Gintama: The Semi-Final (2021)

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Gintama: The Semi-Final (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

"Celebrating 15 years of GINTAMA anime"

"Presented by GINTAMA
Theatrical Production Committee"

The land of the samurai.

There was a time, long ago,
when our country was called by that name.

Those dream-filled blue skies upon
which the samurai once gazed

are now filled with ships
from strange worlds.

The streets where the samurai
once proudly walked

are now filled with swaggering,
arrogant aliens.

Hey, dammit!

But a select few rose up
to face this crisis,

one unprecedented in the Edo of old...

They were the samurai.


They were the Z Warriors!

- Part 1: The Super Long Story!
- "Part 1: The Super Long Story"

So, planets out there in the universe
have a thing called Altana,

a sort of energy that's like
that world's life force.

On Earth, it's also known as ley lines.

That energy led to the birth
of the immortal fiend known as Utsuro.

As a result of living life after life,
an existence of never-ending suffering,

Utsuro developed multiple
separate personalities.

One of these was teacher
of Gintoki and the others

and founder of the Shoka Sonjuku school,

Shoyo Yoshida.

With the goal of destroying
the entire planet, himself included,

Utsuro waged w*r
against the known universe.

The people of Edo
resisted with all their might,

and at the end of a fierce battle,

the Odd Jobs and their allies
showed real strength

and forced Utsuro to fall
into the ley lines.

It was then that, having used up all
his energy to contain the ley lines,

the dog deity called Sadaharu
entered a long coma.

Later, the members of the Odd Jobs

found their respective goals
and set off on their own paths.

- "Two Years Later"
- And so, two years passed...

I'm gonna do it!

I will become the Pirate King!

Huh? No, wait.

Not that "two years later."

We've done so many
two- and five-year timeskips,

it's hard to keep the story
straight at this point.

Ah, here! This is it!

Let's see...

Kagura looked to find a way
to return Sadaharu to normal,

while Shinpachi remained in Edo.

Meanwhile, Gintoki,
having foreseen Utsuro's return,

made the rounds of the gates,
the openings in various, scattered areas

from which the ley lines' power erupts.

Utsuro's genes continued to survive
deep underground within the ley lines.

Over two years,
they rebuilt his physical form,

and he was reborn at a remote ley line.

Gintoki wandered the lands with Utsuro,
who grew rapidly, in tow.

One day, it became clear that the body

housed a personality
that could be Shoyo.

However, Utsuro was captured
by the Death Star Sect,

led by the remnants of the Tendoshuu.

To prevent them from gaining
a perfect immortal,

he left his heart alone with Gintoki.

In order to complete Utsuro's recovery,

and by extension their own immortality,

the Sect sets its sights on Earth's Altana.

At the ruins of the Shoka Sonjuku,
Gintoki is reunited with Takasugi,

who has used the bones
of senior student Oboro

to become partially immortal.

In order to thwart the Sect's plans,

Gintoki and Takasugi head for Edo.

Upon returning to Edo,

Gintoki spots the older
Shinpachi and Kagura

but doesn't make contact.

Meanwhile, Katsura, the first Prime Minister,

uses his office to investigate
the Sect's actions.

In order to draw out the Sect,

Takasugi blows up the Terminal
and attempts to assassinate Katsura.

Katsura uses the assassination as cover

to relinquish his
position as Prime Minister.

The pupils of the Shoka Sonjuku school
once again come together.

Even the Shinsengumi,

who were pretending to
have disbanded, regroup.

Meanwhile, the gorilla was holding
a wedding ceremony.

After much ado, the ship carrying Kondo

att*cks the Sect's Mobile Cathedral Kuyo,

causing the wreckage
to fall atop the Terminal.

Kondo reunites with the Shinsengumi.

However, the Sect occupies the Terminal,

and the city is plunged into danger.

Edo is once again faced with harm.

This is when Shinpachi, Kagura,

and the residents of Kabuki District
gather in front of Odd Jobs

and set off to battle.

To fulfill the wishes of,
and save, their teacher,

Gintoki, Takasugi, and Katsura
decide to rescue Utsuro.

The Terminal would be the b*ttlefield.

Will the Z Warriors be able
to reclaim the future?

Nobody could pay attention
to the recap with those visuals!

- Wolf Fang Fist!
- "Wolf Fang Fist"

Not only was it way too long,

the art style made it look like
it was for a completely different show!

It looked like some
fan-made Dragon Ball anime!

Dragen Bell?
What are you talking about, Katsurass?

I'm not Katsurass! I'm Katsura!

So the anime staff have finally
gotten serious, huh?

Free from the shackles of TV production,

they've finally started putting
some effort into the animation.

This is what the animation staff
are truly capable of.

They're just drawing while holding
Dragon Balls in their left hands!

And why do I have to be Yamcha
while this fool is Vegeta?!

That makes me look like a total loser!

So stupid! I'm not playing
along with your nonsense.

It pains me to say it,
but you're virtually identical.

And when did you become a master
at growing a widow's peak?

You guys just don't get it, do you?

We've gone beyond
the final TV episode,

beyond the manga's ending scams,

and finally reached this point...

this new world: the movie theater!

And it's up to us to show
those in attendance here today...

our power, and the power
of Akira Toriyama!

Shoyo, looks like things
worked out somehow, huh?

