Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise (1987)

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Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise (1987)

Post by bunniefuu »

Was any of this for good or bad?

I really couldn't say.

But like most people, I guess...

I was born and raised in the same country.

My family was middle-class, pretty ordinary.

And so, I've never known the troubles of the rich...

or the hardships of the poor.

To tell you the truth, I could really care less.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a Navy pilot.

You had to join the Navy if you wanted to fly jets.

They were so fast and flew so high...

For me, there could be nothing better than flying.

But two months before I was to graduate from school...

I saw that my grades weren't
good enough to let me do any of that.

And so... I ended up joining the Space Force.


I just want to know two things.

Where have you been?!

And why aren't you in dress uniform?!

Might I assume the first question to be
in reference to my past?

Stop that, damn you! I'm asking you why you're late!

Why do you always have to play the clown?

You don't think this is serious?
Coming late to a comrade's funeral!

I was taking a nap and overslept, sir!

A man in your own unit is dead, and you...

you call yourself a soldier?!

Forget it. Just get in line.

Hey there.

Hey there.
Hey there.

Why are you late?

I was just thinking about some stuff.

Why aren't you in dress uniform?

Knock it off. I don't wanna wear those hideous clothes.

Heh, he thinks he's the general now.

"Coming late to a comrade's funeral!"
He k*lled the guy!

It was a test accident, right?

Yeah, I hear the police are coming today.

They think the urine bag ruptured during the
space suit test and shorted the whole thing out.

Space suit? What's that?

You don't know? It's something
you have to wear in space.

He actually wants to launch somebody up there.

Manned artificial satellites.

That's insane.

Yeah, that crazy bastard.

He's not giving up, though. The next step's gotta be...

Space Force Anthem, prepare!

Space Force! Anthem! In unison!

With the solar wind on our backs

In the darkness of the galaxy, we spread our wings to fly

Into the chaos covering our path

The time of judgment for us all is drawing ever near

Majaho got some bread in the mail. Big box of it.

Why bread?

'Cause his family owns a bakery.

Bread, huh?

Yeah. A bakery'd be nice. You think they'd hire me?

Count me out. Probably couldn't
get another job on the outside.

This place is great.

At least we don't have to worry about
running out of food here.

We get hungry because we are alive.
The same for why we can eat...

I don't wanna die here...


Lots of free time, Shiro?

I didn't realize your job here was to take naps!

You know what this is? A one deem coin.

It can buy you a loaf of bread or a bottle of oil.

But they say a Khozel bandit
would k*ll a man for one of these.

So, if you think about it, it's worth quite a lot.

Overtime pay. Getting an advance
should make you weep with joy!

And now from you I want 300 push-ups.

If you're doing sit-ups, it'll be 500!

Tekatta! Tekatta! Get it while it's hot!

Why'd you come in uniform?

Had to. With all that extra work,
I didn't have time to change.

Embarrassing. Keep away from me.

Any gal who sees you in that thing
will just laugh at you.

Any lady who's heard of the Space Force would laugh.

If there was an Army soldier
who's never walked on the ground...

hell, I would laugh, too.

To the spaceship, and the men who passed away.

You think the old man's really serious?

People wouldn't be getting k*lled if it was just a game.

But most people think of manned space flight
as something of the far future.

I don't think our Force will last that far into the future.

I just hope it'll hold out till I can find a new job.

Ask Majaho for one.

Hit! Hit! Four, three.

Son of a...! Two more down.

That's a strange uniform.

It's for the Space Force.

Space Force? What, are we gonna
get att*cked by aliens?

Well, "Lt. Colonel"?

Knock it off! You're a Major, for God's sake!

Two, three, two, one, two!

For crying out loud, Matti!
Pick on someone else for a change!

Oh, I give up.

Don't be so down. The night's just getting started, eh?

Hey, gorgeous! Look over here!

Hey, baby! Don't you hear me? Hey!

Come on!

This way.

And don't worry about the money. My treat.

I just want to go to sleep.

You came!

Tohn! Tohn! You're here!

No, Matti, you mean. Matti!

Matti, Matti, Matti, Matti! I'm glad you came!

I like your perfume today. Ummm, delicious.

C'mon, I called a friend to help out today.

C'mon, c'mon!

Uh, hey! You said you'd treat...

A friend, huh?

Mimi! Look! It's Tohn!
A friend, huh?

Heh, "Tohn," huh?

The Day of Judgment approaches!

He who lives in sin will surely be cast into hell!

He who ignores the path of righteousness...

He who takes no responsibility for his sins...

and he who feels no shame for his transgressions...

these are all sins!

Thank you.

God is weeping for us.

The day of final judgment, which was promised after
Mankind first stole the flame from Heaven's ovens,

is drawing ever nearer!

We must all be prepared for when that day arrives...

Oh, it's you. Where're the others?

It's a holiday today. You think they'd come back?

"Please come"? What, a new whorehouse opened up?

Oh, and there's an address, too!

Ah, knock it off.

Can I use your foam?

He who has to beg for foam is doomed to be a beggar.

Oh, and you really shouldn't sleep in a dead man's bed.

Not good for health.



Hello, little guy. You live here?

Excuse me? I came because I saw your flyer.

