Urusei Yatsura Movie 2 Beautiful Dreamer (1982) Part 1 & 2

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Urusei Yatsura Movie 2 Beautiful Dreamer (1982) Part 1 & 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Darling! Darling!


A Toho Company Ltd. - Kitty Films
Joint Production

"Out of Order"

This is an announcement from the School
Festival Executive Committee:

Will representatives of all
classes and clubs...

...please come to Laboratory
Number Three immediately.

"Tomobiki '84 Festival"

Please come to Laboratory
Number Three immediately.

- Pull! Pull as hard as you can!
- Heave-ho! One-two! Heave-ho!

To the representatives of all classes
and clubs, from the Festival Committee:

When using carts in the hallways,
please observe the speed limit.

Use of bicycles and motorcycles
is prohibited.

The school store will be open
during the School Festival...

...as Hama Teashop. Today, we're having
our big Festival Eve Special!

Featuring Ramen Lite! Less filling,
but it's a whopping 30% off!

Between 9:00 and 11:00, the Central
Staircase is only for going up.

To all students! This is the
Discipline Committee!

Wearing costumes before School
Festival Day is prohibited!

Hey, you! In the Baltan suit! Move it!

To all students, from the
Festival Committee:

Will all girls please leave
the building by 10:00.

Repeat: all girls please leave
the building by 10:00.

But do you really think anyone'll come
a place that looks like this, Megane?

Maybe we should have gone with
the Hot Babes Coffee Shop...

...like Ataru suggested. Lum gave
it her OK too, after all.

I won't have Lum acting
like a bimbo.

Besides, do you know how hard it was to
collect money from everyone in class...

...to open this place?

I'll be damned if I'll let it be
operated to Ataru's weird tastes.

Weird tastes, he says...

Speaking of whom, where's our fearless
leader goofing off now?

Lum just went looking for him, so
he should be back soon.

I swear...

Hey, I'm sorry, but I gotta split soon.
I gotta get Hama Teashop ready too.

OK, thanks for your help.

Oh brother. Looks like we'll be
staying here again tonight.

We've got a real manpower
shortage here!

No wonder, considering how
unpopular Ataru is.

HEY! You guys still goofing around?!

When in the hell is your shop
gonna be ready, morons?!

So don't goof around, work! Got it?

What the?

Hey! We have tons of things to do
before tomorrow's opening!

So quit screwing around, and get...!

What's wrong with you?

Hey, isn't it a great idea? If I go out
looking like this, and really...

...toady up to the crowd, you'll have
a stampede of customers...

What's that? Toadying up to the
crowd, looking like WHAT?

Where's Moroboshi?! Get out here now!
You're supposed to be in charge!

Sir, could you avoid causing any
unnecessary shocks?

Even with the options removed
to make it lighter...

...this Leopard still weighs
about 40 tons empty...

...and I won't be held responsible for
it, even if it drops through the floor.

WHAT! Hey, Mendou! I don't know if
this is an exhibit, or what...

...but I didn't give any permission
to bring a t*nk in here!

So you say, but there's nothing to be
done, as it's already here.

Or would you prefer to confiscate it?

Confiscate! Confiscate!


Damn! How'd he get it
in here, anyway...?

That was terrific!

Hmmh? That disgusting laugh...


Where are you? Get out here!

I love you, Ran!

Huh? In here?

You come here too, Ryoko. Hurry up...

Ryoko? Are you in there? Ryoko!

Hey! Moroboshi! What are you
doing in there? Come out!

That idiot!

Moroboshi! What have you
done to my sister...?

OK, come on, Oyuki, Kurama, Shinobu...
Yes, yes, I won't run away...

Oh, Sakura, don't do that... oh no...

Aw, shut your stupid mouth, you jerk!

I'm claustrophobic!
I'm scared of the dark!

Let go, you ass!

Sa... save me! Somebody
please save me!

Pathetic fools...

My arms are going numb! My...
my teeth are falling out!

What are you doing, sir?

Lum! Save me!

Sure, but first, do you know
where my Darling is, sir?

Mo... Moroboshi is in this t*nk.
Now help me, hurry!

In here?

C'mon, Ryuu...

Let go, you jerk!

Cut it out! Stay away from me!


You jerk!

Darling! Come out of there before
I count to three! One...!

- I'm scared of the dark!
- Jerk!


I'm scared!


Divine retribution!

Well, since this is the annual
school festival...

...and since student self-management
is to be encouraged...

...there's no point in me, the
principal, saying anything now.

As Shinran said, "The road to heaven is
harder for the pious than the profane."

Man travels alone, walking without
either looking back or crying.

And who would know the true heart of
the waters deep beneath the earth...?

We all go through times of agony,
pain, and wrongdoing...

...and become fine adults in spite of

...and Momotaro can go to Manchuria
and become Genghis Khan.

As the great Goethe said, "Pass through
agony and reach the great pleasure!"

Thus, anyway, the important thing is
that all are safe; no one was injured.

Please keep in mind that safety always
comes first. Thank you.

My, do we have mice?

Oh man! I can't stand the Principal's
long speeches!

Oh, Miss Sakura!

Hmh? What are you still doing here?

Wasn't it decided that girls have to
leave school by ten o'clock?

Well, there was a little fuss...

Moroboshi again, right?

What about you, Miss Sakura?

I can't keep up with all the fools who
hammer on their own fingers...

...or nail their own feet to the floor.
So I'm staying tonight too.


I can't take this. Every night
another stupid disaster.

Which we then spend all
night cleaning up.

When I phone my mom, she keeps
complaining that girls my age...

...shouldn't stay away from home
so much. I've had it!

Really? I like it, because it's like
camping out every night.

Unlike aliens, humans can't deal with
this kind of thing all the time!

And why do I have to be here anyway?
I'm not even a committee member.

What do you mean?

Well, let's say Person A is staying
here out of concern for Person B.

In my case, I'm staying because I
care about this Person A.

But the Person B that the Person A is
concerned about doesn't know this.

Did you understand that?

Not at all.

No, I suppose you wouldn't. Anyway,
that's why I'm tired of it all.

How can I compete with you, when
you haven't a clue? It's tough.

Sorry. But I never get tired
of watching you kids.

Lum, I've been meaning to ask you:
just what do you see in Ataru?

