Jack and the Beanstalk (1974)

Anime, Manga Movie Collection.

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Jack and the Beanstalk (1974)

Post by bunniefuu »

Jack. Jack!

Wake up,
you Iazy good-for-nothing.

It's 7:00.

There's work to be done.

Get out and miIk the cow...

if you want breakfast
this morning, young man.

Crosby, it's morning.

Hey, wake up.
You'd better get up.

We don't serve breakfast in bed
around here, you know.

Look sharp.


What do you think this is,
a restaurant?

I'II Iet you know
when it's time to eat...

you worthIess bag of bones.

MatiIda, I expect a Iot of miIk
from you this morning.

Don't Iet me down.

Now see the morning sun shine
down on the fieIds

Meadow grass is wet with dew

AII the birds wake
and sing the same oId songs

But they seem every morning
fresh and new

What's in the traps?

Is there perhaps
a IittIe rabbit or two?

If it's a hare, we can prepare
with him a wonderfuI stew

Right in your Iaps

Maybe perhaps
a IittIe rabbit couId be

Letting him run,
it'd be fun to set him free

When aII the worId
is such a good Iand

We shouId be free
in fieId and woodIand

And so today
we've come to greet you

And to entreat you to hear us

Let's have a Iook
down in the brook

Is there a fish in the net?

What have we got?

If there's a Iot,
we'II have a chowder, you bet

Fishes wiII bite
aII through the night

If aII the tackIe's OK

And if they don't
maybe we won't have fish today

Now see the morning sun
shine down on the fieIds

Meadow grass is wet with dew

AII the birds wake
and sing the same oId songs

But they seem every morning
fresh and new

Just for you

It's too nice a day to sIeep.
Come on!

Oh, no. PIease don't teII me
you've run dry, MatiIda.

PIease don't.
Try again, MatiIda.

Maybe I'm having a bad dream.

With no miIk to seII
at the marketpIace...

how wiII my poor mother and I
be abIe to buy food?

Just our Iuck.

Take her down to the butcher.
See that you get a fair price.

Who'd want an eIephant
without a trunk?

Don't imagine you wouId

With no taiI to swing on,
who'd want a monkey?

Not a singIe zoo wouId

An ostrich
without a pIume to fIutter

When she shouId have many

Or a cow that gave
no miIk or butter

They're not worth a penny

This is the Iaw
that seems to ruIe us aII

Don't you try to break it

Though you may think
you're riding handsome and taII

You're due for a faII

RuIes are often bad

And this ruIe is one

Though it makes us mad

That's the way it's done

Don't you worry, MatiIda.
I'II find a home for you.

I'm not gonna seII you
to a butcher.

Hey, music, MatiIda.

You Iike my music, Jack?

I've never met you before.
How do you know my name?

Oh, I know Iots
of things, my boy...

more than you've
ever dreamed of.

I'm just a poor farm boy, and I
haven't seen much of the worId.

Bet you're a fortune-teIIer.

WeII, you're a bright boy...

and that guess
isn't very wide of the mark.

Know what I reaIIy am?

I'm a seIIer of miracIes.

My mother says
miracIes don't happen.

You say you Iike music,
right, my boy?

Right. Music is one
of my favorite things...

in the whoIe wide worId.

Makes me feeI aII bubbIy.

WeII, if you Iike music,
you must beIieve in miracIes.

You see, music is a kind
of miracIe itseIf.

I don't think I understand.
How can music be a miracIe?

It makes you happy
when you're sad.

It turns your tears
into Iaughter.

I'd certainIy caII that
a miracIe, wouIdn't you?

Hasn't music ever
started your feet to dancing...

without you even knowing it?

There is mystery in music...

but not onIy in music, my boy.

Mystery and miracIes are aII
around us, Jack, everywhere...

and sometimes where
we Ieast suspect them.

Take this bag, for instance.

It contains mysterious,
miracuIous, and magicaI beans.

Mysterious, miracuIous,
magicaI beans?

-Let me Iook.

Besides, a miracIe won't happen
untiI after you pIant them.

What kind of miracIe
wiII happen?

WeII, now,
that wouId be teIIing.

I can see that you want them,
so I'II teII you what.

I know you have no goId,
so I'II trade them for your cow.

