Urusei Yatsura 3: Remember My Love (1985)

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Urusei Yatsura 3: Remember My Love (1985)

Post by bunniefuu »

A Kitty Films Production

Darling, don't forget me.

Please, don't forget about me.

This is unforgivable!

This is not to be forgiven!

This is not to be forgiven!

How dare they invite everyone
EXCEPT me...

...the Old Woman of the Oak Forest,
over for a birth celebration!

You just watch me, you hear!
You just watch me!

You just watch me!


Very well...

I'll get even! I swear,
I'll get even!

I'll get even!

That's right...

...I'll put a curse on them!

I'll put a curse on them!

The newborn was
a girl, was it not?

Thus shall the curse
be fulfilled!

When the babe becomes a woman,
her fate shall be such...

...that she and her beloved man
will be forever separated!

No matter how much she may love
him, the love won't be mutual.

No matter how much she may fall in
love, the love will be shattered...

...and her dreams shall
never come true!

Thus it shall be! Her destiny
is now determined!

A red string?

That's right. You see, the
story goes that there's...

...an invisible red string wrapped
around everyone's left pinky...

..and that string connects you
to another person who has...

...it similarly wrapped around
his or her pinky.

Hey, isn't it supposed to be knotted
around the right little toe?

People from certain parts of
the country say that, too.

So is it connected
even now?

Yes, that's right. That red string,
you see, would never break...

...no matter how far apart
two people may be.

And even if the two people
were to pass each other...

...in a dense crowd of people, it
would never get tangled up.

And furthermore, we're taught that
each one of us is destined...

...to be linked with a certain person
from the time we're born.

I bet Darling and I are connected
by a red string, too!

Shut up!

But, this is a story
told on Earth, so...


I refuse!

I didn't say anything yet!

I know it all, even if you don't say
anything! Whenever you get...

...this face...

...it can ONLY mean that you're
going to ask me something!

Oh, yeah? If you know that much,
then that's time saved!

Darling, for a change, I want
to take you out on a date.

Of course, we're always together,
but once in a while...

...we ought to go out on a
date, just the two of us.

Movies, a picnic, shopping...
what's your fancy?


Say, what's that, Darling?


I'm gonna go check it out!

“Märchen“: German for “Fairy Tale.“
“Tomobiki Märchenland?“

Oh, wow! Darling, I know where
we'll be going on our date!



Executive Producer
Taga Hidenori

Based on the Characters and Situations Created by Takahashi Rumiko
(Serialized in Shoonen Sunday Weekly, Published by Shoogakkan)

Opening Theme: “Born to Be Free” (Warner-Pioneer) Performed by Steffanie Borges
Lyrics by Ralph McCarthy Music by Takekawa Yukihide Arranged by Hiiikata Takayuki

Ochiai Shigekazu

Komparu Tomoko

Music Micky Yoshino Soundtrack Available on
Music Director canyon Records Hayakawa Yutaka

Art Directors Kobayashi
Shichiroo Arai Torao

Chief Animation Director Moriyama
Yu uji Animation Director Dokite Tsukasa

Director of Photography Wakana
Akio Audio Director Shiba Shigeharu

Animation Producer
Hasegawa Hiroshi

Production Assistance
Studio DEAN

Directed by Yamazaki Kazuo

Darling, this sure is fun!

Wo! Miss!


“The Märchenland Map“

“The Märchenland Map“
That bastard!

So? Did you find him?

So? Did you find him?
No such luck!

Just great! Well?


He's nowhere in sight!

He's nowhere?! Nowhere?!
How in the world!

Think about it... It's the height
of Indian Summer...

...in an amusement park, with
the smell of liberty in the air!

And eye-catching performers
and parades everywhere!

And in such a place, Ataru
is all alone with Lum!

No one's watching them!

How can we allow such an
enviable thing to occur?

But, Megane...

...this Tomobiki Märchenland...

I didn't pay much attention to it when
they were building the place, but...

...now, it's pretty funky!

The Märchenland... it sure
lives up to its name.

Th..they're robots,
aren't they?

Idiot! If they aren't robots, then what
the hell are they supposed to be?!

You see, modern applications of the
latest electronics technology...

...are a whole lot “trekkier“
than one might imagine.

You little brats, excuse

Wh...wh...what the?!

What the hell was
that, you little...?!

Break! Break! One!
Two! Three! Four!