Even I wonder sometimes. I mean,
he's such a typical male:

Good-for-nothing, lazy, mean, lustful,
perverted, fickle, and egotistical.

Though, I'll admit, he is a good
natured sort of person.

Not so much different from Shutaro!

At least Shutaro's good-Iooking.
That's a big difference!

I swear, young girls these days...

Oh, yeah? Good looks seem to be
your fiance's saving grace too!

Who asked you?

I love Darling!

I want to live happily ever after with
Darling, his Mom and Dad, Ten...

...Shutaro and Megane and all his
friends. That's MY dream.

What! That's basically just like now!

Yup, that's why I'm so happy now!

Well, if you're gonna be so blunt,
there's nothing more to say.

Make sure you turn off the stove,
OK? And hey, hang in there.

There's only tonight left. Tomorrow
is the school festival's opening day.

Hey! Sorry to hold you up!

OK, go!

Hey, Mendou, are you still mad?

Naturally! You made me an innocent
victim of an electric shock...

...the t*nk's electronic components were
completely reduced to scrap...

...our nearly-complete coffee
shop was wiped out...

...and it's all YOUR fault!

So, I apologized, didn't I?
You sure like to hold a grudge.

But still, it was such a good dream...

Stop dragging people into
your disgusting dreams!


Still, you know...


We've been staying overnight at
school every night lately...

...and we only get out at times like
this, when we go to get food, right?

So what's your point?

Maybe that's the reason, but...

...I wonder if the town is usually
this quiet at night?

"Special Blow-Out Sale"

Since when did Special-Sale Bands
start working the night shift?

How should I know?

This is a message from the
Festival Committee:

Will the leaders of all
classes and clubs...

...please come to the music room

Repeat: Will the leaders of
all classes and clubs...

...please come to the music room

Oh, I'm so sleepy...

Another day at hard labor
gets underway.

Say, how long have we been doing this?

I dunno. It's been so long, I ferget.

This is the final stretch. Let's
all hang in there!

You're really tough... Huh?



Hey, isn't that Onsen?

He's still alive? Now THAT'S tough.

But look at his face!

He's really wasted!

Well, it's not surprising.
He keeps a hard schedule.

Every day's been nothing but chaos.
He's mentally and physically exhausted.

On top of which, there's a 40-ton t*nk
creaking over the principal's head...

...which could come crashing down
at any time, no kidding.

He looks like he's a walking
bundle of stress.

Overwork, lack of sleep, malnutrition,
nervous system imbalance...

...and your face is ugly. In short, you
are mentally and physically exhausted.

You're a walking bundle of stress.

Anyway, the best thing to do is get away
from here and have a good rest.

I insist you go back to your boarding
house and sleep until evening.

If you can't sleep because of your
nerves, take these tranquilizers!

Ah, thank you, Miss Sakura.

Keep your chin up. Just one more day.

Tomorrow is the school festival's
opening day.

"Out of Order"

Hey, is it noon already?

Hey, yeah, I'm hungry.

Idiot! That clock's been
out of order for ages.

You're such dweebs. You see it every
day but you still haven't noticed!

Hold out until the ten o'clock break!

What are you talking about? You just
had lunch at Hama Teashop!

I did?

Enough about that. Where's Moroboshi
got to? Where is he?

Pull! Pull as hard as you can!
Put your backs into it!

Heave-ho! One-two! Heave-ho!

This is a message from the
Festival Committee:

Will the student who took the
electric foot warmer...

...from the Principal's Office please
turn yourself in at once.

Repeat: Will the student who took
the electric foot warmer...

...from the Principal's Office please
turn yourself in at once.

You just ate too much, you idiot!


Super high-potency laxative. Take
half a tablet and beat it. Next!


What was that? That can't be...

Tranquilizers... then that means,
what I gave him was... Ooops!

I just hope I'm in time...

It's me, Sakura! I'm coming in,
even though I don't want to.

Turns out the medicine I gave you was...


Naoyuki, we mustn't!


Still, it's a strange story.

You leave your apartment for several
days, and when you finally come back...

...the inside is covered with dust and
mushrooms, as if it were in ruins.

Rather like Urashima Taro, huh.

Urashima Taro:
A Japanese "Rip Van Winkle"

Playing around in a Dragon Palace
called Tomobiki High School...

...in a dream, while years pass by. Did
you rescue a turtle, by any chance?

You know the feeling you
get sometimes, when...

...you walk through a town you've
never been to before...

...and you encounter a scene that
feels like you'd seen it before...

...or you feel that what
you're doing now...

...is something you've been doing over
and over, repeating events exactly...

Sounds like "deja vu."

False experiences that a person's mind
creates when it gets exhausted.

I thought so too... that I was

...that that was why I was thinking
such strange things...

...until I saw my apartment today...

What are you talking about?

The Principal was saying it earlier.
"Just one more day...

"...tomorrow is the School
Festival's opening day."

I feel like I've heard those
lines before...

You're exhausted. And because
you're so tired...

...you're making up memories of things
that you've never even done.

It's only natural, putting up with those
lawful brats day in and day out.

But, well, after today, that'll be over.
Tomorrow is the School Festival's...

I started thinking about it, and for
the first time, I realized...

...that I can't clearly remember things
to an extent that surprises even me.

Yesterday, the days before, even these
past few hours, if I'm not careful...

...I forget them all. When, where,
who I met, what I did...

Tell me, how long have we been staying
at school? Three days? Four?

I dunno... It's been hectic, you know...

Was it long enough ago that
you could have forgotten?

What the hell are you
thinking? Say it!

It's only a hypothesis, and
it might be better...

...if it were merely a delusion created
by my deranged mind, of course...

...but this is what I've been thinking:
if, since yesterday, the day before...

...or even further back,
we're repeating the same actions...

...the same "day before the School
Festival." And tomorrow will be the same.

That's ridiculous! You're exhausted.

You're exhausted, and your mind
is mixed up, that's all!

You just take it easy today, and then
when tomorrow comes...

When tomorrow comes, then what?

Are you saying that it will be a day
truly different from today?

I can't even remember a yesterday
that was different from today.

Suppose, just suppose, that
what you say is true.

Then why isn't anyone else going crazy?

If the students didn't go home
for such a long time...

...their parents would get worried.

What if it's not just Tomobiki High
School repeating the same day over?

...that's repeating the same day,
over and over?

