New Initial D Movie: Legend 1 - Kakusei - Awakening (2014)

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New Initial D Movie: Legend 1 - Kakusei - Awakening (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »


This time already ?

I must have gotten carried away.
I'd better head home.

W...what was that ?!

He's still on my tail, and I can't shake him.

Is this a bad dream or what ?

Even though this's my first time on this mountain pass,
someone like me shouldn't be pushed like this.

This ain't funny, dammit !

You can't do it !

There's a sharp left hander
ahead of this slow left curve.

Your tail is sliding out because of the inertia.

You're going too fast,
there's no margin for recovery.

What the...?!

An Eight-Six ?

Is that really an Eight-Six ?

Are you alright ?

You hurt ?

Did I just see the ghost of a
dead Mt. Akina street racer ?

That was a frustratingly perfect super drift.

What the hell was with that Eight-Six ?

Seriously, Iketani's story sounded awesome.

It gave me the chills.

An Eight-Six owned an RX-7 on Akina.

Even on the downhill, an Eight-Six beat a pure
sports machine like the Seven.

Hey, Takumi, are you listening ?

I am.

So what's an Eight-Six ?

It's a car...a car.

That's a weird name.

Who makes it ? Mazda ?

You don't know what an Eight-Six is,
even though you work at a gas station ?

An Eight-Six is a Toyota,
and it's more than a decade old.

That doesn't sound all that good.

Even Dad has an old Toyota for work.

You can't compare it with that.

The Eight-Six is special, even if it's old.

I've decided.

I'll look for a used Eight-Six, instead of a

Is the Eight-Six easier to buy ?


I thought so, especially with our pay.

The best a high school student can
make would be what, about 120,000 yen ?

You guys have a job ?

What's wrong ? Is it that strange
for me to strike up a conversation ?

So, you make 120,000 yen a month ?

Yeah, for 8 hours a day, 6 days a week.

What ? That long ?

You only get 120,000 for working so long ?

That's normal, isn't it ?

Unless you have a different sense of money.

Good luck. Why don't we go
somewhere and have fun after finals, okay ?

What's with her...?

It's been a year since
I last talked to Mogi Natsuki.

I used to talk to her often when I was in the
soccer club, because she was a manager.

But one day, I got in wrong with her.

What did you do ?

I beat up a senior, who just
happened to be her boyfriend.

You beat up a senior in the soccer club ?

I had a reason.

You've been like that since you were little.

You normally look like a sleepyhead,
but you change when you snap.

You know those wimpy elementary school kids ?

The type who gets really strong after crying ?

I was like that.

So you're looking for an Eight-Six, huh ?

You have good taste, Itsuki.

Don't I ?
You think so too, Iketani ?

Your parents have a car, right ?
Why don't you borrow it ?

It's no good.

My dad's car is a diesel-powered
FF with an auto tr*nny.

Only FR cars are real cars.

If it's got four wheels,
and is drivable, it's a car.

You don't get it, do you ?

The car has no value if you
can't enjoy it on the mountain pass.

You bring that up so often.

What do you do in the mountain pass ?

Do what ?

Isn't it obvious ?
Drive hard in the corners.

Is it fun doing that ?


Of course it's fun !

Guys love to push it hard
on mountain passes in style.

Right, Iketani ?

Yeah, I like it.

That's why I have a team.

When I get an Eight-Six,
can I join the Akina Speed Stars ?

I've been dreaming about that for so long.

Welcome !


An RX-7.

Red Suns...?!

Could it be...

The yellow FD of the Red Suns.

Rotary Brothers !

I knew it.
That's Takahashi Keisuke.

Is he famous ?


He's number 2 of the Akagi Red Suns,
which is even recognized by some pros.

He's Keisuke, the younger one of the Takahashi brothers,
who are the fastest on Akagi with their rotary-powered cars.

So we meet again.

So it's your S13, after all.

High octane, right ?


Fill it up with the high octane !

Yes, right.

Oh man, does he want to fly ?

I have to ask you one more time.

You really don't know anything
about that Eight-Six I saw on Akina ?


