Ocean Waves (1993)

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Ocean Waves (1993)

Post by bunniefuu »

Eastbound train arriving on Track 4.

Please wait behind the white line.


Thank you for your patience.
The plane is about to take off.

Yutaka and I first met Rikako
two years ago.

It was the summer of our junior year.

Yutaka called me at work.

Hurry up kid!
More dishes! Keep 'em coming!


Taku, telephone!



Hey, Yutaka.

Come to school
as soon as you finish today.

I'll be here waiting for you.


Sorry, I have to leave early today.

Now wait a minute!

See you tomorrow!

You can't rely on kids!

See you!



You got here fast.

You told me to!

Take a look.

Who is it? I can't see.

Just transferred to my class.

Her name's Rikako Muto.

-From next semester?

A mid-year transfer? That's unusual.

She moved here from Tokyo, that's why.

I just showed her around the school.

That's right,
you're on the student council.

You really like her, huh?

Anyone would, she's really good looking.


I can't tell,
and we can't just walk down and look.

If you want, we can go down

and say we have a question.

Nah, let's not go that far.

The teachers know I'm working this summer

and not taking classes.

Still mad
about the junior high school trip?

I don't like the way they just canceled it

and tried to buy us off
with Hawaii in high school.

Do they think we're stupid?

Everyone's excited about Hawaii.
I think it was a good move.

A relaxing trip will help us
cram for college entrance exams.

Hawaii's expensive.
I need to make some money.


Just remember
to keep up with your studies.

-Don't fall behind.

By the way, was there something
you wanted to talk about?

Not really. I just felt like seeing you.

I'll get my bike. Wait by the gate.


All through junior high school
and high school,

Yutaka and I were never in the same class.

Even so,
I always felt he was a close friend.

It all started in our last year
of junior high school

when the school trip
to Kyoto was suddenly canceled.

We regret to announce

that the junior high school trip
has been canceled for this year.

In the future, junior high
and high school trips will be combined.

Last year, our college placement results

were lower than those
of the prefectural high schools.

Our school's proud traditions
and your obligations to your parents

make this completely unacceptable.

To restore our school's honor,

high school seniors
must redouble their efforts.

You must set an example
for our junior high school seniors.

It has nothing to do with us.

Let's go see Miss Sayama. Come on, Taku!


The whole thing was so stupid

that we decided
to complain to our homeroom teacher.

We all think this is unfair.

Canceling the trip won't help our grades.

The school owes us a detailed explanation.

Come back when you're in the top 100!

But I'm at 89 already!

Don't pressure Miss Sayama
just because she's a woman!

We thought that was the end of the matter.

But a week later,
at the morning assembly...

Your parents have also
approved the trip cancellation.

If you're still not satisfied,
we'll explain the decision.

Raise your hand
if you're still not satisfied.


He's got guts.

It was Yutaka Matsuno.


We'll explain the decision
for students who raised their hands.

Go to the art room after school.





I ran into Yamao and the others just now.

They're sorry for not coming.

Don't hold it against them.

Those jerks...





You're already thinking

After that, I always thought of Yutaka

a bit differently from my other friends.

This is my friend Taku Morisaki.

This is Rikako Muto.
She's transferring to my class.

See you, then!

See you next semester.

What, you already made your move?

Huh? No,
she asked me where the bookstore was.

She needs to buy her textbooks.


The cook where I work
is this former g*ng member.

Sometimes his old habits come out,

like the way he squats when he smokes.


Do you think there's something
behind her transfer?


Ah, so that's it!

That's the real reason
Yutaka wanted to see me.

Maybe her dad got transferred
or something like that.

See you!

I felt unreasonably irritated to know

that Yutaka was interested in Rikako.

Better forget it!
Girls only care about looks.

I thought she'd never see his real value.

Here I go!

-What are you doing?
-Get it together!

When the new term started,

Rikako was a bit of a sensation
with us simple country boys.

Hey Taku, check out the girls!

Ariga, right?

You can do it!

I know, they're big.

No! The far court!

Do it!

She's really cool.

She just beat the tennis club captain!

She's really something!

She plays like a pro!

Tokyo kids can really hit the ball!

-She stands out.
-Nice legs too!

Bet that type's hard to handle.

Rikako really stands out, huh?

I don't know why you'd say that.

Hey, Yutaka!


Rikako's out of place in class.

