Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur (1980)

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Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur (1980)

Post by bunniefuu »


One, two. One, two. One, two.


Toho Company, Ltd.


Production Shin-Ei Animation Shogakukan

My head is gleaming bright!

atama tekateka

Bright and shiny!

saete pikapika

Who're we talking about?

sore ga doushita

Me, Doraemon!

boku Doraemon

A cat-shaped robot from the future!

mirai no sekai no neko gata robotto

Original Work Fujiko Fujio

What do you think about that? That's me, Doraemon!

donna mon dai boku Doraemon

Strange, odd, and mysterious.

kimyou kiteretsu makafushigi

Production Cooperation TV Asahi Asatsu-DK Inc.

Production Cooperation TV Asahi Asatsu-DK Inc.

Fantastic and rounded!

kisoutengai shishagonyuu

Fast home delivery but don't doodle on me!

demae jinsoku rakugaki muyou

Doraemon! Doraemon!

Doraemon Doraemon

I'm the gentlious Doraemon!

honwaka pappa honwaka pappa Doraemon

Nobita's Dinosaur

Roughly million years ago during the Cretaceous Period,

the land was ruled by reptiles.

Among them, the one suitably labeled the king

was this very thing, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


This is part of a dinosaur?

Is this real?

Of course it is!

It was discovered in a dinosaur park in Utah.

My daddy brought it back from America for me.

Let me get a closer look!

Hey, hang on!

So this thing was living and breathing some hundreds of millions of years ago?

C'mon, let me see it too.

Here, why don't you check it out, Shizuka-chan.

Looking at it closely, I feel like I'm almost looking into that time period.

I can see dinosaurs as big as hills going through a dense and lush fern forest.

Haven't you had it long enough? C'mon, let me see it already!

Okay, I think that's enough.

I'm going to put it away. I don't want it to get broken.


Thanks for showing us something so precious, Suneo-kun.

Feel free to stop by anytime if you want to see it again.

Seriously? What's so special about some claw fossil?


Let this be known:

I'll uncover not just the fossil of a claw, but the fossil of an entire dinosaur!

Oops! I just said something I shouldn't have again!

What was that? Are you making stuff up again?

I'm not! If I am, I'll eat spaghetti through my nose!

Crap! I have a bad habit of spouting out nonsense when I'm frustrated.

Now I have to find a dinosaur fossil at any cost!

And one of an entire dinosaur at that!

What? A fossil of an entire dinosaur?

Please, Doraemon!

You need to think about whether something is possible or not before you say it!

You're the only one who can help me out, Doraemon!

Pretty please! With sugar on top!

Listen here, Nobita-kun.

T-rexes never even lived here in Japan.


How am I supposed to get a fossil of dinosaur that wasn't even here?

Can't you do something?

I'm telling you, Nobita-kun, you're so irresponsible...

Or maybe inconsiderate is better, or scatterbrained even!


I can't back down now.

Just forget about it. I'll do it myself!

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He actually gathered all those materials?

But with that head of his, he probably can't even understand half of it.

I'm sure he'll get bored and give up soon,

but it's nice to see him trying to do something on his own.

It doesn't matter if he screws up. I'll kindly watch over him.

Huh? Wh-What's up?

Fossil Studies

I'm showing you how kind I am.

Fossil Studies

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Fossil Studies

Is that so...

My instincts are telling me this is the perfect spot.

I thought this would be the perfect spot, but maybe my instincts were a bit off.

Hey, you!

What're you doing up there?

What were you doing up there?

Sorry! I was just about to quit, so there's no need to worry.

You stopping isn't the issue. Just look.

What? I did all of that?

Yep. And how will you fix this?

What do you want me to do?

Well, let's see. Why don't you dig me a hole for my garbage?

You want me to dig more?

I can't believe I'm having to do this.

It's all because Doraemon wouldn't help me.


It's a dinosaur egg!

Yay! I finally found something! Finally!

I did it! I did it! I did it!

Hey, wait! Ouch!



It's a dinosaur egg! Check it out! What do you think?

I found it all by myself. Proud of me now?

But how do you know this is a dinosaur egg?

It could just be a normal rock.

Or even if it's a fossil, it could just be some ancient tree seed or something.

Or it could even be the dung of Naumann's Elephant.

What? Dung?!

Almost forgot.

