Arcadia of My Youth (1982)

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Arcadia of My Youth (1982)

Post by bunniefuu »

A tokyu agency 20th anniversary production

a tokyu agency, ltd. - Toei company, ltd. Presentation in association with toei doga,
ltd. Released through toei company, ltd. Assistance provided by tokyu recreation, ltd.

At the end of the journey, all men
think that their youth was arcadia...

My name is phantom f. Harlock.

At that time...

I was flying from Port Moresby amidst rolling
thunder, traversing into new Guinea.

Heading for rabaul
on new britain island.

As an aerial explorer, conquering
the sky throughout the world...

Was the dream upon
which I staked my life.

It was the Owen Stanley mountains
that stood in my way.

Its highest peak, 5030 meters...

The mountain that has come to be
feared by men as the Stanley witch.

My name is phantom f. Harlock.

And this plane is flesh of
my flesh, sharing my blood...

The friend that shares my fate.
"Arcadia of my youth."

When this plane,
with whom I shared my youth...

With whom I rode the skies,
has ceased to fly...

My life will also end.

The fuselage was heavy that day,
with a full load of fuel.

Unable to gain altitude,
arcadia's engine gasped terribly.

The sound of the cylinders,
seemingly out of breath...

Resembled the irregular
beat of my aged heart.

Arcadia and I flew
as best we could...

Seeking a ravine we
could slip through.

But the Owen Stanley mountains
looked down on arcadia and I coldly...

Without stirring in the slightest.

Flying through the sky, arcadia and I were
beaten in battle but once in our lives.

I had given up, swallowing my regret,
when I chanced to look back.

The mountain...
The mountain was laughing.

Believing that with arcadia...

I was in a world where there
was no such word as defeat,

I kept flying.

I kept ten minutes'
worth of gasoline,

and jettisoned the
rest into the air.

The fuselage thus lightened, I staked
everything on those ten minutes.

My name is phantom f. Harlock.

My plane, with whom I shared joys and
sorrows, is "arcadia of my youth.”

I kept flying, believing in myself.

I have no regrets about my life.

Dreams do not vanish, so long as
people do not abandon them.

Arcadia of my youth

Executive production head
chiaki imada

planning, original stories & organization
leiji matsumoto


planning assistance michiaki
oka tadashi matsushima

screenplay yooichi onaka

No. 3 space shock Cannon breakdown.

Damage near starboard engine room.

Ship's thrust: 80%.

Enemy ship approaching.
Prepare for class three combat.

Animation director
kazuo komatsubara

art director iwamitsu itoo assistant
art director kazuo ebisawa


director of photography
masaki machida recording

Special appearance by
yuujiro ishihara

directed by tomoharu katsumata

the dream has ended. Earth is now
the only place for earthmen to live.

This is our defeat.
Is it all over...?

This is the lllumidus
occupation force.

Follow this station's instructions,
and land at base no. 446.

If you resist, we will
destroy your ship at once!

Touchdown in 6 minutes, 55 seconds.

Maintain present course. Hoist a surrender
flag. Resistance will not be tolerated.

This is frequency 6050... using
variable micro-current cycles...

The sun which set yesterday
will rise again this morning...

And we believe that sun
will rise again tomorrow...

That voice...

We believe in our future.

Hear me, those who try to live...
Who can live, on earth...


Though the ground was burnt...

Everything turned into ashes...
We will revive again.

The sky is blue, the crashing waves
unchanged from long ago...

This is our planet... earth...

T-this is a terran
underground broadcast!

The dream is in the hearts of people...

So long as people do not abandon it... yes,
it is. From somewhere on occupied earth,

for the sake of tomorrow,
keep a song in your heart...

Let us stop our crying, and
stand firmly on the ground...

For the sake of our future.

Though the night continues on,
the sun will not die.

At the end of the darkness,
it keeps on burning.

Lift up your faces, friends.
And look up at the dawn.

Friends who still do not see,
tomorrow will surely come.

Within the frozen ground, in secret,
the flower's life continues on.

Friends, do not lose
the seed of hope.

Friends whose names I do not even
know, tomorrow will surely come.

Rotten bastard! It's that kind
of skill that got us beaten!

To hell with the
sol system federation!

I'm sick of hearing about
"our invincible fleet!"

Oh... ow! Ow! Ouch!
Oh, how terrible!

Captain... harlock, isn't it?

Disarmament is being carried out here.
Hand over your g*n.

That was a violent
landing you made.

Unavoidable, given the
condition of the runway.

But in addition, you were intent on
rendering your ship inoperable.

That's right.

Present yourself at g.H.Q.
And make your report.

With that, your duties will have
been completely discharged.

Have we met somewhere before?

At the battle of castlemagne
star cluster sector...

Your ship blew a
big hole in mine.

I see. Victory must feel good.

It was a long fight, after all.
Many times, I too thought I was dead...

You people were tough.
Especially your ship.

Thank you.

By the way, what's your name?

Zoll, from tokarga.