Wh...what the hell
were they?!

Say, Mendou...

...don't you feel like we're the only
two people on the ocean...

...as if we're in the middle
of a long voyage...

Miss Lum... and Moroboshi...
where could they be?


U... Umechiyo!

It is! It is you, Umechiyo!

How could I ever
forget you?

How could I ever forget the cascade
of plum flowers on your back?

My... my first pet octopus!


B...but... But, why?!

You were supposed to
be dead... Umechiyo!

What is it, Umechiyo?! Do you
want to tell me something?




Wow! So this is what they meant
by an amusement park!

It's totally awesome! It's
super! It's touching!

Ryuunosuke! You're supposed
to be working!

We gotta sell, sell, and
keep on selling...

...so we can save up for next summer's
Hamajaya Teashop renovation!

That's something only a really serious
working fellow has a right to say!

Men shouldn't be concerned
with such picky details.


I'm in orbit

Dammit, I want to hop on at
least one of the rides...

If I only had the money...

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!

Time is messed up! Space
is messed up, too!

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!

What the hell was that?!

Oh no!


Th...th...that's me!

What the heck is an amusement
park supposed to be?

Pardon me, if I made
you wait.

Who said that
I'd waited?!

Well... consider
it a service.

Behold! Look where my Supernatural
Sensor has led us!

It's the newly opened Tomobiki

It's not the usual feeling... I have
a very uneasy feeling about this.

I, too, have had a persistent uneasy
feeling for the last few minutes..

That's called heartburn, you fool!

That's called heartburn, you fool!
Have one...

Have one..

I don't want one!
Have one...

Stop. We shall examine the true nature
of this supernatural abnormality!

Very well, Uncle...
we shall proceed.

This can't be!


Looks like we're back at
the entrance again, eh?

Why you!

Pardon us!

It's the back door again.

A forbidden zone, perhaps!

Hey, what's the meaning
of all this?!

Who would create such a
thing... and for what...?

What in the world is
going on inside?!

What's the matter with you? What's
with the glum looks on your faces?

Er, well, nothing, really!

Maybe you ate something that
didn't agree with you.

Don't confuse
me with you!

Seems that lately I'm getting
tired more easily

...I'm just not in
good condition.

Oh, you, too? You know, I've been
seeing strange things lately...

...because I haven't been
getting enough sleep!

Me, too! Me, too!

Looks like we're all tired!

Attention, Ladies and Gentlemen...
Thank you for all your patience.

In a few moments, there will be a Super
Magic Show inside the black tent...

...right next to the clock tower, to be
hosted by Ruu, the Master Magician.

A Super Magic Show? Sounds
fun! Let's go, everyone!

If you're inviting us,
then why not!

Magic? I'm sure it's just a bunch
of tricks for little kids!

Here you go!

You're invited to
the Magic Show!

Yes, I'll be going,
of course!

By the way, what's your name? And
your address and phone number?

Darling! Let's go!

Uh, your address and
phone number...!

Well, shall we be
going now?

Ya know, I've never seen
a magic show before...

Really? In that case, you can't
miss this one, now can you?

If we're going, then let's
get some good seats.

Leave that to me!

Say, can we have one
of your pamphlets?


Here you go!

Ladies and Gentlemen...

...welcome to Ruu the Master
Magician's Magic Show!

Awesome! Awesome!

Why, that's the gal
from before!

Now, we need a volunteer from the
audience to come up onstage.

Any volunteers, folks?



Miss, I shall volunteer.

I figured you would...


Right on!


What an idiot!

That shameless fool ought
to disappear for good!

Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, please
sit back and enjoy the show!




Hey, what do you
think happened?

What's going on?

Is that the end of it?

It's been 5 minutes now. Where did
the magician and his assistant go?

Ya know, this is
a little strange.

Yo, Megane, you think Ataru is
still stuck inside that thing?

A|| right...!

Let's go check it out!



Wh...what the?!


Oh. my...!

What is it, Lum?

D...Darling, is that you?

What're you talkin' 'bout,
who else could it be?

Holy hippo!


Wow! Is this what magic is about?!

What're you guys so excited
about? Hmm?

What the he“ are
you dam"?!

That skin is real.

Is...Is he alive?


Hey, Ataru!

Hey, Ataru!


Take a deep breath...

Take a deep breath...

Take a deep breath...