Come in! Come in! Come in! Come in!

Come right on in! You're just in time.

I was about to make some tea.

Here, please! Have a seat!

I've got some terrish cooking in the oven.

You were able to find the place all right?

Uh, yeah. I took the trolley out here.

My name's Riqunni Nonderaiko.

Shirotsugh Lhadatt.

Pleased to meet you, Mr. Lhadatt.

Please, just call me Shirotsugh.

Okay, Shirotsugh. This is wonderful.

Someone actually came! How do you take your muuk?

Strong, please. Nothing in it.

So, how old are you, Boy?

Oh, Manna's a little girl.

Manna, bring the nice man a plate.


I've never seen Manna take to
a stranger so quickly before.

Here we are.

Kids just like me, I guess.

There you go. Sorry if it's overdone.

No, no. Terrish tastes better when it's a little overcooked.

Really, it looks delicious. Let's eat!

The tea smells really good, too...

That was good tea.

But you're right, times really are terrible nowadays.

Adults can no longer judge what's right and wrong.

Exactly! And they aren't bringing kids up right, either.

The whole world's just screwed up.

God's hand foretold all of this... Oh, by the way!


You haven't said what's bothering you.

Yeah, well... There was an accident where I work.

I see.

And a good friend of mine died because of it.

That's terrible. You must be really upset.

Yeah, and now I can't seem to eat or do my job or any...

So, what sort of job do you have?

Uh, well... Have you ever heard of the Space Force?

I'm sorry, but...

You've never heard of it. I'm not surprised.

You're a soldier, then?

No, we're not soldiers, really.
We're just training to go into space.

Oh, space? You mean to the stars?

Well, not quite that far.

What a wonderful job you have!

Huh? You think so?

Yes, I think it's great!

To be free of the troubles of this world
and to go to the unspoiled world of the stars...

Don't you think that's wonderful?

Yeah... And we're the only Space Force in the world, too.

I've never had such a wonderful holiday.

To think such a marvelous person
would come and visit me.

Do you think you can tell me about the stars sometime?

Sure. It'd be a pleasure.

Our children will one day live among the stars, in peace.

Yeah, and space is so vast.

There are no borders, either!

It's fantastic! Soldiers who don't make w*r!

Well, we've got a different purpose
than the guys fighting over a lake.

A higher purpose.

We're the ones who have to clear the way
to peace for all Mankind!

This world's too small for humanity.

From here on, it'll be the age of space!

The chief causes of launch failure
may be divided into two categories.

The chief causes of launch failure
may be divided into two categories.

Human error and mechanical failure.

Human error and mechanical failure.

Morning! Oh, the morning film lecture, huh?

These are the only funny movies
we ever get to see around here.


Hey, you borrowed my bike yesterday, didn't you?

Yep, sure did. Night air felt really good.

Would it have k*lled you to put some gas back in?

Honestly, you worry about such little things.

We are the proud officers of the Space Force.

Trifles he worries about!

We're doing big, important stuff here!

Maybe he's got a crack in his head.

I don't know.


Gentlemen, you are the
proud members of the Space Force!

It was 30 years ago that Khi Lei Kerass published
The Possibility of Galactic Travel.

It has been about 20 years since
the creation of our Space Force!

Words cannot describe what has
happened during those 20 years.

It was really just a drain dish off of some flowerpot.

Our first "satellite"!

Guess they just didn't have anything else handy.

Since last year's failed launch
of our fifth satellite, Ghida,

the scope of the program
has been drastically reduced.

Many voices in the House of Nobles
call for our abolition.

We've already lost half our year's budget!

They say the only money we're gonna get
is for tearing down the facilities.

That's it, then.

We might as well start looking for new jobs.

However... However, gentlemen!
Now's the time to show them all!

We must show them the significance of Mankind
setting sail into the vastness of space.

How is it a space warship if it'll only be carrying people?

That's what the General's calling it.

Space is vast! It is out there that our future lies!

A peaceful world we must open to our posterity.

People? How're they gonna
launch off something that heavy?

It's impossible.

I bet it won't even fly out of our sight.

I have just put in motion the human race's
first manned space program.

We all gotta die sometime.

Yes, there have been martyrs to our cause.

However, we must carry on past that sorrow!

Carry on towards the future!

I'm here to ask for a volunteer
to be our nation's first space pilot.

I won't force anyone.

Is there any brave man among you who would
challenge the world of the stars?!

I volunteer, sir!

Are you nuts?!

Uh, ahh... And you are...?

Shirotsugh, sir! Shirotsugh Lhadatt, sir!

Ah yes, I remember now.

Uh, anybody else?

Very well then. I'm pleased you've volunteered.

Come to the conference room later on.

Anybody. . .?

Never mind.


What did you do that for?!

Can you believe this guy?

Don't do this, please! Think of your family!

You're gonna die, man! You're just gonna die!

Think about it! How many guys
did we have when we joined?

It wasn't only us, was it?

Matti, we're being asked to give our lives for science.

We're making history here!
Shouldn't we do the best we can?

To be honest, I really wasn't
expecting too much from you...

but you are doing much better
than I thought you would.

Your grades were just really low before.

Oh well, it really doesn't matter.

