Lupin the 3rd: The Mystery of Mamo (1978)

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Lupin the 3rd: The Mystery of Mamo (1978)

Post by bunniefuu »

Lupin, are you trying to obtain
eternal life, like Dracula?

Sorry, but everything
has an end!

You're ferocious
as usual, Pops.



You're supposed
to be dead!

So they say.
I'm a little confused myself.

He was the real Lupin.
I swear he was.

Don't swear so easily!
Then what am I?

That's what I've come
here to find out!

Pops, I'll hear your
story some other time.

Take care!

He's... He's... He is real!

He is alive!
He's alive!!

If you don't die, I don't die, either!
This isn't over yet!

I will follow you
to the pits of Hell.

I will carve your posthumous name
on your bones with my own hand!

Lupin the Third

Hmm. During the break
from your activities?

First, Shi Huangdi's ancient elixir
from the Palace Museum in Beijing.

Second, this mandrake root
from Dracula's castle.

So you think the
next target is in Egypt?

But just because he came here
doesn't necessarily mean...

It has to be Pharaoh's Tomb!

My sixth sense is
keener than ever.

How is it?

Everything is normal.

You couldn't ask for any
tighter security than this

to protect the
fake jewelry inside.

I know that!

Lupin must be after something
we don't know about.

It's not just any jewelry.

It's detecting something!

Could be a mouse.

Did we touch it?

We're in trouble.
Let's hurry.

We can't just
hurry through this.

- 80 centimeters ahead.
- Ok.


- Lupin.
- Huh?

So what about that matter?

Well, you know what?

It looks like the me who got
ex*cuted was the REAL me.

It sounds pretty fishy to me.

- It sounds pretty fishy to me.
- I agree.

I started to feel
like I'm not me.

Well, I'll do something
about it soon.

First Unit, take
the south passage!

Second Unit and Third Units,

block off the
north passage!

Mr. Zenigata, on what
authority are you acting?

Trust my sixth sense!

Lupin is inside for sure!

Forward! Charge!

Is that it?

- Is that it?
- Looks like it.

- Hey, run!
- This way!

Not that way!

Give it up, Lupin!

You'll never get
through this passage!

Block the exits!
Here! Over there!

Why are you
lounging around?

Lupin's coming this way!

Turn on the lights!

Well, your sixth
sense was right.

- What are you trying to do here?
- What do you mean?

Do not fire
until my order!


- I'm sick of this. It interferes...
- If it's Lupin, it becomes...

It's Lupin!

sh**t! sh**t! sh**t!

Tricked you, Lupin.

That passage only
goes to the top.

You are stubbornly traditional.
Take the hat off once in a while!

Don't be stupid!

I can't change my old
trademark that easy.

Don't scare me.

We must hurry.

They're coming.
They're coming!

Lupin, don't move.
You're surrounded!

Ah! Damn!

Pops, sudden exercise
is bad for you.


Well then, take care.


Lupin! You're mistaken
to think I would give up easily.

Remember that!




Wake up, Fujiko.

Is it time?

Afraid so, Fujiko.


You are indeed the
Goddess of Beauty.

But I will grow old.

Not really.

I would never
let that happen.

Tell me.
Who are you?

Having such a nice
palace ready for me...

You must be very rich.

We will meet soon,
once your job is done.

All right.

Business is business.
Let's be professional, Mr. Nobody.

She's here.

- She's here.
- Yeah.

Isn't it Lupin?

You are beautiful, Fujiko.

Stop joking around, Lupin.

Don't be so cruel.

The sweet nighttime
breeze in Paris

may have melted this
cold-hearted soul of mine.

I thought I had elegantly
transformed myself this evening.

Looks like it. I'm not sure
if it's elegantly or not.

Oh, sweet-smelling flower.
You are a rose.

You are old-fashioned.

The pain from your thorn is
giving me pleasure, as well...

Because I love you.

Enough with your acting.

