Doraemon: Nobita and the Birth of Japan (1989)

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Doraemon: Nobita and the Birth of Japan (1989)

Post by bunniefuu »





Nobita and the Birth of Japan

I've decided

I can't stand it anymore

Whether in school or home, I always being yelled at

Enough already

Doraemon, I want to run from house


What do you mean, "em..."?

- Don't stop me!
- I wouldn't

Everytime you said you want to run away,
its going to be very brief

This is different than the last time

I have a properly plans


Right, I will not need anyone else

Live with my own strength

Impossible... impossible...

If you want to live alone, you're going to need

Clothes, food and shelter

That truly makes sense

Right, isn't it?

Then, give me the gadget

I thought so

We're friend, right? Best friend?

Good bye, Doraemon

I'm leaving. This is my first step of independence...

First step already failed

It'll be good if stay very far

but it'll cost more money

As long as run away from home,

staying in the area near the house wil be okay

I guess I on't have another choice

You run away from house?
It's bad to do so

You used to run away before

But you never able to stand long

This time it's different from the last time

I really wouldn't go back to my house

Don't you want to live freely?

Go home

You're going to say, "Doraemon, help me.."

Don't push yourself

Bye bye~

Don't you want to stay for a while?

Everyone's laughing at me

Let it be. I won't go home

I'll stay here

Don't destroy my house


how dare you built a house on someone else's properties

This is your land?

This empty land, someone owns it?

Yes, of course

I didn't know


At last, I start my newly independence life at the hill

The scenery is beautiful, the area also good

If you have time, please drop by



This is a free building land, if there's no permit,

It is Illegal to build a building here

Nobita, why are you keep walking around?

Have you got a new house?

Or you want to go home?

Tell us your new adress, ey

- We'll visit you
- Noisy!



Welcome home, a bit early, ey?

Doraemon, lend me the Door To Anywhere

Didn't you said that you don't want to
be dependent to anyone else anymore?

This is the last time, just this once!

Better be this is the last time

I promise

-Have you planned where to go?

When I'd fit in, I'll let you know

Do your best

Although I'm sure you're going to return sooner

This is the place

Because of too far, it has been isolated

I'll live here

I can live here alone

I'm not joing

Even though I'm your kid, but I still have the right

Guarding the shop, clear the weed, I'm not a kid anymore

If you're not a kid, you understand what you're saying

I want to run from home

Do as you wish


I will not return to the house

-I want to find Nobita


Do you see Nobita?

Suneo, what do you mean?

Giant, you too..?

Mama want me to excel in all subjects

So, I have to study from morning till night

So, you run away too

I hope Nobita'll allow me to live with him

Have you seen Nobita-san?

Don't tell me Shizuka run from home too?

I'm not running away...

But if I have to learn piano everyday, I can't stand it anymore

Doraemon, open the door, open the door!

What is it, Nobita-kun?

What happened?

The valley that I live turned into a dam, the whole village flooded

Is there any land in Japan which have no owner?


Other than owned land, the rest are goverment's

Just surrender

Impossible for you to run from home

No! I still want to run away!

You really are a hard-headed

I'm a hard-headed, bye


-Nobi-chan, where are you going?
-I'm running away from home!

-Careful of the cars, okay

What a minute, Nobi-chan

That's it

Doraemon is unrelieable anymore

I'm gonna make it living alone

-What's so great about him?

Nobita, we're been looking for you

We need your help. What happen to your plan to run away?

Other than Capsule Home, you borrowed other gadget too, right?

Please let us follow you to run away

What? You don't accept us, huh?

We're best friends, right?

Mo...mouse! It's scary...

It's not a mouse, it's a hamster

It's not scary, it's cute and tame

No... chase it away...

I can't do that

My director is on family vacation, so he left his hamsters

Just say no, Papa

Just for a week, be patience


But all around Japan, there's no such place

I'll never forgive a traitor!



Doraemon too run away from home?

That means, housing problem has become bad

Each corner of Japan, has its own owner

Truly sad..

Don't you think that it's weird?

Because the land,

thousands of years ago, when the earth exist, so do the land

When human came,

They took the land for himself

When human came? Oh, yes!

Then, we go to the time when there are no humans

Right! We go to the time where no human exist yet

At that time, Japan must can be...

Can be ours!

Nobita's great, huh

Nobita truly a genius

Come, let's go

Let's go with the Time Machine

to the time when Japan was still empty

Sorry disturbing~

What is it, Doraemon?

Is there mo...mouse?