Yes! No matter what anyone says,

things did work out somehow!

Got that right!

And this marks the end
of the cinematic exploits

of Gintoki and his companions.

Their path ahead is sure to be
rife with trials and tribulations,

but they will no doubt
be able to overcome them.

They will be fine,
for they have the Silver Balls.

What the hell are Silver Balls?

Galick g*n!


Are they balls that can grant wishes?

Or are they the same as
the pea you call a brain?

If balls that convenient really existed,

none of us would be here
in this position right now.

And yet, I'd like to be grateful.

We managed to get this far
on our own two feet.

With our own power,

with these very hands of ours...

we will take back everything...

we lost.

That's how we, the students of Shoyo,
do things, right?


"Part 2: Fate"


Eliminate them!

Bring the hammer down upon those heretics

who would interfere
with our divine summon...

Divine summoning?

That's rich, coming from a bunch of fools
looking for immortality on the cheap!

Their ship is down,

but it's still drawing
Altana from the Earth

through the Terminal's core.

The Seireimon Gate is still operating?

And with that Altana,

even an incomplete god without a heart

can be brought back to life?

I'm more surprised
that so many people

want to live forever
in this awful world.

My life has put me through
more than enough joys and sorrows.

If I can overcome that last,
final trial with you all...

I won't mind if my life
is to end right here!

Would our meeting be one of the joys?

Or is it one of the sorrows?

There's no telling at this point,

but there is one thing that's for sure...

We hated and tried to k*ll each other,

but still our ties couldn't be broken.

I'm sick of you idiots,

and I'm sick of being
given the runaround by you fools.

I sure hope this life is
the last one you ruin for me!

That so?

Too bad for you, though.

You guys can't die just yet.

I won't let you.

I get how they feel.

I don't want to die.
I want to keep on living.

Because there's this fool of a teacher
who's put me through so much,

and this other idiot who just threw me
like a sack of potatoes,

and I'm not done beating them up.

I have some things
I'd like to say to Sensei as well.

Same here. A great many things.

How long will you have to
beat him up to feel better?

An eternity wouldn't be long enough!


To the people occupying the Terminal

you are completely surrounded.

Resistance is futile.

Give yourselves up now!

If you don't...

sh**t them down!

If you don't,

let me express my gratitude.

Thanks to you all,

our country has become this strong!


Those guys...

Let's go!

Decades have passed
since you Amanto came to Earth.

We have lived

lives full of doubt and agony!

But now we can say this...

those days have not been in vain!

Amidst all that we've lost,

we have found that which is important

that which we must protect!

Our shadows on the ground

have showed us the way to the light!

So we won't fear you anymore.

We'll meet you head on,
fair and square!

- Welcome to the land of the samurai.
- Welcome to the land of the samurai.

A land whose people possess
minds of steel...

A land whose people
possess souls of silver.

- We're glad to have you!
- We're glad to have you!



Pops! We could use some help!

Split up the enemy's defenses
around the Terminal!

Screw that tedious crap.

We'll just attack the mothership on top!

Right now, that ship

contains all the Altana
it's taken in from the Terminal!

If you attack it now,
there's no telling what will happen.

Just leave it to us!

Yo. You took your time.

You took so long,

I thought you guys had
turned tail and run for it.

Can't have a party without
the guests of honor,

- know what I'm saying?
- Well, well...

So you finally admit that
the Odd Jobs are better than you, huh?

The hell are you talking about?

I'm just saying,
if we're gonna raise hell,

it'd be more fun to do it

with the most nasty devils around.

I guess that means we're out, then.

Let's go...

To see our guests of honor,

and raise hell one last time!

This is shaping up to be
a long, dragged-out battle.

We should fall back and regroup.

Even if we do succeed in reviving Utsuro,

it would be for naught
if we lost the Sect in the process.

We'd lose the ability to produce the elixir
and our chance to return to power.

No need to worry.

Everything is going as planned.

It really does seem as though Utsuro

can only be fueled
by the Altana on Earth.

Look! Our god is truly pleased!

Is the Altana he's absorbing...

...reconstructing his heart?

The time is nigh.
Very soon,

our god will awaken.

Isn't that enough?

Prolonging this any further
will make it harder for us to leave.

Prepare to withdraw!

You cannot control
your bodies, is it?

It happened to me too.

We Tendoshu self-destructed
by stealing Utsuro's blood,

but that very same blood
brought us back.

We were being kept alive,
being used,

and being controlled

by Utsuro's genes
from the moment we took them in.

We have always been a
part of Utsuro.

And now it falls upon us
to execute his will.

Hand over the heart.

It doesn't belong in your hands.

They are meant to hold better things.

Since we had the same teacher,

you and I were fated to cross swords.

If I could do it all over again...


I would've loved to be
one of you guys...

I have my own,

and you have your own

things to take back, right?



Let's get a move on.

- Takasugi.
- What?

There's nothing left for me
to take back.

Whatever I lost
has come back to me.

It's all right here.

And I'm here to make sure
I don't lose any of it ever again.

Gintoki! Takasugi!



You're stepping on me.

Now we're even.

You're the last person
I wanna owe anything.

What a coincidence.
I could say the same...


It's over.
You people cannot beat me.

Did you catch a glimpse of
the Utsuro within me?