At this rate, the project should
really start moving in earnest.

I'll be leaving for the capital soon.

To face the lions in their den, so to speak.

I'll be busy...

...but our Force will finally have its space warship!

Oh? So it'll have g*ns on it?

Why would a space warship need g*ns?

This space warship is going to have
clever gadgets designed to keep you alive.

Although we may have to skimp on a few of those...

What else was I going to tell you...?

Oh, I've forgotten what I was going to say! Dismissed!

Dismissing, sir.

Ah, wait! Wait, wait, wait! I just remembered.

Oh, what was it...?

Of course! Fly!

G-force training in an airplane.
You've never flown, have you?

Where do I get an airplane?

Borrow one.

From where?

You moron... From the Air Force, where else?!

Oh, check out the fancy suit.

My legs feel like they're in a vice!

Is this the parachute?

What's this thing do?

Quit messing with it!

Whoops. It came off.

Oh come on, now!


Yeah, yeah.

Not there. Front!

Oh. Of course.

Greto 32, clear for takeoff! You are clear for takeoff!

They're back.

You okay?

You don't look so hot.

I think I'm gonna throw up.
You don't look so hot.

What's wrong? Did he eat something bad?

And after he came so far to play, too.

Hey, wait. Matti!

Hey... Did you say play?

What about it?

It's work!

So, there's someone up in space for you guys to fight?

Well, just tell us if you find any enemy aliens out there.

So we can sh**t 'em down!

Hey, hey. Let's have a little respect here.

Those two assholes happen to be
a Lt. Colonel and a Major, you know.

Oh?! You guys are officers? How terribly rude of me!

I thought those medals were some kids' toys!

Why, you little...

Guys, I can't... I really don't think I can handle this.

Wait a minute. Wait... please.

You'll be sorry...!

Bad mood, Matti? It's all over town, practically.

How you got your ass royally kicked by some sergeant.

If you're gonna fight anyone, make sure it's an officer!

He didn't beat me!

Did you get him good?

I took it easy on him.

It was all your fault!

That hurt!
It was all your fault!

Okay, you two. This here is
the Space Force's secret factory.

You're gonna love this, I promise.

Oh, this is great! This is incredible!

Those Air Force guys would
shit themselves if they saw this!

Right, that's it then. We'll send you up in this monster.

Go and die! Go and die with a BANG!

This is the Space Travel Society...?

Yeah, they've been at this for a while now.

What?! You're telling me those old farts did all this?

Old farts? Old farts, huh?

Well, what does that make you, you little shit?!

This is Dr. Gnomm. He's just returned
from the North Pole.

I was flying rockets before you were
even an itch in your daddy's crotch!

The Doc's a pioneer in engine nozzle design.

Would all personnel assemble, please?

I've found a problem. A serious flaw in these plans.

Well?! Let's have it!

It's the third stage.

I hear you're putting a hydrogen engine in there.

Since when do we actually have a working model?

Well, we don't, yet. But there's a first time for everything.

You can't run an engine test using this plan!

We feel a hydrogen engine would work best
for the third stage's acceleration.

It's rash!

Quiet! You don't know what you're talking about!
Quit complaining!

He's the one who's gonna fly it. He should decide.

Oh, and what does he know about it?

Just that I'm for the safest way.
I don't wanna die this young.

Ah, youth! Youth is overrated!

It shouldn't be underrated!

What, then? We can't redesign anything
below the third stage.

Everything from here to the
head of section four is outmoded design.

I can show you how to reduce construction weight
and improve the engines' combustion efficiency.

When could you have it all ready?

Next month.

When next month?

The fourth of Poh.

Fine, we'll wait till then.
But not any longer than that.

That's it! Everyone back to work!

You throw a rock. It falls to the ground.
That's common sense.

Now throw that rock really hard, towards the horizon...

...and it falls to the ground really far away.

Keep throwing your rock harder and harder...

and it'll eventually reach a speed where it falls
towards the horizon without ever landing.

What you have then is an artificial satellite.

Instead of continuing to rise...

it falls along the curve of Earth.

Since the atmosphere would keep you
from maintaining this speed...

you have to fly way up high and actually get out of it.

When it's time to land, you simply skim
the atmosphere and slow down.

Just a moment's deceleration and
back you fall to the ground.

In short, we're working day and night
to build this state-of-the-art machine...

designed to go up just so it can come down again.

The description makes it sound ridiculously simple...

but I think I like its basic simplicity.

These old guys and their "Space Travel Society"...

they can't talk straight about anything.

Doc Gnomm though... He's different.

Of all these old men, he's the only one you can talk to.

I don't know what we'd do without him.

Torom, Marhida, Gana, Moraa... My mighty adventurers.

They're machines.

Oh, now what?!

Making fun of manufacturing?

It brought equality to the masses
by increasing the distribution of property!

Where are the names from?

Torom's a fish that lives in the Eska Sea,
just below the equator.

Marhida is a man-eating whale from the North Sea.

Gana is a poisonous snake from the Yvsak River.



All of them were once deadly enemies.

But now they're my sons.

Oh. I thought they were girls' names.

There're a few of those, too.

And now Dhotonridl is born.

Since I'm in charge of the parts, I name them all.