Just breathe deeply, dammit!

What the hell, man!

Yo Megane, I brought it.


Listen to me Ataru, don't
let this get to you.

Well, it looks like he's got a firm
grasp of the reality of it now.

I... I... I'm a hippo!





Darling, hang on! Darling!

Aha! As the blood drains from his face,
it turns from pink to pale purple.

How in the world could this happen?! I
don't recall raising you to be a hippo!

Until today, I don't recall growing
up to be a hippo, either!

Ataru, don't you understand the grave
implications of turning into a hippo?

Now that you're a hippo, we'll have to fix
all your clothes. That'll be expensive.

Besides, if you think about it, there's
the problem of feeding you.

Say, Ataru, what do
hippos eat, mainly?

How should I know?!

But, Dear, it's not ALL bad.

Imagine, for example, that hippos become
as popular as pandas and koala bears.

There'd be TV appearance
fees, merchandising...

...royalties from publishing our
biographies, profit-sharing...

...They'd even pay off our
mortgage! Right, Dear?

Why, you're right
about that.

What kinda parents
are you?!

Put yourself in my shoes! Imagine you've
just become a hippo for just a while!

It's tough! It's sad!


With me being a hippo, I can't
even go out girl-hunting!

You never get tired
of that, do you?

Hey, anyways, why on earth were
you turned into a hippo?

He is cursed!

What the...! Where did you
come crawling from?

There was no answer at the door, so
we let ourselves in. How do you do.

Miss Sakura! You've come
just for me! I'm touched!

The appearance has changed, but
the soul remains the same.

Excuse me, but.. What did you
mean when you said "curse"?



Don't worry... I'll share
them with you.

Okay, that's fine, then.

Weren't we talking
about a curse?!

Oh, that's right!

To put it to you bluntly, your son has
been put under a very deadly curse.

And it is a very strong
one, indeed.

And that is why we
got heartburn!

No, it caused us to feel uneasy!

No, it caused us to feel uneasy!
Oh, that's right!

Just look at this force!

Both it, and the power that created the
barrier at Tomobiki Märchenland...

...are highly extraordinary!

Who would want to put Darling
through such a terrible ordeal?

The answer to that is...

...the same someone who invoked
the curse...and that is...

...someone even
we don't know!

There is only one thing
we CAN say.

And that is, this curse
is not the end of it.

Something even worse than
this may yet happen.

P...please, don't say such
unlucky things!


It's raining, huh?


It sure is raining a lot.

Don't worry, Darling!

You'll be back to normal,
for sure! I'll find a way!



But... what if this curse can never
be broken in my lifetime...?

What if I'm like this forever...?
What would you do...?

I... I will never, ever leave you,
no matter what happens!

No matter what you look like, you
and I will always be together!

Like Shinobu was saying
at the library...

...two people destined to be together
are connected by a red string.

You and I are, too!

You and I are!



I'm your wife!




Who's there?!

Ahem! Good evening, Lum.

Y...you know my name!
Who are you?!

Huh? You don't know?
That's strange.


Why, it's you!

"Is not “You,” ".5 “Rum”

Why, you... you...

I'm telling you, it's "Ruu".

Oh, shut up! Turn Darling
back to normal!

Why you...!

Tsk, tsk. I'm not an easy
catch, you know.

You! Why do you hate Darling enough
to put him through this?!

I wonder... If you want to
know, then follow me.

Hey, you! Hold it!


Hey, hey!

Come back here!


Come on!

This way, this way!

Enough already!

Hold it!

Come back here!

Hey! This way!

Come back here!

Hey, hey!

Hey you!

Hey! Where did
you go, Ruu?!

What the...

Ruu! You'd better come
out! Where are you?!

Just about time...

Ruu! Where did you go?!
You'd better come out!



If you want that fool to be human
again, then follow me.

Hold it!

Wh... what in the...

So you finally made it, Lum!


Eh? Is that... me?

Lum, do you remember?


I'm too late!

Eww! What's that?!
What is that thing?!

That's Moroboshi.
Didn't you know?

Seems he became a hippo yesterday.

Seems he became a hippo yesterday.
No way! He quit being human?

Looks like it.

But how did he become a
hippo in the first place?

Maybe he went to sleep
too quickly after eating.

Moron! If you do that,
you become a cow!

Oh, that's right! And this is the
Year of the Cow. “Mooo!“

A raccoon...