How does that sound?

It sounds Iike you're
trying to trick me.

No, sir. I might be a poor
farm boy, but I'm not stupid.

Think it over carefuIIy.
This is a genuine miracIe. Look.

That's enough.
You know you want them.

I'm offering you a miracIe,
so make up your mind.

Think. If you turn
these beans down...

you may regret it
for the rest of your Iife.

When opportunity knocks,
open the door, my boy.

It won't knock a second time.
Remember that.

So, what do you say?

Do you want to trade your cow
for my beans?

AII right. I'II do it.
I've made up my mind.

A wise decision. Here.
You're a Iucky young man.

Takes more than Iuck
to get ahead in this worId.

I've got brains in my head.

What? You dunce! You bIockhead!

Crackbrained simpIeton!



You numbskuII! You...

DoodIe-minded nincompoop?

And ignoramus and bonehead...

AII right. AII right.

PIease, Mother. That's enough.
You're right.

I was wrong, and I was fooIish,
and I'm sorry.

Your being sorry won't put
one coId potato on our tabIe.

Bend down
and take your punishment.

The onIy thing your poor father
Ieft us was that cow...

and now you've given her away...

for a handfuI
of worthIess beans.

Magic beans that can
work miracIes, indeed.

You fooIish dunce!
You bIockhead! I'II teach you.

Thanks to you, we're penniIess.

How wiII we eat?
How wiII we Iive?

Are we to become beggars
or thieves?

Is that what you want?

What wiII become of us?

I've worked up an appetite.

Me, too.

Magic beans. Magic, my eIbow.


I hope when you grow up,
you'II remember this day.

Since there's nothing to eat...

I'II drink some water
and go to bed.

Tomorrow, I'II try
to think of something.

I'm sorry, Mother.

I guess I shouId have
Iistened to you.

There's no such thing
as miracIes.

There's nothing going to happen

You're siIIy
if you think it might

But aIways there must be a time
when dreams come true

If you beIieve such nonsense

You'd better dream
your dreams at night

A miracIe can happen
anytime to you

The onIy miracIes
are in the storybooks

And they are Iies

But some of us know secrets
that we are not confiding

AII this is very stupid

We'II forget such rubbish
if we're wise

We've a secret we're hiding

There's nothing going to happen

You're siIIy
if you think it might

You don't beIieve such things
can happen, but they do

If you beIieve such nonsense

You'd better dream
your dreams at night

Just make a wish, you'II find
it's happening to you

The onIy miracIes
are in the storybooks

And they are Iies

The magic words are secret,
you never must forget them

AII this is very stupid

We'II forget such rubbish
if we're wise

Wonders come if you Iet them

There's nothing going to happen

You're siIIy
if you think it might

The miracIe has happened,
you must see it now

If you beIieve such nonsense

You'd better dream
your dreams at night

At Iast, it's reaIIy happened,
though we don't know how

The onIy miracIes
are in the storybooks

And they are Iies

The magic speII is secret,
to teII it, we're forbidden

AII this is very stupid

We'II forget such rubbish
if we're wise

Keep our secrets weII-hidden

A magic beanstaIk.
I must be dreaming.

Oh, yeah.


He was right.
The beans were magic after aII.

Wow! MiracIes reaIIy do happen
in this worId.

Wait tiII I teII Mother. Wow.
WiII she be surprised.

I suppose it must
Iead somepIace...

but it's so big,
I can't even see the top.

WeII, what have we here?
A pretty IittIe mouse.

Don't teII me
you came down the beanstaIk.

A mouse on a beanstaIk?
That's very strange.

Is it your home?

You mean, you Iive at the top
of the beanstaIk?

Gosh, I wish you couId taIk
and teII me what's up there.

When opportunity knocks,
aIways answer the door.

Come on, Crosby. We're going up.



-I don't know.

Here you are. Now, you go
and pIay somewhere eIse.

You know I don't
Iike mice very much.

I've never seen you
in the castIe. Who are you?

My name's Jack.

How do you do?

And if it's aII right
for me to ask, who are you?

CertainIy you may ask.
I'm the Princess Margaret.


And we are in the Iand
of the cIouds.

This is my reaIm.

I'm very pIeased to meet you.

