

- So Pop let him pay

us in whiskey.

- We've had a basement full

of stuff for almost a century,

but we're almost out now.

- To the fall of

our great house.

- Let me just grab the wine

and then we will be ready.

- Looks delicious, Talkie.

- Yeah.

- How are things at the firm?

- Oh, yeah, I'm still on

leave through the holidays,

but yeah, I spoke to the

partners and they

were suggesting

a January 10th return.

- Oh, that's


- What?

- I told you that.

- And Meg, Scotty tells

me you were an engineer.

- Am.

- Hm?

- I am an engineer.

I'm also returning to

work in the new year.

- Oh, that's fantastic news.

Scotty didn't mention it.

- Yeah, thank you.

- When?

When are you going back?

- I'm not exactly sure yet.

They're still reconfiguring

my position.

- Of course.

I'm sure they had to

shuffle things around a bit

when you got back.

- What do you do?

- Oh, a little of this,

a little of that.

I take care of my mother,

and then there's the land.

That just never stops.

- Madelin actually taught

in Korea after college.

Meg was born in Seoul.

- Oh!

- Sorry, I don't speak Korean.

- Oh, don't

worry about it.

I just asked when you left.

- Oh, I was adopted

when I was three.

- Oh.

- Can you pass the salt?

- Yeah.

- So I ran into the

Harrisons at the market.

- I heard they were selling.

- Indeed, they are.

Their neighbors

bought the property.

- Uh-huh.

- They're putting in a

pool over the entire lot.

- Oh.

- Tearing down

the old house.

- Stop it.

You teach a dog to beg,

it'll never stop.

- Pass the salad.

- How are you guys

related again?

- We're cousins.

- Like first cousins?

- Our dads are brothers, why?

- Nothing.

It's just

what was with Madelin

speaking in Korean to me?

- I think she was just

trying to connect.

- Okay, but I also have

family in Sweden.

I bet she wouldn't have tried

to speak in Swedish to me.

- Well, I don't think she

speaks Swedish, but okay.

Do you want me to talk

to her about it?

- No, thank you.

- I know.

It's always made me kind

of uncomfortable,

but I can't control

what they put on their walls.

- Yeah.

- And it was

a long time ago.

- But...

- What?

- Well, what did your

grandparents do

when they were over there?

- My great grandparents

were missionaries.

- So they built churches and

taught people English, right?

- Right.

- Okay, and what did Madelin

do when she was over there?

- Okay, she taught

at a university.

- She taught English!

- It's not the same thing.

- Really?

'Cause it feels like a

different iteration

of the same thing to me.

- Well, I guess we

just disagree.

We can disagree, right?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Scott?

- Hi.

- You gotta stay below

the water line

if you're gonna walk

around here.

- Why?

- It's private property.

- Are you a Whitman?

- No, I just do some

repairs for them

in exchange for fishing rights.

They're really uptight

about trespassing.

- I'm actually here with

my husband, Scott Whitman.

- Shit, sorry, I'm an idiot.

- No, it's fine.

- I didn't realize he was back.

Yeah, the summer crowd

doesn't usually come so often

during the off season.

- What do you mean so often?

- Nothing, just he was here

last winter for a while.

Hey, I'm really sorry

about what happened to you.

- Thank you.

Why have we never come out here?

- There's just so much baggage,

so much family stuff out here.

I guess I'm realizing that

it's been so long since

I've been out here.

I'm glad we're here now.

- Stay with me.


Everything's fine.

- Shit.

- Meg!

Go in, go in, I'll

be right there!

It's incredible for

the immune system,

the cold air and hot

water together.

I haven't been sick in years.

- Oh, thank you.

- Mm-hmm.

My mother became obsessed

with oil painting

when she got sick.

Can't tell you how many

hours we sat like that,

posing for her.

- You used to be blonde?

- Briefly.

- It doesn't look like you.

- She wasn't a great painter.

- Who's the little boy?

- My brother.

- Your brother?

- He died when he was

five and I was eight.

We were swimming right

off our beach.

- I'm sorry.

- For most of my childhood,

I thought I dreamt

the whole thing.

My parents never talked

about him.

I don't know what possessed

my mother to paint him

into that portrait.

I'm not even sure it's

a good likeness.

- I think I saw her earlier.

- Who?

- Your mother, walking

in the woods.

- My mother is bedridden.

She hasn't left that

room in months.

- Oh.

How is she?

- She's dying.

- I'm sorry.

- She hasn't enjoyed

life for many years.

Death will be a mercy.


They can be a real menace.

Mm, what's that?

- Oh, it's nothing.

Just a nervous habit.

- What are you nervous about?

- Nothing.

- Is it all the talk of death?