What ? So an Eight-Six really
did beat Takahashi Keisuke ?

How come the locals don't
know about a car like that ?

No matter how many times
you ask, I just don't know.

I see.

Cap is okay.

Anything else today ?

I'll repay my debt to the ghost.

That Takahashi Keisuke is intimidating.

What ?!

You're going to take me to Mt. Akina ?

Yeah, next Saturday.

Alright !

I'll go.
I'll go, no matter what.

You, too. Right, right ?


A chance like this doesn't come often.

I'll be able to meet the
members of the Akina Speed Stars.

I can't wait for Saturday.

I'm home.

Supper ?

Already ate.

You're so unsociable.

Look who's talking.

Good luck. Why don't we go
somewhere and have fun after finals, okay ?

What's gotten into her ?

Oh, whatever.

I've got to wake up early.
I should get some sleep.

Alright, the next left curve is...

That bastard must be local because he
seemed so familiar with Akina's mountain pass.

Otherwise, how could
I have lost to an Eight-Six ?

I want to meet him again.
I can't be satisfied until I get my revenge.

Come out, ghost of Akina !

I've come here to meet you !

It's no joke, seriously.

That outsider every night...

Akina is the home ground
our team, the Speed Stars !

We're not Takahashi Keisuke's target.

A panda-colored Eight-Six, right ?

Don't get me wrong, but I can't believe your
story about such a super-fast Eight-Six on Akina.

There is one !

Oh, Mr. Tachibana...


When I was actively street racing, there was the
fastest driver, whose speed on Akina was
recognized by everyone.

Our team also claims
to be the fastest on Akina.

There are lots of self-proclaimed "fastest,"
but this guy was the real deal.

On top of that, he still
drives on Akina even today.

Even today ?

We know most of Akina's street racers, so...

He drives at odd times because
he's a tofu shop owner now.

What ?!

A legendary street racer has
become a tofu shopkeeper ?

He delivers tofu from the mountain base to a
hotel at Akina Lake around 4 am...

...with his Eight-Six.

It's his job, so he drives every day,
in the rain or even snow.

He knows everything about Akina's
mountain pass, even all the stains on the asphalt.

Once he's unloaded the tofu, he drives down the
pass at an incredible speed.

I'd bet you 10,000,000 yen.

The fastest on Akina is the
tofu shopkeeper's Eight-Six.

Tofu shopkeeper's Eight-Six...

Hello, Fujiwara Tofu Shop.

Oh, Yuichi.
What's the matter ?

Nothing really. I was just curious
about how you've been doing.

Same ol', same ol'.

I see.

I've heard your Eight-Six is still kicking.

A kid at my station said
he saw you on the mountain.

It sounded like you toyed around with
an RX-7, but aren't you too old for that ?

You're mistaken. That wasn't me.

How could I be ? Only you drive an
Eight-Six on Mt. Akina in the morning.

That's certainly my car, but I'm
not the one who delivers tofu now.

What did you say ?

Don't spill it, or the tofu will be squished.

I know, like I've heard that million times.

I'm off.

Let's see...

Man, I'm so excited.

Why isn't it Saturday already ?
My heart is pounding.

Is that so ?

You look as sleepy as usual.

Leave me alone.

Actually, I am sleepy.

Don't forget about this Saturday, Takumi.

I got it. You're so persistent.


Takumi, good morning.


Good timing.

Do you have a minute ?


Come with me.

I'd better go.

What's going on ?
I thought Mogi hated you.

I've been thinking...

I think it's time to restore our friendship.

There's nothing to restore.

I wasn't at odds with you.

So you're okay with it ?

I'm so glad.

You were talking about
cars the other day, right ?

Can you drive ?


Then would you go for a drive with
me sometime during summer break ?

I'll fix some lunch. It'll definitely be fun.

Fine by me, but the
car is a piece of junk.

It's just a clunker for work.

It's alright.

I don't mind what kind of car it is.

Let's go somewhere far away.

The beach would be nice.
The two of us can go swimming.

The two of us...?


