Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 1: I'll Be Here - Kako-hen (Beyond the Boundary: I'll Be Here - Past) (2015)

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Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 1: I'll Be Here - Kako-hen (Beyond the Boundary: I'll Be Here - Past) (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

Yes, hello?

My name is Nase Izumi.

Nase? The Nase?


I'm calling with some news for you.

Kuriyama Mirai-san?

Pleased to meet you.

I'm Nase Izumi.

This is Kuriyama Mirai.

A spirit hunter and legitimate successor of the cursed bloodline.

Do you mean the clan that is shunned by most spirit hunters?



She can use her own blood as a w*apon.

Not only can it be hardened, it can also be used as a lethal poison that erodes bodily tissue.

Will that be enough?

It's hard to say.

But I believe she stands a very good chance.

Isn't the target said to be immortal?



In truth, he's just terrifyingly quick to recover,

but he's known to the spirit hunters around here as the "immortal half-shade."

The immortal half-shade?

Let me show you.

Unlike shadelings, he's half human and half shade—a preposterous and dangerous being.

My research showed me that his shade half resembles the shade beyond the horizon.

My younger brother attempted to k*ll this fellow but had the tables turned on him.

He nearly died from his injuries.

You're the only one I can count on.


This is the shade from beyond the horizon?{ You want me to k*ll him?}

Sorry for dragging you along to that stifling meeting back there.

It may be because of this area's long history, but we have certain customs.



Um, that aside...


Where's this shade from beyond the horizon?

Rest assured.

He's under constant supervision.

I'll have to k*ll him sooner or later, right?

Then I'd prefer it to be sooner.

Can you?

How should I know?!

You had no idea either—

That's not it.

I'm asking you if you're mentally prepared for this.

The half-shade's name is Kanbara Akihito.


Defined in the dictionary as "the act of taking one's own life,"

it's something I will probably never even think about doing.

Not because I think it's unethical,

but for a more fundamental reason.

However, let's save that for later.

Right now, she's about to die.

At least, it seemed like that to me.

At this point the story can proceed in one of two ways.

Either the protagonist plays an active role in the events that unfold,

or he takes a passive role as the story moves on without him.

By all accounts, I'd fall into the latter category,

but for some reason, I chose the former option at this time.


I won't repeat everything I said, but...

" any rate, someone who looks as good in glasses as you

simply must not die!"

That was my heartfelt plea to her.

I finished by screaming out everything I felt at that moment.

"Basically, I love glasses!"

How unpleasant.


You picked a fight with the wrong person.

Hey, uh...

Think you could at least do something about this sword{ going through my heart}?


And that's how I met Kuriyama Mirai.

If our story had ended after a meeting like that,

I don't think any story in this world would be worth telling.

Beyond the Boundary

Did she give up?

Where did you even come from?!

Take this!

Hey, we can't go around destroying buckets!


I think it's about time we put an end to this.

What is this, a horror movie?

E-Everything's dark!

What'd you do to me?!

It's just a bucket.

Are you hungry?

What's the big deal?

It's not like you lose anything!

Of course I do!

You keep chipping away at what's left of my heart!

I told you I still feel pain, didn't I?!

Do you have any idea how much it hurts?

Doing whatever you please to us immortals is just discrimination!

People are going to hear you, you know.

It's fine.

I already made sure no one else was around.

Thanks for waiting.

Here are your extra{additional} burrito, mole poblano, and chili con carne combos.

Enjoy yourselves.

You ordered even more food?!

You're being unpleasant.

I'm the one who's finding this unpleasant!

Not only do you practice on me,

you even have the nerve to mooch off me for dinner!


I thought we had a deal.

I'd refrain from challenging you to any more fights tonight, and in exchange,

you'd treat me to dinner.

So that means you're going to attack me again tomorrow, I take it?

Why wouldn't I?


Are you alright?

I'm fine.

Just a little anemic.

I was using my blood, after all.

Let's take this to Ayaka-san tomorrow.

I'll come pick you up in the morning.

You shouldn't get too close to me.

I've unleashed powers I normally keep in check.

Immortal or not, you don't want to touch my blood right now.

We still have to do something about that bleeding.

Give me your hand.

I'll do it myself.

Come on.

