Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)

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Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)

Post by bunniefuu »

"1999, South-East Asian Country"

Legs 2, 4 and 5 damaged.
Mobility compromised.

Can you come back with the remaining legs?

I'll try.

Gong Zero to all units:
Mine field to the rear.

Hold your position.

Gong-1 to Command.

Multiple targets ahead. Approaching.

Number of targets still increasing.

Alert. Incoming heat source
on the right side.

Direction 040, moving targets.

Distance 1200, multiple moving targets.

Heat source believed to be an armored car.

Coming into RPG range.

Gong to HQ, incoming hostiles still increasing in number.

Request permission to open fire.

Request denied.
Canada unit heading your way.

I repeat, request denied.
Do NOT engage!

We can't just dodge them!
Can you hear me, HQ?

RPG heat source ahead!

- The ejector's jammed.
- Heat source ahead increasing!

I can't come out!


Boot okay.

System normal. Type-XL standby.

System boot-up complete.

- Good, enter visual mode.
- Roger.

Vision, okay.

Low angle vision, okay.

Rear vision, okay.

Come on, stop kidding around, Noa.

Auto-balancer, normal.

Low angle vision good.

All clear ahead.

That's good, Noa.
Reset and start over again.


Simulation complete.
Simulation complete.

Maintenance Chief, please report to
Booth 2 after check-up is complete.

Good job.

It's been 3 months since
we were sent here by the R&D Division.

Looks like you're getting used to it.

Not at all.
Why don't you give that headgear a try?

- Already did.
- And?

It feels disgusting to have eyes on your stomach and back.

Told you! How come the conventional
system isn't good enough?

It's the ideal form of labor interface.

Underground, underwater, deep space...

An eyeball sensor can't keep up in those environments.

What "eyeball sensor"?

Your own two eyes.

Take this bike, for instance.

When it was first invented,
there was a driving school for it.

How long has it been since cars
stopped being exclusively for racing?

Humans can adapt to anything.

- But, still...
- I know, I know.

Why don't we go to the good old place
for a change of mood?

Hi there.

- Back again?
- Hello.

I was piloting this until a year ago.

Time sure flies, doesn't it?

Now this old fellow's already
an experimental unit for data collection.

So, want a ride?

- No way.
- Why?

I can't find the words for it, but it's okay, really.

Let's go. The restaurant will be
crowded again if we don't hurry,

You're right. Meal-time.

Sorry to bother you.

You lout!
What the hell are you aiming at?

Five laps!

Don't cut corners, Sakabe!
Hurry up! Run!

Move! Move! Move!

Wipe that grin off your face, Kiseyama!
Five extra laps for you!

- Good, next!
- Yes.

Hey, Ogura! No puking on the field!

Five more laps for you, too!

Sir, a question!

What is it?

Umm, why do we sh**t using manual mode?

If we used the FCS for targeting, we'd get 98% accuracy.

And if your FCS was down?

But labor patrols are always done in pairs...

And if your partner's labor was disabled?

But that's not very likely to happen...

It's your job to be prepared for that unlikelihood.

You moron!

I think he's doing a good job.

Show me your spirit!
Ready to charge!

This isn't some high school sports team.

Kids these days...

can't grasp the concepts of "spirit".

You are rubbish! Get away!
Let me show you how!

Well, since you came all the way out here,

tell him something as Chief of General Affairs.

Listen up! Marksmanship is
a matter of agility and concentration!

If you put your heart into it, you can hit the target!

Release the target!

Eat this!

It's not over, yet!

Got that? Don't relax just because
your first shot hit the target!

Remember to give him a fatal attack!

What the hell are you doing, Ohta?

Do you know how hard it is
to buy equipment on our low budget?

Get off that labor immediately!


Excuse me, have you seen the chief?

Boss, you seen Mr. Goto?


What about him?

He's looking for Goto.

I saw him heading out the back.


Yamazaki, have you seen the chief?

I saw him taking the rod from the shed

so he's probably at the wharf.



What's up?

The acting captain just called.
She will get back a little late.

Because of the meeting or the traffic?

- She didn't say.
- I see.

What is it?

It's already past the regulation time,

so we'd like to have Division 1
take over and let us go home.

Fine by me, but Nagumo isn't back, yet.

I guess we'd better not, then.

- I suppose it's okay.
- So we can, then?

I guess so.
I'm going to be around, anyway.

Division 2 reporting completion of
stand-by duty.

Now going off-duty
until 12:00 hours tomorrow.


- Good afternoon, sir.
- See you later.

Why shouldn't it be okay?

This is the progress report
and labor deployment manifest for...

the "Babylon Project",

the Tokyo Bay Development Project
that was completed last year.

Following the completion of
the core project, the sea wall between...

Kisarazu and Kawasaki,

the number of active labors has decreased steadily.


Phase 2 of the Osaka Airport expansion project

and other construction projects...

have spread the distribution of labors.

The number of labor-related incidents
in different districts is on the rise.

To counter this,

the Osaka and Kanagawa Police Departments...

has established a Labor Team last year.

Furthermore, the Aichi, Miyagi
and Chiba Highway Patrol Divisions...

are considering introducing labors.



I had a feeling some of you were around.

Anyway, long time, no see.

Come now...

No matter how often we called you,
you stayed on the landfill.

I hear you've been promoted to inspector
and also become an acting captain?

Weren't you paying attention?

SV2 itself may undergo restructuring this year.

So I'm only caretaker captain until then.

But a promotion is still a promotion.
And about time, too.

By the way, The Tsuge School alumni
is holding a party tonight.

Will you come?

Watabe and Tanaka are also coming.

They practically insisted you come, too.

I'm sorry, but I just can't go.

Come on, that thing with Tsuge's long over with...

How long has it been?

It's been 3 years since Tsuge came back
from the PKO and went missing.

- Didn't he tell you anything about...
- Knock it off.

He only sent me one letter right after he returned.

I'm really sorry, but my section
is on stand-by as of tonight.

Please give my regards to everyone.

You were too insensitive.

