Welcome to the Space Show (2010)

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Welcome to the Space Show (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, finally she's up!

You're late, Natsuki.

You could've woken me up, Mom!

You said you could get up on your own.

It's starting.

Good morning, Amane.

I win.

Huh? In what?

You said we'd see which of
us could get up earlier.

Come on, focus on the exercise!

You forgot, didn't you?

No, it's not that...

I simply didn't remember.

Same thing!

I'm... so... sorry!

Good morning, Tama! How's it going?

Oops... I'm sorry.

Mom, look at this.

See? Buy me a new one, please!

Fix it yourself.

What? That's impossible!

Reading while you eat is bad manners.

A businessman can't even take
time to enjoy his breakfast?

I can't shake off the habit just yet.

How was the field today?

It got att*cked.

It's all messed up.

Why don't you report it to the police?


I'll just catch them myself.

It's because grandpa's wasabi is too tasty.

"Miss Summer Vacation" will come to
the rescue in the worst-case scenario.

Who is that?

My alter ego.

A mysterious superhero!

Wasn't it supposed to be...

- "Miss Summer Lady"?
- Thank you for the food!

She must've transformed again.

She's not a heroine anymore?

Ah! It's so yummy!

It's now nine o'clock. Today's first game
of the Summer Baseball Championship...

You've got everything?





'Cause you'll be late.

Go on, Natsuki. Thanks.

Leave it to me!

Hold on tight. I'll go fast!

Hold on tighter!

This is good enough.

See you later!

- Bye! - Be careful!

I'm home!

Welcome back!

I'll have your lunch packed soon!

Don't worry about it, Mom.
You worked the night shift.

I won't be able to see you for a
week. This is the least I can do.

Let me help you, then. I'll make rice balls.

Kiyoshi, you've grown taller?

No, I'm the same.

- Bye! See you later! - Bye! See you later!


Give it your best!



Koji, what are those books for?

I'm going to read them to my friends,

'cause it gets boring there.

Do you want to take my PlayStation?

The goal is to cultivate friendship among us.

We used to just camp out on a riverbed.

I'd be worried about the little ones.

There are only four in the entire school.


Amane's cousin, Natsuki,
has transferred to our school.

Oh, yeah... What's she like?

Well, she gets carried away easily.

She let Pyon-Kichi out, after all.

Mom's saying she's glad you're leaving!

Here, Noriko. It's freshly squeezed.

Hiroto, I've told you to wear pants outside.

But the gate is over there!

Well, I'm off.

Shall I bring you something later?

No. I'll send you an e-mail
if I need something. Besides,
Kiyoshi will look after us.

Hey, Kiyoshi, what about tents?

No, it's OK. We'll sleep in a classroom.


Good morning.

- Morning! - Morning!


You're late!

What? We're the last?

- Yup. - Bingo!

Gosh, I don't like it.

It's not a race, you know.

I know, but...

Noriko, put this in the fridge, too.

- Sure thing! - There!

Let's see...



He's not back?

Not yet.

Are you still mad about Pyon-Kichi?

I'm not mad, but...

Well, I never dreamed that he'd run away.

I'll buy you a new bunny. OK?

No, thanks.


Just... never mind!

I'll be back a week from today at 6 PM.

Oh, OK. Thank you.

Take care.

- Thanks. - Don't come to check on us!

All right.

We never came... last year
or the year before that.

Because we trust Kiyoshi, after all.



What are we gonna do now?

Hey, wanna play a cell phone game?

Some other time.

We need to do our homework.

But, it's still Day One.

Why don't we go to the woods
and look for Pyon-Kichi?

He may be homesick by now.


Don't go so fast.

You guys are slow.


Be more serious!

I am!

How come Pyon-Kichi ran away to begin with?

He was nice and calm.

It was the last day of
school... right here...

It's wide open and refreshing
out here, isn't it?

You can play a little
before your crash course.

I want you to learn to shake hands.

The final goal is a back flip.

Amane will be really impressed.


What is it?

You know. A hero needs a mascot.

I was hoping I could train him to be one.

You are an idiot.

I hope he'll come back soon.

Wanna drink?

Koji, what's the matter?

I fell down!

Are you all right?

I'm OK.

I'm coming down!

Mystery circles are created by a UFO
landing! This is a great discovery!



Aren't they supposed to be a
hoax? That's what I heard on TV.

Who would play such a trick in our village?

Hiroto might.

He couldn't do anything this complicated.

A locust!

What? Where?

I wonder if someone spilled
pesticide or something.

Noriko, take a picture.
I'll put it up on our homepage.

All right.

Take a good one. This will change
the history of mankind.

Don't pressure me.
I don't do well under pressure.



Let's see...


It's not him...

Are you all right?

Hey, is it a dog?

What do we do?

He's hurt.

Noriko, give me your handkerchief.

Koji, hit big!

Kiyoshi, big bro! Clobber them!

- Run! - Catch it! Catch it!

Throw it at him!


- OUT! - Good job!

One more to go!

That was close...

Sorry, but I'm gonna hit a big one!

Kiyoshi, big bro! Take her out!

Take her out!

All right!

My home run...

Look! He's all better!

What a smart guy!

First of all, let me say...

Thank you. You saved my life.

My name is Pochi. I'm from Planet
BOW in the Animal Stellar Region.