I think it's because
she stands out too much.

Out of place, huh?

Yeah... in lots of ways.

-But I studied so hard.
-Yeah, the one from Tokyo.

She really stands out, huh?

She's already 12th in our year!

Sports and study. She's a super woman!

-Let's see Taku, you're...
-Number 92.

You were a better student in junior high.

What an attitude!

She's so stuck up!

That's enough! Stop gossiping.

Time for class!

What's wrong? Got a crush on Rikako?

No, but she doesn't seem very happy.

Oh, come off it. She's 12th. 12th!

It looks good on you.

You always braid your hair.

I hear you have a new transfer student?

Yeah. Why?

I hear her grades are excellent.

Tokyo students really are top notch.

Who told you?

They were talking about it in town.

Rikako's family is related to the Mutos

of Muto Fruit Packing.

Her mother moved back for family reasons.

She brought the two children with her.

Maybe her parents got divorced.

Is her father still in Tokyo?

I wonder.

I'm full.

Atsushi, mind your table manners!

Poor Rikako. With her grades,

she'll just go back to Tokyo for college.

Kids sure get jerked around.

Now don't talk like that!

A mother needs her children with her!

You don't need to get upset about it.

Relocating is a tough decision!

She can't leave them behind
just for school!

It's natural for her
to want them with her!

Speaking from experience, huh?

Now you be nice to Rikako!

She must be having a hard time adjusting.

Sure, sure.


Taku! Telephone!


Hello? Hey, Yutaka. What's going on?



It's not really that important.


I visited Rikako today!

Where? At her house?

She was out sick. I heard she lives alone.

I was worried.

She lives alone? Her mother's house
isn't that far from school.

And you went to see her? Alone?

Yeah. And... she was alone in bed!

She was in bed. So?

Nothing. That's it.

That's all.

So you like that kind of girl,
don't you, Yutaka?

The year ended and March came

and with it, the long-awaited school trip.



You're not going to the beach?

Today's our last day!

I've had an upset stomach all morning.

Too bad! See you, then!

So long.

And it was here
that all the trouble started.


Could you lend me some money?


What happened? Did you run out?

Well... not exactly.

I lost all the money I had with me!

That's awful!

Did you tell the teacher?

With traveler's checks,
you can get your money back.

I'll get in trouble.

Don't be silly! You've got to report it!

I'm sorry. Your Kochi dialect
reminds me of samurai movies.

Want to sit down?

Let me tell you what happened.

I mostly brought cash.
Travelers checks are a pain, right? So...

Cash? You mean dollars?

Right, about $400 in cash.

I must have left it somewhere.

That much? We were supposed
to bring less than ¥20,000 in cash!

The rest
was supposed to be traveler's checks.

Nobody really does that!

You sound like one of the teachers!

Are you a goody-goody?

Too bad. I heard you were different.

Your Tokyo dialect sounds so harsh!

Why? I'm not angry!

And I'm not a samurai!

You're mean, Taku.

Nobody ever called me harsh.

Is that how I sound?

Yeah. Everyone thinks so.

But they're afraid
you'll say they sound like samurai.

Okay, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to make fun of you.

You hear dialects in dramas, right?

I thought dialects were all gone.

But Kochi people really talk that way.
I was shocked.

Still, I never told anyone
I felt that way, until today.

You better not.

At first I couldn't understand a word.

I kept asking people to say things twice.

Maybe that's why nobody likes me.

Who doesn't like you?

boys especially. Nobody talks to me.

Well, except Yutaka,
the class representative. He's nice.

Yeah, Yutaka's a good guy.

Did he tell you about me?


I saw you working at the restaurant
during the winter vacation.

Yutaka was with me.
He said you work really hard.

Then he told me a lot about you.

Like your protest
over the canceled school trip.

He told you about that?

You must have a lot of money
from your job, right?

Okay, how much?

What can you spare?

I brought about ¥60,000 and $400.

I haven't spent much. How about $300?

Then could you lend me the ¥60,000?

Wait here.

Sixty thousand yen!

Okay, shall we go swimming, honey?

Much obliged, Mr. Morisaki!

Should I give it to you right here?

You're pretty cautious.
Okay, sit down right there.

Put it in this
handkerchief and hand it to me.

Feels like we're doing something illegal.

I probably can't pay you back right away.

I'm expecting some money, though.

Pay me back anytime.