Then why don't
we close our deal?

That's pretty cold.

Actually, you have
too many thorns.

I'm in a hurry.

Or, Lupin,
did you possibly...

Don't be so hasty.
Here it is.

Lupin, you did it!

Hold it.

Look how much more
passion you show now!

How disappointing. Disappointing.
Really, really disappointing...

I had to convince Jigen,

and we endured
so much to steal this.

And look how you act.

Or, Fujiko, are you gonna
deal with someone else?

Well, I promised
not to ask why.

So you need to keep your
promise to go out with me.

That's right.
I'm sorry.

I got carried away.

Give me a second.
I'll get ready.

Hey. Hey. Hey.

It's ok. You can do
your make-up later.

If you make me wait too long,
I'll turn into a wolf!

I'm not teasing you.
I'm just waiting for a chance.

Hey, Fujiko.
What did you do?

Just be patient
for a while.

Good-bye, Lupin

Wait, Fujiko. Fujiko.
Aye-yi-yi. This is not good.

Yikes! She got me!
I'm still dizzy.

Pretending to be a playboy?
Serves you right!

If we caught
her right away,

this trouble could've
been avoided.

Lupin, work and women
cannot co-exist peacefully.

You're too nit-picky.
This is all part of my strategy.

You seem to have
incredible brain power!

You have done well, Fujiko.

It was nothing. Lupin is
just a cute puppet to me.

Now show yourself and
fulfill your promise to me.

First I must
examine the stone.

As usual,
hand it to Mr. Flinch.

This is the life source

and eternal dream mankind
has been searching for.

Is that you?

Please come down
and show yourself.

Turn it up!

My name is...

Look what happened!

My name is Mamo.


The secret of eternal
life and immortality,

that Pharaoh and The First Emperor
of the Qin Dynasty yearned for,

are said to be locked
inside the Philosopher's Stone.

I see.

Huh. Is that the end
of your resea...

You idiot! It's not
like I enjoy doing this.

I know very well that it is
not just an ordinary stone.

If you think I'm lying,
read these yourselves.

You're being deceived.

I agree.

Lately Fujiko has
been off her rocker.

As usual, it was just
a waste of energy.


I've had it.
I'm going home.



Sure enough!
A group's backing Fujiko.

What's more,

they're ferocious!

Do you think
we can escape?

Maybe I'll go

- Oh, no!
- Oh, no!


Goemon! Cool!

Once again, I slashed
an unworthy object...

Compared to Goemon,
we're not very cool!

They are no amateurs, you know.

Lupin, the man you're up
against is extremely powerful.

Hand over the stone
and run away!

Here we are,
Fujiko dear.

What are you doing?

Use my Mercedes.

It needs some
repairs, though.

You thief!

You dummy!

Why didn't you catch her
and make her fess up?

I didn't wanna be
hindered by her.

Nonsense, Lupin!

You took pity on her to
keep her out of this mess.

We have no time to
discuss this. Look behind us!

Go! Can't you go
any faster? Faster!

Lupin! You should get arrested
in the country of Arsene Lupin.

It would promote friendly relations
between Japan and France!

Huh! That's a stupid reason.

If I get arrested now,
I'll shame my ancestors.

I wonder if Pop's
blood is Type A.

Gotta be Type O.

Excellent idea!
The French Police!

So you plan to run over
Lupin with this semi truck!


Don't you think this
is a little extreme?

What awesome power!

Here they come!


- Jigen.
- What is it?

Give me one.

- Give me one.
- Sure.

- Idiot! What are you doing?
- Just trust me!


Damn! We have
a bold enemy now.

Well, our hideout is
in ten kilometers or so.

They got away,
didn't they?

I'd enjoy this game,
but I'm in a hurry.

Block all escape routes!

Weapons. Food.
Everything's gone.

Yeah, looks like it.


Lupin! Cut your ties
with that woman.

I can't put up with
this any longer!