Enough of your ramblings! What you're
saying doesn't make any sense at all.

It's a delusion. It's all in
your imagination!

Miss Sakura! I've been trying
desperately but I can't remember!

Just what is today's date?
Can you tell me?

As I've been wearing these clothes for
days now, being dressed like this...

...might mean that it's winter, but why
am I sweating? Because I'm nervous?

Or is it because it's warm?

And this sound, which I've been
hearing recently...

Am I imagining it, too?

Urashima Taro spent dreamlike days
at the Dragon Palace...

...and when he returned to
his beloved hometown...

...he found that hundreds of years
had already passed there.

What if, instead of just Taro alone...

...everyone in the village had
rescued that turtle?

What if everyone in the village had
gone to the Dragon Palace?

You have spiritual power, Miss Sakura.
You would have noticed right away...

...if something strange was happening
to someone somewhere in town.

But what if something strange happened
to the whole town, or the whole world...

...including you?

Will you cut it out! This is all
just a hypothesis.

It's no more than conjecture.
Where's the proof?

What if, tomorrow, we can't remember
us talking like this...?

I said cut it out!

Help! Somebody save me!

Why are you doing this!

Come on, Onsen!

Yeah! What gives!


I said go home, so go home!

I don't care who says otherwise; I'm not
letting anyone stay here tonight!

What? The School Festival's big theme is
management by the students themselves!

You think you can trample on that
and get away with it?

Hey, Onsen! You're gonna regret this!

At daybreak, we'll file a complaint
with the Festival Committee...

...and see that you get nailed for this!

Right on!

Ok, fine, fine. Go right ahead. That
is, if you still remember this tomorrow.

You saying we'll forget?

- How can I go home looking like this?
- Just wait! You're gonna get yours!

Miss Lum, Miss Shinobu, let me
take you home in my car.

Thank you.

I'm going home with Darling.

So long! Bye bye!

Lum! Put me down!

Bye bye!

It'll be a long time til
tomorrow morning.

It feels even Ionlier 'cause we've all
been together these past few days.

I made all the other teachers
leave too.

Aside from the Fujinamis in the school
store, we're the only ones here.

Right. I'll go find my uncle.

Don't look so disgusted. He can be
a useful monk at times like this.

Uh... Sakura? I've got a bad feeling.
Be careful.

You too. I'll call you later.

Shimotomobiki. Shimotomobiki.

Wow, I'm beat!

Still, it's been a long time since
I last rode a train.

Now let's see what's going
on in the world...

Huh? "The Screaming Beasts"...
"Pro Wrestling News"

"Akudama Jet Shin Demands Revenge
Match Against A. Inokin!"

Now that's hot!

I don't know how long it's been since
we've had peace and quiet, Miss Shinobu.

Wha... what the hell happened?

It can't be... there should
be an overpass here...

It's dark. We must have gone the
wrong way. Turn around!

Uncle, it's me, Sakura.



That demented monk.

He pops up indiscriminately when you
don't need him, but when you do...


Look at the curve of those
hips! And that...

Man! What lousy driving!

It was... a ring line?

What the hell's going on? This is the
fifth time we've gone through here!

Things sure are strange tonight.

Left...! The Gyromap is useless
in areas like this...

Wait, I bet it's this left, here!

It's a dead end! Turn back!

Don't worry. We'll see you home
safely. It's not a labyrinth...

Driver, I thought I told you to hurry.
Aren't we there yet?

I hear you, ma'am. Almost there.

Main Street to Tomobiki High shouldn't
take more than three minutes by car.

What's taking you so long?

Everybody says that, ma'am. Maybe time
slows down when you're in a taxi.

Ma'am, you know the story about being
taken to the Dragon Palace by a turtle?

That's how I'm feeling right now.

How do you suppose it would be
if, instead of just Taro...

...everyone in the village had ridden
on the turtle's back?

If they all went to the Dragon Palace,
and came back to the village together...

...would centuries still have passed?
Even if none of the villagers noticed?

What are you talking about?

Things are a mess fer ya 'cause ya think
time an' space are objective things.

Y'know how time seems to slow
down when y're waiting?

Fact is, time is simply a creation of
yer human consciousness.

What if there ain't no human beings
anywhere in the world?

Wouldn't clocks and calendars
be a waste?

Maybe there ain't no such thing as time
that flows in one direction...

...from the past to the future, and
never was, don'tcha think, ma'am?

Human beings are slipshod
to begin with...

...so there ain't nothing strange 'bout
time being slipshod too.

If ev'rything was all hunky-dory,
then THAT'd be weird!

The only certain thing is the present,
that just keeps on flowin' like this.

Ain't that the best way
to think 'bout it?

Interesting. Maybe I really AM
riding a turtle.

Wanna go straight to Dragon Palace?
I'll give you a discount fare.

You're not an ordinary turtle...

Show your true self!

Crazy driver!

I lost him...

What's this? We're
back at school!

Can't help it, man! You know
anywhere else we can go?

Uh, if it ain't the school entrance.
We're back where we started!

Hey, are you two, by any chance...?

"Upon breaking through the darkness,
and getting off the train...

"...we were at the station where
we had got on..."

Or something like that!

Cool poem!

Morons! This is nothing
to laugh about!

Who's there?

What is this? We're back at school!

Hey, what are you all doing here?

If we can't get out of town, and we
can't get into school, then...

There's only one place we can go.

And so...

We'd like you to put us
up for the night!

Why you...!

Nothing. No answer at my place either.

What could be happening? Never
mind your house or mine...

...but there are 200 phones at Mendou's
house, and not a single answer!

It's almost as if we're the only
people left in the world.

It's me! Can I come in?

Looks like you're the only one with whom
I can talk serious business, after all.

You see...


Come on, fly, fly. Hey, pig, fly!

Oh, how cute! Where'd you
find this piglet?

It's Ten's pet!

Oh! Bet you're happy, huh, Ten?
Where'd you buy him?

I didn't. This strange guy gave
him to me the other day.

Ten! Is that true?

How many times have I told you not to
accept anything from strangers?

But it's cute, so I guess
it's alright this time.

Oh! Does that mean I can keep him?

Still, this piglet looks a bit strange
for some reason...

What's this?

- Pass the soy sauce...
- Stay put!

Hey, give me some soup!

Miso soup, pickles, and fermented
beans... this is pretty miserable.

Don't be so picky!