You're a dog no matter how we look at you.

I can't believe I'm being
lumped in with dogs!

This is my ID.

You really are an alien.

Yes. Nice to meet you.

Were they space alphabet letters?


How can you speak Japanese so well?

I studied. I'm totally fine
with everyday conversation.

His butt looks normal.

Wh... Wh... What are you doing? How rude!

So, Pochi, what have you
come to the Earth for?

To study plants.

Study plants?

Yes, because I found a species that
went extinct 5 billion years ago.

- Five billion years?
- Such an amazing thing exists?

- Much older than the
Earth. - I have no clue.

The flowers are called Zughaan,
and they are beautiful like you.

from Zughaan circulated in the underworld.

I looked all throughout space.

And, finally, I found them on this planet.

Nothing from this undeveloped
planet can be taken out.

So, I was doing my research
here, when they came.

I fought back and kept the poachers away!

But I got hurt.

Are you all right?


I've recovered, thanks to you.

I'm glad.

Breaking news!

We're in the middle of experiencing
Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

This is a major scoop!


Pochi, can I write an article on this?

No. It's banned by an agreement.

That sucks!

Ah! She's come to.

I scared you, didn't I? I apologize.


Do you think the poachers are coming back?

Leave it to me.

I'll have surveillance
beefed up once I get home.

When are you coming back?

I don't think we'll see each other again.


We've only just met...

Technically, I'm supposed to
avoid contact with you guys.

I wanted to hear a lot more about space.

I'm sorry.

Well, I'd like to personally thank you.

Do you have any wishes?

Oh, yes! Pyon-Kichi!

Find Pyon-Kichi for us!

Is he one of you?

- Yes! - No!

He's a pet. A rabbit. He has ears this long.

Sorry, but I can't.

I see...

Well, we can all look for
Pyon-Kichi together. Anything else?

Oh! Please take Kiyoshi on a school trip!

What? Me?

Yeah, because they canceled
the trip starting this year!

Three nights, four days to Kyoto and Nara.

But there's no point if it's
just me and my teacher.

Then, why don't we all go?

I vote for that!

Yeah! Let's go, Kiyoshi!

Uh... sure.

To where?

As far as possible, then.

All right. Got it.

Then, I'll take you to the Moon,
the farthest mankind has traveled.

The Moon?

- We're floating! Floating!
- It's zero gravity.

Hold on a sec. It doesn't
have to be that far.

Don't worry. I'll pay for the expense.

Whoa! Look!

It's so blue...


Wow! Wow! It's the Hubble!

No one would believe us...

Whoa! Inside an UFO?

We'll take a cab now.

- How can you walk? - There are taxi
cabs in space, too.

Thanks to space science.





What did you say?

I said, "To the Moon."

It's the Moon.

We're here for real.

Kiyoshi! Say cheese! Cheese!

- Me, too. Me, too! - Me, too!

Hey, Noriko. Take a picture of that.

Come on. Don't get too excited.

You haven't seen the real Moon yet.

The Moon is... awesome...


Pick up your jungle gym on the way home.

All right.

This is fun!

I'm wobbly.

We're here!

$#@%ˆ&*%&#@$%! &

It's a robot.

- $#@%ˆ&*$#%&# - What?

- @%ˆ&*$#... - He's telling
you to go through Immigration.


You guys will be fine. Let's go.

$@#&#@%@ $%! &&%* #@%ˆ&*$%%&#

Your data will be stored at
the Space Control Center.


Please declare your personal name,
residence planet and life activity time.


State your name.

S... Suzuki... Amane. Seven years old.

Lovely Amane, welcome to the Moon!


Did you know that Earth has not
joined the Space Federation yet?

So, you're not allowed to travel in space.

What? That's not good...

But, if you pass the test I'm about to give
you, I'll grant you a special passport.

That's good.

But, if you fail, you'll be sent
to the Space Lost Child Center.


You'll stay there until
Earth joins the Federation.

Here's the question.

One day a space alien comes to you...

and says, "People of the Earth,
we will make you smart so that...

there will be no wars or poverty,
and that everyone will get along."

Now, will you accept this alien's offer?

No, thanks.

Why is that?

It'll be nice to become smart and
get along with everyone and all...

But, I think it'll make me happier
if I work at it on my own.

That's what I learned in school...

That I should look after myself.

Correct answer!


Yes. Good job!

$@#&#@%@ $%! &&%*


Mine is this. Same as Kiyoshi's.

Mine is this.


Now, we're waiting for Natsuki...

She'll be fine. Amane,
why don't you put on your passport?

You'll be surprised.

I'll do it.

Look up and watch.




I can read it all now!

Try to jump.

Come on. Jump! Jump!

Just like on Earth!

Space is awesome.





Oopsy daisy... Watch out!

I'm so sorry.

So many aliens here.


Welcome to space!

Go ahead and order whatever you like.

- Now we're talking!
- Let's see... what do I want?

Welcome to Space Burger!

Have you decided what to order?

We'll have Andro Burgers and Crystal
Potatoes with colas, six each.

Thank you for your order.

One cola costs one pod.

How much is one pod in dollars?

Who knows...

Let's see...

How much is a ticket to a movie?

It's six pods with a child discount.

How much is it on Earth?

It's about 11 dollars.