Fujiko must have tipped
them off about our hideout.

If you don't cut her off,
I will cut you off!

Your joke's not funny.


I was thinking
the same thing!

It was a mistake to take
a job from her to begin with.

And then you and
your stupid ego

overlooked the hostility
she showed to your kindness.

But then, women are
evil spirits, right?

What I cannot forgive is
your indecent ulterior motive!

Don't. Nothing could change that!

And you. What kind of
friend are you, Jigen?

If you were
his true friend,

you would have corrected
his bad habit a long time ago!

Don't yell so hysterically,
you lunatic!

I've always wanted to
chop up that hat of yours.

What did you say?

I always wondered if you were
hiding a bald spot or something!

You wanna fight?

All right. All right!

It was my fault.
I'll change.

I'll throw Fujiko
out of my life!

Let's change the mood
and start over!

You don't wanna starve
to death here, do you?

Lupin, where do you
think you're going?

If we climb the mountain
and follow the border,

we'll hit the
Atlantic Ocean.

Idiot! Do you know
how far that is?

It's only one hop with my
fingers in the World Atlas.




- Lupin!
- What was that?

It was a demonstration
by our enemy.

They must want to show
us that we can't run away.

That's a hut, isn't it?

So they've
already been there.

Lots of canned food!

We have mineral water, too!

This is real!

- Here! I'll pour it over you!
- Hey!

Is this a blessing
from above?



Fujiko, what happened?
You look terrible!

I almost got k*lled.
He said I bungled the job.

Who are they?

I don't know
the boss' name.

But the guy after you
is called "Flinch."

Turns out he's a sadist.

Damn! I'm jealous.

Even I don't
get to see such...

Please help me, Lupin.

I don't care about
the stone anymore!

All right,
you poor kitten.


Get away from
that woman!

Based on your response,
I'll make a decision.

Well, you're being childish.
It's just a woman.

We're serious.


We've known each
other for so long.

I may never
see you again...

Lupin, do you see now?

If you're gonna call him back,
now's the time.

Can't you hear me?

I can hear you!


I was getting tired of
you guys nagging me.

Go on.
You, too. Go!

Go on!

You bastard!

That's right.
There you go.

Just keep going straight,
and you'll hit the ocean!

When you get home,

shave your head and become
a monk or something!

Then you can
be celibate forever!

Lupin, you must be hungry.
Now, say "Ah."

Hot, hot, hot, hot!
Leave me alone, will ya'?

If you wanna eat,
go eat by yourself!

Thanks to you,
I'm in a lot of trouble.

You're mean!

How many years has it been
since we had time alone?

Come to think of it...

So you understand me?

I understand
you very well.

Those guys have
always clung to me.

But now, it's just
the two of us.

Right on! We may never
get another chance like this!

Don't be silly!

I see.
I am sorry.

Please come to me, Fujiko.

I love you from the
bottom of my heart.

Me, too, Lupin.

Hmph! What the hell?

You were seducing me

I know I can't be
Alain Delon, you know.

Oh, how disgusting.

I can't stomach that
mushy mumbo jumbo.

Well, I'm done eating.

Now I resort to more
aggressive means.

Lupin! Lupin!

I didn't know this
medicine was so strong.

Lupin, all this is
for your own good...

Damn Fujiko. Enough of
your hammy drama.

Flinch, wait!
He's an important guest.

Be more careful with him!

Flinch! Ahh!


the city of Madrid.

Purpose unknown.

Subject proceeds
to the Plaza del Sol.

No sign of
suspicious behavior.

From 13:10 no movement
for 45 minutes.

At 14:00 sharp, subject
proceeds to marketplace.

As the scheduled
hour is approaching,

we will continue
with the plan.


Is your name Flichin,
the dangling penis?

No, it's not.
It's Gordon.

You're Mr. Jigen,
aren't you?

Don't say my
name so casually.

Why have you been
sneaking around?


