Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea (2013)

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Detective Conan Movie 17: Private Eye in the Distant Sea (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

It can't be! That's a...

This is serious!

This is an urgent call from
Kurata to the Wakasa Coast Guard!

While on patrol, I found a boat
packed with expl*sives set

to self-destruct by the rock-face
near the fourth district!

And now for the news.

The suspicious boat spotted
in Maizuru Bay by the Coast Guard...

...contained data and
components not found in Japan...

This is Maizuru Bay, isn't it?


Did something happen?

What is it?

A suspicious boat was spotted
on the coast this morning.

What's a suspicious boat?

Hey, brats! Move up, don't
leave a gap in the line!


Come on, Dad!

You're the adult here, you're
supposed to be watching the kids!

Oh, shut up.

I'm only here because you said
somebody needed to come with you.

But it's so rare to get a chance
to go aboard an Aegis Destroyer!

Getting tickets for one is ten
times harder than for other ships!

If only you used that luck with the horses.


Geez, the old man's rude
wherever he goes...

What is an Aegis Destroyer anyway?


Aegis Destroyers are warships fitted with a
weapons system developed by the US Navy!

They're really strong warships!


That's a pretty simple description.

Are you even interested
in warships, Ayumi-chan?


But I love the sea, and
we did win the tickets.

That's right!

It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

So just forget about horses for now, Dad!

So just forget about horses for now, Dad!
- This transmission...

Okay. Okay!


I gotta go to the toilet.

Well, be quick.

We'll be boarding soon.


What's up, Doc?

Oh, I just wanted to see if your
new satellite phone was working.

We're not out at sea yet,
we haven't even boarded the ship.

Huh, they must really
be taking a long time.

Yeah, they probably increased
the security checks...

...with the commotion about
the suspicious boat today.

I see...

Even though you made it
just for the trip, I might... better off not using
the satellite phone.

By the way, did that
meeting in Osaka go well?

Yeah, thanks to Ai-kun's help.

She played a large part in it.

I see. Then how about we meet up
after the public exercises are over?

I better get back to the line-

By the way!

The kids must be getting bored,
waiting so long.

No, not really...

All right, here's a quiz for them!

That's why you called me, huh?

The 'Aegis' in 'Aegis Destroyer' comes from
the name of the shield to drive away evil

that Zeus gave to his daughter Athena
in Greek myth, as I'm sure you know.

When Zeus fought the demonic
Hydra, its sharp fangs are said...

to have bit him everywhere on his body.

However, there was one place
he wasn't bitten.

Where do you think it was?

And that's that.

The doc really wanted me
to have you answer it.

Wait, Conan-kun, when did
you talk to the doctor?

Huh? Oh, when I was just in the toilet.

Hey, Conan-kun, I can't solve it.

Me neither!

What's the answer?

The answer is number four - his back.

How come?

It's the 'god's back' [kami no koshi],
so it 'wasn't bitten' [kami nokoshi].

Just another pun, huh?!

Would the next group please get their
winning postcard ready and come forward.

Oh, our turn's finally here!


I'm tired of waiting!

Hey! Don't run!

Please open any hand luggage
you may have so it can be checked...

...and place it in front
of one of the inspectors.

Also, mobile phones are not allowed aboard,
so we will hold onto them for you here.

Aegis Destroyer Hotaka

Thank you for joining us on these public
exercises aboard an Aegis Destroyer.

My name is lnoue, and I'll be your guide today.
Lt.Com. Fumitada lnoue - Chief Navigator of the Hotaka

It's a pleasure to have you here.

I'll start by explaining the details
for today's sailing experience.

First, please look at the
map on the front monitor.

You're free to look around
the sections marked in red.

However, please avoid going into
any other corridors and rooms.

You'll find further details on
the pamphlets in front of you.

Next, I'll talk about the
schedule for today...



What time is it?

Let's see...

Ran-neechan, where's your watch?

It broke, so I sent it to be repaired.

I'd been using my mobile phone
in the meantime, but...

You can't because it was confiscated.

If you want to, you can use my watch.

Huh? But what about you, Mitsuhiko-kun?

My digital camera has a
clock, so I'll be fine. it? You must pay attention to
the time when you're aboard a ship.

You heard him.

Why say no?


Thank you, then, Mitsuhiko-kun.


It's completely waterproof, so you don't
have to worry about the sea breeze.

And it's a radio clock,
so it's very accurate.

What's a radio clock?

You don't know?

It's a clock that sets itself
several times a day...

...according to radio signals
transmitting the correct time.


Incidentally, that one sets
itself at 5:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

Where do the signals come from?

Uh, well...

Around here, it'd probably be
the transmitter in Fukushima.


You sure know a lot, don't you, Conan-kun?

O-Oh, I heard about it from

Huh? What's that?!


What's that creepy sound?

What? What happened?

Please calm down.

Everything's fine.


The sound you just heard was
made by our pumping system...

...letting in a large amount of sea water.

Hey, Dad!

Oh, and...

It seems the pump valve in your
mouth came loose, so be careful.

Oh, sorry, sorry.


Sit down, I'm begging you!


But would a pumping system
really make a sound like that?

I'm Shin'ichi Kudo,
a high school detective.

While at an amusement park with my
childhood friend and classmate, Ran Mouri,

I witnessed a suspicious deal involving
a man in black.

I was so focused on
watching the deal, I didn't realize...

...his partner was sneaking up
from behind me.

He forced me to consume poison,
and when I came to... body had shrunk!

If those men learned that Shin'ichi Kudo
was still alive,

they'd come back to finish me off,
endangering everyone around me.

At Dr. Agasa's suggestion,
I hid my identity.

and when Ran asked my name,
I blurted out 'Conan Edogawa'.

To find out more about those guys, I ended up
living with Ran and her detective father.

These are my classmates now...




They formed the Detective Boys, and
forced me to join.

And this old man is Kogoro Mouri.

I don't have to explain that, right?

These two gadgets were made by Dr. Agasa.

He makes all sorts of unique gadgets
for my vertically challenged body.

The Instant Football Belt.

When you press the button on the buckle,
a ball pops out - pretty nifty.

And the main focus this time is on
this watch, and its new functions.

It has a satellite phone, and
USB memory built-in.

Now that's it's powered up, it's really nifty!

By the way, there's somebody other than
the doc who knows my identity.

Ai Haibara.

Real name: Shiho Miyano.

She used to be with the men in black.

but to get away from them,
she took the same drug...

...that'd been forced on me,
and ended up shrinking.

Haibara came to live with the doc, and joined
me as a first-year primary school student.

My body shrunk, but my mind didn't!

I'm still an undefeated great detective!

There's always only one truth!

Prepare for anti-air combat drill!

All parameters have been set.

This ship will now enter anti-air combat.

All hands, hurry to your positions!

If you have with children with you,
please come to the front.

We will now perform a publicly observed combat drill.

Keep a close eye on the sky!

This is the heart of an Aegis Destroyer, the CIC.

This is the heart of an Aegis Destroyer, the CIC.
- Anti-air radar ready!

This is the heart of an Aegis Destroyer, the CIC.
- SPY detected a target! 40°, 70 miles.

This is the heart of an Aegis Destroyer, the CIC.
- SPY detected a target! 40°, 70 miles.

- Target #1 approaching!

Is it coming here?

That's just how it's set up...

I see.

Oh... Don't scare me like that.

They seem to be taking it quite lightly...

Yeah, they're not acting too well...

Ain't that because this is the real thing?

Target two is heading straight for us.

Target two is determined to be a threat.

Prepare to attack immediately!

Anti-air combat drill target designated by CIC.

Begin attack!

Prepare the main g*n!

Prepare to fire the Mark 45 Mod 4.

Remote aiming at target two complete.

The target has entered the firing range.

Prepare to fire!

Begin firing procedure!


Huh, it's just images on a screen...?

Come on, Dad...

Even just watching a screen in here
is impressive...

This is an Aegis Destroyer's most confidential room...

it's the first time civilians have been allowed to be here.

I guess it does give off that feel of secrecy...

Target two hit.

It's like some sort of game!

Target two hit confirmed.

Do you think they'll let us have a go too?

Not in a million years.

He's right! It may look easy, but...
Hey, hey, not you guys too...

Ready to fire!


a*t*matic mode!

Mark intercepted!

Following target one's movements!

Target #1 hit!

What happened, did it hit?

Yes, with that, all of the enemies were shot down.

Wasn't that great?


It's already over?

I couldn't quite tell what was going on...

That's all for-

That's all for-
- There's a sonar response! Nationality unknown!

That's all for-
- There's a sonar response! Nationality unknown!

Beginning search for target alpha!