I wonder why she looks so sexy...

The first right counter steer wasn't a mistake.

It was a feint motion for the next move.


If you steer from inside to outside in that
state, the body will instantly roll to the

...which induces over steering to enter a drift.

I see. That makes sense.

It's not a drift for show, but for driving fast.

That Eight-Six might become useful for the
research paper I'm currently working on.

Who the hell is the driver ?

None of the Red Suns members
can pull that off, except for you.

What are you talking about ?
You do that, too. ?

You're weird.

You can go neck and neck
with me without really thinking.

It would be ideal if you could
add my logic to your driving.

Your analytical skills are extraordinary.

Regenerative Medicine

Power to Revolutionize Medical Science

Just by following your opponent in a
pair of left and right handers in a battle... can figure out your opponent's habits, weaknesses,
the car's suspension settings and even the engine power...

You're a fiend of some sort.

Screw this.
I don't understand this at all.

That's fine.

I'll go to Akina next Saturday.

Finally, you're going to race ?

That's why I sent you to Akina.... make the Akagi Red Suns, and the names of
Takahashi Ryosuke and Keisuke become legend.

Let's start a project to become
the fastest in the Kanto Plain.

Quiet, Takumi !
You're distracting Iketani !

But it's so scary.

That doesn't come as any surprise.

Anyone would be scared to ride in
the car of a street racer for the first time.

The next will be a hairpin
curve in the second gear.

Please, stop !

I said, shut up !

Sorry. I guess I got too
excited and pushed too hard.

You're so pathetic, Takumi.
Man up, already, you wimp.

You must be one of those who cries
out on a roller coaster, aren't you ?

I've never thought a roller coaster was scary.

You won't understand this sense
of fear even if I try to explain.

What're you talking about ?


See all the guys gathered up ahead ?

Something's wrong.


What's wrong, guys ?


We're using the course for a bit.

My brother is with me today.

I'm Takahashi Ryosuke.
Sorry for barging in without notice.

Ryosuke, the older brother
of the Takahashi Rotary Brothers.

A pair of new and old RX-7s.

So they're the real Takahashi brothers.

So they're the Akagi Red Suns.

What brought you to Akina ?

That's because...

Head of PR, your turn.


We just discussed the possibility of having a
joint event between the Akina Speed Stars and
Akagi Red Suns right here next Saturday.

Joint event ?


We belong to each of our
teams because we love to race.

I think we can improve our skills through
stimulating interactions with other teams every
now and then.

At first, we drive around all together.

At the end, we select two representatives from
each team for a time attack on the uphill and downhill.

It's not about winning or losing,
but for friendship between teams.

How does it sound ?

We don't have any reason to refuse, so...

Then, it's decided.

Let us practice as much as we can today.

We'll follow proper street racing manners.


Yeah, their formality is all fake.
That was an outright challenge.

No need to chicken out. Let's go.

They'd better not underestimate the locals !

Let's kick their ass !

Iketani, can we go, too ?

Sorry, but I can't let anyone
ride along when I drive seriously.

Wait here.

Man, I wanted to go...

They're already that far ahead ?

I'm doing my best,
and still can't keep up !

This is just too sad.

Why are we the only ones who
don't have a car at a time like this ?!

Hey, Itsuki... this fun ?

Street racers are strange.

Why do they go nuts
over something like this ?

Takumi, don't you feel anything ?!

Cars zooming by one after another !

The exhaust note, the squealing sound...

The smell of burning rubber...

Don't you get excited
by seeing this in person ?

My tension is so high.

Get excited...?

Akina is full of losers.

Going that fast ?!


If they can do it, so can I.

Downhill driving is tough...really tough.

Akina's familiar corners are
showing their vicious side.

I couldn't even see the tails of the Akagi guys
even though I pushed myself to such a scary level...

Is this all the technique I've got ?

I feel hopeless after seeing that.

I can't catch them no matter how hard I try.

They're fundamentally different.

We're getting pounded on our home ground.

Are the Red Suns that good ?


He hasn't quit yet ?

Is he alright ?

