Hashire Melos! (1992)

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Hashire Melos! (1992)

Post by bunniefuu »

360 BC, Autumn; The Island of Sicily

Don't go easy on me now.

Got it.

You satisfied now?


These arms were trained
with a hammer and chisel.

I didn't mean to hit you so hard.

Pretty nice shot there.

Now it's your turn.

Huh? But why?

I'll tell you my
reason afterwards.

Come on, just do it.


Show me what you got.
Gimme your best shot.

Huh? Oh yeah--

Hey, you okay?

Does the word "moderation"
mean anything to you?


I didn't become a
hostage just to help you.

I wanted to save myself.

That's my reason.

While I was running... I thought
of quitting so many times.

That's your reason?


That's it? Really?

Subtitles by Odyssey
OCR by Inactive [Subs.com.ru]

The summer in Sicily
was still lingering.

But travelers were reminded that fall
was close at hand as the night air...

coming in from across the Adriatic
Sea brushed against their skin.

Those who could afford to
would arrive in Syracuse and take
up lodgings for the night.

Those whose pockets weren't so
deep would camp out and wait for
the castle gates of Syracuse to open.


What're you doing!

What do we got here.

You some country boy?

Where'd ya come from?

Itake village, in Messina.

A Carthagininan?

No. I'm Greek.

What's your name?


If you want to get into Syracuse
here, your cart stays here.

Don't you forget it, country boy!

Ahh, come on!

So what's that right there!

Oh, he's a merchant
with the proper license.

Alright, park your
cart and get going!

You're blocking the road!


Hey, hold up.
How 'bout this for a present?

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse meeeeee!

You jackass!

Surprisin' me like that!

Sorry 'bout that.

Umm, I'd like to buy a sword.

We're going to use it in
a wedding ceremony.

Take yourself down
to the sword dealer.

This is a blacksmith.

We ain't taking no orders
here; we just make the stuff.


So if you got it then
get out the way!

Hold on there a second, sonny.

I'll make you a special
deal on this one here.


But, that's a real one, isn't it?

What I'm looking for is
a ceremonial sword.

We're using it for a wedding.

Buddy, where ya' from?

These days here in the city they been
using the real thing for ceremonies.

- Really?
- Yup, really.

- Ain't that right?
- Huh? Oh, yeah.


Alright, I think I'll take it.

Hey now, no freeloading here.

- Hey fella', got any money?
- Money?

I'm gonna make ya' some
nice money here, kid.

Ah, that's--

Don't worry 'bout it.
I'll double your money for you.

- Um, just a sec--
- Hold on a second, buddy.

Where ya' come from, huh?

Itake Village.

You've come pretty far, ain'cha.

I thought I smelled a country boy.

I'm tired a' lookin' at you.
Run on home now, will ya'?

Okay, just gimme my
money back then.

Your money? Don't know
what you're talking about.

Okay, then doesn't
that make you a thief?

A thief?

You're smearin' my
good name, buddy!

Ya' best be movin' along!

You don't move along and I'll
hafta' cut you up into lil' pieces and
feed ya' to the roosters here!

What is it?
What's going on?

Ah, man, something
amazing I hear.

Hey, hey!

Ooh boy, amazing indeed.


Just gimme back my money.

Here, take it.

I don't have any change.

Don't worry, don't worry!

Just take it and go, quick!

Thanks a bunch.

Big fella', wait up!

You mean me, mister?

My name's Calipas.

How about I give you a tour
of the city, nice and cheap?

A tour of the city?
To see what?

Let's see. Oh, for starters,
let's go see the execution.

- Execution?
- It's just about to start. Hurry.

I think there are four people
being ex*cuted today.

More than normal.

Maybe the King's finally started
to lose a few marbles, too.

The King?

Look there over on the left.

Up on the balcony.

That's the King of
the city, Dionysius II.

So that's the King, huh.

He's a dictator, but for some
reason the people like him.

And the person next to him?

On the King's left there
is Queen Flooney III.

Pretty soon here they'll be
having their third child.

Over on the right there is
Damocrus, the head warden.

Three thieves, and the other
one is an assemblyman.

An assemblyman?

Heard he was out to
take the King's life.

The King's life? So, doesn't
he deserve to be ex*cuted?

Well, from the King's
perspective, yeah.

What do you mean?

Gotta keep my voice down, but
lately the King's losin' popularity!

You don't have to talk so loud.

Come again?

You don't have to talk--

King's losin' his popularity!

How's that?
Hear me that time?


What's up?

Where ya' going?

Here, let me help.


It's you.

Gimme some!
Me, too!

- Do me a favor.
- What is it?