It's heading straight for us!

Target Alpha!

Direction: 5°.

Distance: 8000!

This is the CIC!

Target Alpha detected! Direction: 5°.
Distance: 8000!

Did you say Target Alpha?!


This is your captain, Tateishi.

Begin search with all radars.
Capt. Yukio Tateishi - Captain of the Hotaka

I'll head to the CIC.
Capt. Yukio Tateishi - Captain of the Hotaka

I'll head to the CIC.

I'll come with you.

I'm going to the CIC.

I leave the vice-captain in command of the bridge.

Target Alpha is ignoring communications
and is heading towards us!


Be ready for any change in course or speed
from the target!

Be ready for any attack from the target.

It is not an animal or a natural phenomenon!

No response to IFF signals!

It's a submerged, non-allied ship!

Start the Nixie! Stop the ship!

Full speed astern! Hard a-port!

Point the bow at the target.


Full speed astern!

Hard a-port! Pivot by 90°!

Did the ship actually stop?

Looks like the performance suddenly
got a lot more realistic!

Yeah, it's really intense.

Prepare for anti-submarine combat!
Send out a caution signal!


Signal ready.

Warning signal fired!

Showing it on the 3rd main monitor!


That was so cool!


Wasn't that cool?

I wonder if that light was the real thing?

No way...!

Prepare for anti-submarine combat!

Red alert!

Aye. sir!

The ship may shake slightly, so...

Check for data regarding if any
nearby submarines changed course.

Did something happen?

This is just training, right?

Of course it is!

They just finally spiced it up a bit!

No, this might actually be...

The echo is dull.

What's the situation?

The image quality isn't clear.

It's not good enough for detection.

Stop the SPY!

Confirm target with the SH-60K!

Target still approaching!

Distance: 3,200 metres!

We'll be in the target's torpedo range soon!


Still no response from the target?

Nothing yet.

Target still approaching!

Distance: 3,100 metres!

Only 100 metres left before we're in torpedo range!


What should we do?

All hands, prepare for an ambush!

Hold on, Captain!

If you do that...

We might start a w*r.

Target speed: 60! Distance: 3,000!

We're in the target's firing range!

Maintain a distance of 3,000 metres
from the target.

Start the engines at full speed!


Starting engines at full speed!

Engines at full speed! Full speed ahead!

It feels so tense in here!

It's even better than a game!

It's a bit scary.

It's no surprise that they're scared.

This Aegis Destroyer...

...really is being att*cked!

No response from the target.

Approaching at a 40° angle from the left.

I want to see the enemy.
Prepare light torpedoes!

Light torpedoes ready!

Engines to full power! Hard a-port!

Anti-submarine light torpedoes ready!

CIC to the bridge, engines to full power!
Hard a-port!

Full speed ahead! Hard a-port!

Hard a-port!

This is the left torpedo launcher.

Anti-submarine torpedo loaded!

Launch torpedo!

Fire an anti-submarine light torpedo!

We'll have a clear visual soon!
Showing it on the 3rd monitor!

Shock-wave incoming!

The ship will shake slightly.

Make sure to keep an eye on your children!

Hey, are you guys okay?


That shake was awesome!

It was so cool!

Huh? That kid doesn't have any adult
with him.

What's that?!

A submarine?

No, that's not it.

A fishing boat?

A shipwreck?

Is that...

No risk of expl*si*n.

It's a shipwreck drifting with the tide...

Cease use of anti-submarine weapons!

Cease use of anti-submarine weapons!

Now returning to the route planned
for the public exercises.

I repeat, now returning to the route
planned for the public exercises.

Is it over?

Yes, that's the end of the anti-air
and anti-submarine combat training.

Wasn't that amazing?


I thought it was a real fight!

I even forgot I was hungry!

If you can really call that training,
that is...

Well then, please enjoy looking around the bow.


Isn't the SDF cool?

I want to try on an SDF uniform!

It's so cool!

Conan-kun, hurry up, hurry up!

This Aegis Destroyer's really big!

I wonder how big it really is.

We saw it being fired on that video earlier.

Conan-kun, let's take a photo
with all of us together!


Over here!

Let's go, Yuuki.

Come on, take my hand, Yuuki.

Come on, take my hand, Yuuki.
- Unless I'm mistaken, that kid...


Is your name Yuuki-kun?

Huh? Yeah.

What a relief, huh?

You managed to find your dad!

What do you mean, little kid?

You weren't with him
when the ship shook, right?

I was worried about him.

Oh, that must've been when I was in the toilet.

Oh, so that's what happened...

So you were all alone then, right?

Well then, let's have a look at the
other side, Yuuki.


Even if he was in the toilet,
he should've felt a shake that big.

But even after the drill in
the CIC ended, he didn't show himself...

...until the free time on the deck
had already begun.

I wonder...


Don't go wandering off!


You vanish as soon as I take my eyes off you!

I'm sorry...

A female SDF member on an Aegis Destroyer?

Hey, brat!

Are you really sorry?

Oh, how cool!


It's a female SDF member!


It's rare to see female SDF members,
so let's get a group photo with her!

It's true!

She's beautiful!

Let's do it, let's do it!


Miss SDF member, can we take a photo
with you?

A-A photo?
Nanami Fujii - Captain

What a beauty!
Nanami Fujii - Captain

A great detective and a beautiful
SDF member. Miracles can happen!


No, divine devotee to the SDF, please pay no
mind to the bad manners of these children.

Hey, Dad!

What? I was about to ask her if we could
take a photo with her!

You don't have to get that close to her to do it!

Mitsuhiko, can I borrow your camera?

Huh? Okay.


Okay, everyone look this way!

But I don't...

It's all right to use a camera, right?

Just look around!

Take a picture of us this time!

Am I doing the salute right?

Well, I guess you're right...

All right!

I'll go next to her!

I want to be next to her!

Me too, me too!

Conan-kun, are you okay with
not being in the photo?

It's fine.

Anyway, you should move closer too,


Okay, I'm taking it!

Oh, sorry...

One more time!


Hey, do you know how to take a photo?

Yeah, but it was set up wrong.

Okay, now it's perfect!

Okay, this time...

Say 'Aegis'!


How was it?

Did you take it?

Yup! It was perfect this time.

Let me see, let me see!

Thank you.

It was nothing. Anyway, I better be goin-
- Lemme see!

It was nothing. Anyway, I better be goin-
- I wanna see!


Miss SDF member...

What is it?

What kind of job do you do here?


I cook everyone's meals.

I see...

She's lying.

Her rank insignia is that of a captain.

She has the same rank as the captain of an
Aegis Destroyer.

Excuse me, but I have work to do,
so I have to leave now.

Thanks a lot!

Oh, let me give you my business card!

Sorry about this.

Don't mind him, head back to work.

What's with these flashy cards?

Good job, brat!

Wait for me!

You beautiful lady!

What a disgrace...

Sorry, Sonoko, could you hold these
for a second?

What's with these ugly cards?!

He had them made recently, saying he
wants to stand out at every crime scene.

But I think he's missing the point a bit...

Mitsuhiko, can I borrow your camera again?

All right.


Give these cards to Ran-neechan.


I've got to go to the toilet.



What's he gonna take a photo of
in the toilet?

By the way, Ai-kun...

What is it?

I wonder if the kids liked the riddle
I gave them earlier.

They'd like it as long as the answer
wasn't number four, his back, right?



There's something I want you to investigate.

Oh, it's you, Shin'ichi?


You sent a photo to Ai-kun's phone?

Got it, I'll check it out right away.

By the way, did some kind of case happen?

No, there's just something that I'm
wondering about.

Did she get the photo?

Yeah, it was delivered fine.

It looks like a female SDF member.

But is this one photo really enough?

Yeah, I want you to look into what organization
that woman in the picture belongs to.

Only four percent of the JMSDF's personnel
are women,

and many of them are used in adverts,
so she shouldn't be hard to find.

Okay, got it.

Then we shouldn't have too much of a problem.

By the way, about the quiz earlier...

He hung up.

What a shame, huh?

A satellite transmission?

Whereabouts on the deck?

It's coming from the right side of the deck.

That's near the civilians.

Have it investigated.

Yes, sir!

This is a transmission from the CIC to all areas.


X couldn't be among the civilians,
could he?

Maybe the shipwreck earlier
was connected with X as well...


This radar could even be called the eyes of the Aegis.

You wouldn't know just by looking at it,
but this radar can cover over 400 km,

and identify over 200 objects at once.


It really is a great detective of the seas!

It's so cool!

That place...?!

That's where I just called the doc...

Did they find out about my
satellite communications?

Or perhaps...

The Aegis System is only given to countries
trusted by the US, who developed it.

