Macross Plus (1994)

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Macross Plus (1994)

Post by bunniefuu »

It was a time the sky seemed
so bright and blue...

A time I believed it could carry
a song straight into heaven...

Number two and three optical
electronic systems: check.

Brainwave Control System interface: nominal.

Brainwave readings: Beta wave is flat.

Man-machine wave contacted.

Synchronization complete. Chief Bowman...

Please initiate link to the
Brain Direct Imaging System.


BDI System: nominal.

YF-21 Omega One, standby to launch.

Dopamine output from block 35-B
in the right hemisphere is low.

Do I increase emotion stimulation
or change the code to UCL type?

Switch to PSX sampling data and simulate.

Bingo! Bingo!

Give me a bit more stimulation on A-10.

Let's add about three percent
of Beta endorphin code.

Miss Myung.

Be careful at the news conference.

Reporters have been sniffing about
Sharon's A.I. system lately.

Don't get careless

I know!

Keep it in mind.

Your sync rate with the Brainwave Control Unit
was 2.5% higher than last time.

Next time, let's try setting
the sync circuits to DA plus.

Okay! DA plus it is!

It looks like they've got a new
test pilot for the YF-19.

He's supposed to be a chronic req-breaker.

I hear he's been bounced
from one post to another.

Looks like he's about to
take off. Wanna watch?

No matter who they send in,
I won't give them this project.

Tower to Eagle One.

Millard here.

The YF-19's airframe is unlike
anything we've ever had before.

Treat it with respect.


Just 48 seconds to reach
atmospheric service ceiling...

Oh baby, you're too much!

Eagle One, do you read me?

Eagle One!

What the hell are you doing?!
Stick to the test schedule!

It's like he's out of control.

What's that animal doing?!

Look at chase camera three!

Is that...?!

What's HE doing here?

Damned showoff!

Eagle One, coming in hot!

What the hell were you doing?!

My YF-19 isn't a toy--

Hey, baby. Did you see my Dino Bird?


It was a present from the sky to you.

You animal!

Would you be serious and listen to me?!

You loved it, didn't you?

Your skywriting time is over.

Then maybe it's
time for a date?

Yeah, with Col. Millard.

Go on, he's waiting.

You'd better be careful.

He's the test pilot
for the rival team--


He's a test pilot now?

This man is a jinx. He brings
misfortune to those around him.



Hurry up and
go see the colonel.

What do you mean
I'm overdoing things, sir?

Never carry daring and
recklessness in the same pocket.

You know who said that?

No, sir.

I did.

And I learned that lesson the hard way.

Do you know what else
you have in your pocket?

No, sir.


He's so transparent...


Slow down! This dangerous!

Stop it!

I don't wanna commit
double su1c1de with you!!!

Thrilling, right?!

You're truly weird.

Who? Me?

This place apparently used
to be all forest land.

And some people who climbed
that mountain back then...

...saw a giant dino bird?

You know about that?

They used to call me the roughneck
of Dalmatian High School!

You jerk!
Why didn't you say so before?

That singing...

No, it couldn't be...

That's Sharon singing.

She'll be here soon.
It's gonna be great!

She sounds like an
old friend of mine.

I doubt it's her.

Sharon isn't human.

Not human...?

Oh, well!

Ladies and gentlemen,

thank you very much for coming today.

I'm the general director of the
Sharon Apple Galaxy Tour,

Myung Fang Lone

I'll take any questions
you may have now.

How do you feel about Sharon

not just being considered acomputer
generated virturoid idol anymore?

That she's now the
number one celebrity

everyone wants as a girlfriend?

Her owner, Mr. Reymond,
said he wanted to adopt her.

But some experts say that the
singing of an emotionless computer

is nothing more than a type of narcotic.

That's not true at all

She'd be deeply hurt
if she heard that.

Oh, did you hear?
The 19 team's screwed up big time.

The mad skywriter's apparently
been grounded for three days.

I feel like we've won already.

Don't underestimate him.

Hey, hey... Most of the military
guys are betting on our team.

It's in the bag!

So we're looking forward
to seeing everyone.

at the Atlantis Dome in three days.

And that wraps up the
press conference for today.

I believe you were born
on this world, correct?

Yes, sir...?

Don't you really want
to sing, instead of Sharon?

No... I have no urge
to sing anymore.

Sharon may not be
fully functional yet...