Kuriyama-san, you haven't joined a club yet, have you?

I don't have time for that.

I can't interest you in the Literature Club?

Why do you ask?

Because I'd love for a beauty with glasses to join.

How unpleasant.

Well, it's the club I'm in,

and we only have two real members right now.

Oh, and the other one's a spirit hunter too,

so I'm sure it'd work in your favor professionally as well.

I'll have to pass.

Huh? Why?

I don't want to associate with other people...

I guess his immortality really can't be dealt with using normal methods.


You should observe him for a while.

Attacking him haphazardly won't get you anywhere.


In time, his shade half is sure to surface again, as it did against Hiro'omi.

Use that opportunity.



Let me offer you a warning.

You'd be better off keeping your distance from Akihito-kun.

Oh, right.



Remember what we talked about yesterday? How about it?

I want to invite her to come visit the Literature Club. Is that okay?

She says she hasn't joined any clubs,

and there aren't many other spirit hunters at our school.

Besides, she only just got here—

I thought I refused already.

I'm scared.

I'm terrified of taking lives.

Then why don't you quit being a spirit hunter?

If I could...

If I could, I would've done so a long time ago!

I tried to quit!

I tried to quit being a spirit hunter,

quit k*lling dreamshades,

and live a normal life!

But this cursed blood flowing through my veins is anything but normal.

This power of mine...

The same goes for me.

Why would you say that?


You're an investigator from the Spirit Hunter Association's Observation Bureau?

That's right.

I'm Fujima Miroku. Nice to meet you, Nase Izumi-san.

So, what is your business here?

The Hollow Shadow.

Dreamshades this powerful don't show up too often,

so I'm here to observe it.

Dreams mark the way to the underworld.

And we call the darkness that lies within them "dreamshades," masses of human resentment

brought to life by the twisted human heart and all of its hatred, envy, and aggression.

Dreamshades will continue to exist as long as humans do.

So long as we can see them, we will continue to k*ll them.

Doesn't that make you feel like spirit hunting thrives on the misery of others?

I see you have some interesting views on the subject.

How so?

Having descended from a long line of spirit hunters that have been fighting shades since antiquity,

I see shades the same way a farmer sees rice,

or a fisherman sees fish.

It doesn't matter what they are.

I see.

May I ask you something?

Go ahead.

What are dreamshades to you?

That goes without saying, doesn't it?

Monsters, nothing more.

Do I...

look like a normal person...

to you?

In my eyes,

you're nothing but a bespectacled beauty.

What... the...

The Hollow Shadow?


Hurry up...

And s*ab me!

It's in a weakened state right now, isn't it?

Chase it out of my body and you'll be able to finish it off!

But you'll...

I won't die.

I'm immortal, after all.

I won't last much longer.

Hurry up!


Isn't this what you came here to do?

Didn't you come here telling yourself you had to do this?

Y-Yes, but...

Then don't falter now!

k*lling it won't change anything.

Not the blood flowing through your veins, nor the position you find yourself in.

{nanihitotsu}It won't change a single thing!

But you still came here!

So finish the job!

Don't give in to the Hollow Shadow!

Otherwise everything you've done will have been in vain!

s*ab me!

I'm immortal.



live on!


Unleash your blood.



Hold it.

Stay back.

What's wrong with you?

You went up against the Hollow Shadow, you know?

Didn't you realize this was going to happen?

Forgive me.

I can't guarantee you'll survive this.

I know.

You know that Kanbara-kun's a half-shade, don't you?

When his body falls into a perilous state,

his shade half awakens.

Basically, this is big trouble.

Sen... pai...

The cage!

He can negate our spirit powers.


I know.

Oh no!

No way.


This'll only hold him for a little while.

Now's our chance!

This isn't working!

He's going to break out!

Do I...

look like a normal person...

to you?

The same goes for me.

I'm sorry.

I didn't understand a thing about you,

and yet I...

I have to stop you.


I did it again...




I'm so sorry!

King of Chinese

Thanks for the food!

Slow down and savor it.

I feel like I don't have nearly enough blood!

I need to replenish my iron.

Besides, I can't believe this isn't the Hollow Shadow,

Or that it's only worth yen!

I don't think Ayaka-san would lie, though.

Then what's going on?

How would I know?