And Japan were the first country it was awarded to.
- Yeah, got it.

And Japan were the first country it was awarded to.
- I guess I better report it in.

And Japan were the first country it was awarded to.
- I'm counting on you. I'll check out on the deck.

Now, my next topic is the helicopter
stationed at the stern: the SH-60K.

Wow! They've even got a helicopter!

Huh? What's wrong, Conan-kun?

Huh? What's wrong, Conan-kun?
- Whoa! How exciting!

Oh, I gotta go to the toilet.

Huh? Again?

Hold on, Conan-kun!


I'm going with you.

Oh, you don't have to!

Of course I do!

You vanish as soon as I take my eyes off you!

I don't-

You just did, remember?

Come on...

Let's go together.


I nearly got lost when I went to the toilet earlier too.

This destroyer's full of twists and turns...

This destroyer's full of twists and turns...
- Even though you're in high school?

This destroyer's full of twists and turns...
- Even though you're in high school?

That's right, she's not too good with directions...

Geez... How far away did you go?

Sorry, sorry! I forgot the way back here.

That's why I said I'd come with you.


Don't go wandering off by yourself again, okay?

Next time, you mightn't be able to find me.

It's fine!


No matter how lost I am,

you'll always manage to find me, right?

You're a great detective, after all!

It's cold!


Don't you worry!


I'll always find you, wherever you are.

That's for sure.


I thought this way led to the toilet...


Sorry, Conan-kun!
Looks like I got us lost...

Come on! Don't actually get us lost...

What was that scream just now?

Hey, Conan-kun!


Something terrible got sucked in!

Something terrible?

Hey! Don't tell me that's a...?!

You guys!

Could it be?!

Could it be?!
- This area's off-limits!

That's a human arm!
- This area's off-limits!

That's a human arm!
- We're very sorry, we got lost on the way to the toilet.

That's a human arm!
- We're very sorry, we got lost on the way to the toilet.

What a mess...
- We're very sorry, we got lost on the way to the toilet.

What should we do?!
- We're very sorry, we got lost on the way to the toilet.

For now, you better tell the Captain about this.
- We're very sorry, we got lost on the way to the toilet.

For now, you better tell the Captain about this.


Ran-neechan, let's tell Uncle Kogoro.

You're right.


Maybe you should consult my father?


It's a human arm that you have on
that table, isn't it?


My father's Kogoro Mouri.

Have you heard about him?

He's the great detective known as
'Sleeping Kogoro'.

Kaiho School

Yo! What's up, Kudo?

Huh, a corpse?!

Ya found a corpse aboard that Aegis Destroyer?

No, all that was found was a left arm.

But most likely...

The left arm was clothed in a JMSDF uniform.

So whoever was m*rder*d was in the JMSDF?

I don't know if it was a m*rder or an accident yet.

But whoever died was a Lieutenant.


'Kay, gotcha.

I'll go there right now.

I'll wait for your call.

Found ya!

Clubs have already started, you know?

I ain't got time.

Gotta go to Maizuru.



Hey. Heiji!

Nothing here.


We can't find any machine capable of
satellite transmission.

So they did find out about my transmissions...
- Keep checking the corners not covered by
surveillance cameras,

- X may be hiding in a corner somewhere.

Copy that.


Oh, crap!

What was that strange noise just now?

Shin'ichi hung up on me...

I wonder if something happened...

And just when we were about to tell him
what he asked us for...

We must've just imagined it.


It was nothing.

We'll keep looking.

That was close!

Well, this is an Aegis Destroyer.
Top-notch security indeed.

But I better find a different
transmission method...

I'll be caught right away if I use that
without permission.

That mark...

It's the mark signifying a strong magnetic field!

This room should do...

I'm the captain, Tateishi.

You must be Mouri-san.

And the one and only great detective,
'Sleeping Kogoro'.

I heard about you from Capt. Sekiguchi.

I heard about you from Capt. Sekiguchi.
Capt. Makoto Sekiguchi - Wakasa Military Police

I'm Sekiguchi, from the Military Police.
Capt. Makoto Sekiguchi - Wakasa Military Police

I'm Sekiguchi, from the Military Police.

The Military Police are the internal police
of the military, right?


I see.

So, this is the dismembered part of
a corpse you mentioned?


Here it is.

I see...

It doesn't seem to have been removed
using a sharp blade.

Also, the wound shows no signs of life.

Then you're saying it was severed


Where was this arm found?

In the pumping system's filter.

Wasn't the pumping system what we...?

The sound you just heard was made by our pumping
system letting in a large amount of sea water.

So that's what happened when we heard that sound...!

Sometimes, when leaving Maizuru Harbor,
large pieces of debris...

...carried by the ocean current
are sucked up.

This arm must've got stuck in the filter at that time.

What do you mean by 'the filter'?

It's a net placed in the pump gate
to stop large pieces of debris,

fish, shells and so on from getting
in when we draw in sea water.

So how did this end up here?

When a piece of debris obstructs the
filter, we collect it to find out what it is.

It's typically a large piece of seaweed
or a plastic bag.

By the way, do you have any idea
who this arm belongs to?

You do, don't you?

Who is it, Capt. Tateishi?

Judging from the rank markings
on the cuff and the wristwatch,

I think it's Lt. Sasaura from the Wakasa base.

When I asked the base to check, they told me
they didn't know the whereabouts of Lt. Sasaura.

Then you're probably right.

His watch stopped at 5:30 AM.

How can you tell that it's AM?

Look at the position of the calendar.

You can still see a part of yesterday's date,

so it had to have been in the morning.

Sasaura-san was one of the people who
normally boards this Aegis Destroyer, right?

He sometimes comes aboard, but he
wasn't planned to be in today's shift.

You started the pumping system
when we left Maizuru Harbor, right?


I think this left arm got severed
by the pump gate at that time.

I see.

So at the time, his body was already
drifting in the sea, near Maizuru Harbor.

Then, the pumping system activated, and
his body was sucked in with the sea water.

But his body got caught at the entrance, and
only his left arm made it as far as the filter.

Am I right?


I believe you're correct.

And when do we get back to the harbor?

We plan to return at 5:30 PM.

This doesn't look good.

Looking at his arm, it needs to be taken
for an autopsy soon...

Oh, yeah!

There's a helicopter on this ship!

Wow, amazing!

This is where you drive the ship!


Hey, brat, don't stick your nose
where it doesn't belong!

I heard your voice while looking for
the helicopter, Uncle!


I see...

We can take the arm to shore immediately
with the helicopter.

But the passengers might notice
if we send out the helicopter.

This isn't the time to be worrying
about that!


If the civilians find out about this,
it may cause a panic.

I wish I could see the helicopter flying!

Like when you showed us the cannon before!

If you pretend you're doing a demonstration
like you did earlier and make the helicopter fly...

You're right!

We can avoid exposure that way!

Captain Tateishi.

There's no time to waste.


I'll get the helicopter ready straight away.

Tokyo Police HQ

Tokyo Police HQ

Tokyo Police HQ
On an Aegis Destroyer?

Got it.

We'll contact the Kyoto Police right away.

And we'll head there too as soon as
we get authorization to come aboard.

Please do.

There's a chance that the k*ller's
still aboard this Aegis Destroyer.

First of all, I'm counting on you
to investigate this left arm.

And now we'll show a demonstration
of the helicopter taking off.

It can be dangerous to get any closer,
so please stay behind the barrier.


Somehow, we made it in time.


What's wrong?

Did you lose your dad again?

You were alone before too.

Are you okay?

Where are your parents?

His father's supposed to be here,
but it seems he got lost.

Is that so...

Your name was Yuuki-kun, right?


Then you stay with him, Conan-kun.

I'll talk to an SDF member about
Yuuki-kun's situation.

Stop! If you do that...

If I do that...?

I'm fine.

I'm fine!

Hold on, Yuuki-kun!

Here, these fell out.

What kind of medicine is it?

It's for hives.

It stops me itching.

Do you have problems often?

I can't drink things with milk.

Oh, food allergies.

Wait, Yuuki-kun!

Dad told me...

"You'll be strong!

That's why I named you 'Yuuki' [courage]."

So I'm fine!


So that's where you were!

Are you his father?


Great. It seems he got lost...

Sorry for the bother.

See, that's what happens
when you wander off on your own.

Hey, aren't we in Maizuru now?


But first, we gotta get some Intel nearby.

What's with all those people?

To think something like that happened
on that Aegis Destroyer...

I was surprised too, to be honest.

There's a lot of noise. What's going on?

Oh, I'm in hiding so my satellite transmissions
don't get traced.

Then let me adjust some things to avoid tracing.

