Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler (1992)

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Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler (1992)

Post by bunniefuu »

The planet New Namek, where the
Namekians settled upon leaving Earth,

is suddenly att*cked by
an unidentified planet,

and the Namekians now all
face the danger of extinction.

Now, Dende, who has
become the new Kami over Earth,

has learned of the
danger his friends are in,

and has called upon Goku
and the others to save them.

Kami-sama, you just
need to have faith in Goku.


Goku-san... everyone...

Break through the shining
clouds, and fly away [fly away]

As a panorama spreads
itself throughout my being

The earth, having been kicked
in the face, gets angry [angry]

And makes one of its volcanoes explode!

If, within the thawed polar ice,

There is a dinosaur, then l want
to train him to balance atop a ball.


No matter what may happen, l feel
as though nothing can bother me,


However hard your chest pounds,
the Genki Dama will roar!


The emptier your head is, the more
room there is to pack with dreams,


With a cheerful face and an Ultra-Z,
today is ai-yai-yai-yai-yai...


We have to eat, or else we can't
keep our strength up, you know!

--That's right!
--Well, with Goku along, this
will be settled in two shakes.

Let's just enjoy this
space travel to its fullest!

l wonder what kind of
planet New Namek is like.

Yeah. This ain't something you can study
at school, so get a good look around.

That will delight Chichi too!


Of all the... Bulma coaxed me
into goin' this far outta the way,

an ' it don 't even look like
we'll be needin' Senzu this time.

That's the truth! That's the truth!

Hey, is he all right?

Yeah! He doesn 't eat.

Aren't we there yet?

W- what is that?

The one planet is
smooching on the other one!

Do planets really kiss and stuff?

Stop jibberin' ' bout anythin' that stupid!

That one planet is eating...

That can't be! To think that
one planet would eat another!

lt doesn't even look all that tasty.

Okay, let's go!


W- wait!

lt's you!

Who are you guys!?

Gohan-san! Then you have come for us!

Release the Namekians.

You guys are better off giving up now!

He's the strongest guy
in the universe, you know!

l don 't want any needless fighting.

Set the Namekians free,
and go back to your own planet!

We' ll let it go this one time.

You 'd better hurry up and go home, though!

Face this way an ' say so!

l guess life isn't always that easy, huh?

He is right, Son Goku!

Y- you 're...


l- impossible!

l- isn 't he dead?

Lousy monkey! l 'd like to
say that you 'd done well,

but l am the strongest in the universe!



However, l have come back like this,

through the advanced
technology of the Big Gete Star.

And all the more powered up.

Big Gete Star?

That strange planet that has
attached itself to this one?

You Namekian piece of scum.
To think that even you survived.

This is perfect.

l was planning on coming to Earth
anyhow to dispatch this monkey.

You 've all saved me some trouble.

lt's you who have saved us the trouble.

How can he still be alive!?
We shouldn't have come after all.

l want to go back to Earth!

lt's already too late! You should
be takin ' after the Turtle Hermit!

He's takin ' this pretty calm.

How about we leave this to Goku
and the others and head home?

Here they come!


They' re fast!

lt would appear as if your
abilities have grown considerably.

That's right.

l- l want to get back to Earth quick!

You numbskull! lf you wanna get back
home alive, find yerself somewhere's to hide!

Aah! Here it comes!

D- did 'ja get 'im?


Lemme outta here, you scumbucket!

l 'm not a fish, here!

Whatever happened to Muten Roshi,
master of the martial arts!?

Hey, back off!


Are you okay, Gohan?

Yes, but their defenses
are too strong for me.

Y- yeah, they're just
shrugging off our usual att*cks.


That's no ordinary armor they've got.

Concentrate your Ki to its
maximum at your point of strike!

There's even more of them!

Concentrate, huh?

Let's go!

lt's all or nothing!

W- why is it just me?


l got him!



G- Gohan...

What's the matter?
You cannot beat me at this level!


Not even l was able to see him move.

What did you do!?

Something l call lnstantaneous Movement.

What? Then you can do it too?

Me too?

You too, huh?

So, you finally show
yourself, Super Saiyan?

lf you hadn't, this would have been dull.

This is how it will be decided...

Who the strongest man in the universe is!

Are you finished now?

Guess l put more power
into that than l intended.

So that's the Big Gete Star?

lt's not my fault if this destroys you!

Any defect l have is immediately reinforced

and restored by the
Big Gete Star's main computer.

Even as you frantically try to defeat
me, l can be restored countless times,

even stronger than before!

ln other words, you can never defeat me.

Even if l blow you to smithereens?

lf you can do so, take your shot!

What's the matter?
Where did all that energy you just had go?

You 're finished, Super Saiyan.

Don't you take us Saiyans so lightly.


l- l owe you one, Vegeta.