Please don't tell anyone about this.

Sure, but why?

Mama would yell at me.


What's her story?


I'm surprised she knew so much about me!

So you guys are friends. Dating, huh?

That wasn't a date.

I ran into her over vacation.

I asked her to a movie and she said yes.

I was surprised.

I couldn't think of a thing to say.

We passed your restaurant,
so I started talking about you.

It really helped.

Maybe, but I just got hit up for a loan.

Rikako asked you for a loan?

Yeah. I walked by,
and she said she lost her money.

Maybe she remembered
I made money over the break.

So she lost all her money? Poor thing!

-Want to walk around town?

Wait a sec, I'll leave my stuff.


-You got a suntan!
-Cool, isn't it?

Excuse me? Take a better look.

-Aren't I cool?
-Did you buy your souvenirs yet?

I told you not to tell anyone!
You already told Yutaka!

Huh? What did he say?

He offered to lend me money!

See? Isn't he a good guy?

I borrowed ¥20,000...
but really, keep this a secret!!

You're awfully chatty for a boy!

What was that?
How did her parents raise her?

The next day, we returned to Kochi

and I bought some candid sh*ts
of Rikako from a friend.

I felt like getting even.

And I thought
that was it for my bad feelings.

But the following term,
we ended up in the same class.

-Yumi, lunch!

Rikako finally made a friend...

a quiet girl in the same class.
Her name was Yumi Kohama.

That was nice for her,

but the May vacation came,
and I still didn't have my money.

I thought she'd forgotten it.

Taku, telephone! It's Yumi Kohama.

Is that you, Yumi?

Where are you calling from?

You're the only person
I could think of to call!

What's wrong?

We were going to Osaka
for two nights for a concert.

Now we're at the airport,
and Rikako says she's going to Tokyo!

That was her plan all along!

She doesn't know I'm calling you.


She says there's no difference
where we go.

Rikako even bought two tickets to Tokyo.

I don't want to lie to my mother!

Look, calm down! You don't have to go!

Just leave and let Rikako go by herself.

I can't! Her mother let her go
because I'm with her!

She really wants me to go.
What should I do?

What should you do?

Wait a minute! Why are you asking me?

She told me
you lent her the money for the tickets.

You're her friend. Can't you convince her?

Please come to the airport.
Our flight is at 11:30.

We've got 90 minutes.

I really need you to come!

That money again!

So she didn't really lose her money.
It was a lie!

It was just part
of her plan for this trip!

What a jerk!



-You came!
-Where is she?

In the restroom.

Says she's not feeling well.

I wish she'd get worse.
Then we wouldn't have to go!

Anyway, she's way out of line!

You're her friend.
You should tell her off!

She really wants to see her father.
I feel sorry for her.

Her father?

What are you doing here?
Did Yumi call you?

Rikako, let's not lie about this trip!

Let's tell your mother.

She'd never let me go!

I've been planning this for so long.

Wait a minute. Okay, how about this?

Yumi, call home.
Say you feel sick and can't go.


And Rikako's going by herself

because it would be a shame
to waste both tickets.

Your parents will worry only about you.

They won't think about Rikako.

You're right!
My mom doesn't know Rikako's mom.

She won't say anything.

Okay, fine.

I'll call her!

Yumi's from a strict family.

She's not going to run off
to Tokyo just like that.

So, you're not feeling well?

My period just started.
Sometimes it's really bad.

It must be tough.

Boys don't know what it's like.

Do you really have to go?

I'll get your money from Papa.
Don't worry, I'll pay you.

If you're worried about going alone,
shall I go with you?

Really? Would you really do that?

Hey, listen.

Your father knows you're coming, right?

Is he meeting you?

No, I doubt it.

Could he find a place for me to stay?

Sure, I'll ask him.

When I see Papa, I'm going to tell him.

I want to move back
to Tokyo and live with him.

We are now on our final approach
to Haneda Airport.

As I followed Rikako around Tokyo,
I thought:

"She's done it to me again."

But I couldn't just let her go
to Tokyo by herself.


The cherry trees
around here are really nice.

This is the old part of town.

My grandparents used to live here.
This was all farmland.

They built apartments,
and we got the nicest one.

It was big, even for the four of us.
I bet Papa's lonely.

He'll be glad to see you.

It's good to be back.

Who is it?

Isn't this the Mutos?

Yes, that's right.