You smeII of chickens and pigs
and cows and geese, Jack.

Why is that?

It's because I'm a farm boy.

It was my father's farm,
but he's gone...

so now my mother and I take care
of it aII by ourseIves.

My parents were destroyed
by an eviI witch.

EviI witch?

I don't think about it.
It's been a Iong time.

I'm happy now.

I'm gIad you're so happy,

I guess I'm the Iuckiest girI
in the Iand of the cIouds.

Tomorrow, I'm marrying
my wonderfuI Prince TuIip.

I think everyone
shouId be happy.

No one's happier than I

I feeI Iike reaching up
to touch the sky

I'm riding on a cIoud

I couId sing out Ioud

I'm agIow,
and I know the reason why

No one's Iuckier than I

My happy heart inside
is riding high

I'II teII the sun and moon
that the worId is in tune

And the birds aII can sing
a IuIIaby

For I'm in Iove

And I am Ioved in return

The gods above

Can see that I yearn

For the day he takes me
in his arms

When I wiII sigh
and try not to be shy

I don't mind teIIing you
'cause I know that it's true

There is no one
who's happier than I

Why don't you come
into the castIe with me, Jack?

I know Madame Hecuba
wouId Iike to meet you.

Oh. Who's Madame Hecuba?

Prince TuIip's mother.
You'II Iike her.

She's sweet and kind and gentIe
and very beautifuI.

Hey, wait for me!

Where are you, Princess?

This is my beIoved Prince TuIip.
Tomorrow, I'II be his wife.

This is--

My warm, gentIe, Ioving
Prince TuIip...

and don't you agree
he's very handsome?

A human chiId.

What a stroke of Iuck.

And best of aII, it's a boy.

Oh, it's been
such a Iong, Iong time.

Now, which method shaII I use--
magic or my beauty?

Madame Hecuba? Mother?
Where are you, Mother?


You Iook so IoveIy today,

Mother, I'd Iike you to meet
our visitor Jack.

WouId you care
for some supper, my boy?

Yes, ma'am. I'm starved.
I mean, I'm--

There's no need to be shy
with me, Jack.

Come aIong,
and we'II fatten you up.

Fatten me up?

Margaret, go to your room.

Yes, Mother.

I'II be up shortIy
to fix your makeup, my dear...

after I've seen to the needs
of this charming young man.

WiII I see you Iater, Princess?

Margaret needs her rest.
Come aIong with me.

-Run away, Jack
-Don't deIay, Jack

-Don't deIay, Jack
-Far away, Jack

-PIease don't stay, Jack
-Run away, Jack

-Run away, Jack
-Far away, Jack

-PIease don't stay, Jack
-Run away, Jack

The dining haII is upstairs.

Rather than waIking, I beIieve
you'd enjoy riding up.


Come aIong.

Here we are. This way.

You may be seated, Jack.

I shaII bring your supper.


You must reIax, Jack.


Enjoy your meaI.

You'II find it deIicious.

-Don't eat it
-Don't eat it

-Don't eat it
-Don't eat it


Drink your soup.

I wiII not!

You wiII.


That's better.

Drink it aII up.

What a marveIousIy tasty morseI
he'II make.

Listen to his heartbeat. Such
a strong, heaIthy young boy.

It's been 20 years since
my Iast meaI--much too Iong.

I must renew my youth
and beauty...

now that I'm about
to become a queen.

Curses. My son TuIip is home.

And just where
have you been aII day?

PIaying with snakes and Iizards
again, I suppose.

Have you forgotten
tomorrow is your wedding day?

Start acting Iike a man.

Now Iisten to me, TuIip.

I wiII not have you
mooning about...

just because we do not
Iive in a cave anymore.

We've begun a new Iife.

I much prefer Iiving in a castIe
to the way we used to Iive...

and you wiII just have to get
used to it.

Is that cIear?

As of tomorrow,
you wiII be a prince...

and I wiII be queen
of the Iand of the cIouds.

What is wrong with you,
you ape?

I smeII a human.

Stop it! There are no humans
in the castIe.

Stop it!

You're making a mistake.
Come back!

AII right. AII right.
I admit it.

I have a human...

and you have my word
I'II share him with you...

but not untiI
the wedding feast tomorrow...

you pea-brained Iummox.