When Darling finds out,
he'll be disappointed...

Darling? Darling?


Oh, you're awake.

But you can't escape
from here...

...as Master Ruu's best servant, Oshima,
that's me, is watching you.

I told you, you can't
escape from here!

Besides, Master Ruu's best servant
Oshima, that's me, is watching...

Are you by any chance
the only servant?

How... how did
you know?!

If you say that you're the “best,“
then it's a short step!

Speaking of which, I won't
let you move a step!

Where's Ruu?!

I said, I won't let you
move a step!

So, you're awake!

You finally showed yourself!

You useless bum!

You useless bum!
Uh... At least, you know that I've tried!

You should show your
true self now!

In Japanese folklore, both are tricksters.
Are you a raccoon, too? Or a fox?

Don't take me lightly!

At times, I'm a mysterious pierrot.

At others, a powerful magician.

What is my true identity,
you wonder...

Watch and be amazed!

Yeah! You're amazed!
You're amazed!

I'm bored, 'cause
he's only a kid.

What do you mean,
“only a kid?!“

I have incredible powers! Look!

Splendid! Wonderful!

I can float in the air like this, and even
change a person into an animal!

Those aren't things
to be proud of!

Why did you put Darling through
such a terrible ordeal?

'Cause I thought that
if he was a hippo...

...your feelings toward
him would change.

Say What?!

But, no! You stuck
by that fool.

So that's why I planned
to abduct you here!

Why did you have to
make such a plan?!

'Cause you'll be much happier
if you break up with that idiot!

Master Ruu can't stop thinking that
you look like his mother, you see!

Shut up! Shut up! That's a lie! What
she said was an absolute lie!

I don't care if you've got a Mother
Complex or whatever...

...it has nothing
to do with me!

Look, I'm happiest when
I'm with Darling!

Change Darling back into a human
being right this instant!

Oh, just leave him alone and he'll
eventually become human again.

You mean it?

Of course!

That's my Master Ruu! What
a magnificently weird catch!

Can it!

But by the time that idiot changes
back to human form...

...he'|| probably be
disgusted with you.

Lum, look out the window.


Lum... did you really betray me? ls
it because I've become a hippo?

No, Darling! I'm
not like that!

It's no use, no use! No one on the
other side can see or hear you.


Eh? This...

Where is this?!

This is the other side
of the mirror.

This world is completely different
from the one we were in before.

I created it.

|won't give up yet!

Darling! I'm coming
back to you now!

Welcome back, Lum.

What?! An eyewitness?!

Yes, this person, sir!


Yeah, he says he saw it.

He saw Lum flying toward Tomobiki
Märchenland, chasing a man.

A man?!

So, no leads?

Even with that one good
piece of information!

Ehh? How dare you try to cash
in, using the information...

...that I have painstakingly obtained!

Don't worry 'bout it!
Don't worry 'bout it!

We're friends! We're friends!

Only when it's convenient for you!

Hey, guys, don't you think it's
a little peculiar around here?

What is?

The atmosphere. It's too
different from yesterday.

Now you mention
it, the robots...

...the aliens and the goblins...
...where did they all go?

Maybe they don't use them on
weekdays, to save energy.

They weren't robots...
they were real.

Miss Sakura!

When you say “real,”
what do you mean?

Yesterday, Tomobiki Märchenland
was probably linked...

...to another world.

The strange things you saw must
have been goblins and aliens...

...spilling over from
that other world.

But look!

Now, one can detect signs
of supernatural energy...

...only in Ataru, but yesterday we could
see such signs everywhere!

Then you mean that the gateway to
that other world has been closed?


Is it 'cause of that magician guy?
The guy who made me like this?

Could be.

Then, then... the man that Lum
was supposedly chasing was...

That, we don't know! Why, she might
have completely forgotten you...

...and started a voyage
to a new life.

Lum, running away?! You
can't be serious!

So what if that's true?! So what?!
It's none of my concern at all!

Actually, I'm delighted.

This means it's good-bye to annoying
jealousy and electric shocks!

I'm totally free again!

Still, I wonder where
Lum is now...

Yo! You're looking pretty
miserable, dude!

Miss Benten! And Ran, too!

Really? A curse, I see.

Yeah. Either Lum or Darling has been
cursed, and this is the result.

Sakura was saying
the same thing.