Yes. Behave yourself
and come with us.

This is the respected
U.S. Navy?

This is way too unreal.

It might be us
who are unreal.

Stand up!

Here is Special Assistant
to the President, Mr. Stuckey.

What did he say?

He said... this is the guy
who is manipulating

the highest ranking top-dog
in the world. Or so he says.

Mr. President, are the organizations
of your country under control?

I was blackmailed.

Secretary General,

our orders are to
provide all scientific data

in the area of biochemistry,
cytology and biogenetics.

If we refuse, they will
attack us with nuclear missiles.

I was blackmailed
the same way.

We have proof that
he's not bluffing.

Some of our communication
satellites have been destroyed.

That is of no concern,
as long as it's not caught.

I know that.

Then that guy?

That's right.
It is I, Mamo.

No explanation is needed
regarding the two men conversing.

What we want to know is who
the mysterious blackmailer is

who broke into the
secure-line conversation.

It is I, Mamo,

the highest intelligence on Earth.

A prophet...
Or you can call me God.

Are you insane?

Someone claiming to be God
making such a strange request?

This is an order.

You would both understand

if you knew how the
the world was made.

Keep going.

The rest is classified.

In any case, we find
that his threat is not a bluff.

Is that so?

Well, this does
not concern us.

That's not true.

What Mamo is requesting
was stolen by Lupin.

Let me get to the point.

Where is Mamo's
home base?

I have no idea.

Keeping secrets
won't do you any good.

You were always with Lupin.

What's this?

It's a clue on Lupin.

Handwritten by the woman
who has been deceiving him.

It says "water," right?

What is this about?

If we knew, we
wouldn't be here now.

Don't talk rubbish!

There are many
ways to t*rture you!

Is this what you
call "democracy"?

If that's the case,
let me tell you something.

What's that?

I used to be a fan of
Monroe and Humphrey Bogart,

but not anymore!

You bastard!

Gordon. Looks like they
really don't know anything.

We will approach this
from a different angle.

You will be released

You'd better
appreciate this democracy!

Hmph. I don't need to
change my mind now.

Jigen, look.
It's water.

I see.
That's how it works.

Can you read it?

Carib... the Caribbean?

You got tricked in
the most basic way!

Hey. Wait up!


Excuse me.
May I ask you something?

Heil, Hitler!

What could this
possibly mean?

Are you looking
for something?

Are you the
asylum director?

I'd like to meet
the party organizer.

This is neither a psychiatric
ward nor a costume party.

They are who they
seem to be, Lupin.

I am Mamo.

I've received the
Philosopher's Stone.

You're Fujiko's employer?

I didn't steal it myself,

so that I could
test your ability.

I'm satisfied
with the result.

You are the greatest
thief in history.

So what?

I'm not in this
business for you.

Not to forget
your compensation...

I'm thinking about
giving you eternal life.

There you go.

Nothing good comes
from longevity, old buddy-boy.

It is unfortunate

that you have such an
aberrant way of thinking.

Stop your mumbling,

and give me
back the stone!

Don't be shy, Lupin.
Come on, catch me.


I'm so sick of the trick
with reinforced glass.


Ouch! Ouch!

Where are you, Mamo?

I'm gonna get you!

Remember that!

That's it.

That's Howard Lockwood's island.

The largest privately-owned
island in the Caribbean.

A mysterious billionaire?

It's too bad that Lupin was
deceived so easily by a woman.

What's so funny?

Although we complain
about things,

we still worry about Lupin.

Looks like that fatal
bond will never end.

Don't be ridiculous.

I just don't want Lupin
to be k*lled by anyone else.

That's all.

Even if I have to sacrifice
my own body like an oyster,

I will put an
end to Lupin's life.

It would never occur to them
that they are being followed

from 300,000 meters up.

Let's start now.

Yes, sir!

It's me.
Get ready for the operation.

