Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly (1994)

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Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly (1994)

Post by bunniefuu »

They look pretty strong.
Well done, Dr. Kori.

Do you have enough money? You can
use it like bathwater, I don't mind.

Thank you so much, Baron.

It's not "bathwater,"
it's "hot water".

He may have enough money, but his
brain is still coming up short.

Now I'll be able to get
Satan back good!

"Superwarriors Crushed!
I Will Be the One Who Wins"

The craziness surges toward us.

This is no time for tears.

I will raise my anticipations
a hundred-fold,

and become our party's leading man.

That which you can lose yourself in

will someday make you an incredible guy.


The sky is clear


I am feeling fine.

The trouble is here, so enjoy,

you naughty little boy,

We Gotta Power!

Dragonball Z


My head is clear,


Mother doesn't care.

It's the century's end,
so twist and twirl,

you mischievous little girl,

We Gotta Power!

Dragonball Z

I hope No. 18 isn't doing
anything too rough.

Kuririn-san, once No. 18-san
gets the money from Satan-san,

you're going to treat us to
whatever we want to eat, right?

Yeah. You can eat until your sides split.
You just let me take care of it all.

If you're lying, I'm going to
pull your hair out, Kuririn-san.

D-d-don't be ridiculous! It took some
time to get it to grow out this far!

Papa... Vroom-vroom!

H-hold up!

W-what's this?

Hey, mister, enough of this already.

The 20 million zeni you promised me at the
Tenkaichi Tournament for letting you win...

I'm telling you to hurry
up and pay me in full.

Y-you see, I haven't yet
gotten the prize money...

It looks to me like you want
to get hurt.

I-I'll pay you! If you could
just wait a little while...

Just a minute!

Did you make an appointment
with my secretary?

If you want an autograph,
I'll do that later.

Right now, I'm in the middle
of something.

I brought you a challenge
from my cousin.

A challenge? Give that to my secretary.
I get hundreds of those every day.

For someone who wet the bed
until he was in the 6th grade,

you've got a lot of nerve,
don't you?

Wet the bed!?
Who told you that!?

My cousin.

The only one who knows about that
is... don't tell me it's Jaga!

That's right, Jaga Butta.
You can't say you don't know him.

He knows everything about you.

Yeah, we were friends growing up.

We both devoted ourselves to training
in order to become martial artists.

You were rivals, weren't you?

Yeah. But compared to the ultra-prodigy
that I was, you have to feel bad for Jaga.

Eventually, in the 6th grade,
he was beaten by me,

and he gave up his dreams of
becoming a martial artist.

I always end up having to do this.

I don't have time to fight
Jaga right now.

I'm busy here. Go on.
Off with you, off with you.

Jaga wanted me to tell you something.

If it looks like he's going
to turn you down, he said,

then I will take your world
champion belt,

and on top of that, what happened
when you were in 6th grade will-

Shut up! It was only that one time
when I stayed the night that summer!

One time, two times,
it's all the same.

Hey! I was here first,
you disrespectful lout!

Take care of this after
I'm finished with him.

If you say no, then I'll go to the press
with how, until you were in the 6th grade...

All right! I just have
to fight Jaga, right?

No, you'll fight the Biowarriors
that Jaga has developed.


Hey, Trunks, switch places.
Let me see, too!

D-don't tell me that among them,

there's anyone whose hair turns golden
and stands up on end, is there?

Whoever heard of anyone like that?

Okay then. I'm going to
go beat someone easily,

and then be right back,
so just wait a minute for me.

I'm not falling for that.

You're planning on running away from
me, right? You put on a poor act.

I'm going with you!

And that's what's going on.
You can head on back to Kame House.

I'll come with you.

You have to look after our
girl, here.

But, No. 18...

You're not going to do what
I ask you?

Okay, then. I'll stay home.

Be careful! Come home soon!

Oh, those guys! Damn,
it's nice to be single, huh?

Papa, go potty!

D-don't go yet! Hold on! Hold
on! Hold on! Bathroom! Bathroom!

Aah, and out it comes...

There doesn't seem to be
anyone too great here.

I am the world champion,
the famous Mister Satan!

Nice one! Though the sun
is awfully bright...

It's been a long time, huh Satan?

Welcome to May Queen Castle.

Menmen, nice work.

Baron Jaga Butta!

Y-you're him? You're not at
all the way I remember you.

Apparently, you've succeeded
your pop and become a baron,

but what is the deal with that
pudgy little body of yours?

Training! Do some training!

Who is this young miss, here?

She's my number one pupil.

Number one pupil, am I?

Cut that out, Goten!
It tickles, you know!

G-Goten, I'm no good around
these things!

You're a cutie, aren't you?

There, there, there.
Go off someplace else, okay?

Being raised on Mount Paozu,
I guess he's used to this.

If you hadn't been around, I would
have been the world champion!

That's right.

Jaga has lived his life up to today
with the intent of making you pay.

Are you going to apologize to him?
You're as obsessed as ever.

When you lost to me as a child,

you would follow me all the way into
the bathroom, crying the whole time.