You don't really know, huh?

You don't have to say it like that.

Even so, there's no way for us to know for certain.

What should I do, Doraemon?

The Time Handkerchief?

I remember using this before.

Anything wrapped in this cloth will revert back in time.

Here we go.


If I make this fossil go back in time million years like this,

I'll know exactly what it is.

That's it. That's the right move.

You've started to rely on me too much lately.

And if that keeps up, you'll never grow to become independent.

I want you to be able to think for yourself and overcome your problems on your own.

And I'll be here quietly and kindly watching over you.

This is taking ages.

But I guess it does have to go back million years.


Yay! That is definitely an egg.

All right! I'm gonna hatch it!

What do we have here?

You know, it's midday already!

If you need someone to do something, ask Doraemon!

I'm a bit preoccupied.

No, you've gotta get up!



You're such a pain.

You're going to have to do something.

Nobita's still asleep even though it's midday.


What's gotten into you?

Ah, wait! Come here. Come with me.

He'll get over it soon. Just leave him be for now.

Yes! It looks like it's working!

Just a little longer now! I've got this!

Oh, no!

Doraemon! Wake up!

Hey, c'mon. Seriously, wake up!

The way I sleep isn't good for the egg. It's going to get cold!

Could you tie me up with this?

Well, this looks fun and all, but I'm going back to sleep.

One, two... Whoa...

Good night.

Doraemon! Hurry up and untie me! Hey!

But I just tied you up.

Forget about that! I'm... I'm about to pee myself!

It hatched!

There, there.


Well, do you see?

Take that!

What do you have to say about this?


I really am in shock though.

This is a kind of plesiosaur​, a Futabasaurus.

A Futabasaurus?


It lived in the waters near Japan during the Cretaceous Period.

I wonder if he thinks I'm his parent.

There, there. You're such a cutie.

I'll call you...

I know! You're Piisuke. I'll call you Piisuke!

Hey, let's call Suneo and the others and surprise them.

Wait a second.

Now you're being the scatterbrain.


Think about it.

If we show them this little guy, they'll just laugh and call him a lizard or something.

And besides...

Don't... Don't tell me...

Yep, I'm going to raise him. At least until he's meters big.

That way it'll have the most impact when we reveal him to everyone.

I wonder what would be good to feed him.

No idea.

I guess I'll go get some worms.

It's so hard to find worms nowadays.

There's just none around.

Hey, Nobita, have you been practicing?

Practicing for what?

Eating spaghetti through your nose!

I can't wait to see it!

They think they can make fun of me? I'll show them!

Is the water hot enough?

Yeah, it's just right.

You heated the water?

Yes, I did.

Piisuke! Piisuke!

What's wrong?

Mommy's a dino-k*ller!


N-Nobita-kun! Stop! Hey, stop it! Just come here!

Doraemon, Piisuke...

Piisuke... Piisuke...

I moved him into here.


Here, Piisuke.

He won't eat them.

Maybe he doesn't like worms.

Hey, what's the matter?

Don't you love sashimi?

I think I'll eat this in my room.

M-Me too!

Do you like that, Piisuke?

Eat up so you can get bigger quickly.

Nobita-kun, instead of waiting around a long time for him to grow,

why don't you give him these?

What're they?

Growth Acceleration Tablets.

If you give him these, he'll grow faster.

Really? Thanks a lot.

I'm home!


Miss me? Let's go play!


Good one!

Here it comes... There!

Great! Again!

Nice! Now over there!

Nobita-kun, keeping him in that cramped closet day after day isn't good for him.

His play area is small too.

I know.

Maybe I should take him for a walk once in awhile.

You're going to take him outside?

When everyone sees him, I'm sure it'll create a big fuss.

Just you watch.

I'll surprise everyone!

Everyone in Japan, no... Everyone in the world will be talking about my pet dinosaur.

And then they'll take him away.

Scholars will dissect him for research,

or maybe they'll throw him in a zoo for everyone to see.

In any case, it won't be easy for Piisuke to live in our world.



Soon, we're going to take you back million years in the Time Machine, okay?

But before that, I'm gonna leave Suneo speechless!

Man, it's hot!

The water in the bucket warms up so quickly.

I feel bad for him.

If we can't take him out, how about we let him for a swim out back?

What?! That's risky too!