Wish we had some beer!

Mrs. Moroboshi, are the
seconds ready yet?!

More rice...

I told you, only two pickle slices per
person! It's even been counted!

Don't put your chopsticks
in my miso soup!

I can't stand it!

More rice...

Hey, we can't be eating all day.

We gotta go to school and get to work...

...or we won't be ready in time for
the School Festival's opening day.

And that's the truth.

Yeah, today's the last day.

Well, whaddya know, it's
noon already! Noon!

Hey, I wonder if our classroom
is still in one piece!

I bet the t*nk fell through the floor.

Yeah, that t*nk is a problem. Even if
we managed to open our shop...

...the floor would give way if even
four or five people came in.

And Darling will hide in it right away,
so let's move it somewhere else!

Move it, if you can!

Well, we gotta do something.

What do you mean, "do something?"

Do you know what I went through
to get it in there?

- You did it because you wanted to!
- You don't eat anything, do you?

Darling? Darling?

What's the matter?

Darling's disappeared.

What, again?

I bet he's hiding somewhere, as usual.

He probably went to school
ahead of us.

You've got to let him loose
once in a while.

'scuse me, 'scuse me, let me through!

My... my t*nk... my Leopard...

Can't blame it, in this heat.

Tanks don't go bathing, you idiot!

Hmm? What's with those bubbles?

Huh? Where am I? Hey, Mendou!
What are you doing here?

I see... So that's how it is...
So that's how it is!

You want to ridicule me, Shutaro
Mendou, that badly, do you!?

This is the absolute last straw!

Hey, hey, Mendou, what
are you say...

What's going on!

Come back here!

- Help!
- I'll k*ll you!

Oh, Darling!

You're wrong, I tell you!
It wasn't me!

How can I believe you! DIE!

Stop it! Stop it I say!

You, you, you... You! You! DIE!

Darling! There you are!
Where've you been?

Oh no! Lum!

Come back here!

Hold it! Darling, come out before
I count to three! One...!

Oh no! Run!



Twice is tragedy, but thrice is comedy,
as someone once said.

But I guess I can't leave them to
repeat this for a lifetime.

And there you have it.

Actually, when Miss Sakura told me last
night, I couldn't believe it, either.

But given the incident with my t*nk
today, and what happened last night...

...too many strange things have
been happening lately.

Meaning that there is now no doubt
that something is happening.

So I propose that we form a
Reality-Check Committee...

...in order to find the facts through
our own efforts...

Listen when someone's talking!

Don't shout like that, Mendou.

I am listening, but, well, how do I
put this? It doesn't seem so important...

What you're trying to say is that space
and time are all mixed up, right?

OK. What say we agree on that?

Sure 'nuff!

But, if so, then what damage
does that really cause us?

This is the question I must ask!

Hail the President!

Onsen-Mark disappeared? Cherry's
missing? Hit it, boys!


I rest my case.

A creepy monk or a students' nemesis
or two gone missing...

...won't get us off our butts!

This is going nowhere.

But now that I think about it, it was
silly of me to even talk to you.

Miss Sakura...

Hold on. The mixed fried noodles
will be here soon.

Then I'll go on ahead.

Hey, Mendou... here.

What is this?

Why, it's the bill.

I'll certainly pay for Miss Sakura,
Miss Lum, and Miss Shinobu...

...but why should I have to pay
for the rest of you?!

Everything that's happened so far
originates from Tomobiki High.

Whether a supernatural phenomenon
beyond human comprehension...

...or a conspiracy of persons unknown...

Whatever, checking at this time of
night, when no one's around...

...should turn up something.

We're going in!

Just to be on the safe side, Miss Sakura
and Miss Shinobu will wait here.

The rest of you, follow me!


Did you see his sword? He broke it this
afternoon, but now it's grown back!

Just like a lizard's tail.

One can't see one's own back, so he
wouldn't notice it! Convenient, eh?

Kakugari and Chibi, search
the first floor!

Aye aye, sir!

Megane and Perm, take the second floor!

Yes sir!

Moroboshi, take the third floor! Miss
Lum, to the clock tower with me!


I'm no little kid, and I'm
not playing Explorer.

I'm going to the school store and
have a little fun with Ryuu...

I'm scared! I'm scared of the dark!
I'm scared of the dark!

How did Mendou get here...?

That Mendou really played
a dirty trick on us.

He took us out, knowing full well
we couldn't afford it.

Then he used his offer to pay
to make this deal with us.

And we have no idea what we're
looking for, or how to find it!

He's totally clueless! He's just
winging it! Hey, Megane! You listening?

Yes, I am!

Shutaro! Shutaro! Where
could he have gone?

Shutaro! Where are you?
Darling! Darling!

Ka... Kakugari, let's turn on
the hall lights...

I would, but in this darkness...

We... we found 'em!

Now, which one is it...?

Who cares! Turn them all on!

I... I'm all over the place! I...


I'm scared of the dark!
I'm scared of the dark!


Miss Lum!

What's taking so long?

Don't rush me!


Miss Lum!

Looks like it's begun.

I wonder if Mendou and
the others are OK.

It's not lifethreatening, but they'll
likely run out like scared rabbits.

Look closely at the school building!

Eh? Oh!

Built 60 years ago. School building of
wood and mortar construction.

Three stories and a clock tower. Since
when have there been four stories?

I can just imagine what that crew
might be going through in there!

You mean you've known all along?

The recent string of events are indeed
connected to Tomobiki High.

But we won't likely find out anything
by searching the building.

What we need to do is make something
happen, like last night.

There will be a reaction of some kind.

And the only way to find the solution
is to observe that reaction!

Come on, it's your turn now!

Darling, where are you?



Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!
We're bugging out!

Huh? Hey, what's going on? What are
they doing here this late at night?

I don't see how you can watch what looks
like the same show every night...

...without getting bored.


No, Junji, we mustn't...

All right!

Good riddance to this place!

Huh? What'cha doing?

Hey you guys! What kind of
stunt are you pulling?

There! Gotcha!

So what do we do now? I bet wherever
we go, we'll end up same as last night.

Mach Speed Noodles, on
Tomobiki Ginza Street!

What, are you hungry?

Mach Speed Noodle Stand is really the
Mendou Family Tomobiki Panic Center.

There's a Harrier there for
emergency escapes.

I get it. We can use a plane.
All right!