Ha! That's all in the past!
With all of this surplus money I have,

I've employed the finest
biotechnology experts out there,

and had them create these Biowarriors!

You're going to fight these warriors,
who I am so proud of, in my Battle Stage!

This will be a waste of your efforts.

Goten, this is starting
to get exciting, huh?


Trunks-kun, what's a Biowarrior?

It's a warrior that was created
with biotechnology, right?

What's biotechnology?

You don't know anything, huh?
It's genetic engineering.

They can even make new creatures
out of existing cells.

Trunks-kun, you're amazing!

Both Mama and Grandpa are
scientists, after all,

so this sort of thing is
common knowledge to me.

So then, what's genetic engineering?


Genetic engineering is...

How silly! It's obviously
biotechnology, you know?

Ah, so that's it.

All right!


Satan, this is the Battle Stage!

Why aren't there any spectators?

There aren't any TV cameras
here either, are there?

It's rude to treat me, the world
champion, in this way, isn't it?

You big show-off. Menmen?


Here's a camera for you.

Awesome! I'd like to fight
in a place like this!

He's rich, after all. Huh?

Trunks-kun, that man...

Behind that Baron

It's the prayergiver from when
we were in Natade Village!

What's he doing here?

Well, let's hurry and get
this started. I'm busy.

N-No. 18! How would you
like to go at them for a bit?

If you'll add on another


Okay, who's first? My number one
pupil, No. 18, will face you.

Not so fast!
I will decide the match-ups!

I want to go back with Satan, quickly!

Let's not make things too difficult,
and settle this in a Battle Royale!

I'll defeat the whole lot
of you in place of Satan!

No way! That goes against
the spirit of fair spray!

You dummy. What you meant
to say was "fair play".

We're going to join in, too!

Is that?

What is this?

Old man Onjichama-onbachama,
long time no see.

You know them?


Fellas, this is not the Junior
Round of the Tenkaichi Tournament.

You have to be 18 years old
to enter here.

Right, right. These Biowarriors
are too strong for you.

I wish you would give us some credit.
We can do this sort of thing.

These kids are your
pupils too, aren't they?

They're using cheap tricks!
You can't fool my eyes!

All right, fine! Biowarriors, turn this
place into a villagefest with those guys!


What you meant to say is "bloodfest".

They're both festivals!

Yow-ow-ow! That's fighting dirty!

What sort of folks are these?

This is bad! I wonder if
they realize...

Jaga, how do you like my pupils' strength?
I didn't even have to join in.

This is getting worse and worse.
Now, while I still have a chance...

Prayergiver, where are you going?
Things are just about to get interesting.

J-just heading to the bathroom.

Hold it in.


All right! Now comes the real thing!
Satan, I still have a trump card to play!

Don't be too stunned when you see him!
If you're going to apologize, now's the time!

Jaga, you sound like a beaten dog,
whining from a distance.

No worries. Bring out anyone you want.

No matter who you bring out, they
won't be any match for us. Right, guys?

Ooh, geez, you're so smug!
Damn it, f-fine! I'll show you!

Satan-chan, it's the end
of the line for you!


Say, miss, how do you make Biowarriors?

That might be a little too hard
for you boys to understand.

I know that biotechnology
is genetic engineering!

Oh my, that's amazing!

My mama is good when
it comes to mechanics.


What is it?

T-that one has a tail!

Like a Saiyan, huh?


B-but we completely wiped him out
that time with a Kamehame-Ha...


He's supposed to be dead!
That's not fair, huh?


Jaga, whoever you send out, the result will
be the same. You're just wasting your money.

Shut up! Okay, Doctor,
send out the superwarrior!

Nain, remove the culture
fluid, would you?

Yes, Dr. Kori.


I-I think I'm going to wet
myself again...

This time, I will clobber him.
No. 18, stay out of this.

Hmph! Suit yourself.

Who's it going to be!?

Hey, Mister! You're the one
who brought Broli here, huh?

Thanks to you, I lost all face as
the prayergiver of Natade Village.

Nobody asks me to do any
work for them any more!

Did Broli survive?

Broli died. He was beaten so badly
by you, there wasn't any trace left.

What is in there is a Broli
that has been regenerated

through bio-power from his genes!

I took some of the dried blood
that was inside the space pod,

and sold it to the baron.

From there, the superb
bioscientists employed by the baron

took that single drop of Broli's blood,

and did a magnificent job of bringing
the mightiest of warriors back to life.

That can't be!

Mister, if Broli comes back to life,
do you know what's going to happen?

Which is why I'm leaving
the rest up to you guys!

What should we do, Trunks-kun?

Hei! Can you tell how
incredible he is, too?

Relax. The superwarrior has been made to
respond to all orders given in my voice.

He's on our side.

Goten, if it's going to come to that,

let's blow away the capsule that
Broli is in before he comes out!




What about a kame ["turtle"]?

I-I'll bet it's another trick!

Those kids! What do they
think they're doing!?



Nain, the culture fluid is
spilling out!

Shift the protective
walls around number 13!


He's out!

What do we do?

Hei! Stop! He's on our side!


