Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade (2015)

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Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

Now is the time to open
the forbidden doors.

Poison is medicine, medicine is poison.

This is true Fungus Magic.

That's no good!
Not cute at all.

No arguing today, you two!

Fusion Magic won't work
unless our hearts harmonize as one.

But Sucy was trying to mix in
a poisonous mushroom!

Then what did you bring, Akko?


A Brownie, fairy of good fortune!
Just what we need!

Where did you get that?

I stumbled upon it in the woods.

Are you sure it's a Brownie
and not a goblin?

Your mushroom is poisonous!

Poison can work as medicine!

What? Did you forget about the time when
you couldn't stop sweating for hours?

Come on, you two!

It's poison!

It's medicine!




Now you've done it.

Wait, it's my fault?

Of course.

This doesn't look good.

Girls! What's all the commotion about?

Where are we?

Who knows?

We've fused together.

Watch out! We're gonna crash!

What have they done?

Akko, Lotte, Sucy!

This is...

We... We're so sorry!

Professor, why don't we try Luna Lana?

A Nullification spell.
Good idea.

Mummification spell?

Nullification spell!

-Ready, Diana?

Ein Ein Sof!

Ein Sof Ohr!

-Luna Lana!
-Luna Lana!

That was brilliant, Diana.

No wonder they call you the best student
who's ever attended Luna Nova.

You're amazing, Diana!

You're the pride of Luna Nova!

It was nothing.

Don't be modest. Luna Lana is Fusion Magic
of the highest difficulty.

Not many students are able
to cast that kind of spell.

Besides, it's because you try to add
poisonous mushrooms to everything!

-One must be in complete control...
-It's not poisonous.

Will you two just stop?

For those with no self-restraint...

It would never work.

{\an8}You three again.

How many times has it been today?

No, four times?

I think it's five.

Let's see...

How about when we asked
the chemistry professor

how to make a love potion,

and got in trouble when we tested it

by sneaking some into her soup?

Does that count?


Or how about when we used mummies
to clean for us?


I really thought
we'd get away with that one!

If it wasn't for Diana and her g*ng...

Girls! This is not the time to chitchat!

-And Barbara with her fire...
-Professor Ursula!

It was such a mess!

We're in this predicament because

-you didn't assert your position...
-And Hanna got scared. their teacher.
-And hid behind Diana.

-Well... You're right. I'm so sorry.
-And we ended up getting all the blame.

But it was their fault, too!
Isn't that right?


I'm giving you girls an assignment.

As you know,
there's an upcoming festival in town.

Of course!

Fireworks, food stands, and dancing!

It's my first festival
since I started attending this school.

I'm so excited!

For the festival,

you will organize a parade.

A parade?

Professor Ursula!

Yes, one moment, please.

Here we go.

This footage is from last year.





What? What is this?

It's a reenactment of the witch hunt.

You mean the witch hunt
from the Middle Ages?


You know that many witches
were persecuted and oppressed,

don't you?

Sort of.

In remembrance of this tragedy,

our school has been cooperating
in putting on this annual festival.

This is Act 1333 of the school law.

It's a tradition we've carried out
for years.

No way! This ridiculous event went on--

It's an annual custom to meet
at the line of stones in the town square,

and perform the appeasement ceremony.

It's going to be all up to you this year.

Just the three of us?

You're not the only troublemakers.

Amanda O'Neill.

She's guilty of breaking into
Luna Nova's treasure vault,

where many historical treasures are kept.
She's also guilty of attempted robbery.

{\an8}Constanze Braunschbank Albrechtsberger.

She's guilty of bringing in
high-tech contraband

and illegally selling it.

Jasminka Antonenko.

Food thief, repeat offender.

These three will also be participating.

This is your last chance.

The six of you will work together
to put on a successful parade.

Or else...

Expulsion! Understood?

That is not a parade!

It makes us witches look bad!

It's so old-fashioned and lame!

That's my pillow.

We're magic diamonds in the rough!

So, why?

Is this how they treat
future magic celebrities?

We have no choice.
Otherwise, we'll be expelled.

That's how witches are seen
by the public anyway.


This blows.
Let's just get it over with.

That's not a good attitude to have. Right?

Want some?

Happy flavor!

Happy flavor?

If we're going to do this,
we might as well make it happy!

We'll reinvent
the public image of witches!

Here we go, another one of Akko's
spontaneous ideas.

We'll make flashy costumes and props,

and show how cool witches are!

Yes! Like Shiny Chariot!

We can sing, dance and fly across the sky
in shiny costumes!

That's how the modern witch should be!

Won't such a drastic change
get us in trouble?

Fireworks, floats,
and beautiful music to dance to.

I can teach you some moves if you want.