Are you afraid of dying?

- Everyone is.

- Not everyone.

Some people believe we

go somewhere better.

Other people think anywhere

is better than here.

- May I use your bathroom?

- Right at the top

of the stairs.

- Wrong way.


- f*ck!

- Yoo-hoo!

So I steal the keys.

- Naturally, I stole

the booze.

- And we get out on the

water and it's pitch black

on the water, and I

look at Madelin,

I hand her the keys, and that's

when we realized

neither of us knows how

to drive a boat.

So we just floated for a

little while and about an hour

into it, we realize we have

drifted well off our mooring,

like out into the bay,

and suddenly Madelin

gets a look of confidence.

- I mean, gin can do

that to a girl, you know?

- And she declares, "I'm

gonna drive us back."

- Yeah, and I did!

- Well, you did,

but you drove us

right into the neighbor's dock,

to be fair.

So if the boat is totaled.

Their dock is like splinters.

She looks at me.

You remember what you said?

I'll never forget.

- "Do you think mother will

notice the gin is gone?"

- I love that story.

Oh, man.

- So what did you do?

- About what?

- The boat.

The dock.

- Oh, we had it

repaired, I mean.

- Must have been expensive.

- Mm-mm.

We don't talk about money

at the dinner table.

- But we're already talking

about money.

- Meg, it's just a story.

- What do you mean?

- Well, that's what this

whole story is about.

It's fine.

I'm not saying it's bad.

I just think it's funny.

Only rich people think it's

rude to talk about money.

- It's interesting you don't

consider yourself rich.

- Well, it's different.

I didn't grow up with money.

- But you have money now.

- My parents' life

insurance, not a trust fund.

- Because as I understand

it, you actually have

a good deal more money

than either Scott or me.

I'm not saying it's bad.

Just funny.

This has been lovely.

I should really go check

on my mother.

- Oh.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

- Yeah, I'll just...

If you're not done, we can...

- I'm done.

It's fine.

- She'll eat it later.

- It's fine.

- She doesn't like to eat

in front of people anymore.

- You poor thing.

- All done.

So we're just not gonna

talk about it.

- They poisoned your food.

Not every time, but

enough to keep you scared.

And I'm sorry, I don't...

I'm sorry they did that to you.

- They made me make videos.

They made me beg you for help.

- Not tonight.

- Are you serious?

- I'm tired,

I'm not doing this.

- We're having a conversation.

- No, we're not!

- You can't just decide that!

- Look who it is.

- Oh, hey.

- Never thought I'd run

into a Whitman woman here.

- Thanks.

- I'm not a Whitman.

- You what?

- I kept my last name.

It's Rhoads.

- I'm Joe.

- Meg.

- Not Whitman.

- Not Whitman.

- So how long are

you in town for?

- Too long.

- You don't like it here?

- It's a little...

- Lonely.

- I was gonna

say claustrophobic.

- Thanks.

- Hey, do you know Madelin?

- Madelin?

- My husband's cousin?

- Mm.

Oh, yeah.

I mean, I don't know her,

but I see her around.

- And my husband Scott.

You saw him around

too, last winter?

- Yeah, a couple times.

- Were they here at

the same time?

- Can't you ask your

husband that?

- I'm asking you.

- Look, I'm not keeping

a calendar

of every time I see a Whitman.

- Right, sorry.

- All good.

- There's just something

off about her.

- Madelin?

- She's intense.

- I can believe that.

- The way she smiles.

- Mm.

- She does it a lot.

- What a bitch.

- You think I'm crazy.

- Mm-mm.

No, no, no, no.

- Maybe I am crazy.

I feel f*cking crazy.

- No, really, I get it.

In-laws are tough.

And the Whitmans...

Okay, stand up.

- No.

Wait, what were you saying?

- Come on.

- What were you gonna say?

- Now, this is an old

Cape Cod-ian song.

Come on, do another one.

Do you know how to slow dance?

- I...

- Or waltz?

- Maybe, yeah.

- Okay.

Seems like-

- Yeah.

I've done it once

or twice before.

- Okay.

Bonjour Tristesse,

Hello Sadness

It's all over now

pour toujours

- I'll be fine.

- No f*ckin' way.

- I swear, I'm fine.

- I can't let

you drive home.

- I gotta get

it back!

- Well, you can come

back for it in the morning.

- I can't leave it!

It's not mine.

- I'm right up there.

- No, no, no.

I wanna drive myself.

- You can't drive,

you're wasted.

- I wanna go home.

- I'm taking you home.

Careful, careful.

- Give me my keys.

- No way.

- Get off me!

- What the f*ck?

- Where were you?

- Out.

Where were you?

Where were you when I was gone?

