Dragon Ball Z: Bardock – The Father of Goku (1990)

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Dragon Ball Z: Bardock – The Father of Goku (1990)

Post by bunniefuu »

Break through the shining clouds,
and fly away [fly away]

As a panorama spreads
itself throughout my being!

The earth, having been kicked
in the face, gets angry [angry]!

And makes one of its volcanoes explode!

If, within the thawed polar ice,

There is a dinosaur, then I want
to train him to balance atop a ball.


No matter what may happen,
I feel as though nothing can bother me,


However hard your chest pounds,
the Genki Dama will roar!


The emptier your head is, the more
room there is to pack with dreams,


With a cheerful face and an Ultra-Z,
today is ai-yai-yai-yai-yai...


"Planet Vegeta"

On Planet Vegeta, a baby boy
lets out his first cry.

So this is Bardock's son, then?

Yeah. He sure is the kid
of a lower class warrior.

He's barely got any potential ability at all.

I guess all we can do with him is send
him off to one of the frontier planets.

I suppose so.

"Planet Kanassa"

That bastard.

That's what you get
for dropping your guard.

So Bardock, don't you think
you went over the top there,

even celebrating your son's birth and all?

Celebrating my son's birth?

What a ridiculous farce!

We're finished on this planet.

Why don't you head back
to Planet Vegeta and meet him?

To see the lowest-class warrior
without any promise at all?

What kind of fool would make that trip?

And who asked you what
I should be doing anyhow?

I see.

We ought to be grateful to Freeza-sama.

He's been putting us to work
for him quite often.

So what does Freeza-sama want
with a crummy little planet like this?

You know what I heard?

This Kanassa is supposed
to have some kind of energy

that grants you psychic abilities.

I don't know whether he
believes that rumor or not,

but apparently Freeza-sama

has been thinking of taking
this world for a long time.


Rotten scum!

Looks like I dropped my guard too.

You lousy rat!

L-Listen to me!

I just struck you using a technique...

...giving you knowledge
of the future through visions!

Knowledge of the future?

You will see the future
fate of your own people.

W-What is this guy talking about?

I will warn you now, that you have
no future save that which is cursed!

As it is with my own people, there will be
nothing but destruction for yours!

I condemn you to see your own future,
and agonize over the form it takes!


That's pretty funny.

What do we invincible Saiyans have
to watch and agonize over, I ask you?

Right, Bardo...?

- Hey, Bardock!
- Bardock!

- What's wrong?
- What's the matter?
- Shake it off!

- Hey, Bardock!
- Bardock!
- Hey!

He's avoiding every one of their att*cks!

He's incredible!


He finished off those strength-enhanced
Saibaimen in a matter of seconds!

What's so unbelievable?

Vegeta-sama wasn't even
giving them his best!

What a fearsome kid!

I'm done!

Hurry and open the gate!


Impressive, as always.

Cut out the ridiculous boot-licking!

As long as I stay on this world,
I won't ever get stronger.

Maybe I should ask Freeza-sama about letting...

...me have another one of his
worlds slated for conquering.


You'd rather I didn't?

Of course not!

Freeza-sama, we have just received word
that Planet Kanassa has been conquered.

We have acquired it fully one month
sooner than had been forecast.

Who was it we sent
to take over Kanassa?

Some nameless lower-class Saiyan warriors.


These latest guys have been working
pretty hard, don't you think?

There's certainly something
remarkable about them.

Particularly when it comes
to Vegeta, their prince,

with whom Freeza-sama
has taken such an interest.

I can't hardly believe a kid like
that has such a battle power.

It's more than just him.

Individually, there's nothing
special about them,

but when they team up,
they demonstrate incredible power.

What are you afraid of?

Nothing. I just think that,

if we leave the
Saiyans alone like this,

it will mean a lot of trouble for us later on.

You never know when another
guy like Vegeta may appear.

Let's suppose they were
to team up against us.

You think they might
become unpleasant, then?


What do you think you're doing?