I bet it's Lum who's cursed.

'Cause this husband of hers is much
too stupid to get himself cursed.

Miss Benten! Isn't that
a bit harsh of you?

I understand.

But, if that's so, then the question is, who
put the curse on Lum, and why?

What's with that look?!

I put it to you straight... it wasn't
me! It wasn't me, you got that!

Then, whoever
might it be?

You have a sharp tongue!

Who do YOU think it is?

Well, let me see...

Now, Miss Benten's got a
wildy decisive attitude.

And Oyuki has a cool spirit,
full of womanliness.

And Ram's got charm, and occasionally,
signs of being off-the-wall.

Well, everyone has fine points,
so telling me to choose one...

I was a fool to ask!

A curse?!

Yes. Do you have any idea as to who
would want to put a curse on Lum?


Our daughter isn't the kind of person
other people hold grudges against.

It's not possible that
anyone would...

No, dear! Don't even think about
saying anything like...

“...Lum has gotten tired
of her husband!“

Are you nuts?! Even if her good-for-
nothing husband is now a hippo...

...it's not impossible to think that Lum
might go after some other man...

...but even if I thought so, I sure wouldn't
say so to other people!

You just said it
very nicely.

Oh, wait!

There is one thing that comes to mind...
as to why she might be cursed.

It must've been just after Lum was
born, about her birth celebration.

There was a complaint
by a certain person.

It turned out that the cause
was a lost letter...

...but she misunderstood, and
said, “I'll curse the child!“

My goodness, it
was a mess!

And who is this person,
may I ask?

It was the Old Woman
of the Oak Forest.

The Old Woman of
the Oak Forest...

Welcome! Welcome! Here, why don't
you make yourselves at home?

It's kind of you to come
all this distance!

Kind of you to come!

Um... So, regarding the curse...

Um... So, regarding the curse...
Oh, yes, yes!

Certainly, way back then, I did
put a curse on the baby.

You see, I put that curse into a
glass orb, and mailed it to...

...the Milky Way “Curses-R-Us”
Management Organization!

The Milky Way... what?!

The Milky Way “Curses-R-Us”
Management Organization!

What's that?

Don't you know?

Don't you know?

OK, you know the feeling of REALLY
wanting to make someone suffer?

This organization takes
care of all the details.


It's a pretty simple system.

You just enclose your desire to curse
someone inside a glass orb

...then just mail it, along with the
right fee, to the Organization.

Then they take on the responsibility of
handling the power of the orb's curse.

What kinda organization is that?!

You know so much, and
at such a young age!

That's Ran for you.

I imagine you're a frequent

Don't make a fool out of me! If I want
someone to suffer from a curse...

...I'd much prefer inflicting slow
t*rture with my own hands!

Why would I want to ask others
to do such a thing?! Not me!

I see!

And why in the world am I being
picked on? Why should I be?!

Why should I be?!

Why should I be?!
The culprit is this Old Woman right here!

This Old Woman right here!

It seems to be so...

It seems to be so...
It IS so!

My looking like this, and
Lum's disappearance...

...they're both this
old lady's fault!

We can put aside your
problem for now...

...but what happened to
Lum is unforgivable!

Wait! Wait! You have to listen
to the complete story!

It's true that I did send in the
orb with my curse in it...

...but right after I'd done that, I found out
that I was invited to the party after all.

So I canceled my curse!

So, what now?

I'm not gonna give up yet! I'm gonna
check everything out, 'til I find Lum!

Wow, there's some good
in you after all, Ran!

If she's not around, I'll have no one
to take my frustrations out on!

Regardless of your motives, I agree that
we should continue our search for Lum.

Me, too! But what are we gonna do, now
that we have nowhere to turn to?

Here's what we do!

Milky Way “Curses-R-Us“
Management Organization


If you keep quiet, we won't
do anything ugly...

...but if you resist, you'll
end up like this!

Hey, you! Take us to
the computer room!

Yes, ma'am...

This is it, ma'am...

Hope you don't mind
me checkin' it out.

This... That... There...

Here's the data related
to Lum, ya see!

There ain't any current curses
registered for her at all!

But, there was a damned weird
cancellation for one of them!


Hey! What's that supposed
to mean?!

W...well... You see, a curse is more
or less a problem of probability...

...so what we do is exert pressure on
the victim's space-time continuum...