Okay, now's the time, Piisuke.

Do you like that, Piisuke?

This is the pool I used when I was in kindergarten.


Ah, M-M-Mommy!

Wow! It's been so long since I used this pool.

I hadn't thought about my kindergarten years in forever.

Nobita, tell me the truth.

Fish and meat have recently been disappearing from the fridge quite frequently.

You haven't picked up a stray cat or dog, have you?

No, I haven't. I swear to god.

If I find out you have, you're going to be in big trouble.

You got that?

Yes, ma'am.

If I actually told her that I have a pet dinosaur,

she would probably faint.

So I won't tell her.


He's gotten so big! We can't possible keep raising him secretly.

We should get him back to the Cretaceous Period.

No, not yet. He needs to get bigger so he'll make Suneo tremble!

No need to worry anymore, Doraemon. I let him loose in the pond at the park.

At the park?

It's fine! I made sure he understood not to show himself unless I call him.

I wonder if that'll work...


You knew it was me by my footsteps?

Ah, what a good boy! Did you miss me?

I'm sorry that I can only come here at night.

I brought sausages for you tonight!


C'mon, eat up!


Sorry! Here you are.

Sorry, Piisuke! It's started to rain, so I'll have to come back later.


I wonder how Piisuke's doing right now.

How was he, Doraemon?

He won't eat anything at all.

He seems to really miss you.

You haven't seen him in three days because you caught this cold.

It's no surprise that he feels that way.

What is that?


You shouldn't be here!


What would've we done if someone saw you coming here?

He came all the way here to see you, Nobita-kun.

I know! Piisuke!

You've gotta understand! I want to see you every single day too, you know.

So please be a good boy, Piisuke.

Can you take him back to the park, Doraemon?


Let's go.

Make sure to eat your food!

I can't keep wasting time.

Hey, Suneo! I'll show you what I promised tonight!

Oh, Nobita-chan.

Doesn't your vacation start today?


Suneo-chama is staying overnight in Karuizawa.

Shizuka-chan went on a one-night trip too?

He's working with his grandpa collecting straw in the mountains.

Gian too, huh...

Then that means that absolutely no one is around.

Hey, have you heard? They say there's a dinosaur living in the pond at the park.

No way!

They say there's people who've actually seen it!

News Radar

Anchor Fujiko

Anchor Shibayama

Although the Biological Society claims it to be impossible,

Dinosaur Sighting!! A Mysterious Appearance in the Park Pond?

D-D-Doraemon! Doraemon! What're we going to do?!

There's only one thing we can do.

We've got to return Piisuke to his own time, million years ago.

No! But then the spaghetti...

You need to make a decision then. It's your dinosaur, after all.


Wh-Who are you?!

You must be Nobita-kun.

After observing you and your dinosaur,

we would like for you to hand him over to us.

And... And why would I do that?

I'll be leaving for now, but know that I will return for him.

I have no other choice.

I've gotta send Piisuke back to million years ago.

Doraemon, can I have the Small Light?


Here you are.

Let's go, Doraemon.


Here we go!

That was mean!

Just hang in there a little longer, Piisuke.

What was that?

Stop right there!

Just as I promised, I'm here to take that dinosaur.

It's that guy in black from before!

You know him?!

He's bad news. He's come to steal Piisuke away.

We'll see about that!

Come back here!

Stubborn brat!

Now hand over that dinosaur!

O-Oh, no!

There you are.

Use the Big Light, Doraemon.


Piisuke, this is your world.

Live a happy life here, okay?

Take care now.


Let's go.

H-Hey, c'mon now...

Hey! You're not supposed to follow us!

Got that?


Stop it!

Piisuke! This is the best place for you to live!

Can't you at least understand that?

Let's go, Doraemon!


For once, you didn't rely on me

and acted on your own accord.

That's quite an achievement.

Hey, Nobita!

Nobita! You promised you'd eat spaghetti through your nose!

Nobita-kun, Gian and Suneo are here.

What're you going to do?

A promise is a promise! C'mon, eat it through your nose!

B-But I did fully raise a dinosaur! I was telling the truth!

He's still saying that.

You just don't know when to let thing's go.

But I'm telling the truth! Trust me!

Shut up!

C'mon, eat it! Here it is!

You've gotta eat through your nose!

Come back here!


What're you doing up here?