Utsuro rules over and decides all.

His designs are inescapable...

Just like fate.

That so?

Is this what you're telling me, then?

That I'm only standing here, undying,

because Utsuro led me here?



We weren't led here by anyone.

We stand before you
of our own free will.


I'm taking this back.

You are... Hitsugi, was it?

One of the Three Crows
in Tenshoin Naraku.

Why would you go so far?

Why do you want the heart of
your former chief, Utsuro, so badly?

Hand over the heart.



I'm fine! Go on ahead!

Hand over... the heart!


Naraku has already fallen apart
as an organization!

And yet you still want
to bring Utsuro back,

even if you have to reduce
Edo to rabble?

The only one...

The only one who can save him...

is me!


Don't tell me...

Make use of me.


It's futile.

You can't take us down
with your inferior blood.


Then let's go ahead and see
whose blood, mine or yours,

will dry up first.

This will go right down to the wire.

Do it.

What's going on?


How foolish!

Unable to watch
your friend sacrifice himself,

you lost a golden opportunity
to take me down.

That sort of miracle won't
ever happen for you again!



No need to scream.
I can hear you just fine.

Curse you!





You've been waiting to meet Gin
just like us, haven't you?



S... Sadaharu.

You've finally come back to us.

To help us...

To help Gin.

- Sadaharu!
- Something came out!

Hold it! Sadaharu's back,

but did he just... eat Gin?

Did he swallow him whole?

It's understandable.

Sadaharu just recovered.
He needs nutrition.

He didn't come to help, then.
He just showed up 'cause he was hungry!

Don't worry. Gin's a piece of trash.

Can't be digested.
He'll show up soon enough.


What kind of hell reunion is this?

Gin... Gin!

What do you want?

Sorry. Got the wrong guy.

Some complete random
just came out of there!

And went right back!

A parasite, maybe.
He's always eaten stuff off the ground.

What kind of parasite
looks like it needs to pay rent?

That was a great bath.

They're coming out one after another!

What's this, a bathhouse?
Is there an entire world in there?

Excuse me! Did you happen to see
a silver-haired man inside?


Oh, you mean the newbie?

That kid took a different exit,
saying he didn't wanna be covered in filth.

He was covered in filth anyway!


Remember what I said?

If you ever found something you really
needed to do, I'd close up shop?

Does the fact that you're here...

mean that you've gone back
to having nothing?


We're here for something
we need to do.

Gin, we weren't Odd Jobs
because we had nothing to do.

We were just fine with anything.

We were fine with anything...

As long as we could be here

with you and everyone else.

That's why we will...

always be Odd Jobs!


You've gone and grown so much
in the time I was gone.

My back hurts.

Mind giving me a hand?

Come on, you sound pathetic.

And you call yourself Odd Jobs?

Surely your list of services
includes compassion?

Give me an employee's discount.

Apparently, it's not that we've grown.

Gin's just regressed.


No, did you shrink for real?

Hey, you better knock it off.

Or my long, Shun Oguri legs
will kick your ass.

More like Short Oguri!

What's going on? What happened to you?

Huh? Did I get a little
digested in Sadaharu?


Did you see anything else come out before me?

A couple of geezers out of the bath!

Hey, what do you think you're doing?

Gintoki Sepia! Gintoki Shepia!

Sepia? Shepia?

You can't just split off from me.

Only when together are we...

- Ginto3.
- Wait, your name's Ginto3?

Get back in here!
Gimme back my long legs!

No way! I'm never going back
to being that awful leg!

I've always wanted to complain about
you sticking your bare feet in boots!

What's wrong with him?

Why's he adding to his character
profile in the final movie?

That's bad!

Hurry up, Gin!

We're right back to square one!

Pachi-boy, we have no choice.

We need to get Gintoki Sakata
reconstructed inside of Sadaharu!

What the heck?

Oh, jeez!

Whatever happens, happens!

- Come back to us,
- Come back to us,

- Gintoki Sakata!
- Gintoki Sakata!

That man...

had eyes too fierce to be a samurai,

but too focused to be a thug.

Just like always.

Are you...

"Lake Toya"


I got all the way up there,

and I have to do it all over again?

You seem to be in a hurry.

I can give you a ride
to the final boss for cheap.


I quit being the hero.
I'm starting over from scratch again.

H-Hurry up and get in,
you stupid Earthlings!

Hey! Let me in!

-Stay away!

Let me in if you're in there!

You people couldn't have done it.

You finally met your teacher again...

How could you have put
an end to him?

You were trying to prevent
Utsuro's return?


At long last, he can rest.

Now that I have this body,
which refuses to die even when rotten,

I finally understood the pain...

of being eternal...

I caught just a glimpse
of his deep solitude.

I pray that at least in the end,

he can go out humanely.


Go, quickly!


Who brought me back?

Was it you?


I have inherited your blood.

Wh-What is your desire?

Revenge on mankind?
The destruction of the universe?

Whatever it is,
I shall follow you and...

There is only one thing I desire.

But it seems I have a job to do first.


You're Sensei... right?

Please don't look so sad.


We will protect you
from anything and anyone.

So please...

Come back...

with us... to the Shoka Sonjuku School.

I have so much...

so much to tell you.

And it's my job... to attend to you...

Sen... sei...


I'm not the kind of person
you should call Sensei anymore.