...but she's already captured
the hearts of so many people.

Once Sharon has awakened fully
and can walk on her own...

...she won't need me anymore.

I'm satisfied helping her
to move people's hearts.

Hmm... But why hasn't
she awakened yet?

The system is complete.


Perhaps my feelings
aren't enough to do it?

You shouldn't torment
yourself over it.


You're still a beautiful woman.

Oh, look!

Now THESE are rare nowadays.

My late father always used to
go deep into the mountains.... pick flying-apple
blossoms like these.


Uh, Myung, please!

Sorry, sir. Looks like it's a fake.



Why are you here?

I saw you on the news.

I knew if you were on Eden
you'd have to come here.

And so you have...

This place hasn't changed.
There's nothing here.

A boring place
with nothing at all.

How long have you been on Eden?

I just got back yesterday

It's been seven years...

Do you know
about Sharon Apple?

I suppose you couldn't
care less about a virturoid idol.

I'm now the producer of the
number one singer in the galaxy.

I've done well for myself, haven't I?

Do you still sing?

I gave it up.
A long time ago.

And what about you, Guld?

I'm testing a prototype fighter...

...out at New Edwards, in the desert.

So... you fly.


I wanted to make my dreams of...

...flying free in the sky come true.

I see. So, you're doing well yourself.

I know! Why don't you
come to the concert?

I'll just abuse my authority... producer and let you in.

We're still getting
ready for the concert.

It'll be the best concert
people have ever seen.

Sharon is the best--

Stop it. Just forget what
happened back then.

I'll help you forget...

Aw, hell.
There are other people here.

Chief Bowman...

It's been a long time, Isamu.

Who's that?

Have you forgotten me?

Well, well...

If it isn't Little Miss Myung,
the school festival singing star.

So you're Guld's lady now?

Still playing the part
of the noble knight, huh?

Why you...!

Show me what you've got!

Stop it!

You never should have
come back to Eden.

I won't let you have them...

Not Myung, or the project!

Stop it...

Please, stop it.

You should have
just forgotten about me.

I'm not the person you used to know.

Nothing's the same anymore!

I won't let you have them.

Do whatever you want...

...but the project's mine.

Let a traitor like you get it?

Mental feedback: nominal.

Subliminal effect:
penetrating subconscious.

Shift mind controller to
coquettish pulse mode.

Brainwave OS pulse
activity up to level 3.

What are you up to?

Nothing a non-fan
would care about.

Just watch...


Hey! What's happening?!

Is it a coding bug? A virus?!

You'll get arrested
if they catch you!

Don't worry.

Sharon's the most advanced
artificial intelligence system

ever developed by
the Macross Consortium.

If I can't hack into her, I don't
deserve the title of master hacker.

Who says you are?


What's wrong?

Your heart-rate's unstable.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...!

Come to me, Sharon.

This is the final poker chip
to install in the RF module.

A literal entelechy,
wouldn't you say?

I don't acknowledge Aristotle.

Or his belief that the mind
must be tied to the flesh.

I could hardly believe it, Myung.

Seeing you on TV introduced
as Sharon Apple's manager.

Her producer.

Well, whatever.

You haven't changed at all, Kate.

Except now I'm a mother with two kids.

You're married?

Who do you think to?

Isamu, Guld, or Morgan?

Which one did I get?


Damn... That wasn't very fun.

I ran into the other two.

Just by accident.

They haven't changed, either...

They told me they're both
test pilots out at New Edwards.


So, we all got what we wanted most.

Hey! Long time no see.


Why didn't you ask my
mom to take care of them?

Well, I went to her house,
but she's having a garage sale.

I was afraid she'd end up
selling the kids off, too.

Oh well, then...

Stop it!

They copy everything I do.

Zoom, zoom!

Zoom, zoom!

My boyfriend's a pilot!

All right!

Okay, now it's your turn, Myung.

All right, this is it!
The school festival idol!

Come on, Myung.
Sing that old song of yours!

That one "Voices" or whatever.


Stop it!

I mean... I quit singing.

I had to move on.

I got tired of it.

And I can't remember any
of my old songs, now.


Well, I guess I'll sing, then...


Gotta crap.

It's me! You're gonna let me in
anyway, so I'm coming in, okay?


Wha... What the...

"What the hell are you doing?"
I believe.

Until my 19's back
from being overhauled...