The target is the island
belonging to Howard Lockwood,

the richest
billionaire in the world!

As I expected,
it's all mechanical in here.

Looks like the whole picture
is coming into focus.

Tacitus taecum annus.

Butterflies extinct

My gift to you.

They're beautiful!
It's like a dream.

They became extinct
because of their beauty

and by their beauty
shall be revived by me.

Is that by the power of
the Philosopher's Stone, too?

You needn't
know about that.

More importantly, your beauty
is guaranteed to last forever.

Wow! My dream
finally comes true!

Are you happy?

Of course I am!

I bet Lupin will
really be surprised.


Lupin said he doesn't
want eternal life.

I'm sure he
would say that.

That's why I've kept it
from him until the right time.


would you let me decide
what to do with him?

What does that mean?

I don't think he is a worthy
candidate to gain immortality.

Why this all
of a sudden?

A promise is a promise.
You have to keep it.

Here is our report.

We've finished our analysis
on the Philosopher's Stone.

And what are the results?

It is quite profound.

The cell regeneration by X-ray is

indeed quite impressive.

The effect of the sample is...

Oh, my!


Hey, Mamo.
I got ahold of the stone.

I'm gonna throw it
where you'll never find it.

Ah! Lupin!

Did you see that, Fujiko?
That's the true character of Lupin.

He doesn't know anything.
Lupin, dear...

Hello, Lupin.


Fujiko, is it really you?

Good to see
you're safe, Lupin.

Thanks to you,
I've been through a lot!

Is that so?

Didn't you fain deception
to get in here?

Don't be silly. I was... Ah!

- Don't be silly. I was... Ah!
- What are you doing?

Listen, Lupin.

We've got hold
of eternal youth.

Are you still
talking nonsense?

Hey! You could at least
look like you're happy.

Look happy?

You're right.
I should just enjoy...

Oh, I guess NOT!

- We don't have to run away.
- Idiot! Why shouldn't we?

Dead end!

Look. It's a button!

All right.

Now why don't we
take time and enjoy?

Hold on. I have to tell you
something important.

Come on, come on.
Why don't you?

- No, no.
- Come on.

Oh, no!
Help me...

I'm losing control...

- Ah. I'm gonna tickle you!
- I'm ticklish... ticklish!

I can't take it anymore, Fujiko!
Fujiko. Go along with me...

That's enough!!


Oh, no!
Were you watching, Mamo?

Mamo, eww!

Lupin, you've
disappointed me.

You, too.

Looks like you still
don't believe me.

No, Mamo.
I was just...

Don't worry about it.
He made a ghost house like this.

How could you possibly
believe in him?

I hoped you
would like it.

Yeah... If only I hadn't
seen the bottled babies.

With that and this stone,
what the hell are you planning?

God's experiment.

I've been doing it
for 10,000 years.

Yeah, right!
Don't take me for a fool!

What is it?

- What is it?
- Intruders, sir.

Get rid of them.


Your friends, Lupin.

Oh, my. Guys...

And one more person.

Pops, too?

Now things are
getting wacky!

The fellow he's talking to is
the ancient Chinese philosopher.

You mean a paranoid
who believes he's...

He IS the real one!

Then he's a real nut?

Listen carefully.

This is my collection
from the past 10,000 years.

The most brilliant minds from every field...
Politics, Philosophy, Religion, Art...

I have held in storage.
They still exist, as we speak.

Have you ever thought about
the end of the world?

Let me prophesize:

The world will come to an end
within the next few days.

But only those chosen by me
will continue to live...


Only those who are beautiful and
brilliant will be given eternal life.

I see. So that's
what it was...

What's so funny?

Oh, my. Your play
is highly artistic.

You beat me!

First immortality,
then the end of the world?

You're awesome.

Ahh. This lack of intelligence,
the stubbornness...

Don't you see, Fujiko?

This man doesn't
deserve eternal life.

Fujiko, only you
should live forever.