I can no longer go back
to being Shoyo Yoshida.

Forgive me.

You were the ones
I truly wished to protect,

but I couldn't help a single one of you.

Forgive me.

There's no need to apologize.


I knew all along that
you couldn't protect a thing.

How I waited for this moment.

Just like you waited
for that one back then,

I waited for the moment

you would let your guard down,

hiding inside...

this dear pupil of yours.

Shinpachi! Kagura!

Damn it all!

Two years ago,

as you rejected me and the end,
I believe I gave you some advice.

So long as you live,
the tragedies will continue to occur.

I can hear his voice extremely clearly.

It says he wants to put an end...

to anything and everything.

Yeah, I couldn't agree more.

Let's end this...

using our swords.

You still draw that twig?


We may have to put a bunch
of these twigs together to do it,

but we'll take back
what we lost that day.

That's a promise.

It will happen.

Your little promise
has long been broken.

By the very man you call your friend.


no matter what tragedies
may befall that guy,

he's not the type to say
he wants to end things.

You know what he's more likely
to say at times like these?

I'll simply destroy...

this rotten world you
still walk freely upon.


You're not the only one in here.

Where is Shoyo?

Where is his corpse?

A corpse?

There was never one
here to begin with.

The one lying flat on the ground

was you, Utsuro.


Problem student that I was,

it seems I had some homework
left to do.


Don't worry.

You have many more students

than just us.

I'll leave you to them.

You aren't some immortal
monster anymore.

The moment you entered his body,
you were done for.

I'll put an end to you
just like you wish, Utsuro.

And end this ridiculous sob story
while I'm at it!

But can you k*ll me?

You wanted to save him, didn't you?

You wanted to protect him, didn't you?

I learned that all too well
on our travels here.

If you k*ll your master for your friends,

and then k*ll your friend
for your master...

What will that leave you with?


You'll be nothing but a hollow void.

Do you have what it takes
to live through that void?


I will never be empty inside.

What I wanted to protect

is right here with me.

Humans are hollow beings.

But because they know that,
they take root in the hearts of others,

never fading, even after death,

and continue to live forever, is it?

The score is now 246-247.

How the mighty have fallen.

This was our last duel,

but I let someone else
fight in my stead and lost.

It was your sword
that took him down.

And the one who protected Shoyo
and me was you.

Nothing could feel worse than a victory
given to me out of pity.

I couldn't make you
cut Sensei down again.

Compared to him,

I was a much
easier target, wasn't I?


Ain't any other stupid mugs I've come
to love punching in as much as yours.

It was the same when we were kids.

We fought every time we met.

I figured growing up
some would fix that,

but we remained brats all the way.

And in your case, you didn't even grow.

I did.

Maybe this is just
how we were fated to be.

And that's not too bad.

But, Takasugi,

you know what?

As much as we loved
to fight each other,

I would've...

loved to drink with you just as much.

That's not us.

Instead of wasting time on drinks,

I would've used it to beat you
as many times as I could.

But I'll give it a rest now.

Get going.

You aren't empty.

You still have...

plenty left to protect
with that thing, right?



this crushed left eye of mine

closed forever on that day,

with the last thing it saw
etched into the back of its eyelid.

I've lived my life staring at your gloomy
face from back then,

and I'm sick of it.

So at least when my right eye closes,

don't go looking like
a goddamned fool.

The kid...

who stood tall before
me when we first met,

the man I always wanted to beat,

the man I spent my whole life

is better than that, isn't he?

Wait for me in hell, Takasugi.

I won't let you run away.

I'll beat you for sure next time.

Bring it on...

Oh no!

That ship sucked up too much Altana!

Why are you helping me?

I am the root cause
of all this calamity.

If you see someone in need,

help them out and then scram
with all their money.

That's what Gintoki Sakata
has taught us over the years.


I've always wanted to talk to the person

who made him who he is.

No, it's the other way around.

If I hadn't met them, I would've
remained as empty as void.

They made me human.

But my existence only served
to shackle them down.

I have no right
to call myself their teacher.

Even so...

Even if everything you said is true,

it's because of you that
we got to meet Gintoki Sakata.

I've always wanted to meet you

and say...

Thank you.

I'm sure Gin and the others
feel the same way.

Gintoki! Takasugi!

Do you hear me? Are you all right?

We've taken over Kuyo.

The enemy is in tatters, too.

But the Terminal is still
running out of control.

It's only a matter of time before
it collapses with this ship.

Get out of there at once!

Zura! Running away won't help!

If the Terminal goes down,
the Altana inside will go berserk.

If worse comes to worst,
this entire planet could blow!

But... is there nothing we can do?

Could you let me handle this?

Who are you?

I'll use the weapons
on-board this ship.

I'll fire all the Altana it has mined
back down via the Terminal,

using the Altana within me.

But even if that quells its rage,
the Terminal won't be left standing.

Can I ask you to handle
the evacuations,

my school's biggest prodigy?

I know you can do it.

You all should live on.

All hands, evacuate!

We're getting out of the Terminal
as quickly as we can!

Zura! Use our ships!

Well, there you have it.

You should hurry up
and escape too.


It's so ironic.

I hated my eternal life,
but now time is not on my side.

But that boy granted me
what little life I have left.

They have paved the path
to the future...