Umm... is Papa home?

Is that Rikako?
I'll come down, wait in the lobby!

What a surprise!
I didn't know you were coming.

Are you alone?

My boyfriend, from Kochi.

It's the May break. We came to visit.

Oh really?
Thanks for looking after Rikako.

Shall we go for coffee?

I want to see my old room!
How does it look?

Okay, let's go upstairs.

I'm sorry...
could you wait here for a little while?


Taku, thanks for putting up with Rikako.

I hear you don't have a place to stay?
I made a reservation.

And Rikako owes you money.
Thank you very much.

I really felt sorry for her...
from the bottom of my heart.



Hi, Mom?

Taku? It's almost dinner time. Come home.

Look, I can't make it tonight.

Okay, we'll go ahead. Don't be too late.

I'm in Tokyo.

Tokyo?! How did you get there?

I took a plane straight to Tokyo.


I'm escorting someone.

Escorting? Who?

I'll be home in two days.

What's going on?

Hello? Hello?

I'll explain later! Goodbye!

Taku! Wait!


What happened?

I'm staying here tonight. Papa's paying,

so I can if I want to.


The whole thing was starting to feel
like a bad soap opera.

Want some beer, Rikako?

No? We drink it
sometimes when no one's around.

Make me a whiskey and Coke.

I tried it at a friend's house.

Papa's going on a trip
with his lady friend.

Well, it is the May break.

My room is completely changed!

The wallpaper's dark green!

I hate green!

You're right. Green's no good!

All the pots are fancy enamelware.
It's so stupid.

Nobody uses enamelware anymore!

Listen, Taku.

When my parents were fighting,
I thought Mama was wrong.

She wouldn't give in,
so Papa didn't either.

It ended in a bad divorce.

My brother and I had to move out
and leave all our friends.

I was on Papa's side.

But he wasn't on my side.

On your side? Wait...

My life is so sad.

Things must be tough,
but you should help your mother.

You shouldn't be living by yourself.

I didn't want to impose on Mama's family.

I wasn't mad at her.

Well, that's different.

It's none of your business.

Good evening.

How are you spending the May break?


She's having a tough time? What about me?


Get up!

It's about time.
I was waiting to use the bathroom.

I had to go downstairs!


Could you leave for a while?

I'm meeting someone. I need to dress.

Your father?

A high school friend
I called this morning.

We're meeting downstairs.

That's great.

I need to shower and change.
Hurry up and leave.

I think this was when I decided
to attend college in Tokyo.

Seeing Rikako bounce back
made me feel at ease here somehow.

Good timing. My friend just called.
We're meeting in the lobby.

-Oh, really?
-See you, then!

What about the key? Are you going out?

No, I'll take a nap.

Really? Sorry!

Don't worry. Enjoy yourself.



could you come down to the coffee shop?

What happened? Forgot your wallet?

Just come down! You're rescuing me.

So, what is it this time?

Taku, over here!

It's the funniest story.

This is Taku Morisaki.

He was worried about me, so he came along.

Taku, this is Okada, my former classmate.


Rikako, a boyfriend already? What a shock!

Look who's talking.

As soon as I left,
you got together with Ryoko.

I feel kind of betrayed!

But you're prettier. Ryoko says so too.

She says she can't compete.

Listen, Taku.

Wouldn't you be shocked?
I date Okada for a year

and two months after I leave,
he's dating a friend of mine!

Happens all the time.

Nothing surprises him either.

I called Ryoko. Are you free?

Why don't we all see a movie?
Like a double date.

I'd like to...

but Papa's treating me
to lunch this afternoon.

Too bad. If we'd known you were coming,
we could've made plans.

But your mother's not very fair.

She could've left you in Tokyo.
You're going to college here anyway.

She had to drag her children
off to the country.

What are you talking about?
She's not a child!

What's wrong, Taku?

You're a bore,
that's what! You and this guy both!

He must be jealous of me.
Sorry about that.

I was disappointed.

In Kochi, Rikako seemed so strong,
but she gets to Tokyo

and all she does is put on a big show
and fawn over a stupid guy.


Okada says to tell you he's not mad.

That guy's really dumb.

When we were dating,
I thought he was kind and thoughtful.

I called you because I wanted to show off.

Afterwards I just felt stupid.

We're really boring, the both of us.

Well, I can see you'd be shocked
about his new girlfriend.