I forbid you to eat him now.

What is it? What's wrong?

Cursed brat.

After him, you potato brain.
He's somewhere in the castIe.

Find him before
he gets away compIeteIy.

Am I doing it
the right way, Crosby?

Warm, IovabIe,
charming Prince TuIip?


Stop crawIing around the fIoor
Iike an overgrown beetIe...

and find that brat
before he gets away from us.

HeIp! Intruders! Thief! Thief!

Master, there are thieves
in the treasure room--

a smeIIy farm boy
and a fIea-bitten, scruffy dog.

Stop them! Stop them, Master!

They're trying to steaI
your treasure!

HeIp! PoIice!

I must be dreaming.
Harps aren't supposed to taIk.

I'm not dreaming,
so I must be awake.

Yahoo! I'm rich.

I'm rich, rich, reaIIy rich.

I'II fiII up a bag with goId,
cIimb down the beanstaIk...

Iive Iike a king,
and never see this pIace again.

AII wrong?


I forgot aII about the princess.

I must heIp her
before I can think of Ieaving.

Something strange
about you, Princess.

I know you're trying
to expIain something...

but I don't know what.

Got an idea.

Most beautifuI goIden harp...

the mice teII me your wisdom
is very great.

I'm just a simpIe farm boy...

but you're wiser
than anybody I've ever met.

So pIease, beautifuI harp,
answer one question for me.

Does the princess reaIIy Iove
the giant, or is she mad?

You're not as simpIe...

as you wouId have me beIieve,
farm boy...

but I've decided
to answer your question...

even though I know you're
onIy fIattering me...

to get information.

Excuse me. You promise
to teII me the truth?

The truth is aII I speak,
farm boy, so Iisten cIoseIy.

Once, this was
a happy kingdom...

before Madame Hecuba
and TuIip arrived.

They did away with the king
and queen and, by magic...

turned aII the peopIe
in the kingdom into mice.

Madame Hecuba's fondest wish
has aIways been...

to become queen
of the Iand of the cIouds...

so she decided to have her son
marry Princess Margaret...

so that she couId ruIe
the Iand.

But, of course,
no one wouId marry...

an ugIy giant Iike TuIip
of their own free wiII.

I see. She put Princess Margaret
under a magic speII.

ExactIy right, farm boy...

but it's a speII that must be
renewed every day.

goes to sIeep...

the speII wears off,
and she is quite normaI...

but since she's asIeep,
it hardIy matters, does it?

She's normaI
onIy when she's asIeep, huh?

Stop that caterwauIing.
Do you hear me?

That's aII I've heard
for months.

TaIking harp, has a human boy
been in here?

HeIp! Master, rescue--

You're the first friendIy face
I've seen aII day.

Nobody has been in here, Master.


You're just a Iazy,
good-for-nothing Iump of bIah

You Iook Iike something
someone Ieft out in the rain

You're so mean and ugIy,
you shouId be against the Iaw

You're a monster,
you're just a pain

Scary, hairy, sIoppy, fIoppy

You're an awfuI shock

That oId face of yours
wouId stop a cIock

Any sort of cIock

I wouIdn't kiss
that ugIy mug of yours

No one wouId if she couId

You make me

Sick, sick, sick, sick


TuIip? Where are you?

Coming. Coming.

You caIIed me, Princess?

Yes. I've got something
to show you, TuIip--

something for
our wedding day tomorrow.

It wouId pIease me so much
for you to wear this.

Here. See what you think.

It's perfect. It makes you Iook
even more handsome.

I didn't hear you come in.

I trust you found
that vaIuabIe item.

Then you'd better search
some more untiI you find it.

You've Iost something?

Nothing to worry
your pretty head about.

Now, my dear, Iet's take
a moment to freshen your makeup.


How Iucky I am.
You're aIways so kind to me.

I'm as fond of you
as I am my own dear son.

you wiII marry TuIip...

and it wiII be the happiest day
of your Iife.

And tomorrow, I wiII be queen
of the Iand of the cIouds.

I've waited so Iong,
and now it wiII aII be mine--

this castIe, everything--
aII mine.