Put me out of my misery.

I...I can't do that!




I'll do it.
Just distract him for me.



It's over.
Alright, let's go!

Hey, where you goin'?

Tour ain't over yet ya' know.

That okay with you?

Hold it!

It's money you want?


We did it!


We did it!

Take that, buddy!

- Don't be so down.
- Huh?

I got it back for you.

You gotta' watch out for
the little brats around here.

Everything there?



Don't thank me.

Instead, why don't you just carry
this back home for me. Here.

This wine?

Sorry, man.

Don't you drop that.

That's my lifeblood, you know.

Be careful.

Over here.

This really saves me some work.

Thank you very much.

Are you going to drink
this all by yourself?

No, not if you join me that is.


You can drink, can't you?

Yeah, well--

Yeah, well?

Anyway, come on over here.

Ah, what a shame, man.

These finished works
of art all ruined.

They didn't get ruined.

I ruined them myself.

ANd they aren't finished works.

They're just junk.


You going to have
a drink or what?

Of course.

So, you come here to make
a name for yourself?


My lil' sister's getting married.

Well, have a seat.

Where ya' from?

Itake Village, in Messina.

You a Carthaginian?

No, I'm Greek.

Well, doesn't matter anyway, I guess.


I'm Etruscan.

Name's Melos.


So, do you work here, Se...Seri--

Call me Celine.

It's fine, just leave it.

It's nothing but junk anyway.

Knock it off! If the master
comes back he'll get angry at us.

The master?

Maaster, sir!

Oh, what's up, Kiko?


A little while ago a messenger from
the castle came calling for you.


He insisted that you to attend the
castle's stone cutting this afternoon.

Alright, I think I
can handle that.

Um, and also, he said not
to let you drink at all today.

Haven't had a single
drink, ain't that right?

Alrighty then, why don't
we head on outside, Melos.

It's really unbelieveable,
you carving all of these.

Why's that?

I haven't been a drunk
since I was born ya' know.

So why'd you quit?

They say that if you make
nothing but crap, your life's
nothing but crap, too.

You really shouldn't talk
about yourself like that.

And you think something
poorly made is a finished work?

Enough already, you jerk!

I bet we all look like
idiots from that high up.

I wonder what he's
thinking about.

Why don't you go ask him?

Ah, this ain't good!

Listen, pull yourself together!
We're going to walk here.

Please. See, here, you can
sleep much better here.

Sir Celine!

Please stop--

Sir Celine!--

You don't love me Lysa,
you just t*rture me!

Please stop, Sir Celine!

I don't love anyone,
not even you, Lysa!

No one's said you
don't love them!

Shut up!

You did it.

I may have gone a
little overboard there.

You sure did.

I'm sorry, Lysa.

I don't have what it takes to love
anyone. Please understand.

Yeah, I know.

It's just that you're
forgotten how to love.

But you know, it's not that
you can't love anyone.

You're just afraid to.

You understand?

He's always like that.
His dreams have crumbled.

So, did you come out to the city
hoping to be a stonemason too?

Nah, I was just lost on the street
and was invited for a drink.

Hmm, poor thing.

That one's you, right?


It's a shame he has
to tear these down.

To him, clay and chisel aren't for
carving, they're for destroying.

- Umm.
- What is it?

Are you his wife?

Not at all.

But I was hoping
you would say that.

I...I'm gonna' go now.

I saw you at the square earlier.


The man at the execution, right?

That man, he was a
customer of mine.

He was a kind person.

Here, I picked this up.

Thank you.

I looked all over for you.

For me?
But why?

Umm, I don't really know
why, but, I guess, I was really
touched by what you did.


Hey, big fella'.

Where'd you run off to?

Boy, do you reek
of alcohol or what!

I had a drink with some
guy, a sculptor named Celine
something or other.

Celinuntius? So, you made
friends with Celine, huh?

You know him, mister?

There ain't nobody in Syracuse
here that don't know Celine.

Oh, so he's famous.

You could say that.

He's a genius who at 15
gained the highest rank possible:
Master to the Royal Family.

'Fore you go home you oughta
head on up to the castle.

You can see some of
Celine's work there.

You don't want to take the
road to the Assemblymen's
Plaza. Too many people.

Something's happened, huh?

A protest against the executions.

Must be 'cause the King's knocking
'em off like a madman lately, huh--

Shhhh, keep your voice down.

Okay, got it.

They been tightening up the
guard, so it's hard to get in...

but the fountain sculpture in
the courtyard is a sight to see.

This must be it!

Hey, you!

The King's a dictator!

If you execute anyone else!--

Give jurisdiction back to us!