Why are you here?

This isn't the sort of place
where you belong!

I've just come to pay my respects
to Freeza-sama as I depart.

There's no need for that.

Just worry about clearing
your assigned planet for now.

It is quite all right, Zarbon-san.


Vegeta, please do a thorough job.

Thank you very much.

There is no need to thank me so.

Bardock is as surprising as ever.

It's only taken him several
days to fully recover.

Yeah. He may be a low class warrior,

but every time he goes off
to clear some land,

he always manages to nearly
get k*lled before returning.

By now, his battle power should be
pretty close to 10,000.

He's quite a guy.

How is he?

Physically there's nothing wrong.

He's in perfect shape.

However, the computer is picking up
a fluctuation in his brain waves.

I see.

Oh well, this time we'll
have to leave Bardock behind.


Which planet are you off to this time?

Planet Meat.

Is he regaining consciousness?

I just struck you using a technique...

...giving you knowledge
of the future through visions!

You will see the future fate
of your own people.

I will warn you now, that you have
no future save that which is cursed!

As it is with my own people, there will be
nothing but destruction for yours!

I condemn you to see your own future,
and agonize over the form it takes!

Are you all right, Bardock?


I'm still a bit dizzy in the head, though.

I was having these strange dreams.



I wonder what they were all about.

Are you sure you're okay?

I'm made of tougher stuff than
you guys are, much tougher.

Never mind me, what happened
to Toma and the others?

They were ordered by Freeza-sama
to the planet Meat.

What!? Dammit, how could
they leave me out?

Planet Meat, eh?
All right, that's pretty close.

Hey, Bardock!

I condemn you to see your own future,
and agonize over the form it takes!

Kakar... rot?

A battle power of just 2?

What scum!



Why are you guys...

You Saiyans, you're as tough as I expected.


You'll have to let us toy
with you a little more.

Why!? Why are you doing this?

Is that bothering you?

All right, you can take
this to Hell with you.

This, you see,

was ordered by Freeza-sama!


Freeza-sama denounced you
Saiyans as troublesome!

You sure you didn't do
anything to upset him?

I-It's untrue!

We've always acted exactly
as ordered by Freeza-sama!

Never once have we...

Nevertheless, if you fall out of favor,
this is what happens!

This? After all the hard work we've done?



Looks like they got carried away again.

Those guys...

Mm? There they are!

All caught up in the moment
rioting around, no doubt.

What the...



What's going on here?
What happened?

What a fool I've been.

We should have stayed home
tucked in our beds like good children.

Never mind that, don't tell me
the Meatians got the best of you?

No. We eliminated them quickly.

Then who did this to you?

F-Freeza! He's stabbed us all in the back!

That can't be possible!

That rotten Freeza's just been using us.

I-I've already had it, but before long...

...all Saiyans are going to be
k*lled by that rat Freeza.

Listen to me, listen well...
Go back to Planet Vegeta right now!

Once there, gather our comrades
and defeat Freeza!

Let him know... how strong the Saiyans...
really... are...

You guys!

Now comes your turn to die!

You lowlife! Where did you go!?

Damn him!

You fool!

T-This can't be! He's supposed
to be a lowest-class warrior!

Regardless of his level, he's still a Saiyan!
Stay on your toes!

Let's go!


What's the matter, Kakarrot!?

I know you're better than this!

Not again!
Damn, what's going on in my head!?

No, wai...




Why are you doing this to us!?

That was all too brief.

I wish he'd have
entertained me a bit longer.

Come in, Dodoria.

You are ordered to return.

Rendezvous with us immediately.

We're headed for Planet Vegeta.



Freeza-sama really is after us.

Launch this one off, if you would.

Target directional coordinates FX-50.

Name: Kakarrot.

Bardock's son, hmm?

Rank: Lowest-class warrior.

Planet of destination:...

I have returned.

Dodoria, you bungled it.

What's that!?

You allowed one of the Saiyans
on Planet Meat to escape.