Aren't you going to eat?


Where are you going?

The restroom.



Do I look like a normal person to you?

Let's see...

In my eyes, you're nothing but an ill-mannered guy who's obsessed with glasses.

What the heck?

I've given it some thought since then.

I realized I shouldn't hesitate

hand that I have to defeat Senpai— the shade from beyond the horizon.

But I...

I don't want to k*ll Senpai.

I don't want to... k*ll him.

I heard that the lull doesn't actually begin until midnight,

but for some reason, I sense tension in the air.

It's more stagnant than tense, if you ask me.

Lull, eh?

The name fits perfectly.

I should probably walk home with my little sister right now.

She's long gone, though.


Because she doesn't want to walk home with you.


Because she hates you.


Because you keep acting like that all the time!

Senpai, I'd better hurry or I won't make it in time for the supermarket's packed meals sale!

Oh, okay.



Don't take this lightly.

I'm feeling strangely nervous.

Sounds like love.

Want a ride?

I'll give you one.

A lull, huh?

Why are you here?

I figured we could talk a bit while I drive.

Is that a dreamshade?


Just like the Hollow Shadow, there are many powerful shades that lack a physical form.

They say this shade was born from all the resentment shown by humans over the years.

It is an entity formed from accumulated malice.

Apparently it'll lead the world to ruin if left alone, or something.

This dreamshade, said to be the cause of disease, w*r, and natural disasters,

is also commonly referred to as "the one beyond the horizon."

Thankfully, only a fraction of it has shown up so far—

not enough to be harmful.

Why would you tell me this?

We believe you Nases have the information we need, but you aren't very willing to share.

So I thought I'd try to get it from you .

Looks like they haven't told you anything, though.


It's the truth!

So, what is being done about this shade from beyond the horizon?

Do you mean to tell me we Nases have been preparing in secret?

Do you want to know that badly?

Does Kuriyama-san have anything to do with the shade from beyond the horizon?

Beats me.

But it would be amusing if it did,

don't you agree?


Oh dear.

You tailed your little sister all the way here?

It's almost like you have a thing for her.

How you wound me.

The "almost like" part was unnecessary!

What are you after?

Ask your little sister.


That was a wonderful display of love for your brother.{That was wonderful. Thank you.}{rub a dub dub thanks for the onii-chan}

Wh-What the heck?

Akihito-kun was run over... why isn't he hurt?


Oh, well...

Don't k*ll us!

Please, don't k*ll us!

Why would you say that?


You must be worn out.

Why are you here?

Get some more rest.

Thank you for riding with us today.

This is Hananodera Station.

Please make sure you have all your belongings.

The obvious conclusion is that the lull's taking its toll on him.

But I have a feeling that it severely weakened not only his shade half, but also his human half.

Isn't there any way to make him better?

If he were human or shade, there'd be several things we could do.

But Kanbara-kun's a half-shade.

Frankly speakin', he's such a rare creature that I have no idea how to treat him.


How long have Kanbara-senpai and Mirai known each other?

Well, I don't know all the details,

but they met around when Mirai-chan came here, I think.

It's almost time.

Stay alert, Ai.


Thank you.

I was lost in thought.

It's okay.

That aside, Kanbara-senpai...

I'm sure they'd let you stay by his side so long as you ask.

But it's not like I could do anything.

Even so, you want to stay with him.


How unpleasant.

You don't really mean it when you say "how unpleasant."

How unpleasant.

You meant it this time.

How can you tell?

Nobody can stop you from staying by Kanbara-senpai's side if you want to.

I-It's not about staying by his side. Nothing like that.

I... just...

He loves glasses.

Like I said, it's not like that!

It's just...

I feel normal around him.

I'm part of a clan with a cursed bloodline.

I've got these abnormal powers.

But he makes me feel normal.

He always has, right from the day we met.

That's good to hear.

I'm glad you met him.

How unpleasant.

Now that one you didn't mean.



He's escaped.

I wonder how Akihito's shade half took over.

Ayaka-san told me while he was passed out that his human half had also grown extremely weak.

It must've become even weaker than his impaired shade half{ due to the lull}.

And as a result, his shade half ended up taking over?


That would explain why he wasn't as strong as usual back there.

So he escaped instead.