Gelon, as the people's representative
you tell him we really mean business.

I know.
I know.

Oh, Gelon!

Sorry I had to call you here.

Have you heard how
worked up the people are?

No, what is going on?

The people are raising criticism
against the one-sided method of
handling the execution. And--


Saying you should trust them a
little more, ahh, umm, in other...

words, they mean they want you
to return jurisdiction to the people.

You hear this?

"When we are at w*r
we want a dictator!"

"When we have peace
give us back our rights!"

Is that it?
"Trust us?"

How spoiled can they be.

So, do you agree with them?

By the way, Gelon, have you ever
been suspicious of your own men?

No, never.

A man named Miltus became
an assemblyman through your
recommendation, is that right?

Yes, did Miltus do something?


This Miltus was
plotting to take my life.

And he was also communicating in
secret with the enemy state Corinth.

He was conspiring with Egwas,
who was ex*cuted this morning.

Gelon, you trusted this man.

And because of that this
is what has happened.

Take a look at this:

A transcript of what this
man confessed to us.

Not true!
It's all a fabrication!

He has betrayed the trust
of you, his guardian.

Furthemore he turned traitor
against me, ruler of this land, and
tried to sell our country out.

If it were you, how would
you deal with him?

Y...y...you traitor!!

Please believe me! We were
only trying to build up a friendly
relationship with Corinth.


And just who are you?

We've picked up a
suspicious looking man.

Interrupting the King during his
official business will not be tolerated.

However, I was led to believe
that the investigation into matters of
treason was of the highest priority.


This man.

We apprehended him after
he snuck into the castle.

He claims that he
came to look around.

Would a traitor use a
little better lie than that?

It's the truth, your majesty.

No matter how many times I tell
them, they won't believe me.

- Your name?
- Melos.

And, is there any proof?

- Yes, there is.
- No, there isn't!

You will speak only
when spoken to.


Take a look at this, sir.

This yours?

That there, that's a
ceremonial sword.

I bought it at a blacksmith.

My younger sister's
gonna' get married.

He says it is for a ceremony.

Inspect the blade.

This is for a ceremony?


If this is really a ceremonial
blade, no matter how real it
looks, it is all for show.

You would not be
after my life with this.

Ah, no.

Melos, I'll ask you once more.

You are certain this is a
ceremonial sword, right?


I guess it was not
ceremonial after all, was it?

Melos, at sunset three
days from now...

You will be ex*cuted as a
traitor by way of crucifixion.

Quick, take him away!

Pl...please wait, your majesty!

I...I beg you!

Please let me return
home to my village...

so I can be at my sister's
wedding, at least until the
execution in three days.

I beg you, your majesty!

A three day grace!

Knowing about temporary
release, it seems you are not
as stupid as you look.

However, no prisoner released
temporarily has ever come back.

What possessions have you?

Ah, y...yes.

I have twenty sheep, no,
that's split with my sister.

I have ten sheep that I would
happily offer to your majesty.

Melos, that is too cheap
a price for your life.

Have you any friends
in Syracuse here?

A person who would
take your place for you.

Hmm, what a shame.


Let's hear his plea!

Your majesty!

What are you scheming now?

I shall put on a comedy.

A comedy?

Melos has the lead role.

Now I shall search
for his co-star.

What will become of this?

What happens when you trust
someone, that is the theme.

I call it "The Release of Melos."


If we find a stand-in, that is.

Melos, there may be someone
inside here who will trust you.

If someone does, you shall
ask him to be your stand-in.

This man here is Melos.

He has just now received
the death sentence.

If there is among you one who
will put your faith in this man...

and is willing to be his stand-in,
I just may release him.

This man says he will return
within three days without fail.

Is that right?

Ah, y...yes.

What say you?

Is there no one who will try
his luck with this man?

What kind of reward do we get?

A full pardon.

Listen up!

You guys are felons in
here for ten, twenty years.

For a full pardon,
it's a worth the risk.

But, your majesty,
we have nothing.

What do we put up?

Your life.

If you lose the gamble you shall
go up on the scaffold in his place.

What's wrong? All you have to
do is trust that he will return.

What say you?

Let me outta' here
for a sec, will ya'.

I wanna' get a closer
look at this guy.

What do you say?

You'll trust in me, won't you?

Why won't you trust me?

It ain't that I don't trust ya'.

I just asked myself
what I'd do if I was you.

And, what would you
do if you were him?

I wouldn't come back.

Well well, don't lose heart.

There is still this bunch who
want someone to believe in.

Say! Why not ask the
assemblymen there?

Trust me!
I'm begging you!