Tokarga? You're a tokargan?

The people who fought
lllumidus way back and lost?

That's right.

You're to present
yourself at 10 o'clock.

Hold it!

Didn't you hear me? I thought I told
you to present yourself at g.H.Q.!

There's someplace I have to go.

To your family?

My parents are gone.

You're to present
yourself at 10 o'clock.

I'll come back.
Can't you trust my word?

There isn't much law and order.
Watch yourself.

If you die and don't come back,
it'll be my fault.

This is the voice of free arcadia.
The sun sets, and rises again.

The future does not come to
those who don't believe in it.

All who believe have long endured,
and will someday meet up with you.

Someday, we will combine our strength,
and live in the future with you.

Don't let the fire go out, no matter
how small a flame it may be.

Believe in our tomorrow.

This way!

He received the badge of combat heroism,
so he could be quite useful to us.

Yes, sir.

It would seem you took this earthman
for a better man than he was, zoll.

I have come.

What do you want of me?

This is his excellency zeda, supreme commander
of the lllumidus earth occupation forces.

I'm harlock.

Captain of the deathshadow.
I have nothing else to say.

Don't wise off, you whipped cur!

Let him go, harlock.

If you had time to read books, you should
have been devising a means of victory.

You can't defeat us with books.

Since we occupied earth, we've collected
data on a great number of earthmen.

According to computer analysis, earthmen
adapt quickly to new circumstances.

In other words, up until yesterday,
they hated us as the enemy,

and today they follow us,
wagging their tails!

Earthmen are not
such cowards as that!

Prime minister triter, of the lllumidus
occupation corps collaboration cabinet.

Ah, good evening.

Prime minister triter, it would seem
you have once again arrested a Rose.

Well, next time for sure, I'll arrest
her and execute her at once.

My instructions are that you identify
the source of the voice of free arcadia.

Once we know even that,
we can put it to good use.

Why, this man is...

The man who captained the
refugee evacuation ship.

Ha... harlock!
This man is dangerous!

Well, if you'll excuse me,
I will start a search at once.

What an unprincipled man!

Anyway, harlock...

The supreme commander knows your reputation,
and would be willing to give you work.

Not a chance.

I see. You're stubborn.

Very well!

When you receive your food
coupon, disappear!

There's nothing more for you to do!
You'll never fly again! Got that?

La mime, give him the coupon.

One moment please.

Your food coupon. Don't lose
your temper. Eat while you can.

Right now, earth's provisions
are nearly exhausted.

If you don't eat,
you'll starve to death.

Ee ee ee £55 == ee eee
ee eames meee ee a eee

leave him alone.

In some star sector, he might have
managed to scratch our ships.

A scratch, huh?
You may be right!

It's hard on you too, huh.
I know how you feel inside.

Yeah... all we can do right
now is shut up and eat.

After all, we've been beaten, but that
does not mean we've been destroyed.

Bottle: "Handsome brand sake"

don't die.

And here I was feeling
sympathy for you.

You filthy yellow rat! Eat that and
go back to the sewers to sleep!

Take it, if you can!

What's wrong? Can't you take it?

What's wrong?



Son of a bitch!

k*ll him!

Come back here!


It's all gone to hell!
Everybody die!

Die, damn youl!

Huh? What do you think
you're doing, pervert?!


That was fun! My name's tochiro.
I'm getting out of here now!

Me, too!

Oh, what a waste!

Why do you act like a beggar?

It's what you call a
one-man revolt.


Yeah, that's right!

How can this be a revolt, when
you don't have weapons... or anything?

If there were weapons
to be had, would you rebel too?

There aren't any, anywhere.

In any world there are
loopholes, you know.


Pretty old, but...

But how?

Beats having nothing!

Someone's coming!

The device we have placed you in is for
simultaneous two-person analysis

of the memory regions of
the genes in your cells.

It can analyze roughly 3000
years' worth of memory in a minute.

So what?

Is this some kinda t*rture?

Listen to me. You two have
some genes in common.

Notice how the lines
intermingle from time to time?

Those portions that throw
off sparks are the ones.

What is this leading up to?

Your memories...

In fact, your genes, going back
to your distant ancestors,

both have parts that are
absolutely identical.

You and...?


I've been acquiring data from long
ago concerning your genes.

Strange data, at that.

You both have some identical memories
based on a common experience.

I'm going to play back
those memories.

Follow me! We'll land on
the autobahn for refueling.

Damn! It's wrecked!

What're you doing? Hey!
Get out of there before it explodes!

I've at least got to get this
loose and take it with me.

A revi c/12d...!

This is my eye.

Whether in the battle of britain or in the
African campaign, it's always been my eye.

Huh?! What're you doing?

Got it!

It's a shame that your
plane ended up like that.

Yeah. To think that I, of all people,
would make such a blunder...

The metal in the landing gear was bad,
and it broke. It's not your fault.

Are you Japanese?

Yeah. I'm here with the
technical exchange.