I'm sorry!

"No. "?

Final Score: %

She clearly possesses that special something unique to all bespectacled beauties, but her expression's too forced and unnatural.

"Final Score: %."

"She clearly possesses that special something unique to bespectacled beauties,

but her expression's too forced and unnatural."

How unpleasant.

Did you see those boxes over there?

H-He's a pervert!

It's depressing to see one of the rare half-shades turn out to be like this .

I don't think someone who breaks into apartments should be passing judgment on others.

But this is too much!


Kuriyama-san {sticker}

Different color OK

Kuriyama-san's Birthday

How unpleasant!

That text you sent me...

Is it true?


The lull should impair all dreamshades, even the one from beyond the horizon.

If you use all of your blood and your entire body,

you'll be able to draw out Akihito-kun's dominant shade half without k*lling him.

However, that means the shade beyond the horizon will invade every last inch of you.

But that'll save Senpai, right?

You've already made your decision, haven't you?

I have.

This is where Akihito-kun is.

He'll wake up eventually.

If you truly wish to save him, go there as soon as you can.


Akihito-kun wants you to live on.

He wants you to k*ll him and live on.

I'm certain he feels that way.

I guess so.

You're still going to save him despite that?


I'm sure he'll be upset with me.

If he finds out I did something like this, he'll say that I don't understand anything.

Just like he did back then.

Serves him right!



Where are you right now?

Right in front of Senpai.

You're going to k*ll him, aren't you?

You're going to k*ll him, aren't you?


Hey! Hello?

Hey! Hello?


I forgot he could negate our powers!

Do I look like a normal person to you?

k*ll him.

You're going to k*ll him, aren't you?

Live on!



You're awake?

Oh, so that's what happened.


You gave us some trouble after turning into a shade,

but thankfully nobody got hurt.

Oh, I see.

It's probably because of the lull

that your wounds aren't healing at all.

They told me you might die if I att*cked you during it, you know?

I was worried about that the whole time.

Keep your hands off the wounds!

They'll heal once the lull passes.

Don't they say there's no such thing as good fusion cuisine?

It's omelette rice!

Omelette rice?


Where's the egg?



They've been wiped out! {It was a mass-egg-cre!}{"boo, hiss"}

Wh-What the heck is that?!

Sakura got it to celebrate your recovery—

Nobody does that!

First of all, just because I was unconscious doesn't mean you could go raid my fridge

or put a pig head inside!

Don't worry about all that. Just go lie down.

I'll go shopping and make you a proper one this time.




What's wrong?

Nothing, it's just—

You can't even tell?


When did you get here?

She's been taking care of you.

Mirai hasn't left your side even once since you collapsed.

You still don't get it?

Get what?

Mirai, I think this guy's a lost cause.

What are you saying?

What are you saying ?!

You should just tell him.

Tell him what?

Tell him what ?!

What are you two—

Whoa, it's hot!

It's summer, after all.

Summer, huh?

What? You were here all along—

Whoa, glasses!

How strange. Why am I hearing Akihito's voice?

Am I hallucinating?

Way to go!

Even though sunglasses don't have as much—

Looks like you're the real deal after all.

You'd better leave at once, then.

Letting you ogle my swimsuit-clad body for free is humiliating, to say the least.

Well, I didn't ask you to put it on!




Learn from this and take a long, hard look at yourself.

I never want to go through anything like this again.


Also, drag that pervert over there back to the clubroom with you.

Hey, pervert.

What, pervert?

The days are getting shorter and shorter, aren't they?

Well, the summer solstice was back in June.

Want to read some more before we go?


Hiro'omi and Mitsuki sure are taking their time.

They've already left.


Is that any way to treat someone who just came back from the brink of death?

Isn't that exactly why?

I'm sure they just don't know how to face you.

What's wrong?


Are you free after this, Kuriyama-san?

I thought maybe we could get some dinner on the way back.

Oh, if you're broke, I'll pay.


I mean, I don't remember what happened, but I'm sure I caused you no end of trouble.

I wish you'd brought it up a little earlier.

Today's no good?


This will probably end once the sun goes down.

What do you mean?


Why are you so nice to me?

Because we're kinda similar.

If I said that, would you get ma—

Is it that insulting?!