That's the only black spot on
the sharpest lady in the Metro Police.

Yes, SV2 here.

Shige, it's Nagumo.

It's finally over.
How are things at your end?

Not a single dispatch. Very quiet.

Is Goto around?

You want me to get him?
It might take a minute.

He definitely needs to get a cellular phone.

Never mind.
I just got on the Yokohane highway,

so unless I hit a traffic jam,
I should be back in 15 minutes.

I just ran into one.

Bad luck. Don't worry about us.

Just take your time. Bye.

"This is the Kanagawa Prefectural
Police Highway Patrol."

"A labor is passing overhead."

"Please do not open your doors
or leave your vehicles."

"This is the Kanagawa Prefectural
Police Highway Patrol..."

Calling the Roadrunner,

this is inspector Nagumo of Metro Police SV2.

Please respond.

This is Highway Patrol 201.

Is that you, Chief Nagumo?

I'm Motohashi,
we met at training school. Over.

Sorry to bother you, but both ends
of the bridge seems to be blocked.

What's up?

We received a call that...

a b*mb has been planted on a car parked on the Bay Bridge.

We've stopped all traffic from using the bridge.

We're currently heading there to assess the situation.

Roger that, over and out. Thank you.

At around 5:20 this afternoon,

a massive expl*si*n rocked the Yokohama Bay Bridge...

that connects Honmoku Wharf and Daikoku Wharf.

Reports on the number of casualties
and other details are not yet available.

The Bay Highway has been completely closed off...

Following an anonymous call,

the Bay Bridge had been closed.

The police are working to locate the caller...

...while the view that this incident is
a large scale t*rror1st attack...

This incident seems to be
a large scale t*rror1st attack...

there have been several reports
of people hearing jet sounds...

just prior to the expl*si*n on the bridge.

Police are trying to confirm those reports...

expl*si*n or b*mb?

It's now 11 pm. It's been 6 hours
since the blast occurred.

And the area is still
gripped atmosphere of utter confusion.

At this point, we'd like to show you
this one shocking scene...

from a home video tape.

The analysis of the footage
obtained by SSN by a specialist...

concluded that the plane seen here...

is very likely an ASDF F-16J,

a modified version of
the American F-16 jet,

deployed in 1998.

There are 130 planes of this type
stationed in various bases...

such as the 2nd combat wing at Misawa

ASDF is checking on the whereabouts of all planes...

At the time of the Defense Bureau has announced that...

no plane in its inventory
matches that of the ASDF fighter...

There are a number of arguments
on "The Bay Bridge incident".

Many of them are related to the fighter of ASDF...

The Defense Agency strongly denies...

any involvement of the ASDF
in the Yokohama Bay Bridge Bombing.

The government...

has set up a special committee...

to investigate the matter.

Sorry for the chance in schedule.

You're watching our special coverage...

And one of the witnesses

remembers your name which was written on the camera.

- That's strange...
- What?

Sure, we had a crew filming at the Bay Bridge,

but we already submitted the tape as evidence.

Are you really a police officer?

"Asalite Production House"

It was around 2, yesterday,
but then this is a really strange story.

Did he say which station he was from?

No, he looked just as genuine as you.

Did he give you a form when he took the video?

He gave me an order form from a client.

The only thing I saw was the letter from the client.

We just do what we're told to.

Do you still have a copy?

When we don't even keep
half-decent originals?

Once we give them the master tape,

the source material always gets erased.

Did you see the F-16
they showed on TV?

I'm sick and tired of seeing it. Why?

I'm sure the tape you handed over had a clearer picture.

Of course, it was on Hi-Vision,

not some cheap camcorder.

Did you see anything unusual on it?

You recorded the moment of the expl*si*n, didn't you?

More like the aftermath.

Didn't you see the tape?

I sure did, over and over.
I edited it myself.

But the deadline was coming up,
so I just looked for usable sh*ts.

I wasn't looking to see
if there was anything out of the ordinary.

If I had known that there was something,
I would've spotted it.

There might have been something.

I see. That's disturbing, alright.

Sure, thanks. Sorry to call you in on it.

Oh, come on. I'll give you moral support
when you need it.



Yeah. He asked me to say hi to you.

- Goto?
- Yes?

I don't know what you two are up to,

but tell me if you're making a move.

I don't want things going on behind my back.

Is that an order from the acting captain?

I wouldn't want to order you.
It's just a request from your colleague.

I suppose I can't turn down a request.

Excuse me.

There's a guest here to see the chief.

For which one of us?

- Well...
- Who is it?


Arakawa of the GSDF
Joint Staff Internal Investigation Bureau.

No address or phone number?

It's not convenient for me to give those out.

And what can we do for you?

Before I get to that, I'd like to show you something.


If you don't mind...

"Bay Bridge Memories"

Are you sure this is the tape?

It is.

I can sing this song.

This is not the important bit.
Would you like to sing?

I don't have a mike.

Then I'll Fast-forward.

It's around here.

"Falling for you and crying for you?"

No, the next line.
"Ah, the rain is falling on me"



The upper-right corner.
At the edge of the cloud.

Where? I can't see anything.

Right here. The bird-like shadow.

I think you already know what I'm talking about, Goto.

The Bay Bridge blew up after this.

Besides this,

I'd like to show you another tape.

To prove that there is no tampering,
we recorded the entire procedure.

"Ah, the rain is falling on me"

This is with the benefit of digital technology.

Can you make it out?

I'm not really familiar with military hardware,

but this doesn't look like the one aired on TV.

Now that you mention it...

How's this?

The one on the left is from the video you just saw.

The right one is the one broadcast on TV.

Take a closer look. The left one is
fitted with the latest stealth wing,

and has this recently developed vector nozzle.

Let's get down to business.

ASDF does not have
these types of F-16s.

Hold it. Before we go any further,
why are you telling us this?

To get help investigating the matter.

Besides, we have to get contacts
with police officers in the field...

just in case
the worst-case scenario occurs.

We'll provide you with all the material
we've obtained, of course.