Sorry! I'm being chased by Suneo and Gian.

Oh, because of your promise?

Just let me hide here.

It's your fault in the first place for coming up with all that.

There are no dinosaurs alive today.

And it's not like you can eat spaghetti through your nose either.

If you go and apologize now, you can all just laugh about this later.

But... But I really did raise a dinosaur.

Wow. You know, there are always times when people might lie under pressure,

but not knowing when to stop is really uncool.

If that's the case, then I'll show you!

Yeah, I'll show all of you!

Hey, Doraemon.

Can you at least show Piisuke on the Time TV for everyone to see?

What harm would seeing him on TV do?


Fine, I guess.

Oh, no! Piisuke!

Wh-What's going on?!

We messed up!


Piisuke is a Japanese plesiosaur,

but it seems we've somehow sent him to the wrong place!


The Time Machine can go to the past and future.

In other words, it can move through time. But it also has another function.

It can move from here to there and change places

meaning it can move through space too.

The equipment responsible for moving through space must've been damaged by that man in black,

and it caused this to happen.

So where did we end up sending him?

It looks like North America.

What a disaster!

Doraemon! We've gotta return Piisuke to Cretaceous Japan!

C'mon, Doraemon, let's go!

Ow, ow, ow, ow!


We can come too, right?

It's fine, right?

This won't work! There'll be too many people! Please get out!

My head is spinning!

Man, what was with that? That really sucked, Doraemon!

Where is he anyway?

What'll happen to us if we can't find him?



Over there!


Hooray, Doraemon's okay!

Over there! That's where we left Piisuke.


Easy does it.




It's Piisuke! Hooray!

Piisuke! Piisuke!

Piisuke! Yay, Piisuke! Piisuke! Pi...

Piisuke! I'm so happy to see you, Piisuke!

Please forgive me!

I was wrong! I'm so sorry!

I'm sorry for not believing you.

As long as you understand now. I told you it was true!

It's real! It's a real Futabasaurus!

One, two. One, two. One, two.

Wow, he's so cute!

Over here!

Over here! Over here!

I can't fix it.

Those are Elasmosaurus platyurus.

Even though they're both Plesiosaurs,

the American and Japanese ones are different species!

So that's why they weren't being nice.

But don't worry, Piisuke, we're going to take you back to Japan right away.

Doraemon, let's hurry up and take Piisuke back to Japan.

Um, about that...

Since we came all the way here, million years in the past,

what do you think about staying here for a day, camping out, and going home tomorrow?

Yeah! That sounds awesome!

But I haven't done my homework for today.

Plus I'll get in trouble if I stay over anywhere without asking my mom.

Yeah, she's right, Doraemon!

That would be irresponsible!


Don't worry! We came here in the Time Machine, after all.

No matter how long we stay here, whether days or even years,

if we set the Time Machine to, for example, five minutes after we left,

we would have only been gone for five minutes.

Let's go have some fun! Why don't we go swim with Piisuke?

Sounds good!

Hey, hold on.

We should use the Dress-Up Camera to make some swimsuits.

Design Book

Oh, if you need someone to design them, I can do that.

This should be good.


Okay, everyone, line up!

Oh, no!


One, two, three!


With these Gill Tubes, you can breathe in oxygen from the sea water.

And if you put on this Deep Sea Cream,

you'll be able to stand the water pressure and temperature too.



Look out below!

Bombs away!


Yay! You're so cute!


Go! Go! Go!

Wait, what is this?

It's an ammonite​!

What a surprise! You can even pull food out of your pocket, Doraemon.

I want some better food though.

This is a luxury considering where we are!

If a dinosaur came upon us, we would be the food, right?

What's wrong, Dora-chan?

Huh? O-Oh, it's nothing.

You're always so weird, Doraemon.

Anyway, I know you mentioned that we're million years in the past...

But how long ago is million years exactly?

Well, it'd be one year times million!

But just saying that doesn't really make it all that clear.

There must be a better way to put it.

Nope, there's no other way.

Like, for example, when your grandpa tells you stories about his childhood,

even though it seems like a long, long time ago,

it was at most only years ago.

Well, if you divide million by ...

Then it'd be our grandpa's grandpa's...

Arg, I have no idea!

No surprise there.

Anyway, we can just say we've come a long ways back in time.

History is so mystical.