Impossible! I made certain...

Then what have we here?

It's him!

He survived that!?

T-This is inexcusable of me!

I-I will deal with him immediately!

Oh, it is all right.

This Saiyan also seems to be headed
toward Planet Vegeta anyhow.

Then he will meet the same
fate either way, won't he?

T-That's Freeza-sama's spaceship.

H-He couldn't be headed
for Planet Vegeta, could he?

I can't believe it!

It has been some time since we have
seen the best show in the universe.

I hope the fireworks are pretty.


What's the matter, Bardock!?

What a shame, you just
missed your kid's launch!

As I remember, he's going to some
frontier planet called "Earth."

Did you say "Earth?"

Yeah, it's a blue planet,
part of a star system.

But give him a few months,
and he's sure to wipe out the planet.

Once you've recovered from those injuries,
you ought to go meet up with him.

So what happened to you?

How did a guy like you
get beat up so badly?

- I thought you went to Planet Meat, didn't you?
- That's...

That's Earth!
There's no mistake.

All those dreams I've had...
they're really the future!

Which means...

It... It can't be!

W-What's the matter, Bardock!?

Hey, look at this!

H-He's far from being all right,
wouldn't you say!?

That's really the future!

Everything... happens... for real!

I just struck you using a technique...

...giving you knowledge
of the future through visions!

You will see the future fate
of your own people.

I will warn you now, that you have
no future save that which is cursed!

As it is with my own people, there will be
nothing but destruction for yours!

I condemn you to see your own future,
and agonize over the form it takes!

I won't let him do it.
I'll stop him myself!


What's this?

Ain't that Bardock?

What's the matter?

Everyone, come with me!
We're going to k*ll Freeza!


What are you saying!?

Believe me.

Toma, and the others,
they were all k*lled!

Freeza is about to eliminate us...
about to eliminate Planet Vegeta!

He says the planet is going
to be destroyed!

A-Are you all right?

Get a grip on yourself, Bardock!

Freeza-sama would never
do something like that!

Are you sure you didn't
just have a bad dream?

You... worthless... fools!

You miserable jackasses!

I'm not asking any more!

All of you can go to hell!

Hey, Bardock!

Let him go, he's flipped his lid.


I... I will...

...change that future!

This will be the last time we gaze
upon this planet, will it not?





Open the upper hatch.

But, our men out there...

As you command!


Freeza! Get out here!

I won't let you get away with this!



Now, everything changes!

The fate of Planet Vegeta...

...my own fate...

...Kakarrot's fate...

...as well as your fate!

This is where it ends!



Ka... kar... ro... t...


What's this!?

How wonderful!

Look at it, Zarbon-san, Dodoria-san!
Behold such beautiful fireworks!

Kakarrot, carry out my will!

You will avenge the Saiyans,
and our Planet Vegeta!

Vegeta-sama! Do you read me?

What is it?

We've just received a transmission
from Freeza-sama.

It seems as though Planet Vegeta
has been destroyed!


Apparently a giant meteor
collided with the planet.

Counting us, there are
very few surviving Saiyans.


Er, nothing else in particular.
That was all.

This planet is all but exterminated.

I'll have to request Freeza-sama to give us
worlds that will put up more of a fight.

Well, what a surprise!

A baby! Where did you come from?

A baby with a tail?

We can't just leave you here, can we?

How would you like to come stay with me?


Oh, such a spirited young boy!

Okay, from now on, you'll be
the grandson of me, Son Gohan, okay?

And your name will be... let's see...

Goku! Son Goku!

Goku, you're going to grow up strong!


Whee whee whee!


And thus the curtain rises for
the grand story that is Dragonball.

There is one ocean in the galaxy,

where light is born,

And continues on its distant journey,

until now it arrives to shine above me.

The light that shines in the darkness,

Twinkles like the wink of a dream.

Please let me hear
the hopes and memories

Which have come to us from so long ago.

The unchanging dreams
and everlasting love,

Which shined even before we were born.
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