I-It's not like that!

You look like you can't stand the very thought of it!

D-Does that make you happy?

Why would it?

Well, Mitsuki-senpai told me that you take extreme pleasure in being bullied,

but I guess it's not that simple.

I'm glad it isn't!

Forget everything Mitsuki told you.

I don't want to!

I won't forget.

I won't ever forget.

What is this?

It's you.

The shade beyond the horizon—

a coalescence of human malice that they say could lead the world to ruin—

was the dreamshade within you.

That's me?

The whole reason I came to this town was to k*ll it.

But that didn't go too well.

I simply couldn't bring myself to k*ll you.

I didn't want to k*ll you.

So I...

When I heard that I could use my blood

to drive the shade from beyond the horizon out of you during the lull,

I decided I had to do it at any cost.

What happened to you?

I disappeared.


Then who is this sitting in front of me?

You haven't regained consciousness yet.

This is all a dream.

The little bit of my blood that's still within you is what's showing you this dream.

But it's all over now.

You'll wake up soon.


I thought it'd be easier in a dream,

but it's harder than I expected.


A dream?

Shindou Photo Studio

Nagatsuki Public High School

Literature Club

Good morning, Senpai.

Quite cold today, isn't it?




Please wait, Senpai!

Please... wait...


If dreamshades are formed from human malice,

that makes this a mass of human hatred.

It's quite fitting...

for me.

Three months?

Yeah. You were in a coma the entire time.

That long?

Of course.

You're no longer immortal.

{\q}You were robbed of the shade beyond the horizon that was dwelling within you all this time.

It's a miracle you're alive.

What the hell?

So my immortality didn't come from being a half-shade?

Probably not,

Though I'm not sure.

You should talk to your mother about it.

So where's Kuriyama-san?

Kuriyama Mirai's gone.

She used up all of her blood in a bid to save you

and took the shade beyond the horizon with her when she vanished from this world.

Are you saying she's dead?

He hasn't eaten anything for three whole months, after all.

Anyway, what do you make of this as a dreamshade?

Akkey says he hears noises coming from the sky.

The shade inside Kanbara-kun was the one from beyond the horizon.

Considerin' how powerful the shade released from him was,

ain't it strange he's the only one who can hear it at all?

The only plausible explanation is that the shade itself is causing this.


Where can I find Izumi-san?

Only someone from the cursed bloodline could've brought down the shade from beyond the horizon.

That's all.

But then we ran into a problem.

Kuriyama Mirai said that she didn't want to k*ll you.

So I reluctantly told her of a way to save you instead—

one that would only be effective during the lull.

Did you really think that explanation would satisfy me?

Surely you knew she'd pick that option!

That's right.

Resent me if you must.

But as a member of the Nase family, I was duty-bound to keep everyone safe.

To keep this world safe.

Likewise, Kuriyama Mirai also had something she wanted to protect.

Something she valued more than her own life.

Something she was willing to die to protect.

And she did so of her own free will.

I am indebted to her.

If she hadn't made the choice she did,

we wouldn't be here right now.

In fact, neither would the rest of the world.

Toward the end, she said you'd probably be upset with her when you woke up.

"Serves him right," she said.

The days are getting shorter and shorter, aren't they?

I thought it'd be easier in a dream,

but it's harder than I expected.


What the hell?

If it's Mirai you want, she never came home.


Where is she?

Tell me! Where is she?!

I don't want to see...

I don't want to see that pathetic back of yours.

No Subject {for all of them}


No Subject

I don't know if this text will reach you.

Right now, I don't even know if you'll ever get the chance to read this.

Senpai, Kuriyama Mirai here.

I'm on my way to see you.

And then, I'll defeat the shade from beyond the horizon.

I'm feeling a little strange right now.

I actually feel kind of happy.

Born to a clan with a cursed bloodline, my life up until now has been anything but nice.

I always wondered why I was born,

and some part of me always felt I was better off dead.

But I was sorely mistaken.

Now I'm glad I came into this world.

My powers were said to be cursed.

They were despised and scorned.

However, I now know they were meant not to hurt people, but to save them.

So I'm really glad I held on long enough to see this day.

I'm really glad I came to this town and met you.

As it turns out, I've been blessed all my life.