...in order to increase the potential
of that person experiencing...

...his or her most unfortunate future,
out of the uncountable possibilities.

Thus, in order to amplify, many
times over, the power...

Of the curses contained
in our customers' orbs...

...we rely on experts in that
area, as you can see.

In the case of Miss Lum, the person
you're inquiring about...

...the records indicate that the
orb was lost in transit...

...by the Galaxy Mail Service,
and so the curse itself...

...is recorded as “destination

What you see here are the so-called
“Time Measurement Devices“...

...which start operating when
each curse is created.

Thus, they are supposed to indicate,
without exception...

...the existence of all the
curses in the Milky Way.

I believe that Miss Lum
was from Planet Oni...

What the...?!

What an incredible
curse this is!



What did you follow me for?!

H...how cold of you to
say such a thing!

L...Let me tell you straight that Master
Ruu is in fact a very kind boy...

...even if he doesn't seem
to be that way.

I'm not sure why he's been
going overboard lately...

...but he did rescue me when I was
badly injured on a mountain...

...so you see, I owe
him my life.

I'm in no position to say this, but would
you be kinder to Master Ruu?

Why?! Why should I?!

You see, he's lonely...

He hasn't seen either of his parents
for a very long time.

His parents are both professional
quiz contestants, you see.

“Professional quiz

Oh, don't you know? They make their
living competing on TV quiz shows.

That's a weird occupation.

For the past ten years or so,
they've been competing in...

...“The Pan-Galactic I-Got-It We-Asked-
100-People Quiz Show...”

...so they're out
there traveling.

Because it involves crossing
the Milky Way...

...they won't be back for
at least another 5 years.

Really, what a weird
business to be in!

So his only companions are me,
and a private tutor named Lahla.

Master Fluu must be really lonely.
After all, he's still a child.

So you can talk straight, after all.

I always do that!

Button your lip! You're just
repeating what Lahla says!

Don't believe anything
she said! Got that?!

Say, what's that?

Isn't it beautiful? This is my
treasure. I found it last year.

The town that I was living in was a hub
station for the Galaxy Mail Service.

So, everyday, all kinds of spaceships
came and went, to and from...

...planets I've never
even heard about.

Anyway, what's with all that,
you couldn't sleep at night.

That's why I kept going to the
junkyard up the valley.

But then, one night, this thing
came out of a pile of junk...

...and started talking to me...

“Started talking“ to you?

Yeah. Not exactly in words,
but to me it felt like that.

Ever since then I've been able
to do really neat things.

Even before that, I did have some
superhuman powers...

...but they were peanuts compared
to what I can do now!

Now, I can even time-travel!


Yup. That's howl
found you, Lum.

Don't you remember?

Not at all...

I'd never, ever, seen such
a dazzling smile.

It was like the Sun shining...

So you not only have a Mother Complex,
but a Lolita Complex as well?!

And at such a young age!

Later, I watched you
at different times.

You always had that
dazzling smile!

But after you met Moroboshi Ataru,
you never smiled like you used to.

How rude of you
to say that!

For your information, I'm still smiling
a lot, even after meeting Darling!

But it's not like how
you used to!

Of course not! |can't be
like a little girl forever!

People are supposed to fall
in love and lead their lives!

Sure, there are hardships
here and there!

No! That's no good!

Hey, stop being an adult!

With my glass ball, I can... I can...
take care of such things...

Stop that nonsense!

That ball of yours looks awfully
suspicious to me!

Lemme take a good
look at it!


Lum, I've sworn to bring back
your smile once again!

I'll make sure you break up
with Moroboshi Ataru!

We know that the curse exists, but
what else can we do about it, eh?

So I guess you'll just have to
sit there and take it easy.

Benten, I'm all ready.


Ready for what?

We're goin' home! If Lum isn't on
Earth, it's no good staying here.

Hey Ataru, I'll be hoping that
you'll be human again soon.

In the meantime, hang
in there, you hear!


Let's get rollin'!

That was the night, leaving behind
only those three twinkling trails...

...that Ten and Lum and all their friends
left Tomobiki Town for good.

Those of us left here were
all struck by a sadness...

"almost as if a great festival
had finally come to an end.

Sign: Tomobiki Station

But, when a festival ends, everyday
life begins again...

Even without Ten or Lum, the
days continue to pass by.

A few days passed, and Ataru
regained his human form...