I'm an optical machinery designer.
Name's ooyama toshiro.

I'm phantom f. Harlock il.

Harlock? Then you're the harlock
who wrote this book? Huh?

That book was
written by my father.

I see. "Arcadia of my youth."
Only men can appreciate these feelings.

Something like that.

But why're you flying around
in an iron cross plane?

It's what you might call "paying rent."
By the way, tochiro...

Are your family samurai?

My old man's a farmer.

That's the world's
first manned rocket.

Looks like it ran out of fuel, too.

It's ragnarok, all right.

But my battle still isn't over.

We put the last of the
fuel into a new plane.

There aren't any more
planes in reserve.


Oh, what a waste!

It's because this country does
things like this that it won't endure.

Did you need that for something?

Yeah. My work is the
development of a new sight.

I had one that I was carrying with great care, but
thanks to your outrageous landing I wrecked it.

Sorry about that.

How could they even
start such a damned w*r?

We both feel that
it's pointless, huh?

Uh-huh. If I were
going to do something,

I'd rather it be work
with a brighter future.

Like going to the moon, maybe.

I believe that someday, the time
will come when we fly there, too.

What's wrong? Get going!

There's no place for
me to go, anymore.

Go to diesbaden! From there,
you can escape to Switzerland.

A powerful allied t*nk corps is coming
from the other side of diesbaden.

There's nowhere I can go now.

I at least wanted to go to Switzerland
and continue my research, but...

It's cramped, but bear with it.

Sure. My house was cramped, too.

There's no bulletproof
plating in there.

If you get shot,
don't hold it against me.

Oh, I won't.

Watch out! They're above us!

Tochiro! You all right?

Yeah. Thanks to that, I can
see outside very nicely now.

He's coming in from the side!
The side! Starboard!

Ok! I've got him!

My eye...

There isn't a single plane that's escaped
once it's trapped within my revi c/12d.

Hm? That's strange. Tochiro!
Is the elevator wire coming loose?

It's fine!

I see... it's got a strange feeling to it.
One I've never experienced before.

Ok! All fighters, regroup!

I'm the only one left...

Revi c/12d... my eye.
Say something... it's just us now.

I see. You don't
want to say anything.


Ten minutes more.

Tochiro, you want to
go back to Japan?

What about you, harlock?


The place I need to
return to is arcadia.

My home, whose forests and lakes
are likened to that ancient Greek paradise.


The place where my youth will
forever run through green fields.

The homeland of the germanic
pirate-knight harlock clan.

At the end of the journey, all my
kinsmen think of their homeland.

We hear the voice of arcadia's
pirate-knight spirit calling...

Switzerland is close at hand!

Only 500 meters!

Tochiro! Neutral Switzerland is
on the other side of the river!

Get out and run!

What's wrong, tochiro?
Don't just sit there!

What're you doing?

Tochiro... you...

You held the severed wire
together with your body...

That's why the response
got so soft!

I'm sorry, tochiro.
I didn't realize!

It's not like I'm dead.
My hand's torn up, that's all.

Hey! There it is!
Head over there!

S-someone's coming!

French resistance who've
entered German territory.

Don't worry. I'll get you away
from them, no matter what!

Tochiro, take this and go home!


My revi c/12d.
I'm giving it to you.

B-but, that's your...

To a true man,
in whom I can believe...

To a true friend, I'd give even
my eyes. Even my heart.



So long!

W-what are you going to do?

I can't run into a sanctuary.

The pirate's way of life is to take
responsibility for his actions.

Tochiro, don't abandon your dreams.
Live, no matter what!


I'm glad to have met you at
the end of this stupid w*r.

I wish we'd met
in different times!

Axis bastard! Go to hell!
Die, damn youl!


Don't die!

Don't die!

Harlock! So long as the blood of
my descendants continues to flow,

our friendship will
not be forgotten!

It won't be forgotten!

More than 1000 years ago,
your ancestor and mine...

Why the hell did zoll give us
back these books, though?

Harlock! Congratulations!

I was worried that you were
suspected of revolting,

but it seems my fears
were groundless.

According to zoll's report,
your data analysis was perfectly clean,

and there are no problems.

Leave us a moment. I have something
important to discuss with harlock.

Harlock, we must once again
have you pledge loyalty to earth.

I've always fought with conviction.

But only when I believed
the earth was worth fighting for.

Very well. Now then...

We have decided to dispatch
a volunteer corps to tokarga.

To tokarga?!

We want to give you the duty
of transporting the troops.

A volunteer corps
for what purpose?

For what purpose must
earthmen go to tokarga?

You pledged total
loyalty to earth, right?

That's fine. So did I.

Now you must k*ll either
your mother or a stray dog.

You're saying earth is the mother,
and tokarga the stray dog?

Yes. Tokarga has served its purpose,
as far as lllumidus is concerned.

Annihilate tokarga?!
Liquidate it?!

Just who decides whether
that planet is useless?

To whom is it useless?

All that lives has worth.