With dinner being done, I'd like to take this opportunity to perform my recital.

You're gonna sing, Gian?

Got a problem with that, Nobita?

No, not at all. Please, sing.


Hey, get a load of this! Boom, boom, boom!

I'm the little rascal king, Gian!

I don't like tests or homework,

but I'm full of pranks!

When school is over, you can count on me to let them loose!

I'm the one and only, dazzling and crazy

little rascal Gian!

I'm the one and only, dazzling and crazy

little rascal Gian!

St-Stop it, Gian!

The dinosaurs are reacting to your voice!

What? Do they not like it or something?

Hey, get a load of this! Boom, boom, boom!

I'm the little rascal king, Gian!

D-Doraemon, save us!

What're you doing, Doraemon?!

I've had enough! Let's go home already!

Yeah, let's take Piisuke and go back to th century Japan.


We can't go home?!

What're you talking about?!

To put it bluntly, the Time Machine's equipment that moves us through space is broken.

And it can't be fixed.

So what you're saying is that we can't go home?

Well, the equipment that moves us through time still works.

So, for example, if we carried the Time Machine all the way to Japan...

Well, the Japanese islands weren't even formed million years ago, but...

If if were to go to where Japan would be in the future...

And then put the Time Machine on the exact spot

where Nobita's desk in his room in his house in Tokyo would be...

Then we should be able to go home.

But it's not like we could do that.

I know! Let's fly with the Bamboo Copters!

That won't work.

The fastest the Bamboo Copters can go is km/h.

And the batteries can only last for eight hours of use.

That would get us km.

Do you have any idea how much farther Japan is?

No way...

Hey, you piece of trash robot!

What were you thinking when you brought us here with that useless piece of junk?

What're you talking about, Gian?

You were the one that jump aboard without asking!

And... And because so many people were on the Time Machine, this happened!

What was that?

Hey, everyone listen here.

When I'm playing with my remote control toys,

if I play with them nonstop, the batteries end up dying quickly.

But if I let them rest here and there, the batteries last quite a long time.

Couldn't the same principle possibly work with the Bamboo Copters too?

Nice! That'd work, right, Doraemon? They'll last longer, right?

Hooray! We can go back to Japan!


Where would we let them rest?

There's only the huge Pacific Ocean between America and Japan.

Hey, Suneo! Why would you even tell us something so stupid!

No, it's not stupid.


You know, the Earth has changed a ton over million years.

So in this time period, the Asian and American continents were connected by land.


That... That means we can go home, right? Back to Japan?


Yay! Hooray!

We can go home! We can go home to Japan!

Hey, Piisuke!

Let's head out!

konna koto ii na dekitara ii na

Wouldn't it be great if we could do that?

anna yume konna yume ippai aru kedo

Dreams of this, dreams of that. We all have so many.

minna minna minna kanaetekureru

He'll make each every one come true.

fushigi na pokke de kanaetekureru

He'll make them all come true with his magical pocket.

sora wo jiyuu ni tobitai na

I wish I could fly in the sky!

"hai! takekoputaa"

"Here's a Bamboo Copter!"

an an an tottemo daisuki Doraemon

Ah, ah, ah, we love him so much, Doraemon.

an an an tottemo daisuki Doraemon

Ah, ah, ah, we love him so much, Doraemon.

Just a bit further now, and then I'll bring you out, Piisuke.

Let's stop here for today and set up camp on that beach over there.


Get out your Big Light, Doraemon.



We're going to camp here until tomorrow morning.

Don't go off too far.

Ah, hey!

D-Don't do that! I have work to do now.

Go off and play!


Camping Capsule!

Let's see...

Where should I...


C'mon, get on, everyone!


Our long journey has begun at last.


Man, this is great! One, two! One, two!


There we go!

Hey, over here!

I can't walk any more! Take out the Bamboo Copters!


No! Don't you want to get back to Japan? We have to walk!

I have an idea!

Momotaro's Kibidango!

Will you let us ride on you guys?

Wow! Real Brontosauruses!

They're not fossils or stuffed toys!

Real, live Brontosauruses!

I'm going to faint!

What're you on about? What if they eat you?

Don't worry!

Brontosauruses are herbivores and are quite docile and slow-moving.

Even if you're up close to them, as long as you make sure you don't get trampled, you'll be fine.