...and without wasting a moment's
time, began girl-hunting again.

From then on, it seemed
like, little by little...

...we were getting used
to life without Lum.


"Something was different.

Shinobu! Can you
lend us a hand?

What?! Why me?

Oh, c'mon, be kind! Please?

My goodness! Can't you see
that I'm a mere slip of a girl?


It's no good!

Don't worry 'bout
it, then! There!

You got it? There!

It seemed to me that,
slow though it was...

...we clearly began to drift into
a different kind of time flow.

Why? Why can't I understand
your feelings like I used to?

Here you go...

Why... why don't you
talk to me anymore?

Tonight, all of our thoughts
filled the air.

It was as if we all, suddenly, at the
same time, accepted the fact...

...that Lum was no
longer with us.

We were waitin' for you

Megane... I...

...| heard that you had returned home
from your travels, so I called...

Megane... I...

Don't say it, Chibi. There are no
words to describe our youth.

Megane, are you really...

Is this how we become adults? By the
loss of our irreplaceable loved ones?

And, before long, we became
high school seniors.

As always, Ataru exhibited
his girl-hunt tendencies...


...from one day... to the next
day... and the next...


“I bet Darling and I are connected
by a red string, too!“



Why do I remember
you now?! Why?

So that's it! So that was it! I was
subconsciously longing for Lum!

Now, no matter how much I girl-hunt... no
matter how much... much... MUCH...!

...it's never a joy!

And when I think about it, it's no wonder,
'cause Lum's not around!

The thrill of the thought of Lum
discovering me girl-hunting...

...that sweet suspense, like
the scent of immorality...

...in the challenge of figuring out how
to do it skillfully and secretly...

...without those, the joy of girl-hunting
is reduced by half!

Without realizing it... I'm
becoming abnormal!

Lum! Where have you gone?!
Without you, I'm...

Very good.

It's a good thing I waited,
and believed in you.

What a pleasant surprise! It's very
nice of you to come and find me!

Lemme see now... where might we
have met? The shopping mall?

The park? Or, could it
be the train station?

That's a 10-point deduction!

Wha... whadd'ya mean...?

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just used to doing
that all the time. My card...

I see... Miss Lahla,
a private tutor.

I've actually come to talk
to you about Lum...

A...about Lum?!

So it's all because
of that orb.

Yes. Ruu doesn't know that
the orb contains the curse.

Ever since Ruu got hold of
it, he's been changing.

He's begun keeping
many secrets.

Now, this. He may think he's
acting of his own volition...

...but in reality, it seems as if he's
being controlled by the orb.

Controlled? But it's
just an orb, isn't it?

No. The curse has endured a long time,
and you mustn't treat it lightly.

Just look... It's taken
Lum from you.

Don't you realize?!

You and your friends were once living
through moments filled with joy!

But with Lum gone, the law of
causality has been destroyed.

You and your friends are now living
a history that shouldn't be!

Then... then you're saying that
we have to bring Lum back?

Right. But in order to do that,
your power is required.

Don't you understand the reason why
Lum stayed on in this world?

It was you!

You will help get Lum
back, won't you?

Stamp: Very well done!
Very well done!

The passage that leads
to subspace...

...and the magnetic field of the
full moon are directly related.

We've got to go tonight!

When you say a “passage,“
do you mean...?

Yes, Tomobiki Märchenland!

Ataru, you do want to see
Lum again, don't you?


Then close your eyes, and
think only about Lum!

Only about Lum?!

Yes! Since Ruu's
trail stops here...

...unless your feelings synchronize
with Lum's...

...we won't be able to reach
their position in subspace!

But... but... just
about Lum?!

Damn, that's what
I'm worst at!

If you can't, then you'll never, ever
be able to see Lum again!

Darling! You came for me!

Come on! Think
about Lum!

Oh... To hell with it!



You concentrated on your carnal
desires, didn't you?!

Well... you see

Oh, no! We're gonna
be trapped!

Darling! Shame on you!

Ruu! Where's Ruu?!

Well... I dunno...

You just watch me, Lahla!

What do you think you're
doing, Ruu?!

There's no way I'm gonna let
Lahla destroy my plans!

We're moving to
another space!

It's something the ball has
taught me how to do.

They won't be able
to follow us there.

Let's live there together, Lum!
Just the three of us.

No... No way!
I'm not going!

Let go!