In other words, divide 11 by 6 and
you'll know how many dollars one pod is.

That makes sense.

Let's do it.


One... Two... Three...

Amane, you're excluded.

Why? I'll do it.

Got it! The answer is1.833333...

So, one pod is about a dollar and 83 cents.

Very good.

Thank you for waiting!

A dollar and 83 cents for this?

What a rip off!

- It tastes the same.
- Cola is cola anywhere.

Ah! The Space Show!

Ladies and Aliens!

Presenting the best space
entertainment for you tonight...

The Space Show!

We're live from the
Magellan Antique Book Fair!

The first program is...

What's the Space Show?


What's the Space Show?

It's the most popular TV program.

You have that kind of stuff in space, too?


It's a pirate program broadcast
live all throughout space.

Live broadcast? To all of space?


You can do that without a time lag?

It'd be a problem if we couldn't.

I guess so.

She's so pretty!

What a pretty dog!

She's not a dog. She's from
the same planet as I.

What? She can't be!

What do you mean?

Is she your friend then?

Well... sort of...

You couldn't get a hold of it?

Tell me why you went there?

Our enemy was there.

We barely escaped!

In my case, my whole life flashed before me.

But, we have a souvenir for you.

You coward! Idiot!

I want Zughaan! Go get some for me!

Yes, sir!


Our enemy?

I'm starving.

Let's grab a bite first.


- We should finish our
business first. - Shut up!

A robot like you wouldn't know
how painful it is to be hungry!

Fate brought the two together...

The Space Show was interesting.


I wanna be like Marie.

You've always wanted to be an idol.

I'm Iron Mask.

I wanna be a hero like him.

But you're a girl.

Those are your dreams, huh?

Miss Amane, what would you like to be?

Yes! President!

Good for you! A grand dream!

I wanna be a space expert.

Kiyoshi, what's your dream?


As long as I can help others...

A medical doctor, right?

We'll see...

How about you?

What did you wanna be?

I wanted to travel through space,
doing all sorts of research.

Then, your dream has come true.

- That's great! - Yeah!

I guess...

I'll turn in my report and make
arrangements for the return flight.

Go shopping while you wait for me.


Don't worry about it.

You saved my life. Let me take care
of you while you are here.

- OK, then. - All right!

Thank you, Pochi.

Thank you.

Thank you!

Don't waste it on junk!

We won't!

- Off to a toy store! - Good idea!

Let's look at some clothes.

Cut it out!

Hey, look! They're aquatic aliens!

"To protect vegetation, enhanced security
of the geosphere is necessary and...

strongly recommended.
Reported by Pochi Rickman."

Submit your I.D.


Here we go...

Three tickets to Earth.

You can't go.

How come?

The Earth-bound pathways
were closed a while ago.

Too bad!

The Space Show!


Thank you very much!

- Have a safe trip! - Thanks!

Things have changed.


You can't go back to Earth.



Well, I guess my report was quite effective.

What have you done?

Stop it!

It's not Pochi's fault.

Actually, it is Pochi's fault.

Ah, yes.

And, when do you think we can return?

No clue...

There is a way, though.

You can go to another planet
and then fly back from there.

Another planet?

My home, Planet BOW.

Planet BOW?

The planet of dogs?

We're not dogs!

How long will it take?

Let's see... 20 years.

The summer break will be over.

More than the summer break.

Um... we're supposed to be
back by 6 PM on the 7th.

Can we expedite the trip?

It'd be so much easier if we
took the Galaxy Super Express.


Yeah, it's expensive though.

Oh... money...

Leave it to me! I'll work it out.

"Look... forward... to the souvenir..."

What are you doing?

Sending an e-mail to Hiroto.

Not out of the area?

It said "within the area".

"Transmission complete."

She's sleeping like a log.

It's already 11 PM on Earth, you know.

I'm... very... sorry.

You mean about Pyon-Kichi?

Say it when she's up.

I did! But she hasn't forgiven me.

Besides, it's not cool to apologize
too many times. I'm older than her.

So much has happened today...


Ah, father, this is Pochi.

I'd like you to lend me about


The situation has changed.
I couldn't get financial aid.


Which means...

We're stranded here forever?

Don't worry. I'll manage to come
up with the travel expenses!


First off... pick a solid pick.

And more safe bets...

And this last horse is... make or break...

Don't worry. Leave it to me.

I'll get a job.


That way, we'll get to go home sooner, right?

You guys should all wait for me in one place.

Don't move around.

- I'll work too. - What?

- Me, too. - Me, too.

Me, too.

Otherwise, it's not fair, is it?

Ah! I'll try this out!

Wanna come with me?

No, I've made up my mind.

I see.

Wanna join me?

What shall I do?



I want you to start today.

Yes, sir!

Here you go.

Have you taken care of babies?

Yes. I took care of Pyon-Kichi.


All right.

I can't do it...

Take that to the Andromeda Line.

Yes, sir!

Keep it up!


Um... excuse me.


Welcome to the Ink Shop where you can get
anything from baby bottles to rockets.

I'm... interested in a part-time job...


You're an earthling?


Moon Crestar is in the lead in this race!

What speed! But Hammer King,
a strong rival, is right behind him, too!

It's a dead heat! Who will charm
the goddess of victory?

I was told the flight to Earth was cancelled.
I'm lucky to meet you on the Moon!