Looks like the only part around here I didn't name is you.

Who... Who's there?

"The Prince of Space has come to pay a call."

Oh, Shirotsugh...!

Good evening!

Good evening, Shirotsugh.

Hey, what gives? Why's it so dark in there?

They've turned my power off.

What?! That's terrible!

It's all right, though. Candlelight is really pretty.

And Manna's making all sorts of
interestingly shaped candles, too.

Say, can you come out? The sky's full of stars tonight.

I can tell you about the stars, like you asked me to.

Just a sec.

Come on, Manna. Let's go out and look at the stars!

Now then, you see the prow star up there?

It's 70 years away at the speed of light.

The light we're seeing now left that star 70 years ago.

So if we were 70 years old, then the light produced
on my birthday would just be getting here now.

Stars !

Uh, yeah. That's right.

I wonder what our world must look like,
from out among the stars...

Oh yeah! I've got something to show you.

It's a satellite photo of our world.

It's black.

No, no. The white part is the ground.

It's a radar image, so the picture's not very clear.

Still, from that far away, our city lights
would probably look like stars.

The fires of our wars, as well.

They're too sinful to be mixing among
the pure light of the stars...


A Holy Book? But, I...

I know, but I still want you to have it.

Something to read if you ever feel troubled by anything.

Well, I'd rather you were with me when I read it.

Let's make some tea.


You don't let yourself have any fun, do you?

Can't you and God work out some sort of a compromise?


I mean, don't overdo it.

I don't think I'm overdoing anything!

And that, that "compromise" you're talking about...

is what's made the world what it is today!

It's become a lot easier to live in.

Manna! I said we were making tea now!

Oh, what's wrong? We weren't fighting.

Forgive me. See, we've made up already.

Look at that! A little present from Papa.

A real, live training simulator.

Me first!

Wow, this thing's cool.

That's a lot of money, so don't break it.

Truth is, we really don't have the money.

Things will be a lot better if the Assembly
approves this appropriation.

Huh? They still haven't approved it?

So where're we getting our money from?

Oh, here and there.

Here and there?

You really don't know?

Well, being part of the nobility...

the General's got a lot of pull with the royal family.

So there's this slightly illegal
business he has on the side.

With just his one telephone?

No one's there to take calls.

You see, from this year on, the royal family
buys its business cars from Miguren Motors.

The same Miguren Motors that's paying for our rocket.

That's how it all works.

Oh, sure. That's how it all works.

You're totally lost, aren't you?



I'm here today to announce the
Space Force High Command's plans...

for the construction of our nation's space warship!

That was the only statement
the Space Force's commander made.

Also present at the ceremony was his Royal Highness
Prince Toness who briefly addressed the crowd.

As the protector of the citizenry of the
Honneamano-Jikein-Minadhan Federated Kingdom...

Don't stand there!

There, it's back.

You're such a hick!

The most important equipment in that spacecraft is you.

Air, water, heat...

they will provide you with conditions which differ
not in the slightest from the room you sleep in at night.

In return, you give it the proper instructions.

That's your relationship with it in a nutshell.

Trying to muscle it around won't do you any good.

Move calmly, as a part of the machine.

As delicately as possible, as intimately as possible...


Space Force Headquarters. Yeah.

Phone call. It's a girl.

Yes, yes. Hello?

Shirotsugh? For God's sake, get out here fast! Help me!

Hey, what do you think? I just finished.

Pretty slick, huh? Wanna take her for a spin?

Great, you're gonna try it! I changed the ignition switch.

What do you think? Runs pretty good, huh?

Space Rider! Cool!

The men from the power company
kept coming, day after day...

The house belonged to my aunt,
so I thought everything was okay.

But the men...

My aunt owed people money.

So? So?! That doesn't make what they did right!

Power plant...?

Right, we'll take 'em to court!
The state will pay for the lawsuit.

Or I will, if you want. If you need a lawyer...

No, it's all right. Really, it's all right.

I don't want her to see any more fighting.

Her parents were like that.

Just fighting, day after day.

Stop it! Stop it, please!

I'm sorry I called you out here for something like this.

Something like this? But it's... It's...

There's a church not far from here.

There are people there who will help.

I think I can stay with them for a little while.

And Manna can make some friends there, too...

All right...

Come on, let's dig your stuff out.

...splendor is most evident in the famous
Nedens Palace. This beauty...

...region, today will be fine...

with clouds moving in later tonight...

"The Age of Fire. When God created Man..."

"Man was like the animals and did not possess fire."

"It is with fire that God lives forever."

"Dao stole a burning branch
and ran off as fast as he could."

"But the Protector of the ovens had foreseen this..."

"and he had cursed the fire."

"Dao carried the fire home,
and tried to use it like God himself."

"And Dao's seven sons were k*lled."

"These were mankind's first deaths."

"And God appeared before Dao and gave a prophecy."

" 'Man,' he said, 'you have been cursed.' "

" 'Your children shall struggle and quarrel
and live in sorrow.' "

" 'Their misfortune shall spread to the ends of the land.' "

" 'They shall m*rder one another until the end of time.' "

You're sure it's safe standing this close?

Ah, we're fine, we're fine.