What do you mean
the worst-case scenario?

Care to go for a short drive around the neighbourhood?

I'm the kind of person who relaxes in a moving car.

I can think better.

When I'm in motion, I almost come to a complete stop,

and leave the world behind.

Besides, there's no problem of anyone eavesdropping.

Can we get down to business, now?

The night of the Bay Bridge bombing,

a USAF fighter went missing...

during a training flight on Miyake Island.

And that's the fighter on the video?

The USAF admitted and reported it.

At an unofficial level, of course.

We have our connections.

The Military has its own links.

It may sound bizarre, but for them,

it is more beneficial than hiding the facts...

and disturbing the defense system of our country.

But why would the USAF b*mb the Bay Bridge?

They didn't mean to attack.

As far as this incident is concerned,

both the USAF and the pilot who fired the m*ssile...

are victims.

I hope you can explain that.

We have been investigating a certain group for a year.

A mixed group consisting of
hard-line politicians, former joint chiefs,

the US military industry
and a faction within the US military.

They are the member of that group.

They fear Japan, the only country that
has not increased its military capability...

among the ever escalating
military tension of Asian nations...

following the Cold w*r.

They came up with this farce...

to play against the peaceful Japanese political situation.

Do you remember...

the Mig-25 defection 26 years ago...

that shook the air defense system
and Japan's idea of defense?

This is the second coming of that incident.

Approach the capital at low altitude,

and leave behind the mark of
the m*ssile lock on its white door.

And the operation was successful.

Except for the fact that a real m*ssile was fired.

An accident?

Possibly. But unless there's proof,

we should assume that someone was behind it.

In fact, the F-16 that left the scene
has not returned to the base, yet.

And let's assume that somebody
used this crazy people's farce.

What would his purpose be?

Wait a second. If you know that much,

why can't you make it public

and clear the suspicion on the ASDF?

- The Defense Agency has...
- They already know.

The joint chief council is pushing for it,
but the government hasn't decided yet.

We have no solid proof of...

the involvement of a third party.

Even if it was treated as an accident,

it will leave behind uncontrollable scandal.

They're taking the usual approach:
as they investigate the matter,

they wait to see what happens.

What fools.
That's exactly what he wants them to do.

If they just ignore the information
from the front, eventually...

Eventually they might poke into
the wrong place and start real trouble.

I'd like to catch the culprit before that happens.

I hope you will cooperate with me.

Arakawa, right?
It's a very interesting story,

but your story only has circumstantial
evidence with no solid proof.

As far as the video tape is concerned,

you yourself proved that...

it can't be used as evidence.

I can't give you a hand based on this.

Goto, you're exactly the man I was told you would be.

I chose the right man after all.

Let's assume that both tapes were fabricated.

But the blown-up Bay Bridge is a fact.
No mistaking that.

Don't you think so?

Can you take the file behind the seat?

Tsuge Yukihito.

The founding member of the group,
his current whereabouts are unknown.

He's the prime suspect we're looking for.

Anyone involved in labors...

should know his name.

We aren't exactly good at finding people,

but we can't bring the case to the police, either.

We're police too, you know.

I hear you have good connections.

And SV2 goes beyond the call of duty,

or should I call it bravery?

I heard a lot about it.

You must be mistaken.

We're just public servants like you.

Excuse me.

Yes, it's me. What?

Hey, remember, you have two police officers aboard.

He made his move before we did.

Three armed F-16J's took off
from Misawa and are heading south.

They'll reach Tokyo in 20 minutes.

SIF confirmed. The planes belong to
the Northern Air Defense Force,

Three F-16Js.

Call sign "Wyvern". No response.

Co-ordinates Hotel-Z Kilo-1.
Heading 190.

Altitude 32,000. Speed 720 knots.
Still heading south.

Any word from Misawa?

No response from any air group,
including Northern Air SOC.

Call the base commander on the direct line.

Let it ring until he picks it up.

Or, has Misawa...

Don't be crazy. That's impossible.

Interceptors launched.

From Hyakuri 204: Wizard-03.

And from Komatsu 303: Priest-21.

ETA to intercept for Wizard:
Next-04, for Priest: Next-10.

Trevor, this is Wizard-03.

Now maintaining angel 32.

Wizard-03, this is Trevor.
You are under my control.

Steer 040, maintain present angel.


Wyvern continuing to head south...
still no response.

Target passing from SS-37 to SS-27.

Updated ETA to intercept Wizard:

Wizard-03, target position 030.

Range 90. Altitude 32.

Sir, what if they don't respond upon interception?

North Sector SOC on-line.

Central SOC here. What's going on?

Get those FSO's out of there.

What? They're not from you??

Misawa Control doesn't have
any record of a take-off.

We're trying to contact 8th squadron,
but we can't get them on-line.

No response on the direct line, either.

Check all North Sector squadrons, top priority.



The SIF code was changed as scheduled.

Therefore, it can't be someone using our code.

System Error?

The self-diagnostic program
is still active.

It would stop if there was an error.

Has Wizard made contact?

Target dead ahead 25.

Wizard-03, how about contact?

Negative contact.

Request target altitude.

When will the target enter Tokyo air space?

About ten minutes from now.

Notify the First Anti-air battalion
in Iruma to go to red alert.

And inform the Secretary of Defense.

Trevor, Wizard-03.
Negative contact.

Bogey dope.

Target dead ahead 15, heading 190,

altitude 32, Mach 1.2.

Wizard, reduce speed!

No joy! Negative contact!

I say again, no JOY!

Request target position!

It's too dangerous. They should
pull out and approach again.

There's not enough time.

If they change bearing, Priest's approach will be off.

Caution! Almost same position!
Same altitude!

Caution! Wizard, caution!

Wizard! Break, Wizard!

Bail-out? Alien went down...

No way...

Change on target heading, now bearing 210.

Target descending and accelerating.

Priest closing in, distance 20 miles.

- What's this?
- What the hell's going on?

It's heading this way.

Is that the one Central Sector told us about?

God, he's pushing his luck.