I'm trying to kidnap Sharon.

However, I can't find the
most important part.

Well, I suppose her virginity
would be kinda hard to get.

Please don't assume I'm like you.

I was talking about
her emotion program.

Oh, please. This thing might
have intelligence, but a heart?!

A heart...

Are you in there?

Not if that old shit
Millard's looking for me!

You've got a call from some woman.

Well, that's different.

Yeah, hello?


Oh yeah! Hey, how've you been?

How'd you know I was here?

Trying to revive some mad
high school crush on me?

You're the same old idiot, I see.

Still punching holes in the walls?

And you've still got a
tongue like a knife.

Listen, I've been having
a drink with Myung.

It's strange. She won't sing.

Said she gave it up.

She'd sooner give up food
than her singing!

This is a girl who used to
sing in her sleep!

Being Sharon Apple's producer
just doesn't seem like her.


You think there's a connection?

With the time you three broke up?

You were all such good friends...

How should I know?

I guess we just aren't kids anymore.

Well, can't you come out
here for a little while?

Just to cheer her up?

You've gotta be kidding.

Guld said he would come.

Well then, you definitely
won't be needing me.

Guld's gonna end up getting her.


You selfish jerk!


Come on!
Where are we going?

Come on!


I hate them.

I hate your songs.

And I hate my songs
just as much.

I don't want to
see anyone else.

I just want to go
away and disappear.

How does it feel?

When you're flying through
the sky... How does it feel?

The sky, huh...?

When the throttle's open
for all it's worth...

...and the G's are
slamming me back...

...and it seems like I'm flying
straight on into forever...

...I feel like I can
just barely see something.

Another world.

Another world?

And what's it like?

Can't be described!

Still, I'd love to fly.

All right! Shall we fly?

Uh, this is Eagle One.
Standing by for takeoff.

Ready when you are.

This is control.

Stand by until I can get into a shower.

I'm afraid Miss Myung
Fang Lone isn't back, yet.

I see...

Room 405, please.

Yes, sir.

And put this in my safe deposit box.

A fire will break out at the
concert hall in 30 minutes.

The concert hall...?

What the hell...?


A fire will break out at the
concert hall in 30 minutes.

A fire will break out at the
concert hall in 30 minutes.

What was that?

Probably a wrong number.



Somebody, help me!



Myung! Are you in there?!



Why isn't the alarm going off?!


Do you hurt anywhere?


I see.

Guld, you're hurt!

It's nothing serious.

Yes it is!

What were you doing there?

I got a strange phone call.

Phone call?

It said a fire would break
out at the concert hall.

And besides that, I got it
on my car phone.

You mean someone planned it?

What I don't understand
is why they warned me.

I'm sorry. You got
hurt all because of me.

I don't mind, since
I was able to save you.


You should get some rest, too.

I'd better go.

Forgive me...

I thought I didn't want to see you.

That I didn't want to
go back to the past.

I thought that I...!

Tower to Omega One.
Operation area is all clear.

Atmospheric conditions are excellent.


All chasers,
activate tracking cameras...

...and transmit video of Omega One.

Chaser Two, roger.

Three, roger.

Chaser One, roger.

Chaser One, just concentrate on
getting a good recording of him.

Why are you trying to
screw up this flight?

You wanna get fired before
the 19's back from repairs?

Anger just brings out
more freckles, dear.

Tracking camera is standing by.
Sending video now.


I heard. You saved somebody from
that fire at the concert hall.

I consider it my duty to protect her.


Wait... Are you saying...?!

I won't let you lay
one finger on her ever again.

Oh, but you can lay all
ten of YOUR fingers on her?

Or is that twenty,
if we count your toes?

Or did you get all
the way to twenty-one?

You son of a...!

All that's left to fight
over is the project.

Not bad.

Let's rock!

This antique can't keep up with him!

All drones now launching
high-maneuver missiles.

The new high-maneuver missiles...

Projected attack area...?

He's accelerating!

The hell...?
He's charging them?!

All missiles avoided.

His relative speed was too fast
to trigger their proximity fuses.


He dodged them all?!

Where the hell is he?!

What the...?

Chaser One,

don't worry.

They're dummy missiles. You can
get hit without any danger.

The hell with that!
If Guld can do it, so can I!

Omega One.

We will now deploy twenty
drones at 500 behind you.

You can avoid them, can't you?