And yet, you tell earthmen to take on
the duty of destroying tokarga?!

Earthmen, by their own hands?!
You truly are scum!

Shut up!

If we cooperate with lllumidus
and send a volunteer corps to tokarga,

earth's safety will
be assured forever!

You called me scum,

but would I not be scum if I let earth
be destroyed to save another planet?

I am emeraldas, a free space trader.
I'm a legitimately licensed trader.

A free space trader, neither enemy
of nor ally to anyone. Who are you?

Tochiro... ooyama
toshiro, to be precise.

What do you want?

I'm looking for a friend.

But you know,
these are unusual burns.

I failed to cross the
prominence of the streams of fire.

It's the place that's called
the Stanley witch of space.

A terrifying place where, in addition
to tremendous thermal energy...

Supergravity, which attracts living
energy to itself, is also at work.


What is it, la mime?
It's dangerous to come here!

I know. But...

But what?

I overheard a top-secret coded
order to the supreme commander.


What about tokarga?


However great the suffering...

Think of it as a harbinger, for making
tomorrow's meeting even more beautiful.

And please do not lose
to despair"s seduction.

Do not forget the freshness
of the dawn, or the wind.

Please remember that day
when we ran hand-in-hand...

Through that green field,
overflowing with love...


Maya! Watch out! Take cover!







No! Don't come any closer!

I'm glad you came even this far!
Now run! Quickly!

Are you telling me to run away...
And abandon you?

No! You must stay away!

Dying will accomplish nothing!

If we live, we can
meet again someday.

The day will surely come when
we see the sun and smile.


Stay back!

Stay away, harlock...

Stay away...!



Harlock! Long time no see.

Has a man called
tochiro been here?

Oh, you finally showed up, huh?

Where've you been
hiding all this time?

I was repairing your ship.

I'm missing one part,
so it's not completely fixed.

But there'll be no trouble
in ordinary flight.

You say you fixed that ship?

You don't believe me?

It's not that... so it can fly?

Sure it can.

Hey! What're you
doing over there?

- Harlock!
- Harlock!

Oh! Harlock! Hang on...!

This is the voice of free arcadia.

If you burn yourself out,
only ashes will remain.

A fire of living hope
will never go out.

Someday it will spread from
person to person like wildfire,

and they may create a new
future with their hands.

In order to protect that fire,

no one will laugh, even if tomorrow
you journey far away.

People will believe that
you will surely return.

Did she get caught?

I can envision her...

The kind of person who, within
the depths of a gentle body,

which seems like it might shatter
if touched, holds fiery magma.

That broadcast just now was a
personal message to someone.

She sent it, aware of the danger.


Let... let me steal your ship.

What're you saying?!

I'm going to escape from earth.

No, you're not!

How rotten are you,
you bastard?!

Do you like being a lowly
lllumidus dog that much?

Stop it, harlock!

Zoll didn't come
here to arrest you.

Zoll has come to
steal the emeraldas.

They're all trying to
return to tokarga.

La mime, stop it. It's not
something to tell them about.

My planet was wiped out by lllumidus
and returned to its primal state.

That moment of sadness as I watched
it vanish from aboard the refugee ship

is something I haven't
forgotten, even for a single day.

Zoll and his men are now
having those same feelings.

If zoll and his men escape,
tokarga will, of course, suffer reprisal.

Even so, they can't sit by and watch
their homeworld's demise in silence.

If they are to be destroyed,

they want to be destroyed with
their own people, on tokarga.

They came to steal this
ship as an escape ship.

It's a fate that will
someday visit earth, too.

Here and now, let zoll and his
men go, without interference.

Those were
heartless things I said.

Forgive me.

All forces have assumed
emergency stations, sir.


So far, I've overlooked the broadcasts, thinking it
would actually increase their will to work, but...

Yes, today's messages can only be considered
an incitement to revolt or escape.

And la mime, overhearing the
tokarga annihilation operation...

I see. Don't worry.
They can't go anywhere.

They're cockroaches
crawling over the ground.

If tochiro hadn't repaired this ship,
I would have had to discard it.

Use it!

Hold on!

By using this ship, no matter the excuse, emeraldas
will lose her free space trader's qualification.

Furthermore, as
soon as zoll takes off,

tokarga will be att*cked.
They won't wait until tomorrow.

Let's go in a different ship.

Harlock, let's go to
tokarga in zoll's place.

I've been waiting...
Waiting for so long...

Acting as if I was a beggar...
I've been waiting...!

For the day when I...
I would fly my spaceship!

"My spaceship"?

I've been searching for a captain
worthy of entrusting my ship to.

Where... where is
there such a ship?

It's there! It's there!

Why, you! You!

Zoll, how about it?
Let's use his ship and their strength.

No. This is tokarga's problem.
Let us borrow your ship.

I can't do that.

The ship... is me. It's me, myself.
Without me, it won't budge.

Zoll, I'll go in your place.

So ask harlock and
tochiro to go to tokarga.