You are that future,
and it falls upon me to protect you all.

Please last as long as you can, my life.
Every second counts.

Mere seconds aren't enough.

But if we add up all our lives,

we can buy you enough time
to see your stupid student's face.

You kids...

We're sorry, but we really,

really can't just leave like that.

Didn't I say that?

Our job isn't complete
until we scram with all your money.

If the future's within our reach,

then we'll grab it and scram.

That's the Odd Jobs way.

Let us join you, then.

This sect...

They'd been collecting
Altana from several planets

to mass-produce their elixirs.

If we fire it all in, then you'll
have time not just to see him,

but even smack your
stupid student on the head.

Fire it all in? How, exactly?

Just so you know,

I can't operate anything other
than my outdated cellphone.

Modern tech's too overwhelming, right?

Says the guy with the robot body.

Well, leave that to me.

Machines are the same as people.

When they don't listen to you,

you kick their ass!

Hey, you crazies!

All this v*olence
won't just get you blocked,

it'll make even Siri snap
and start cussing us out!

Oh, but all our feelings combined
are nothing to scoff at.

Even without a cellphone,
they're sure to get through!


You guys...

Back on your feet.
Let's go!

Gintoki, keep going.

He... and the rest of the Odd Jobs
should be down that way.

If there's anything you've left undone,
take care of it at once.

O Mister Shoka Sonjuku's
Biggest Prodigy,

weren't you tasked with
getting everyone to safety?

Everyone has evacuated already...

Other than you troublemakers, that is.

Zura, Takasugi's...

Perhaps Sensei didn't know...

that back then,
whenever you two got up to mischief,

there was another troublemaker

cleaning up your messes.

Isn't that right, Gintoki?

If he... If you two are getting up
to one last act of mischief,

then I can't leave this place
until I've cleaned up your mess.


Live or die, we're in this together, eh?

Then you have to make sure
you come back alive, eh, Gintoki?


I'll rescue you from the depths of Hell
if I have to.


Go raise all the hell you want...

- Including our fallen friend's share!
- Including our fallen friend's share!


- Go!
- Go!

Shoyo, I've always wanted
to show you this.

A lot's happened
since back then, and now...

I run an Odd Jobs business
with these guys.

Yes, I got a good look,

Odd Jobs Gintoki Sakata...

You've grown into a fine man.


The people here must be to you
what you were to me.

Just as the eternal monster
from that day

became human by meeting
you... meeting you kids,

the little monster with
the sad eyes from that day

has also become human, hasn't he?

Data transfer complete.

Good morning, Fuyo No. 0.

Where am I?

Master Gengai's robot warehouse.

You were damaged in the w*r
and fell into a lengthy sleep.

I'm your clone,

and during that time,
I collected all the data for you.

My name is Tamako.

I'm very sorry...

It seems my circuitry
is still a bit awry.

How long did I spend asleep?

"Part 3:"

"Nobody with Naturally
Wavy Hair Can Be Trusted"

Is this really Edo?

No, it is called Tokyo now.

Following the w*r,

Edo was reborn and entered
a period of sustained development.

But Tokyo wouldn't be what it is today

without the efforts you all put in.

So the world has returned to peace.

"Welcome to Kabuki First District!"


It no longer appears to be
the world I know.

What became of everyone
after the w*r?

You already know the answer to that.





When you finally wake up

and obtain this data, who knows
how much time will have passed?

Just what did we fight against?

What did we defeat?

Or were we defeated ourselves?

There's still no clear answer to that,
but we did make it back.

Back to Edo,

and back to our usual

But when I saw Gin's slightly
sad smile,

I started to fully realize...

the significance of the things
we'd regained

and the things we'd lost.

I wonder...

if he'll be back...

Where do you think you're sleeping, Gin?

Ugh! I stepped on his puke!

I was wondering
where you'd run off to,

and you were out drinking
it up again?!

Shut up. This is my own place.

I'm free to come home when I want
and puke where I want.

Hey! Don't make an even bigger mess—

- I see.
- Who said you can take my seat?

What are you talking about?

I'm the leader because I kept Odd Jobs
going while you guys were away!

And you're starting over as a lackey!
This was your idea!

I said nothing of the sort.

You were the one who said
you'd start over as a glasses frame.

I did not say that! I think you need
to start over from your dad's skin!

You go start over from
your old man's glasses case.

That'd just make me
my old man's glasses!

And just sleep in your bed...

Don't just waltz into a lady's room!

How many times
do I need to tell you?

Since I came back second, I'm the COO,

and this is my room now!

Uh, COO? You blew away the
CEO too, you know?

CEOs everywhere are just figureheads.
They're all Lay-Z good for nothings.

The real power rests in the hands
of strong women like Goriki and myself.

Might just makes right wherever you go.

Goriki and you are very
different definitions of strong!

And she was never a COO!

Put that worthless fool
in the closet where he belongs.

Uh, Goriki Muscles-Carter,
the closet was a no-go too.

Damn it! Knock it off, you louts!

Where do I belong in this place, then?

Guess I'll go ahead
and mark all my spots.

You wanna die, lackey?

But still, we remain the same as always,

and it must be because
all four of us are back together again.

Good grief.

I was hoping you'd have made a bunch
of money to pay off your rent,

but it looks like two years passed

while you were sitting
around picking your nose.