He was pushing really hard earlier.

Akina is our mountain.

I'll show you the pride of the locals.

What was that ?

Someone crashed !

I see.

He was lucky his injuries weren't serious.


Tell Iketani that we can
postpone the Saturday event.

But even if he's still up for it, you guys can't defeat me
unless you bring your secret w*apon, the Eight-Six.

I'll drive the downhill on the event day.

I was caught off guard the other day because I
wasn't mentally prepared, and not familiar with
the course.

I won't lose to the same opponent.

Got it.

This is it.


I've finally found the Eight-Six driver, Akina's
very best.

Come to think of it, Akagi had plenty
of skilled street racers back in the old days.

But I'm not the one who
beat the Akagi driver's pants off.

That can't be. There's no other person
who delivers tofu with an Eight-Six.

Even if it was me,
I wouldn't race as a helper.

An old man like me
should know his place, right ?

It's an issue the younger
folks have to solve themselves.

I'm a street racer who grew up on Akina,
so I can clearly see the Akagi guys are mocking us.

That frustrates me most.

I want to show them Akina has skilled drivers.

You can do it, since you beat
Takahashi Keisuke once before.

Here, your fried tofu. 140 yen.

Go home.
Sorry that I can't be of any help.

I won't give up, Mr. Fujiwara.
I'll come back tomorrow.

Oh well, it wasn't me, really.

I can't hate a guy like him.

The thing is, I have
something I must tell you, Takumi.

What is it ?


I bought a new bathing suit.

It's super pretty.

What ?
That's all you wanted to say ?

Right on !

Good grief. I had to brace
myself for what you might say.

But I'm so happy
that I had to tell someone.

Do you wanna see it ?
What color do you think it is ?

You wanna see sooner ?


You can see it all you want,
once we get to the beach.

Save the fun until then.

What about next Sunday ?
Are you free ?

Next Sunday ?

Fine. I don't have to work that day.

Okay, that's it then.
It's a promise, okay ?

You must not break it, because I hate
smokers and people who break promises.

What're you going to do if it rains ?

We'll just improvise.
So, it's next Sunday, okay ?

I'm becoming more and
more interested in Mogi lately.

Street racers hate to lose
because of their strong pride.

Actually, we have nothing else we're good at.

So, losing on a familiar
course humiliates us the most.

The locals mustn't lose to outsiders.
That's the street racer's code.

I'll come back.
Your fried tofu tastes good.

Because of my poor skills,
you have to bear this pain.

Sorry, Silvia. Forgive me.

I hope you get repaired
and come back to me soon.

We can race together again.

Yuichi, because you filled them full
of bullshit, I get a visitor every day.

That young Iketani guy with his
arm in a cast limps back and forth.

He's so pitiful.
I can't stand watching him.

Iketani is a nice guy.

If you feel pity,
why don't you race for him ?

No thanks. Adults shouldn't
meddle in fights between kids.

That's my policy.

You're still childish inside.

Shut up.

Well then, why don't you
send a kid to a kids' fight ?

Are you talking about Takumi ?

He's pretty good, isn't he ?

On the downhill, yeah.

But not as good as me, though...

You get competitive so easily.

I don't know how he got it,
but he has a stubborn side... he wouldn't race even if I told him to.


Can I use the car next Sunday ?

Sunday ?


Why not ?
The shop is closed on Sunday.

I need it because I have a commerce meeting.

Seriously ?
I really need to use the car that day.

I'll be in trouble if I can't use it,
even though it's just a clunker.

Man, this isn't good.

It's about a girl, isn't it ?

So what ? I'll use the
car without asking, okay ?

You can't drive a car without the key.

Maybe I should hang it around my neck.

You dirty old...

Well, if you're that desperate,
I may reconsider.

But I have a condition.

A condition ?

Tomorrow night, you take the car and beat a
big mouth who claims to be the fastest on Akagi...

...on the downhill of Akina.

Why ?

Then I'll let you use the
car with no strings attached...

...with a full t*nk of gas to boot.

Full t*nk of gas...

Damn, that condition is so tempting.