No such thing, rilex

Yay, let's go!

We must be making record running away furthest in history

[Where do you wish to go?]

To a time when no human exist in Japan

[Please, insert more details]

According to prehistoric period division

It seems that human already exist 30 thousand years ago

Then, let's go to a year before 30 thousand years ago

Truly an empty minded

It must be earlier...

Then, 2 years before 30 thousand years ago!

[There is a bend in time space, please hold tight]

[If fall down, there's no way to return]

It seems to have gone

[Please quickly insert place and time of desire]

We times 2 the 30 thousand years, which mean 60 thousand years

For safety, better if we add another 10 thousand years

Final, go to Japan, 70 thousand years ago

[We're heading to Japan, 70 thousand years ago]

How is it?

Ah~ it's beautiful~
Green land, fresh air~

This is our Japan

What if we build our own heaven here?


Don't you guys feel cold?


The wheater must be terribly cold

What is an Ice Age?

A time when ice in ocean become large, and earth became extremely cold

A cold heaven wouldn't be good

Don't worry, we'll overcome this problem later

Why don't you give me ideas what kind of world are we making?

State your desire and ideas

I want to have a day-nap hotel, a comic store and a game centre

I want to have a katsudon shop

I want to have a grand restaurant

You really don't have a dream

I want to make a flower garden beside the lake

And a rainbow during the day

- And aurora in the night, is it possible?
- Of course it is

There's also pegasus and mermaid play happily

Cis, woman taste

Suneo, we'll make stuff with manly taste

A place full of adventure

Yes, a place full of adventure really suits Giant

I prefer womanly taste better

If full with garden, it'll be boring, right Suneo?


Pegasus and mermaid, what's so great with them?


Truly boring!


Yes, a hippotalamus would be good

A hippo!

- Suneo!
- Giant!

There's a hippotalamus..

Let's use this~


Great! It's like a real metador show!

He'll bring the metador to a place faraway

But, you must be careful

Japan at this period of time full with dangerous animals

Not just hippos, there are also bears, wolves, tigers and alligators

Tigers and alligators too?

Yes, that's why~

~Stone Age Equipment~

If this is a rock, it wouldn't be this light

This is a rock? Absolutely light

What's this?


Just wait for my explaination

If that button is push, it'll release electricity

And this climate clothes

will suit you to any kind of climate

- Let's change our clothes!
- Okay!

Everyone have changed?


Oh, it's warm~

Giant looks good on this clothes

What do you mean?

Okay, from now on, we'll stay here

First, we should make a place to stay


This is my land

Ah, greedy!

This line is my land

No way

That's mine!

Man, they're pathetic~

All Japan still empty

That's why we come here


What about that place?

It stand towards the south east, and we get the sunshine too

- A great place.
- Agree

We take this place first

We will not be att*cked by wild animals here

We build a cave to stay

So, truly a Stone Age people, ya?

How do we build a cave?

Rilex, I have~

~Practical Digger~

If use this digger, digging a stone as easy as digging a pudding

Let me do it

No, it's me

Don't quarrel, there're still many things to be done..

Job which require energy leave it to me

Then you're the Minister of Fight, eh Minister of Development

Leave it to me

He's enjoying it~


~Garden in The Bottle~

In here, there're lots of seeds in gas shape to make a garden

Let me do it


- Shizuka will be Minister of Lanscape
- Okay

I want to become a minister too

I'll be a what?

If Ministry of Gardening...

I'm leaving


~Food Farm~

In here, there're so many seeds of foods

Just plant them in the garden,

we'll eat whatever we wanna eat for the whole year

This is not suitable for Nobita


Any plant you plant will always die

- Decided then, Suneo is the Minister of Gardening
- Okay

What about me?

You be the Minister of Dump


Things that Nobita can do..

Oh, yes

~Genetic Sample of Animals and Cloning Eggs~

At this big land

Other than us, it'll be no fun

Then, we make pets


Just inject the animal's genetic into the eggs

Nobita also can do it

Then, what kind of minister I am?

Minister of Pets, okay?

Minister of Pets? Weird...

Suitable for you

Okay, I'm leaving

The area near the river looks like suitable to breed the eggs

Just inject the genetics into the eggs?

"Nobita Also can do it"

He always look down and make me sounds stupid

Oh, yes!
Using this,

I'll make everyone suprise!


Doraemon also not here

I want to ask them to go shopping

What a weird wheather...

Minister of Landscape, everything looks good

The seeds already grow

Only if there're rains...