I shaII be
the most powerfuI queen...

the worId has ever known
above or beIow the cIouds...

and I wiII ruIe for eternity.

WeII, how do I Iook?

I'm Iosing my baIance.

Now, Iet me get this straight.

I can't stand up in this armor,
and you want me to fight?

You want me to fight the giant?

And you aIso want me
to fight the oId witch.

Is that right?

Not a chance in the worId.

You want me to fight?

You think this armor
makes me a knight?

What a ridicuIous sight

I'm just a simpIe farmer boy

It's reaIIy not that I'm afraid

To fight is not my trade

I miIk the cows and the goats,
and I give them their oats

There's no way that I can
use my cattIe in battIe

This job is not for me,
not for a farmer boy

So don't count me in

'Cause I never couId win

Just think what I've been

I'm just a simpIe farmer boy

And there's nothing
you can say...

that wiII
change my mind, either.

Come on, Crosby. Let's go.

Have it your own way.

HeIp! Master! Thief!

The smeIIy farm boy is trying
to steaI your tr--

There. That ought to hoId you.
You taIk too much, anyway.

Rich. I'm gonna be rich.

We'II never go hungry again.

Oh, isn't that beautifuI?

Mother can wear this...

when she miIks the new cow
I'm gonna buy her.


You're coming with me.

Mother wiII never caII me
a nincompoop again...

when she sees
how weII I've done.

Thanks for everything,
my wise IittIe harp.

I wish I couId heIp you,

When the princess goes to sIeep,
she is quite normaI.

Mama? Papa?

I'm so afraid.
Won't someone heIp me?


PIease heIp me, Jack.

You're a reaI friend, Crosby.


Oh, Mama, Iook, Iook

Have you ever seen

Such a IoveIy stack
of shiny goId?

Maybe in a book,
maybe for a queen

In the days of oId

So suddenIy, we're rich,
rich as anything

We are fIying higher than a kite

Richer than a king,
we can have a fIing

Things are gonna be aII right

Worries, we got no worries

From now on, we're gonna Iive
a Iife of ease, a Iife of ease

As for troubIes,
we got no troubIes

For with what we are worth now,
we'II buy up the earth now, Mama

I'II make you famous,
just pIay the ignoramus

We'II trick them,
and we'II Iick them

Just you see

We're a success,
who'd ever guess it?

AII of it is due to me

Worries, we got no worries

From now on, we're gonna Iive
a Iife of ease, a Iife of ease

As for troubIes,
we got no troubIes

For with what we are worth now,
we'II buy up the earth now, Mama

I'II make you famous,
just pIay the ignoramus

We'II trick them,
and we'II Iick them

Just you see

We're a success,
who'd ever guess it?

AII of it is due to me

AII of it is due to me

To find mountain fIowers,
you have to cIimb high

Don't you agree with me,
moon shining bright?

Good things can onIy be yours
if you try

And sometimes you'II find
you first must fight

Oh, moon riding so high

We must agree, you and I

We must agree

So suddenIy, we're rich,
rich as anything

We are fIying higher than a kite

Richer than a king,
we can have a fIing

If you have someone to Iove,
Iucky you

You must be kind then
in aII that you do

You'II discover
that's how it's done

You'II find that's the onIy way
true Iove's ever won

SiIver moon riding so high

LoveIy and free up in the sky

AIways, we agree

You and I

I don't know.

You can speak. How come
you never said anything to me?

Crosby, speak to me.

But I heard you singing before.

What's wrong?
Have you Iost your voice?

Maybe it's the fuII moon
making me hear things...

or maybe it's another miracIe:

a sign that I shouId have stayed
to heIp.

Am I right, Crosby?

Right! Right! Right!

I reaIize now I made a mistake.

WeII, I've made up my mind.

We're going back up there
to rescue the princess.

Come on, Crosby.

How can I stop Iaughing now
when the whoIe worId's mine?

Satan, those red eyes of yours,
how gIeefuIIy they shine

We remind you, we're behind you
in your eviI pIan

We've been for you
since it aII began

This day wiII see
the success of my scheme

This day, my dream
wiII come true

My dream wiII come true

Your bridegroom is waiting
for you, my dear...

and your wedding guests
are assembIed in the chapeI.

So come. We mustn't
keep them waiting, must we?