Will this be another Bay Bridge incident?

Don't joke.

Get all planes except those already
on approach, into a holding pattern!

Watch your altitude!

Send all international carriers
to Osaka! Move it!

Due to unstable weather,

all arrivals and departures are on hold.

We apologies for any inconvenience.

Target passed Narita.
Still heading towards Tokyo.

Entering Tokyo air space in 60 seconds.

Priest has made radar contact.
Wyvern in range.

- He's cleared to fire.
- But...

Take them out before they enter populated areas.

Priest-21, This is Trevor.
Clear to fire. k*ll Wyvern.

Clear to fire. k*ll Wyvern.

Trevor, say again.

I say again, k*ll Wyvern.

Roger, k*ll Wyvern.

This is Wizard-03. Request order.

This is Wizard-03.

Priest-21, wait!

Wizard! Wizard-03, this is Trevor.
Are you normal?

Trevor, this is Wizard.

We have heavy jamming.
And now lost position.

Request further instruction.
I say again, request order.

Wizard-GS confirmed.

No hostiles in local air space.

Priest, hold your fire.

Hold your fire.

Wyvern disappeared.

Fl is awaiting instructions.

Cancel alert. Priest, return to base.
Send Wizard back as well.

This is Wizard-03. Lost position.
Request order.

This is Wizard-03. Request order.

The ASDF's Badge system...

is designed to be a closed system,

but political reasons,
The Security Treaty, and other factors...

mean it is linked to the USAF bases in Japan.

Are you listening to me?

And the scramble incident was caused via this link, right?

The culprit accessed the American university network...

through a gateway from...
a German information service company.

From there, he broke into the USAF system,

and got into the mainframe at Fuchu COC...

to create the fake image of the bomber.

That's the whole story.

Theoretically, it's possible,
but I wonder if it can really be done.

The current Badge replaced the old one in 1991.

But they updated the software last year
to accelerate the processing speed.

One of the engineers involved
may have been a member of the group.

And the truth was again kept from the public.

Neither the government nor the defense agency...

would want to admit that someone
hacked into the Badge system.

The lower ranks will get the blame again.

Besides, what if they moved onto the next situation...

before we can find the truth?

But, in fact, that's exactly what has happened.

Anything else on Tsuge?

About the Tsuge School?

I know the rough story.

The "Multi-purpose Walking Machine...

Research Group", wasn't it?

They were the first to see the military value of labors...

and proved it through various computer simulations.

They also contributed to the establishment of the link...

between the JSDF research group and commercial enterprise.

The group was named after its core member, Tsuge.

He requested a position when the JSDF...

decided to send labors to PKO.

I bet he wanted to put his theory to the test.

A tropical rainforest is...

the least favorable environment...
to deploy labors in.

He knew what would happen to a mechanized unit...

being deployed in such an environment...

without adequate backup.

And yet, he still went. Why?

Before he went there...

there was a police officer sent to
the Tsuge School to take lectures,

prior to the establishment of
the Metro Police Labor Division.

Nagumo Shinobu.

She was an outstanding student at the Tsuge School.

And Tsuge's best partner.

There was a minor incident and it's not on the records.

No matter what they are, they are still a man and a woman.

If he didn't have a wife and children,

perhaps that would've been the end of the story...

You looked into this incident?

Anybody in the main station back then knew about it.

Even lazy bones like me.

I wouldn't want to sniff around the past of my colleague.

Colleague? Fine.
Whappen happened then?

Police are pretty strict on affairs.

She could have become an elite officer,

but she was shipped off to the landfill.

- Is that the reason?
- Well...


But your uniforms sure are fancy.

It's quite a cruel uniform for
a middle-aged bum.

I envy your plain clothes.

I have my own problems with this, though.

Plain clothes don't always suit the job.

It makes it hard to tell who the enemy is,

but still staying inconspicuous.

That's a very important element of my job.

I see. Bye.

Tell me, what is his final objective?

Is he trying to start a w*r by himself?

A w*r?

It's already begun.

The question is how to end it. That's all.

What are you, the police officer,

and I, the JSDF officer, trying to defend?

It's been half a century since the last w*r.

Neither you nor I...

have experienced a w*r.


Peace is what we are supposed to defend.

But what is the peace of this city, this nation?

The all-out w*r and the defeat.

The US occupation policy.

The Cold w*r under the nuclear umbrella...

and the proxy wars.

And civil wars that still go on
in many nations of the world.

Ethnic clash, military conflict...

Blood-drenched economical prosperity
created and sustained...

by those countless wars.

That's what's behind our peace.

Peace created by an indiscriminate fear of w*r.

An unjust peace that is maintained
by having the wars elsewhere,

but we keep denying ourselves this truth.

No matter how phony the peace may be,

it's our job to defend it.

No matter how unjust it may be,

it's better than a just w*r.

I understand how you hate "just wars".

Whoever said that word was never half decent.

History is filled with people

who fell from grace believing in that.

But you know only too well that...

there isn't much of a difference...

between a just w*r and an unjust peace.

Ever since the word "Peace"

became the excuse of the liars,

we lost our faith in peace.

Just as w*r creates peace,

peace also creates w*r.

A make-belief peace that's merely...

the period between two wars...

will eventually give way to a real w*r.

Have you ever thought about that?

While receiving the benefits of w*r,

they're hiding the truth behind the TV screen.

Forgetting that they're merely
at the rear of the battle front.

Or rather pretending to forget about it.

Such deceit will be punished...

sooner or later.


By whom? God?

In this town, everyone's more or less God.

Seeing everything by living here.

To have knowledge of everything
without having physical contact.

God does nothing.

If God doesn't do it, the people will.

We'll find out...

if we can't catch him.

I'm fully aware of that. Yes.

That's not my point.

But, sir...

We must take every possible
precaution should the emergency arise.

This is a strong request from the General!

I repeat my order.

Effective 7am tomorrow,

SV2 in co-operation with
the local police force...

and the 4th riot police will guard Nerima Base.

That is all.

Are you going to go?