Leave it to me

~Radio Controlled Raining Cloud~

There are already fertilizer in the rain

Very useful

Keep on, okay

I wonder how Minister of Gardening doing

As expected Suneo, truly a good farm you have

Doraemon, we're not rabbits

There're only leaves here

This is good enough, you'll know the outcome later

So that it'll be ready for dinner...

~Radio controlled Sun~

Is this really working?

Believe me


Looks like Minister of Development is doing a good job

What are the...

Wah..sorry. Mostly almost done, but

What about the kitchen and the toilet?

Use this

~Grounding Water Pipe~

When you install this,

it'll find its own way to find the water supply

This one will find the gas supply

It's called ~Grounding Gas Pipe~

Okay, I'll install them

I leave it to you then

Believe me, no problem

The one which always with problem is the Minister of Pets, Nobita

The left one looks like gonna hatch

A pegasus is born!

I put swan genetic together with the horse

It's cute...

The others gonna hatch too

Combination of eagle with tiger, forming a Griffin

This one's cute too~

Combination of crocodile, deer and bat forming a dragon

Being able to made this animals, I'm truly a genius~


Crap! Doraemon!

Everyone go hiding, Doraemon's really a pain

What kind of animals are you making?

Cats or dogs?

Sorry, I was sleeping..

Then you haven't make anything yet?
Make them hurry!

Ather it was born, give them this

~Foods for Pet's Growth~

Give them eat a lot, so that it'll grow faster

I understand, I understand

When you're done, get back to the cave.
We're gonna have lunch

I'll be there

Eat a lot, then grow faster

I shall call you Pega, Dorago and Guri.

This katsudon looks like ready to be eaten

Which part of it is the katsudon?

It looks like a carrot from any angle

That's enough, just bring it fast

Any kind of cookings with carrot sucks

I hate carrot



Lunch time

But there're only carrot

Okay, I'll be there

Wah, the outer part looks good

Please looks on the inside


You do it by yourself?

That one is the toilet

This are the kitchen

What a beautiful area~

Nobita is not here yet?

Always late

~Mini Furniture~

It's cute~

Bring them to your rooms, I'll restore them with Enlargement Torch


Doraemon, I'm hungry

Food's ready

There're only carrots

Carrots? I want katsudon..

But I want spaghetti...

How to eat this carrot?

On the outside looks like a carrot, but you can open them

There're dorayaki inside

Wah, I got curry


Spaghetti, I eat first~


I don't know it's this good

Why is Nobita late?

Don't worry, when he smell the food, he'll come

There he is

Smells good~

Nobita, you're late

I eat first~

Ah, that!

What a tasty carrot~

Oh, you can eat it that way too

I'll have another

Truly Giant, you have a big appetite

What a beautiful rainbow~

This place really is a heaven

With this beautiful scenery, all our problems seems just fade away~


Why don't we go home once in a while?


At this moment, we might not be yelled at anymore

Okay, we can always come here again, though

But, truly, what makes me run away on the first place?

I forgot already

What a great day...

Tomorrow we come again, okay

Where're you all going?


Sorry disturbing~

See you again

Auntie, you looks younger

Suneo, you really great at complimenting

I remember!

Are the hamsters already locked?

Already locked

Thank god~

See you tomorrow~


Don't tell anyone else

Yes, I know



What's that?

Is it some crazy dog?

If we run away the whole day, I'm afraid there might be problems

But if we just run away for 3 hours

A little time everyday, it wouldn't cause any suspicions.

A little time everyday?

Can we call that run away?

Don't be too much

Also, don't get the others know about this

Of course

Shh..someone's coming

What're you talking about?

We want to follow too

Ah... We..we're talking about Giant's next big concert

Good luck yah~

Suneo's really good at bluffing the others

I'm a genius, right?

Suneo is really GREAT!

Ouch! Giant, don't take it seriously

I'm home~

Welcome home~

Nobita, today help me weeding

I already done it

Then go to your room...

Doing it~

Finish your homework, then we can run away

Hurry... Hurry...

I'll finish them

but I don't care right or wrong,
as long as the homework done


The fridge is empty, is this your doing?

We don't know, right Doraemon?

It's now possible for us to finish that much of foods

Oh, right

Then, who's doing it?

Maybe our house was broke by the thief?

Impossible, the door's still locked

Also, only foods was taken

Maybe it was took by a hungry thief

The, you have to go shopping for me

What can we do, let's do it hurry


Eyh? You didn't meet with Nobita just now?