"Tomobiki Ginza"

What a mess!

I guess this means a bite to eat
is out of the question.

Mendou Estate, Mendou Estate, this is
Shutaro. Do you read me? Over.

Yes, this is Shanghai Chinese. Thank
you. We sent three pork noodles to you.

Nobody ordered any!

Miss Sakura, climb aboard. I'll send a
chopper as soon as I get home...

...so the rest of you, wait here...

We've come too far to be left behind!

We're all in this together, enemies in
the same boat, to Hell if need be.

Do what you like! Just don't
blame me if you fall off!

We did it!

"Oh, wings, there be the lights of
Tomobiki." Or something...

You poetic stud!

"We're off to Outer Space,
We're leaving Tomobiki..."

Can it!

You really are tone deaf, aren't you?


It... can't be... It can't be!

It's impossible!

Mendou! Circle around the city limits!

Unless I'm mistaken, that was...

Uncle Cherry!


I was thinking I hadn't seen him
lately, but to find him here...!

Hey, look!


Out of gas? It can't be! We've only
been flying for a few minutes!


No choice, we're going back.

Going back? To Tomobiki?

Where else? You want to land
on Cherry's head?

No good! We won't even make
it to Mach Speed Noodles!

I'm gonna make a forced landing
close by. Hang on tight!

It sure is noisy for so late at night.

Mr. And Mrs. Moroboshi, we're home!

Good evening! Can we stay
tonight too? Thanks!

Now just a minute!

A can of ripe whole tomatoes, 12 packs
ready-to-eat beef bowl...

...16 cup fried noodles... the ones with
soup packets, 3 1-liter bottles cola...

...6 bags frozen sweet corn, 5 cans
barbecued sardines...

...and some canned tuna.
Hey, are you with me?

You're too fast for me!

Perm! You think flakey tuna
will be OK?

I guess, but I don't know for sure.

...3 cases fish-flavor rice spice, 5
boxes cheese crackers, 2 Mabodofu base.

N178, N230, N572, N100, and N125.

For a total of N10,823.

OK, let's go. If we mess around,
Ataru's mother's gonna let us have it.

Chibi! What's that chocolate bar
doing in your shirt?

Well, I've wanted to try one for a while
now. Uh, it's got bean jam inside...

In matters of food procurement, we
follow Ataru's mother's instructions...

...even for a single piece of bubblegum.

You haven't forgotten that great
principle, have you, Chibi?

The food in this town, to even a grain
of rice or a single M&M...

...is the community property of all!

Out of selfish desire, you
laid hands on this!

The penalty for that act is DEATH!

I... I'll put it back...

Take him away!

We'll convene a people's court when we
get home and decide on punishment!

NO! I don't want to be
flayed alive!

How stupid...

I.O.U. N10,823.

Let's go!

My name is Megane.

Once I was an ordinary high school
student, attending Tomobiki High...

...enduring those boring days,
with my head in the clouds.

But the traumatic sight I saw from
the Harrier's cockpit that night...

...changed my destiny forever!

Since the day after we made our forced
landing at Ataru's in the Harrier...

...the world has changed its guise,
as if turning its back on us.

The same town, the same corner
stores, the same public parks...

But something is different.

The shadows of cars going to and fro
have disappeared from the roads...

...the sound of pianos in townhouse
gardens has also stopped...

...and there is no one wolfing down a
meal at the beef-bowl shop counter.

Everyone else in town, no, everyone
else in the world...

...suddenly vanished, leaving only us.

The time of desolation passed
in a matter of days.

Who in the world would have imagined
such a silent, simple end?

The civilization that mankind built up
in the past, gradually, over millenia...

...has come to an end.

But for those of us who are left, the
end is nothing but a new beginning.

The day that heralded the
end of the world...

...was the beginning of the days
of our struggle for survival.

Strangely enough, the convenience
store near Ataru's house...

...has not given way to the encroaching
ruin, and its gallant shelves...

...provides us with an abundant stock
of food, daily sundries, and the like.

Stranger still, Ataru's house still has
electricity, gas and water...

...and, most surprising of all, the
newspaper is still delivered.

Naturally, in the just cause of
mankind's continued existence...

...we have chosen Ataru's house
as the base of our lives.

But for some reason, Miss Sakura soon
opened Haratama... a beef-bowl shop...

...declaring that she wanted
to live on her own.

Soon after, Ryuunosuke and her father
reopened Hama Teashop...

...near the ruins of the school.
And Mendou...

...drives around in his t*nk
all day long...

...probably to deal with
unfulfilled needs.

Every so often, he repeat-fires
the cannon.

I don't know what's bugging him,
but it isn't pretty to watch.

Who knows how much time has passed
since that fateful night?

But in this world we're building, clocks
and calendars are useless.

The necessities of life provided to us,
we struggle to survive.

The everlasting dream of all
mankind, Shangri-la...

...is ours to make, with our own hands.

I feel both ecstasy and unease
at being a chosen one.

When I realize that the future of
mankind rests wholly on our shoulders...

...I can't help but feel an emotion
similar to vertigo...

Hey, what's the matter, Megane?

Probably sunstroke. I told him to wear
a hat, but he wouldn't listen.

...excerpted from "The Prehistory of
Tomobiki," by Megane...

...Volume 1: "Beyond the End of the
World," Prologue, Chapter 3.

More miso... Get your chopsticks out
of my bowl... Pass the onions...

But, only noodles is... Boy, I wish
we had some beer!

Here you go! Seconds!

Right on!

Mrs. Moroboshi, it's not enough. I need
to take them more, and quickly...!

OK, OK, OK. Really, Ataru
alone is trouble enough.

Oh, Shinobu? Use the spring onion all
the way up to the green part, OK?

Yes, all right, ma'am.

Your helping out saves my life, Shinobu.
I wish you could be here all the time.

Oh, my! Mrs. Moroboshi!

Come swimming with us, Shutaro.

Ah, Miss Lum, I'm a little
busy right now...

How come you're not playing
with the rest of us?

I have a little checking
up to do... See you.

Lum, we better hurry, or the chilled
watermelon will get warm.

That's cold!

Miss Lum, what do you think
of this world?

It's lots of fun! 'Bye now!

Mrs. Moroboshi, it's all gone!

OK! How's the salad? Did you use the
cabbage all the way up to the core?