Autograph, please!

As a token of our meeting!

Are you sure? My autograph?

Yes, please!

All right then...

So, there are books about
the wonders in space, too?

Sure. We have lots of them.

Thank you for using our services!

I wonder if I should join Kiyoshi...

Hey, Noriko!

Hello, there!

Do I look cool?

Ladies and Aliens, it's show...

Run! Run!

The goal is near! 300 yards!

Hammer King, ready to finish!

Oh, no! They're neck and neck!
It's so close! Hammer made it!


It's a major upset!

Let's see...

There... there...

That's an animal caretaker for you!

What are you doing there?

I'm just watching.

What about your job?

I'm still thinking.

And... what about you?

I got fired.


That's not all, is it?

I got into debt.

You idiot!

Maybe I should babysit, too.

I'm sorry.

I'm an animal caretaker, too, after all.


Don't be scared.

What a bad girl she is!

I wonder if I am looked down.

So, Ink, which wonder do you like?

Let's see... this one!


Pet Star?

Are you interested?


Well, it really is full of wonders.

Hey, help me out!


Well, you should go.


You should ask Dad about Pet Star.

He knows a lot more about it.


Pet Star is like a treasure box.

It's full of so much treasure that
you could buy a galaxy with it.

What kind of treasures?

That's the mystery.

Explorers and researchers have been
searching unsuccessfully for ages.

Some say it has vanished
to another dimension,

but I believe it's still in this universe.

Hold it up for a sec.


Really... if I find Pet Star,
I can fix up this piece of junk.

Are you all right?

Yeah. I'm fine.


Excuse me! Would you sell me those?

I'll give you this much. OK?


Not enough? I'll pay more.

- Me, too! - Me, too.

Well, we can't make it to
Earth. What shall we do?

I must be hearing things. I heard, "Zughaan!"

So did I.

Ah, it's Zughaan!

Over there!



Thanks for your purchase!

- You're right. - Way to go!


Isn't it? That's good enough.


I'm going to sell rockets
with this engine installed.

I'll get rich if it's a big hit.

Hold it up for me.


Hang on. I'll let you ride
it once it's complete.

O... K...

I'm the first elementary student
from Earth who is building a rocket.

OK. You can let go.

I'm sorry.

My dad tends to push others too hard.

No. I'm the one who's sorry.

You'll feel better once you
finish this special Ink Juice.



Is this shop a spacecraft?

Yes, it's my dad's.

We're traveling through space
with the map as a guide.


What's this?

Big events like...

festivals and races.

Tens of billions of people
gather all at once.

My dream is to buy a spacecraft
and go to those events some day.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind isn't bad.

Good job today, everyone.

Anyway, let's count the money we've made.

We worked really hard.


I made this much...

They're kind of small.

I'll do better tomorrow.

These coins!

Something wrong with them?

These are commemorative coins from a
space festival. They're 20,000 pods each.

These are 10,000 and 5,000.

It's 110,000 pods altogether.

Amazing. I only sold wasabi...

- Wasabi? - You sold them?

- Yeah! - Wasabi is awesome...

I kept enough for us. See?


Natsuki, that's Zughaan!



Am... am... I going to a space jail?

You should be fine, because you
are a native there.

But, it's better to stop selling them.

We don't want anyone to take notice of you.

Now, this is a lot of money.

No wonder there are so
many poachers out there.

Pochi, does this mean?

Yes. You can take the Super Express.

- Good! - Awesome!

What a relief.

So, no more work, huh?

I guess...

Your Highness! Good news!

What is it?

We found someone with Zughaan!

Are you positive?

We'll send you the data right now.

It's an earthling who had it.


We will snatch it when we get the chance.

We have to say goodbye so soon.

I feel bad, because your
rocket isn't finished yet.

Well, things happen in
space. Have a safe trip.


Hey, Ink.


For me?

We're traveling to all those spots. So...

Maybe we'll meet again, if it works out.

Wonders of Space

This book is for you.

It was fun visiting the Moon.


Wow! What is it?

It has to be this way.

Now it's like a real trip.

Isn't it? It's supposed to be a school trip.

Don't worry about it.

We have Sliced Meteor,
Space Water and other items.

Specialty items are...

- Over here, please! - We'll buy them all!

- Of course. - Hold on a sec!

How come?

We have money, don't we?

We paid off the debt!

We have nothing left?

Um... we have a little left.


This train will reach super speed level soon.

What's "super speed"?

Above light speed.

Faster than light speed?

It's another star system.

Meaning where?

M45... the Pleiades star cluster.

We've already traveled 400 light years.

Planet Picha-Picha.
You've arrived at Picha-Picha.

The train bound for Milla is scheduled
to depart from #15 in half a year.

So, you guys are earthlings.


We'll do it at the next station.


Is that so?

It says that this is the 5th
most delicious food in space!

Exclusive item at the next station!

Exclusive item?


Pretty please, Pochi.

This is it, OK?

Three per person is the quota.

Whoever gets back first wins!



It feels heavy...

N... Natsuki...

Don't be lying around here.

Um... thanks.

Thank you.

Don't mention it. Showing a spirit
of cooperation, so to speak.

The Duke of Mahal is quite eccentric.

- He doesn't install gravity
control antennas. - My lunch...

Too bad.