The old engines would blow every time we throttled up!

It took 20 years to get to this state. Sorta like real sons.

Insolent, and a real pain in the ass sometimes!

You can tell kids are in a bad mood
when they don't eat breakfast!

Yeah! Even when they turn on their old man,
they don't do it all of a sudden.

They'll give some warning first.

So, you weren't hit by any fragments?

Not even a piece.

Oh sure, you get away safe and sound
and the Doc winds up in the hospital.

Serves him right, leaving me there like that.

Next one's 5, 6.

of the factory's gotten complicated.

Because they think the radicals may have done it.


The guys who oppose the King's decisions.

There've been a lot of protest letters lately.

News to me.

They're burning them day after day.

And now some idiots are actually
yelling for random bombings.


Uhh... 3, 4, 5.


Gimme that.

Hey, that's the second row!

For crying out loud...


Better get with it, or else it won't work...

Hey, someone get the cat and his keeper
off the electronic brain!

Don't you have a job?

Pulled an all-nighter last night.
The old guys were at it again...

Quit shakin' it!

The Doc, he's... He's dead!


A little while ago, at the hospital.

The Space Force's gala promotional reception
welcomed a royal guest from the capital.

Also appearing tonight
was the world's first astronaut...

Lt. Colonel Shirotsugh Lhadatt.

That dress uniform he's wearing really suits him.

When Prince Toness asked,
"Doesn't going into space frighten you?"

he lightheartedly replied,
"It really hasn't bothered me."

You in there! Have you ever had to worry about money?

You have no idea what it's like!
We don't even have a urinal to piss in!

It's getting colder and colder for us.

You think you can survive winter with only two blankets?

Outta the way! Lemme through!

What good does an astronaut do?

Look at the bridges we built...

What's with these guys out front?


It was hell this morning. The protesters were
fighting the beggars over the place.

So what's the unemployment movement want with us?

No, no. It's the anti-w*r movement.

They're saying we should be
building bridges and not rockets.

Like I said, the unemployment movement!

Spend all our money for a bunch
of bridges we don't need, huh?

Out in the country, we still use boats, for God's sake!

I'd take the bridges over a space warship.

At least those wouldn't k*ll anyone.

Hey, hey, hey, don't let 'em get to you.

They're just saying all that because they want jobs.

This rocket will be used for w*r.

You can use bridges for w*r, too.

You're the one who started all this!

Me? I doubt that.

Then who started it?


Lt. Colonel Lhadatt's morning
begins with a glass of fruit juice.

After light training, he eats a hearty breakfast
of soft bread and broiled kress fruit.

Right, because they're good for you.

Shirotsugh Lhadatt, ladies and gentlemen.



Hey! Yo!

Matti! You...!

Good, there you are. I was just reading the paper...

Oh? You're wet.

We've got trouble!

It says here that the launch will be from Kanea.

When was the launch site moved so far south?

Oh, didn't you know?

We can't use the Army's launch site after all.

No, it's all right. Ah, there's a map...

It's right on the demilitarized zone!

No, no. This way it's 3000 ren closer to the equator.

It'll be easier to make it to orbit, you see...

Yeah, I know!

My God, how could they?

They're sending us to a powder keg...
to launch off the world's biggest firecracker!

Wasn't anyone against it?!

It wasn't our decision. It was the ministry's.

Ministry? What minis...?

The Defense Ministry?!

...norinosska, zuiben mattoishi suru rekujishieto.

Uh, kurufateeji onla Iaku... Iakure...


Just speak in the vernacular. Be yourself.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

But really, there's nothing more for me to say.

You're finished? Then let me speak.

You are right, we just don't see the appeal of your rocket.

Space travel? We're concerned with the military here.

Who would invest in something that just flies into space?

It's a waste to assign a whole squadron to it.

There's something wrong with the
very existence of the Space Force!

Well... but... then why let the project get this far...?

We needed to find a way to properly end the program.

The royal family, the Transportation Ministry...

the roots of your Space Force reach into many areas.

And all of us finished regretting a long time ago.

The only problem now is how to forget about it.

We can't just end it by saying, "Oh, it was useless."

But, this project is attracting the attention of every nation!

Even the Republic wants our rocket information!

So, to launch it right on the border
of enemy occupied Rimada...

So go ahead! Launch it, or whatever you please.

We just want it to be seen by the
Republic's forces in Rimada.

And what will they do with a
lovely rocket right before their eyes?

Steal it!

Steal it.

That way, it will at least be useful.

A border violation via military force.
Outright theft of property... It'll be quite a loss.

Reparations will have to come
from somewhere, of course.

The only real question is whether or not
they'll actually attack.

Don't worry.

They've quite an investment
in your rocket over there as well, huh?


Yes sir!

We begin. You're cruising along,
about to take a well deserved shit.

Your altitude is 3000, speed of 200 ren per second.

The next contact zone is far over the horizon.

Cabin pressure abnormality in oxygen t*nk #1 !

Primary lines, closed. Activating auxiliary power.

Three! Suspending nitrogen supply!

Inertial systems reading abnormal acceleration.

Resetting multifunction systems.
Capsule pressure, unchanged!

Good, you've earned your paycheck.