Yes, Mrs. Moroboshi.

Huh, oh, Lum! Where's Shinobu?

Gee, I dunno.

That's strange. Where could
she be at a time like this?

Well, I expect she'll be back shortly.
After all, where else can she go?

But Miss Shinobu didn't come back,
not even the next morning.

And the next day...


...Miss Ryuunosuke disappeared,
leaving a pot of stew cooking...

...just as if she had stepped
out for a quick errand.

Despite our desperate searching, the
two of them remained missing.

It's Miss Shinobu! She's here!

As I thought!

Miss Shinobu! Miss Shinobu!

Calm down, Mendou!

A similar figure, looking like
Ryuunosuke, is probably nearby...

They are but shadows!


Thanks for your help. I'll
pull you back up now.

Setting aside Uncle, there's Onsen-Mark,
who discovered our predicament...

...plus Shinobu and Ryuunosuke, at
whom Ataru made passes...

Any way you look at it, I'm next.

"I should like to speak with you,
with no one else around..."

"...about this pitiful world."

"I have an idea regarding the
life we should live."

"I will wait for you this evening in the
Tomobiki High School Clock Tower."


Sakura! Sorry to keep you waiting...!

Nice of you to come, Moroboshi!

Huh? Mendou, what are
you doing here?

I sent for him.

Then all that about you and I and
nobody else around was...

- A lie.
- I'm leaving.

Leaving? Where would you
go, Moroboshi?

I really do have something
to talk to you about.

You don't mind just listening for
a bit, do you, Moroboshi?

Uh, no...

"Haratama Beef-Bowl"

Listen, Moroboshi. I wasn't driving
my t*nk around just for fun...

...while the rest of you slumbered and
partied in this screwed-up world.

Miss Sakura and I were examining
the structure of this place...

...and working out a plan to somehow
return to our real home.

Sounds like a lot of trouble.

Can you imagine how hard
those days were?

I wanted to forget everything and
spend happy days with Lum too!

Well, you shouldn't have acted so weird.

What! How dare you, feeling no concern
for the situation you've been left in...

...and just getting roly-poly fat...!

Stop it! Calm down, Mendou,
and get to the point.

Oh, excuse me, I just...

Because you are SO stupid, I'll explain
this logically and systematically.

Now, this table represents our world,
riding on that giant turtle.

In other words, this is Tomobiki Town.
You saw it too, right?

Yeah, I saw it.

Then this is your house.

Using the range of the Leopard's
cannon as a ruler, I determined...

...that it is at the center of this

It is literally the center of the world.

It's unusual enough that such a world
is flying through the sky on a turtle.

The real problem is something else.

Why do gas, water, and electricity

...to be supplied only to the
house of the Moroboshi's?

Or rather, from where are they supplied?
Have there been any bills?

No, not a one.

Why hasn't the convenience store
where you, Megane...

...and the rest pig out ever
run out of food?

Going back further, where did all the
town's inhabitants disappear to?

And in one night at that! Why?

How should I know?

Other than those, our lives are without
inconvenience... But that's not all!

In order to make things
convenient for us...

...this world has been turned
totally upside down...

...and made more nonsensical
than words can describe.

The existence of a world like this
is physically impossible.

Since it does exist, then...

It's only in a dream, right?

Moroboshi! You mean, YOU...

I figured it out a long time ago. Not
just me, Megane and the others, too.

We just didn't talk much about it, as
it was too obvious a solution.

Looks like you went to all that trouble
for nothing after all, Mendou.

If you know so much, why play your days
away? Your attitude infuriates me!

Right now, there's nothing to do but
play! We don't know whose dream it is!

Oh, you don't know? Oh, I see!
You really don't know?!

Serves you right! You wouldn't know.

I'm drowning in waves of laughter!
Because I know!

You see, Moroboshi, it's a simple
process of elimination.

It's obviously not me, Miss Sakura, or
the missing Shinobu or Ryuunosuke.

We exclude Mr. And Mrs. Moroboshi...

...because having so many people in
their house inconveniences them.

Clearly, it's not you, either,

If it were, this world would
be full of women.

You got that right.

When we also exclude Ten,
his pet piglet...

...and Ryuunosuke's father, who's
now without his only "son"...

...we are left with five people.

Megane and Co. Are enjoying living
under the same roof with Lum...

...but the problem is that all four
of them are together.

If this was one of their dreams, each
would think only of himself.

None of them are so philanthropic
as to consider the other three.

Which leaves...


I wonder.

What? You saying my reasoning
is flawed?

I don't know about the rest, why would
she eliminate Shinobu and Ryuu?

She's not the kind of girl who'd
do something like that.

We've been together long enough for
me to know that much about her.

Damn your impudence, Moroboshi!

No, I agree with him on that point.

So far, you've been on the mark with
the main points of this discussion.

Even if Lum is the Princess, it is the
turtle who invites her to Dragon Palace!

We're forgetting the possibility of a
third person, who created all of this...

...to make Lum's wish come true!

Oh, yeah, that's right!

What are you so pleased about?
I'm talking about you.

Huh? Uh, what do you mean by...?

I'm saying that you're the turtle!


Come on, Sakura! Are you saying
that I created this world?



A mere high school student couldn't
possibly do something like this!

That mere high school student...
is over there. Come on out!

Hey! Hold it, hold it. The star makes
his entrance. Thank you, thank you.

What the hell...?

The schemer is out-schemed!

It's as if, in setting a trap,
you got caught in one.

Did you think, upon receiving my letter,
that he would wait until dark?

I went to see Sakura right
after I got it... at noon!

This time won't be like last time.
Let's see you escape this enclosure!

It's all over!

Ah, so I've been found out.
Shame on you two.

You! Monster! Prepare to...

Stay back. You can't handle this.

You look like Mujaki; am I correct?

Yes, indeed, I am Mujaki.
How do you do?

But I'm surprised that
you know me, Miss.

Why shouldn't I? You are the Dream
Demon, known as Mujaki.

As your name says, you
are an evil demon...

...who delights in manipulating dreams,
and planting seeds of evil in people.

The underbelly of bloody history...

It is there, in that darkness, that
your form is constantly lurking.

Who was it that turned a shy art
student into a crazed dictator?

Why did an emperor known for his love
of poetry and of good government...

...become a bloody tyrant, and
set his capital afire?