W-w-what kind of fluid is that!?

Nain! Dispose of that culture
fluid at once!

When the culture fluid comes
in contact with the air,

it devours the cells of any
genetically differing life form,

and multiplies itself over and over,
until it is beyond our control!


Now, superwarrior,
show me your power!

Defeat Satan!

No. 18! You go first after all!

All right. This will add on
another 20 million zeni.

Once I defeat him, we're heading back
immediately, got it? Then you'll pay up!

F-fine! If we get home safely,
I'll pay you as much as you want!

Don't forget those words!

No. 18-san!

I can't believe this thing exists.

It's one unbelievable monster!

Way to go! How do you like that?
Looks pretty painful, Satan!

This is the real thing! You can apologize
now, but I still won't let you off!

Now, for all the years' worth of bitterness
I've harbored, pound Satan to a pulp!

I-I'll be k*lled!

T-time out a second!
My stomach is starting to hurt!

Save us!

Pops, what are you so afraid of!?
You're the world champion, right?

You've got to fight back!

R-right. But my stomach hurts...


Goten, we're not going
to be beaten this time!


Oh! Golden warriors!

Now things are going to be fine!

We're not about to be beaten up twice!

We won't fall for the same trick again!

Stop! If any more of that culture fluid
is spilled... if that were to happen!

Hey, Broli! I can see through
all of your slow moves!

How long did you think those same
energy blasts were going to work?

Stop! That's enough! Stop!

We can take him, Goten! I can
see how he's going to move next!

I can see, too!

Save us!

We're falling! It's no use!

Let us out of here, quick!

The culture fluid is coming!

All right, this is all of it.

What's this!?

Onbachama jichama! Yayakoni totsama!

W-what is it?

Push the emergency button!

What's going on!?

Open the door!

Open up! Open up! Open up!

We're saved!

Goten! Hit him from your side!

Save us!

If I stay here, no matter how many
lives I have, it won't be enough!

You bastard!

Are you okay?
I was worried about you.

A husband ought to at least
rescue his own wife, right?


Goten, now!

All right!

Goten, we've got him!


Help me!


Goten! What are you doing!?
I can't do this alone!

My shoulder!

Stop! That's far enough!
He's going to die!

I'm the one who brought you back
to life! Listen to what I say!

You'll pay for that!

M-my shoulder!


If only my shoulder wasn't hurt!



What should I do?

Help us!

Help us! Help us!

T-that's it!

That's got to be it!


Hey! I'll give you a spanky-spanky!

What's the matter, Broli?
Get over here, now, and I'll k*ll you!

If you don't like it, come over
here and do something about it!


Take this, Broli!

I-I did it!


Goten! Goten!

We made it!

Where's Broli?

He's in that fluid.

Instead of power,
I used up here, up here!

I'm ruined! I've lost everything!

You idiot! You're going to lose your
life before you've lost everything else!

Goten, we've got to save everyone!

Hold on tight! If you fall,
you'll be out for good!


Hurry up and go!

D-don't push, No. 18!

You old guys, hang onto me.

You'd save me, even after
setting all of this up?

Jaga, you've got to follow
his spirit of hair spray!

It's no use.
It has no effect whatsoever.

Isn't there anything we
can do about that fluid!?

That culture fluid's replicative
power becomes stronger

when it devours the cells
of a differing life form.

Since it has taken in the
cells of that Broli monster,

it has obtained extraordinary power!

At this rate, it will cover the entire
earth! It's the end of the world!

I've done something terrible!

Take a good look at yourself!

Hey, you're in on this too, Mister!

You're right.
Help me!

Get away! I'm the world
champion, Mister Satan!

I get it. The fluid is vulnerable to
the seawater. We can stop the fluid!


Let's go!






Goten, we did it!


Goten, way to figure that out!

It was all thanks to Satan-san.

Even he comes in handy
once in a while, huh?


What's with this guy!?

We've had it now!

We're done for!


You bastard! Startle us, will you?

That is one tenacious bastard.

Now, Broli is finished for good!


Hey! Someone pick me up!

All right. My pick-up
fare is 40 million zeni,

which altogether comes
to 100 million zeni!

You're kidding!

That's one stubborn guy!

What? Kaio-sama said for me to
go to Hell again with Paikuhan,

and put down Broli,
who is running amuck?

There's just no helping that
Broli, huh?

All right, but before I do, I guess
I can't fight on an empty stomach.

Let me eat first, okay?

D! R! A! G! O! N! Dragon Power!

D! R! A! G! O! N! Dragon Power!

Power! Power! Power!

Dragon Power!

From faraway in the darkness,
they come...

Biowarriors, with their
genetics rearranged.

Against a guy that cannot
be defeated alone,

if our two hearts meld into one,

Victory will smile on us!

D! Doesn't matter how long,

R! Remain moving forward,

A! Affirming endless love!

GO! Fight! Go! Go! Go!

N! No need to hold back!

The future for the two of us
is unlimited!

D! R! A! G! O! N! Dragon Power!

D! R! A! G! O! N! Dragon Power!

Power! Power! Power!

Dragon Power!
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