Next, crisis situation #5-7-5.

"The City of Fire."

"My son, soon you must depart the marketplace."

"Here, all the good things are stained with blood."

"God will be silent no longer."

"This city of filth was created by fire."

"By fire it shall be destroyed."

"Anything arising from evil will never be good."

"And so, my son, even you must be prepared."


Calm down, dammit! You little...!

Yes, that's perfect.

Okay, let's have you lean to the left this time.

Smile now. A little more!

That's it!

That's the way, nice and cheerful.
A real hero for all the kiddies.

Shirotsugh! Shirotsugh! Shirotsugh!

You're kidding!

To everyone in the kingdom, good morning!

I'm coming to you from the
Space Force Headquarters in Naghatsumih.

An area which has known its share of history.

This port city is famous for being the core city for Umon.

It was here that his Highness the King lived as a child...

and this neighborhood is famous for its ties to the royal family.

The Space Force Headquarters are...

Welcome back, General. When did you get in?

Last night's train.

I see. And the administration's decision?

No comment!

You call it a space "warship".
Will it actually carry weaponry?

No comment! I can only say that
it will be capable of carrying such devices.

Can't you look happier? Like a professional astronaut?

Lt. Colonel! Lt. Colonel!

He's been promoted. It's colonel, now.

Colonel then. Smile a bit... smile...

Got it. Thank you.

We're about ready to go.

Cheer up. See you.

Now, Colonel, be sure to stress
your mission as a space hero.


Well, you know. The whole meaning
of the space program.

Why so many people have died for it so far
and why we have to go on despite all that.

Just think of something, okay?

Look over here, Mr. Hero. Hey, you!

Have you heard?

They say 30,000 people could have a warm place to live
if the Space Force's budget were cut by half.

Well now, any thoughts on the arms race?

How about on w*r?

You deny the corruption problems with Miguren Motors?

You don't know anything, do you?

Uh, we're about to start! Hey!

Vice Minister Nerredon oifthe Republic
today harshly criticized...

the space warship program
of the Kingdom of Honnéamise...

calling the entire project
”a threat to world peace.”

Ah, good work this morning.

The new photographs have arrived, sir.

The space hero?

He looks uncomtfortable.

It's almost winter there. The northern
hemisphere's seasons are reversed.

Ah, I see...

Lt. Colonel Lhadatt Shirotsugh.

Doesn't look too bright.

Weapons Division is urging we seize the space warship.

An absurd request. lncompetents!

They'll have to wait.

Stealing a distant nation's rocket.

It isn't that simple.

These things take time to set up.

The Ogice 0? Security is taking steps
to obstruct their progress.

Assassination... Not terribly subtle, is it?

But terribly eicicective, sir.

" 'Sin is everywhere ' "

"God said this, looking down at the world."

"The sins of Man will immerse the world. We..."


Bring in the laundry before it gets dark.

Okay? I'll see you later.

Nice outfit. Somebody bought it for you?

Where's the toilet?

Manna, bring us some towels, would you?

Thank you.


Manna, did you bring the laundry in like I asked you to?

No one came while I was out, did they?

Oh, and if you see Uncle Dori, be sure
and thank him for the winter clothes.

Even besides that, he's done so much for us already.

"You cannot live without your daily bread."

"Truth changes to lies when it leaves your lips."

"Virtue changes to evil when it leaves your hands."

"What you see as good may not be good as God sees it."

"What can any of you do but pray?"

"Prayer is a small thing, but it is everything."

"There is nothing more noble than prayer."

"There is nothing more humble..."

Oh, good morning, Shirotsugh.

It looks like nice weather today.

About last night...

Forgive me. I couldn't... I was... Please forgive me.

You didn't do anything.

Because I couldn't!

Forgive me. I don't know what came over me.

Hitting a wonderful person like you...

I didn't mean to. You aren't hurt, are you?

What? No! That's not...

No, I know you'll forgive me...

but I'll never be able to forgive myself.

Believe me, I'm sorry.

Hey, isn't that Shirotsugh over there?

That idiot. And wearing the peacock suit, too!



Ohh... you idiot! Why'd you have to wear that thing?

Don't you know you're a celebrity around here?

Dress uniform's the thing to wear
for sending you off to your posts.

So where'd you disappear to
all of a sudden for three days?

Were you with a girl or something?


Why. you little...!

Tchallichammil Majaho!

You are hereby dispatched to the Guria Observatory.

Move out!


Drop us a line when you get into space.
We'll be easy to find.

And don't make any more work for us.

At ease!

It's gonna be lonely around here
with all you guys leaving.

Well, Darigan's in charge of launch control training.

He and I'll be leaving for the launch site
the day after tomorrow.

Nekkerout might still be around.

Hell, Kharock's already gone to
the launch site with the old men.

I got some mail the other day.
When are you gonna head over there?

I don't know. OI' Baldy just won't give me a break.

Looks like I keep training right up 'til the end.

How much?

Oh, three...
How much?

Say, Matti... Suppose that life was a story...

Come again?

No, if you were to think about it like that.

Well, have you ever wondered if...
If maybe you aren't a good guy?

That you're one of the bad guys, instead?

I guess... It's just... Only...

The people around us now, our parents, everyone.