You know that all flights from Misawa Base are suspended.

took the base commander into custody...

as he was about to head to Tokyo to voice his objections.

Even worse, they arrested him right at the base gate.

The director there was known as
the shadow of the superintendent-general...

since he was in the Guard Division.

But what a thoughtless move.

I wonder if they'll sit quietly after
the police did that on their front door.

Misawa Base cut off
all communication links to the outside...

and went into a de facto siege.

And where were you at a time like this?

You left your post without notification!

Who do you think you are,
asking the speed boat to pick you up?

I take it you don't care about your promise...

of not sneaking around behind my back.

I'm sorry. I really am deeply sorry.

But would you have okayed it
if I told you I was going to see Arakawa?

Of course not. Not that man.

How could someone in the Guard Division...

have a secret meeting with the intelligence...

related section of the JSDF, under these circumstances?

It's because we are in this situation
that I had to see him.

Say what?

Calm down and think about
what we and they are supposed to do.

Think about what we should not do...

what we should do.

But by doing that so far,
they've only complicated the matter.

Don't you think so?

But we have to take measures

in case of an emergency.

What kind of emergency?

Ever since the unimaginable Bay Bridge incident...

that raised everyone's suspicions...

And look at the confusion caused by the scramble.

I hear the air defense commander
in Fuchu ordered the pilot to open fire.

I bet the weasel was trying to
take advantage of the situation...

and expand the influence of the Guard Division.

Imagine what could happen
if the police try to meddle with...

the JSDF in these circumstances...

If Tsuge is the brain behind this whole incident,

he's an excellent strategist.

He created this whole situation using just one m*ssile.

And the aftermath is still going on.

I don't think it's a good idea to go tomorrow.

I don't want to go, either.

But it's an official order by the division chief.

My section won't go.

As acting captain, I can order you to, if need be.

Go ahead and order me.

Never mind.
Section 1 will act, regardless.

I'll move to the captain's room.

But, Shinobu...

I will come to pick up my personal belongings later.

Excuse me.

But I won't go even if you do that.

Ah, Shinobu?

I changed my mind. Just now.

We're over JSDF Nerima Base.

In support of Misawa Base that went under siege yesterday,

JSDF bases all over the country are taking the same steps.

The First Division stationed at this base...

is confronting the 4th riot squad and SV2...

which has been on guard since this morning.

I've been told your section's labors
won't boot up. What's going on?

Why are your labors down?
I need an explanation.

Oh, that?
We've got mechanical difficulties.

Is that so?

So you people transport labors without repair equipment?

Get serious.

It's true.

Fine, I just need them to be standing.
Raise them up.

But they have mechanical difficulties.

They may fall over...

and display our incompetence to
the entire nation via the TV screens.

Are you sure you want that?

This is a clear case of sabotage to the field command.

I will report this to the Guard Division Chief.

Remember that.

Goto here.

It's me. I can see you on TV.

Tough being a public servant, isn't it?

The boss got too enthusiastic
because some idiot subordinate of his...

jumped the g*n.

Is it hard having a stupid boss.

It's just about the same here.

There's no bad army, just bad commanders.

To take full responsibility of the siege,

the chief of staff of all three forces resigned.


About 30 minutes ago.
You'll see it on the news soon.

They are planning to expose everything
about the Bay Bridge now,

but it's too late.

Now that things have gone this far,

once the US forces deny it, that'll be the end of it.

Not only did they miss the time
to reveal the complete truth...

they also destroyed the channel to resolve the matter.

Tsuge's one step closer to his goal.

Are you listening?

Yeah, but I really don't want to.

You'll have to.
Now we're getting down to business.

The government is ignoring its own incompetence...

and is trying to blame everything
on the police for worsening the situation.

Making the police look unreliable.

And without changing the scenario,
they'll change the cast.

You mean...

That's right.

The stage is filling with the miscasts.

I don't think anybody wants the leading role.

Isn't it a wonderful story?

That's how we do our civilian control.

I think Tsuge just wants to see
what kind of w*r we create...

under the same rules...

as the one he lost his men under.

Raven to HQ.
Confirmed pass of Kagiyamatol & 2.

"Emergency Broadcast"

This is an emergency notice...

to the citizens of Tokyo and neighbouring areas.

We ask everyone watching TV

to advise people around you to watch as well.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Chief Cabinet Secretary lshikawa
has just held a news conference.

He announced that he has sent
a dispatch to trustworthy JSDF units...

to maintain order in the metropolitan region...

and to prepare for extreme emergencies.

CCS lshikawa also announced...

the official government response.

Regarding the series of...

recent JSDF-related incidents,

they have judged that the police...

alone cannot handle this emergency.

Following the decision,

the units that are mobilizing now are:

First Infantry Regiment,

- Sit down!
- But...

Just sit down.

Yes, this is the shopping detachment.

It's me. Listen up. You guys are now
the "Cornering" detachment.

Buy as much food as you can from the store.

I just sent you some reinforcements.

Roger! We'll begin cornering!


Good evening.

Ah, Buchiyama!

You idiots! What are you guys doing,
crawling around?

We aren't going to a picnic.
Think of preservation first!

Go to a warehouse and buy up noodles by the boxful!


The SV2 Maintenance Squad
just bought up all food in this store.

Check the voltage on all batteries.

Charge all the backup batteries.

The SV2 Maintenance Squad
is now on 24-hour stand-by!

Cut corners where possible!

Mr. Shige, really...

There they are!

Those are Type 90's and Komatsu H's.

Raven to 2nd Mobile HQ,

confirmed arrival of Big Bird 1 & 2.

"Out of order"

Yes, SV2 here.


Hi, Matsui. How are you?

Not so good, but let's just say
there are no major disasters.

How is business at your end?

For now, peaceful.

But, there may be units
stationed in Tokyo that support Tsuge.

Anything could happen.

- Where are you?
- Just outside Fussan.

I'm staking out an airship company called Shin Teito Air.

Airships? How come?

I came across it...

when I was looking into Towa Security,

the front that the group on Arakawa's file used.