-I used to dance.
-For real?

As it happens.

But Akko...

Okay, then!

Sucy and Constanze
are in charge of the stage set.

Make something impressive!

Jasminka, you can do catering!

And hand out cute and delicious treats
to everyone!

And Lotte...

You're the project manager!

That's the most important role!
We know we can totally count on you!

All right! Let's do this!

We'll call it...

The Happy Time Project!

How about a round of applause?

-Wow! Amazing, Amanda!
-It's like doing acrobatics.

It's impressive.

Amazing! You're really something!

That was just beginner stuff.

Okay, you're next.

Are you ready?

One, two, three!


Lotte! Lotte! Are you okay?

Eat this.

Guess we might need another plan.

How about this?

Mushrooms again?

What are you gonna do with that?

"A mushroom appeared in town.

It spread its magical spores.

And the power of Spore Magic
made everyone happy."

Denied! Denied!

That's a biohazard!

Why do you always come up with
stuff like that?

You're what they call
"the root of all evil," Sucy.

Wait a minute.

Mushrooms attack the town.

And then, the heroic white mage appears!

Help, help!

Hooray! Thank you!

The miracle of magic saves the world!

That's it!

It'll show them how amazing witches are!

The white mage defeats the enemy.
And then...

So who's going to play the white mage?

Definitely not Akko.

She's only been able to use
the Shiny Rod once by some fluke.

And she still can't ride a broom.



Got a problem with that?

I'm so sorry, I can't use the Shiny Rod,
or ride a broom!

It's all negative points for me!

Hey, calm down!

Let's just change the plan,
there's too many problems with it.

But what'll we do?

Get help?

From who?

I don't know.
Maybe Diana?

Agreed! We can do a lot more
if we get help from her.

What? Why Diana?

She's a stubborn show off! I refuse!

That would be my line.


As usual, you seem to be up to no good.

It's to liven up the parade!
Our Happy Time Project!

Happy Time?
That's so lame!

What are you, a kindergartner?


I've been against the parade
from the start.

The history of witch oppression
is nothing but a disgrace.

I'm thinking of complaining
directly to the head master.

I see.

Do whatever you want.

I need to go out there and show
how wonderful witches are!

Frivolously showing off magic
for entertainment is just shameful!

Is that so?

You and I will never see
eye to eye, Diana.

That's right, Akko.

I am a descendant of a proud and ancient
bloodline of magic users!

You, on the other hand,
are a lowbrow witch

from some island country in the orient,

drawn here because of some magic show.

We are inherently different!

There is no comparison!

Well, you can do as you will.

But I can already imagine
how things will turn out.

What's with her?

She always makes the same snide remarks
and walks away!

Just watch!

This parade project
just keeps getting weirder.

Am I really suited to be a manager?

What do you think of this plan?

{\an8}Akko's so excited about it,
I want to make it work, but...

That song!

Lotte, let's go to the store!

And I was thinking...

How about we all play the white mage?

Then we can do more with it!

About that...

I think this plan's not going to work.

The only reason we can use magic
so freely in the school,

is thanks to the Sorcerer's Stone.

The Sorcerer's Stone serves as
our source of energy.

But its powers can't reach the town.

So we won't be able to use
a lot of magic in town--

I think it'll add excitement

if we could add music
when the white mage appears.

And so,

you should sing, Lotte!

What? Me?

Isn't there a song passed on
from witch to witch in your hometown?

But that's just for special--

It's now! That time is now!

I can't!

Yes, this is it!

Hey, give that back!

Isn't this the score?

How did you know?

Because you sing it sometimes
when you're alone.

You were listening?

You don't have to be
so secretive about it.

Hey, don't look!

Oops, look what I did.

Sorry, Lotte.


Get out!

What about going to the store?

What's with the mood?

Let's meet back here when it's time.


I didn't think Lotte would get so angry.

So you thought the moon may fall,

but never thought Lotte would get angry?

But I didn't mean any harm.

There's no need for him to be that upset.

It must have been pretty bad for a
gentle girl like Lotte to get that upset.

Like I said, I didn't mean any harm!

You must have really hit a nerve.

Really! I didn't mean any harm!

You keep saying that.

Maybe she's been holding it in,
and she just exploded.

Then she should've said something!

I'm sure that would be hard to do,
given how excited you were.

How should I know what she's thinking
if she doesn't say it out loud?

So she's been brooding about it
this whole time?

How gloomy! And depressing!

Lotte, why don't you just tell her
what you're thinking?

Don't just let her call you
gloomy and depressing.

You're right, I should speak my mind.

I think your plan isn't working, Akko.

Why don't we just keep
the parade as it was?