There are two Super Saiyans!?

Don't take it the wrong way, Kakarrot!
l did not come here to save you.

l will be the one that
defeats you, after all.

No matter how many of you
monkeys there are, it's all the same.

l 'll send you into the next world together!

You 'll be sorry!

Damn dirty bastard!

Big Bang Attack!

Okay, silence! Silence! Silence, everyone!

Okay, we are now going to mash all of you up!

The life energy that is released will all
become energy for the Big Gete Star here.

You should be thankful.

You gotta be kiddin '!

Okay, so nice that you are so spirited!

You will be first.

You jackass! Stop this!


Oh! lt seems we have another guest!

Y- you 're...

Rotten freak! My power is dropping,
and yet he's still all composed!

Can you move, Vegeta?

D- don 't take that familiar tone with me!

lf we keep going like this,
we'll certainly be k*lled...

T- there ain 't going to be anything after...

lf the two of us were to attack
him together at full power...

Don't tell me what to do!

T- that's the spirit!

Here he comes! Ready? Full power!

Don't you tell me what to do!

Disappear, and cease to exist!

l 've used up almost all my power...

W- we were just barely able to defeat him...

W- what the hell is going on?

These Coolas,
including the one you defeated,

were all born of the grand
technology of the Big Gete Star!

l wonder if you have the power left to fight

now that this many
Metal Coolas have turned against you.

l guess there's nothing to do but fight...

Damn, l 'm getting dizzy...

Here they come!

Damn it all to hell!

Welcome to the Big Gete Star.

C- Coola! Where are you!?

l am what you see before your eyes.


Long ago, there was a certain computer chip

adrift among some abandoned spaceships
and satellites in a " space graveyard. "

Over a long time, under its own
capacity, it began to propagate.

lt began to take in everything from space,

and grew by absorbing
that energy for its own.

This giant machine planet, now
capable of consuming even entire planets,

is the Big Gete Star.

And, as my brain was lucky
enough to wash up inside this planet,

l merged with the main computer.
l became its core and now govern it.

Further, l made it regenerate my now
mostly missing body as Metal Coola.

What do you mean to do with us!?

l 'm going to take all of that exceptional
Super Saiyan life energy of yours away from you!


With this, l will be able to keep
many thousands of Metal Super Saiyans!

Y- you monster!

Great! Suck out even more!

Looks like l 've sucked them dry.

To think that Super Saiyans
had this much energy!

lf l had kept drawing out any more,
it would have been dangerous for me.

W- what? What was that!?

You mean there is something left?

Stop! That circuit is supposed to be
closed! Why does it keep flowing in?

Stop! lt's overheating! l ' m at my limit!

S- stop!

Yajirobe-san, please hang in there!

An ' how am l s'posed to be hangin' in here!?

Cut and slice and mash up! Cut and sl-

Everyone! Quickly, quickly!

You 're kidding, right?


This place is no longer safe!
We' re getting out of here!


Controls aren 't responding!
The planet is separating!

l had no idea a Super Saiyan's life energy
was something as extraordinary as this!

l- it looks like your mistake
was to underestimate our power...



Everybody, get out of here now!
l 'll come once l take care of this guy!

Son! Are you...

ln your shape, you dare say such a thing!?

Gohan! We' re taking
everyone and getting out of here!

F- Father...

You 're a fine one to say what
will happen in your shape as well!

Those shiny other Coolas
won 't be coming to help you!

Hmph! My power hasn 't dropped all that much!

And l can fix the Big Gete
Star at my leisure afterwards!

What l have is plenty in order
to defeat the likes of you!

Looks like there ain 't anything for me to do but
make sure you can't do any more harm again!

You sickening punk!

lt is not possible for you to defeat me!

Even if you know it's impossible, there
are times when you must do it anyway!

ls there any such thing as impossible for us?

G- Goku...



Guess we had to have the Senzu
take care of us this time as well.

Huh? Where's Vegeta?

He took his Senzu and
disappeared somewhere by himself.

Well, this time at least,
we survived thanks to Vegeta.

Without his power, we couldn 't have won.

" Help me! "

"We've had it! " Don't embarrass us,
you're the one we're counting on!

" Help me! " Just a bit longer,
you've got to show your grit!

Now believe, [l don't want to cry],

Now look forward, [l don't want to run],

Now rise up, [l cannot lose]!

That's right!

Take flame, my hero, and go beyond time!

You are my hero, and that is not a lie!

When it comes to the future
[when it comes to the future],

Take it in your grasp,
[you're the hero guy!]

Ah, you can see it, can't you?
The courage within yourself?

Take flame, my hero, and go beyond time!

Take flame, my hero,
and go beyond the stars!

You are my hero, and that is no dream!

Take it in your grasp!
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