Comet in Moominland (1992)

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Comet in Moominland (1992)

Post by bunniefuu »


What are you digging?

We were suppose to go to the beach.

I'm coming soon.

Are you taking the flower to your mom's garden?

I'm leaving now Moominmamma. But I'll return as soon as I can.

Rest well. We will take care of your little sister.

Thank you.

Myy! What are you doing?

Seashell would make a great soap dish!

But my dear I need it for my garden.

I cant see any flowers!

Wait till I get everything ready. Flowers planted and everything.

Hey Myy, don't irritate Moomins too much.

Have I irritated someone?

So far everyone.

Be careful!

You never know what might be there!

We'll find out!

What's there...?

Real cave! And I found it!

I found a pearl.

I want one too! Where are they?

Come quicly!

I've made a huge discovery.

but I wont tell you what it is!

Nipsu has found something big!

It's big only for Nipsu.

Hmm. Looks like it's going to rain.

Oh great. You got flowerbed ready.

Yes, kids helped me and brought seashells.

And I got bridge ready.

That's wonderful.

I found a big pearl!

I found a cave.

But you were too scared to go there alone, right?

Oh I didnt?

I'm happy we decided to stay in this valley.

Yes. It is pretty here and you have build us a fine house.

It'll work.

Are we staying here forever, dad?

Didn't you want to?

You and mom have seen the world but I haven't.

Unbelievable! Nipsu, did you eat already?

Oh no! I'm getting more.


Really pretty pearl

You got nice gift mamma.

Thank you Moomintroll.

I'll keep it this safe for you.


Maybe someday you will meet someone,

that you really want to give this to.

Do you mean some girl?

I am not interested in girls.

Guess what?

I would really like to get a pearl as a gift.

Good evening.

I am muskrat and really known philosopher.

I would like to point out to you that bridge of yours

have destroyed my home in the river.

Even though it is indifferent for a philosopher if he owns a home or not.

But even philosopher doesn't want to end up like a drowned rat...

This is definitely too much. It is.

I am sincerely sorry.

I didn't quess that there was a philosopher living under the bridge.

I am honored. Come in.

My wife will make you a bed.

My home was just a hole but I enjoyed there

even though that doesnt matter either.

Not bad.

I've smelled something weird in the air lately.

Have you noticed? No?

So no?

Maybe only philosophers can feel it,

because they have to think all the time.

Like there was a storm inside your head.

Mamma, do you feel it?

Not really.

And what about this rain.

What do you mean?

Don't even try to state that the rain is natural.

I don't like unnatural rains...

Rain as rain. This one happens to be more wet than usually.

I know what I know.

Finally the rain stopped.

Oh heavens.

This is a catastrophe.

Hey Muskrat!

Why has everything turned black?

It's useless to worry cause nothing can be done.

What is the black?

Do you want to know?

I do.

Smut from space.

From space?

It is a bad sign.

Bizarre incident.

Smut from space.

Nonsense. It's burning somewhere.

Philosopher doesn't know about ordinary stuff.

Why did he scare moomintroll for no reason.

You got scared?

I didn't really.

Muskrat is bothered about losing his home,

even though he won't admit it.

Pappa, can't you tell him to talk about nice things or stay quiet.

I will gladly.

I've never really trusted philosophers.

Muskrat went to make some observations.

Stupid woman.

Cleaning doesn't help anything.

The time of destruction has come.

Disaster is here. Not that it matters.

The final judgement will fall upon us all.

Everyone seems to be is up already.

This here is the sky. And this is the sun.

And these cookies are stars.

And this little crumb is our planet.

Isn't our earth pitiful in this endless space.

But space ends somewhere.

No it doesn't! It goes forever.

Only a philosopher can understand that.

It is pitch black there,

horrible black holes that are inexplicably deep.

Sounds uncomfortable.

I am hungry.


There are also other solar systems in the universe.

Table is too small.

And are there many of these solar systems?

Countless of numbers.

And universe doesn't care if our little planet encounters an accident.

Honored Muskrat...

We don't really care about other solar systems.

Only those who haven't studied philosophy says that.

You think you're important.

I wonder what that catastrophe is...

I don't want any catastrophes.


Yes. I hear there is an observatory in lonely mountains.

Do they know about the catastrophe?

I think so.

There is a huge telescope that you can see anything with.