I'll let the new CEO handle the rent.

Could you not force me into the role
whenever things go south?

Leave it to me, your leader.

I'll handle the right nostril,
and Gin can take the left one.

Shinpachi can do the rest.

Do something other
than picking your nose!

Idiots. And here I thought
Shinpachi and Kagura had grown.

But the moment you come back,
they're right back to square one.

One bad apple can
spoil the barrel, as they say.

I'd rather be one of those sweet
canned apples than one in a barrel.

Makes sense.

If you're locked up in the can,

you can go bad and it
won't affect the whole.

Can we stop assuming
that I'm a bad apple?

Everyone busted our balls,

but nobody asked any questions
about why we came back here.

Because the answer's already obvious.

Let me ask you a question in turn.

Why do I travel across space
to come see you here?

- Because you're bald.
- Leave my scalp alone.

Or maybe it's because...

- you're bald.
- Again, that's not it.

There's no particular reason.

You don't need one to see family.

This is the same.

If you want to stay here
and be Odd Jobs again,

you don't need a reason anymore.

But that's also why
that disastrous brother of yours

might show up here without a reason.

Kagura said Umibozu looked a little sad
as he left with those words...

and pretty damn bald.

Well, whatever.

I won't complain as long you as pay rent.

They say we've entered
a new era and all.

Surely there'll be some
good news to kick it off.

- "EDO News: Rebuilding the Terminal"
- Have a look at this.

Can you believe how well
the rebuild of the Terminal is going?

No matter how many
obstacles we have to face,

as long as we never give up,

we should be able to get back up
as many times as it takes.

So please, everyone...

Princess Soyo, I hate to interrupt,
but we're here to ask you

about the assassination of
former PM, Donald Zuramp.

Rumors say you masterminded it.
Is it true?

If you believe the princess
to be the kind of person

to k*ll those in her way,

then you stand here ready
to die, I take it?


A-An assassin!
Those rumors were true!

Edo only managed to get back on its feet

thanks to these girls.

Actually, I'm sure they had on their side

those three men, and...

One more person.

You fools!

These little girls could never
do the great Zuramp in!

That man continues to watch over
this nation as a heroic spirit!

Never forget!

If you stray from the right path,

I will return to punish you!

- I am the Heroic Patriot ObaZ!
- Heroic Patriot ObaZ

And so, Katsura died.

Don't take over the narration
and k*ll people off!

We don't even know that's Katsura!

It's obviously him, though!

That idiot's already braindead.
Let him go.

And this... narration thing
you've been doing? When's that gonna end?

You heard all that?
Talk about embarrassing!

No, I just wanted to make something
to tell Tama what happened.

You trying to forcefully wrap up
this story with a sappy narration?

Too long; didn't listen.

You need to keep these things concise.


A lot's happened since then,

but I just want you to know this...

- Everybody died.
- Don't take the easy way out!

What's the problem?
Everyone dies eventually.

It's too lazy!

Tama will want more details
on what happened!

Shinpachi's right.

Everything that happened
while she wasn't around,

and the emotions we felt...

I want her to know all of it.

The egg rolls were yum.

Nobody gives a solitary shit!

I hope you saw all that.

"Without supervision,
people will even stoop

- to falsifying endings."
- Who?

Not me!

Society needs watchful eyes

that can monitor people
and nations across eras.

And the only one capable
of that is the Heroic Spirit...

ObaZ, and ObaZ alone!

We ignore him,
and he even sneaks in here?

Either way, that takes care
of one problem.

Who's next?

Quit trying to force
an everbody died ending!

And that...

would be the last time
he played the straight man.

I'm not dead!

Don't worry! I'm not handing
over the narration!

The Zuramp Administration handed
things over to the next generation,

and with that, the Shinsengumi
returned to power.

I'd like to say, Welcome back,

but what you've returned to...

is a warzone.

Are you prepared to die?

Then drink until you drop!

There are no breaks in their w*r.

A life like that can get
overwhelming at times,

but they'll be fine,
because they have her.

The woman who once rebuffed
all the moves Kondo tried on her

now supports him wholly in both
his professional and personal life.

I'm a little saddened by that,
but I'll accept it for Sis's happiness.

Ah, maybe I have
grown from boy to man.

Have a taste of the straight
man's comeback, then!

Are you the one bullshiting the narration?

Just kidding.

It's just, when I see my
future brother-in-law,

I get this urge to play around with him.

Stop that. I'm right here.

And you, Sis!

Why are you going along
with the fake narration?

Huh? I did nothing of the sort.

I was just...

Yo, Gorilla.

Didn't I say you'd
have to pay triple price

if you showed your face here again?

You were saying some crazy things
during the narration!


My wallet—No, the government's coffers...

belong to you now.

Take this.

It's a B'z concert ticket.

Damn, Gorilla, you're naughty.

Not as much as you, Otae.

This is just footage
of official corruption!

You used the narration to hide it, huh?

Hey. You ate up all that screen time,

and what you did is still stupid,
what did you do, idiots?

Master, that was a bit better, no?

I don't need a fake narration,

as long as I have this.

You're wrapping things up?
Okay, you get one minute.

"Special Police Shinsengumi"

Things went back
to how they used to be.

But that only signaled...

the start of a new battle
for the Shinsengumi.