It's more or less a dummy company,

but they bought it up a year ago,
when it was on the edge of bankruptcy.

They sent in execs, too.

Bought three American airships half a year ago.

Haven't you seen them flying around town recently?

It's been bugging me for a while.

Oh, those? I'm amazed
you managed to find out all this.

There's always women or money in crime.

Women are not my specialty, so I traced the money.

The big boss chickened out on
Tsuge's outrage and closed the company,

but they can't erase the bank and tax records.

How did you find them?

Trade secret.

Military types would never think of it.

There they are. I see a couple of thugs...

carrying nasty sticks.

Out in the open?
They must be getting bold.

By the way, about a week before the Bay Bridge incident,

the company made a huge purchase.

I don't know what it was,

but three pretty expensive items.

They transferred
a lot of money to the U.S.

Three again? Did they buy
nuclear missiles or something?

I wonder. The company's
in the neighbourhood of Yokota.

Customs won't touch anything
coming from the U.S. forces.

I guess we'll have to take a closer look ourselves.

Don't tell me you want me to sneak in.

Destroying private property.
Breaking and entering.

Possibly personal as*ault,

or even aggravated as*ault.

This is no job for the police.

He's a complete amateur.

Must be a petty thief.

No, I've seen him before.

Yeah, he's the inspector...

that hangs around with that Goto of SV2.

Get rid of him?

Our orders are to avoid k*lling if possible.

Knock him out and lock him up.

He won't have time to do anything.


For me?

He needed to get hold of you

and tried SV2 first, but...

Alright, thank you.

Have you eaten?

I just came to pick up
a change of clothes and some papers.

Hello, Nagumo here.

It's good to hear your voice.


Forget it. It's too dark already.

Get in contact with the group up ahead
and have them follow from the ground.

k*ll the light.

You were just a woman after all...

How did you get here?

People become informers
not for ill intent, but for good reasons.

Parents will do anything for their children.

She told you?

Unfortunately, I'm no good with ladies like her.

But it surprised me whom she trusted.

Where's a phone?!

Chopper squad ahead.

There's been no order for dispatch of attack choppers.

Identify your unit.

Can you hear me?

Gong-Zero to all units.
It's time. Begin the operation.

Roger, proceeding into the city.

Hey! What are you talking about?
What operation is it?

We have summoned

all executive members
early this morning in order to discuss...

how we, the Guard Division,

should handle the present situation.

This is the only subject of this meeting.

Given the urgency of the crisis,

we have also requested
the presence of Superintendent Kaiho.

Before we go on, earlier today,

the Kanagawa Prefectural Police
Highway Patrol Labor Division...

has received a dispatch order
from the SV2's acting captain.

Inspector Nagumo, what is the meaning of this?

Before I answer that,
I'd like to tell all of you present...

We are not asking for your opinion.

You did not ask for my permission as section chief.

It is an act of insubordination.

Don't you realise your thoughtless action...

led to the disruption of the chain of command...

and caused needless unrest in society?

Does that mean that the needless deployment of forces...

around the JSDF base
based on no solid proof or formal order,

and detaining of the base commander...

also lacked thought?

All of you here know that
the cause of this current situation...

is a faction of the upper-level command,

which is acting on near-sighted vision,

and taking advantage of the unstable social order...

created out of the recent series of events.

- How dare you!
- Inspector Nagumo,

I cannot ignore your accusation that...

there was political motivation involved,

but who is this faction you speak of?

Why don't you ask yourself that question?

Excuse me a moment.

- Hey.
- Leave him alone.

Goto? Yeah, they got me.

All three of them took off about fifteen minutes ago.

I understand.

Who will take the responsibility
for worsening the situation...

by repeating the needless dispatches...

in the name of policing the metropolitan area,

arousing their sense of danger?

If we are to discuss the order within the section,

we must make that clear.

You are aware of the fact that...

there are many defense agency people
with police experience.

This matter is already in the political arena.

For now, we must not irritate them...

and cooperate fully with them...

for their early retreat.

If that were so,

the Metro Police should admit its mistakes publicly

and take full responsibility.

And you call yourself police officers?

Because of your past contributions
to the development of the labor unit,

we have been generous.

But we will not tolerate this abuse.

You are hereby stripped of your position

as captain of Section 2 and Section 1.

You will be detained until further notice.

Don't you dare touch me!

Goto-kun, what do you think?

As one gets further away from the battle front,

one's optimism clouds one's perception of reality.

And the decisions they make...

are far from reality.

This is especially true
when a nation is about to lose a w*r.

What are you talking about?
Surely we are not at w*r.

Oh, but we already are.
It was too late the moment we noticed.

When Tsuge returned to Japan...
no, long before even that,

the w*r had begun.

I suddenly feel that I have had enough from you.

I will join Inspector Nagumo!

Goto, I thought you were smarter than this.

Take both of them away.

An ASDF chopperjust bombed...

the Trans-Tokyo Bay Bridge.

That's why I said that you are too late!

Chief, we've lost cable links everywhere.

Switch the international lines to the backup cables...

and transfer to the Makuhari exchange.

Hurry up with the damage report.

Problems with local trunk lines.

Minato, Chuo, Shinjuku,

Bunkyo, Setagaya.

Contact lost to those sectors.

You! What are you doing?


You were considering resigning, weren't you?

You can't stop now.

We couldn't stop him,

but our fight isn't over yet.

But how do we fight?
We can't go back to the barracks.

SV2 was probably destroyed.
But we still have a force.

We still have THEM.

Ojiru, Keith here. 226.06. Over.

Second unit command to company command,


Unit 2, do you read? Unit 3, come in!

HQ, 201 defense company here.
HQ, come in.

Do you copy?

Onaga calling Tsunome.

Civilian airship in the air, over.

Onaga calling Tsunome.

They can find worms in the field...

and they should be able to
survive the cold in the greenhouse.

I bet they'll be okay.
SV2-bred chickens are tough.

Mr. Shige,
where is the maintenance squad...

going with all those things on the carrier?