You don't get it, Taku.

I was shocked
because he wasn't like I remembered.

All he talked about was himself.

He didn't even ask about Kochi.
But that's his real personality.

I just never noticed.

I'll stay at my aunt's tonight.

We shouldn't stay in the same room anyway.

Let's meet at the airport tomorrow.

Our Tokyo trip wasn't much fun, was it?

In half an hour,
Rikako seemed to have grown up.

Yumi, what's this?

Do you want one?

After the break, Rikako ignored me

just as if nothing had happened.

As usual, her only friend was Yumi Kohama.

Don't get me wrong.
I'm not worried about you,

but you're going to end up
without any friends.

Try to be a little more--

Leave me alone!

How were your finals?

Awful. I'm going to cram school
in Osaka this summer.

Training camp, huh?

It'll be a nice change.


Don't be upset...

but did you and Rikako
take a trip during the break?

Yeah, we did. How did you know?

How do you think?
The rumor's spread all over school.

Haven't you heard?

No, I haven't.

That's just like you.

Nobody wants to joke about it
to your face.

People are whispering.

I don't know what people are saying.

Rikako just went to see her father.

Yeah, I heard.

Who told you? Yumi?

Yumi? Why her?
I heard it straight from Rikako.

I ran into her at the library
and asked her.

What, that story again?

Yes, I stayed with Taku in a Tokyo hotel!

What's that got to do with you?


I'm in love with you.


I hate Kochi, and boys
who speak the Kochi dialect!

Don't say that to me! It makes me sick!

Sick, huh?

Yeah. It was kind of tough.

Is that what did your grades in?

I'll get back on track over summer.

Now she's gone too far!


Red or white?


Red? You look better in white.

We need to talk. Come with me.


What's the problem?

Don't talk to me in school!
People will notice.

You told Yutaka
we stayed in a hotel in Tokyo?

So what?

It was all your idea!
But people are pointing at me!

Why, you...

I'm suffering because of you.
You're the worst, you really are!

You're such a loyal friend! Satisfied?

That trip to Tokyo really...

was a total disaster for both of us.

And so autumn came.

Rikako was as isolated as ever.

But her grades just got better and better.

Then, during the last event
of senior year, the school fair...

Sanuki udon noodles!

She didn't come today either!

Probably won't come
to the dance performance.

She missed all the rehearsals.

Probably thinks it's stupid!

She skips group events
to raise her grades! Can you believe it?

Let's tell her off!

How about tomorrow? So, I will--

Excuse me.


from the Organizing Committee.

Today's final program is Dance Paradise.

Classes finished with the clean-up
should assemble in the courtyard.

I repeat:

classes finished with the clean-up
should assemble...

Is that all? I'm in a hurry!

What? What did you say?

In a hurry?
Don't you care about class harmony?

Class harmony?
You sound like some stupid politician!

You're wrapped up in yourself.
What about the rest of the world?

What kind of world is this
where people can't think of themselves?

Does the world care about me?
I'll take care of myself!

You pretend you're not interested in boys,
but I see you flirting!

-Making eyes at Yanagida!

Who? I don't even know who he is!

Bring him here! I'll tell him I hate him!

Stop it!

You'll just hurt your school record.

No point crying
because of someone like this.

We won't forget this!

I think I expected too much from you.

Taku! How long have you been there?

I'm just throwing this out.
I heard voices.

Good for you.
You stood up to all those girls.

Even made one of them cry.

It was really impressive.

You idiot! You're the worst!



Rikako just ran by.
I think she was crying.

Oh, she just got scolded
by the girls in our class.

She skipped all the activities.

But she really stood up to them.
They couldn't touch her.

That Rikako,
she's tough. It was really something.

You didn't stop them?

They'd have just told me to butt out.
They're fed up.

She can be a real pain.

You idiot!

I figured Yutaka and I would
be back to normal the next day.

At least, that's what I thought.

But we graduated without speaking again.

Rikako enrolled at Kochi University,
Yutaka went to Kyoto

and I went to college in Tokyo.

We have just landed at Kochi Airport.


Hey, Taku!


Thanks for picking me up.

Sure. I got my license last month.

I'm impressed you found the time
to take lessons.

Took me a month to get used to Tokyo.

Another month for college,
and another for my job.

Before I knew it, summer came.

Tokyo and Kyoto are really different.