Just trust me!

I'm begging you!


I'm begging!


I'm worthless.

I can't get anyone to trust me.

Don't let it get to you.

These guys can't even
trust themselves.

What are you doing here?

Please allow me to speak.

If it please you, I
would like to accept the offer
and stand in for this man.


Here's a license.

When you come back you
can bring your cart in.



Why did Celine take my place?


Tell me, Celine.

I trust you.
That's why.

He trusts me.


Even though we've
met but only once?

What value is there in risking
your life for this man, whom you
have met but only once?

The question is not Melos' value.

It is whether or not I trust him.

I myself trust him.

Upon consideration, I accept
Celinuntius as a stand-in, and
temporarily release Melos.


You have three days
starting from tomorrow...

but you may depart
tonight if you wish.


But should you think
about coming back late--

Just by being a little late, your
foolish stand-in will be ex*cuted...

saving your life.

And if things go well everyone
may even sympathize with you.


Were you already planning to do just
that, even without me mentioning it?

That's a lie.

That's a lie!

Don't make me
out to be the fool!

I'm...I'm not a coward!

What is it?
Quiet the dog.

That's a lie!
That's a lie!!

What is it? What are you
so worked up about?

Hit the nail on the head, did I?


You don't have to wait
the whole three days.

I can make it back in two.

Just hold out for
two days for me.

That's okay. Use your three
days and live it up, okay?

I'll be able to stop
drinking for a little while.

No, two days, okay!

I'll definitely be back by sundown,
day after tomorrow, okay.

I promise!

[ First Day Of The Promise]

Early this morning, I held
a citizens' meeting...

and I informed them
of the release of Melos.

I expect it to be spread all over
Syracuse by this afternoon.

Good work.

You are awake?

On occasion, people are capable
of accomplishing even feats that are
completely unexpected.

You mean Melos?

Oh, I felt it move.

Melos will betray
him, without fail.

I can see his weakness.

But, take into consideration
the other possibility as well.

Worry not.
Melos will not--

Hey, it is moving.

--Melos will not be coming back.

The King will see you.

So, how do you feel?

I was afraid that a night
would pass and you would be
tortured with regret.

I have a request.

What say you?

If I could beseech your favor...

it has been a long while
since I sculpted, so I would
like to do it again.

Oh, is that so.

It may indeed prove
good for escaping the fear
of your impending death.

But there is one condition.


Even if your work is not complete
I cannot delay the execution.

Is this okay with you?

Does his majesty think I ask this
in order to prolong my life?

I certainly hope
that is not the case.

This is the order
for your execution.

Hopefully things can be settled
without having to use this.

I hear one must have a very
peaceful mind in order to sculpt.


My mind, it has never
been more at peace.

Very well, do as you will.


Big brother, you're going
so fast. What's up?

You were running all
night, weren't you?

What happened?

Your wedding will be tonight.

Don't be silly!

I hurried here, risking my life,
so you could get married!

- Are you serious?
- I'm serious.


Knock it off, Brother!

I said knock it off!

I finished all the shopping.

Now we have to
hurry and get ready.

But, Melos, I don't know
what he's gonna' say.



Why can't you marry her?

What's wrong with my sister!

Um, I never said
anything like that!

You're telling the truth, right!?

It's the truth!
I love her!


What're you doing, Brother?

Listen, he says he loves you.

Of course!
Don't jump to conclusions.

You alright?

Uh huh, I'm alright.

Claire, you're just totally--

Well you told me we were going
to have the wedding tonight!


It has to be this way!


You think you can buy him off with
a cheap piece of crap like this!?

Village Chief's busy.

What do you mean, dropping
in and demanding he perform
the wedding like this?

- He's a complete numskull.
- Yeah.

Hold on.

You left town with a bunch
of money, so I didn't think
you'd be back so soon.

Why do you rush your
sister's wedding?

Yes, Village Chief...

the truth is I have to leave
tomorrow morning before dawn.

Will it be a long trip?


Sounds like he
found himself a girl!

Who'd be weird
enough to fall for him?

Melos, you've been irresponsible
ever since you were a child.

No one in this
village trusts in you.

But, your lil' sister
Claire's a nice girl.

Let's let her save a little face.


I'll take this.

Village Chief!
Thank you so much!

Here you go.

It was the first time in several years
that Celinuntius picked up a chisel.

The sound of his chisel against
the stone echoed throughout...

the castle, and that was when
I was summoned by the King.

You called, your majesty?

Alexis, I would like you to
take a handful of men and...

the fastets horses you can
find; you are to trail Melos.


Your orders are to
watch over Melos.