I just asked them to go shopping

- Then we wait for them upstairs
- Sorry disturbing~

They should go shopping earlier

Nobita really like doing stuff at last moment

Truly Nobita...

Is there people in there?

Maybe a mouse?

while waiting, why don't we change clothes?

Right, let's not waste time.

It's easier wearing the clothes

Giant, there really a person in there

Really? Let me look

Who is that? Hiding behind the door?

Who're you?
Don't be too jumpy

I never saw you before, are you Nobita's family?

Looks like a foreigner, Suneo

Get down, it's bad standing on the table!

Ouch! You...

I'm home~

What's happening?

who is this?

Who? You told me that it's a secret!

You asked the others to join

I really don't know who he is

What's the noise up there?

Let go, hurry


Who is him? Where's he from?

I don't know

Why is he wearing the clothes, bringing a spear too, look


This truly a stone spear

Then this person is a Stone Age human?

If he really is a Stone Age human, how can he end up in 20th century Tokyo?

True, it's really weird~

Or maybe Nobita invite him to come


Maybe because of that

What's 'that'?

Remember the last time we came here

There was a problem with the time tunnels, right?

At that moment, there might be a time vortex

And people can be sucked by it

If anyone get sucked, what happen?

That person will be remove from his real time

Remove from his time?

I never heard such a thing before

In Japan, there's a saying "hidden by god"

There're also stories like that in other country

The latest incident occur in December 1937

What happen to the soldiers?

They might stay in the time cloud

If they're lucky enough, they find the way out

So, this person actually really some from the Stone Age?

Looks like it...

That's sad~


Then Japan 70 thousand years ago already have humans

That fact's still not sure

I'll investigate where this kid come from

Shizuka, look after this kid

To see whether there already human at this century,
you 3 check the surrounding areas

Just 2 of us would be enough, right?

Right, the other one might get lost

What's that mean

Nobita, you don't have to come

That's mean to say such a thing

You follow me then

Is it possible to investigate using the time door?

Yes, we'll check which year he came from

~Time Tunnel Counting Machine~

We put this observation ballon

Allow it to fly in the time tunnel

Then look the graph in this machine

Found it

We follow the graph movement

Know already?

How? Where?

Do you know already?

You're noisy!

Better if you just look at your pets development


Here it is

Where are they going?

Pega, Dorago, Guri, come out now~

I'm here


Wah~ you already this big

Where's Dorago and Guri?

Guri~ Dorago~

You have become this big, still remember me yah?

Toki... A group of Toki...


Toki in the 20th century is almost gone

Poor birds...

As expected, there're no humans in this area

Then where the kid comes from?

A bad dream? Seems like having a really bad one..

Don't move

Your wound are still not heal properly

You sleep here

No one's gonna hurt you

You must be hungry

Try this

A hot soup, very good

After finish, sleep again

- What is it?
- Crocodile!




That's a dragon, right?

Are you two okay?


How are my pets?

A big discovery..A big discovery!

According to my...

Doraemon, look, he's healthy

What's that?

This is the animals that I made

How are they? Great, right?


Yes, I already know your background

From where?

According to the time tunnel reading,

this kid come from 31, 7 to the north,

and 118,2 to the east

In other words, he's coming from China

From China?

So, he really wasn't from Japan

If that's so, ~Translating Cake Miso Flavour~

It's tasty

Good, now, tell us all about yourself

You can understand me?


My name is Kukuru

A son from the Light Tribe

One day, after fishing, on my way home, I was sucked to the sky

That's the time vortex

Were the other villagers sucked too?

No, at the time I was fishing,

everyone from my tribe was captured by the Dark Tribe

Dark Tribe?

They always attack us

Everytime danger come, we run away many times

Although we run, we always get caught

Most probably the other villagers was caught too

They going to hurt the prisoners?

I don't know. Looks like they were heading north

Other than that I don't know

Why didn't you fight back?

Gather all power, attack the Blacky Tribe...

Giant, Dark Tribe

Work together to fight the Dark Tribe!

Impossible to win!

They have a great leader

who able to summon forth the wind and lightning

The soul bearer...



Who is he?

A ghost?


No way

Oh right

He's a shaman


What does it mean?

Long ago, human thought that everything have their own spirits

If you make the spirits angry

then earthquake, flood or disease will occur

At that moment, a shaman will come forth, and calm the angry spirits

During primitive age, people was scared of the shamans

What a bluff

Don't be afraid, Kukuru

That liar should not be scared of

Right, we all..