I wasn't cursed at all.


now you too can die a normal death one day.


So, from now on,

please live a normal life.

Just like you told me back then.

Senpai, I...

don't feel unpleasant at all.

Senpai, you should be hiding!



I'll protect you.

What's that thing in the sky?!

A dreamshade!


Looks like we've got another carnival on our hands.

What on earth is this all about?!





What are you guys doing here?

P.S. Kuriyama Mirai's alive.{smallread}

Come to the Literature Club clubroom.

We found these.

The dreamshade!

It's being sucked in.

Let's hurry.

Wait! Hold on a sec!


No, get back!

Is it a trap?

Oh no!

Just get back!

Wh-What is...

Stay away! This thing's dangerous!


What the hell are you doing?!

This is no time to be messing around!

What was that for?

Here I'd made an amazing entrance—

This is what you do after showing up for the first time in forever?!

Were you behind those letters as well?

What were you being so roundabout for?

You idiot!

Hey, it takes one to know one, you know.

Who's that?

Akkey's mother.


Is Kuriyama-san really alive?

Yes, she's alive.

Mirai-chan is fighting all by herself right now.

I'm not supposed to be helping you out,

but the world will end if the shade beyond the horizon wins this battle.

So I decided to consider this an emergency and act accordingly.

Anyway, how can we save Kuriyama-san?

Before we get to that, let me ask you something.

Guys, do you wanna go to where Kuriyama Mirai is—

Lay off the nonsense and just tell us already!

Okay, okay.

Down there.

A shadestone?

What is this?

Don't tell me...


This stone is a part of Akkun.

In other words, it's also a part of the shade from beyond the horizon.

Inside that shade is something Kuriyama Mirai created:

a puppet of Akihito formed by her intense emotions.

Grab hold of it with everything you've got.

That shadestone will do the rest.

How do you know all this?

Who do you think I am?

I'm your mother— the Kanbara Yayoi.

Someday you'll have to tell me all about myself. Got that?

Jeez, that made me jump!

Kanbara Yayoi!

Don't scare me like that, Izumin!

Now, hurry up and go!


What do you plan to do once you get there?

You're no longer...


I know.

But I'm still a pervert who's willing to do anything for the sake of glasses and bespectacled beauties!

Kodoku na hoho wo nurasu

My cheeks are stained with tears

Nurasu kedo

Tears of solitude

Sorry to say this, but it's our turn now.

Yoake no kehai ga shizuka ni michite

But I can sense the coming of dawn

How unusual for you to cave.

Watashi wo sora e maneku yo

It beckons me to the skies


Keep your dropkick ready and waiting!

Kibou ga kanata de matteru

Hope's waiting for me on the other side

I'll bring her back for sure!

Sou da yo iku yo

That is why I'll fly


Mayoi nagara mo

Despite losing my way

Kimi wo sagasu tabi

I continue to look for you

Surechigau ishiki te ga fureta yo ne

My hands sense the thoughts you left behind

Tsukamaeru yo shikkari

I'll grab hold of you and never let go

Motome au kokoro

Two hearts seeking each other

Sore wa yume no akashi

That's what dreams are made of

Tagai wo uketomeru tabi ni hikareteku

Supporting one another draws us closer every time

Kanashii hibi wa mou iranai

We don't need to live lives of sorrow anymore

Tagai wo uketomete ikiru yorokobi ni

There's joy in supporting one another as you live

Kitto kitto futari

I'm sure the two of us


Mezameru yo

Will come to realize that

Mayoi nagara mo

Despite losing my way

Kimi wo mitsuketa yo

I found you



Serves you right!



Why did you come here?

Now everything I did was in vain!

Why do you think I—

Shut up!

"Live on"?

"Become a normal person"?

Who the hell wished for that?

Who the hell asked for that crap?!

How unpleasant!

How utterly unpleasant!

I'm the one who should be feeling unpleasant!

Anyway, I refuse to stand for this!

I don't want a life that was built on your sacrifice.

A future like that...

holds no meaning at all!

Why don't you understand that?!

Why was that so difficult for you to understand?


How can anyone call that absurd thing a dreamshade?

Don't ask me!

You were the one who was harboring it to begin with!

That's just the core.

In truth, everything around us was inside you.


have you come up with anything yet?