What ? Are you sure ?

I may be able to go to Mt. Akina tonight.


Thank you, Mr. Fujiwara.

Hey, don't die on me.

The time attack begins
at 10 o'clock. I'll be waiting.

I can't guarantee it yet.

If my Eight-Six doesn't show
up on time, please give up.

You'll have to resolve the matter yourself.

I trust you.
I know you've decided to go.

Our entire team will be waiting for you, Mr.

Thank you !

If Takumi whines, maybe I should race.

So many cars are headed for Mt. Akina.

Akina versus Akagi.

Akagi's fastest RX-7 and the
unnamed downhill specialist of Akina...

This battle can't be missed.

And then, hungry cars
come one after another.

I'd better leave the station open late.

The Red Suns have already
dispatched their course marshals.


Look at the size of the gallery.
I've never seen so many on Akina.

Iketani, can we really trust
your story about the Eight-Six ?

Yeah, he will come.

Takahashi Keisuke's FD3S is easily making 350HP.

Even on the downhill,
an Eight-Six is no match...

Trust me.

What if he doesn't come ?


Kenji, you race.

What ?!

See the gallery ?

For the sake of the team,
push hard, like there's no tomorrow. way, this can't be happening...

I'm not very confident.

Keisuke !

So cool !

He's so cool !

It's about time.
Let's start the event.

The time attack begins at 10 o'clock.
Let's drive freely until then.


The size of the gallery seems big.
So let's have fun.

Show time, huh ?

There they are.

The Red Suns guys are pretty good at drifting.

They don't miss the clipping point.


...the sound of a rotary.
They're coming.

Takahashi, the Rotary Brothers.

It's pointed to the left before the right hander.

Takahashi Keisuke's FD is so dynamic.

Next is Takahashi Ryosuke's FC.

No way ! He began a
straight drift from so far away !

Can he reach here ?

He kept the drift all through the corner.

How did he do that ?

Not yet ?

What an awesome parallel drift.

They're in perfect sync.

Their claim of "the fastest in Akagi"
isn't a sham. Their skills are real.

The Eight-Six hasn't arrived yet.

Please come, Mr. Fujiwara.

What a waste.
These are just for show.

My driving is different when I go for time.

Akina doesn't have any worthy opponents.

Come out, Eight-Six, so I can prove it.

No cup of water today ?

Why would you need it ?
You're not carrying tofu.

Just enjoy it, okay ?

Enjoyment is supposed to be fun, right ?
But I'm not really into this.

What ? You aren't confident ?

I don't mean that.

Just drive as usual, and you won't lose.

Is that right ?

I'm off.

Mr. Fujiwara...

Brother, the Eight-Six hasn't come.

I thought it would show up,
but what a disappointment.

This pisses me off.

Did you finish checking
for debris on the course ?


So, shall we begin ?

Sure. Alright.

It's time for the time attack.

Kenji, I'm sorry.

It's alright, Iketani.
I'll show them the pride of the locals.

A guy like him is my opponent ?
This is ridiculous.

This is the finish line.
Can you hold the start for a while ?

What's wrong ?

A regular car just entered the mountain.

It must be a spectator coming late,
because the car was just an Eight-Six.

Hey, was it really an Eight-Six ?

Yeah, an Eight-Six Trueno.

What color ?

A black and white panda colored.

Mr. Fujiwara...

Finally, Brother, my target has come.

My opponent isn't this One-eighty, is it ?

Yeah, you're right.

That Eight-Six driver is pretty good.

The way he cleared the corner
left an indescribable impression.

Did it ?

It looked just like any
Eight-Six kid on any mountain pass.

Only the ones in the know can see it.

Street racers who can control their cars
like their own limbs give off a strong aura.

That wasn't an ordinary street racer.

I never expected to see
someone like him on Akina.

He's come.

That's it.
That's the one, Brother.

Kept us waiting for this long.
Some kind of star, huh ?

Turn around right here.

So he really came.

Yeah. He came to protect the
pride of Akina's street racers.

Over here. Stop, stop.