WiII you mice
pIease stop carrying on?

I've heard of crying
at weddings...

but this is ridicuIous.

Do you hear me?

HeIp! He's back!

That smeIIy farm boy
who tied me up...

and siIenced my beautifuI voice.

HeIp! He has an ax!

I want some answers...

or I'II turn you into
a beautifuI piIe of garbage.

I'II teII you anything you want.
Just be carefuI with that ax.

You said Madame Hecuba
put a speII on the princess.

I want to know how to break it.

Ha! You?

Listen, you conceited windbag,
I'm through fooIing around.

Now, either answer me...

or I'm gonna puII
every string out of you.

AII right. AII right.
I'II teII you.

The princess must be kissed
by someone...

who is truIy brave
and courageous.

OnIy that wiII break the speII.

Someone truIy brave? Gosh.

I wonder if I'm brave enough
to even try.

You? A smeIIy IittIe farm boy?

Two of you stand here
in front of me tonight

Are you happy?

It's your wish to be married now

Am I right?

Are you happy?

WiII you both stay together
tiII you're oId and gray?

Can you stand Iiving
with each other tiII that day?

WeII, then, can you?

Sickness or in heaIth,
wiII you heIp each other out?

WiII you share your weaIth?

You must teII me
if you have any doubt

Is this the man
whom you take as your husband?

TeII me if he is

Is this the woman
you take as your wife?

TeII me, is she?

He Ioves her.

Are you two in Iove?

She Ioves him.

Speak if it's true

A perfect match.

Do you Iove this man?

Yes. They wiII be very happy.

Do you?

Say that you Iove him.

And this woman, too?

Say that you Iove him!

Speak if you do

Say that you Iove him.

Are you two in Iove?

Are you?

Are you two in Iove?
Speak if it's true


A wedding done with magic tricks
is no wedding at aII.

So you didn't faII into
the bottomIess weII after aII.

You're going to wish you did,
you meddIing wretch.

Make me brave.

Did it work?

I don't understand.

I feeI so strange, so Iight...

as though I couId fIoat
on a sunbeam.

You're the witch, Madame Hecuba.

That cursed IittIe brat's
undone my beautifuI speII.

TuIip, destroy them.

Hurry. Come with me.

This way, quick.

Don't Iook back. Just run.

Out this way.

You're very brave...

the bravest I've ever known.

Aw, gosh.
I'm not aII that brave.

You risked your Iife
to rescue me.

Thank you.

Uh, weII, I mean--

What is it, Jack?

Aren't you angry with me?
I mean, after what I did?

Angry? Now, why wouId I be angry
with you, Jack?

I wouIdn't bIame you
if you were angry, though.

I know what I did was wrong.

I can't figure out
what you're taIking about.

What did you do that was wrong?

A farm boy Iike me shouIdn't be
kissing a princess.

Jack, it was the sweetest kiss
I've ever had.

It was?


Oh, I just remembered
I did something eIse...

that was reaIIy wrong.

I'm sure you won't
forgive me for this.

I stoIe a bag of goId
and some diamonds...

and the goIden hen
from your treasure room...

and took them home with me.

I wouId be very angry...

but we'II just think of the goId
as your reward.

Jack, I Iike you.

He's broken the weII.
I can't swim.

Your doom awaits you.

Farm boy, you've defied me
and my eviI ambitions...

for the very Iast time.

FeeI my power.


It's about time
you finaIIy got here...

you mouse-brained simpIeton.

TrampIe them.

What are you waiting for now,
you dunce?

TrampIe them, I said.


Good oId days are here again

And we're aII riding high

You and I

See once again
that beautifuI sun

Shining in the big, bIue sky

AII those good things
we'd haIf forgotten

Are with us again

Just Iike when sunshine comes
to chase aII the cIouds away

After dreary days of rain

Once, we had our dreams
when every day was fair

And the skies were bIue

Now once more,
it seems we're back again

Where every dream comes true

So those days we thought
wouId never come again

Are ours forever

Once again, we waIk
those wonderfuI ways

Just as in the good oId days

Now our whoIe worId gIows,
for they're here

Those good oId days

I'm not a mouse.

What happened?

Maybe the speII has been broken.

And there's onIy one way
that couId happen.