Well, space is very wide. You'll find many
other kinds of delicious food.

The Space Show!

Right. I've been following them.

But, can't you watch it anywhere?

I want to get as close as possible to
them to find out how the show is created.

What about your work?

That is my work.

I can sell the show info to maniac fans.

The Duke of Mahal is a maniac fan, too.

The Space Show travels
at an incredible speed.

So, I anticipate its path and wait.

Where's the next location?

It's a corporate secret.


Gotta make money, you know.

Our Pochi is a friend of Marie's.

Is that true?

We're from the same planet. That's all.

Are you sure?

That's too bad. Here's my card if
you wanna sell me some good info.

Call me at Goba's Shop.

I never dreamed you were like that!

You coward!

You're mistaken.

I'm disappointed.


You've got it wrong.

Let me explain...

Good! I love it.

But, let's make it more dynamic.

Good. Let's do it from the top again.

You're in a good mood.

You know why. This will
be the biggest show ever.

Can't we just live happily
ever after like this?

I have unfinished business with him.

The train has stopped and will
remain so, due to a red light.

What happened?

It's traffic...

That tunnel is always congested.

It's glowing.

How come there's a tunnel?

Yeah, why, Pochi?

Gotta go use the restroom!

Oh, come on!

This is a hazardous zone.

Beyond this point is called Dark Trange.

You can only get through
there by using that tunnel.

What's the Dark Trange?

It's a nebula that consists of anti-matter.

That flash is an annihilation expl*si*n.

Wow! Amazing.

It doesn't look like we're
gonna move any time soon.

Will we get home in time?

There are too many unscheduled delays.

That's how it is in space. Don't sweat it.


Don't tense up. Relax.

I'll see to it that everything works out.

Are you all right?

I wonder if we'll get home safely.

Our plan keeps changing.

I'm responsible for us ending up here.

Don't think that.

We're having a blast and no
one thinks it's your fault.

I can't help it.

You have arrived at Space Control Center.

For transfer information, please refer to...

Can we find out about the
origin of the universe here?

Sure. I'd imagine that someone recorded it.

I wish I could get off here.

You don't want the train to
leave without you though.

That's true.

I've waited a long time!
What a waste of time!

Pochi! A tadpole spoke!

Be quiet! I'm unavailable.


Pochi! It's you, isn't it?

Sorry. Wrong guy.

Don't play dumb! Give me back my money!

Did I scare you guys?

I'm Tony. I work here at
the Space Control Center.

And, this is my pet, Johnny.

Nice to meet you.

You're the first earthlings
who've come this far.

Did Pochi kidnap you?

That's absurd!

No. No.

He's always getting others in trouble.


I sent your records to the Center.

We're keeping records of everyone
and everything in space.

Could you tell me about the
origin of the universe?

You should inquire with the Center.
I'm only in charge of records.

What are you investigating this time?

It's confidential.

What do you do that's confidential?

I'll make an exception and tell you.

There are rumors that a plant called
Zughaan is circulating on the black market.

It should've been extinct according to our
records. So, I need to investigate it.

Well... keep up the good work...

- We'll take a bus from here. - See ya!

Thank you very much.

Give me back my money!

Wow, awesome!

Royal Kenbritte University,
the center of education.

What are we doing here?

Filling out forms to go to Earth.

So, you're a university student.


Welcome back, Professor.

- Hey, Shiro. How's it going? - Professor?

He's a professor...


He did mention some "research".

So, Amane...

What is it?

Wanna go to town when we get home?


Well, the thing is...

Stop that thief!

We got it!

Over there!

Hold it!

It's Zughaan!

They're coming!

Give it to me!

Take this!

Let's go!

What's the matter, Professor?

Hey, out of the way!

There they are!

They're behind us!

- Faster! Faster! - Leave us alone!

Can you ram into them?

Of course!


We saw him on Earth.

It's you guys again.

That's our line!

It's no use. Surrender!

Watch out! Oh, no! Why you...

That way! That way!

Professor. The suspects had this.
Does it look familiar to you?

It's in the ancient Sombrero alphabet.

It means "god".

Can I borrow this?

The flight leaves the day
after tomorrow in the morning.

So, rest at my house until then.

Please... come on in.

You live alone?

No, I live with my parents.

It's Neppo!

And, Marie, too.

So, you guys are friends, after all.

Yeah, we worked at the same lab.

Ah, welcome home.

Good to be home.

Hey, good to see you.

Friends of yours?

Thank you for having us.

How do you do?

Thank you. You saved our son's life.

We only did what was right.

I heard that Earth was a remote frontier.
But, you sound quite sophisticated.

Let's just forget about
formality and have some tea.

Thank you!

My mother's cake is out of this world!


I'm glad you like it.

How do you make it?

I'll show you later then.

- Yes, please! - I'd like to know, too.

Me, too.

I have to see my patients.
So, if you'll excuse me...

You have a clinic?


Can I have a tour?

There are many rare diseases in space.

My father treats his patients with the
knowledge he acquired from archaeology.

Ancient bio-therapeutics.

It utilizes the vitality of plants
to rejuvenate one's life force.

Her whole body used to be
petrified. She's doing much better.

You've been a good sport. Way to go, Clara.

Your voice will come back soon.

Good job. You're so brave.


Now, I'll plant a seed right here.