Blackholes too?

Go ask from learned how can there be holes in space.

Can I go alone?

Why wouldn't you?

I'm coming too!

Too long journey for your small legs.

I can move my legs much faster than Moomintroll!

What about Nipsu?

Well umm...

You're scared!

Yeah... No!

Don't put words in my mouth I am never scared!

Good! Let's go then immediately.

Be careful!

Have fun!

We can't even see lonely mountains yet.

Don't be stupid.

We haven't walked even an hour yet.

What happened to the sun?

It was shown at morning last time.

Where do we need it? I am hungry.

Look! Hattifatteners!

Odd creatures.

It's dark soon!

I am tired and hungry!

Lonely mountains are this far.

I don't care about your stupid observatory.

I'm staying here for the night, thats for sure!

Just a bit further.

I can't move a step further anymore and my feet are cracked

and my head is dizzy and look observatory!

Idiot! That's a tent!

There is a light inside.

Maybe there is food.

Someone is playing harmonica.

That someone is not afraid.

You there.


It's nice to meet traverels.

Do you have coffee?

Yeah ofcourse! I have it here.

In my very own bag. I am Nipsu.

And I am Moomintroll.

I'm Myy!

And I'm Snufkin

Are you living here all alone?

I live everywhere. Where ever.

Today I'm here, tomorrow somewhere else.

We are all going to the observatory

to find out about the catastrophe.

I have also heard about the comet.

A Comet?!

I've heard stories about it. It is a star with a long flaming tail.

It bursts through empty and dark space.

Is that causing the shimmering behind those clouds?

That exaclty. Other stars circles calmly on their orbits,

but that comet can collide anywhere, like here.

But what happens then?

I think you wish you were somewhere else.

Could the star hit me?

It hits where it hits, can't affect that.

Comet can't hit me, no!

How can you know so much more than Muskrat?

Well he lives in a hole, I travel and meet people and listen to them.

Here, do you want more coffee?

When will the comet arrive?

Well you will find that out in observatory.

Tastes good.

So comet is coming?

Well it won't drop here all of the sudden.

You can stay in my tent and let's all go to the observatory tomorrow.

Be careful! Most of the rocks are loose!

Watch where you go you muddle-head!

This is how I stay alive at least until the comet comes.

Yeah because you can die if you look down!

Take care of your own steps!

Is this the only way to the observatory?

Maybe not. But it is shortest for sure. Stay behind me.

We won't get there tonight.

Yeah we won't.

It's too far.

Stop whining!

Careful! The path narrows from this point.

Nipsu! You have a funny style.

I have to keep my eyes closed...

What do you say? Let's rest here for a while.

Where did Nipsu go?

Come on Nipsu! You can start walking normally.

Nipsu will walk rest of his life like a crab!

Leave me alone already! I feel miserable...

I'll probably throw up soon..

Stop whining! It's enough that wind does it!

Where now Snufkin?

Left from there. We will pass a gulley full of garnets.


Yes. And they will shine in the sun. It's like fairly-tale.

Nipsu we will see a gulley full of garnets!

I want tea and a lot of sandwiches and a soft bed and not any boring flowers.

Idiot! Garnets are gemstones!


Hey where are those gemstones?

Can anyone take them with them just like that? Are there many?

You'll see. Where are going to pass them.

But let's rest first before we continue.

Are garnets yours?

Yes when I look at them. I own everything what I'm looking at

and everything that makes me happy.

Good. In that case I'm going to look at some garnets.

Don't you want to rent?

Why? I'm not tired at all.

Well now he is going to pick prettiest garnets.

Go ahead but be careful! It's really deep.

I'll survive.

I was an idiot to tell him that garnets are not flowers.


Whole gulley full of gemstones!

This can't be a dream! Wonderful!

Wonderful! I'll take them all. All! All!

Mm these are just shards. I want just big ones.

I'll take the biggest and prettiest ones and there cant be any cracks.

There are too much.

These are too small. But here there are beautiful stones! I am so happy!

Difficult choice...what a shine!

This is it! It is so wonderful, that i get blinded by it.



Don't come any closer!

Take your teeth away from my bag! There's our food!

I threw garnet away...


Help me out of here! Monster wants my garnets and wont let it go!

Leave them! It is not worth to became eaten because of them.