Special: Shinsengumi Kenpucho

Forget ending, we're getting
a new preview!

What is the Shinsengumi's new battle?

Who is their new foe?

That's not new at all!
We saw him earlier!

What is the Shinsengumi's new w*apon?

- Hey, what happened...
- "Sagaru Yamazaki Develops..."

- to Blandy?
- "108 split personalities when revived!"

It ain't easy being Vice Chief, huh?

But I'll keep the Shinsengumi going,

just like you would have...


You're falsifying the narration too?

What do you louts think
you're doing instead of working?

k*ll yourselves to atone
for your lack of discipline!

Hijikata, everything's over
after this movie.

We won't get paid for any extra work.

I mean, just look at Yamazaki.

He's playing mechabaddi
with the Mechazakis.

Again... What the hell is mechabaddi?

What the hell are Mechazakis?!

Vice Chief, Vice Chief!

We get that none of you guys
have any idea how to wrap things up.

Just take this.

Now pose.

Good. Keep it up.

Don't just walk away!

Why the hell did you make me do this?

The Shinsengumi was... y'know.

"Y'know" what? Who sums
anything up like that?

Don't be so on edge, Hijikata.

This is the end. Take it easy.

There is no end to the police's job!

I see.

So it's the police's job
to shout and cause mayhem

at a private establishment?

If so, then I shall do my job as well.


Go on, then. What is your job?

Why don't you show me...

Fruit platter.

- Say aah.
- Aah.

Wait, your job's cabaret girl?!

When I invited her to come hang out,
she insisted on helping.

I came up with a way to serve men
without approaching them.

I can be ranked number one with this!

Don't make a girl who measures
personal space with her sword

serve patrons!

It's a sales tactic.

In Yoshiwara,
they often play hard-to-get,

making the customers
more obsessed with them!

Cleanup completed.

Forget hard-to-get,
this is hard-to-survive!

Gin... You can't...

And I have zero idea
what this idiot's trying to do!

Hey, I came to hang out like you asked,

but there are no uggos here.

There's your order.

Tsukky! Kyu!


Have you been well?

Yup! You were all here, huh?

Yes. All of us.

Talk about a self-centered bunch.

They all show up to bask
in the ending's spotlight.

But now, we can wrap up
all their stories in the narration.

How do we do that, exactly?

Everybody got black-out
drunk together?

Hey, that doesn't sound too bad.

It suits us perfectly, does it not?

Yeah... Same as always.

That might just be the perfect
phrase for us.

Come on, keep it together!

Hey! What makes you think I'm not?

Want me to list all of Dragon Ball's
adversaries to prove it

By saying that,
you already proved that you don't!

Doctor G—

Hey, lady.

Ten more of this.

Come on, give it a rest.

We're poor now.
We don't have any backers.

But food on Earth is so good.

Besides, they say you can't
fight on an empty stomach.

Fight? We can't afford to.

Then... I'll look forward
to when we can.

Here, lady.

Next time, I'll come to feast
on Earth itself.

Yeesh. That's some big words.

Dream big, money or no money.

You nincompoop.

- G-Good job noticing us!
- "Well done!"


"Odd Jobs Gin"

"From Tatsuma Sakamoto"

"We haven't talked in a while."

"How have you been,"


"I'm flying across
the universe as always."

"Space really is the best."

"You should join me
on a trip sometime, Cuntoki."

"The reason I'm writing to you"

"is because I have something to say."

"That day,"

"I promised to rescue you all,"

"but when I saw
the Terminal crumble down,"

"'they ded lololol'"

"was my first thought."

"I don't mean this as consolation
or anything."

"I truly believe he saved you back then."

"So you don't need to
beat yourself up over it."

"Your teacher's soul lives on
everywhere on Earth,"

"and he continues
to watch over you, I'm sure."

"To my beloved friend,"


"P.S. here's something I heard
when I ran into Zura the other day."

"The remnants of the Kiheitai
are making strange moves, it seems."

"The gates?"


"Who do you think you're mimicking?"

"She probably couldn't stand the fact
that she was so powerless."

"But she was thankful"

"that she could see him smile again
after he was a prisoner was so long."

"And she says..."

"it's her turn now."

"There is no chance of him
coming back to life like Utsuro did."

"That was a miracle which only occurred"

"because Utsuro was born from Altana."

"That's just fine."

"This is how we,"

"the Kiheitai, atone for our sins."

"Takechi... You too?"

"You're abandoning me too?"

"Here's what I believe."

"Miracles aren't real."

"When a teacher
protects his student,"

"you can't call that a miracle."


"just what they do."

"Ken Shimura"

Oh, you're here?

It's been a while since
we came to see Father together.

Do you have any news for him?


As he died, our father lamented
the state of Edo's skies,

but to me, even these same old skies
look a tad different now.

After all, we know...

that the people we care about
live under these skies.

They might get cloudy at times,

but in our hearts...

Beneath my skies live
all the people I love so much.

So, Tama,

even if you find yourself
beneath unfamiliar skies,

please don't cry.

We'll always remain
in your heart with you.

And if you'll believe in that,

then I'm sure...

we'll come to you
and wipe your tears away.

"Odd Jobs Gin"
"Snack Otose"

Let's keep going.

-After that, these girls went on
to live as citizens of the modern age.