You see, I think I'm here only because
they need me even for a little bit.

Take this hardware stand.

It's here only because it serves a purpose for someone.

I don't think there're any totally useless
things in the world.

How could something like that exist?

Someone recognizes this guy's necessity, so he's here.

If the need for him were to disappear, then so would he.

That's what I think, anyway. Does it help?

Yeah, it does. Thanks.

Run for it!


What's with that old bag? Is she a radical?

Like I know?!
What's with that old bag? Is she a radical?

That made me hungry...

Split up!

Wait for me Matti! Wait!

Get away from me, you idiot!

I'm the one getting shot at!

Like I said, get away from me!

Dead end!

What the...! What's going on here?!

You two okay?

Hey, look at this! It's that space guy, Lhadatt!


We'd better not go back today.

Yeah. If she ambushes us again, we're dead for sure.

Okay, until you hear something definite...
just lose yourself at that girl's house. See you!

This is not a jellyfish. It's a triangular octopus.

What about this one?

This? It's a...


Oh, I see.

H...Hey! Whoa...!

Hey, what the...!

Hey, the hell are you doing!


You okay?

Are you hurt?

Over here!

You all right?

Yeah, fine.

Civilization did not create w*r. w*r created civilization.

Who said that?

I did.

The human race broke free
of the hell of primitive times

and marched through 100,000 years to reach this point.

And what of the present? Have we really advanced at all?

When I was young, I wanted to be a historian.

Why didn't you?

A w*r started, so I became a soldier instead.

I fought desperately to defend my country
from that foreign invasion.

At the same time, I knew that it wasn't justice.

I knew very well that we were just
repeating our murderous past.

It was quite a blow.

Not becoming a soldier.

I mean studying history.

History is a game which doesn't end
until you've lost everything.

Perhaps we're not as different
from the monkeys as we like to think.

Will we repeat our old mistakes?
Do we have any choice in the matter?

The most important thing you can do
is to be aware of your situation.

To ask yourself "What should I do? What shouldn't I do?"

The only eyes you can trust are
the ones on top of your own nose.

Look through them now! What do they show you?

A girl's butt.

You'd miss a forest for the trees.

Hello, Manna. You're alone?

Riqunni... must be working.

Well, could you give her a message for me?

I'll be going away for a while. I won't be able to visit.

Manna, would you like me to bring
something back for you?

A star.

I can't.

The stars are really really far away.

Tough one... I'm going where there's nothing at all.

Out there?

Yeah, it's out there... Here, there, and everywhere.


Oh, Shirotsugh!

I've gotta go.

Come back soon.

Magazine, sir?

Uh, Colonel, sir... May I have your autograph?


Maashi Treen, sir.

Thank you, sir.

Oh, and fasten your seatbelt.

Wine tasting... Very refined, sir.

The plan is Finally in motion.


We'll be using our Forces stationed in Rimada.

Jets as well?

A b*ttlefield test For our latest weapons.


Rimadan military trains are moving north.

Next report will be at noon.

So, they're moving.

Do you think they'll fly their new jets?

Yeah, we aren't the only ones
that want to see how well they work.

With a little luck, we might even see them
do an in-air refueling.

"Hello everyone. This is astronaut Shirotsugh Lhadatt."

"I am currently in orbit, flying 200 ren above our world."

Um... Uhh...

"What I see now...", right?

Oh, I can't do this.

Umm, "What I see now, looking down at our world is..."


Look again. They're fakes.


"They're fakes, they're fakes. They're all just fakes..."


"And here comes the biggest fake of all!"

So, I'm gonna be launched in this thing, huh?

You can sound a little happier about it.

Yo, Shiro!

One totally safe third stage. A real bargain if you want it!

Slowly... Slowly... Okay, hold it!

Like that! Like that! Got it!

Good morning, sir.

Shirotsugh-Lhadatt. I-am...

Say it properly! Hello-everyone-this-is-astronaut-
Shirotsugh-Lhadatt. I-am...

Oh, like anyone actually listens
to microwave broadcasts!

Okay, push!

It's finished!

"This is astronaut Shirotsugh Lhadatt."

"I am currently in orbit, flying 200 ren above our world..."

Can't sleep, huh?

About this time tomorrow,
you'll have flown straight into history.

The guys who were helping with the construction today.

They found tons of sea shells.

Oh? Why are they here?

Why do you think they are?

A long time ago, a stone age tribe
used to dump their garbage here.

Funny, isn't it? This modern rocket of ours
is standing in a prehistoric trash heap!

Well, I'll bet those stone age guys never thought their
garbage dump would be used to launch a spaceship.

What do you think they'll be finding here in 10,000 years?

A truly historic pile of steel frames and concrete
mixed in with somebody else's leftovers.

Yeah, this Majaho over at Guria Observatory.

Get me the General!

What is it?

What should we do?!
What is it?

We're crawling with Central Intelligence guys on this end.

They keep asking if we've changed
the launch time every one maal.

Right, I understand!

All right... Don't worry.

Just hang up!

The red one? No, the yellow?

That one.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

Launch day is finally here.

Good morning, sir!

Where's the launch commander?

In the control bunker...

The schedule controller?