He's not a liar

No one can defeat Gigazombie

So you don't want to do anything?

Don't yu want to help your dad, mom and villagers?

Of course!

I want to help them

Then leave it to me

We're a bunch of kids who love adventure and danger

Yes, let's save the captured Light Tribe!

Okay, decided,

Tomorrow we'll go to China



Still not sleeping?

Let's sleep now

I'm afraid Gigazombie'll come

No he will not

From here to China is such a long distance

If you're afraid, sleep with me

No thanks, I'll sleep here

I want to sle...

I'm going to sleep...

Gigazombie, huh?

Wait, don't push yourself

What is it?

Walking alone to China is impossible

We all want to help you

Kukuru, don't you believe us?

It's not that, you all are good people

That's why I don't want...

The Dark Tribe are such a barbaric tribe

If you're going, you might not coming back

I cannot let you put yourself in danger

Wear this on your head

What's that?

Don't worry, try wearing it.

Like this?

Push the button

Arer you okay?

You must be suprised, huh?

I asked the wind spirit to fly you up

True, he's a very powerful shaman

He's Dorazombie

Right, Giant?

True, Dorazombie want to use his power to help you

Please help me

Okay, then we can..


Wait, after breakfast

Oh, where's Nobita?

Yahoo~~ going to China~

Nobita's cool

What do you expect?

All this animals he made them

Journey to China still around 2000km

At this rate, we'll reach around night

Doraemon, is it okay?

Why is that?

Japan and China is separated by sea

If Pega is exhausted at middle of the sea,
what are we going to do?

Don't worry, for caution,

before going, I captured some satellite picture

Try look at it

This is Japan? Why is it connected with China?

What does it mean?

This is Ice Age, most of the sea water are in ice shape

Volume of sea water decrease, until the land below are visible

Then we don't have to worry falling down

Oh, then we can rest anytime

No need to worry, right?

Of course!

Let's speed up!


As far as eyes can see, no weeds or trees

Before this, this area was a sea floor

So, at this moment, Japan still connected with China, right?

Yes, and there was still no boundary

Japan and China still a piece of land

Kukuru's village just a straight away from here

Let's eat~ wow, hamburger and fries

Doraemon, what's in here?

There're coke

Looks good

Giant, just in one gulp?


I bought many of those, eat as you can

See, 10 fries altogether


Kukuru, how does it taste like?

I never try this food, very tasty

- But..
- But?

The cake I ate yesterday way much tastier

Translating Cake Miso Flavour?

You like miso flavour, yeah?

I know!

Know what?

Our ancestors the Japanese, during this Ice Age

came to Japan through this place


Also from Siberia, Korea and small island in the south also come here

It has been thousands of years already..

Then, Kukuru is...

Great, great, great to the great, then great..

great to the greatfather

Don't be like that, don't call me greatfather

Okay, let's fly to China

Based on our ancestors branch, everone in the world
are family, right?

Well then, Thomas Alfa Edison and I might have family relationship

Ah, that...

Day's going to dark, we should be there now

If you see any place familiar...

Ah, that's the river where I was fishing

Everyone, to the ground..

This is my village

Dad...Mama... where have you gone?

This is my house

Looks like everyone was brought

to the north

Okay, tonight we camp here

Our little game with the Dark Tribe starts tomorrow

Sleep tight tonight

Tomorrow's going to be exhausting

Everyone, thank you

No problem, you're Nobita's greatfather

~Direction Stick~

It's in direction between north and north west

Let's get moving


from now on, better if we just use telecopter


Your animals are too big

If they were seen by the Dark Tribe

they might hide until hard to find them


All of you, stay here, we'll come back

- Shizuka, you help Kukuru
- Okay

You'll get use to it

Everyone, stay here altogether, okay

Let's go

Don't follow us

Where they might be?

They att*cked 4 days ago

If they were walking 4 days ago, should not be that far

Looks like past this mountain

Looks carefully between mountain and trees


Where're you going?

This spear belongs to the Dark Tribe

Looks like they hunt and eat here


Camp fire

They have a night here

Which mean we're on the right track

Still between north and north west

Let's continue

The forests are thick

It's a problem to find them

Let's fly a bit lower

Don't break apart

Careful, don't hit the trees


Their 2nd day camp site

The third day, which mean yesterday

Looks like we're closing..


Stand, walk faster!

Why are you holding there

Please, allow us to rest

Master Tsuchidama, what is it?

Those who fight and unable to walk just k*ll them

We have to hurry, journey to Tokoyomi Shrine
is still far away


If you want to k*ll, k*ll me first

Who is that?