So, what about that SDF lady?

I searched, but I couldn't find any
SDF member that looks like her.

Heiji, what is it?

Don't worry, just wait for me here.

Wait, Heiji!

He doesn't have any left arm!

Did you call the police?

They're coming now.

A corpse without a left arm?

A lieutenant's stripes.

There's no doubt then.

It's the body of Sasaura-san,
the guy Kudo was talkin' about.

Hmm? Is that blood?

No, it ain't blood.

Then what is it?

You can't, you can't!

What is it, kid?

You can't touch or move the body until the police arrive!

I'm Megure from the Tokyo Police.

We came on board along with these
people from the Wakasa Coast Guard.

Welcome. I'm Tateishi, the Captain.

I'm Sato.

I'm Takagi.

I'm Kurata from the Security Department.
Masaaki Kurata - Wakasa Coast Guard Security Dept.

I'm Kurata from the Security Department.
Masaaki Kurata - Wakasa Coast Guard Security Dept.

I'm Munekawa from Criminal Affairs.
Tsutomu Munekawa - Wakasa Coast Guard Criminal Affairs

Let's talk inside.



At the shipyard in Wakasa Bay?


I'm pretty sure.

The body has the same rank and
missin'' body part.

That means Sasaura-san got his arm swallowed
by the Aegis Destroyer at Maizuru Harbor...

...and then his corpse drifted here.

It drifted...? But how?

Wouldn't it have drifted on the ocean currents?

Is there even a current going that way?

Well, I'll check into that.

Along with the substance I found on his body.


Yeah. I don't know what it is, but
there was a red substance on his neck.

A red substance...

Hattori, meet up with Dr. Agasa.

Chow time!


Navy curry is so good!

It's the best curry I've ever had!

Right, it's really good!


Maybe I'm just over-thinking this.

I wish I could cook curry like this!

Yes, yes, it's really nice!


Why don't you call him saying 'I cooked
you some delicious curry, so hurry back!'

Don't be stupid. He won't come back
just for curry.

She's right-

I'll go call him.

Now you've got it!

No, it's not that.

I just have something I want to tell Shin'ichi.

Yeah, yeah. See ya!

What does she want to tell me?

Oh no, she's gonna call me!

Conan-kun, where are you going?

To the toilet.


I'll be back soon!

That's my deduction and everything we know
so far.

I see.

So there hasn't been a thorough
investigation yet due to the public exercises.


Where are the civilians now?

Eating lunch in the cafeteria.

Then now would be the perfect time to
investigate the areas open to the public.

But I heard that Lt. Sasaura's body was
found at a shipyard in Wakasa Bay.

Do we need a thorough investigation?

Just to make sure.

There's still the possibility that he got
sucked into the pump gate before departing.


I'll guide you around.

That you, Ran?

How did you know it's me?

Never mind that, just tell me what's up.

Never mind? But...

Well, Shin'ichi, at the moment...'re aboard an Aegis Destroyer, right?

You're really lucky. I'd like to ride on one too!

Wait, how did you know?

Didn't I tell you before?

I can find you no matter where you are.


Oh, I get it!

It was Conan-kun!

He told you over the phone!


Don't worry.

I'll finish up the case soon.

Don't say things you don't mean
when you're that far away.

What about it?

You don't feel safe if I'm not with you
or something?

What are you talking about?

That makes no sense!

That's the spirit!

See ya!

Do your best!


Though I'm actually pretty close to you.


It seems Inspector Megure's group
found it on the deck.

Where on the deck?

I don't know that...

Anyway, let's hurry.

Did they find something on the deck?

Over here!

Yes, right here.

Sasaura-san's mobile phone was on these
m*ssile launchers.

Where exactly?

In this gap.

Let me see.

When was it last used?

The last e-mail was yesterday after 9 PM.

And the last call was this morning at 5:30.

That's when his wristwatch stopped.

It's also his estimated time of death.

According to the autopsy, Sasaura-san
died this morning between 4 and 6.

In other words, Sasaura-san was
aboard this Aegis Destroyer until then.

Did you find out the cause of death?



So are you saying Sasaura-san fell
from this Aegis Destroyer at 5:30 AM?

It seems so.

I see, I got it!

At 5:30 this morning, Sasaura-san was
fighting with someone right here.

That's when he dropped his phone.

Then, Sasaura-san ran away, but was
probably trapped somewhere nearby.

And then he was pushed into the sea.

If you're right, it's a homicide.

Then Sasaura-san's body was
swallowed by the ship's pump gate...

...and got stuck in there
before the departure.


Then the ship's pumping system was started
again after they left Maizuru Harbor...

...severing Sasaura-san's arm.

Then, his body drifting in the sea was
taken to Wakasa Bay by the ocean current.

Thinking about it, the fact that
his phone is here also-

This phone has the micro-SD card slot open!

I don't remember it being open earlier.

Does it have a card in there?


Could the k*ller have taken it?

So the k*ller m*rder*d Sasaura-san in order
to steal the data card from his phone!

Damn, I can't see the phone from here...

I guess I'll have to get closer.

I won't let you get away!

What is it, Mouri-kun?

No, it's nothing...



It's broken!

What happened?


The Captain's quarters?

That's a micro-SD card!


So this really is the data...

I'll be in my room.

Call me as soon as you find out something.

Oh, Captain!

Can I take a photo with you?

Kid, this area is off-limits, so how
about we take the photo over there?


Figures - she removed the data card.

But she didn't have time to completely delete
the data she extracted on this computer.

So where is the phone now?

In the meeting room.

And the Tokyo Police?

They're inspecting the contents of the phone.

They're inspecting the contents of the phone.
- Why is the Captain here?

They're inspecting the contents of the phone.
- Why is the Captain here?

Oh, crap.

That voice was...

Did she figure it out?

If only I had more time...!

Don't move!

He got me!

Damn, I didn't manage to copy everything.

Why would X be interested in this data now...?


That reminds me...

We couldn't find any traces of X either.


Anyway, I better get out of here as soon as
possible, and send what I could copy to the doc.

No, wait.

If I make a satellite transmission
here, I might find out who she is.

I'm getting satellite signals again!

They're coming from the Captain's quarters!


The Captain's in a meeting now.

Could it be X?

Go confirm the Captain's whereabouts!


This is a problem.

There's important data in the Captain's quarters.

Download complete.

What did Shin'ichi send us this time?

Who knows?

But since it's from Kudo-kun,
I suppose he wants us to investigate it.

Oh, we've arrived in Kyoto!

Don't move!

What are you doing here?

You don't need to know.

Captain Fujii.

Was it you?

Captain, I'll explain later.

Oh, it's you!

Who is she?

It's okay.

Please get out.



We came here because a suspicious
transmission was detected!

Yes, and when we arrived, she was here.

I think we have the right to ask your identity.

I'm sorry, but we can't reveal her identity
to outsiders.


Are you joking!

They're right!

Be it the police or the Coast Guard, we're all
partners investigating this case, aren't we?

Ah! It's the SDF lady!

You're wandering around again?!

A friend told me it's very rare for an SDF
lady to be aboard an Aegis Destroyer.

That's enough from you...

He's right!

Are female SDF officers even allowed
to be on board an Aegis Destroyer?


There are recent plans that allow female
SDF officers aboard Aegis Destroyers too.

So she's here to guide civilians around...

I see. That explains it.

Huh? But she said earlier that she was
in charge of cooking!

Ah, that's right.

How do you explain that?


If you keep acting like this, we'll have no choice
but to assume Sasaura-san's k*ller is one of you.


We'll cooperate as much as we can.


Since things turned out this way,
maybe we should tell them...


I'm a member of Intelligence Security Command.

Intelligence Security Command?

The one that reports directly to the Minister of Defense?


Our job is to manage the SDF's information
and to keep track of missing SDF members.

But why is a Intelligence Security Command
member on this Aegis Destroyer?

Oh! It's because of the suspicious
boat found this morning, isn't it?


We think it might be a spy ship from a certain country.

There was an antenna for wireless communication,
as well as bombs planted to blow it up.

You sure know a lot about it.

I was the one who found that suspicious boat.

That's why I was put on this investigation.

Since the suspicious boat was found near Maizuru
Harbor, where this Aegis Destroyer was anchored,

we believe a spy might be on board.

A spy?

Yes. In our investigations, we named him 'X'.


What's the spy's goal?

We believe he is trying to obtain
classified intel on Aegis Destroyers.


What would happen if that intel leaked out?

We'd lose a lot of trust with the US,
who provided the Aegis system.

But more importantly, if the routes
of the Aegis Destroyers leak out,

then japan's line of defense would be
known by everybody.