- Are you drunk?

- Answer the question.

- You need to go to bed.

- I wanna talk about the videos.

- Oh my god.

I didn't get any f*cking

videos, okay.

- Then why weren't you parked

in the driveway that night?

- You sure you wanna do this?

You sure you wanna do

this again tonight?

- You asked me to get

your phone from the car,

but you weren't parked

in the driveway.

You were parked in the garage.

We never park there.

Why weren't you parked

in the driveway?

Answer the f*cking question.

- Am I under investigation here?

Am I?

Because you know, the

police, they asked me

all these questions already.

You remember?

And they were satisfied

with the answers I gave 'em,

so why aren't you satisfied?


Why aren't you satisfied?

Answer me.

Answer the f*ckin'

question, please.




Open the door.

Meg, open the f*cking door.

- Scott?

- Meg.

I'm so sorry, Meg.

I don't know what's

wrong with me.


Meg, please.


Please, Meg.

I'm so sorry.

Meg, I'm so sorry.

Look at me.

Meg, Meg.

Meg, look at me.

I'm such a piece of shit.

I'm such a f*cking assh*le.

I can't lose you again.

I'll do anything.

- I wanna go home.

- Okay.


Okay, we'll go home.

We'll go home tomorrow.

- Today.

- All right, we'll home today.

Thank you, thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.



So they can send someone


It's okay.

We'll be back home tomorrow,

all right?

Just one more day.

You okay?

- Why are we here?

- Just one drink, I promise.

We have to say goodbye.

- Why here, though?

- We used to throw parties

here when we were teenagers.


- Let's see if we still got it.

- We threw this

big party here

at the end of the summer.

Do you remember the punch?

- Yeah, we

mixed it in a garbage can!

- Whoa, let me show you that.

Come on, serve!

- I'm comin', I'm comin'.

Try it.

I think I fell off my

bike every 10 yards

on the way home.

- I wish I'd brought my bike.

Maybe then I would've

made it home

instead of passed

out on the beach.

- I forgot about that.

- I swear, my mother never did.

- How is your mother?

- She's hanging in there.

- We should stop by

before we leave.

I'd love to meet her.

- My mother is very frail.

- Don't you think she'd

enjoy some company?

- No, I don't.

Do you like it?

It's an heirloom from our




- Oh, come on.

- John Jacob Whitman.

- Oh, wow.

There's a huge spider down here.

- The banker?

- His great-grandfather.

- No, I'm good.

- John Jacob Whitman was

a merchant and a diplomat.

He's credited with

opening the port of Canton

to Western trade.

You try.

- Uh-oh.

Look what we got here!

- Oh my god, let's play!

- Play what?

- Charades.

- Old rules apply.

- What do I have here?


- One word.

Three syllables.

First syllable.

Drawing, writing, sketching,



Art, art.

Art, art, art!


Third syllable.


Angry grabbing.

Strangling, strangle.

Strangle, strangle.

Scott, I don't... Do something

else, do something else.

Try something different.

Try something different!

- Scott?

- Oh, choke!


- I scare you?

- My turn.


- Here we go.


Motorcycle diaries.


How many words?

Is it a book?

Hello Sadness

It's all over now...

I'm stumped.

Meg, you got any guesses?

Atta girl.

- So what was it?

The clue.

"Easy Rider."

All right, you're up,

you're up, you're up.

- That was really

bad "Easy Rider."

- What did you say?

- That was not good.

- Maybe you're

just a really bad guesser.

- Obviously I would've

been on the right track

if anybody was giving me

anything to work with.

Meg, are you alright?

Aw, did you get a paper cut?

- No, I...

All better.

How are we looking?

Here you go.

I wanna go home.

Come on, it's just a paper cut.

- Scott!

- You alright?

Meg, you need some water?

- I wanna go home.

- Let's go for a swim!

- What?

- The ocean is right there!

- It's freezing!

- Cold water is good for you!

- No!

- Suit yourself.

- Talkie?

- Megan, come on, come on.

- Scott!

No, no!

No, it's too cold,

it's too cold,

it's too cold, it's

too cold!

- All right,

you gonna do it?

- Yeah, yeah!

One, two, three!

- What is wrong with you?

- No!

- You wanna play dirty?

All right.

Get in the water!


Come on down!

- Join us!

- She doesn't seem

to be getting any beter.

- But you're

doing the best you can.

There's nothing more you

can do in this situation.

She needs real help.

- Meg, Jesus Christ.

Where have you been?

Are you hurt?

Where's your coat?

- I'll make you some tea.

- Get out.

- Meg.

- Excuse me?

- Get out.

- Hey, calm down.

- Oh my god, get the f*ck out!