Sit up.

I'll help!

Yes. That's very good.

That's not good.

Don't worry. It'll be fine.

If this is the real thing,
it's a great discovery.

I wonder if this is real Zughaan
or a plant that's similar.

We'll have the result tomorrow.

The rumors about Zughaan are spreading.

I fought some poachers on Earth.

The same g*ng att*cked us in town.

What's this?

The suspects had it.

Ancient Sombrero alphabet, huh?

It was your research topic, wasn't it?

So, the Earth is somewhere around there.

We've come a long way.

That's hard to grasp.

I wonder what everyone's doing back home.

Are you homesick?

No, I'm not!

We'll be back on Earth
the day after tomorrow.

I'm so sorry!

We're soaking wet!

It started pouring out of the blue!

This is today's forecast.

It will be a nice day in the inland
empires with lots of sunshine.

But a small, leftover low pressure
system may create gusts of wind.

Please watch out for unexpected windstorms.

I'm so fed up with you, Natsuki!


Are you guys fighting?

Not exactly.

I think I'll buy another rabbit anyway.

Otherwise Amane will never forgive me.

What do you mean?



Let's pretend for a moment
that Amane went missing.

And, what if someone said,
"I'll go find you another kid."

How would you feel?

What in the world?

What do you think Amane is?

There can't be a replacement for her!

What about Pyon-Kichi then?


I just don't know what to do...

You need to apologize.

I did, many times!

But you weren't aware of
why you were in the wrong.

A hero is great because he has courage.

To acknowledge a wrongdoing
like that takes courage.

It's far from being embarrassing.

Why don't you make up with her?

We're not fighting.

But the thing about Pyon-Kichi
is bothering you, isn't it?

What do you want Natsuki to do?

I want her to be like she used to be.

She didn't used to be like that?

Totally different.

When she used to come over,
she was more normal...

sloppy and she didn't try to act big.

But when she started living with
us, she became really bossy.

She acted like playing with me was
a favor instead of just having fun.

About Pyon-Kichi...

I miss him and all,

but she doesn't have to
buy me another rabbit,

because Pyon-Kichi is Pyon-Kichi,
and he belongs to no one!

Tell her that straight from your heart.

What? But...

Don't worry. I think that's the
quickest way to make up with Natsuki.

Don't you think so?


Apologize. Apologize sincerely...

Yell. Get mad and tell
her exactly how I feel...

Apologize sincerely...

Apologize. Apologize sincerely...

- Amane. - Natsuki.

- Listen... - Listen...


It's about Pyon-Kichi.

Yes. Me, too.



What's going on?

Iron Mask has been att*cked!

He has overcome countless
crises. But now he'd badly hurt.


... his shield is destroyed.
The only w*apon he has left is his courage!

He affirms his determination.

He says, "I will protect my
loved one at all costs!"

But, truth be told, the evil squad
was after Princess Crystal.

How come crime lab staff aren't here?

There was a major kidnapping
case on Choo-Choo Planet.

On top of that, those three
guys are nowhere to be found.


We don't know.

They were already gone when we realized it.


The flight to Earth leaves tomorrow morning.

I'll take you to the airport.

All right.

Excuse me.

Find out anything new?


Is that so...

Where are the kids?

They're still outside.

I'll make something warm.

That would be nice.


We'll leave in the morning.


We'll go back to the village.

They were after Zughaan.

Amane got caught up in this by accident.

The trio vanished...

They followed me from Earth.
They can't be after money.

Whoever is behind this knows
the true value of Zughaan.

Is this your doing, after all?


At last, it's mine.

It's Zughaan!

What are we going to tell Amane's parents?

We'll tell them the truth. We have no choice.

It's all my fault!

I got carried away and brought
you guys all the way here.

We never should've left the village.

Let's go home.

Are you sure? Are we doing the right thing?

There's nothing we can do.

We don't know what will happen.

If I were Amane,

I think I'd wait for you
guys to come to my rescue.

I'd be happier if it were you guys,
not others, who came to rescue me.

You don't need to tell me that.


What should we do?

We're just elementary school students.

What can we do against those aliens and UFOs?

I don't know what we can do,
but there must be something!

Don't be a know-it-all!

Stop it!

Please stop...


I've been a big fan of
heroes since I was little.

I've thought about this type
of situation over and over.

A princess gets kidnapped and...

the hero risks his life to
rescue her from the enemy.

I always thought that was so cool.

But, now we're in a real
crisis, and I'm so scared.

Like Kiyoshi said, we don't know
what we're up against.

I don't know what I can do.

But, Amane must be a lot more scared!

She must be even more
scared, lonely and helpless!


We must go rescue her.

Amane is in a scarier situation than I am.

I must go...

to rescue her!

I'm not a hero, but...

I know it's wrong to go home without her!

Let's go, Kiyoshi.

I'll come with you, Kiyoshi!

Where do we go?

I don't know.

Let's find her anyway.

How do we get her back?

I don't know.

Let's do our best for now.

Listen. If we get in trouble,
we'll all get in trouble together.


That includes Amane, of course.


"One for all!"

"All for one!"

Professor, stop!

Sorry. I'll return it later.

You'll be reprimanded.

I will readily accept that.

Thank you, Pochi.

The Space Show is the suspect for sure?


Why don't you contact the police, then?