All I...have to do is...
watch over him?

Just watch over him.

He will quit running, without fail.

I want to make sure he does.
Are we clear?

You must not let him
out of your sight.

Remember, anyone who helps or
hinders Melos along the way...

whoever it is, eliminate them.

So, Alexis, I will be
waiting for a report.

This is how I became involved
with this whole affair.

We join these two
here in matrimony...

accept the blessing of
the Goddess Artemis...

and upon this soil may they build
an everlasting new life together.

If there be anyone who claims
injustice in this marriage...

I say speak to the gods and let
this holy sword be the judge!

Now then, the sword please...

Come on, the sword!

- Melos!
- Y...yes!

In the name of Zeus, let
any who is against this marriage
have a taste of this sword!

- Somebody!
- Somebody!


May no one object!

They're all so liquored up,
let's just leave 'em be.


A weight has been lifted from
your shoulders too, has it not?

- You must be exhausted.
- Not at all.

Even more so for
you, Village Chief.

I'm used ta' it.

'Tis a village chief's duty.

Village Chief...


Have you ever wanted to
quit being the village chief?

Yes, I have.
Many times.

So what do you do
when you feel that way?

Can quit any time ya' want to.

I just remember that.

And then I feel better.

I can keep going a little longer.

Can quit any time you want to.

When you get to feeling that
way, just look in front of you...

and take it one step at a time.

One step at a time, huh.

You gotta be up early, do ya'?


Where you going?
What're you going to do?

And don't tell me it's
something stupid, either.

It's great being young.

You should head out
somewhere, maybe Syria or
Lebanon or something.

The future lies where
your body takes you.

Syria, Lebanon, I did
wanna go there for a while.

You should go.

The truth is, Village Chief, is
that this time I'm going somewhere
I can't come back from--

And what's wrong with that?
You're young.

The world is vast.

Even if you can't come back, there's
nothing wrong with that is there?

Alrighty, I think I'll be
heading home now.

[ Second Day Of The Promise ]

The King must not
get wind of this.

I know.

The King is trying his
best to proceed fairly, no
matter what the cost.

However, that in itself is
nothing more than a manifestation
of his unusually strong pride.

And so, when I think of what
would happen if things do not...

go the way he planned, it is a
very frightening thing indeed.

Please rest assured.

I, Gundals, under the three Graces,
goddesses of good fortune...

do hereby swear that Melos will
never return to this place again.

As a prisoner, I came to this
island, holding your young hand.

I shall sacrifice my life at
any time, on your orders.

Thank you.

Indeed, this affair
is full of worries.

Ya' finally come to, big fella?


Havin' a dream, were you?

You were crying out in
your sleep pretty bad there.

Where are we?

You were carried
pretty far downstream.


We looked all over
for you, Melos.

Where's this cart headed?

It's going where you're
supposed to be going.

Don't know if it's gonna' be
Heaven or Hell for you, though.

Please, don't run away!

Run away?

We want to help Celine, please!

I want you to come to
Syracuse with us on this cart!

Put that away, old man.

I left home to go to Syracuse anyway,
without you guys asking me to.

That's right; yes, that's right.

Sorry 'bout that, sonny.

You ever hear about the
guy who can't say no?

That be me.

If ya' wanna' quit, quit
running on your own two legs.

But, Celine, no way he can
save his life on his won.

I wonder why Celine
even took my place.

I think Celine, for a long
time, he's been waiting for
something to happen.

Like what?

I don't know.

But surely, something
happened in his past.

I know a thing or two about that.


Celine's father passed
away three years ago, right?

Yes, I remember that.

And he ain't worked
since then, has he?

No. It was around that time
that he stopped loving me.

When Celinuntius was three,
he came to this island, his mother
leading him by the hand.

Was cute like a little girl he
was, so they called him Celine.

Two years later, his mother
passed away, and the court's
head mason took him in.

And, well, that's
his old man he is.

So that's how it happened.
I had no idea.

Now his old man, he was the Master
to the Royal Family before Celine,
right, and a great sculptor he was.

He's even the one who
taught Celine how to sculpt.

Later Celine turns fifteen, right?

The general opinion was that
Celine was going to be chosen as the
next Master to the Royal Family.

It was right around that time
that the incident occurred.


Aiming for Celine, someone messed
with the supports at the quarry.

Celine was dangerously close to
getting crushed under the rocks.

I'm sure Celine was
att*cked by someone.

Yeah, there were lots
of people jealous of Celine's
natural gift, you know.

Luckily, Celine escaped with
only injuries to his legs.

I heard Celine was so terrified
about having been targeted...

that he wept everyday, and
stopped eating altogether.