We'd be defenseless to military aggression
from other countries.

In other words, it would cause a national crisis.

Can I presume then that the victim,
Sasaura-san, knew about the spy?


He knew about it because of his job.

His job?

What was Sasaura-san's job?

As a Lieutenant, he was part of management, right?

Lt. Sasaura was the Director of
Intelligence for the Wakasa JMSDF base.

Director of Intelligence?

His duty was to safeguard information
on Aegis Destroyers.

And so he was m*rder*d by X, who
wanted to steal that information!

So whoever took the data card from
Sasaura-san's phone is X?

No doubt about that.

No doubt about that.
- No, she took the card out...

No doubt about that.
- No, she took the card out...

But why is she keeping silent about it?

Excuse me, please let us through.

Sorry, but we have to inspect the
communication tools in this room.

We will also have to inspect your belongings...

We will also have to inspect your belongings...
- Crap!

... so don't leave the room.
- Crap!

Hey, Uncle!


I forgot I ordered an extra portion of curry.


Geez, what are you doing here in the first place?!

Hurry up and get out!


Nice, old man!


Hattori, can you hear me?

Yes, I met up with Dr. Agasa.

Did you find out anything about the red substance?

We're examinin' it now.

Hold on.

Though, bein' able to do an examination
like this in a car is pretty awesome!

Well, Ai-kun was a scientist, after all.

A scientist?

What are you blabberin' about? She's just a little kid.

Don't mind her age.

Got it. This is it.


Anti-fouling paint.

A special paint used for ships.

Ship paint?

Can you check if that paint is from this Aegis Destroyer?

Got it. I'll get the little lady to check it now.

The little lady?

Oh, and about the ocean currents...

There wasn't any current that could've brought
Sasaura-san's body from Maizuru Harbor to Wakasa Bay.

So how'd the body end up in Wakasa Bay?

Oh, and what about the data I sent you?

Oh, that?

Kudo wants to ask you somethin' about the data you got earlier.

Shin'ichi, it looks like it's a piece of
data about the Aegis Destroyers.

I knew it.

And there are some records showing it was
copied from a certain company's cloud.

By cloud, you mean a service to store data
on the Internet?

Yes. If we can crack the ID and password, we should
be able to get the original data from the cloud.

I see---

That means that Sasaura-san first store
the Aegls data on an online cloud service.

And later, he copied it to the data card in his phone.

But storing Aegis data on a cloud
service aimed for public usage?

Why would Sasaura-san do something like that?

Doc, please use Sasaura-san's ID to access the data
on the cloud and send it to the captain's room.

But how-

It's okay.

I just used it, and I remember the e-mail address...

I'm counting on you.

Sorry to ask you this right when you get here, but could
you please tell us the results of your investigation.

Of course.


Before coming here, we investigated...

...Sasaura-han's last actions before his m*rder.
Kurumazaki & Fumimaro Ayanokoji - Kyoto Police Detective

At 5:30 this morning, Sasaura-han was seen waving
a Japanese flag on a cliff at Maizuru Harbor.

An employee from a sightseeing cruise witnessed it.

Why would Lt. Sasaura do such a thing?

We don't know...

But what happened yesterday is even more suspicious.

You interrogated Sasaura-han at the
Wakasa JMSDF base, right?


Why did you question Sasaura-han?

It's because...

You're still hiding things?!

Fujii-san, you can't even tell us?
We're part of the JMSDF too!

Unless we get approval from the Ministry of Defense...

That's enough! Sasaura-san was m*rder*d!

We can't help you if you don't tell us the truth...

He was part of your team, wasn't he?!
Your friend was mu-

That man was no friend of ours!

If you don't mind explaining...

What's this?

Why is the data about the Aegis Destroyers
being sent here...?



If you won't cooperate willingly,
then we'll have to force you.

What's this...?

It's being received under Sasaura-san's
ID from a cloud service, right?

Nice timing, Doc!


It couldn't be to show it to X
aboard this Aegis Destroyer, could it?

Hold on!

Storing data about Aegis Destroyers
on the Internet is a breach of protocol!

I see...

That's why you questioned Sasaura-han...

And that SDF lady knew about it too.

Where are you going?!

Hold on, we haven't fini-

Let go!

Unlike all of you, I work for the sake of this country!

With that way of thinking,you won't be able
to catch X, let alone protect your country.

Let's work together.

For Japan.

Data about Aegis Destroyers has been
being leaked from the Wakasa JMSDF base.

Not another word, Lt. Sekiguchi!

I was ordered to investigate it by Captain Fujii!

I thought so!

Was it Lt. Sasaura who leaked the
data about the Aegis Destroyers?


Where did he send the data about the
Aegis Destroyers to?

To a detective agency run by a man called
Takekawa, that ceased activity a few years ago.

A shell company?

The company was bought by a spy
who called himself 'Takekawa'.

It's a common technique used by spies in japan.

And Sasaura-san was sending the Intel
to this 'Takekawa', right?


The day after we discovered this fact,

we were informed by the Coast Guard that a
suspicious boat was found near Maizuru Harbor.

A suspicious boat happening to appear near Maizuru
Harbor, where this Aegis Destroyer was anchored...

It couldn't have been a coincidence.

And components from that country were found
in the boat.


When we heard that, we figured a spy from the
same country as Takekawa had arrived in japan.

Don't tell me...

It was X?!

We thought X might attempt to board
this Destroyer with Lt. Sasaura's help.

If so, it would likely be today, when the security
would be lowered due to the sailing experience.

Why didn't you say that in the first place?

An SDF member might've leaked information
about Aegis Destroyers to a foreign country spy.

Do you really think we could openly
talk about such a huge scandal?

We decided to investigate it on our
own until we could find out the truth.

So when I found his mobile phone on the deck...

Did one of the civilians lose this?

Why is this here?

It's Lt. Sasaura's phone...

Well then, let's begin our investigation on the deck...

You found it before I did?

Then Sasaura-san really did board this
Aegis Destroyer.

And was then m*rder*d by X...

Excuse me, I must contact the Ministry of Defense.

You were the source of the satellite transmissions?!

I apologise.

But since you started worrying about it, I've
been using it in the Degaussing chamber.

Phew, we must've almost bumped into each other...

Fujii speaking.

The police and Coast Guard found out about
the classified case we were investigating...

What? Takekawa?

Around two hours ago...


He was confirmed to have entered Kyoto.

- Right, I'll do so now. I'll be in contact.
They found Takekawa?!

The fact that Takekawa came from Tokyo to Kyoto means...

That he might be trying to meet
up with X, who's aboard this ship.

Where's Takekawa now?

Intelligence Security Command have
entered Kyoto and are searching for him.

Then where was he spotted two hours ago?

He turned up on a surveillance camera
in a hotel in Kyoto.

You have a photo of Takekawa, right?


We can track him with the N System,
Orbis, and outdoor surveillance cameras!

If that is your wish, the Kyoto
Prefectural Police offers its full support.

Please accept the help of the Coast Guard as well.

Please send the footage from all the cameras
to this Destroyer.

I see!

We can use the Aegis Destroyer Hotaka
to quickly analyze all the footage!

All right!

See, things worked out pretty well!

This is the footage from the cameras in Kyoto,
two hours ago.

I asked for footage from the cameras around the
hotel where Takekawa was spotted to be sent first.

A message from the Maizuru base!

After towing the shipwreck, they found components
from that country in the boat's structure.

I'm putting it on the main monitor.

It's from the same country as the ones on the suspicious boat...

But it's unthinkable for foreign ships to
be passing through Japanese waters...

In other words, this shipwreck approaching
us can't have been a coincidence.

Don't tell me...

Are you saying it's an act of terrorism using the tide?

No, that can't be.

This morning, before departure, we calculated the
tides and the routes of the boats in the nearby area,

and decided to change our planned route to the left.

It was changed this morning?

It was changed this morning...

So the route...

At 5:30 this morning, Sasaura-han was seen waving
a Japanese flag on a cliff at Maizuru Harbor...

Don't tell me that the reason for that was...

I'll just have to check!

This route change was decided this morning...

Without knowing about it, it would have been impossible
to targeting us so precisely with the shipwreck...


Who knew about the change of route?

Only people from the Wakasa base.

I see. So the spy couldn't have known about it.

Wait, kid! Kid!

Kid, you're coming here without permission again?

You can't!

What is it?

I'm so sorry... He just ran past me...

- Is that it?!
I'm so sorry... He just ran past me...

I'm so sorry... He just ran past me...


Don't come in here without permission!

Oh? This isn't mine!

Of course it's not!

How many times do I have to tell you-


You told us that only people from the Wakasa
base knew about the change of route, right?