I'm the king of all the spirits

Your Highness Dorazombie

I order you to release all the prisoners that you caught

If not, I'll summon forth lightning to burn you, barbequed

Take this!

The Dark Tribe run away


Doraemon was so cool~

Stop it... I'm shy...

What is this?

Anyone in there?

In this small thing?

Good day, who're you?

There really is a person in there

How dare you to make a scene

A claydoll that can talk?

I'm not a claydoll

I'm the messenger of Gigazombie, Tsuchidama

Messenger from Gigazombie?

~Throwing Wave~

What a stucky claydoll

Haven't you realized my power?

Hide between the stone!

Doraemon, do something!

- This...that...
- Hurry up!

There it is!

Attack me, you impudent claydoll

Who is afraid of you, raccoon

I'm not raccoon!

~Reflex Cloth~

It work!

That's scary

I'm curious why this claydoll can walk and talk

Dad... Mama...


Dad... Mama...

We were afraid for you

Thank god they can be together again

What a touching scene

Thank god... thank god...

I cannot stand this kind of scene

They are the people who save me before

Master Dorazombie

Don't be like that

I didn't do anything

It's okay, you're a shaman

Why don't we brought them to Japan?

What a great idea, it is much peaceful there

Okay, everyone, would you want to come to our country?

The place is peaceful and Gigazombie wouldn't harm you there

~Door To Anywhere~

Door to anywhere?


Before heading to Japan, we must find Pega and the others first

Oh right, we go there first.

But first, let's go to your village first

Hurry up

- Doraemon
- Yes..yes..

How dare that blue raccoon do this to me

This incident, I must revenge!

Later, we wouldn't be able to see this village anymore

With the power of Dorazombie

What power..

Pega, Guri, Dorago~~

We're going back to Japan

Come out now

If now, we're leaving you here

Pega.. Guri...


Ya.. Ya..?

-Not you, Dorago..
- Dora-chan~

Calling like that makes me confused



Pega..where are you all?

Ah, Pega!


It's a bird...

No matter where we look for them, they're not here

Where have they gone?

Maybe they follow us


I told them to stay, so they lost now

Their food was empty

Don't worry, they are strong animals, though

Right, they might be playing at a place

Let's get back to Japan then

No way! Before finding them, I'm not leaving!

I understand you feelings

But we still have the responsibility to send Light Tribe
to a peaceful place

We cannot wate more time here

This is our heaven

What a baautiful scenery and amazing!

Do we really can stay here?

Of course, and there're no human here

Really amazing

We'll build our new village here immediately


Suneo, be more energetic

This is heavy, Giant

Nobita run away ey?



What are you doing?


I believe they'll come back

When I was little, I used to have a ookami

His name was Ro

He's really tame

Really beautiful ookami too.

At one time, we were walking to the south

due to lack of animals to hunt

Of course Ro follow too.

Sun rise, set, rise again, set again...

Really a long journey

One day, we found a herd of deers, we lead them so that
they fall off the cliff

An experience with full of adventure


I realized, Ro was gone



Whether he was stomped by the deers or fall off the cliff too

We went back to the village, a month later...

He came home


His body was full with dirt and bruise, but ran wagging his tail happily

jump into my hand


Animals do have natural instinct to get back to their own place

Thank god, Nobita become energetic again.

O spirits of the sky and the earth,

please give peace to our new village

Peace to our new village

Happiness of the villagers

Happiness of the villagers

Time to eat

Wow~ cool~


They barbequed the whole lot

This is wild boar's meat, this is the best meat

I eat first


Eat first

Shizuka, do you want too?

I'm not really..

There're fruits too

Looks good, thanks~

There're so many food source around here

As long as you can live happily, I would be happy

It's time for singing, singer please come forward

Okay, let's sing. Clap your hand

What a beautiful song

Doraemon, we should sing back for them


Okay, then I'll sing a song for all of you.

Ah, you don't have to...

"I'm Giant, king of the..."

Ooh...what a loud noise..

No other way

~a*t*matic Fireworks~

It's beautiful

I never saw such a thing

Dorazombie really amazing

That's tiring...

It's been a while since I have tv...

Comics also never...

Lots of homework I never done them..

Is mommy still angry with me...?

Wanna go home?

Good idea

And we can always come here anytime

Yeah, right

While I'm gone, and Pega come home,

- please give them this food.
- Okay, I understand

Master Dorazombie is leaving, we are a bit concerns...