Poor Celine.

And so, did they ever
catch the guy that did it?

They investigated but they
never found the culprit.

And his old man passed
away three years ago?

But didn't that whole incident
happen ten years ago?

They're a little too far apart.

Yes, that's definitely one
of the holes in this theory.

But, I think they are
related somehow.

Where are we now?

Why are we just
crawling along like this?

You expect me to just
race through here?

Don't worry, we'll be there alright by
tomorrow if we keep going all night.

By tomorrow?
That's no good!

What's wrong?

Just how long was
I unconscious?

Ma...ma...maybe half a day!

Outta' the way!

Don't overdo it!

Just what in the
world is going on?

Today! I promised I'd be
there by sundown today!

The promise was
three days, right?

You still have another day left!

Give up!
It's no use!

I am Alexis.

I have come to watch
over Melos' actions under the
name of King Dionysius.

And who the hell are you!

I'm Melos!

We're in a hurry!

Don't get in the way!

I won't get in the way.

You are free to go.

So move already!

I cannot do that!

You are free to go, but I cannot
permit them to help you.

Who says so?!

Orders from the King!

We're going!

After 'em!



What are you doing?!

If you want a horse
you get it yourself.

You're on your own now!

Those people were
my allies, man.

Allies? They were about
to send you to the scaffold.

If you want to get there so bad,
then run on your own two feet!

Dammit, dammit, dammit!

He's been like that
the whole time.

He'll give up sooner or later.

Don't take your eyes off him.

Yes, sir.

Ever since the sun began to set, the
sound of his carving has died out.

Poor thing. This means that
his enthusiasm has cooled...

and that he will soon be
stricken with thoughts of regret.

But, one day still remains.

Things will be the
same tomorrow, too.

Trusting someone, it has a nice
ring to it, but it requires relying on
someone other than yourself.

And that is weakness.

Here's a light.

It does not seem likely
that he will move tonight.

Even if he moves it
won't be 'til morning.

Do you think he'll go
back to his village?

After losing his horse
that's about all he can do.

We'll report the
situation to the King.

I want you to go tonight.

Yes sir!

Celine, what should I do?

I trust you.

That should be enough.

You can decide on your
own whether you live or die.

If you want to run away you can
always find plenty of excuses.

If you want to die that bad
you'll run on your own two feet.

You can quit anytime.

Remembering that
makes it easier.

Please, save Celine!

You can decide on your own.

I trust you.

You can quit anytime.


You'll run on your own two feet!

It seems he couldn't
keep his promise today.

There is still one day left.

Melos will never come back.

How do you know!

Please settle down.

Melos will help you nevertheless.

Please do as I say.

Tomorrow, in front of the people
of the city, you will admit that...

trusting Melos was a mistake,
and beg the King for your life.

I will handle the rest.

What do you think?

Is that the King's idea?

No, it is mine.

Why are you--


Because I love the King.

I will do anything I can, if it
will benefit the King's honor.

[ Third Day, the Day of Fate ]


- What's wrong?
- Melos is gone!


He doesn't appear to have
returned to the village!

Where'd he disappear to?

No, it can't be!

Oh, I did no think you would
come here this morning.

Oh, do not get up;
please continue.

It is a shameful thing seeing as how
your spirits are so up this morning...

but I have learned the reason
Melos did not make it last night.

A report came in
early this morning.

It appears Melos
has quit running.

Did he turn back?

It seems he sat crouching
at the bottom of a cliff, not
moving even an inch.

Well, he may be nearly back to
his village by now, you know.

Even I was able to lift my
spirits after a night's rest.

After Melos gets a little rest,
he'll start running again.

What did you say?!

- Are you sure?
- Yes, sir.

Melos is running.

He is past the mountains
and is taking a shortcut.

You had better
watch your tongue!

There are not even trails for
deer to run on those mountains!

But, your majesty, he is
running on his own two feet.

What did you say?!

It's not possible to
push on any further.

To me, Melos was like the
hero Achilles, wandering on
the verge, ready for death.

"If I'm going to die, I want to die
one step closer to Syracuse."

He seemed to be yelling
that over and over.

You simpleton!

Do not go and do things
without consulting me first!

Why on earth did you
do something like that!

I just thought that having him beg
for his life would bring more honor to
you than executing him would.

But he refused, did he not?

Celinuntius is prepared to die.

So you refused?

You don't approve?

That's not it.

There are things more
serious than death for people.

You know what
I'm talking about?

Betraying another person.

- Celine, sir.
- Yes?

Is Melos an important person?

- You mean is he a friend?
- Yes.