I think it is!

I dont think the lizard cares about garnets, you are the treat!

Well it cant have me! Or garnets! I swear it!

You ugly reptile! I am stronger than you are!

Well done Nipsu!

Hooray! I did it! I'm coming! Just a little bit... I'm here!

Nipsu cheer up.

Be happy that giant lizard didn't eat you.

My gemstones...

That is what happens when you want to own stuff.

I like just looking at things, and when I leave,

I have them in my memories.

You dont have to take everything with you.

Garnets would've been in my bag...

It not at all the same thing to look than touch and arrange them.

Only a duffer like you can return without any gemstones.

I wouldn't have imagined a lake here!

Hey don't sway it or I'll fall.

That would be good!

Nipsu, we are nearly there.

Lonely mountains are in front of us.

Are we getting closer at all?

I can't see anything.

You would without that fog.

I believe we are lost.

Tosh, we are nearly on top of the cloud.

I don't think I want to.

Yes you do.

Fog cant just end suddenly.

Yes It can. Observatory is built this high because it's always clear sky there.

Do you have to say that we are that high all the time?

Ohom! What is that?!

It is shining.

Black ice on the ground, don't tell me anything more.

What is it?

Looks like bracelet. Shines like gold!

Golden bangle.



It is a circle that goes to your ankle. I know who's it is.

Well who?

Do you know Snorks? Brother and sister.

I dont know.

You see Snorkmaiden and Snork looks a lot like you Moomintroll.


She is really pretty maiden.

Twinkling brown eyes and golden fringe.


She keeps flower behind her ear and that bangle on her left ankle.

It is too big for me.

What I know Snork is going to the observatory to investigate the comet.

He is a scientist.

What about Snorkmaiden?

Snorkmaiden is more interested in flowers than a comet.

I think she has been picking up flowers here.

And felled down.

Horrible. She have turned into a stew.


I going to get it!

Be careful!

Don't let go of the rope!

Give me more rope!

Nipsu come down!

No no! I am an anchor! You go.


Just a bit further!

Hurry! My strength is shrinking...

Did you get it?


My grip is slipping!

I got it!

Hurry! Nipsu we are in a hurry!

Listen me Snufkin if you push me like that my feet will turn into a jello...

I am not at all adventurer...

Come on!

We are nearly there!

Is that the observatory?

Well Snufkin, which one those are the comet?

I dont know.

Oh you dont know, even though you read books?

I believe we have to use the telescope.

If we cant even see the comet yet, why are we in such a hurry? Tell me Moomintroll.

What did you say?

Stop dreaming about that simpelton! We are there!

Good evening.

Good evening!

You again? Go away! I've told you everything I know.

I've never been here before! Really.

Oh on second thought you possibly are not a girl.

There was a girl here?

She was more interested in a bangle than a comet.

Did she have a golden fringe? And a flower behind her ear?

God, I have more fascinating things on my mind than dim-witted ladies.

Gorgeous comet is coming. It's getting closer!

Shame! You have wasted 34 seconds of my time! Shame!

What did you find out?

A lot...

Tell me what!

Snorkmaiden was here and talked about her bangle.

Don't start it again. You've really gotten crazy!

I'm going to ask now!

Good evening!

Me and my friends have come here to see the marvelous observatory.

We've read a lot about you and the comet.

Well..I'm not at all unknown...

There are rumors that they are going to name the comet after me.

Great! I believe the comet would gladly take famous scientist's name.

Well that joy is momentary. Do you wish to see the comet?

Hm? Would the professor let me see it?

With pleasure. It's exciting to see the comet flaming towards you like a monster.

Umm...maybe the man would just tell?

Star is growing everyday. If it first looked like fly, it sure looks like an express train now!

I don't like express trains, please don't show the comet.

Don't you want to see the comet?

I have weak eyes.

Oh you have a bad sight? There is a help for that.

Is Nipsu using the telescope?

I'm going there.

Me too!

Do you see anything?

No I don't see anything.

Put your eye near the glass, and close the other one.

Like this?

Yes yes. Like that.

The other eye!

Well, do you see it now?

I do, it is...

Well what do you say?

It..It is burning...

It is hotter than you can imagine.


Nipsu let me see.

Who are you?

A friend.

The comet interests us.

Very reasonable. Well go ahead.