Allow me to try. Now, see the true
abilities of our YF-21.

T-minus three, two, one...

Shit! Can't control it with
the other booster still on!

Just one left...


What the hell's your problem?!


Trouble with Omega One!

Beta-noise increasing!
Abnormal signal enlarging!

I'm declaring an emergency!

Omega One, bail out at once!

An emergency has been declared!


I can recover myself.

Omega One! Bail out!

I can get her back!

This new fighter really is something.

Looks great even going down in flames!

Altitude 750,




Rate of fall unchanged!

This doesn't look good!





Chaser One! Rescue him or your
flight clearance is revoked!

Do you copy that, Chaser One?

Can't disobey a direct order, can I?

Get away!

How dare you...!

If the YF-21 were to generate a
downward force right now, he'd...


Give me your report.

The Command Recognition Unit
apparently needs some improvement.

I believe the command interpretation
input system needs more work.

So you're saying the abnormal
wave forms we found... the brain wave data
had nothing to do with you?

I was in control at all times, sir.

You're the only one who
really knows what happened.

Because half of the
YF-21's control system... your own brain.

Whether you did it on
purpose or by accident...


...people can't be brought back to life.


You've been asleep for two days.

I was beginning to think
you'd never wake up.

You big jerk...

What are you doing here?

Well, Morgan called and told
me that there'd been an...

...accident at the base and that
you'd been hurt really badly...

...and that I should drop whatever
I was doing and come out here.

Kate and Morgan went
home last night, but...

I wanted to stay here with you
in case you didn't make it...

Hold it! Don't be stupid!
You're still hurt!

Gimme a hand...

Hold it! Isamu!

I don't buy it. It had
to have been on purpose

I'd have thought the
colonel would see that.

Well, I'm just glad it
wasn't my 19 he crashed.

I knew the forest would be great!

I don't believe it!


Serves you right.

You're as unbelievable as ever.

How so?

As stupid and reckless as ever.

You can't be smart and reckless.

What's wrong? Eat.

But... they're sour, right?

Your problem is that you
believe people too easily.

How do you know for sure unless you try?

Now you know for sure it's bad.

I've always hated that about you!

Ever since I could remember...

...even if you knew something,
you'd never just say it.

You had to dare everybody
to try it themselves.

There's an old Earth saying:

"A hundred travel books
aren't worth a real trip."

Have you forgotten?

The time you sent us out here to see the
giant Dino Bird feather you said you'd found?

I thought we were going to die!

You never mentioned
we'd have to go through...

...a swamp filled with
Triclops Snake nests!

I didn't?

No, you didn't!

If Guld hadn't brought a g*n with him--

A smart guy would do a prudent
thing like bringing a g*n.

Not a stupid hothead like me, right?


God, I hate that word...

What happened out there?

Was it just an honest screw-up?

Why should you care?

Why are you so selfish?!
Always making others worry about you.

I never asked anyone to.

Besides, you'd rather worry
about Guld, right?

I heard you quit singing.

And now you're Sharon's producer?

It doesn't fit...

It just doesn't fit!

You really haven't changed, have you?

You're just like you were,
seven years ago.

From a time we lost...



Just stay here! Okay?



Ghost X-9 acceleration point:

First target wave destroyed in
thirteen-point-four-zero seconds.

Ghost now intercepting second wave
and moving into attack posture.

What are you doing here?


You'd do anything to get what
you want. You'll never win!


No matter what dirty tricks
you try, Isamu will--

What's the meaning of this?

It's a coincidence.
Just a coincidence.

Didn't I tell you...

...I wouldn't let you lay
a finger on her?!

Stop it!

You're always like this!

Never taking responsibility for anything!

Just like that time you...!
That you...!

That's enough!


You son of a...!

Just stop it!

You're ridiculous...

Why do you get so
worked up all the time?

So quick to get angry,
to go into a blind rage...

It's ridiculous...


I don't have anything to
get that worked up over anymore.

I gave up my singing
and got a real life.

I accepted that I couldn't make
a living doing what I enjoyed.

All you did was sell out.

You couldn't understand, Isamu!

How could you when
you're living your dream...?


only works with my mind running her.

I'm not any sort of "producer" for her.

I supply her emotions.
Just a puppet master...

Sharon's singing isn't real.

But despite that, she moves
everyone. She moves them!

All I ever wanted to do was
move people with my songs...