In return, you pretend loyalty to
lllumidus, and protect the earthmen.

Illumidus is far too
powerful an enemy.

The only option is to consume
it like bacteria from within,

through imperceptible means! So please...

I become a bacteria on earth?


We become bacteria on tokarga.

Zoll, I'll board their ship as a
tokargan representative. So, you...

I've been a dog. A dog begging
for the lives of my people.

A dog fighting in
service to lllumidus!

Those who remained behind are clenching their
teeth, believing in the day of revival.

They're holding their
breath under lllumidus,

believing that someday we'll
come back to save them.

When I close my eyes, I can see my little
brother and sister, still very small...

Praying for the
day when I return.

Their clenched teeth,
their prayers that I come back alive...

Go to tokarga, I beg you!

Thank you. You're the only man to
shed tears, hearing what I had to say.

Thank you.

Now, for tokarga's future!

For zoll of tokarga, a true hero,

and for harlock, tochiro, and
la mime's burning hearts!


It's a tokargan prayer word used when
toasting with truly trusted friends.

It means, there will be happiness on
the paths of we blood comrades.





Take this to harlock.

Please, hurry!

Interesting. Let's see
how far they take this.

This is something that miss Maya
kept sewing with her own hands,

thinking of the fire
burning in your heart.

Harlock, hurry!

We will protect miss Maya.

We'll be all right.
Please go with peace of mind.


This way!

Maya! It's dangerous!
Please don't go!

I haven't got long to live now.

So let me see
harlock's ship on its way.

What's this?

The ship with which I fulfilled the
dream of my long-ago ancestor.

Name: Arcadia!


There can be no name, save arcadia,
for the ship in which we travel.


This is our ship!

Arcadia... our ship!

You... built this?

That's right, using the legacy of
historic technology that I inherited.

This ship that I've built
is my alter-ego!


This is the ship that will achieve
your dreams and mine!

Harlock, what's that?

I didn't know...
Do you want to go to Maya?

If I go now, Maya will be angry.
She's that kind of person.


With this flag flying...

With this flag flying...

I will go!

The earthmen rebel units
are being put down, sir.

But we've found no sign
of harlock's group.

He's a trapped rat, in any case.

Hmh? What's that?

Catapult ascent angle:

Retract all circuit shields!
Armament system power circuit safety: Off!

Cylinder interior oscillation
rate: 360,000,000 hertz.

All normal!

Release thrust conduction
conduit shutdown valve.

Begin generating artificial gravity.
Switch on power to r*fle radar!

Open throttle from slow
speed ahead up to full.

Arcadia... lift off!

W-what is that?!

Stop your ship!
Stop your ship at once!

That's the lllumidus occupation
force special frequency!

E... emeraldas!


If you do not return to
earth and surrender,

by 6 am earthtime tomorrow,
they will be publicly ex*cuted!


In order to prevent another
such revolt from happening,

this execution will be carried out
at dawn, by firing squad!


Let's go back to earth.
We can't sacrifice them.

This execution will only stir up
resistance in the earthmen.

"The ship didn't return.”
"they abandoned them."

Simply announcing that
would be sufficient.

Just the opposite, sir.

If we don't give them an object lesson,
then they'll just get insolent.

If we halt the execution,

I'm not confident we'll be able
to continue subjugating the earthmen!

Earthmen executing earthmen!

Shit! Are you lllumidus dogs?!

The bastards mean to go
through with the execution!

In the end, those
bastards didn't come back!

You've been abandoned.

This execution is being sent to them,
up in space, from start to finish.

How about it?

Why not make a last plea to them:
"Please come back?"

Neither she nor I would say those words,
even if our mouths were torn open.

Nor will harlock
and the others return.

After all, they are cowards who
only care about their own lives!

You people know
nothing of real heroes.

You know nothing of the true frightfulness
of the men of earth, you pathetic aliens.


Firing squad, ready!





sh**t! sh**t! sh**t!


- Why, you!
- Why, you!

Get 'em!

Payment for this will come due.

It's an earthman-tokargan uprising!
And zoll... zoll's at the forefront!

Don't be afraid!
Don't be afraid!



F-farewell... friend...

I'm sorry... that I couldn't
carry out... m-my promise...

Tochiro, raise our flag.

Our flag?

Yes... our flag!

Arcadia will now set
course for planet tokarga.

Zoll, I will keep my promise.


Emeraldas... forgive me, I didn't
want to see harlock become a sl*ve.

That's why I called out to him to escape,
via the voice of free arcadia.

As a result, zoll died.

You have a scar on your beautiful face
that will last a lifetime.

Many people were
wounded and captured.

All of it stemming from my broadcasts.
I really should have been ex*cuted.

That's not true.
Even without your broadcasts,

sooner or later, the people of earth,
zoll, and I would have done this.

Harlock, tochiro, and la mime would
also surely have chosen the same path.

To the officers and men
of the lllumidus fleet:

This fleet will now head for earth,
to reinforce the earth occupation force.