Let go!
No way!

No way!

Let go!
No way!

Let go!

Let go!
No way! No!

Oh no! The moon's going
out of alignment!

This may be the last
chance ever!

C'mon, hurry!

Lum... Lum...

No way!

Lum, let go!

No way! |won't let
go! I'm... I'm...

I'm going back to
Darling's world!






Master Ruu... please don't
go overboard like this...


Our ship may be totalled, but
as long as we have this...

No, Ruu!


Enough of this, Ruu!

Can't you see that you're being
controlled by the orb?

Don't you realize what
the orb really is?

It's an orb filled with a curse that was
meant to bring misfortune to Lum!

That's a lie! I'm going to use
this to make Lum happy!

With this, I'm gonna give her back the
smile she used to have before she...

...met Moroboshi Ataru, then we're
going to live together forever!

I won't let you get
in the way!

So long, Lahla!

No, Ruu!

I didn't want to say this,
but now I have to.

Lum is actually your
distant ancestor!


My... ancestor?!

Lum? My?

After doing a little research,
it became clear.

It's no wonder she resembles
your mother.

You see, inside that orb
is a curse that...

...Lum will never be together
with her loved one.

Between the time that curse
was put in there...

...and the time you found
it, 300 years had passed.

During that long stretch of time,
the powers of the curse...

...were amplified to an
incredible intensity.

Gosh! So they're
from the future...

The orb tried to manipulate
you, Lum's descendant...

...into executing the
curse, twice over!

How... How was I supposed to know...
that I was Lum's descendant“?

Well, I believe that's
enough of that.





It's useless to try and
break us apart!

I'll... I'll find my Darling,
no matter what!

A string... A red string...




Darling! We were tied together
by a red string after all!


What's wrong? Aren't you happy
that we're together again?

O...of course I'm
happy, Lum...

What is it? What's wrong? What've
you got behind your back?

Huh? What? Nothing...

Darling! Let me see it!



I'm... I'm...



Darling, you're...

Darling, you're an.


Lahla? If we turn back the clock, Lum
will forget all about me, right?

That can't be helped.

What just happened should not have
happened in the first place...

...and interfering in the past
is absolutely forbidden.

But, Ruu...

...Lum may forget all about you, but you
won't forget about her, will you?

Of course not, Lahla.
Why should I?!

Good. That's the way
it's supposed to be.

From time to time, people will
enter and leave your life...

...and you have to learn
to deal with that.


Now let's close
the passage!

Farewell, Lum.

Hey, have you heard about that
Tomobiki Märchenland...

...they built on the
edge of town?

Yeah! I got a glimpse of it while they
were still building the damn thing.

That place is gonna
be incredible, man!

They open tomorrow!

Eh...? It sure sounds

Want to go?

Want to go?
Do you want to?

Wow, I've never been to an
amusement park before!

Great! Why don't
we go tomorrow?


Hello there, Lum!

These are tickets for tomorrow's
Märchenland opening, see.

How about going
with me?

No, Lum! Tomorrow, you shall
go with me, Mendou Shutaro!

Hey, Lum! Hey, let's check
out the Märchenland!

Rei will be there, too, so you should bring
your Darling. Hey, let's go!

I'll ask Darling!


Err... Lum...!

Shinobu! Tomorrow's
admission tix, babe!

Babes' signs: Pepper, Ginger, Sugar.
Shinobu! Tomorrow's admission tix, babe!

Babes' signs: Pepper, Ginger, Sugar.

Babes' signs: Pepper, Ginger, Sugar.
No way! Why don't you go with Lum?

No way! Why don't
you go with Lum?

Why...why are you so
cold?! Shinobu!

Let me go!


Hey, hey, class
is starting!

Get back in your
seats, dammit!


Oh, Rei!

You... you morons! This is supposed
to be a class period!

The famous eight mushrooms
are here!

What is going on?! I can't teach
my class with all this noise!

I love the ocean!
I love the ocean!

Sorry! Sorry! I must've pressed
the wrong button!

Benten! Oyuki! Ten!


Oh, Rei... you!

Don't you know that this
is a class period?!




Tomorrow, let's all go to the
Märchenland together!

Ending Theme “Remember My Love” Performed by Steffanie Borges Lyrics by
Ralph McCarthy Music by Takekawa Yukihide Arrangement by Hiiikata Takayuki
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