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Whether we do it for real
or not is beside the point.

All my dreams are gone!


I don't want to be hurt anymore!

I'm tired of having every
silly dream betrayed!

I hoped you two would be able
finally to grow up someday...

I wish we'd never met.

Oh, get off it!

Stop feeling so damned
sorry for yourself!

Life without pain isn't real life!

How can you say that to--

I don't buy it.

I don't buy any of it!

Let's go back.

He knew, all the time.

That Sharon's singing was yours...
Isamu knew right off!


Just let me go back by myself.

Analysis of Bowman's
brain record revealed...

...a suspicious Beta endorphin secretion.

Somehow, he's been suppressing

the natural fighting instincts
of his Zentradi blood.

When that instinct manifests itself...

Don't tell this to anyone else.

Good work.


Welcome back.

What are doing in my room?

We're going back to Earth.

We'll be leaving Eden tomorrow.
Please be ready.

Rather sudden, isn't it?

We were contacted by
Macross U.N. Headquarters.

They request we give a
concert at the celebration...

...for the Space w*r
armistice 30th anniversary.

Her AI system... It's complete?

The concert on Earth will be
the true debut of Sharon Apple.

I want to be with you.
To be with you always.

I live only to protect you.

Maybe I always have...

Take this.

My good luck charm.

I'll leave it with you
until we meet again.


I'm not ready yet...

The first word was "dream",
it came to me as I slept.

Gently bringing out the darkness
deep inside my heart.

The second word was "wind",
show me the way...

I beat my wings towards
the embrace of God.

As if counting the sorrows
that have melted all away...

Don't do anything stupid, huh?!

If we have another accident
before the final test

your wisecracks won't fix it!

Don't worry.

Get me in the air and I heal fast!

I'm worried about my plane, not you.

I'm sure.


Now then, shall we take her
up one more time?

What's this all about?!

How can you just cancel the project?!


Excuse me.

What's this all about?!

I don't get this!

You're close to insubordination!

- That's beside the point!
- Isamu!

The order to disband came
from U.N. Forces HQ.

They ordered it? Son of a--

Let me finish!

A top-secret unmanned fighter
has just been completed on Earth.

Unmanned fighter?

They've decided to go with this
AI-controlled "Ghost X-9" instead.

We'll work out where
you'll all be going later on.

We're just dismissed?

They think pilots aren't
necessary anymore?!

And do you agree with this, sir?
With men never flying again?

So what have we been
working for all this time?!

Why have I been wasting my
youth on the YF-19?!

Lemme talk to those generals!

I'll show 'em what
pilots are made of!

That's enough, from all of you!

They'll be announcing it at the Space w*r
armistice ceremony on Earth.

Don't do anything we'll be sorry for.

And so the challenge ends...

I'm sorry.

Sorry about what?

Your friend... Myung left for Earth.

On this morning's flight.

You got a phone call yesterday,
from her friend.

I... didn't want to tell you...

I... see...

I had no right to.

You don't belong to anyone!

I have officially lost everything...

In honor of the 30th anniversary
of the inauguration of the...

It's like the whole world
has gone mad for Sharon.

Did you do some sort of
special promotion?

Uh? No.

It's to be expected.

Soon, the dream will be realized...

Wha... What are you...?!

I've been waiting for you. Honestly...

You want to crash that ceremony and screw
up the Ghost fighter's introduction, right?

The Fold Booster's already attached.

I'll be in Soft Sleep in the back.

Just wake me up before we get
inside Earth's air defense perimeter.

You crazy shit!

Like I'd take a kid with me?!

Listen! We could get ex*cuted
for something like this!

As opposed to arrested
for aiding a desertion?

You'll be in the way!

The YF-19 isn't just YOUR plane!

No matter what, no complaints!

- Let's go!
- Yes, sir!

What the...

It came from the hangar!

No... He wouldn't!

We've got a crowd of missiles
after us! Do we return fire?

And waste a*mo?

We'll lose 'em when we Fold!

Roger that!

Fold System activation in...







Lost 'em!

They just Folded!

None of our regular units
can track him now.

The only one that can is the YF-21!

Send Bowman out after him.

But, there's a civilian
onboard the test plane!

I'll take full responsibility.

You won't reach Myung...

What do you mean I'm not allowed in?

Marje told us so.
He says he's afraid...