We had things arranged with Goto, just in case.

Sorry I didn't fill you guys in.

Take care of things like paying for moving and gas bills.

Till later!

Turn if off, would you?
No point in listening.

So, some stations are still on the air.
I thought they were all out.

That's the radio jamming.

The hard part is you can still hear something.

I end up trying to listen, knowing it's pointless.

So, what do you think?

I know they may have a grudge
and complaints against the government.

But do you think there's any reason...

the ASDF should start a rebellion?

Come to that, they haven't even

tried to seize control of the government
or made any political demands.

This is not a normal coup.

The reason they aren't making any demands is that...

they haven't got any in the first place.

Disrupting the flow of information and stopping it,

it's not their method, but their objective.

It's terrorism under the guise of a coup.

And someone's set out to do this with one goal in mind.

To create a w*r scenario...

Or rather, to create a time that can be
called a w*r in Tokyo.

That's what he wants.

The only way to stop this from happening...

is to find the man and arrest him.

But I don't get it. What's he doing it for?

I can only guess.

But the best way is to catch and ask him.

I better go. Please take care of things.

That's the back door.

I'm supposed to be a man on the run.

Old man, just to make sure, please don't...

Don't order or force the guys, right?
I understand.


Nagumo, there's no point regretting what you couldn't do.

Let's think of what we can do next.

- Boss!
- He's here.


Guys, you know what you have to do!


SV2 was destroyed, but we aren't finished yet.

Let's settle this once and for all!

Grab everyone and take them to Hachioji!

If they complain, just drag them there!


If you go, it's all over!

You finally got to be chief.
Why do you have to go?

I'm sorry. But I have to.

Or I'll lose something more important than my job.

I better go. Everyone's waiting for me.

The second child is coming.

I'm expecting another baby.

What's keeping you?
We can't waste time.

We'll just borrow your husband.
Pardon the interruption.

Evil! Devils! Kidnappers!

Miki, come back alive!

I'm glad you guys came to pick him up.

The idiot's been trying to agitate
the students to march into Tokyo.

I had enough trouble stopping him.

And how many joined him?

Do you think young kids today
would listen to his hot-blooded talk?

Ohta, you have company.

- Hi there!
- Ohta, how have you been?

You're late!

What's wrong?

I can turn back right now.

This is beyond the call of duty.

If you go, you could get thrown out of the force.

Not only that, you may lose your labor license.

Do you still want to go?

You sound like you aren't so sure yourself.

Can you be sure?

I don't want to be
a labor-loving girl forever.

I just don't want to be a labor fanatic all my life.

Just drive, please?

Unmanned, as expected.

It's just circling around on autopilot.

Take it down before...

the ASDF chopper comes around.

Don't miss!

How am I supposed to miss that?

The birds are in my way.

Who cares? sh**t them, too.

It's going down. Hey, what did you hit?

Don't blame me.
I just hit the cabin, nothing else.

Run for your life!

There's gas!

Run for your life!

Evacuate all personnel without masks!
Make it fast!

What are you doing here?

If you have a mask, lead the civilian evacuation.

Ordinary gas?

Completely harmless colored gas
that won't even k*ll a bug.

But its effect was tremendous.

What if it were real gas?

Must be a bluff.

They found a real gas t*nk inside the ship.

I don't know if they really planned to use it.

But nobody in the upper levels
would have the guts to try that.

I knew they wouldn't have big blimps
like that without a counter-measure.

And this serves the same purpose
as taking 100,000 residents hostage.

It's a very good move.
Now, it's stalemate.

But we can't leave it that way.
Take a look at this.

An aerial shot of a landfill.

It's #18.
The second one is the close-up shot.

That wreckage is a destroyed chopper.

And that parabola is, according to a specialist,

a powerful communication system for field command.

It has to be the enemy's base.

They're using this to control the airships?

What else would they use it for?

Otherwise, they couldn't jam a huge area like this.

We should be able to end the ECM interference...

by sending a compressed, coded signal...

using the right frequency.

There's no such thing as a remote control w*apon...

that can't be controlled from outside.

What's the code and frequency?

Ask Tsuge himself.
He'll be there for sure.

Can't we just fire missiles in there?

What if the transmission is still going on...

and disruption of the transmission is the signal...

to start the program?

I'd do it that way.

You know who took that picture?

The US forces.

This whole incident was under their
close supervision from the beginning.

About an hour ago, a message came through the embassy.

If there's no progress by 7am tomorrow,

the US military will intervene directly.

The 7th Fleet is heading this way west at full speed.

All the US forces stationed in Japan are being mobilized.

They're over-reacting.

They'd do that. There's no
true friendship between nations.

For them, it's the best chance
they could hope for. Don't you think so?

This country will have to start all over

just like at the end of WWII.

Start the system transfer
once you finish checking all electronics.

Once the armour is on, you can't do it again.

Unit 3, rolling out.

They sure are working smoothly.

After all, they trained their way through lngrams.

At this pace, we'll make it.

Considering we must mount
a surprise attack on landfill 18,

where the enemy's base is located,

we cannot approach from the air or sea.

We will use the tunnel used for labor transport...

during the second phase of Project Babylon.

- Next step.
- Yes.

through a man-made island...

in midway point, to the destination.

The problem is the last section.

It's a typical Caisson-style
underwater tunnel.

Descend to 50 meters depth by side
elevator from the artificial island side.

Then along a straight section
that's 200 meters long and 9 meters high,

then ascend on the landfill elevator.

It's an ideal place for an ambush.

We must assume the enemy is aware of the tunnel.

Question. How do we get to
this underground passage?

The local area is filled with forces

on who-knows-which-side, right?

Chief Goto is making arrangements.

Chief Goto...

Great. It's a real anti-labor r*fle.

But... you don't have anything big,

like a Vulcan cannon or machine g*ns?!

You can do a pretty nasty job on an AFV...

or even a military labor
with riot g*ns using expl*sive slugs.

The important part is to hit the target.

Close one eye and take real good aim.
That's all.

Got to go.