Just for harlock-for one man?

- Murigson!
- Yes, sir!

Rest assured,
harlock will come back.

Start thinking now about how you
will confront him at that time.

Y-yes, sir!

Harlock! It's planet tokarga!

But the tokarga that zoll told me
about was a lush, green planet...

The planet...
Tokarga is completely different.

It was them! This has to be
the work of lllumidus! Shit!

Judging from the surface, planet tokarga
may have already been annihilated.

But let's see for ourselves.

Everything's been blown away...

There isn't a single sign of life.
Tokarga is finished.

What an atrocity...


Damn youl!

They fought so long as the last of
them had strength remaining.

Searching for zoll's brother and
sister would be pointless now.

Brother zoll... come back
to tokarga. Save tokarga.

Brother zoll... come back
to tokarga. Save tokarga.

Hey! Hey! Long time no see!

You... you're alive!

Hey, old man! Old man!

Oh, it's good! This is good!

It's good that you're alive!
It really is good! I'm so glad!

Brother zoll...
Come back to tokarga.

- Brother zoll... save us...
- How terrible...

To burn up even
women and children!

Earth will be next.

How awful!

Brother zoll... brother zoll...


Brother zoll... save tokarga...

Harlock, move it!

There's a supergravitic planet
destruction b*mb under that tower!

Damn! La mime, take care of Mira!

Harlock, do you read me?!
Pull out of there immediately!

What're they doing, anyway?!

What is it?
What's going on down there?

It's terrible!

There's a supergravitic planet destruction
b*mb near harlock and la mime!



The lllumidus fleet!

All ships: 45 degrees to port.

Block the course of the
enemy ship as it flees tokarga!

Harlock, la mime,
return at once!

Arcadia, lift off!

Blast off at full speed!

Brother zoll... save tokarga...

If we go on this way, we'll run
smack into the lllumidus fleet!

Can we shake them off?

Not without changing course.

But the only change we can make is to break
through the prominence of the streams of fire.

The Stanley witch of space?

Right! The five fire streams suspended
between the double suns besberas.

It's where the emeraldas was beaten-
the most difficult passage in space.

All right! Just as my
ancient ancestor tried,

so we too will challenge the
Stanley witch of space!

This ship's thermal-shielding system
surpasses that of the emeraldas.

But according to emeraldas...

These streams have the strange property of
drawing in the life-essence of living things.

Thrust: Minus 70%.
Descent velocity: Plus 4.

We're steadily being drawn in.

Our bodies, along with the ship, are
being dragged into the streams of flame!

It's the witch!
The Stanley witch is laughing!

Save us... brother zoll...

Hang on, Mira. We're going
to see your brother zoll.

Brother zoll...
L... I... did my best...

It was hard, but... we all...

Listen to me, all of you!
The last tokargan female has just died.

There isn't a single female
left to bear our children.

The tokargan race... is extinct.

Do not forget!

Harlock and the others have fought
for tokarga at the risk of their lives.

Thrust: Minus 80%.
Descent velocity: Plus 10!

That's an impressive
rate of descent!

Tochiro, full throttle!
Maximum thrust!

Roger! I've opened the
emergency thrust valve!


All right! We're gaining thrust!

Harlock! We've beaten
the Stanley witch!


Mira isn't the only
one who died.


To cancel the life-essence which
was attracting the ship, they all...

Are you saying they jumped?
Into that river of flame...?

What?! Harlock's
returning? It can't be!

Message to all bases:
Prepare to intercept!

Hold it!

Let them return to earth,
just as they are.

Why, sir?

Let's sh**t it down!
It's only one ship!

Just try sh**ting down a lone returning
ship with lllumidus's combined forces!

The earthmen will simply
stir up another insurrection!

Commander, we really
must intercept!

They are seeking to land
on their own initiative.

sh**ting down those who dare to try to return
to this earth where only a harsh fate awaits...

I won't do it!

They are true men.
We must meet them as befits knights.

Maya, harlock and the others
are returning to earth.

I hear he openly requested
landing clearance from zeda.

If he returns to earth, he will
again experience hardship.

Even so, he is returning.
Harlock is that kind of man.

The next time harlock and the others
leave earth, let's go with them.

You've done all
you can for earth!

This is the voice of free arcadia.

I will report our new frequency.

Using variable micro-current
cycles... 8390... 8390...

This is the voice of free arcadia.

Let us go to the desert,
bearing flowers.

Let us go to meet hope,
bearing flowers.


Zoll, I came back as promised!
But I was too late. Forgive me.

- Brother zoll... come back to tokarga...
- I brought your sister, Mira.

Brother zoll... save us...!

Zoll, I won't let your
death be in vain. I swear it.

You went to the trouble of coming back,
just to say that to a dead man?

Here, where all our forces
are waiting for you?

I can only say you're an idiot!

You don't understand?

If you don't understand, then fine.

This may make you feel good,
but it is very inconvenient for earth.