- Meg!

- Get out, Madelin! Go!


- What the f*ck is

wrong with you?

- Where are the keys?

- Meg.

- Where are the keys?

- Meg, what happened?

- I'm going home.

- Meg, talk to me,

what happened?

- I don't know, Scott.

What could've happened?

What could've happened

in the last 24 hours

that would make me

wanna leave you?

Do you have any f*cking guesses?

- Meggie.

- Just tell me where

the keys are!

- Can we just talk about this?

- I don't wanna talk

about it! I wanna go home!

- We'll go home, okay?

We'll go home.

- You knew she would

be here with us.

Is Madelin even your cousin?

- Madelin is my cousin.

- Why did you bring me here?


- I'm trying to be who

you need me to be,

but I'm out of my depth, Meg.

You've been having

such a hard time.

You won't talk to the

doctor, won't talk to me.

Sometimes it feels like

you're not even really there,

like you're seeing

something that I don't see.

Madelin, She was just

trying to help.

I needed help.

You need help.

You're barely eating,

you're barely sleeping.

Now with your sleepwalking-

- Wait, what?

- It's like living with a ghost.

- Oh, no.

Oh, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no, no.

- Babe, what's happening?

Tell me.

- I'm scared.

- Just calm down.

It's okay.

I want you to write

this down, okay?

That's it.

That's a good girl.

- Scott?

Where are the keys?

Someone please help me.

- Talk to him.

- Scott, please.

They're gonna k*ll me!

- Minnow!




My mother is bedridden.

Hi, Meg.

I've been looking for

Minnow all night.

You'll help me look.

- Minnow?

Maybe we should go back.

- He could be hurt.

- What are you doing?

Keep going.

- It was an accident.

It was an accident.


I've been thinking about

your brother.

It must've been awful.

And afterwards, your parents

wouldn't talk about it.

You must've been so lonely.

And Scott, he was

like a brother.

And I can understand.

I'm not your enemy.

I just need to know

what happened.

Who hired them?

Was it you or was it Scott?

- f*ck you.

- What's the plan now?

Just k*ll me yourself?

- Why would I k*ll you?

You'll do it yourself.

You'll never feel normal again.

How could you, after

what you went through?

A person doesn't just recover

from something like that.

It rewires your brain.

It lives in your body

now, and you'll always,

always feel this way,

this emptiness,

like you're watching your life

pass by from behind glass.

You'll go through the

motions and you'll know

when you should be happy, but

you'll never really feel it.

And after a while,

that'll make you bitter.

You'll resent others for

moving on from something

that you can never leave behind.

- Shut up.

- Eventually

you'll just be a burden.

- Shut up.

- You can make it all go away.

It will be a mercy.

- Shut up.

Shut up!

- You're broken!

- Shut up!

- You can't tell what's real-

- Shut up!

- And what's just

a symptom of your

diseased brain.

- Shut up, shut up,

shut up, shut up, shut up!

- Madelin?



Oh, god, Madelin!

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

Madelin, Maddie, Maddie,

Maddie, Maddie.

Wake up, wake up, wake up.

Are you alright?

- What did you do?

- You wanted me dead.

- What the f*ck?

- You made me go

into that garage

so you could take my money.

- We have to get her

to the hospital.

- Because you wanted

me to be with her.

Meg, you have to help me, okay?

Help me carry her.

- I saw the videos!

- I didn't do anything!

I don't know who took you!

- How am I supposed

to believe you?

- You never will.

The first video was

delivered to our apartment

with a note while I

was still out here.

I didn't see it for

almost a month.

I thought you were dead.

I felt like I had k*lled you.

It was another month

before another video came,

and by that point, I

didn't know what to do.

I couldn't show the police.

They were already

investigating me.

I had already lost you, Meg.

I grieved for you.

- You grieved for me?

- I should've told you, I

should've told you, Meg.

I should've told you.

I'm so sorry.

- You grieved for me

for a month.

You grieved for me because

you missed the ransom note,

because you were here with her.

- You were already dead.

- I bet you liked the

attention, didn't you?

You liked being the handsome

widow on TV.

- No!

- Poor Scott Whitman, his

little Asian wife is dead.

I bet Madelin played

right along.

She made you feel special,

didn't she?

- You were already f*cking dead.

- You're a coward.


- I can't live like this.

It's too much.

- Please.

- I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.



Get back here, Meg!

Meg, please.

I don't know what's

wrong with me.

I'm such a piece of shit.

I'm such a f*cking assh*le.

- Meg

- Let me go.

- Put the g*n down.

- Let me go.

- What?

I just wanna leave.

- You're the one with the g*n!

If you wanna go, go!


- Hello?

Are you okay?
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