If Lupin and I are
not together, no thanks,


Sure. I want
eternal youth.

But I don't want to live long
and see an old and flabby Lupin.

So you do
love me then!

Now you understand.

Really, really well.

Get away!
Fujiko, get away from Lupin!

That's impossible.

The two of us are bound
by a cord of love.

What are you doing?

Peeling off the
layers of your dirty mind.

Aye-yi-yi! What?
Stop it!

What's going on?

Stop it, Mamo!

I won't k*ll him.

I'm just going to let
him dream for a while.

This will be
very interesting.

The greatest thief
in history. Lupin.

His despicable subconscious
is now about to be exposed!

You're under arrest!

You're under arrest!

My goodness!

Sleazy and despicable.

That's how the world-famous
Lupin truly is underneath.

Now let's access the very
heart of his subconscious!

This is what
Lupin is all about.

What happened, Mamo?

Oh, my goodness!
Lupin doesn't dream!

Space. Void.

It's nothing but the
consciousness of idiocy... or God.


Fall into eternal
sleep, Lupin!


Get away, Fujiko!

What... What's going on?


It's the U.S. Air Force.

The Metro Police must have
requested their assistance.

Thank you, soldiers!

He's not waking up!

Hmph! Nice to be so
carefree in such busy times!


Don't leave my side.

Don't you want
eternal youth?


You idiot!

Let's go!

That should do it.
Leave the rest to Zenigata!

Hey, wait!


He did it!

Nothing short of a laser can
cut this metal alloy vest.



You idiot!

The edgeless sword is fixable.
No big deal.

It broke,
not because of the sword,

but because of
my lack of skill.


Hey! Villains!

Don't move!

Let's get outta here!

Wait! Wait!

I've already prepared
for a scenario like this.


Stupid mistake!

Then I will...

Mr. Zenigata.

It is you.

I didn't think it
could be you...

It's me.
Don't tell me you've forgotten.


Chief Commissioner!

Mr. Zenigata...

eat slowly.

Here's some pickled radish
and marinated fish roe.

I'm so sorry.
I haven't eaten lately.

It must have been hard on you
to be away from Japan for so long.

You must have struggled
so much with so little budget.



I really am so lucky
to have a chief like you!

Your nose is running...

You've taken such
good care of me,

but I haven't been
able to arrest Lupin!

I, Zenigata, will
give my life to...

- Well, about that...
- I'll nail him! I promise!

You're off the case.


I've come all the way here to this
God-forsaken town in Colombia

to find you and order you
off the Lupin case.

It seems he is involved with
a very important person.

It's now a diplomatic affair
on a global scale.

I don't quite understand
what you mean...

At any rate, this whole
thing is way beyond us.

Oh, I almost forgot.

To Mr. Heiji Zenigata: Here is a
special bonus from the Prime Minister.

Wasn't your
daughter's name Toshiko?

She must have
grown up by now.

So let's fly back
to Japan together.

I'm the only one
who can catch him!

Um... I know
how you feel...

I insist!!

It's an order!


Then I resign, Chief!

I'll go after him
as a private citizen!

Mr. Zenigata!

He is definitely somewhere
in South America. Lupin!

Well, it's a dirty hotel,
but the coffee is superb.

So whatever
happened to Goemon?

Keep that.

That's what has become of
the Zantetsu sword.

He said he didn't want to
see us for the time being.

Ugh! It's so strong.

Why don't you wake
up Fujiko with this.

No, thanks.

So, was he really
Howard Lockwood?

How many times
have I told you?

He's into steel, shipbuilding,
transportation and communication.

He controls one-third
of the world's wealth.

He's a billionaire.

Recently he's been involved
with excavating some ruins.

He's a high roller.

That's awful.
Everything was a lie.

Not necessarily.

I'm certain that he was doing
some research on immortality.

Don't be ridiculous.
That's impossible.

- Cloning.
- Huh? What?