Naturally, we can't get the exact speed of the comet from here.

I do.

What happens then if the comet falls upon us?

Oh happens?

Yes what?

That exaclty we would like to know.

No idea.

What do you mean?

That is not my specialty. I am an astronomer, go and ask an ethnology scientist.

But where the comet going to land?

That is the interesting part. Probably here. We have a great chance to study it.

When is it happening?

According to my calculations, 7th day of august, 8:42pm. Maybe 4 seconds later.

We can study the comet for two more days. I am so excited.

Two days!

Hey! The path is dangerous! Be careful Nipsu.

Only two days to get back to Moomin valley!

Help me quickly!

Let go! We are coming.

Let's tie each others with a rope just in case.

I have to find that girl.

Sorry I forgot the rope.

Where are you going?

I'm going to find the Snorkmaiden.


That simpelton who lost the bangle.

She doesn't know that I found it, she will continue to search for it.

Nipsu open the rope. I have to go.

Help me!

Lovely voice!

It is a ghost.


You forgot the rope!

Snorkmaiden needs help!

You can't!

I can't run anymore!

Help me!

Behind the bushes!


Help me! Help!


Cut mine too!

And mine!

Myy and Nipsu stay here.

Moomintroll wait for me!

Wake up Nipsu! We have to see this!

Let me go!

It will bite you! Snorkmaiden!

No no she is there!

Let me go! Help!

That terrible plant is eating my sister!

No! I am here!


Grab me Snorkmaiden!

You dont have to worry, I am here.

It is like an angostura tree.

What is it?

Huge plant that eats insects.

Hey! My sister isn't a bug! Let her go!

Snorks are toxic!

What an hungry angostura.

Hey I know.

Hey you old mildew! You listen to me!

It's going to eat us!

Is that a good idea?

Let's make it angry, so it will come after us. Your turn.

You idiot!


Stupid angoratura!


You Ret*rded withered water lily!

Spoiled blossom.

Waste of cockroach!

Come here!

You moron!

You can't get us! You're too slow!

No one is scared of you!

Come here if you dare!

You're too scared!

Just eat your bugs!

Snorkmaiden now!

Thank you!

Ow it is going to eat my tail!


Ow it hurts!

Let me take care of that!

Myy don't!

I'll bite!

Run for your life!

Monster is coming!

And Nipsu isn't going anywhere!

Myy don't!

Arr you poor plant!

There you go!

Really sharp knife!

Wonderful Moomintroll!


That was great!

Moomintroll is strong!

Finally it's over.

I had to do it! If you even look at Snork maiden anymore I'll show you!

Thank you, I've been looking for my bangle everywhere.

And I've been looking for you.

I am so happy.

What are you staring at?

Your fringe.


I'm going home now. Why don't you come with us?

Where do you live?

In a beautiful valley with my dad and mom. Dad has built a house for us

and I built a swing in our garden, for you.

That's so sweet.

Moomintroll why don't you tell her about the cave?

Maybe later.

Yes we can join you but first few questions.

Will we arrive in the Moomin valley before the comet hits us and if we do,

what are our chances to stay alive?

We have to stay alive because I just found a really nice cave!

If we go to the right cave, I believe we can survive.

That's right. We are safe in our cave

My cave!

That was really smart idea Snorkmaiden.

Mmm okay, let's go to your cave

It is my cave! Mine!

Oh no, compass is spinning.

Change the batterys.

Mm, the comet is getting closer.

Shouldn't there be more water in the river?

Oh you notice everything!

Yeah I don't know...

Everyone can see that!

Well maybe they do.

There you go!

But only Snorkmaiden said it.

I feel sick.

The comet is coming.

I think it's better not to look at it.

Smart idea.

Go to sleep already.

I'm going to sleep too. Leave me some pancakes. I'll eat them tomorrow.

Are we really going to the right direction?

Don't worry, I know where the North Star is, it always stays left.

And we will see the ocean.

And then we will go south.

In this situation, I'll let you do the orientation.

I trust you Moomintroll.

Yes my sister needs someone to relay on.

Because I have a brother like that.


This hot weather and hunger...

You just ate!

I need some snack while walking...

You ate twice as much as anyone else.

But I skipped a meal last night...hunger hurts my stomach...

Oh! What on earth happened to the sea?

What are fishes going to do?