Akina's legendary fastest driver,
Fujiwara Bunta, has come for real.


Iketani, what's going on ?

There were tons of people on the way up.

I feel like I'm in the wrong place.

Takumi, what's the meaning of this ?

Meaning ?

Dad told me to come here, so I did.

Your father ?


Fujiwara Takumi...

Takumi, you're the son of the
tofu shopkeeper, Mr. Fujiwara ?

Yes, I am.

But why you ?

Dad told me to beat
the RX-7 on Akina's downhill.

Takumi !

You moron !

Why did you do that, Itsuki ?

Don't you get it ?
What're you going to do with this mood ?

You said you'd come later
if you felt like it. But this late ?

On top of that, with an Eight-Six ?

Eight-Six ?

This isn't an Eight-Six. It says Trueno.

A Trueno is Eight-Six.

The type AE86 Trueno and Levin
are collectively called the Eight-Six.

Huh ? Seriously ?

Just move the car, already.
You're interfering with the time attack.

Wait, Itsuki.

Takumi, let me ask you one thing.


Who's been delivering tofu to Akina Lake ?

I am, these days.

Finally, I got it.

Thanks for coming, Takumi. I owe you.

I'll leave the downhill attack to you.

What are you talking about, Iketani ?

If an amateur like him takes on Akina's downhill,
he'll crash and die in an instant.

Don't worry.
You can do it, right, Takumi ?

You look young.

What's your name ?

Fujiwara Takumi.

I'll remember.

I'm Takahashi Keisuke.

It's time for the downhill time attack between
the Akina Speed Stars and the Akagi Red Suns.

Ten seconds to start.










Go !

Go, Takumi ! Step on it !

Good. Keisuke took the lead.

It's not my style to beat you on
a straightaway, but this is a time attack.

I'll create a large margin
before the entry into the first corner.

The FD is Japan's best cornering machine.
It can dominate in the corners.

Amazing !
That FD is incredibly fast !

After all, the Eight-Six is no match for it.

Did you see what that Eight-Six just did ?

Yeah. It zoomed by without
touching the curve or the guardrail.

I've never seen anyone
who can clear a corner so fast.

Incredible !
What's with that Eight-Six ?

It's scary fast !

It's gaining on me ?

No way. That's impossible.

Watching the start dash,
its power is just about 150HP.

It's not the monster machine Keisuke described.

The shift point is quick because it's got a
close-ratio transmission for rallying.

Even so, I can't think of any
reason for Keisuke's FD to lose.

If it happens,
what's monstrous isn't the car...'s the driver.

It went by at incredible speed.

It could go off the course at any time.

The driver doesn't have any fear of the downhill ?

Are you serious ?

Takumi's father is a legendary street racer ?


But he's just a blunt tofu shopkeeper.

I'm not mistaken.

And he sent out Takumi, which means...

I still can't believe this because Takumi
didn't even know what an Eight-Six was.

He kept the tail out through the
straightaway between the corners.

What the hell ?
It's not the type of drift we know.

It's art in its own right.

It's a full-throttle four-wheel drift
with minimal counter steer.

He's controlling his Eight-Six at
its limit as if it's a part of his body.

If the underpowered Eight-Six loses momentum,
it takes time to pick up speed.

He doesn't do any wasteful braking,
and takes the shortest path.

It's on my tail !

What ? Keisuke is ?

Yeah, he's being tailgated.

Akina's Eight-Six is extraordinary.
It's so fast !

It can't be.
How can Keisuke be tailgated ?

Takumi caught up with the FD.

Takumi did ? For real ?

I can't believe this.

The rest of the course is steeper with fewer
straightaways and more tight hairpins.

Keisuke should be alright.

I miscalculated.
I didn't expect him to be this good.

In mountain passes, the downhill
is decisively harder to drive.

On the uphill, you can recover from an error,
but any mistake on the downhill will lead to an accident.

And Akina's slope is particularly steep... the fear is immeasurable.

The one who dominates on the downhill...

...the downhill specialist,
is the fastest street racer.

What's going on ?
Why am I being chased around like this ?