If Gigazombie come here...

Impossible. I promise

Good bye...

Good bye....

Take care..

Good bye...

What do you mean?

Because of this, we have lack of people to bulid the Shrine of Tokoyami

All the trouble to get the sl*ve, you let them run!

This is a suprisingly incident, Master Gigazombie

They have a powerfull ally

The king of the spirits, Dorazombie

King of the spirits Dorazombie?

He has a weird power

He look almost like a raccon

Shut up!

In this world, there's no one more powerful than me!

I'll find him no matter what

Let him feel my true power

Nobi! I've yelled at you many times, don't sleep in the class!

You too Gouda and Honekawa, all three, stand in the hallway!


We're back to the world 70 thousands years to the future

I feel like don't want to be here

Really, coming back to this annoying world

But, are they safe there?


About Gigazombie

No problems. He's just an old age shaman

His power is nothing

Also, he didn't have telecopter and door to anywhere, right?


We'll visit them tomorrow


I'm home...

What are you doing?

Your face looks serious


This is Tsuchidama's hand!

Because I'm concern, I took back his body part

Look at this

Don't do such a thing, barbaric...

Look at the broken piece

It was made from "Memory Ceramic"

Looks like Gigazombie isn't just an ordinary shaman..

The Light Tribe gonna ge okay?

I'll tell the others


We're too late!

Try find them



There's no one left in the village

Where have they gone?

Is this Gigazombie's doing?

It's impossible

I also thought so..

How did he come from China to this place?

I knew you would come

I'm the king of all spirits, Gigazombie


I'm the one who took all the new sl*ve

If you don't like, you can come to Tokoyami Shrine,

but don't expect you can come back alive!

Piece of crap!

He's gone!

It's just a hologram

Okay, let's go to Tokoyami Shrine!

Is this the Tokoya [salon]?

Giant, Takoyami Shrine

Oh, it's Takoyami, na?

Isn't this the place before?

Where's the shrine?

I also don't know...

But we have to find ways to find them

That's why...

That's why?

First, we use Direction Stick

Then we fly using Telecopter

This is our usual way, right

We have fly far enough, we should be there soon


Looks like the batteries is almost empty

What a big ice world...

It's like a bit cold

Is this clothes still working?

No other way,

Look, -50 degrees

Without this clothes, we'll be ice scuplture in no time

There're weird noises


Danger! Run!

Looks like the ice is breaking, let's get out of here fast

What about the Telecopter?

Wait a moment

~Direction Stick~

That stick again!

Looks like behind the mountain

~Human Train Rope~

You wanna play human train at this moment?

Just get on first

How to control?

This rope use the power of mind to control it

The speed can reach 300km/h

Everyone in? Ready to to

Let's go!

- That's funny
- Don't speak too much

Our speed now reach almost 300km/h!

Stop it...stop it...


- Everyone okay?
- Yeah..

That looks like a cave, we go there first

We're safe, luckily there's a cave here

Suneo, are you okay?


Yah, I'm okay

Nobita also work hard,ey


Nobita's so great


Nobita isn't here!






I'll find him

Giant, impossible to find him at this condition

If we don't he'll die

Nobita will die...

This is all your responsibility

I understand

~Rescue Bottle~

In this bottle, there're drink full of minerals and vitamins

It'll find Nobita and send him here safely

How can that bottle trace where Nobita is?

Just give it something with Nobita smell

Is there anything with Nobita's smell

Oh, crap!

- You...
- Giant, don't be too emotional

Oh, there's something...

Not this, not this,not this too...

Here it is, Nobita's exam test~

Give it to it to remember

Yeah, enough

Good luck~

What's this? Pig or dog?

Is it going to be okay?

Let's hope so, we could only wait here

It feels like getting colder here

Inside is much warmer


What is it, Giant?

What staircase is this?

- Is this staircase to..
- True

As expected, they come

The stupid who call hiself as kind of the spirits, the fool Dorazombie

Looks like fun, I'll not let him pass

Doraemon's stuff always unreliable

Doraemon, Shizuka, Giant, Suneo...

Cold...It's cold...

Only if I have the ramen's soup that I didn't finish the other day..


What are you doing at this place?

Mama, don't throw away the soup

What do you mean? You always left food uneaten

I want to drink...

Nobita, come here

Ey? Papa also here?

Today's holiday, let's get warm together

Is this warmer okay? I don't feel any heat at all

What? I brought it here for you..

Papa, don't go, don't take it back..


Help me...

Okay Nobi Nobita, are you really want to sleep?