The world was entering
a golden age of technology.

Machines, and not people,
were to be the new leaders.

These girls were robots,
so they lived happy lives.

And humans...

ended up unemployed.

Each and every one of them.

If nobody has a job, they can't call
anyone out for being unemployed.

The jobless will blend in.

Everyone will be happy.

Every single person... can be happy...

Mister Hasegawa?

Why's he here in the future?

Tamako, let me tell you
how this story really ends.

- "Unemployed. State: Dangerously Drunk"
- Edo's going to turn into... hic...

Number 0... the data I gave you
might have contained

some massive errors!

Massive errors?

- You're bullshitting the narration too?
- You're bullshitting the narration too?

What the hell did you tell Tamako?!


I was just saying how hard it was to
find work after I quit being the hero...

My apologies. This world we perceived

was bugged out by the inclusion
of Hasegawa's data.

The real world...

-Hey. Good morning.

You still look half-asleep.


We've got some urgent work
to take care of.

Let's catch up later.

Huh? Wait, Gin!

Oh, and... you don't need us to
wipe those tears away, right?

Looks like the clouds upstairs
have stopped crying, too.

The skies have cleared up.

Let's go.

Hey, Gin, where are we going?

What's this urgent work we have?

- What was it?
- You forgot? Wasn't it urgent?!

What was it, Leader?

Beats me.

Well, hey, it doesn't matter what.

After all,

we're the Odd Jobs!

The final

- "Teach us, Ginpachi-sensei"
- Class 3-Z...

Teach us, Ginpachi-sensei!

Stand, bow, take your seats.

Listen up, kids.

Both the manga and movie
have reached the final chapter.

So you guys, who'd been repeating
year after year, finally get to graduate too.

On that note, say hello to the new
transfer student, Hideaki Sorachi.

He says you can ask him
anything right now and he'll answer.

Sensei! How are we supposed to
communite with a gorilla?!

What's he saying?
All I hear is "ooh".

- Me too?
- Sensei,

a place with multiple gorillas
is a zoo, not a school.

- May I go home?
-Okay, I get it.

Kondo, Sorachi, and Otae,
go home to your cages now.

Excuse me.

I can interpret for you
if you'd like, Sensei.

You're the Sensei, Shoyo.

As someone who's been
repeating eternity,

I can understand their language.

A guy who repeats forever
is just an idiot, Shoyo.

This is the question Kondo has:

Getting kicked off of Jump,
two final chapter scams,

and multiple delays...
Why did all that happen?

I would never ask such a dangerous
question! He really is an idiot, Sensei!

Oh, I see. Is that what happened?

Sensei! You didn't need
an interpreter after all?!

It's a delicate matter,
so I'll bananacoat it.

Sugarcoat it instead, Sensei.

- "I was busy playing Sekiro"
- It's like this.

Sensei! The banana peel isn't working!
The Sekiro is there for all to see!

Forget the banana.

It seems things got crazy after Isshin
tore his way out of Genichiro's back.

Stop talking about Sekiro.
It'll cause online drama.

- Anybody else got questions?
- I'm too scared to ask!

Me, Sensei.

We never got any details
about Gintoki Sakata's origins.

Who is he, actually?

There's a fan theory that says
he's half-Amanto due to having silver hair.

Does that mean Sacchan
with her purple hair

is half-Osakan hag?

Rude! And how can you even be
half an Osakan hag?

Don't worry, Sarutobi.
You aren't an Osakan hag.

You're only halfway there,
so Nagoyan hag.

So I'm still a hag?!

Does that mean
the silver-haired man is...

...half-Sugamo geezer?

I hate to say it,
but you're all wrong.

Keep it between us,

but the bananacoated
reason for the silver hair is...

- "Because manga"
- Too blunt, Sensei!

Do your damn job, banana peel!

Any other questions?

Enough, Sensei!
We'll just dig our own graves!

Okay. I shall turn
everything hollow, then,

with this one question to end them all.

Bad news, Sensei.

Shoyo's other persona,
Hollow Brain has come out.

He's going to ask something real bad!

Sorachi, do you...

...count bananas as snacks?

- Whoa, it's Shoyo!
- Stay out of this, Shoyo!

What I want to ask is,
do you count bananas as royalties?

Nah, bananas count as snacks, right?

Looks like both their questions
are trash.

- Banana is royalties!
- Banana is a snack!

Somebody stop those two...
I mean, that one moron.

Any other questions?

Sensei! What was that ObaZ
stuff all about?

You need to drop it already.

Sensei. In the end, am I dead?

Or am I alive? Which is it?

It's Takasugi! The one whose survival
was left up in the air in the movie!

It was obviously left vague
so people could have hope.

Are you prepared to accept reality,
cruel as it may be?


"Okay, I'll just be honest and say"

- "I didn't want to waste pages on that."
- Too blunt!

- "Rather than expand on Takasugi's fate,"
- Bananacoat it!

"I wanted to fit in
as many jokes as I could."

Not that I care,

but we can decide if
Takasugi's alive or dead by vote.

Don't use democracy
to decide one's fate!

Okay. Was that bare butt Takasugi's ass
or some random kid's ass?

Pick what you like.

Sensei, why are there two votes already?

- Sekiro for me, then.
- Me too!

- Sensei.
- Me three.

One vote for everybody died.

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