Suneo! Hurry up and come this way!

Up we go!

I'm gonna fall!

Look, it's a slide!

Oh, it's so cute!

Hey, guys, look at this!

What is it?


The newborns are so cute!

Oh, no! The baby!

Wait, Shizuka-chan!

Hey, come back!

We need to get away from here!

Not good! It sees us!



Oh, yeah!

It's not this! Or this either!

C'mon! It's not these either!

Momotaro's Kibidango!

Eat this!

That was a close one.

The T-rex will now follow our orders.

It's even safe to play with it!

Are you serious?


Yeah, look!

All right!

I'm gonna inspect it!

Hey, Doraemon! Shizuka-chan!

Shall we?

Off we go!


Even though we've run into many obstacles,

our journey across the American continent is going well.

I'm sorry, Mom!

H-Hey, Doraemon!

Your Bamboo Copter is breaking down!

Once we find a suitable place, we should land early for today.

Stop dragging behind, Nobita!

Just one slow person burdens the whole group!

Nobita's slowness has even infected his Bamboo Copter.

There's no need to say things like that! Especially when he's in trouble like this!

You okay?

Yeah. Shizuka-chan...

Hang in there! We're almost there.


Ah! Pterodactyls!

W-Wait for me!

The kibidangos! The kibidangos! The kibidangos!

Found 'em!

Oh, no...

Who exactly are you guys?

Why are you following us?

You know why... We want your Piisuke-kun.


No way!

I've k*lled and captured more dinosaurs than I can count from this era.

Yet I've never seen a dinosaur become attached to a human quite like your Piisuke.

And that's why I want him so badly.

So that's it! You're a dinosaur hunter!

What's a dinosaur hunter?

There is something called the Time Law which governs time traveling.

It forbids you from carelessly capturing ancient creatures.

Because it will change history.

For example, the ancestors of mankind are living somewhere in this era

as mammals or reptiles.

What do you think'll happen if you k*ll them?

It would mean that humans would never come to walk this Earth.

It would mean you guys would never exist!

It's no big deal.

There are tons of dinosaurs.

It doesn't make a difference if we catch a few.

But you're breaking the law!

And for a profit at that!

There are rich people who would love to have a stuffed Pterodactyl

or the head of a Tyrannosaurus as a decoration in their room!

How could they! Like I would hand Piisuke over to bad guys like you!

Now, now. No need to jump to conclusions.

I didn't say I wanted him for free.

On top of paying you a great deal of money,

we're willing to take you guys back to your own time period.

You'll take us home?

That's right. So talk it over tonight...

And then come to our base.

We made our base underground

on the other side of the waterfall downstream so the Time Patrol couldn't find us.

Why would we go there?!

Oh, you don't want to? Fine, we'll come here tomorrow morning.

I'm looking forward to hearing some good news. I'm a nice guy, after all.

See ya.

I'm tired of this! I just want to go back to Japan!

I've had enough of this adventuring.

But we've gotta help Piisuke-chan.

But it's not like he's gonna get eaten or anything, right?

He'll be sold to some rich person from the future

and just live in their pool or something.

And do you think Piisuke would be happy with that?

We've come this far to prevent that very thing from happening!

But when we turn down his offer,

how in the world are we supposed to get back to Japan?



We can't just forget about Piisuke.

Y-Yeah, I guess...

Don't you agree, Suneo-kun?

Well, yeah, if that's what everyone else thinks.

Oh, so it's you. Have you managed to obtain that friendly dinosaur?

He's as good as ours.

I was wondering if you would like to be the one to capture him yourself.

The children who have him will not give him up easily.

There will probably be a bit of commotion tomorrow.

You don't have any experience with people hunting, do you, sir?

I catch your drift. Let's go.

You're at our seventh base? That's in North America during the Cretaceous Period, right?

We'll be awaiting your arrival.

Dune buggies? Where were they hiding those?

This is your final warning. Hand over the dinosaur quietly!

He's a...

This one is a clay doll too!

Darn it! I can't believe they got us with these.

Where did the real ones go?

Search for radio raves!

If they're using a remote controller, they have to be around here somewhere!

Yes, sir!

They got us...

If I remember correctly, they said their base was hidden downstream.


They'd never expect us to sneak into their empty base

snatch their Time Machine, and use it to go home.