Don't you want to show everyone
how wonderful witches are?

It's not going to work.

I'm not as optimistic as you are.
I'm gloomy.

You're not!

And depressing.

You're not! You're not depressing at all!

I'm not going to participate
in your parade, Akko.

I'll do my own thing.

Lotte, wait!



Hey! Why'd you stop me?

Don't you care, Sucy,
if our Happy Time Project falls through?

You mean your project, not ours.


So you were doing it against your will?

I was the only one who wanted this?

Don't act all cool!

You're always making fun
and messing with me!

I'm not your guinea pig!

Sucy, you... you...

You what?

You're not my friend anymore!

I mean it!

I'm never talking to you again!

Stupid Sucy! Mushroom freak!

You bought way too many snacks.

Hey, Akko!

What's wrong?

Did something happen?

Where's Lotte and Sucy?


You girls are witches, right?

So what if we are?

You do shady magic stuff
in that moldy old place, right?

Making stew out of caterpillars
and lizards and stuff!

-So lame!

Magic is for old geezers.

They don't even have cell phones.

Do they even know what phones are?

It's you guys who are behind the times
if you don't know the greatness of magic.

It's way better than your cellphones,
and much more useful.

We'll show you how great magic is
at our next parade--

We can't wait!

Why don't we help with rehearsals then?


We'll take you seriously then!

Get 'em!

Take this!

Doesn't this make witches look worse?

Aren't you getting too worked up
over some kids-- Ouch!

Why, I ought to...

Hey, what's going on?

We're out of magic power.

Come on, what's wrong?


That's weird.

Take this!

The enemy's out of a*mo,
let's take' em!

Looks like she needs help.

Damn you! That's enough!


You'd better cut it out or
I'm gonna eat you!

Are you okay?

-Let go, ugly!
-What did you say?

Hey, you little...


Now you've made me really angry.


Those brats went all out on us.

I guess we really can't use magic here.

We run out of energy too quickly.


The plan doesn't look like
it's gonna work.

I'm heading back.

See you.

Those kids have been at it again.

Doesn't matter!

It's all getting taken down anyway.

Are you sure about this, mayor?

This stone has been here for ages.

We're going to redevelop this area
with new commercial buildings.

{\an8}And a statue of me!

Jennifer the Witch's Sealing Stone.

Legends say there's a great evil
sealed in here.

{\an8}Witch? That nonsense won't
bring in the tourists!

Hurry up and get rid of this useless rock.

Don't blame me if something bad happens.

Just do it already.

All right, let's get started!

When I was little,

I used to get made fun of for being
from a family of witches.

But when I sang the magic song,
the spirits would make a rainbow.

It was really beautiful.

This area is off-limits after dark.

For someone claiming she's going
to liven up the parade,

you don't seem to be having much fun.

So much for your happy time.

Well, I suppose this was inevitable.

Who would go along with
your selfish plans?

Furthermore, only a fool would use magic
for entertainment purposes.

Even Chariot was only idolized

She had such incredible magical power.

And yet she was unable to change anything,
and was soon forgotten.

Chariot's powers.

You should understand by now, right?

That your way of thinking
is naive and childish.

I understand.

Chariot was always my idol.

It's thanks to her that I decided
to become a witch.

I'm gonna prove Chariot was right!


If you put witches to shame--

Just shut up and watch!

Oh, my! She's such a strange girl.

I'm not going to give up
on the Happy Time Project.

I'm going to make it work!

You guys...

The night has arrived.
Who knows what will happen?

Will it really work?

I won't know until I try.

I just have to believe
in my own inspiration!

Please, Shiny Rod, lend me your power.

Maybe we should just take
the entire Sorcerer's Stone.

Did it work?

What are those girls up to now?

Okay, good.

-All right, Akko. Try it now.


Looks like this might work.

Your idea of storing power in Shiny Rod

to later use in town may actually work.

Smart thinking, Akko.

You think so?

Here's your reward.


At least we've solved the energy problem.


It's time for the parade to start!

Go, Constanze!

Wait a minute!
Lotte and Sucy aren't here.

Lotte and Sucy?

It's already way past the meeting time.

We can't wait forever.

It's starting to get dark.

They're coming, they're not coming.

They're coming, they're not coming.

They're coming, they're not coming.

Oh, no! They're really not coming!


What are you doing?

What's going on?

Is the witch parade starting?

Looks like we just have to do it.

Let's go, everyone!

All right! Here we go!

It's time for Luna Nova's
Happy Time witch parade!

It's them.

I guess they didn't learn their lesson.

Flara Bina!


They're going all out this year.

Here you go!


I was worried, but...



Those girls.

I just hope nothing bad happens.

Give me some candy!

Stop dancing!