Kyoto's almost like Kochi.
I settled in right away.

But Kochi's nice. It's not crowded.

And everything you need is right at hand.

Tokyo's got everything,
but it takes an hour to get anywhere.

Even Katsura Beach
is only an hour from here.

Jingu Stadium's an hour,
with train transfers.

An hour from Kyoto,

you can get to Osaka or Nara.

Gosh, sounds like Kyoto's better.

Want to come in?

I'll pass for today.
Your family must be waiting.

See you at the reunion?

All right.

I always wanted to apologize.
Sorry I punched you.

Ah, so that explains
the free ride from the airport!

I'll call you.

Want to take a walk?

It's been a while.

I was angry at the time

because I knew you were holding back
on my account.

I hadn't noticed until that moment...

that you really liked Rikako.

Yutaka and I spent an hour there,
then we went home.


One more, please!

What are you saying?

You're living in Osaka? I'm close, Kobe!

-Have a drink!
-Thank you.

It's ridiculous!
I can't even resign from a club

unless the alumni approve.

So, I went to Disneyland with him.

We missed the last train.

What happened?

I thought I was joining a ski club,
not a religious group!

They keep calling me.
It's driving me nuts!

Better watch the drinking, Yamao.

She's late...

Late? Who?

She's late...

Scoot over more!

What's happening?

Yamamoto just confessed.

He always liked Nishimura!

Good for him.

We've got a new couple!

All right, cheers!

Time for me to confess too!

I've always had a thing for Yumi Kohama!

Well done, Yamao. That's the spirit.

-What did Yumi say?
-She's not here yet!


From the start, she was always
in that flashy Rikako's shadow.

While you were mooning over Rikako,
I had my eye on Yumi.

What's that supposed to mean?

Come on, now.

Shall we go to the men's room?

Hey, Yamao! Are you okay?

Maybe Rikako's not coming after all.

Rikako said she regrets
the things she said to you.


Well, he's passed out.

You're really looking good, Shimizu.


Of course, Rikako was always pretty,
but she's even prettier now.

Shimizu told me she saw Rikako.

Rikako's not here!

I ran into her yesterday,
in the department store.

I told her about the reunion

but she's probably flown home.


Rikako went back to Tokyo?

I'd always thought she was in Kochi U.

She got into Kochi U to please her mother.

But she secretly applied
to a Tokyo school too.

When you met her, were you, like:

"Wow, it's great to see you"
and stuff like that?

How'd you know?

Well, I knew you never liked her!

You're right,
I never did. I really hated her.

But seeing her again
made me feel nostalgic.

It's kind of like changing seats.

When you're little
and have to sit next to someone you hate,

you don't even want to go to school.

The problem is, your world is too small.

If you have something other than school,
like piano lessons,

people you dislike aren't a problem.

Let's see. That means

you realize your world
was too small back then?

And that's why you went after Rikako?

We both had the same problem.

Rikako said her world
was really small, too.


Oh, Yumi!


Hey, Yumi!





Come on, Yamao! Take it easy!


Hey! Come on!


What? You saw Rikako too?

Yes. I wish Rikako had come.

-It felt like she was there.
-Me too.

That reminds me

she said there's someone in Tokyo
she wants to see.

But she didn't say who.

It's a guy who likes to sleep in bathtubs!

I'd forgotten just how pretty it was.

The castle!

I always thought lighting up Kochi Castle
was a waste of electricity.

But with Rikako next to me,
it would have been beautiful.

There were so many things
I wanted to talk to her about.

I wanted us to see the castle together,
like this.

Taku! Could you lend me some money?

You sound like one of the teachers!

Are you a goody-goody?

I heard you were different.

I told you not to tell anyone!
You already told Yutaka!

You're awfully chatty for a boy!

My period just started.
Sometimes it's really bad.

When I see Papa, I'm going to tell him.

I want to move back
to Tokyo and live with him.

I'm staying here tonight.
Papa's paying, so I can if I want.

My room was completely changed!
The wallpaper's dark green!

I was on Papa's side.
But he wasn't on my side.

My life is so sad.
We're really boring, the both of us.

Our Tokyo trip wasn't much fun, was it?

You're such a loyal friend! Satisfied?

You idiot! You're the worst!

There's someone in Tokyo I want to see.

It's a guy who likes to sleep in bathtubs!


And that's when I knew

I'd always been crazy about her.
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