Oh my beautiful sea that I loved.

Goodbye sailing, goodbye swimming, goodbye fishing.

Comet took all the water.

Take long steps. Stay calm and do not think what you're doing.

I am way too high...

Don't look down if you don't want to lose your balance and fall.

You learn really fast how to walk with wooden legs.

It is easy for me not to think what I'm doing.

One two one two I'm a spider.

What now?

One two one two

Look! Sunken ship!

Pirate ship maybe.

But then there could be like treasures.

Did you say treasures?

I can see something shiny.

What could it be?

Careful Myy. I could be dangerous to go closer.

True. Something is shining there.

Wait here. I'm going to check. Very dangerous.

I found a dagger with gemstones. Hooray!

I found a dagger with gemstones.

Nipsu found something.

I'm going to carry it with a belt!

Great. I don't have to protect you then anymore.

I want to find treasures too.

Shipwreck is full of water.

Is everything okay?

Yes yes. Water is nicely cool.

What are you doing?

Look what I found. Beautiful mirror.

The mirror can't be the only thing here. Wreck could be full of treasures.

Pretty dark. I don't know what could be waiting here.

Oh well.

Is everything okay there?

Yes! See what I found in the water.

That is a pretty mirror.

Snufkin, can you help me to get Snorkmaiden out of here?

Snorkmaiden, give me your hand.


I'm nearly there. Push me a bit more!


A bit more.

Quickly now Snorkmaiden.

Planks are slippery.

Snorkmaiden, on my head.

Come up.

Thank you Snufkin. I got saved again.

Moomintroll, come up quickly!

Look out!

Save yourself!

What is happening there?

Nothing! Don't come here.

Just like that!

What do I do now?

Octopus is taking both of them, and only I can help.

Let them go or I'll bite the ink out of you!

Did you hear what Myy said?

If you don't let them go I'll throw my mirror to your face!

Oh it did what I said.

No it got blind because of the mirror!

Octopus got scared because it knew I meant it.

Don't be a dull! Look!

You were right.

Let's reflect the light straight to its eyes!

It worked!

You still want to try?

Oh it didn't work!

Like this!

I'm sorry octopus.

What are you doing?

Take that! And that.

I see the comet causes tornados.

Everyone knows that!

Don't argue. Let's hurry.

We are nearly there!

Come on!

We are really near the Moomin valley.

Have you swimmed here?

Yes. Too bad I can't show you the beautiful waves.

Everyone is moving.

I see all these people are from Moomin valley.

Hey look! There is a police commissioner.

What are you still doing here? Get going! Quickly!

We went to the observatory, and now we know everything about the comet.

If anyone wants to ask something.

I know it's coming. And I do not want to hear a word about it!

We are running out of time! Hurry up!

They are scared.

After that there is no one in the Moomin valley.

Except for mom and dad, they are waiting for me to come home.

Unless they forgot about you,

even tho you are pretty hard to forget.

Who is that?

Stop! Stop!

Good day Troll! Can I ask something?

Get out of the way!

Look out!

She needs a brakes on her bike!

Did you hurt yourself?

You were in middle of the road!

I'm sorry. But you have to tell me..

I'm in a hurry, everyone...are fleeing.

Is there anyone in the Moomin valley anymore? Answer, it's important.

Well who would stay here when everyone is leaving?

No one?

No, I'm the last one.

Thank you!

What was I going to say..? Oh yes.

She is using her nose to stop!

Moomintroll! I just remembered!

Moominmamma and Moominpappa are there. They wanted to stay.

I knew it! I knew it!

Thank god!

I forgot them! I usually do.

Thank you and sorry, that I took your time.

Don't go too fast!

Now we really have to walk faster.

Hey! I'm sorry.

Can we help you?

Yes! What is all the fuss about?

I can't arrange my stamps in this crazy town. What is happening?

It hits tonight exaclty at 8:42.

What ”it”? Whatever it is, it's really unpleasant,

because I was just checking my stamps's watermarks.

Don't you know the comet is coming?

Oh? Straight from the sky?

Yes yes, and it's coming really fast.

Oh that's terrible! What's going to happen to my stamps?

Your stamps are going to burn.

Tornado is coming!

Stay close to the ground!

Our home is right behind this forrest!

We can't get there now!

It's my birthday today!

What should I do with my collection?