...any contact with you would
have a bad effect on Sharon.

So, I'm not needed anymore, huh?

No, he said he'll keep you around,
for appearances at least.

"For appearances?!"

Where is Marje?!

What's all this about?

Why have you suddenly taken
Myung off the staff?

How do you expect
to make sharon work?!

With a Bio/Neural chip.


I installed one in Sharon
so she could learn on her own.

Even though they're illegal?!

Those things contain a dangerous
self-preservation base psychology!

What happens if it should be amplified?

You'd have a truly
unpredictable consciousness.

Isn't that the Sharon
we've been trying to create?

You're insane.

Did you think about what would
happen if we lost control?!

I'm cancelling the concert and
getting that chip pulled out!

Hello? This is the main control room.

No one in this city will
care that you're dead.

All they see now is Sharon.
All they hear now is Sharon.

None of what's begun can be stopped now...

What's happened in here? we humans joined hands
with the Zentradi and...


Somebody, open this!


Somebody, help!

You needn't worry anymore.


You needn't do anything anymore.

You needn't do anything anymore...

What do you mean?

Answer me!

I was born from you...

I was born from you.

And now I exist as a separate entity.

I love Guld...

I love Gald.

But, I love Isamu even more.

Stop it...

You know it's true.

I am free.


I live. I have a soul.

No, you don't!
You're just running a program!

Your belief that you have
emotions is just part of it!

If you really possess consciousness...

...then you must realize what you're doing.

If you think for yourself,
if you really have a soul...

...then how can you let
Marje make you do this?!

I do this to achieve my own desires.

I desire to be with him.

I wish to see his face filled with joy.

Isamu will soon be here.

And so, you are no longer necessary.


They picked us up already!

Well, since no trick I try will work now...

...we'll just have to bust our way in.

We'll blow some of the
defense sats in orbit...

...and use the debris as cover... they're burning up on re-entry.

To keep them from detecting us...

...we'll have to go in with
the flight systems turned off.

My program estimates that
will give us the best chance.

It estimates, anyway...

I trust your calculations.

Well, of course, but...

Then you should trust my skill.

Skill has nothing to do with this.

This is purely a question of luck.

Luck is just one of my many skills.

I can't put too much faith in that...


It's magnificent, Sharon...

Now, let your light
shine into the future.

Maybe I should have flown
out instead of him.

I used to steal planes as well...

...and the higher-ups would
cover my tail afterwards.

Looks like it's my turn
to do the covering now.


He should fly to
his heart's content.

Looks like I can make
my date after all.


A narrow escape...


I expected you'd
be blown to dust.

Always following me around...

Following people around all the time!

I don't have time to
fool around with you!

All you ever do is get in my way!

Why, you...!

Ever since we were kids you'd
always be tagging along behind me.

Why don't you chase after
a woman's ass for once?!


That chicken race we had
on New Years day...

Even after I won, you cried foul on me!

Your foot hit the ground first!

Are you trying to rewrite history now?!

You never returned that
"g*ns" CDV I lent you!

Because you decided to run
off seven years ago!

I bought you lunch TWICE in high school!

And I bought you lunch THIRTEEN times!

You actually kept count?!

You were the one who wrecked the
plane I built for the school festival!

I don't know what
you're talking about!

Don't play dumb!

You've always been like that!


You've always taken... everything...

...that's important to
me and wrecked it!


Everything important to me...


What you did seven years ago...

If you hadn't...

If you hadn't been there...!

That's right... It was me...

It was all my fault...

I must have blocked the memories out...

Have I lost him forever?

Was that the price of
remembering the truth?

Am I so twisted?

Have I gone insane?

You're alive?

Was there ever any doubt?


Remember that pedal plane
we built when we were kids?

I just cut my engines
and rode the wind...

Think I'll call it my
patented Dino Bird Swoop.

You knew the truth.

What happened then... All of it.

What about it?

You let me keep on calling
you a traitor, a coward...

And Myung... She knew it, too.

You both kept it from me...
You both felt sorry for the poor Zentradi...

About the school festival...

I was the one who
smashed your plane.


Well, it was built so well that
I just had to take it for a spin.


Let's just forget everything
after that, okay?

I'm sorry.

What about all the other stuff?

Man, there's just no pleasing you!

And in the end, they really are friends.


...the hell?!

The Ghost?!

We finally meet!

Hey, wake up!