I have no proof.

Besides, if this becomes public,
Neppo will probably flee.

I want to keep it private
until we rescue Amane.

Can we?

We will!


It's a reply from Goba.

Where is the Space Show's location?

The Great Wall... at the Space Festival!

It's so crowded.

It's a major event.

Mr. Goba!

Hey, you guys made it!

Farewell performance?

Yeah. The Space Show made an announcement.

It's the hottest talk of the town now.

Use these communication cameras.

The Space Show has already arrived
and must be preparing somewhere.

Let's split up and search.

Use these to talk to one another.

Refrain from taking risks.


Neppo, I love you!

I wanna see the Space Show now!

So, this is... Zughaan...

You're lucky! That's the very last one!

I'll sell it to you for

OK. No problem. I'll get a receipt
from the Space Control Center and...

Don't be duped!

That's just refuse from Zughaan!

What do you want? I'm busy.

Let's make some deals.

I have accurate and secure data on Zughaan.

Excuse me.



Hello, anyone here?

Pochi, can you hear me?

Tony. Were you able to connect to the Center?

Yeah. What a surprise that
what's called wasabi and...

Zughaan are different
species in the same family.

You deserve the Executive Director's
Award for this new discovery.

Go ahead and take the award.

By the way, get me the data I requested.

Have you found anything?


I'm sorry.

This is bad.

There's no clue.

I'm sorry I couldn't help you.

Not at all.

Oh, it's finished!

Ask Dad to give you a ride when
he returns from his meeting.

That would be great.

The Super Nova is gonna start!


I've just witnessed the birth of a star.


There they come!

Over there... how sneaky!

Everyone, let's get together!


At Goba's.

Hold it! I'm too far away from your
locations. Koji is the closest.

Ladies and Aliens!

Tonight is a very memorable night.

This is, believe it or not,
the last episode of the Space Show!

But, there is no sadness.

The Space Show will be reborn...

- Kiyoshi! - Noriko!

From this birthplace of the Super Nova...

we first present the Space
Iron Mask at its best!

Princess Crystal is held
hostage at the Black Castle.

Iron Mask slips in all by
himself to rescue her!

But, getting in the way is...


That's not Marie.

It's an ancient peculiar animal, Behemoth!

Is that Behemoth?

Will Iron Mask successfully
defeat Behemoth and...

Did they use Zughaan?

Who is the real Iron Mask?

Now, it's time for a commercial.

The time has come for me to become God.

We must rescue her quickly!

Isn't there any way to get there?

Tell me, Pochi?

The rocket!


Princess Crystal is unable to sing.

The only one who can save
her is the bravest man!


All right!

We did it!

Just in time!

Hey, that was an unexpected special guest.

How much...

How much more are you going to get in my way?

Ladies and Aliens!

Kiyoshi! Natsuki did it!



Are you all right?



We'll let you out right now!

Natsuki! Pochi!

We'll be right there!

You're done for!

It's show time!

Long time no see, Pochi.

Ever since that time...


What are you up to?

Shall I take you to the new world with us?

New world?

Pet Star.

It was I who found it!

Pet Star?

The Space Show is Pet Star?

Wow... Amazing...

It really existed...

Welcome to Pet Star!

The whole universe is a family.

All the aliens are brothers and sisters.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Pet Star.

We are working hard day and night.

We truly appreciate your cooperation!

Kiyoshi, look!

Yeah. It's the same stuff
that kidnapped Amane!

Are you guys all right?

The whole universe is a family.
All the aliens are brothers and sisters.

Everyone, remember Pet
Star! We're here for you!

So, you plotted the kidnapping?

It was the will of Pet Star.

... appreciate your cooperation!

So, you don't say it's phony.

Because I saw the Behemoth.

Where do you think it was?

Bitterly disappointed?

It was in Dark Trange.

It was asleep for 5 billion
years in the sea of anti-matter.

We've finally arrived at the
truth in the midst of despair.


Well, it's about time you left the stage.

Give us back Amane!

Is this girl that important?

Don't touch her!


It's flying!

Natsuki! Pochi!




You'll deal with me!


Time to give up!

Let go of Amane!


Give up already.

I'm not hurt.

Natsuki, are you all right?


I got through to you!

- Natsuki! - Are you OK?

Yes, but what shall I do? Amane is still...

Let's meet up and rescue her.


Mr. Goba, can you tell her location?

Natsuki, find a landmark.


What will you do to Amane?

She will become Perfect Life Form Number 2.

No such thing exists!

It's possible...

when the powers of Zughaan and the
Great King Pet are accessible.

Great King Pet? Tony?

Great King Pet?

Great King Pet. He is the true
ruler of the planet.

Where is he?

The Central Tower.

It's the tallest building.

Pet Star is a rescue craft that dates
back hundreds of millions of generations.

It sheltered animals that
were near extinction.

But, one day, it vanished without a trace.

And it became a legend...

But Neppo found it, right?

And the show opened its curtain.

Surrender! You have no chance of winning.

That's what you think.

Now it's reversed.

You guys, get rid of that pesky fly!



- Natsuki! - Natsuki!

Jump in when we're close enough!

All right!

Hurry! Hurry!

Jump in!



Natsuki! Are you unharmed?

Yeah. I'm fine.

Sorry, we need to get away for now.


All right.