Then Lt. Sasaura knew about it too.

Look at this signal flag!

In the darkness of early dawn, it wouldn't
be hard to mistake it for the Japanese flag.


I see!

Sasaura-san used this flag to send X a signal this morning!

A Signal?

What does that flag mean?

'Change of route to the left'.



X knew about the change of route.

Oh? I guess I didn't forget something in here...

I better get back to the cafeteria...

Of course it's not here!

Hold on, kid.


Target spotted!



It's a 93% match.

It has to be Takekawa!

Where is he?

Ponto Town Park, Kyoto.

Zooming in!

Ponto Town Park, right?

Yeah, hurry there!

If we don't hurry, they'll beat us there!

Stop badgerin' me!

Oh, and get a picture of Takekawa too.

A picture?


I'm counting on you.

He hung up...

Anyway, hurry up!

Here we go!


Conan-kun spotted!

Where did you go?
The treasure hunt's already started!

Target spotted!

Station on the Keihan Main Line.

That platform's for trains to Osaka, right?

Ah, he's getting in!

It's an express train!

So there won't be many stations it stops at.

I'll ask the Osaka Police to cooperate.

That boy's gone...

Osaka Police HQ

Osaka Police HQ
Please send all surveillance footage...

...from cameras at stations served
by express trains on the Keihan Main Line...

...between Gion-Shijo and
Yodoyabashi to this location.

The CIC of the Aegis Destroyer Hotaka?

I'm counting on you, Otaki.

It's urgent!

Yes, sir!

For this treasure hunt, we've
hidden five types of items around the...

...cafeteria and the
front half of the deck.

Try and find them all!

Found one!

Guys, I got one!



That's the third one.

So there's only two remaining.

Let's find them quickly and
get to the deck.

Ran, come help us!


The discovery of a suspicious boat...

The sudden switch into combat...

And Sasaura-san's death...

If they are all the work of that
country's spy,

We believe he is trying to obtain
classified Intel on Aegis Destroyers.


Can I ask you something?

Ponto Town Park

Something smells burnt.


This must be what Kudo asked us to find.

The police are here.

Found it, there it is!

Okay, report it in quickly!



You did a great job back then.

Huh? What do you mean?

Just who are you?

Just what kind of data can only
be obtained on this ship?

Is it data about situations like what would
happen if a submarine suddenly att*cks?

How do you know about...

That's what I thought...

Do you mean X sent us the shipwreck
to get this data?

Where can the data be accessed?

In the CIC we were just in...

...and in the captain's quarters.

That's it!

During the training, the captain came to
the CIC because of the sudden emergency.

So there was nobody in the captain's
quarters at the time.

I see.

So that's when X went into the
captain's quarters and stole the data!

Then X is that person!

Hold on!


That brat again?

I'm a bit worried, so I'm going after him.

W... Wait, Ran!

Wait, little boy!

Captain Fujii!

Takekawa entered Osaka!


Yes, at Yodoyabashi Station.


What Takekawa threw away is some kind of memo.

A memo?

Yeah. Most of it is burnt though, so I can't read it.

It seems Takekawa moved to
Yodoyabashi Station in Osaka.

Go after him!


Yuuki-kun. Yuuki-kun.

Amemiya-san? Amemiya-san!


Oh, it's you.

Hey, is Yuuki-kun okay?

Now that you mention it, where is Yuuki...

He told me he went to the toilet
because his eczema flared up.

Oh, his eczema.


When that happens, he has to wash his
hands and put on some salve, right?


So he's in the toilet...

Are you worried about Yuuki-kun?

Of course I am.

But when the boat shook,
you weren't with him...

I told you I was in the toilet!

No, you were in the captain's quarters.

You didn't react when I called you
Amemiya-san either.

And Yuuki-kun isn't carrying medical cream,
but pills.

And they're not for eczema,
but food allergies.

There's no way his father wouldn't know
something like that.

In other words, you're not Yuuki-kun's father.

Isn't that right?

Mr. Foreign Spy.

Who the hell are you?

Conan Edogawa...


You're just a kid.

What can you do?

You okay, kid?




My Dad'll be k*lled!

Damn it, old man...

This bit is the only part we can read.


What's that at the end?

If it's related to an Aegis Destroyer,
isn't it the bow of the boat?

And if it's about boats, isn't that an anchor?

No! The bottom half of an anchor sign is longer!

To put it simply, it looks more like an arrow.

An arrow?

Like an arrow telling you to look up at the sky?

The sky?

Oh, I got it!

Kazuha! That was a great idea!

A great idea?

Hey, pops, it's Senshu Airport!


This isn't an anchor or an arrow.

It's an airplane!

An airplane?

Is there even a Senshu Airport?

It's also known as Kansai International Airport...

Kansai Airport used to be called 'Senshu Airport'!

He told me that his father vanished
at Maizuru Harbor before departure...

...and he boarded the ship
with a man he didn't know.

He said he'd k*ll Dad if I didn't do what he said.

The man who wasn't with us in
the CIC during the training, right?

He had to be stealing the training
data from the captain's quarters.

Which means he's X.

Do you remember his face?


Will you help us?

I will!

I remember his face!

Then come with us to look at the
surveillance camera footage in the CIC.


Let's go.

Let's go, little boy.

Your dad told you why he named you
Yuuki [courage], didn't he?

So be brave and do your best.

Takekawa and X...

It seems we haven't been able to catch
either of them yet.

I see.

It's Kansai Airport!

There's a high chance Takekawa
went to Kansai Airport.


How do you know that?

Well, Hei-chan...

I mean, your son...



I tried to stop him but he's already heading there.

Toyama, set up an emergency deployment
at Kansai Airport.

Otaki, you meet up with the Kansai Airport police!

Don't let him get away!

Here it is...

And where did Takekawa go after that?

We last spotted him at Namba Station.
Nothing after that.

Is that so...

What about the eyewitness for X?

Conan-kun ended up helping us with that matter.

Okay, sit here and check the monitor.


How come he knows X?

Tell me if you see the man from before
on the monitor.


No, the footage is disappearing!


This is footage stored in the server room.

What is it?

Damn, he beat us to it.

Don't you have any other footage?

We can still monitor the real-time camera footage.

Switch to those, now!


Just hold on for a bit, kid.

I doubt X would screw up and expose
himself to a camera at this point.

The only thing we can do now is ask
Yuuki-kun about the routes X tended to use.

A message from the Osaka Police.

There's a high possibility that Takekawa's
headed for Kansai International Airport.


Is he planning to escape in a plane in plain sight?

We apologise, but we have to stop the
treasure hunt on the deck.

We will continue it in the cafeteria, so...

...please head back inside.
- Where did Conan-kun go?

...please head back inside.
- Where did Conan-kun go?

Sorry, the waves are getting rougher,
so please head back inside.

Have you seen a boy wearing glasses?

A lost kid?

No, it's not like that...

Then please get back inside...

We're sealing off the deck.


It seems Takekawa's heading to Kansai Airport.

I'm going to ask the Coast Guard base
at Kansai Airport for their cooperation.

lnoue-san, I leave the rest to you.


Now we just have to find X in this ship...

Your dad told you why he named you
Yuuki, didn't he?

So be brave and do your best.


I want to help catch the spy too!

Target spotted at Kansai Airport!

It's a 89% match!

The North Wing of the terminal.

This is footage from the surveillance
camera outside gate #3.

He's heading in the airport.

We'll be there soon, Yuuki-kun.

Excuse me, can I ask you something?

Yes. What is it?

Could it be... You're X-!

What is it, Yuuki?

Did you think I'd just let you go,
when you know my travel routes?

Stand up!

Hurry and stand up!

Geez, that Conan-kun!

Next time I find him, I'm never going
to let him go about freely again.

Huh? Is that Yuuki-kun and his dad?

Didn't they know the deck's off-limits?

Are you sure he's here?

Yes, Takekawa's definitely here.

Then we'll follow you after we park the car.

Okay, we'll go ahead.

Hey! Wait, Heiji!

Why are we here?

The police know Takekawa's face now.

He can't mix in with the regular passengers.

Where did you get this picture?

I made Otaki-han send it to me.

So the only way to board a plane
without exposing his face is... freight.

In other words, the only thing he can
do is hide in the international freight.

Hey, kid!

This place is dangerous, move it!


We're waiting here until the next patrol comes.

Got it?

If you stay quiet, you'll get to meet your father.

Excuse me!

Have you seen Conan-kun?

He's the boy with glasses who was with me.

No, we haven't seen him.

Is that so?

You haven't seen him either, Yuuki-kun?

Yuuki was with me, so I doubt he saw him.