Sleeping, sir.

Wake him up!
Sleeping, sir.

We've been working round the clock for 4 days, sir.

Everyone's exhausted!

I'm moving the launch time up two maal.

Impossible! We need at least half a day
to complete preparations!

There are signs that Central Intelligence
has been leaking the information.

I'm afraid we might be att*cked tonight.

But, how? We can't take out anything from the schedule!

We'll shorten the engineering check.

Cut 124 pages from the beginning of the sixth book.

Do not tell the observatory
until the last possible moment.

Have Shirotsugh take a shower.

Just a minute, sir! That's going too far.

It's dangerous!

General! I'm against this!

It's okay. I'll go.

It'll be a lot more dangerous
if the enemy shows up here.

No one's gonna stop them anyway, right?

This opera'cion's objective is
the captu re oifthe launch Facilities.

Do not lose sight oictbis in the raid.

You will be retfueling once,
From the air Fortress, over Rimada.

Empty your pockets on 'ch is one.'

Luck be with us.'

Hurry up with the fuel!

Check on the third stage and its connections!

Scratch that! We won't know unless we put fuel into it.

Hey. Let's go.

Begin liquid oxygen onload.

Would all stations please report in and confirm status?

Good to go.

Message in From Rimada.

”Formation has made contact with air Fortress.”

I know. We'll run into them in the sky above the site.

Gotcha... Roger. Moving out.

Domurhot, phone call from the launch site for you.

We're launching early.

Start getting the satellite tracking systems ready.

We're gonna outsmart them!

How much more?

I'm finishing up now. Yeah, that's got it.

Good, we're on schedule.

Launch personnel report to control bunker.

All other personnel, move to your regular positions.

Check completed.

Activating pressurization pumps.

Activated .

t*nk #1 cabin pressure, normal.

Fuel, normal.

Voltage, normal.

Oil pressure, normal.

Main support inclination standard to spec.

Did we get the weather report from the airship yet?

Warrant Officer Tenz Kovikh.
Frontier Guard, Tayan Observation Squad.

Please pass along withdrawal orders to all personnel.

We're evacuating this area.

What are you talking about? We're about to launch now.

It's too late.

I'm sorry, sir.

This place is about to become a b*ttlefield.

The occupation forces have crossed the river.


Our border patrols are under attack.

Damn it all!

What was that? I couldn't hear you.

The launch is scrubbed.
They're attacking sooner than we thought.

What are you talking about?
We're just going to run away?

They want this thing! They're not gonna sh**t at it!

They might if we try to launch!

Enough! We're pulling you out of there.

We have to do this.

I hate it as much as you do.

And I really thought we could do it this time.

We may as well get out while we can.

This foolish thing... It's not worth risking your lives for.

Just give it up!

Wait a minute here. I don't believe this!

What do you mean, "foolish"?

If we stop here, then what are we? Even bigger fools!

You're just going to throw it all away?

Everything we've been able to accomplish?

Don't say everything we've done here
is stupid. It's wonderful!

Wonderful enough to get us into the history books!

I'll still do it.

Even if I die, I want to at least try to launch!

Anyone who wants out can go!

I will do this!

I am god damned ready to do this!

All sections, talk to me!

Voltage, good to go!

Oil pressure, ready!

Pumps, standing by.

Fuel, check!

Platform is conditionally "go" for launch.

Let's give it a try.

Return to countdown!

All right!

Mount 'em up!

I guess the crew will share their ship's fate.

Move out!

Dispatch From Magitsu.

We are now 02 From target.

Look sharp people.'
Enemy Fighters right above us.'

Pump restart is good. No problems.

We're in primary launch stages.

Engineer Corps ETA:

Delay OF 52.

Stabilizing gyro. Give me a reading.

Inertial Navigation System reads as follows...

North, 2.8 degrees, 36 minutes, 30.32 seconds.

Cabin pressure rising, normal!

I can see smoke from the sh**ting
at 10 o'clock. Distance 32!

Spaceship systems are now running autonomous.

Standing by for manual disconnect!

Closing main oxygen escape valve.

Confirm power supplies are charged and ready.

Starting water flow to launch platform!

Everyone take your positions!

I know that!

Engine ignition in 20...

It's exploded!

So far, so good. Let's do it!

First stage has successfully detached.

Third stage ignition has begun.

Ignition complete!

This is Guria Observatory.

It's confirmed. It's achieved orbital velocity.

He's in orbit!


City lights... I wonder where they are...?

They really do look like stars...

Is anybody down there listening to this broadcast?

This is mankind's first astronaut.

The human race has just taken
its first step into the world of the stars.

Like the oceans and the mountains before,
space too was once just God's domain.

As it becomes a familiar place for us, it'll probably
end up as bad as everywhere else we've meddled.

We've spoiled the land, we've fouled the air.

Yet we still seek new places to live and
so now we journey out to space.

How far will we be allowed to push our limit?

Please... Whoever's listening to me...

How you do it doesn't matter, just please...

Give some thanks for mankind's arrival here.

Please, show us mercy and forgive us.

Don't let the way ahead be one of darkness.

As we stumble down the path of our sinful history...

let there always be one shining star to show the way.

Please, listen to God's teachings.
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