Let's go.

To rescue Amane.

We'll be fine. We are superheroes here.

Natsuki, I'll lead the way.

Thank you!

This is bad, Ink.

Let's get away for now!

These people... Were they all kidnapped?

What is this place?

It's a fun workplace!

More like forced labor!

You're supposed to earn your own keep.

Didn't you learn that in school?

Give me a break!

Is this the right direction?

Good job, Natsuki. Head for the jungle ahead.

Your Highness, Great King Pet.
I've brought you a weakling.

What? What is this?

She's so cute! Fantastic!

But, there's only one?
I can't synthesize with just one!

This way, please.


This isn't good...

Ink, can't we counterattack?

Just a sec!

Is he all right?

No problem. We are perfect life form!

There is no future for
synthesized life forms!

The future of the universe
lies in saving weaklings!


The real future lies in
being self-sustainable!

To get in the way is evil!

It's evil to not use that power to save.

Why did this planet fall?

Ink, which one?

The blue one is the watercraft!


Feels good!

The water isn't working!

This is all we have. Keep sh**ting anyway!

Body temperature down.

It'll go up with spit fire.

Why isn't it coming out?

It's working!

Ink, fly alongside!

Leave it to me!

The heart will stop.



It's the difference between
Zughaan and wasabi.

I feel bad for him, but this was meant to be.

The margin of error was
within an acceptable range.

Just face reality!

We have no right to play
god with anyone's life!

Here we go again.

You always contradict me.

I've had it!

Get out of my sight!

No, I won't!

If you are in the wrong, I'll follow you
wherever you go and stop you.

Come back, Neppo.

It's still not too late.

It's not yet too...

Shut up!

I want to go back to those
happy days with you and Marie.

I always looked up to you,
and you were my friend.


Kiyoshi. We're done over here.

All right. Let's meet up.

We'll be fine. They'll come rescue us soon.

Who? Pochi?

It's done!

See? It's cool and cute!

Isn't it hip? Very hip!

When you wake up next time,
you'll be in paradise!

Help me!

Let me out!



Take this!



Take this!



I'll let you out soon.


Who in the world are you?

People call me...

Summer Sister!

I'm Natsuki Koyama!

Who the heck is that? Don't get in my way!

That's my line! Don't ruin our summer break!

Give Amane back to us!

No chance!

She can't survive in space
unless I modify her.

She's still too small and weak!

That's not true! Amane is strong!

Wh... What the?

She's mature and decent.

But that's what bothered me a bit!

I wanted her to rely on me like before.

It made me sad that she acted
like she didn't need me anymore!

I knew Amane was strong, but...

I wanted her to stay weak and
depend on me a little longer...

so that I could still be her hero!

But that's totally wrong!
I've finally realized that!

What the heck you are talking about?

I understand!

I understand, Natsuki!

Thank you!

Out of the way.

I'll get you next time.

Hurry up and do it!


Hey, stop it!

I, too, am...



Way to go, Noriko!

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry we didn't come sooner!
I'm sorry we put you through that all alone!

I'm sorry I let Pyon-Kichi run away!

I'll forgive you because Natsuki is my hero.

I'll fix your hair for you.

Yes, please!



It's Pyon-Kichi, isn't it?

Why are you here?

Lucky you! Pyon-Kichi, let's go home!











This feels good.

A new star is born.

I'll put it in the record.

Ah! The police are here.

What will happen to Neppo and his g*ng?

He committed a crime.
They will be punished accordingly.

Now, let's go back to Earth.

Yeah, let's go home.


Let's go home.

We won't make it back in time,
but we'll all get in trouble together.


We'll make it.


But we only have half an hour...

We'll be fine.

Everyone will cooperate.

What? Are we gonna give up?


Please clear the orbit.

The group from Murakawa Village Grade
School will be passing through.

We are stopping for our new star.

That's right! Open up the super speed space!

That's a big help, Duke of Mahal.

Mr. Goba! Tony!

Thank you!

Thank you for everything.

No problem. I had fun, too!

Take care!

You, too!

Have a safe trip!

Thank you so much!

Let's see... what do we do now?

You would be welcomed at the Center.
We're always short on staff.

I can't!

Thank you, Ink.

Thank you. We got great exposure.

See you again.


See you again.

See you again! Take care!


Someday, when I am a big
enough man to accept myself,

will you allow me to come see you again?

Can you come to Earth?

I'll come secretly.

I'll be waiting!


Hey, you! What are you doing to Amane?

I'm not doing anything!

Then, how come you're blushing?

You're the one blushing.

I'm innocent!

Thank you, Pochi.


Stop! Please stop. It makes me...


Natsuki! Don't check out my butt!

We totally left them
alone. I hope they're OK.

They should be fine. Kiyoshi is with them

Noriko gets mad if we stick
our nose in too much.

Oh, dear. Is that how she is?

Noriko is a perv! Perv!

What are you doing over there?


Did something happen?

No. Nothing.

But... it was fun, wasn't it?


Sis, look!

Ah. It's just a UFO.

Dad, do you have any books about astronauts?

I believe we have one in the shed.

Can I see it when we get home?


I wanna become a doctor.

I knew that.

What a beautiful day!

We're going to the school.

What's going on?

We're gonna play together.

They are all so close.

Here we go!


I'll go fast!

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