What do you mean?

Like a weakness or something!

You know, maybe it has sensitive armpits like you.


Where exactly?!

Then... do you have something you hate?

Anything will do.

Something I hate, huh?

Capelin with roe?

Capelin with roe!

Think it's mad now?

Don't ask me!


Did you just do that?

I think so.

Wait, you have a shade hand now?

That shadestone was a part of the shade beyond the horizon—a part of you?

Senpai, you hold a part of its powers in your hand right now!

I'm not sure how we'll manage,

but if you can stand up to it...

...then it might be worth getting closer.

On the handlebar?!

There are dreamshades up ahead.

From below, too!

Way to go, Kuriyama-san!

So do I just keep going straight?

I don't know.

But you better go as fast as you can!

After all,

it's too late to hit the brakes!


No way!{You have to be kidding me!}


That was absurd.

This whole place is absurd.

In other words,

you're absurd.


Somehow we made it, though.

Where are we?


Our opponent's in a panic too.

You can tell?

I can't.

But that's how I feel.

I'm sure things will work out!

That's kind of unlike you.

I don't know what you're talking about.

That said,

I, Kuriyama Mirai,

am feeling optimistic to an unpleasant degree!

Go for it, Kuriyama-san!






Don't k*ll us.


You monster.

I'm so scared.

{\c&H&\c&H&}Don't k*ll us.

Are these my memories?


Wh-What's going on?

It's probably something similar to what showed up back in the Hollow Shadow.

Close your eyes, Kuriyama-san.

Just do it.


Don't be swayed.

They say that dreamshades are formed from the twisted human heart and the hatred within, right?{ep}

Well, this is a manifestation of the weakness in our hearts.

Didn't I tell you back when we first met?

I told you that the same goes for me.

I'm here by your side.

We met each other.

You're not alone anymore.


Open your eyes.


The hell?

Let's take them out.

All of them?

Do you have a better idea?

How unpleasant.

Did we get them all?

Who knows?

Pretty, isn't it?


What are you so terrified of?

It's okay.

Every last bit of you is me.

All of it used to be inside me.

Including that sickening envy,

the despair over the fact that I'll never be human,

the sorrow of being abandoned,

and the regret over hurting someone!


And the selfishness, doubt, hatred, resignation, pettiness, and self-preserving attitude!

I won't let any of it outside!

It all belongs to me!

I'll be the one to carry it all!

I'm the immortal half-shade, you know?



could you come over here?

I'm sorry.

Er, um, uh...

I have...

a request...

A request?


Please hold out your hand.

My hand?


Please pat my head.

I want you to pat my head.


Say "thank you."

Thank you.

Say it like you mean it.

Thank you.

So happy...

I'm so happy!


I'm so happy!

I'm so happy!

Kuriyama-san, your legs...

The shade beyond the horizon has gone back to you,

So this place will crumble away soon,

and I'll probably disappear along with it.

Now that it's gone back to you,

I won't be able to exist.

The real me is long gone, after all.

I'm truly glad to have met you!

Stop it!

I'm truly glad to have fallen in love with you—

Stop! Don't say it!

Thank you so very much!


Hang on! This can't be happening!



Nobody knows if this was all predestined from the start,

or if it only happened thanks to Kuriyama-san's efforts.

But I definitely want to believe it was the latter.

Anyway, the shade from beyond the horizon came back to me,

and peace was restored to the world.

yen? Are you for real?!

I'm off!

Oh, morning!

Good morning.

Be careful out there.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

She dozed off!

Come on, Sakura-chan! Wake up!

Dreamshades exist as they always have,

and spirit hunters make a living off them as they always have.

Ayaka-san and Ai-chan went back to their place, too.

% Milk

Banana Au Lait

Fujima Miroku went missing.

One thing did change: Hiro'omi replaced Izumi-san as the head of the Nase family.

But that didn't affect our lives much.


One day, you will also come to understand.

Forgive me.

As usual, Mitsuki remains cooped up in the clubroom and showers me with verbal abuse.

Literature Club

If you know that good will prevail over evil in the end, isn't it a waste of time to continue reading?

That's what entertainment's all about, don't you think?

Cut it out!

Hey, it's only natural to keep one's hands warm in winter.