It's a recently honed
human-manufacturing technology.

By taking a cell from someone's hair
or any part of one's body,

and giving it a little twist,
you can create an exact look-alike.

If you repeat this process,
the same individual could

live for an infinite
length of time.

If that is true,
then the guy who was you

and got ex*cuted was...

From a single hair,
you can make a copy...

Well done, Lupin.

It seems you've
discovered my secret.

So you're really a clone?

You have guessed correctly.

Long ago I completed
the cloning technology.

Look at the 10,000
years of my memories.

It is I who

awakened to the mysterious
power of the universe

and attained immortality.

It is I who created myself
and nurtured myself.

Through the stream of eternal time,
I've debated countless intellects,

thereby affording me the
highest level of wisdom on Earth.

Then I began to enjoy
interfering with the human world.

That's right.
As I please,

I provided new wisdom, invention,
desire, hatred, famine and w*r.

History was created by
my constant interference.

Do you understand?

Cloning was the
passage to god status.

Pretty impressive.

So do you mean to say
that I was born thanks to you?

You are just an accidental
child born from uncertainty.

Now what happened to the
copy of you I created for fun,

so as to make
your job easier?

It might be the original
you who was ex*cuted...

You bastard!

I am ME,
the real Lupin the Third!

Think real hard...

Was it a dream?

I don't think so.

What is it?

This little mark shows
that they've been moved.

And then,
there is this hole...

What does it mean?

It's an old trick.

They used
knock-out gas on us,

and then took us out
with the furniture.

After showing us
their fancy magic,

they brought us back.

For him, such a trick is...

I admire your rationality.

But that is a
limitation, as well.

In this world there exists something
beyond your comprehension.

Come, Fujiko.

I am taking Fujiko with me.

Hey! Wait a minute!

- Don't be stupid!
- Wait!

So long, Lupin.

Mamo, I don't
believe you.

If you're a god, then
do a bona fide miracle.

Yeah, show us something like a
pure and simple nature tremor!!

Very well. You shall now
witness the wrath of a god!

- Earthquake!
- Don't be stupid!

It's real. He created
a real earthquake.

Don't be ridiculous!
That's impossible. Ow!

It is not a m*ssile attack.

It's a magnitude 7.2 tremor.

The epicenter is somewhere
in Colombia's interior.

Looks like it was
a real earthquake.

Yes, sir.

I thought this might be the
m*ssile attack from Howard,

as his death has not
yet been confirmed.

The deadline he specified
is tomorrow, right?

Intensify the badge-system
and prepare for his surprise attack.

Upon our intercept,
return fire accordingly.

Then everything will
become clear. That is,

if there is a god to control
this world, it will be us.

Hey, where have you been?

Well, just a little errand.

Let's leave.

I've had enough.

What Mamo did was
not a dream or illusion.

You may just have
to accept that.

There is this gigantic hole
right outside of town.

No doubt it's what's left of the
underground nuclear power plant.

If that was built with funds
from the Howard Foundation,

then it's obvious what
caused the earthquake.

Now it's done.

It's just a simple
piece of weaponry, though.

Lupin. It's all just theory,
every single thing you say.

Now let's venture into
enemy headquarters.

What did you say?

I pretty much
know where it is.

The ancient monument
they say he excavated is...

surprisingly close by, Jigen.

You idiot!
I'm not going.

This time,
I'm NOT going!


I'm sick of your

I'm not saying
he is a god.

But he is a monster that no
ordinary human can beat.

You're not coming?

No, I'm not.

That's fine. This job isn't
for those too religious.

Don't go, Lupin!

I had my dream stolen.
I have to go get it back.

Your dream is that woman?

You are so traditional.
You really are.


Yes. Even cloning
has its limitations.


The chromosomal data transfer
is never 100 percent perfect,

just as repeated copying
makes the image blurry.

Too much repetition of the
cloning is distorting the cells.