Earth is now choosing to maintain its
cooperative relationship with lllumidus.

Some fools still plot revolts and the like,
but we will soon suppress them as well.

From now on, I want
peace in the world.

Dangerous elements like
you do not fit earth's policy.

Therefore, the earth government
hereby sentences you all to eternal exile!

Say what?!

If you remain on earth,
we will have to fight you.

Fight? Against us?

You are enemies of earth!

Enemies of earth...?

All right, then. If you say
you're exiling us, then let's leave!


That's right!

Living does not mean clinging to
earth and becoming filthy pigs.



You two! Listen carefully!

The brutality of murigson, who shot
Maya and I, won't be forgotten.

The baseness of triter, who
shot zoll, won't be forgiven.

You, who have no respect for people's
lives... your cruelty will not be forgiven.

I... I was...

Don't make excuses!

There is no act more
cowardly than that!

This the voice of free arcadia...

I am Maya.

People of earth... I wanted to
keep calling to you, always...

I wanted to keep on
singing with you...

But... I cannot go on any longer.
Please forgive me.

This... is the final
voice of free arcadia.


- This is...
- Maya!

It's all right! It's all right!

Harlock... I was certain...

That you would come back...

That you were the kind of man...

Who would surely keep a
promise to even a dead friend...

Let's go together...
To that sea of stars.

I have been dreaming all along...

Of going to the sea of stars with you.

Like heiligenstadt... our arcadia...
Where we ran together.


Maya! Maya!

I had so many things to say to you...
So many things to ask you! Maya!

The spirit of Maya, who kept
pleading to everyone

to believe in tomorrow, has gone.

The earth government is now trying
to exile us from earth, forever.

What will you do now,
you who have begun walking...

The same path as tokarga?!

Remember at least a
little of what Maya said!

It's all right, tochiro. If earth says
it's exiling us, then let's leave!

Is there anyone who will go
with us under that flag?

If there are, come aboard!

Can you swear on that flag to fight only
for that which you believe in?

- I swear!
- There will be no turning back!

The sea of stars is where we
come from! It's our home!

- Let's go!
- Yeah!

Under the flag of freedom!

Keep your filthy hands off!

That's a good friend of mine!

Hold it, harlock!

I, too, have pride.

If you want to depart earth in safety,
you will have to go through me!

A duel?

Yes. I shall choose the
location of the field of honor.

As in olden times,
the duel will be one on one.

I will not allow
anyone to interfere.


Commander, I'm opposed
to such a course of action!

You opposed me. You took matters into
your own hands, and drew your g*n.

Settle it yourself!

You, who are setting out now
with the flag of freedom flying...

Until the day when you
again return, good-bye.

I believe that no matter
how far away you may be,

you will never forget earth.

No one can stop you setting out on your
journey under your flag. Good-bye.

But it is because you are such a man,
one who has always believed in tomorrow,

never losing dreams and hope,

that I remember with pride the
days when I talked with you.

I pray that your future
will be as you believe.

Good-bye, my harlock.
Please live, no matter what.

I can see the red fire of belief in
the future burning in your heart.

I can see the fire burning of a
man who will not betray a friend.

It is because you are such
a man that I love you.

I will become one of
those fires in your heart.

I will become one with that fire,
and burn forever... harlock...

Look, harlock...

At the red death's-head
flag on my ship.

This is Maya's blood.

The pirate's Mark, painted with the
blood that dyed Maya's white dress.

The ensign of blood,
of all who seek freedom.

Maya... was harlock's...?

Yes... someone who did not
chain down those she loved.

Someone you, too,
would surely have loved.

"Follow me," huh?

What an incredible ship. No doubting
that that's an lllumidus flagship.


I've found in you a true earthman,
who cannot simply be measured by data.

The same goes...

For tochiro.

And for...


Therefore, I have long
wanted to do battle with you.

Not as commander of the
earth occupation forces...

But as a samurai.

Rest assured, I will give
no quarter in this contest!

The lllumidus main fleet... a huge
mobile force numbering 624 ships in all.

Zeda is trying to draw us away from the area of
space where the lllumidus main fleet is heading.

Increase output! Overtake them!

Roger! Enemy ship
closing! Range: 500!

All hands, prepare for combat!

Velocity: Combat speed 5!

All g*n turrets, stand
ready for combat!

Engage retrobrakes!
Reduce velocity!

Roger! Decelerating
to combat speed 3!

Port side six-column g*n emplacement,
prepare to fire all batteries!

Firing interval: 0.1 gelm!

Relative velocity: 128,000.

Altitude variance: Zero!

Main Cannon tracking
speed, synchronized!

Ten seconds to firing!

Eight... seven... six...

Five... four...

Three... two... one...



Port aft section damaged.
Autocannon damaged.

Report areas of
bombardment and damage!

Port torpedo tube damaged!

Exhaust port bombarded!

Hold no. 16 and the aft portion
of the hangar also damaged.

Starboard reverse 180 degrees!

Decelerate 280.
Hard to starboard!