Yes, I want to sleep

Then you will die!

I don't wanna die

Do something, Doraemon

I'm not Doraemon

I'm your lawyer

High Judge, I want to ask the witness

Doraemon, please tell us the truth


According to the report, Nobita always sleep, ey?

Yes, always when he was doing his homework

And sometimes he snore ""

I didn't sleep... Doraemon, help me..

Next witness

What about his condition at school?

Sometimes he sleeps on the first lesson

If too much, he'll sleep the whole day at school

Sensei, you're too much!

Advocates, is there anything you wanna say?

Please do something

Because you sleep too much, I don't know what to do

Decided then

Nobi Nobita, because of your sleep, you're sentenced to death

I will not sleep again


Shizuka, you come to help me?

This is ramen's soup

I'm being helped, thanks...

Everything's okay, you'll be fine

What's that? Is it my halucination?

Looks like I'm not dead yet

Never expect to find such a condition

If you're in trouble

open the box, and push the button

That's mean!

Ah, that's Kukuru

That's Tajikara

Even elders also..

That's too much! Let's help them


If we get caught, it'll be a problem

I have a great tool

~Time Stopper~

Other than us, everyone here has stop

Kukuru, we came to help you


What now?

Is it possible for only the Light Tribe to move?

To save this many people, we have to find our escape path first

~Passing Circle~

I'll look around

I'll come back later

That's weird

Supposed to have pass through already

Is this machine broke?

Turn out to be at a weird place

The machines around here looks weird

What machine is this?


I have stopped time

Who is that?

Welcome Dorazombie

Time that you have stopped, I have neutralize it back

You make it move again?

This place supposed to be impossible to enter

But I salute your attitude and bravery

As I expected, you're a time criminal

You try to create your own world, you came from the future!

As you said

I come here to change world's history

Using the prehistoric human are easy

The Time Police will not let you go easily

That's why I build my place underground

When my time dilator complete,

no one can come to this century

And I'll be the king forever!

I will not let that happen

- I'm beaten
- Stupid robot


Friends of this robot, ey?

Everyone's captured

Dora-chan, hang in there

What happen? Am I dreaming?

This isn't a dream

Someone helped me





Pega... Guri... Dorago..

Where have you gone to? I was worried about you!

Doraemon and the others must be here somewhere

Can you trace their smell?


My exam paper?

How can it end up here?

Release the sacrifice from the prison

Doraemon, do something

That person's too strong

Save me, mama...

Prehistoric tiger!

- Doraemon, Giant, Suneo...
- Nobita!

Who is that?


It's coming

Stupid, do you think you can leave this place?

The stone is falling!

You cannot run anymore

~Gum p*stol~

Take this

What's this? I can't move, help me

Brilliant way

Over there

With this, you'll be stuck there forever!

Oh, we're stuck here

Doraemon, where's the Passing Circle?

I used them already

So, what now?

What else are there?


Next time, organize your pocket a bit

With this, earth shall be mine!

There's no more item that can be use

We can only wait for Dorami to help us

If she doesn't know about this?

We're doom

So, we'll live here forever?

I don't wanna die here, mama...

Sorry, this is all my fault asking you to come to this world...

" the box, and push the button"

What box is this?

This is from 4th stage of Ice Age,

In mammoth cover, we have found Gigazombie's location

Send the backup fast

Report received

Time Police is moving to Gigazombie's location

That's noisy

We're safe, the time police!

Good day

I think you must be the one reporting


Oh, through that small box, ey

I didn't realize it before

Thank god

Thanks to you, Gigazombie's location is found

Thank you

Oh, what about Gigazombie?

You don't have to worry

Gigazombie, you're under arrest for trespassing the time


The Light Tribe also already move to a safer place

This place will be destroyed soon

Enter the ship, hurry

Can everone fit in this?

Relax, just squeeze in

It's full..

No other way

Do we really can stay here?

Gigazombie already arrested, all of you can
return to you new village

With this Kukuru most probably is my greatfather

No way, most probably mine

Isn't Giant's greatfather from the Dark Tribe?

What do you mean?

See...see that

Kukuru, take care

Nobita too

Let's go everyone, let's go home

Nobita, I'm really sorry

These animals we have to keep them

Ey? Why?

Doraemon, do something

Nobita, Pega and the others will not survive in the 20th century

We'll keep them in the animal garden in the future,
you don't have to worry

Pega, Guri, Dorago...

Nobita, we can always visit them later

I'm gonna see you later
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