He is laying down his life
in order to keep a promise.

He is more than a friend.


Hold 'im!

We been looking all
over for ya', sonny.

Let me through!
I'm in a hurry.

What do you want from me?

All I got is my life.

Well, we'll just have
to take that then.


That's fine. But you don't
have to k*ll me here 'cause I'll be
dead in a little while anyway.

We can't have you go and die on us;
that's why we're gonna' k*ll you.

- Huh?
- Get 'im!

This is the end of the line for you.

In the name of the King, any man
who stands in the way of Melos'
intentions shall deal with me!

We'll teach you a lesson!

Hold it!
What's this all about?

Why must we fight?

I hear the King's real intention
is to have Melos done away with.

No matter who you are,
no one is allowed to interfere
with the King's orders.

Nothing, whether it be
helping or hindering Melos--

That's a facade.

The King's real intentions are--


Regardless of his real intentions,
it is the duty of the subject carry
out the King's orders as he states.

You stubborn Phoenician dog!

Leave this place! This isn't worth
throwing your life away over.

Can you move?

I guess--

It pains me to say this, but
I am not able to help you.

I know.
Just leave me be.

I'm sorry.

I knew you had it in you.

It seems as if the skills of
this Master to the Royal Family
are not slipping after all.

Your choice of subject
matter is nice as well.

So, what do you call it?



You mean "trust?"

That is a pretty vague word.

Even if it is vague...

it's the thing I need
the most right now.

I see.
That is fine I suppose.

You will be climbing the
scaffold in a few hours.

Before that, I have to
ask you something.

I put you in the highest
possible position, Master to the
Royal Family, as a stone mason.

Butm three years ago, you
told me you wanted to step
down from that position.

Since then, you have stopped
your stone carving, and you spend
every day heavy in drink.

- Is that correct?
- Yes.

Do you know what is going on?

Without even begging for your
life, you are about to die in the place
of a dull-witted shepherd.

Just what reason can
you have for doing this?

What are you thinking?

Where has Celinuntius
disappeared to, the one who...

was reputed to be a genius
ever since he was a child?


You see-

I wish I had died as a
child, back at that quarry.

What? Are you still holding
on to that incident?

Your majesty knows not.

Will you try telling me?

Three years ago...as my father
was taking his last few breaths...

he called to me, and as tears ran
down his cheeks, he confessed.

He said, "It was I that
dropped the stones that day."


But why?

Why you, his own son?

To him, sculpting
was his whole life.

No matter what he just
couldn't bear to lose...

the Master to the
Royal Family position.

Despite that, I took over
the position of master.

I thought he would
be happy for me.

Why, why didn't I ever notice it?

Celine, you were
just 15 at the time.

And besides, I would expect a
parent to naturally be happy to hand
over one's position to a grown son.

- I also think this to be true and--
- Father...

why didn't you at least
say something to me?

You, too!

And just what do you think I did?

Don't you know?

You didn't have to make
him do anything like that.

Maybe if you had at least
talked it over with me--

What could you have done? Eh?

You, a fifteen year old, what do
you think you could have done?

I would have quit sculpting!

How idiotic! Carving stone, that
was what you lived for, was it not?

No, I carved stone the
best I could because I wanted
to be loved by my father.

If I had known that would hurt
him, I wish I never would have even
learned it to begin with!

Never at any time did I
want the position of Master
to the Royal Family!

Quit your whining!

You should never have believed in
the love of a parent in the first place.

That is how I got
where I am today.

Is that so?

Yes, it is.

Even you, your majesty, you
were no different from us when you
were born unto this world.

This child, he trusts his
mother completely...

without knowing any disbelief.

This young mother, even
this mother full of pride...

she doesn not, even in the
least little bit, have doubts that she
will ever lose the trust of her child.

See, this child, it's you.

And, it's me, and Melos.

I was thinking, that just like
this child, I wanted to regain that
innocent trust one more time.

That day, Melos wanted
someone to trust in him.

Then, I was there.

Why do you wish to die so?

You know--


There's someone out
there who trusts me.

Don't you get it?
Someone trusts me, ME!

We ain't gonna' k*ll ya'.

We just gonna' have you
take a nice little nap.

How awful.

What're...you crying about?

Maybe, I was just really touched.

I'm so glad!

Alrighty, we don't got no time.

Can he ride a horse?

That's totally impossible.

So you wanna' give up?


- Huh?
- Get me up.

I'm fine.

Galipas, I have a favor to ask.


I want you to tie me to
the back of the horse.


I'm not on the scaffold yet.

Don't take it the wrong way.

If you didn't have to go, I could
be kind to you even more.