There's nothing strange about what I'm doing.

It's totally creepy-crawly!

Three out of ten.

However, Kuriyama Mirai's no longer here.

In the end, I lost.


A future built on Kuriyama Mirai's sacrifice holds no meaning at all.

That's what I yelled out back then, but here I am, having accepted—and living in—that very future.

I'm sure this is what Kuriyama-san's saying right about now:

"Serves you right."

How unpleasant.


still have you.

Just as there is light even at night,

just as there are shadows during the day,

the world will never be free of darkness.

At the same time, it will also never be overcome by it.

Dyed in that half-baked hue, the universe will continue to move on and set events in motion.{everything will continue to move on, and be decided, decked in that half-assed color}

And in the midst of all that, I...

Seijaku wo kirisaku you

Tearing the silence to shreds

Otozureta no wa

The time has come


Hitsuzen to shite no kaikou

For us to cross paths

Bokura no tame ni

It's a meeting we were fated to have


Koukai wo nageku me ni utsuru kimi wa sou

My eyes filled with regret, I see you

Basically, I love the bespectacled Kuriyama-san!{ep}

Urei wo matotte

Clad in anguish

Utsukushiku saita

Blossoming beautifully

Dareka no seimei ni tokeru hana

I can see the flower bringing joy to people's lives

Nee kimi ni mo mieru darou

Can you see it too?

How unpleasant.

Nobody knows if this was all predestined from the start,


I'm sure you can

or if it only happened thanks to Kuriyama-san's efforts.

Kasaneta ayamachi nurikaeyou

Let's paint over all the mistakes we've made

Maybe my feelings for Kuriyama-san reached her.

Nando demo ii sa kurikaeshiteku Start Line

We'll start over and over again until we succeed

And that's how I reunited with Kuriyama Mirai.{ep}

If our story had ended after a reunion like that,{ep}

Kako to wa chigau asu wo

For the sake of a fresh future

I don't think any story in this world would be worth telling.{ep}

Futari dake no kibou egaku Start Line

We'll start realizing our very own hopes and dreams

Oh right, Kuriyama-san.

You forgot something.

I never say goodbye

I have never said goodbye

Itsudatte sou sa

And I never will

Could you do me a favor and put these glasses on?{ep}

Beyond the Boundary

Keizoku shite iku shoumei to shite no kesshou

Continuing crystallization of proof

Honoka ni yureru hi wo yadoshite

Sheltering a faintly flickering flame

Past Volume

Kousai wo hanatsu mirai

Emblazoned with a future radiating brilliance

Yakitsuketa kimi no me wa sukoshi kanashisou de

Your eyes seem to hold a little bit of sadness

Take a look into my eyes

Take a look into my eyes

Saigo no hitoshizuku wo nugutte

Wipe away that final tear

Every time you wanna see call me

Every time you wanna see me, call me

Saisho ni deatta ano basho de sa

I’ll be at the place where we first met

Chiriyuku unmei ni aragatte

Fight against the fate that befalls you

Sou azayaka ni sakihokore

Yeah, bloom vibrantly, with glory



Kimi no utau koe to tsunagaru you

Connected to your singing voice

Kokoro no oku narihibiita boku no ne

My sound rings out and echoes deep within my heart

Inori ni ukabu asu wa

The tomorrow that surfaces in my prayer

Ikiru imi wo kibou ni kaeru kara

Transforms a reason to live into hope

I wanna be with you

I wanna be with you

Nido to wa nai ima no genjitsu wo

To make a sacrifice to gain possession of

Te ni ireru tame no gisei nante

This present reality, impossible to repeat

Kesshite kodoku to ketsubetsu shikirenai

The act is unbreakably bound to loneliness

Ima no boku ni hakarenai

I can’t measure that weight as I am now

Sore demo ii nda

But even so, that’s fine

Hibikiwatare inori yo

Echo far and wide, my prayer

Kodama suru bokura no utagoe

Our reverberating singing voices

Issun no hikari wo egaita

Painted a momentary light

Terashidasu ichirin no hana yo

Illuminating a single flower

Kimi to futari te wo tsunaide

I want to keep our hands connected

Zutto itai nda

And always be with you

I can't hear you...

I can't hear you...




Am I?



Are you?

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