A devoted disciple betrayed his lord...

...and an honorable man turned
his sword on a close friend!

Et tu, Brute?

The temptation in Buddha's mind when he
was harvesting the tree of knowledge...

...Adam and Eve eating
the forbidden fruit...

...all because they lost themselves in
twisted dreams you inspired them with!

Hey, hey, wait a minute, Lady.
What authority are you citing?

"Encyclopedia of Evil Spirits..."
Authority? It's all right here...

...in the indispensible reference
of all 100,000 Japanese sorceresses!

No more excuses! I don't know what
you're using Lum's dream for...

...but having revealed your true self,
we have now thwarted your scheme.

Release us from this dream world
at once, and BEGONE!

Listening to her talk makes me seem
like the very Devil himself.

That's what you are!

Don't be ridiculous! Sure, I know
magic, unlike you ordinary humans...

...and I might have lived a little
longer than you types as well. But...

Oh, I see. My long lifespan makes
me seem evil, doesn't it...

Yeah, I've made a lot of different
people dream.

I've even given dreams to some of
those you mentioned, it's true.

But don't get me wrong. The dreams I
make are only those that they desire.

So if a dream turns out evil, it's
because that person has evil desires.

"Whether something is used for good
or evil depends on human minds."

A bit of sophistry often
used by scientists.

There were a lot of good dreams, too.
But they never last very long.

They all get out of hand and
become nightmares.

Until finally that good-for-nothing
comes and eats them all up.

When that happens, I look for a fragment
of yet another dream...

...running here, there and everywhere.
It's always the same thing over again.

I got sick and tired of it.

It got so I was thinking... lf I quit
making people dream, just disappeared...

...maybe that would make people
happier than if I stayed around.

That was when I met HER...!

It was at some aquarium somewhere...

I knew right away that she'd been
born under a very unusual star.

Well, she came from a different one...

Excuse me, but...

...do you like watching fish?

Not particularly.

Then you must have had a fight
with your boyfriend, right?

Pretty girls like you don't normally
come to places like this, all alone.

Oh, sorry... Please allow me
to introduce myself.

Mr... Mujaki? I'm Lum.

Miss I'm Lum. I mean, Miss Lum. A nice
name, sort of sweet, sort of bitter.

That was our first meeting...


Yes, making dreams is my work.

Happy dreams, sad dreams,
scary dreams, all kinds.

But lately, I've become tired.
I'm thinking of retiring.

I've been having trouble
dealing with people...

Maybe I'm just too nervous.

Hey! Why not let me make your
dream for my last job?

On the house, of course.
What do you say?

My dream?

I've been searching for a long time...

I've always wanted to make an eternal
dream world out of a pure dream...

...a dream that wouldn't turn into
a nightmare along the way.

With you, it's possible. I know it is.
Now, tell me your dream.

OK... my dream is... to live happily
ever after with Darling...

...and Mr. And Mrs. Moroboshi and Ten,
Shutaro, Megane and his friends.

And thank you for listening. For one so
young, you're quite something, Miss.

I wondered for a moment
what I was going to do.

But it's checkmate, and your
youth has betrayed you.

After all, I've been around as long as
the history of mankind's dreams...

...so you were actually no threat.
Well, take it easy.

Oh, I'll tell you this, for the sake of
Miss Lum's and my integrity:

That story was true. Just so you know.
Pleasant dreams!

The shadows of the people who vanished
hold up the dream town...

...in return, they all get the dreams
they wanted. How's that for service?

This, too, is a token of my sentiment.
Conscientious, aren't I.

Still, from now on this dream
will be peaceful too.

All that's left in it are the small fry
and the idiots, after all.

Naturally, I'll personally take
that fool Ataru's place.

You have to have steady nerves to take
care of dreams. They're so delicate...

What... what are you doing here?
How did you get out?

When you made your advance to Lum,
I jumped from the veranda...

...planning to trash you... and
I fell into the water.

I just now crawled out.

OK, I see! I'll put you back.
Just hold still, son.

Don't be so pushy, Old Man.
What say we make a deal?

Don't be silly! What possible benefit
would I get from making a deal with you?

Sakura gave me this for
self-defense, but...

What was that deal, son?

...anything, your Highness...
...Ataru, my dearest love...

OK, OK, one at a time. Yes, I know.

Well, if this'll take care of
everything, fine, but it's not my style.

But now that I think about it,
this was bound to happen.

- This was a pointless deal.
- Hey, Old Man!

Huh? Now what?

I've looked and looked, and Lum
isn't here. Where is she?


What did you just say?

Lum's not here. Why isn't she here?

Hey, what's the matter?

I can't believe you! You were trying
so hard to get away from her!

Oh, I get it. Long life doesn't
always make one wiser.

OK, listen up! I'm in love with Lum,
just like all the other girls.

But when I try to see another girl, she
interferes, which is why I run away.

You got that?! If so, bring her here.

A harem without Lum is an
imperfect dream!

It's a beef-bowl without the beef!

I'll wreck it, and go back to reality!
Bring Lum here now!

I've had it with you! Quit fooling
around! I dare you to do it!


What's this?

OH! No, no, no! Give it back, please!

That precious thing calls Baku... Oops!

Baku? Oh, yeah, Sakura
mentioned him once.

The legendary creature that feeds
on nightmares, right? Aha!

Not again. Not again. Why do
humans have to be like this?

What's it gonna be, Old Man? You
gonna produce Lum or not?

Blockhead! I can't do it.

This world is part of her
dream to begin with!

Then I'll use this to wreck this
dream and return to reality.

Is that what you want?

No! I'm going to protect her pure

No! Not again!
Pure? You shanghaied us...

...without our knowledge!

Egotist! I'm blowing this horn!

Stop! Stop stop stop stop! Do you have
any idea what'll happen if you do that?

You're just like Lum.

Don't you understand that I do things
without thinking of the consequences?

And now, back to reality!

Wha... what's all that noise?

It's him! That good-for-nothing
is running amuck!

He's wrecking my precious dream!

Stupid! Idiot! Moron! S.O.B.!

Oh, calm down, it's just a dream.
You can always make more!

You don't understand at all!

What's the difference between reality
and the dreams I make?

I've been making and living in other
people's dreams since I was born!

Can't I have a dream of my
own, just this once?

Oh, why do they always have
to be destroyed?

Well, if it isn't the unlucky young man!