You are very kind, Lysa.

Melos, you're really going, right?

Even if I lose consciousness
along the way I won't fall off.

So get it nice and tight.

I get it Melos!
It's alright now!

Lysa, I told you already.

I'm not going because
you asked me to.

So just quit!

I want to run.

When I sit still, I just
think about dying!

And that's scary to me!

I know, Melos!

I don't want you to die either!

There's no escaping it, Lysa.

We mustn't betray Celine now!

After this, no one
ever saw Lysa again.

No matter which one of them
was to survive, in her...

position, Lysa couldn't
stand to see either one again.

Has there been any report
from Alexis thereafter?

No, nothing.

Even if Melos is behind
and tries to catch up, I think it
best to make sure there...

is nothing that could
arouse sympathy for him among
the people of the city.

That will not be necessary.

Hold on!
Let us hear what you have to say.

Yes. As for that, I think it would be
best if we don't delay the execution,
beginning exactly at sunset.

Alright, make it so.

Another victory for you, isn't it.

A king must be ever victorious.

If he loses, he is no longer king.

Melos, Melos sir!


Melos, sir, please wait!

Please, sir, please stop running!

I have a message
for you from Celine.

He says that you won't make it in
time, so you should just stop running
and take good care of your own life.

- Hold on. He said stop running, right?
- Yes.

- You're absolutely sure?
- Yes.

So that means he
believes I'm still running.

You tryin' to get k*lled?

No one but soldiers get
past here on horseback!

I have a license!

That's for a horse cart.

Only soldiers get in on
horseback, country boy!

What are you going to do?!

You're Melos, aren't you?!

You're too late!
The sun's gonna' go down!

Trusting others is without a
doubt something beatiful.

But I want you to really
think about something.

Trusting an enemy can lead
to the downfall of a country.

Celinuntius, before you here,
trusted a man named Melos.

This Melos, if he was telling the
truth, should...now...be here--

Forgive me.
I didn't make it on time.

That is right.

I'll see you on the other side!

I made it!

I made it!!

Look at the temple!

The sun hasn't gone down yet!

He's right!
That temple is part of the city!

Melos made it after all!

The sun hasn't gone down yet!

Stop the execution!

Let Celinuntius go!
Release him!

Melos made it on time!

Release Celine!

Let him go!! Let him go!!


By the power vested in me, I do
hereby release Celinuntius!

- Melos.
- Celine.

Citizens! People of our
beloved city Syracuze!

Let's give Melos up there the same
show of friendship you all gave me!

I demand the King
release Melos!

What do you say, people?!

Let him go!! Let him go!!

It just so happens that
we are in agreement.

In the name of the people of
Syracuse, by the power vested in
me, I do hereby release Melos!

Your wish has been fulfilled!
To you I--

In other words, truth is
truly not an empty delusion.

As your king...

As your king...

[i]Later, the citizens of Syracuse formed a
people's army, and ousted Dionysius II from
the throne. -- The year was 358 B.C.

Everyone takes this road,
whether they're going to Syracuse,
or passing through to Messina...

so I bet one of these
days...Lysa will...

notice it, maybe?

Of course she'll notice it.

So, you're going
home, no matter what.

Yeah, I'm worried about my
little sister and everything.

Alright, why don't
I give you a ride.

That's okay.

If you like, I could take
you as far as Itake Village.

Nah, I'd rather walk.

This time without
worrying about the time.

- Later.
- Yeah. You take care.

Your majesty,
sometimes I wonder...

if it's possible to be born
again, in the far off future.

I would definitely like to see how
this story, of you, and of Melos and
Celine, is being handed down.

That's...what I wonder about.

[i]I like you just the way you are...

[i]so don't ever change a thing.

Always looking off in the distance...

I love your big heart.

You're not the only one who's weak.

Those tears, I'll wipe them away.

Don't be so hard on yourself...

no one will persecute you.

The dreams we chase...

we entrust them to the never-ending waves in the flow of time...

till we can't see anything anymore.

We're the only ones, left behind.

Living the same moments...

feeling the same things...

hiding our breath in feelings of unease.

I'm here and I'll always be here...

for you to run into my open arms.

The dreams we chase, we entrust them to the never-ending waves in the flow of time...

till we can't see anything anymore.

We're the only ones, left behind.

Be still my heart, and the
wind that blows past...

for when time finally goes,
it won't leave you alone.

Don't let go of that hand...

don't let go of that hand now.

I like you just the way you are...

so don't ever change a thing.

Always looking far away...

I love your big heart.

Never forget that you are inside me.

Someone's always watching.

You and me, we keep on running.
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