Lost kids really are a bother, huh?

Isn't that right.

See you later, Yuuki-kun.

Geez, he's always disappearing...

Oh, I forgot to tell you but this place is off-limits!


Then we'll head back in once Yuuki's
seasickness is over.

Miss, save me!

This man is a spy!


Do you really think you can do that?

What is it, Yuuki-kun?

Are you okay?

Excuse us.

We kept playing spies so I guess
it got to his head...

That's not it!

This man isn't my father!

Not your father?

Then you stay with him, Conan-kun.

I'll talk to an SDF member about
Yuuki-kun's situation.

Stop. If you do that...

If I do that...?

I'm fine.

He really isn't your father, is he?

No, he's not!

Save me, miss!

Enough, Yuuki!

Yuuki-kun, come here!

Stupid girl.

If you'd minded your own business,
you wouldn't have to die!

So you really are a spy.

I am...

But it's too late for you to have regrets.


Yuuki-kun, call everybody!



I won't let him go!



Target spotted.

He's at the International Freight Section G.


You're sure about it?

Yes, it's a 97% match.

I'm counting on you, Hattori.

Hello? This is Megure from the Tokyo Police.

We spotted Takekawa in Section G.


Takekawa's in Section G.

Section G's this way.

Oh, you can't go in there.

Let me go!

Kid, you can't go in there.

Let me go!


I told you to let me go!


The spy!


The spy was there!

With a face like this, he could be
anywhere! How am I supposed to find him?

Hey, watch out!

You okay?


Don't be so stupid.

Wanderin' around alone like that's dangerous.

Wait for me here, okay?

I'll be back soon!

Hey, Heiji!

If that's how you're gonna be, I'll show
you! I'll find Takekawa before you!


Wait, Takekawa! Wait! You won't get away!

What is it, Kazuha? Kazuha!

Where did you go?

Don't tell me she went off on her own!


It's him!

This is the police! Stop!


Follow him!

Wait, Nanami-san!

Let's go to the deck.

A spy who had his identity exposed isn't going to
wait aboard the ship until we reach the harbor.

You're right.

But you two...

Wait, Conan-kun!

Yuuki-kun, go back to where everyone is.

But that lady...


Don't come any closer!

Not one more step!

Give up!

You have nowhere to run!

You sure about that?

Don't do anything stupid!

There's too many obstacles in the way.

It's almost vertical.

I can't sh**t my ball at that angle.



Can you rotate that cannon anticlockwise?

The cannon?

If you can, do it right now!




Hei... ji...

Get down!

You okay, Hei-chan?!

Stop it!

I won't let you get away!

Don't move!


No way!

Suspect arrested!

Give yourself up, Takekawa!

Okay, I'll leave the rest to you.

You okay, Hei-chan?

Hurry up, call an ambulance!

Don't be so dramatic...


I'm fine, it's just a scratch.

Really, Hei-chan?


What is it, Kazuha?

Oh, crap.

Don't cry!


I just got shot there, you know!

Let go! Lemme go!


Whew, I was getting a bit nervous there.

But now it's case clos--


Please look at this.

The Kansai Airport Police informed us
that they found a pressurized room...

...disguised as a healing capsule
inside the international freight.

So he planned to escape in that.

Also, after seizing Takekawa at Kansai
Airport, they found a suspicious voice-mail,

so I asked them to send it to us.

Play that voice-mail as soon as you can.

It might be a message from Lt. Sasaura.

Got it. I'll set it up.



What is it?

Are you lost?

Where is the lady who was with you?

You mean Ran?

Now that you mention it, where is Ran-oneesan?

She's still looking for Conan-kun.

The access ID is 'aegis0902'.

The password is '0505informer'.

There's no doubt about it, that's Lt. Sasaura's voice.
- Message recorded on April 20th, at 5:30 AM.

There's no doubt about it, that's Lt. Sasaura's voice.
- Message recorded on April 20th, at 5:30 AM.

There's no doubt about it, that's Lt. Sasaura's voice.
- Message recorded on April 20th, at 5:30 AM.

That's Sasaura-san's estimated time of death.

This voice-mail was on Takekawa's phone.

This is definitive proof that Lt. Sasaura sent the
data about the Aegis Destroyers to Takekawa.

We could hear the waves too, right?

So maybe he was somewhere near the sea.


And we can hear someone else talking too.

Play it again!


I saved the Aegis data on the KRY Cloud.

The access ID is 'aegis0902'.

The password is '0505informer'.

- What's that metallic sound?
The password is '0505informer'.

The password is '0505informer'.

Play the last part again.


The password is '0505informer'.

It's true, we can hear it.

It's a man's voice.

But we can't understand what he's saying.

I'll send it for analysis.

Thank you.

What's this uneasy feeling I have?

It's llke there's something still left unsolved...

Shin'ichi? It's about the TBT we found on Sasaura-san's body.

The paint isn't from the Aegis Destroyer Hotaka.

But it is boat paint, right?

Yes. After checking the ships arriving and departing
from Maizuru Harbor and Wakasa Harbor,

we found out that one of the cruise
ships that passes by the old naval port...

...left Maizuru Harbor and passed
by Wakasa Shipyard today.

As expected, the paint on that cruise ship
matched with the TBT.

Then Sasaura-san's body was dragged along by that cruise
ship and moved from Maizuru Harbor to Wakasa Harbor?

Yes, there's no doubt about it.

A cruise ship departing from Maizuru Harbor?

At 5:30 this morning, Sasaura-han was seen waving
a Japanese flag on a cliff at Maizuru Harbor.

An employee from a sightseeing cruise witnessed it.

The password is '05-

Message recorded on April 20th, at 5:30 AM.

His watch stopped at 5:30 AM.

And the last call was this morning at 5:30.

5:30 this morning?

That's when his wristwatch stopped.

It's also his estimated time of death.

The time the witness saw Sasaura-san...

The time he left the voicemail...

The time he died...

They were all at the same time!

Oh, I see! I made a huge mistake!

After having been arrested at Kansai Airport,

Takekawa was brought to the Osaka Police
Security Department's Public Safety Division.

We're thinking of bringing X there
too once we reach Maizuru Harbor.

You sure the Self-Defense Force doesn't
have to be part of the investigation?

There's no distinction between the JMSDF, the Coast
Guard, or the Police when it comes to an investigation.

Takekawa and X should be investigated together.

I agree.


Now the case is closed!

True. Looks like we didn't need your
deductions this time, Mouri-kun.



Umm, that's the captain's seat!

Are you okay?

No problem, I just felt slightly overcome.

Seasickness? In a ship this big?

No, I was overcome by the brilliance of my own deduction.

What are you talking about now, Mouri-kun?

I figured it out.

I know who k*lled Sasaura-san.

'Who k*lled Sasaura-san'?

Isn't it X, who we just arrested?

X did infiltrate this boat to steal the
data about the Aegis Destroyers.

Yes. And he k*lled him in order to
steal the data card in his phone.

No, the person who stole the data
card from his phone was Captain Fujii.

That's true.

Huh? Then why was Sasaura-san m*rder*d?

Indeed, there was no reason for him to be k*lled.

In other words, he wasn't k*lled by X!


Then who...?

Please think back.

Sasaura-san was on a cliff at Maizuru
Harbor this morning.

Yes, waving a flag to X.

Yes, and then he fell into the sea and died.

In other words, he never boarded this ship today.

Say what?

But his phone was aboard this Aegis Destroyer!

That's because the k*ller left it there in a hurry to
make us think the victim had boarded this ship.

Think back, Fujii-san.

When and where did you find Sasaura-san's phone?

Now that you mention it...

It was quite some time after we departed.

And nobody noticed it before, despite
being in such an obvious location.

Exactly. So why?

It's because it was a fake piece of
evidence crafted after our departure.

In other words, the k*ller is someone who
boarded this Aegis Destroyer midway.

Isn't that right, Kurata-san?


I hadn't even heard of Sasaura-san before this case!

He's right, Mouri-kun!

He had no motive to k*ll Sasaura-san!

Yes, he didn't try to k*ll him.



Play the voice-mail recorded by Sasaura-san
that we found in Takekawa-san's phone.

I saved the Aegis data on the KRY cloud.
The access ID is...

Can't you hear a metallic sound?

You're right.

I've heard that sound somewhere before...

What is that sound?

It's the sound made when an expandable baton and
a g*n secured at your waist bump into each other.

Isn't that right, Kurata-san?

Hold on!

Everybody in the Coast Guard has
an expandable baton and a g*n!

I see.

But this voice-mail was recorded this morning at 5:30.

And his time of death is...

This morning at 5:30!

So he couldn't have boarded this ship
while carrying his phone.