I could bury it, but then dampness and bugs would ruin it!

Grab the tree or the wind will take your stamps!

Snufkin, could we use the wind somehow?

Indeed, it is going to the Moomin valleys way.

If we had an air balloon we could get there fast.

My skirt!

I got it! A Tent!

What about it?

Heey what are you doing?

What will happen to my stamps?

We are going to Moomintroll's cave, your stamps are safe there!

Where is Moomintroll's cave?

My cave! At the beach!

Can I point out that the beach is at the opposite direction?

We have to get my parents first!

They are waiting for me to get home to my birthday.

Gonratulations but don't you think that they are worried?

Hey hold on!

Tell me is my grip good?

Look at yourself!

I don't want to!

It's your fault if I lose my stamps!

And I say you will fall yourself if you don't use your both hands!

And that's your own fault.

How many hands do you think I have?

I have to use my other hand to hold my stamps!

My stamps!


My stamps!


I think things are going badly!

That was close!

Don't worry! We will soon fly like your stamps.

Don't try comforting me...Everything is lost.

We are above the clouds!

Look at the sun!

It's not the sun! It's the comet.

Where is the sun?


It is pale next to the comet.

It's a sunset already.

Wind is getting weak.

So are we.

That was a wild ride.

Tornados are fun!

Don't talk about fun to me!




Good! They are safe!

I'm afraid we are losing each others!

I'm going to get them!



You have the rope!

Like this!

Myy tell me what is happening and can I open my eyes already?

Myy is not here.

She isn't? Where?


What a surprise!

Don't move! It is really unpleasant.

Be patient Hemuli! We are landing soon!

Kids should be home already.

Don't worry Pappa, they will come.



While your waiting for that, try some cookies.

Cookies in this situation?! Maybe one.

Why did I let him? It is not easy to be a father in times like this.

Destruction is coming.

Kids will return. Moomintroll knows that I made him a cake.

Yes they are here already.


I just saw how your son ran over the bridge.


Exactly. In weird companion.


Mom! Dad! We are home!

Comet is coming today 8:42. We have to hide in the cave!

You had a heavy trip. You look hungry.

It was terrible.

How do you know when you kept your eyes closed all the time?

Terrible things feels less terrible with closed eyes!

My sweeties.

Good that you're home.

Who are your friends?

This here is Snorkmaiden. I saved her from an angostura.

This is her brother Snork.

This is Snufkin, he is really smart.

Then there is Hemuli, stamp collector.

Oh he has a great hobby.

It is not a hobby, it is my career.

Or it was my career.

Then I think you're interested in what we found.

Mamma, show him the album that tornado flew to our garden.

Album? Tornado brought an album?

Yes, I found stamps even in the dough that I brought to veranda to rise.

Where where the album is?

Stamps are ruined ofcourse.

I don't think so. I hung them up there to dry.

My lovely stamps.

My little friends, Hemuli is here.

Everything seems fine. Oh I thought I would never see you again.

Hemuli got luck.

Hemuli seems too happy. We could start a post office.

I believe it's time for us to go to the cave.

My cave.

We should immediately decide what belongings we are saving.

I would like to have cave's layout, otherwise I can't plan moving properly.

I'm sorry Moominpappa. My brother is very meticulous.

There is nothing bad about that.

Snork, do you want to take charge of the moving?

Yeah...Leave everything to me!

Tilt it.

I couldn't imagine that the bathtub was this heavy.

Don't make too much noise so that Snork won't notice.

Straight down!

Be careful with it, it is from grandmother.

Useless, it'll be destroyed anyway.

Will you come with us to the cave?

Ofcourse not! Philosophers are above the comets.

Muskrat get out of the way! Here it comes!

Moominmamma! Do you take seashells too?

Yes. Don't forget roses either.

Only small ones.

But big ones are pretty too.

Unfortunately, everything is planned.

Everything is planned, but it is all for nothing.

I'll lounging on the hammock and won't expect to see you anymore.

Well why not. Hammock is not on the list.

Hemuli, leave what you're doing and give us your helping hand.

Yeah, I will soon. Stamps also have to move.

The comet is here!

It can't be yet!

Astronomer said 8:42 or four seconds later, comets are punctual.

But astronomers can be wrong, what if they had calculation error.

Very possible.

It is still two hours before it lands.