When I reached the 130th generation,
I preserved myself as the original

by putting myself in the
Ringer's Solution.

Since then, I've been
a copy of a copy.

Then that makes you
a defective product of Mamo.

Everything is
for immortality.

I relied upon the legendary
stone, but it didn't work.

So eternal youth is
just a dream after all...

No. There is one
final option.

Let us go to the
world of immortality.

So... Push this button.

You will then qualify.

What's wrong, Fujiko?

There's no need to hesitate.
Now, push it!


Everyone on Earth will die!


We'll be the only survivors
on Earth... like Adam and Eve!

Now it's our turn to obtain Paradise.
Just the two of us.

Mr. President.

Can you hear me?
It is me, Mamo.

I hear you.

The day of our promise
has arrived.

I just pushed the button
for the nuclear missiles.

No! Stop it, Mamo!

It's a deserving consequence
for rejecting my request.

You shall learn what happens
when you disobey God!

If you wish to counter-attack,
you should do so now.

But then, you have no idea
where the exact target position is.

We do know.


We know exactly
where you are.

Mr. President,
don't be ridiculous!

Shut up! I'm telling you,
I know where you are!

Over here, over here!



I came here to
retrieve this and that.

How dare you come here!

Lupin, what have you done?

The same as you did.

I was so impressed with the
perfect timing of the expl*si*n

of the underground
nuclear power plant...

I was stupefied.

But then I tweaked
something myself.

Then, Lupin...

That's right. Your nuclear missiles
have all gone up in smoke.

What? Aye-yi-yi...

Fujiko, come!

Idiot! Run!


Ah! Fujiko!!




That bastard!


Don't be shy.
Come on in.

I'm out of weapons. Ouch!

Farewell, Lupin.

You're not afraid
of dying, are you?

I'll tell you this:
The one ex*cuted was the copy.

You are, indeed, the original Lupin.
Now that you have closure... DIE!

Goemon, you saved me.

Fuji... ko...


He was the original
Mamo, wasn't he?

Either way, he was a
con-man who played God.

He tried to con me...
and the entire world.

I am the original.

Now I see.

He transformed into the brain
to rule his copies by this tiny chip.

You finally believe me, Lupin.

Yeah, that you're a far cry from God,
and just a nasty monster.



Whoa! Ow!




Where are you going?

To a god's world...

Somewhere far away
at the end of space,

there is a civilization
which has conquered Death.

I will become immortal there.

And someday I will reign
over this world as a real god.


Over there!


Fujiko, jump!

Come on! Jump!

Hold on tight!

Fujiko. It's an exit!

Here we go.

Mamo. Be grateful
that I let you die at last.

Fujiko? Fujiko?

Where are you, Fujiko?

My leg!

- Pops!
- There!

Sorry. He threatened me
if I made any noise.

Well, Lupin.
This time I win!

Your persistence
is most admirable.

Wasn't I supposed
to be dead?

You idiot!

Even if you die 100 times,
that's not the point.

As long as a Lupin exists,
I'm obliged to pursue him.

Did you hear that?
Fujiko, do something!

Well, I might, if you could
give me a decent kiss.

Of course, with pleasure...

Hey! You two keep your
immorality away from me!

Hey! Absolutely no way!

No, don't! What the...

Mmm. Lupin!

Let go!

This isn't the time.
Let go of me.

- Let go of me! Let go!
- Hey, it hurts!

k*ll 'em! k*ll 'em!!

Everyone who knows the secret
must be terminated!

Once the operation is finished,
blow this place up.

Huh? Gordon?
Of course. He is no exception.

Ah! Lupin.
Help me!

Damn it!
I can't do anything with this!

Lupin! Grab hold!


Hey, Fujiko!

Lupin, you better
get away soon!

She's awful.

That's how women are.

- Pops!
- So, let's get away for now!

They're getting along well.

Wherever he goes,
he'll be chased.

That is his destiny...
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