Cherry! Where've you been hiding,
you good-for-nothing monk?

Do something about all this!

"Existence is Nothingness."
"Nothingness is Existence."

This world is nothing but dreams
and illusions.

If you open your eyes,
all will be solved!

YOU, I won't let go!

Where am I? What've I been doing?

So you finally woke up.

How you can snore so loudly in this
cold weather is beyond me.

I get it... I fell asleep on the way to
get take-out food for midnight snacks!

So that town and that Mujaki guy
were all a dream.

But it sure seemed terribly
realistic, didn't it...

Ha. Well, dreams are highly realistic
while you're dreaming.

If you think about it, there's no
guarantee that you and I...

...talking like this, in this
instant, isn't a dream.

Heh Heh... That's ridiculous.

Nothing ridiculous about it.

I told you I wouldn't let you go.
You're the only one who will not escape!

Look out! It's a red light, you idiot!

Now I knock us out again and escape!

My head was harder than his...

Ataru! Ataru, wake up, Ataru!

You don't have time to be unconscious!
Ataru! Ataru!

Moroboshi is awake! The indomitable
Ataru Moroboshi!

He fights again for the fate of Earth,
but there are only ten minutes left!

Can he grab the horns of Lum the
devil-girl and save mankind?

Hang in there, Ataru, if you want
to marry me!

Yes, anything goes, if it means
we can be married!

Hey, Lum! See this?

Hey! That's my only top!
Give it back!

I win...!

Ho... hold it! This all started
when I grabbed her horns!

Oh! Time has run out! Time has
run out! This is terrible!

What were you thinking, Ataru Moroboshi,
enemy of Earth!? You flaming moron!

Good-for-nothing! Imbecile! k*ll him!
Germ! Flea! Idiot!

I've done it! Success at last!

Congratulations, Doctor!

My name is Franken-Ataru. After a period
of unconsciousness, cause unknown...

...I returned to life as a man-made
golem It was indeed fortunate that...

...for some reason, I was resistant
to high-voltage electricity.

Fortunate? All that awaited me in this
world were stares filled with hate.

People hated me, and none would come
near me, let alone talk to me.

Hey! What are you doing to that girl!
Keep your hands off!

Hey! You stupid bastard! Enough
with the stupid tricks!

I'm going back to reality!

"The two approached one another with
the speed of a gust of wind...

"...heading for the point where
life and death meet."

I... won...

Are you awake, Ataru? It may surprise
you, but listen to what I have to say.

Your mother and I probably won't be
alive when you hear this tape.

We made every effort to find some way...

...to awaken you and Lum from
your mysterious sleep.

But present-day science, not just that
of Earth, but of Lum's planet as well...

...couldn't revive the two of you.
Forgive us.

We've staked our last hopes, and
your fates, on the future.

We thought that science a few
centuries from now...

...might have a chance of
awakening you.

Ataru, you're strong enough to live
anywhere, anywhen.

Lum's parents said to tell you
to take good care of her.

That's all there is to say... Oh, yes...

...we had to take out a 500-year loan in
your name to pay the cold-sleep fees!

Goodbye, Ataru.

An emergency 400 years ago?!

Wow! It was a stage set!

Hey you! You're not supposed
to exit this dream...

...before I've got the next
one ready, you idiot!

That one sure struck home.

I bet you're glad it was a dream, huh.

Good thing it wasn't reality.

You can do it over because
it was a dream.

You can repeat it any number of times.


...you know this story?

A man who dreamed he was
a butterfly woke up...

...and couldn't tell which was
real and which the dream.

Maybe the real "he" is in
the butterfly's dream.

See, whether you call something
reality or a dream...

...you ultimately think of it
in the same way.

That being the case, isn't it better
to live a fun life in a dream?

Even you: if you don't ask for
anything outrageous...

...I'll make you tons of good dreams.

The dreams I make are
the same as reality.

Therefore, they ARE reality!

I won't do anything bad.

So trust me.

I'll be waiting up above. Come up
and see me when you're ready.

Oh, yeah, all you have to do
is climb this stairway.

Well, I'll be waiting!

Do you really want to go back?

Well, you see, I want to be free from a
girl, because I want to keep loving her.

You probably don't understand, seeing
as how you're a girl too...

Want me to tell you how?

What! You mean you know how
to get back to reality?

Everyone knows how. They just
forget when they wake up.

You jump off from here, like this. And
before you hit bottom and wake up...

...you call out the name of the person
you really want to see.

If you can't say that one special name,
then you don't really want to wake up.

Oh, that will be easy. There are
lots of girls I want to see.

Then will you promise me something?


Do the RIGHT thing!

Ran! Oyuki! Benten! Shinobu!
Miss Sakura!

Ryoko! Otama! Ryuu! Tsuyuko!

Kintaro's Nanny! The Flower
Shop Girl! Kaede!

The Dolphin Girl! Mother!


You don't know what I've been
through! Wake up, you jerk!


Darling, I had such a dream.

There was you, Ten, your mother
and father and Megane and...

Lum, that was a dream.
It was only a dream.

Oh, keep going...

D... don't be ridiculous!

I can't do something so embarrassing
in front of all these people!

Why not? Why not? Why can't
you do it in front of people?

You can if you love me. Well?

When did I ever say I loved you?

What! You still act like this?

- I can't stand it!
- Hey, stop it! Stop it!

Hey, they're at it again.

I swear, they'll never learn,
and they'll never change.

They'll do that for the
rest of their lives.

Too true. Keeping up with those two
takes more effort than normal.

Shall we go?

Once again, you've become capricious.

I'm sad; we're finished now, aren't we.

You're dreaming of that girl again, I

With a sigh, I say so long, in my dream.

She's an angel... No! She's a devil.

Oh, as far as you're concerned...

...she's a girl setting a sweet trap.

Your love is paradise...

...and so often it seemed...

"I love you" was on the tip of my

Now you've put your arm
around her slim waist.

I'm sad; we're finished now,
aren't we.

Shall we erase our memories forever?

With a sigh, I say so long, in my dream.

She's a Venus... No! She's a beast.

Oh, as far as I'm concerned...

...she's the girl who destroyed
my dream of love.

Your love is paradise...

...but since it can't return...

I bit my lip on "I love you."

Maybe, maybe, maybe love...

...is a boomerang tossed away.
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