But I don't think those clay models will hold them off for long.

Hey, the remote controller isn't working anymore.


Oh, no! They've found us!

We need to take their Time Machine and return to Japan

We need to take their Time Machine and return to Japan.

They think they can take our Time Machine? I've had enough of their nonsense!

I was being nice because they're kids,

but I'm done holding back.

Don't worry. We have bait here.

The other two will definitely come.

We should prepare to welcome them.

Get on it!

Yes, sir!

Ah, Piisuke!

Doraemon! Doraemon! Doraemon!

Oh, Nobita-kun!


I'm so glad you're safe, Piisuke!

N-Nobita-kun! L-Look at that!

Hang tight, Piisuke.

Let's go, Doraemon!

We've gotta hurry up and find the others!


Let's go!

They're approaching the third gate. Should we capture them?

There's no need to do anything extra.

Sir, please sit back and enjoy the show.

One, two, three!

It's not budging a bit.

The Pass-Through Hoop!

Let us go!

Good. Lead them to the arena.

Save us!

That way!

Shall we get this started, sir?


We're receiving some abnormal radiation waves from the Cretaceous Period.

They appear to be man-made.

Send out the patrol ships. It must be that poaching group we're after.

Time Patrol #, take off!

Help us!

That's Gian's voice!

Doraemon! Doraemon! Help us!

That's Suneo's voice too!

This way!



Help us, Doraemon!

What's going on?


Welcome to my arena.

I built this place so we could watch dinosaurs fight each other.

Listen closely. Can't you hear that bloodthirsty dinosaur all worked up?

The dinosaur will attack you in five minutes.

If you want me to stop it, hand over Piisuke right now.

You have five minutes. Make your decision carefully.

You know what, I don't really care about that long neck dinosaur anymore.

This is much more interesting. I wanna know how this'll play out.

Deflecting Cape!

I see! You're the one that ate the kibidango the other day!

Wh-What?! What a cowardly and piece of crap dinosaur!

All right! Let's get them!

That's where it was!

Help us!

Here they come!


Deflecting Cape!

Deflected! Yeah!



We're the Time Patrol! Hand yourselves over!

Your little game of hunting is over.

We'll be sending you to prison in the rd century.

Give it up.

We did it, Piisuke!

And the time finally came to say goodbye to Piisuke.

This is your home. Take care now.

Piisuke! Why do you think we tried so hard to get you all the way here?

Please just listen to me.

If you don't, I'll give you a good one!


Piisuke! Piisuke!

Captain, let's go now while we can.

Too bad it has to be this way.

Hooray! We can go home!

Take care, Piisuke!

Our target is the Nobi residence in th century Tokyo.

Take off!

Goodbye, Piisuke!

Have a happy life!



And there we go.

Thanks for letting us stay over!

What were all of you doing upstairs?

Oh, nothing!

See you later, Nobita-kun.



You'll let me see your homework, right, Suneo?

Sure thing. We've experienced life and death together, after all.

And the time finally came

to say goodbye to Piisuke.


And the time finally came

to say goodbye to Piisuke.


And the time finally came

to say goodbye to Piisuke.


Good night.

Good night!

I'm here inside your pocket.

boku wa koko ni iru kimi no poketto ni

Here to accompany you on your travels.

kimi to issho ni tabi suru tame ni

I've been waiting for you to realize

matteitanda yo kizuitekureru made

what exactly you saw in your dreams.

kimi ga yume ni mita mono wa nan darou

Let's go there together right now!

ima kara soko e futari de ikou

It's a far-off world, but it's within our grasps.

tottemo tookute chikai sekai da yo

Even inside my pocket, there's a big, wide sky.

poketto no naka ni mo sora hirogari

Even inside my pocket, the clouds go drifting by.

poketto no naka ni mo kumo ga nagareru

There's a wonderful world just like this out there.

konna suteki na sekai ga arunda yo

It's a world that you and I traverse together.

boku to kimi ga tabi suru sekai

Even inside my pocket, there are big, wide seas.

poketto no naka ni mo umi ga hirogari

Even inside my pocket, birds take flight.

poketto no naka ni mo tori ga tobitatsu

There's a wonderful world just like this out there.

konna suteki na sekai ga arunda yo

It's a world that you and I traverse together.

boku to kimi ga tabi suru sekai
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