Hey, look, guys.

Who did that?

You again!

Got it!

I got it!

You brat! Give it back!

Over here! Got it!



You little...


Damn it! Which one is it?


You get that side!

Got it!

What a bunch of idiots.

What? The light...

Help! Someone get me out!

That's the legendary Sealing Stone!


What's going on?

Help! Let me out!

Hey, that kid!

It's a giant.

What? Diana?

The giant sealed away
by Jennifer the Witch

was awakened by the magic of the rod!

What? A giant?

What's all the ruckus?

What's happening?

-Isn't this strange?
-What is that?

Oh my, I knew something would go wrong.

Oh, no! The legendary giant has awoken!

The town's in chaos from the black magic!

But not to worry.
A witch will surely come to save us.

Oh, so this is part of the parade?

Some kind of attraction?

Girls, help me put on a show!

What should we do Akko?


I don't know.


Oh, my!

No! Attacking the giant with magic
won't work.

What ever shall we do?

Let's go, Akko!
Are you ready?


All right, Jasna.


Why, you...

What a brave witch!

Let's show our support, everyone!

Are you okay?
I'm gonna get you out!



Look at her go!

You've got it! Save him!

Just a little more.

The Shiny Rod!

-Hey, what about me?

Hold on tight.

Wait, what about me?

I keep falling.


But, I said we weren't friends anymore.

You also said
you'd never talk to me again.

Your word isn't reliable,
so it doesn't count.


Besides, there's no better guinea pig.

What's that supposed to mean?

You're perfect to experiment on.


See? Again.

Well done.

It was nothing.

Hey, I had that!

We've got bigger problems.

We'd better do something about that.

Failing might be
the least of our problems.

Hold on tight!



Pass it!



Okay! Got it!

Go faster!

This is the fastest it can go
with both of us on it.

No way!

Not here! Go up! Go up!

A parachute isn't made to go up.

No! No!

We're gonna be eaten!

Close your eyes, old earth

White petals fall from the skies


White petals fall from the skies

A gentle gaze

Of Mother's quintessential night


What's happening?

This is...

Lotte's song is calling the spirits.





Thank God.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Lotte! I...

It's because you made it by hand.


The reason you wanted to become a witch...

is because when you were little,

you were enchanted
by Shiny Chariot's magic, right?

Then you need this.

I'm sorry!
I'm so sorry!

I'm always thinking of myself
without considering your feelings.

It's okay.

That's why you can do the things I can't.

You keep looking forward,
and work toward your goals.

It's who you are, Akko.

What's happening?


What now?

This is the giant?

What do you want?
You're just an old rock!

You got a problem?


Hey, you, where are you all going?

Are you all right, Mr. Mayor?

No, I'm not okay!

What is the meaning of this?

Now, now. We're almost at the climax.


The giant finally revealed his true form!

Please watch from a safe distance!

Now, the fate of the town rests
in the hand of three witches.

Work together to pacify the giant's wrath!

What? All the responsibility is on us?

Akko! The spell we learned in class.

The nullification spell.


Mummification spell?


Luna Lana!

When witches' hearts harmonize as one,
they can produce immeasurable power.

That's Luna Lana!

Oh, right!


Let's do it!

Luna Lana!



Amanda, Constanze, Jasminka...

Lotte! Sucy! Let's go!

Ein Ein Sof!

Ein Sof Ohr!

Luna Lana!

We did it!

No! The giant's power is too strong.

Don't give up!


What's gonna happen?


It's taking in our magic.

Don't give up! Believe!

-Don't give up!
-You can do it!

We believe in you!

You can do it, Akko!

Go! Go!


Pull... Pull it together!

Now that the audience is fired up...


The witches are in a pinch!

Please, everyone, lend them your strength!

Let the faith in your hearts become one.

Macmur. Micmur.


Reveal yourself,

bow of light!

Shiny Ballista!




They brought chaos to the town
with this ridiculous event!


Didn't this all begin because someone
disrespected an ancient artifact?


But it seems that the people love it.

{\an8}I'm gonna be rich!

This could work.

All right! I'll make a memorial park!

We must preserve and cherish culture.

Oh, my.

In any case,
it looks like it's all settled.

Let's call the assignment a success.

Thank you!

It was great!

Will you do it again next year?

Thank you! Thank you!


I've never seen
such terrible spell casting.

It's unfortunate, since you were able
to use a spell more advanced than mine.



Are you okay?

I'm fine.

But, I did underestimate witches.

I guess we should apologize.

In our own way.

Should we go for an encore?

Hey, witches!

The parade wasn't too bad this year.

What? You brats want to join the parade?

Yeah, we'll join in!

This is the finale, right?

Bring it on!

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