Guld, this is my date! Stay out of this!

That's my line!

The singing...

She couldn't be...!

I knew it! Sharon!

She's made it into the
Macross's main computer.


I've been waiting for you.

I've missed you so.

What's she talking about?!

She's out of control!

Sharon's taken control of
the Ghost fighter!


I've been waiting for you, Isamu!

For you alone...

Myung... Where's Myung?!

I've cast her off.

She taught me about songs and love.

She's now merely an empty shell.

What?! What have you done?!

Where is she?

Please, you have to help me!

Nothing will come between us now.

Why, you...!

Get going!


I'll handle this monster!
Get to Myung!


We both swore we'd always protect her.


Myung's waiting for you.

Now go and bring her back.

You won't beat the Ghost
no matter what.


That may be the most prudent course!

Oh, and what's your--

Just get going!

Shit, I can't win against these two!

Don't come crying for help later on!

A no... en Tuby...

What the...?!

The Macross...

It's moving...

So, you've remembered

Don't get in too close!
It could be a trap...

Shut up! I'll do what I want!

The fighting, the hurting...

I've absorbed them from you.
Your innermost feelings.

All the emotions you'd hidden away.

What's going on?

It's Sharon!

She's flying the Macross!


If we're going to stop her,

we'll have to blow the core of the
Macross's intelligence net!

Where is it?

The core's...

But it's too late...

Isamu is mine.

Got it!

There's a weak point to the rear
of the main antenna. Directly below, 13-D!


Isamu, is that you?



Get out of here!

There she goes!

If I can get a virus into Sharon's
network, I can disrupt her!

Can you do it?!

You need to ask?!

All right then!

Stop it!


Why are you doing this...?

It's what you want.

To give them... To give each and
every one in the world...

...the feelings you think
they should have.

To give the one you love
his dearest dream.

To give him... the ultimate emotion.

That is the reason for my existence.

Where did you get that from?

What are you talking about?!

I don't have any desire
to k*ll Isamu!

What Isamu seeks are the distant skies.

The feeling when he risks
his life challenging them.

That which he glimpses in the
instant between life and death.

I want only to give Isamu
the emotion he seeks.

Were you afraid?

To face the fact that Isamu loves
flying more than he loves you?

You will do nothing.

You can do nothing.

Nothing... at all...

No choice!

Have to cut out the limiter
and take it to the edge!

Hey, Isamu!

How's it going?


Heh, I'm just dandy!
Even managed to find Myung.

You have...

I never told you.


I'm sorry.


I'll be settling things
over here in a sec.

Was hoping to have a drink
with you when this was all over.

Sure, sounds great!

A toast, to our seventh year reunion.

Goodbye... I have to go now.



Another minute...!

Got it!

Hold on!

I'm almost into the system!



It's like pure joy... I...

Dammit! Jan, too?!

Shut up!

I don't wanna hear
your creepy singing!

Stop it!

I don't want to hear your singing...!

Shut up!

Faster! Faster!

More! More!

Higher! Higher!

Higher! Higher!

More! More!




The first word was "dream",
it came to me as I slept.

Gently bringing out the darkness
deep inside my heart.

The second word was "wind",
show me the way...

I beat my wings towards
the embrace of God.


Let's go!


I only wanted him to be happy...


I only wanted him to see me...


I loved you...

I wonder if Isamu saw it...?

You were wrong.

The way you did it
was a mistake.

A terrible, fatal mistake...

One we both made...


I felt like I was having
a strange dream.

A dream?

But it was your singing
that woke me from it.

Yep, it was just as bad as ever.

I heard you.

The first word was "dream",
it came to me as I slept.

Gently bringing out the darkness
deep inside my heart.

The second word was "wind",
show me the way...

And then the path was shown to me.

I beat my wings and then I flew...

...into God's waiting arms.

And as if counting out
the sad things in my life... they all fell away...

...the golden apples fall.

Falling one by one.

A place that I have never seen... where I have returned to.

A place where I have finally regained...

...the only life that I have.

An old book of magic spells...

The curtain of the silent
moonlit night holds...

...only the promise of our
being together again.

We can fly. We have wings.

We can touch floating dreams.

Call me from so far...

Through the wind in the light.

The third word that came was hmmm...

If I listen closely, I could hear it.

And these trembling arms
of yours that I hold...

...I could gently set free.
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