He leaves less room than before.

The second gear acceleration is almost
equal, but I fall behind on the straightaway.

Man, what an incredible braking drift !

He's tailgating Takahashi Keisuke !

How can an Eight-Six be that
fast on this difficult Akina course ?

He's super cool !

That shitty old man probably won't recognize
my win unless I overtake my opponent.

I have no choice. I have to do it.

I'll make my move in the five hairpin curves.

There they are.

Even if I pull away on the
straightaway, he still catches me...

...which means his cornering work is better.

I can never accept that !

Getting pressured by an
underpowered car in corners...

That's the most humiliating
disgrace for a street racer !

Goddammit !

The FD is ahead.

Well, that's expected.

What the...?

The Eight-Six isn't braking.

There's a right hairpin curve ahead !

Are his brakes out ?!

What the hell ?!

What just happened ?

I don't know. That Eight-Six
couldn't have cleared the corner.

He let the tires grab the gutter
and turned at an abnormal speed.

It's a simple idea, but not
a trick anyone can pull off.

There're some over-the-top
crazy drivers out there.

I've found some more fun.

Here it comes.

Which one ?

The Eight-Six...?

That air-headed Takumi won !

With seven seconds of advantage.
This's way too cool.

I felt myself going pale, and now
I have goose bumps all over.

Why are you crying, you idiot ?

I don't know, but I'm just so happy.

We should ask Takumi all kinds of stuff,
like drift control and line taking.


We should put a Speed Stars sticker
on the Eight-Six before he notices.

I'll be honored to do that.

Really ? Okay, you do it.

How could Keisuke lose ?

We assembled this gallery to promote
the Red Suns, but it backfired, didn't it ?

We underestimated Akina.
I didn't expect a street racer like him.

The rumors will spread tomorrow.

Yeah, we'll win on the uphill...

...but this event essentially
ends with a Red Suns defeat.

I must admit, things like this
do happen in mountain passes.

That Eight-Six is interesting.

I accept my defeat.

You must keep winning.

You can't lose to any street
racers until I beat you. Got it ?

I have no reason to take orders from you.

Besides, I'm not a street racer.

Are you being sarcastic ?

You must have practiced really
hard to achieve that level of skill.

You wouldn't have done that, unless you like it.

I don't drive because I like it.

I have no choice because I have
to help my father's business.

I had to find something interesting
to do because it's boring.

I also want to return home quickly,
so I drive as fast as possible.

So I never wanted to
improve my driving skills.

You don't understand.

Don't be ridiculous !

You're the one who doesn't get it !

You must like driving !

You should realize it after tonight.

If you like to drive a car,
that's enough to be a street racer.

If you're a street racer,
be proud of the skills you've got !

I like to drive a car...?

That was strange.

The RX-7 in front of me
was getting closer and closer.

Before I knew it I was enjoying the chase.

I had enough fun swimming.

The ocean is definitely
better than the swimming pool.

Did you have fun, Takumi ?


It's nice that we came, right ?

Takumi, you're pretty good at driving.

Am I ?

I tend to get motion sick.

But your driving didn't make me feel sick.

I like this car.

It's little and cute.

What's it called ?


Trueno ?

Let me ride in your Trueno again.


Cute, she says.
What're you gonna do ?

I heard Takumi was extraordinary.

Iketani and the others were going
on and on about it all morning.

He's nothing special.

The level of the kids these days must be low.

I'm looking forward to his future.

You might not be able to
stay so confident much longer.

That's impossible.

Oh, really ?

Here ya go.


When I drove this car,
everyone seemed happy.

Maybe I didn't know I liked cars.

Is that right ?

I might become a better driver
than you in two or three years.

You're ten years too early to say that.

I'm off.


I'm counting on you today, too.

I want to drive like Takumi.

That's a GT-R R32.

I pay respect to the R badge, but I won't yield.

He passed me from the outside so easily.

Drifting is just a show to entertain the gallery.

With my GT-R R32, I, Nakazato Takeshi,
will defeat Akina's Eight-Six.
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