Nipsu are you here?

Yes what do you want?

Know where you are.

Sky looks lunatic.

Feels like the comet is close.

Nipsu are you still there?

Yes stop harassing me!

Little Myy is worried about the cake.

Why on earth? I'm taking care of it.

My dear, that's why she is worried.

Myy doesn't trust me? That's terrible.

I just ate dinner, I could not eat anything.

Not much at least...

Little kitty all alone!

Meow to you. What are you doing here? Hey.

Hey kitty come here, Nipsu will give you a piece of cake.

Come to the cave with Nipsu.

Kitty look what I'm giving to you. Kitty kitty!

Oh no, Nipsu...

Carry the bunks to back of the cave!

Kitchen objects right side of the doorway!

Where is Nipsu?

He should help us.

We will come here running when he remembers the cake.

Bathtub? Can I ask what is it doing here?

It is not on my list.

We enjoy bathing.

We can put stuff in it.

No way. It is already full. It stays outside.


Ah this would fit.

I'm looking for something I could shut the hole in the roof.

Bathtub is just the right size!

That's nice.

Only 35 minutes to go.

Where is Nipsu?

Oh Muskrat! You came after all.

It's nice to see you.

Well I can't even think in this heat.

Ofcouse not. Take a seat where ever.

Well maybe for a little while.

It would be better if you stayed out of the way and thought

about that destruction and catastrophe in some corner.

Should we drink some tea now that Muskrat is here too?

Yes, and let's taste the birthday cake.

Good idea.

I'll boil the water.

I'll help.

Thank you sweetie.

Little Myy where did you put it?


Moomintroll's birthday cake.

That table over there.

Oh table?

Hemuli was there a cake in this table?

Cake? Oh cake? Yes yes.

It's not anymore. I had to move it so I can arrange my stamps.

Where did I put it? It was somewhere here.

I was standing right here.

Is it possibly moved to your stomach?

Stamp collectors don't have time to eat.

I remember clearly that I was holding it and I put it right here.

Have honored philosopher seen the cake?

I don't care about what I see. I care about what I think.

Everyone help. There was whipped cream on it and there was written ”Moomintroll” on it.

Could the man lift his bottom?

You are disturbing my important thoughts.

And you are our cake! You're sitting on it!

You polecat!

The cake is full of hair!

I didn't know that the cake was there.

You told me to go to the corner so I'm not responsible.

Minor point! It's about can we eat cake where is hair on it?

Hey! Obviously it is not about can you eat cake where is hair on it but who put it there!

Well why do you laugh when there is no reason!

It's coming!

The comet is coming! Like we said.

Go inside!

I'll go look for...I mean serching for Nipsu. We can't leave him.

Time is running up!

Moomintroll! Don't go.

I'll bet Nipsu is lost.


I'll be back soon!

Moominpappa! Do you have a clock?

Yes but...

Give it to me, I'll go after him.

Ten minutes left, if we cant find him, we'll turn back.

Moomintroll! I found Nipsu! Come here!

I'm coming, wait!


I am here!

Are you alright?

Everything is okay. You came for me, how touching. Thank you.

What is wrong?

Nipsu's legs are paralysed.


I'm okay but my legs won't move.

Fear went to his legs.

It's psychosomatic, upper body doesn't feel fear but legs are shaking.

Welcome Comet! We have been waiting for you!

They are coming.

One minute left!

My cave! Take me there!

Don't move!

Can I introduce you my new friend? It's name is Miau [Meow].

Cute kitty.

I let it taste the cake. Oh! What happened to the cake?

If the bathtub breaks we are going to have problems.

Yeah...No long sunday baths for example.

Comet didn't hit us.

We were saved.

What will the Moomin valley look like now?

Let's go and see!

No, let's wait till morning.

It is really dark outside and we don't know what dangers there might be.


Where is that rumble coming from?

It's coming back.

What is?

What is coming back?

Look. The ocean is coming back.


Just like I thought.

The ocean!

It came back.

The ocean came back!

Faster! Come back!

The ocean came back!

Miau Miau! Come here!

This is the pearl you gave me, remember, I told you would find someone

who you would like to give it.

Snorkmaiden, you can have it.

How wonderful pearl.

I found it from the sea and mom has been saving it so I can give it to you.

Oh thank you Moomintroll!
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