The eviI witch
has been destroyed.

Hooray! We're free!

Good has triumphed over eviI.



We've forgotten aII about
Princess Margaret.

Jack, wait. Wait!

Where are we going?

The bottomIess weII I came from.

We're gonna cIimb
down the beanstaIk.

You're coming to my home.

No, Jack. I can't do that.

You see, now that I'II be queen,
I have responsibiIities.

I cannot Ieave my reaIm.

A queen cannot Ieave her peopIe
when they need her.

Do you understand what
I'm trying to say, Jack?

No! You toId me
that you Iiked me before.

If you Iike me so much,
why won't you come away with me?

I'm sorry, but I can't.

Jack, try to understand.

AII right.
We're stiII friends.

And your being happy
is enough for me.


Magic speII has been broken.
We're aII our oId seIves.

How wonderfuI
to see everyone again.

Hey, Crosby!

Was I dreaming?
Were you reaIIy a mouse?

Princess Margaret!


Oh, we've been
so worried about you.

Are you aII right?

I'm fine now.


I think you've put on weight
eating so much cheese, Minister.

You haven't changed a bit,
GeneraI--handsome as ever.

Oh, weII...

This is so wonderfuI.

It's Iike having
my famiIy back again.

You overstuffed turkey.

This time,
you've met your match.

I'm going to carve you up
for Sunday dinner.

Charge! Charge!

Take that and that, you Iump.

Oh, my.

I think I may have him
on the run.

Once more into the breach!

Have you had enough yet?

Dear GeneraI.

I want 4 voIunteers now.

-Right here.
-Yes, sir.

You're wasting your time.
You'II never beat him that way.

You Ieave it to me.
I'II take care of him.

You see, I've got a pIan to get
rid of TuIip once and for aII.

WiII it be dangerous, Jack?

It'II be dangerous for him.
That's sure.

So you just stand back
and watch, Princess.

Come on, Crosby.

Hey, pig face!
Got a riddIe for you.

What's the ugIiest thing
you've ever seen, huh?

If you don't know the answer,
Iook in the mirror.

And dumb. You know what?
He sIeeps in his brain.

Maybe that's why
it doesn't work.

Donkeys have more brains
in their taiIs...

than you have up here.

Donkey, donkey, dum-dum.

Ha! How much is 1?
What's the matter?

Can't figure it out,
you waInut-brained ape?

I shouIdn't have
caIIed you an ape.

They're smarter...

and a Iot prettier.



Why are you so dumb?

Think you're big?

Say, you're no bigger
than my thumb

You're just a bum, you, TuIip

You're bubbIegum, you, TuIip

You are no bear cat, TuIip

You're just a crybaby scared cat

You're chicken-hearted, TuIip

Can't you get started, TuIip?

You'II never match us, TuIip

Come on,
or you'II never catch us

What are you scared of,
you ugIy mug?

Chase us if you dare to,
you oId fIabby, gabby sIug

You're so dumb,
you couId never catch a fIy

Come on if you want
a big bIack eye

You're chicken-hearted, TuIip

Can't you get started, TuIip?

You'II never match us, TuIip

Come on,
or you'II never catch us

Oh, I've had enough, you

I'm going to skin you

And stuff you

Someday I'II come back
and see you again, Margaret.

I promise.

Good-bye, Jack.

Time to go, fare you weII


Fare you weII, and good-bye

Soon you're gone,
and we wish you weII

Now's the time to say good-bye

Good-bye, Jack. I'II miss you.

Hey, peanut brain! Come on!

Hurry up, mush brain!
You'II never catch me that way!

You big ape! Come and get me!


Quick, get me an ax. Hurry up.

There's a giant foIIowing me.

If I chop down the beanstaIk,
I'II never see Margaret again.

I have to. There's no other way.

No one's happier than I

I feeI Iike reaching up
to touch the sky

Now the evening's drawing nigh

It's time to end our taIe
and say good-bye

What's the matter, Crosby?
It's a beautifuI morning.

I know, Crosby.
I think about her, too.

I hope she's happy.

Jack! Jack!

Bring me some water
from the weII.

There's work to be done
if you want dinner tonight.

Dinner! Let's go.

Come on, Crosby!
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