Furthermore, you were the one who found the suspicious
ship this morning at Maizuru Harbor, Kurata-san!

So at that time, you were patrolling Maizuru Harbor.

Or are you still going to deny it?

Don't move!

To think...

I never thought things would turn out like this!

Who could that be, this early?

How strange...

Hey! What are you doing there?!


Hold on!

This is the Coast Guard!

He was obviously suspicious.

Let me go!

He was running away, having just conveyed the
information about the Aegis Destroyers to Takekawa.

I didn't know that.

When I rushed to the bottom of the cliff to look
for him in the sea, I found that suspicious ship.

After that, I was busy reporting it
to HQ and contacting the JMSDF.

Then, at that time, we were informed
by the Kyoto Police that Lt. Sasaura's arm...

...had been found
aboard this Aegis Destroyer.

I quickly checked the belongings of
this man who'd fallen this morning.

And I realized that the man who'd been acting
so suspiciously this morning was Lt. Sasaura.

More than the charges for
professional negligence, I was afraid of...

...being charged with k*lling
a Self-Defense Force member.

So I asked my boss to let me
take part in this investigation.

Why did you do such a thing?

It's because I knew there was a chance he'd
been k*lled aboard this Aegis Destroyer.

I thought that if he was found to be k*lled
here, I could avoid facing my crime.

So I pretended to be investigating, and put
his phone in an obvious location on the deck.

After that, you know the rest.

I sincerely apologize for my selfish
behaviour that disturbed the investigation.


Have you seen Ran anywhere?


No matter how much we search, we can't find her!

She probably got lost again.


We looked everywhere!

She disappeared after fighting the spy!



What is it, Sato-kun?

X made a rather alarming statement.

An alarming statement?


It seems his identity was exposed by a
young lady just before we caught him.

So he said he pushed her into the sea
to keep her silent.

It seems this young lady was of high
school age and proficient in karate.


Could it be?


No way!

No way! Ran-san...


Don't tell me...


Please hold onto your children tightly.

According to X's statement,
Mouri-san fell overboard around here.

We're pretty far away.


It's fine!

Anyway, get the patrol helicopter ready!



I made some calculations based on the tides.

She should be in this area.

No way...

It's four times bigger than usual!

Because of the low pressure coming from the
southwest, the ocean current is faster than usual.

The waves are starting to get rougher too.

Considering the stamina of the victim,
every second counts...

Patrol helicopter ready!

All right. Depart right away!

Yes, sir!

Let me get in too!

Don't be stupid!


A kid would just be an hindrance!

Damn it...

Considering the stamina of the victim,
every second counts.

We have to find her before sunset no matter what!


Every second counts?


Ran's safe, right?

What happens when somebody falls from that deck?

She should be wearing her life jacket,

but that's all she would have.
If she fell in the wrong place...


Of course, there is some hope.

Miss... It's all my fault!

Don't we have any way to guarantee her safety?

All we can do now is leave it to the
patrol helicopter.

Damn it, even if we reduce the search field, it's nearly
impossible to check the whole area before sunset.

Besides, Ran might still be drifting on the waves...!

Save me... Shin'ichi!

We're on location. We're beginning the search.

I'll call for her through the speaker.

Plug me in.



Ran Mouri-san!

We came to rescue you!

We're going to save you!

Hold on a little bit longer!


Ran, where are you?


Hold on just a little!


Don't die!

We'll save you soon!

I gotta calm down! There still
has to be a way to find Ran.

The waves are getting even faster.

I think we need to enlarge the search field.

We don't have any time left before sunset.

Limit the search to the Alpha Bravo
Fox area and keep on searching!

Roger! Heading for the Alpha Bravo Fox area!

Ran Mouri-san, we came to rescue you.

Hold on just a little bit longer!

It's got a lot darker.

There's less than 15 minutes before sunset.



Why does that matter?!

Keep on looking! Keep on looking
until you find her!

I wish we could...

But in this season, the water temperature
drops suddenly just before sunset, at 5 PM.

So even if we find her after 5 PM...

Oh, no! The water temperature might
already be dropping.

Damn, we don't have time!

Isn't there any way to find her?


Oh, yeah, Ran has Mitsuhiko's watch.


Why are you going to stop looking for her?

We will find her!

So don't give up!

This ship's supposed to be incredible!


Do something!

It's the great detective of the seas, right?

The great detective of the seas?

I see. If we use the radar on this Aegis Destroyer...

At 1700 hours, we'll leave the victim rescue to the
specialist division, and head back to Maizuru Harbor.

The radio watch!

Ran has a radio watch!

This Aegis Destroyer should be able
to pick up that radio signal, right?

Mitsuhiko! You said the watch was fully
waterproof, right?


The watch sends signals at 5 AM and PM sharp!

Captain, we don't have time!

Hurry up!

Prepare the radio wave radar immediately!

Let's try!

Start the radio wave radar!

This is not a drill.

I repeat, this is not a drill.

Everyone on deck must evacuate urgently!

I repeat, everyone on deck must
evacuate urgently!

Please, make it on time!

Evacuation done!

Radio wave radar ready!

Start the ES search.

Search started!

Currently 1659 hours, 10 seconds remaining
until 5 PM.


Any response?

No response within the search range...

No way... How?!

Maybe her radio watch is already sinking
beneath the sea...


It can't be...


...can't be...

You'll always manage to find me, right?

That's why I said I'd come with you.


Don't go wandering off by yourself again, okay?

Next time, you mightn't be able to find me.

It's fine.

No matter how lost I am, you'll
always manage to find me, right?

You're a great detective, after all!

How can I be a great detective...
I can't even find Ran!







Just now... That was Conan-kun's voice...

Didn't I tell you? I'll always find you,
no matter what.

You're late!


Could it be?

It's very weak, but I'm detecting radio waves!

They're getting stronger and stronger!

It's Ran!

Ran is there!

Lead the helicopter there!

Lead the patrol helicopter there!


Target coordinates are four kilometers
northeast from our destroyer.

Latitude 36°4'.

Longitude 135°.

SH, hurry towards the point.

Roger. Heading towards the point.

We'll be arriving at the search point soon.

We're straight above the search point
but visibility is low.

The reflection of the setting sun on
the waves is hindering our view.

- Finding someone in this kind of condition is...

- Finding someone in this kind of condition is...

- Finding someone in this kind of condition is...

Hey, about that reflection, is there
a single spot that's glittering a lot?


Well? Please answer.

Yes. A part of the sea is strangely glittering
and reflecting light from the helicopter.


Follow those lights!

Ran should be at their source!

Ask the helicopter to head there
as the kid said!

Please, Captain!

Follow the bright, floating objects.

We believe the victim is where
those objects concentrate.


We've reached the location where
the floating objects are concentrated.

We're descending now!

There's something directly beneath us!

It's clearly not one of the floating objects.

Found her!

We found the victim!

We can confirm she's alive!

We're starting the rescue!

We did it, Takagi-kun!

Good work. You did well. Take her to
the hospital as soon as you pick her up.


It seems the victim is still conscious.

But we'll take her to the hospital just in case.

Her body temperature appears to
be low, but her heartbeat is stable.


Old man...

Thank you!

Last night, I dreamt about
when we were still young

We drew up a revolution, believing there
was no dream that didn't come true

I thought I'd woken up as those
days were just so dazzling

Come winter or summer, you
were always there for me

I never felt bored or had any regrets
even in the rain I didn't need an umbrella

When you were by my side,
I felt like I could just take off and fly!

Just one more time, just one more time,
won't you fly together with me?

Let's kick away all our misery!
One more time! One more time! You and me!

The city is starting up once again,
people are sitting in silence once again

Revolution is just a nuisance for people
who never worked up a sweat

As the cherry blossoms cover the sky,
the caterpillars are now butterflies

If I'm with you, and you're with me,
we can make our dreams come true

Just one more time, just one more time,
won't you walk this road with me?

Let's feel the sweat on our legs!
One more time! One more time! You and me!

Just one more time, just one more time,
won't you fly together with me?

Let's kick away all our misery!
One more time! One more time! You and me!

One more time! One more time! You and me!

It's nothing, it's nothing. It just
scratched me. It's really nothing.

Thanks, Hattori.

I told you, Kazuha, I'm fine!

Stop makin' that face!

Crap... Don't cry!

What's he doing now?

Your name was Conan-kun, right?


Thanks for all your help.

That's what I should say to you.

Thank you.


Say, Conan-kun...

Who exactly are you?

Conan Edogawa.

Just an ordinary first-year student.

But before that... Aren't you
forgetting something?

Are you sure you want to do this?

I can't help it.

Then let's put an end to it.
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