Reverse 180 dolsu!

Relative velocity: 6000 gammel.
Vertical angle: Vekaoctave!

Range: 6,000,000,000 balsu!

Starboard g*n emplacement
percussion velocity, synchronized!



Port side hull damaged.
Unable to fire!

Tochiro! You all right?

I'm all right, but the a*t*matic sight...
Without it, the relative angle is...

Oh, the sight!

Outer hull crewmen, transfer to
the center hull within 300 gelm!

Repeat: Outer hull crewmen, transfer
to the center hull within 300 gelm!

A manual sight?

It's in here!

In there?



Yes! The sight that your ancient
ancestor gave to my ancestor!

This is the "eye" that tied
our ancestors together...?

Yes, our eye!

Here he comes!

Roger! Steady as she
goes, straight ahead!

Detach both outer hulls!
Drive output maximum!

Zeda's center hull
is undamaged...!

Concentrate fire on the
central part of the bridge!

Got it! Damn, my
hands are shaking!

Tochiro! Now!

Eat this!

Hang in there, tochiro!
Keep firing!

Don't be intimidated! Fire!

You all right, tochiro?!

L... I'm still alive!

But if he comes at us
once more, who knows!

All hands, abandon ship!

Commander zeda!

Commander zeda!

Zeda means to come around
at arcadia head-on again.

If he comes at us once more,
I can make no guarantees.

He's gonna ram right into us!

Zeda's a man of courage!

There were many such men
on earth in olden times!

It's a head-on collision!

No choice! I'm firing!

Tochiro, I'm asking you!
Hold your fire!


Harlock, when we meet in hell,
let us drink together as friends!

Until then, realize your
dreams without dying!

Live, and be certain to
realize your dreams!


Too late!

Farewell, zeda!
We'll meet in hell!


Zeda deliberately led us to a
place where we can easily escape!

If we reverse course
and accelerate right now,

the lllumidus fleet
can't catch us!

This is our new beginning.

I don't want it said throughout eternity
that I ran away at that new beginning.

Tochiro, what do you think?

I don't want to put to sea while
showing my back to the enemy!

Those who face you will befall
an unfortunate fate from now on...

A pirate must live a pirate's life.
That is the life we chose!

All hands to stations!

Full speed, port and starboard!
Prepare for boarding!

We'll reverse course,
and board the bastards' flagship!

She's running away!

The only flag that will fly in
space is the lllumidus battle flag!

Trample that death's-head flag!


According to reports
from the vanguard,

our energy bolts
aren't going straight!

They say the computer sights are
giving out inaccurate estimation data!



The gravity zone and the dimension wave
around arcadia are producing anomalies!


It seems exact if I look
at it with my eyes,

but using the machinery, I can't tell
the enemy's position precisely!

It was the expl*si*n
of zeda's ship...

The expl*si*n of his ship's powerful
engine warped this area of space!

Which means he did it
deliberately, to protect us!

Okay! Frontal breakthrough!
We're boarding their flagship!

Don't lose your heads!
Keep firing!

The way you fight...

Isn't by the rules, right? Exactly!
That's the way a pirate fights!

Never again come near any
place where my flag flies!

Engine, red throttle, 75,000
revolutions! Blast off at full speed!

Truth of creation, which
governs the universe...

My friend zoll, and his sister Mira,
the pure, last tokargan female...

Are hereby entrusted
to your bosom.

And so, truth, give zoll
and Mira their eternal rest.

Farewell, friends.

At the faraway point where the
rings of time come together...

We shall meet again.

Good-bye, Maya.

Until I come to the end of
my life in the sea of stars,

I will not forget.

Are you ready, harlock?

Sea of stars...

We now leave our precious
loved ones in your hands...

In the belief that righteousness
rules over this sea.

We will not pray for anything.

Nor will we seek
help from anyone.

Never again will we fight
under another's flag.

We will keep on fighting,
only for what we believe in,

under only our flag,
for as long as we live.

Under my flag!

Arcadia of my youth, lift off!

Queen emeraldas, lift off!

Because I have no regrets for
yesterday, which is done.

I do not need Serenity.
I want solitude.

Without solitude, I cannot
chase my dream.

Space! Oh, frozen sea of stars!

Citizens of earth,
the lawless ones have gone!

Let us combine our strength with lllumidus,
and once again build a paradise on earth!

We will...

Oh, you fools!

Dance to your heart's content
in that small world of yours!

Our world is the whole of space!

The increasing scars I have
in exchange for freedom

and burning pain,
are signs that I live.

There was also a day when
I stopped walking in love.

That, too, is part of
the faraway past.

Space! Oh, parched
wasteland of stars!

Let's stake everything
on this life of mine!

The only thing I am after

is just a life, at the end of
which I can laugh as I die.

Space! Oh, frozen sea of stars!

My spirit will
continue to defy you!

The colder and stricter
you become,

the hotter my blood will
likely continue to burn.

Under my flag, I live in freedom.
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