What if we run into a t*nk?

Then close the other eye, too!

Good. Stop.

What are you two doing?

Checking the disk Matsui got.

We thought it might be some sort of code book.

- A code book?
- Here we go.


I never imagined there could be such
a place in Tokyo's underground system.

This is what's left of the bay development frenzy.

The place where old and new meet,

between the bay underground construction...

and the little-known Shinbashi Station
on the Subway Ginza Line,

left abandoned since 1943.

It was never put to use, though.

I bet there are places like this all over town.

Without anybody finding them.

They're here.

Everyone, off the train, and line up.

I'm glad you guys came.





And Yamazaki.

Your mission is...

to accompany Chief Nagumo and apprehend the man...

behind this whole incident hiding out in landfill 18.

You are under the command of Chief Nagumo effective now.

Use any force you see fit to remove obstacles.

This is the last dispatch of SV2 Division 2.

Give it everything you have.

We'll depart immediately. All aboard.


I don't want any "end up by k*lling each other" thing.

Arrest him and come back alive.

I'll be waiting.


Why aren't you going?

I have lots of other things to do.

You helped us out a lot,

but I'll have to arrest you.

Everybody, stay where you are.

Arakawa Shigeki,

you are under arrest for subversive activities

and sundry other charges.

You have an explanation, I hope.

Your information regarding this whole incident...

was incredibly accurate and timely.

Not surprising.

You yourself are part of the group
that you were investigating.

You're on Tsuge's side.
And he betrayed you.

He changed what should have been
a mere political demonstration...

and went underground to start a real w*r.

And that put you in a tight spot.

You really can't investigate that openly, either.

So, you kept your eyes on SV2.

And by keeping an eye on Inspector Nagumo,

you'll get two birds with one stone.

That's all pure speculation.

The night before it started, you let Tsuge go.

Even if you didn't hit him, if you had fired,

the security forces would've been all over him.

It's only a narrow waterway.

You had a very good chance of
arresting him, but you didn't.


It's because you needed to catch him yourself.

You had to stop Tsuge's plan,

but you didn't want him to...

reveal your organization either.

And the final blow is

you relied on an independent goon squad like us,

not the regular forces,

even at this late stage of the situation.

It's not something a straight bureaucrat would do.

But it's the same with you.

There are only two types of
non-straight bureaucrat.

The criminal and the super hero.

Arakawa, I loved your story.

A phoney peace and a w*r as reality.

But as you say, if the peace of this town is a fake,

then so is the w*r he's creating.

This town is too small for a real w*r.

Wars were always unrealistic.

There never was a time when
ordinary people saw wars as realistic.

Tell me, I'm here because I'm a police officer.

But why aren't you with Tsuge?

Let's go.

There they are.

They're tactical robots developed in the US,

named EXTLs.

It's a mobile battery using wire control,

but they can be trouble.

While you attract their attention with the labors,

Shinshi and I double around behind them, sever the cable,

and blast them with unit 3's ECM.

We'll work on it as things come up.
How is that?

I suppose it's our only chance.

Ohta, take the lead.

Noa, guard Chief Nagumo.

Hiromi, you provide their covering fire.

When the flare goes up, that's the signal.

Well? Come on. Come and get me!

Ohta, you bonehead!

Shut up.

Ohta, what are you doing?

That stupid Buchiyama, I'll get him for this.

While I can fire one shot at a time,
they fire back hundreds!

Of course!

Did you think you could sh**t
at that distance and take them out?

Hiromi, where's the covering fire?

Everything in front of me is a blur.

I almost tripped because of the sudden brightness.

Either way, we can't use that trick again.

Those machines may be as stupid as Ohta,

but a controller who's human.

What'd you say!

What do we do?

No use just talking about it!

Hold it, idiot!

- I'll go, too.
- Officer Izumi.

We have no choice. Hiromi, fire at will!



Eat this!



Asuma, I can't hang on.


Ohta. Ohta.

Ohta, are you alive? Answer me.

It's a beautiful flower.
It's white and smells nice.

They're moving in.

Chief. Chief Nagumo!

Nagumo here.

Have the ECM on standby.

Officer Shinohara, where are you now?

Once the cable's cut,
they'll go into auto-mode...

and fire on anything that doesn't have the proper ID.

Take them out quickly.

Ohta, are you there?

Your favourite: Close range combat!
Get ready.


All personnel, I am initiating jamming at optimum range.

When I do, turn off all sensors...

and rely on your naked eyes.

Here we go.

Eat this, Martian bastard!

How was that?

Izumi, finish this one off quickly.

- It shot through the ceiling!
- It's flooding!

Chief, Go!

- But...
- Hurry!

Out Of my way!

From here, the city seems to be a mirage,

Don't you think so?

It may only be an illusion to you,

but there are people living there, living in reality.

Or are they an illusion to you, too?

When I returned to this town 3 years ago,

I lived in the illusion, too.

And I tried to tell everyone that it was an illusion,

but nobody noticed

until the first shot was fired.

Even now, some may still not have noticed.

But I, standing in front of you,

am not an illusion.

Go ahead.

Start the transmission at maximum output.

"Do you think I came to bring peace on earth?

"No, I tell you, but division.

"From now on there will be divided against each other,

"three against two...

"and two against three.

"They will be divided, father against son
and son against father,

"mother against daughter
and daughter against mother..."

You remembered it.

It was the only thing you wrote

on the last letter you sent me.

When I got it, I thought it was meant
to describe your experience over there.

It's always too late by the time one notices.

But sin must be punished.
Isn't that correct?

Tsuge Yukihito, you are under arrest.

Shinohara, do you read?

Shinohara here. Chief?

We can hear the Chief's voice on the air.

The jamming signal's stopped!

We did it!


And I'm left here, with them...

I just got word that...

your men who escaped by boat...

surrendered to the security forces.

Number of fatalities, unknown.

God knows how much the damage will add up to.

Tell me something.

Having caused all this, you haven't taken your life yet?

I probably wanted to see a bit more of it...

See what?

The future of this city.
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